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J6 Committee’s Suppressed Evidence Scandal
Exonerates Trump From ‘Insurrection’ Narrative

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Posted By: Moritz55, 3/14/2024 5:03:43 PM

The greatest con job ever to happen in American politics is the false Jan. 6 “insurrection” narrative. The singular mission of this narrative is to stop Donald Trump from ever setting foot in the Oval Office again. A key pillar of the left’s propaganda about insurrection is to distort the truth surrounding whether Trump authorized, prior to Jan. 6, the deployment of National Guard troops to keep order on that day. The main architect of this disinformation campaign is former Congresswoman Liz Cheney. During my time on Capitol Hill as the chief investigator for the House Intelligence Committee, I remember briefing then-Congresswoman Cheney on the

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Reply 1 - Posted by: wilarrbie 3/14/2024 5:50:01 PM (No. 1677826)
Yeah, so?
2 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Venturer 3/14/2024 6:04:36 PM (No. 1677838)
Liz Cheney is scum, but that doesn't bother me so much. What really gets to me is that innocent people who went to Washington DC that day with nothing on their minds except to rally for President Trump have spent the last 3 years in prison without trial. For that Pelosi and Cheney, and Schumer and Yes, Joebama deserve to spend their own 3 years in prison, a filthy prison like DC jail with all black guards that harass them night and day.
33 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: cor-vet 3/14/2024 7:02:01 PM (No. 1677872)
Liz Cheney deserves a blindfold and a cigarette for committing an act of treason!
12 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: NeverVoteDem 3/14/2024 7:48:28 PM (No. 1677892)
Never fear the Cheet-o-crats will still cheat.
3 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: DVC 3/14/2024 10:01:53 PM (No. 1677951)
The entire insurrection accusation has always been a total and complete fraud. Hr
7 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: rochow 3/14/2024 10:12:43 PM (No. 1677957)
Put the Cheyney excrement in jail. and throw the key away!
4 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Muguy 3/15/2024 6:45:04 AM (No. 1678107)
I would beg to differ-- the greatest "con job" ever was the corruption which was not pursued in the 2020 general election. Patel is great otherwise-- chose you greatest "con jobs" carefully-- there have been so many during this NoBama/Vegetable regime!
1 person likes this.

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Posted by Moritz55 3/15/2024 8:45:37 PM Post Reply
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Democrats are hemorrhaging support with
voters of colorM
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Posted by Moritz55 3/15/2024 5:13:14 PM Post Reply
Earlier this week, John Burn-Murdoch of the Financial Times posted a thread that purported to show substantial losses for Democrats among non-white voters, which he termed a “racial realignment”. If you’re an election data junkie, you’ve probably seen it; it’s been viewed more than 7 million times on Twitter. Here is the graphic that kicked it off. It’s worth reading the whole thread. There’s a lot of data, and Burn-Murdoch notes that the problems are particularly bad for Democrats among working-class voters of color, and younger ones. Many Black, Hispanic and Asian American voters have long identified as moderate or conservative rather than liberal, and Burn-Murdoch theorizes that Democrats’ tilt
Why this Democratic Nikki Haley backer
is endorsing Trump for president
2 replies
Posted by Moritz55 3/15/2024 4:00:31 PM Post Reply
It’s time for America to come together and make Donald Trump the next president of the United States. I was one of those who doubted he could pull off a second presidential victory and backed Nikki Haley. I was wrong — Trump is ready to be president again, and the country needs him. Indicted 91 times by biased prosecutors out to stop him, Trump has engineered a great comeback. He proved himself right — he is the one candidate who can overcome the left-wing machine that’s taken over our politics and our institutions. Democrats scream Donald Trump is a threat to democracy while doing everything they can to block voters
Russia votes: Why does Putin bother holding elections? 8 replies
Posted by Moritz55 3/15/2024 1:00:36 PM Post Reply
Critics have regularly said Russia is a dictatorship but nonetheless, between March 15 and 17, the country is holding a presidential election. But the outcome has been predicted long before polls opened: Vladimir Putin, who has been in charge of the country for the past 25 years, will win a fifth term. That means he would remain in power in the Kremlin until at least 2030. The only clear opposition figure, liberal politician Boris Nadezhdin, has been barred from running by Russian courts, including the Supreme Court, on appeal. Other candidates include Nikolai Kharitonov, 75, who represents the local Communist Party.
