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Lawfareland gets nervous

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Posted By: Moritz55, 3/16/2024 5:17:41 PM

This newsletter has noted that the elected Democrats, Biden DOJ-appointed prosecutors, legal activists, and others who have filed criminal charges and lawsuits against former President Donald Trump have crafted a multiple-redundant line of attack. If one case fails, there is another to back it up, and if that case fails, there is another to back it up, and so on. There are four criminal cases against the former president, all charging him with felonies. At the beginning of this week, there were 91 felony counts against Trump, but a judge in the Georgia prosecution threw out some counts, so

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Reply 1 - Posted by: john56 3/16/2024 5:32:59 PM (No. 1679106)
Heard a GOP lawyer today on the radio with a sobering thought. The Bragg case in NY and Fani's case in Atlanta are both criminal trials and could realistically happen this summer. There is no doubt tha both cases will have DA-friendly judges and jury filled with their first cousins to insure a guilty verdict. Yeah, they'll fail on appeal, but that's in 2025 or 2026. He said it would be difficult for him to see either judge let Trump stay out of jail pending appeal. Trump in Utica would be a challenge (and do you get Sec Serv protection in jail)? Think of those "civil" judgements for E. Jean Nutjob or Leticia "I'll get him" James. And that's what the lawfare folks want. They know they will lose in the end, but the immediate end justifies their means.
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Reply 2 - Posted by: bpl40 3/16/2024 5:33:59 PM (No. 1679107)
In some ways Bragg’s case is the weakest. It is trying to charge a non crime. In any case very slim chance it will survive appeal. That is why SCOTUS might not permit it to go forward before the election.
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Reply 3 - Posted by: Venturer 3/16/2024 5:35:09 PM (No. 1679108)
This is nothing but raw Election INTERFERENCE. Just what they accuse other of doing. No other for president in the history of our country has ever faced such raw interference with their life. It is being done by people who are afraid that their past sins and corruption will come back to haunt them if Trump is elected. And by all that is holy that is exactly what should happen. Trumps mistake in not prosecuting Hillary Clinton when he was last President has come back to him ten-fold. She and bill should have been jailed for what they did in Haiti, she should have been prosecuted for the Russian Hoax, He let her get away clean and she has been one of the leaders in the prosecutorial misconduct that he is now receiving.
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Reply 4 - Posted by: plomke 3/16/2024 6:04:36 PM (No. 1679125)
Don't be foolish. Lawfare as planned is working. Plan involves B an L.H. Oswald type incident. Plan C is the muslim solution of mass casualties. Nobody in power now is nervous about anything. They control all of it...
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Reply 5 - Posted by: mifla 3/17/2024 5:26:00 AM (No. 1679305)
November is going to be interesting, and not in a good way.
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Reply 6 - Posted by: pensom2 3/18/2024 11:15:58 AM (No. 1680164)
As much as anyone, I would like to have seen Trump's Justice Department go after Hillary Clinton. But the odds were always against that approach, largely because any Clinton prosecution would take place in either New York City or Washington, D.C., where the possibility of obtaining a fair trial judge is only about 30% and the possibility of getting a neutral jury is only about 10%. No Trump Attorney General would have ordered his attorneys to impale themselves in a case that was so fraught with impending failure. This problem with New York and DC is an enormous obstacle. I currently do not see any way this can be remedied or turned around. It might help a little if we could finally get several large departments and agencies like Energy, Agriculture, Environmental Protection, and Bureau of Land Management moved out of DC to Western, Southern, and Midwestern states. That would dilute the concentration of criminal federal agency actions and behaviors in DC, and increase the likelihood of finding fair judges and juries, especially in the Sierra Club-type environmental lawsuits that plague Washington and the EPA. Admittedly, it would not affect major cases like these Trump corrupt lawfare cases. I almost included Department of Education to this list of federal agencies, but that department should simply be obliterated and all education funding and regulation returned to the fifty states.
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Republican 'War on Women' Is a Media Myth 5 replies
Posted by Moritz55 3/28/2024 1:59:01 AM Post Reply
Republicans have been accused of waging a "war on women" for several election cycles now. But is there any truth to this claim? Democrats and their supporters in the media are leaning into an election-year fear-mongering campaign about Republican "bans" on reproductive rights. In their redefinition, any limitation on abortion throughout pregnancy, even in the third trimester, is a "ban." Even more disingenuous, Democrats have also accused Republicans of threatening birth control and, most recently, IVF. Welcome to the political silly season.
Joe Lieberman, former Connecticut senator,
2000 vice presidential nominee, dead at 82
14 replies
Posted by Moritz55 3/27/2024 6:27:47 PM Post Reply
Joseph Lieberman, a former senator from Connecticut who became the first Jewish American to be nominated on a major party’s ticket, died Wednesday at 82. According a statement from his family, Lieberman died on Wednesday afternoon following complications from a fall. "Former United States Senator Joseph I. Lieberman died this afternoon, March 27, 2024, in New York City due to complications from a fall," his family said in a statement. "He was 82 years old. His beloved wife, Hadassah, and members of his family were with him as he passed."
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Posted by Moritz55 3/27/2024 10:50:01 AM Post Reply
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Biden admin 'perplexed' by Netanyahu decision
to cancel Israeli delegation
27 replies
Posted by Moritz55 3/25/2024 6:00:43 PM Post Reply
White House national security spokesman John Kirby said the Biden administration is "perplexed" by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s decision to cancel a high-level delegation’s planned visit to Washington after the U.S. decided not to veto a U.N. Security Council vote demanding a cease-fire in Gaza. Monday’s resolution, which passed 14-0, called for an immediate cease-fire during the ongoing Muslim holy month of Ramadan. It also demanded the release of all hostages taken captive during Hamas' Oct. 7 surprise attack in southern Israel. However, the measure does not link that demand to its call for a cease-fire. Rather than use its veto power, the U.S. abstained from voting.
Judge's 'absurd' bond in NYC Trump case
could have been reduced to almost nothing,
says Turley
7 replies
Posted by Moritz55 3/25/2024 5:53:52 PM Post Reply
Fox News contributor Jonathan Turley reacted Monday to former President Trump's bond being slashed to $175 million in the New York City civil fraud case, calling the original $454 million amount "absurd." Turley called the bond change a needed "restraint" to the legal system in New York, warning the "political vortex" hasn't played well with voters or companies. JONATHAN TURLEY: The Court of Appeals may have felt that they can't prejudge the evidence, and so to reduce the bond further would have been heavy-handed. I actually think they could have reduced this bond to virtually nothing, because the amount set by Engoron was absurd...
The Great Divorce: 3.7 Million Have Fled
Counties That Voted For Biden
5 replies
Posted by Moritz55 3/25/2024 10:45:41 AM Post Reply
If you want to know what the country thinks about President Joe Biden’s agenda, look at how they vote. Not at the ballot box. But with their feet. Earlier this month, the Census Bureau released data on “net domestic migration.” This tracks where people are moving between counties in the country. Last year, the 10 counties that gained the most through net migration had one thing in common – they were conservative counties that voted for Donald Trump in 2020. At the other end of the spectrum, all 10 counties that saw the biggest negative net migration also have one thing in common – they all voted for Biden in 2020.
Will DEI End America—or America end DEI? 6 replies
Posted by Moritz55 3/25/2024 9:41:43 AM Post Reply
At the nexus of most of America’s current crises, the diversity/equity/inclusion dogma can be found. The southern border has been destroyed because the Democratic Party wanted the poor of the southern hemisphere to be counted in the census, to vote if possible in poorly audited mail-in elections, and to build upon constituencies that demand government help. Opposition to such cynicism and the de facto destruction of enforcement of U.S. immigration law is written off as “racism,” “nativism,” and “xenophobia.”
Duty, Honor, Nothing 10 replies
Posted by Moritz55 3/25/2024 2:47:59 AM Post Reply
My father remembers a trip with my grandfather to the U.S. Military Academy in the early 1960s to watch a baseball game. They loved the game, but what struck my grandfather, who served in the Pacific during World War II, was something else. “Watch how they sprint on and off the field,” he said. “Every inning. The best player and the worst. Whatever the score.” I don’t know whether the boys at West Point still sprint on and off the athletic fields. I bet they do. Their generals and the politicians, however, are running in the wrong direction. West Point is dropping “Duty, Honor, Country” from its mission statement
The racial realignment is a humiliation
for white liberals
8 replies
Posted by Moritz55 3/25/2024 2:42:05 AM Post Reply
In the aftermath of the George Floyd killing in the summer of 2020, a sea of middle-class white protesters in my former hometown of Denver ritualistically writhed and moaned face-down on the grass for nine minutes in a park. It’s difficult to believe in hindsight that such creepy and transparent virtue-signaling ever took place. But middle-class white liberals were in a tailspin at the time. The often contradictory codes of “woke” social etiquette had knotted their brains; they were simultaneously confused and fighting mad, and above all, they were desperate to appear to be standing on the “right side of history.” So strong was this urge as they packed
Influential pollster says NY AG seizing
Trump's property would 'elect' him
3 replies
Posted by Moritz55 3/24/2024 5:27:52 PM Post Reply
Pollster Frank Luntz recently warned that New York Attorney General Letitia James' efforts to seize former President Donald Trump's properties could devastate Democrats in the upcoming election. The ex-president recently failed to secure the $464 million appeal bond he needed in the recent New York civil fraud judgment against him. In a Monday court filing, Trump's legal team said getting the amount of money needed was a "practical impossibility under the circumstances presented." James has threatened to seize Trump's assets and suggested that the former president should secure the entire value by selling off his real estate holdings – which his attorney Clifford S. Robert called "unconstitutional."