Trump’s electoral map and coalition
are expanding
9 replies
Posted by Moritz55 3/15/2024 10:31:02 AM Post Reply
The 2024 presidential election will be an issues-based campaign whether President Biden likes it or not. Mr. Biden can try desperate tactics like taunting former President Donald Trump and foolishly threatening to go for his jugular while trying not to fall over, but Americans won’t be distracted from the mess he’s made. Bad Biden policies will be the dominant factor for the next eight months because this race is about which candidate the voters can depend on to address the foreign policy failures, border catastrophe and economic malaise that this president created. This is precisely the reason Mr. Biden is trailing Mr. Trump in both national and state polls.
Democratic Texas congressman compares
Latinos for Trump to 'Jews for Hitler'
13 replies
Posted by Moritz55 3/14/2024 6:46:55 PM Post Reply
Rep. Vicente Gonzalez, D-Texas, in an article published this week, compared Latinos who support former President Trump to "Jews for Hitler" as he discussed GOP outreach in the area, and the remark immediately drew accusations of racism from his Republican challenger in the upcoming election. For [Republicans] to stay in power, even at the state level, they need to convince at least a percentage, even a small percentage, of Latinos to start voting Republican," Gonzalez, who represents an area that includes some of the Rio Grande Valley in Texas, told The New Republic. "If not, they will eventually lose elections.
J6 Committee’s Suppressed Evidence Scandal
Exonerates Trump From ‘Insurrection’ Narrative
7 replies
Posted by Moritz55 3/14/2024 5:03:43 PM Post Reply
The greatest con job ever to happen in American politics is the false Jan. 6 “insurrection” narrative. The singular mission of this narrative is to stop Donald Trump from ever setting foot in the Oval Office again. A key pillar of the left’s propaganda about insurrection is to distort the truth surrounding whether Trump authorized, prior to Jan. 6, the deployment of National Guard troops to keep order on that day. The main architect of this disinformation campaign is former Congresswoman Liz Cheney. During my time on Capitol Hill as the chief investigator for the House Intelligence Committee, I remember briefing then-Congresswoman Cheney on the
Biden 2024 formula: Mess things up, blame
Trump and Congress
5 replies
Posted by Moritz55 3/14/2024 4:10:55 PM Post Reply
The Biden campaign is using the widely read newsletter Politico Playbook to roll out the president’s plan to address the rising cost of housing. It is President Joe Biden‘s “personal preoccupation,” Politico says, his “secret policy obsession.” Given the importance of housing in American lives, it seems strange that the president would keep his concern for the matter a “secret.” But there it is. Playbook tells a story from 50 years ago, when Biden was a young senator, and legendary Democratic Sen. Hubert Humphrey told Biden that to be effective, he would have to focus on a single issue and make it his own. Humphrey suggested Biden become “Mr. Housing,”
Hunter Biden witness may be self-serving
but his China cover-up info is accurate
1 reply
Posted by Moritz55 3/14/2024 4:05:52 PM Post Reply
Fugitive Gal Luft, the “missing witness” from the Biden corruption investigation, has made fresh allegations about the president’s family’s China connections in an exclusive 50-page expose obtained by The Post. The former Israel Defense Force lieutenant colonel, who worked with the same Chinese energy company, CEFC, that paid Hunter and Jim Biden more than $8 million, skipped bail in Cyprus last year after being charged with attempted gun-running, acting as a foreign agent for China and lying to the FBI. While his attacks on federal prosecutors clearly are self-serving, his disclosures so far have proven accurate, and his ongoing
Joe Biden seemed ‘normal’ in 2020,
but then came his nothing-normal presidency
37 replies
Posted by Moritz55 3/14/2024 9:26:25 AM Post Reply
Joe Biden won the normality test in 2020. There wasn’t anything remarkable about him. He just seemed like a steady hand who had been around for a while, who didn’t look or sound like a radical and who knew how Washington worked. He wasn’t the leader of a movement, wasn’t charismatic and wasn’t particularly witty or well-spoken. He was, in fact, completely uninteresting and utterly conventional. He was just the most normal guy in the room. He benefited from a favorable contrast with the magnetic, endlessly interesting, constantly outrageous, norm-busting President Donald Trump
Canadian law endorsed by Trudeau government
could imprison people for life for speech crimes
22 replies
Posted by Moritz55 3/14/2024 9:14:00 AM Post Reply
A Canadian law that aims to make social media platforms safer is getting flak for what some decry as government overreach. Introduced late last month, the Online Harms Act, or Bill C-63, would allow judges to imprison adults for life if they advocate for genocide. Introduced late last month, the Online Harms Act, or Bill C-63, would allow judges to imprison adults for life if they advocate for genocide.The law would also allow a provincial judge to impose house arrest and a fine if there were reasonable grounds to believe a defendant "will commit" an offense
Ex-banker challenging Ocasio-Cortez in
Democratic primary
4 replies
Posted by Moritz55 3/13/2024 7:00:29 PM Post Reply
The election of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., to Congress in 2018 created massive political upheaval after she unseated veteran congressman Joe Crowley, who had at one point been tapped to replace Nancy Pelosi as Democratic leader of the House. This summer, a former Wall Street banker is looking to do to Ocasio-Cortez what she did to Crowley, Marty Dolan, 66, who spent 30 years working for Jefferies Financial Group Inc., Morgan Stanley and other financial firms, is challenging Ocasio-Cortez for her 14th Congressional District seat in New York, a position she has safely held for the last six years, representing a district Dolan says she has done little to help improve.