Why Trump is Polling Ahead of Biden 7 replies
Posted by Moritz55 3/24/2024 12:50:54 PM Post Reply
Unlike most people in the media, Frank Luntz spends a lot of time talking to regular folks. He and Nate Silver can see the objective reality of where we are now, yet they have difficulty explaining that to people on the Left. To most of them, they’ve been fighting a war against Trump and MAGA since 2016. It’s unthinkable that anyone in America, let alone a majority, would not feel the same way. Here is how the polls are lining up right now on Real Clear Politics:
Free speech hangs in the balance in 3
Supreme Court cases
8 replies
Posted by Moritz55 3/24/2024 11:00:02 AM Post Reply
This month, the Supreme Court reviewed a trifecta of free speech cases that has government and civil libertarians alike on edge. While each of the cases raises an insular issue, they collectively run across the waterfront of free speech controversies facing this country. For some of us, what was most chilling from oral arguments were the sentiments voiced by justices on the left of the court, particularly Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson. The court may now be reflecting the shift among liberal scholars and politicians away from freedom of speech and in favor of greater government speech regulation.
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Pete Buttigieg warns anyone found responsible
for the Baltimore bridge collapse will
be held 'accountable' as he urges Congress
to secure the funding needed to replace it
47 replies
Posted by Imright 3/27/2024 12:19:09 PM Post Reply
Pete Buttigieg said Wednesday there will be 'accountability' if an investigation finds there are specific entities or individuals responsible for the Baltimore bridge collapse. The promise from the Transportation Secretary comes after President Joe Biden vowed the day the Francis Scott Bridge went down into the Patapsco River that the federal government would foot the bill for reconstruction. The 1.6-mile bridge partially collapsed after a cargo shipping container vessel crashed into one of its support structures just before 1:30 a.m. on Tuesday morning.
MSNBC Reid: GOP Is Anti-DEI Because They
‘Can’t Stand Black People’
38 replies
Posted by Imright 3/27/2024 10:08:11 PM Post Reply
MSNBC host Joy Reid said Wednesday on her show “The ReidOut” that Republicans are against Diversity, Equity and Inclusion programs because they “can’t stand black people.” Discussing the Baltimore bridge collapse, Reid said, “The most idiotic and racist theories had to do with their newest bogeyman, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion DEI. A Republican congressional candidate in Florida tweeted that, ‘DEI did this.’ And a right wing blue check account that’s been boosted by Elon Musk in the past just blew straight past the dog whistling tweeting to its 267,000 followers, ‘Baltimore’s DEI mayor commenting on the collapsed Francis Scott Key bridge, it’s going to get so, so much worse. Prepare accordingly.’
Biden set for star-studded Radio City
fundraiser with Bill Clinton and Barack Obama
33 replies
Posted by NorthernDog 3/27/2024 3:51:02 PM Post Reply
President Biden is jetting into New York on Thursday for a star-studded campaign fundraiser at Radio City Music Hall featuring a raft of celebrity performers and former Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. Pop superstar Lizzo, jazzy rap goddess Queen Latifah and Broadway’s Ben Platt will perform, and the three Democratic powerhouses will sit for a conversation moderated by late-night funnyman Stephen Colbert. First Lady Jill Biden will kick off the gala event, and some donors will get legendary photographer Annie Leibovitz to snap their picture with the three presidents. The event is expected to draw thousands of big and
Jon Stewart found to have overvalued his
NYC home by 829% after labeling Trump’s
civil case ‘not victimless’
29 replies
Posted by Skinnydip 3/27/2024 5:15:13 PM Post Reply
Jon Stewart is facing online backlash after the comedian opined on air this week that Donald Trump’s civil real estate case for overvaluing his properties was “not victimless” — when it turns out the price of a previous home sale finds Stewart doing the exact same thing, The Post has learned. [snip] But it didn’t take long for internet sleuths to look into Stewart’s own property history, which shows an overvaluation of his New York City penthouse by a staggering 829%, records confirmed by The Post reveal.
NBC News Officially Bans Republicans From
Working There
27 replies
Posted by OhioNick 3/27/2024 1:51:37 PM Post Reply
For the longest time, the media played this game of pretending that it doesn’t consist entirely of a bunch of leftist activists who exist to promote their political agenda and attack those of their political opponents. The pretense is wearing thin. And who knew that Ronna McDaniel of all people would be the breaking point? But it’s kind of like the way that the media’s attacks on dishwater liberals like McCain and Romney, portraying them as Hitler 2.0 just because they posed a threat to Obama, helped kill the media’s credibility. [SNIP] Now NBC News has officially banned Republicans, even ones like Ronna McDaniel, from working there.