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Georgia DA Fani Willis can remain on Trump
election fraud case —if special prosecutor
Nathan Wade steps aside, judge rules
55 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 3/15/2024 9:29:47 AM Post Reply
Embattled Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis can stay on and prosecute the election interference case against former president Donald Trump and his co-defendants for allegedly trying to overturn the results of the 2020 election — if special prosecutor Nathan Wade steps aside, a judge ruled Friday. Fulton County Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee issued the decision early Friday, following two days of testimony from Willis, Wade and others close to them. In the decision he wrote: “The prosecution of this case cannot proceed until the State selects one of two options.
Mike Pence announces he will NOT endorse
Donald Trump and says it should be 'no
surprise' but confirms he would 'never'
vote for Joe Biden and quashes idea of
third-party run
29 replies
Posted by Imright 3/15/2024 7:05:51 PM Post Reply
Former Vice President Mike Pence, who served under former President Donald Trump, said Friday he would not endorse the former president for the 2024 election. The former vice president announced the news during an interview with Fox News host Martha MacCallum. 'It should come as no surprise that I will not be endorsing Donald Trump this year,' Pence said. Pence said he was proud of the work the Trump administration did during their first term but said there were 'profound differences' between him and the former president.
McAfee Splits the Fani Baby? 22 replies
Posted by Beardo 3/15/2024 12:01:41 PM Post Reply
Profiles in Courage, it ain't. (snip) So, if I have this right, Fulton County Judge Scott McAfee decided to pull a James Comey, Robert Mueller, and Robert Hur: Write a ruling saying Fani Willis and Nathan Wade are guilty as hell, have no ethics, and aren't good role models....BUT Fani can stay (snip) The problem with splitting the baby is that the baby dies. That seems to be what happened here in McAfee's attempt to be Solomonic. If he wanted Fani Willis to remain in charge of the case, he needed to exonerate her from all of these issues.
America's top meat and poultry firm BOYCOTTED
as it sacks 1,300 staff at Iowa pork plant
and offers 'job-and-lawyer' packages in
bid to hire 42,000 asylum seekers in New York
21 replies
Posted by OhioNick 3/15/2024 3:40:57 PM Post Reply
Angry shoppers are boycotting Tyson Foods products as the $53-million meat firm shutters plants in Iowa and elsewhere while hiring thousands of asylum seekers at job fairs in New York. Campaigners are urging consumers to stop buying Tyson products amid its wave of closures of poultry- and meat-processing plants across Iowa, Virginia, Arkansas, Indiana, and Missouri. They point to Tyson's efforts to hire thousands of asylum seekers in New York, offering $16.50-an-hour wages and free immigration lawyers, accusing the firm of ditching US-born workers for cheaper migrant labor.
White House: We’re Still Making Inflation
Progress, Last Two Months Had ‘Seasonality’
21 replies
Posted by Imright 3/15/2024 7:16:34 AM Post Reply
During an interview with Bloomberg on Thursday, White House National Economic Council Deputy Director Daniel Hornung stated that “our progress on inflation does continue,” but “we’ve expected some seasonality in January and February. We didn’t expect the progress to continue on a straight line.” Hornung said, [relevant remarks begin around 3:30] “I won’t comment on monetary policy and the Federal Reserve. I think what I can say, if you take a step back, our progress on inflation does continue, down from a peak of 9% to the 3% range. Always, I think, we’ve expected some seasonality in January and February. We didn’t expect the progress to continue on a straight line.