Oops, Giant Hail Destroys Large Portions
of 3,000-Acre Texas Solar Farm, Residents
Fear Chemical Leak
26 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 3/28/2024 12:16:52 AM Post Reply
A 3,000-acre solar farm 40 miles from Houston, Texas, was massively damaged on March 15 when huge chunks of hail fell from the sky and shattered hundreds of panels, leaving the facility running at “reduced capacity.” From the look of the pictures, it would seem that it’s operating at heavily reduced capacity. Not only does the storm highlight the fragility of so-called green energy facilities, but area residents are worried about toxic chemical leaks. Needville resident Nick Kaminski spoke with a local television affiliate: My concern is the hail damage that came through and busted these panels – we now have some highly toxic chemicals
Exclusive: Engineers blame $3m structural
'flaw' for Baltimore's Francis Scott Key
bridge collapsing - and tens of thousands
of bridges across US could also have fault
26 replies
Posted by Imright 3/27/2024 12:54:24 AM Post Reply
Engineers have blamed the deadly collapse of Baltimore's Francis Scott Key bridge on a design flaw that is present in tens of thousands of US bridges. Several experts told that the Maryland bridge was missing critical protection systems that would have stopped the the nearly 105,000 ton container ship from smashing into the bridge's support. The Francis Scott Key Bridge was built in 1977 and anti-collision devices like fenders or protection cells were not introduced until the 1980s.
Rich NYC teens are getting fake ADHD diagnoses
to win extra time on the SATs leading
to huge surge in points: 'Everyone is
doing it'
25 replies
Posted by Beardo 3/27/2024 4:16:26 PM Post Reply
Teens in the tri-state area are getting fake ADHD diagnoses in order to win extra time on the SATs and ACTs. High school juniors enrolled at expensive prep schools have been taken to doctors and phycologists by their parents in order to obtain documentation that says their child has ADHD, depression or anxiety. Ivy League colleges have decided to reintroduce entrance exams, which were previously made optional during the Covid pandemic. An expert told the New York Post that students who have obtained official diagnoses have gotten as much as 50 percent more time on the tests, which can translate into a 200-point increase on their overall score.
NYC Begs Supreme Court to Allow Over 800,000
Illegal Immigrants to Vote
24 replies
Posted by Imright 3/28/2024 2:50:26 AM Post Reply
The New York City council is asking the state’s Supreme Court to allow illegal immigrants to vote in the city’s municipal elections. In 2021, then-Mayor Bill de Blasio signed a law that would have allowed 800,000 non-citizens with green cards, visas, and work permits to vote as long as they have resided in the city for at least 30 consecutive days. However, the controversial law was struck down last month by an appellate court.
America’s Stunning Embrace Of Paganism
Signals The End Of This Country As We
Know It
24 replies
Posted by thekidsmom66 3/28/2024 12:09:36 AM Post Reply
The following essay is adapted from the author’s new book, Pagan America: The Decline of Christianity and the Dark Age to Come. It’s hard to survey the state of our country and not conclude that something is very wrong in America. I don’t just mean with our economy or the border or rampant crime in our cities, but with our basic grasp on reality itself. Our cultural and political elite now insist that men can become women, and vice versa, and that even children can consent to what they euphemistically call “gender-affirming care.”
NY Gov. Kathy Hochul Dumping $2.4Billion
Into Migrant Care, Pushing State-Funded
Housing Construction
24 replies
Posted by Imright 3/27/2024 12:46:26 AM Post Reply
New York Democrat Gov. Kathy Hochul has proposed $2.4 billion in spending for migrants in her latest budget proposal, along with plans to spur residential development in a state with some of the highest rent and home prices in the country. Hochul released her budget proposal on Tuesday to address the pressures facing the Empire State, one of which is Joe Biden’s continuing migrant crisis. The Democrat suggested an additional $2.4 billion for migrant care in addition to the $1.9 billion the state spent in 2023, according to Politico.A large portion of the new spending is targeted for New York City.
Houston Mayor John Whitmire says city
is 'broke' after decades of overspending
that has stopped them from being able
to pay firefighters
22 replies
Posted by Imright 3/27/2024 10:02:42 PM Post Reply
The Mayor of Houston says the city is 'broke' after overspending for decades. Democrat John Whitmire, who was elected in December, gave the bleak warning at a City Hill meeting this week where he proposed a five percent cut across all city spending to alleviate the cash-flow problem. 'I think we can all agree that we're broke,' Whitmire said, before proposing the planned cuts. This gives us a chance to discuss the financial picture of this City. It is broken! It was broken when I got here, ' he said. America's fourth largest city is spending more money than it's taking in, leaving it with a $160 million deficit,
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