Kamala Harris becomes first VP or president
to visit an abortion clinic: Slams 'extremist'
elected leaders who think they can 'tell
women what they need' during tour of Minnesota
Planned Parenthood
21 replies
Posted by Imright 3/15/2024 2:37:26 AM Post Reply
Vice President Kamala Harris made history when she became what is believed to be the first president or vice president to visit an abortion clinic on Thursday as the fight over abortion rights has been front and center since the overturning of Roe v Wade. Harris met with abortion providers and staff at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Minneapolis, Minnesota as part of a nationwide tour she has been on after the landmark decision was struck down in 2022. The vice president has been a fierce defender of abortion rights within the Biden administration as the issue has proven to be a strong motivator for voters and
Biden's new student loan bankruptcy policy
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away from debt, experts say - it is 'life changing'
20 replies
Posted by Imright 3/15/2024 2:24:28 AM Post Reply
The Biden administration's student loan bankruptcy policy is making it easier for borrowers to walk away from their debt, experts say. It was previously very difficult for Americans to part from their debt in court in a regular bankruptcy proceeding, but new rules are reportedly making this easier. 'We have gotten forgiveness for a number of clients under the new bankruptcy changes,' Malissa Giles, a consumer bankruptcy lawyer in Virginia, told CNBC.'The discharge is life changing for them and their families.' At the end of 2022, a new process for discharging student debt in the event of bankruptcy was introduced by the Department of Justice and the Department of Education.
Hu Knows: Swalwell Bundler Fang Fang Breaks
Cover, Reveals FBI Offered Her $1 Million
18 replies
Posted by Imright 3/15/2024 2:15:27 AM Post Reply
The Chinese operative, who was Rep. Eric Swalwell's (D-CA) personal companion and staffer, broke cover in an X-post of her sitting with a Global Times reporter nearly 10 years after her abrupt exit from the United States—shortly after the FBI warned Swalwell she was a foreign agent. “I had lunch with this lady today. Her name is Fang Fang, and U.S. media called her a ‘suspected Chinese spy,’ wrote Hu XiJin, along with the operative who became an omnipresent force in San Francisco Bay Democratic politics—with significant dalliances in the Midwest.
Howard Dean: Trump Is the ‘Gazillionaire
Class’ Candidate
18 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 3/15/2024 12:30:10 AM Post Reply
Former Democratic National Committee chairman Howard Dean said Thursday on CNN’s “NewsNight” that former President Donald Trump was the candidate of “the gazillionaire class.” Anchor Abby Phillip said, “Also, this week Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said, he’s going to pick a vice presidential running mate. He needs it because it’s an important part of the ballot access process. 2016 it’s require a running mate. So when you see a shortlist that includes people like Aaron Rodgers, he shared Sandy Hook conspiracy theories, Jesse Ventura, he’s a former wrestler, turned Minnesota governor. When you see that shortlist, what goes through your mind?” Dean said, “Look, I think Bobby Kennedy is a sad case
Toronto police spark outrage for telling
residents to leave their car keys at the
front door to avoid thieves breaking in
after thefts soared 150%
15 replies
Posted by OhioNick 3/15/2024 7:38:02 PM Post Reply
Toronto police sparked outrage after advising residents to leave their car keys at the front door and let thieves to take their vehicles. This shocking message comes as car thefts have soared by 150 percent over six years in Canada's largest city, forcing residents to hide their cars in secret locations and fortify them with round-the-clock security. [SNIP] Constable Marco Ricciardi addressed the issue and offered his controversial tip. 'To prevent the possibility of being attacked in your home, leave your fobs at your front door, because thieves are breaking into homes solely to steal cars. They don't want anything else,' said Ricciardi.
Mike Pence Makes Announcement About Whether
He Will Endorse Donald Trump
14 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 3/15/2024 5:21:40 PM Post Reply
Former Vice President Mike Pence announced that he is not endorsing Donald Trump in the 2024 presidential election. The announcement comes shortly after Trump sealed the GOP presidential nomination and is poised to take on President Joe Biden in November. Advertisement Pence made the announcement during an appearance on Fox News. Former Vice President Mike Pence has declined to endorse his onetime running mate, former President Trump, in a bombshell announcement Friday. "It should come as no surprise that I will not be endorsing Donald Trump this year," Pence said. "I'm incredibly proud of the record of our administration.
Joe Biden Mourns Suicide of Nonbinary
Teen Nex Benedict: ‘End Discrimination’
13 replies
Posted by mc squared 3/15/2024 1:47:22 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden mourned the death of Nex Benedict on Thursday, a nonbinary teen in Oklahoma who killed herself following an altercation with other students. As the Associated Press (AP) reported, an autopsy determined that Dagny Benedict, who went by the name Nex, died by suicide from a toxic mix of pharmaceutical drugs the day after a supposed scuffle with three girls in the bathroom at their high school in Owasso, Oklahoma. “Benedict was seen by a school nurse but was sent home and police were not contacted until Sue Benedict, the student’s grandmother and legal guardian, phoned later in the day from a hospital emergency room,
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