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Posts on Wednesday, March 6, 2024

DELUSIONAL: Joe Scarborough Says ‘This
Version of Biden Intellectually, Analytically,
is the Best Biden Ever’ (VIDEO)
Posted by ladydawgfan 3/6/2024 11:31:43 PM Post Reply
MSNBC’s Morning Joe is reportedly one of Joe Biden’s favorite TV shows and it’s easy to see why. They go to bat for him every single day, in ways that challenge reality itself. Joe Scarborough said this week that the current Joe Biden is the best Joe Biden ever. According to him, Biden is more intellectually solid than he has ever been. Who believes this? Real Clear Politics provides a transcript: But comparing that guy’s mental state — I’ve said it for years now, he’s cogent, but I undersold him when I said he was cogent. He’s far beyond cogent.
Left-Leaning Outlets Begin to Admit Trump
Is the Most Favorable Candidate Among
Both Parties
Posted by ladydawgfan 3/6/2024 11:17:02 PM Post Reply
Far-Left networks are being forced to admit former President Trump is the most favorable candidate leading up to the 2024 presidential election as even long-time Democrats don’t want a second term from President Joe Biden. CNN hosts Harry Enten and Kate Bolduan remarkably acknowledged that voters want Trump back in the White House after he slid to victory in Tuesday night’s primary election. The hosts pointed out that Trump is “flipping states at this particular point” that were critical to Biden’s 2020 victory. Enten admitted that when matched up against the president, Trump is favorable in states that Biden previously won such as Georgia, Nevada, and Arizona.
Tail Wags Dog – Subscribers Threaten
to Cancel NYT for Not Hating Trump Enough
Posted by Imright 3/6/2024 11:10:50 PM Post Reply
The far-left New York Times is facing a subscriber revolt over a poll that shows Donald Trump beating Joe Biden. These stories make me so happy I want to twirl on a mountaintop while firing off Uzis with both hands…“[F]or several weeks,” the New York Times has “been in the crosshairs of a vocal set of critics and readers who believe that Donald Trump poses a grave threat to American democracy and that the [Times] isn’t adequately conveying those stakes to the public,” reports CNN — a basement-rated, far-left propaganda outlet that spreads conspiracy theories and violence.
Joe Biden: Confuzzled Warmonger replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 3/6/2024 11:02:33 PM Post Reply
Presidentish Joe Biden has just issued another stupid and none-too-subtle threat that could extend the bloodshed in Gaza. That's on top of another recklessly stupid decision last week that will certainly lead to more dead and wounded on both sides — and those two stupid things are just the most recent in a string of stupid mistakes leading the world to wider wars. Remember when Candidate Biden was going to restore sanity and order to our foreign policy? Good times. On Tuesday, the alleged Most Powerful Man in the World™ warned Hamas that it "could be very, very dangerous" if the genocidal group doesn't agree to a Ramadan ceasefire.
MSNBC Cuts Away from Trump's Super Tuesday
Victory Speech: MRC’s Stephanie Hamill
Reacts on Fox
Posted by Imright 3/6/2024 11:00:34 PM Post Reply
MRC contributing writer Stephanie Hamill was a guest on Tuesday’s Fox News at Night with host Trace Gallagher to discuss the results from the Super Tuesday presidential primaries and media bias in the 2024 presidential election. Gallagher tossed to a clip of MSNBC cutting away from former President Donald Trump’s Super Tuesday victory speech, where host Rachel Maddow explained that they don’t allow lies to be told on air.
Fani Busted! Witness Testimony: Fani Willis
Visited Biden White House, Met with Kamala
Harris Prior to Trump RICO Indictment (Video)
Posted by Imright 3/6/2024 10:58:07 PM Post Reply
The Georgia State Senate Special Committee on Investigations Wednesday morning heard testimony from Trump RICO co-defendant Michael Roman’s attorney, Ashleigh Merchant. In a previous court filing, Michael Roman revealed Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis “financially benefited” from a romantic relationship with top Trump prosecutor Nathan Wade. Merchant testified on her conversations with Nathan Wade’s former law partner and divorce attorney Terrence Bradley.
WATCH: Karine Jean-Pierre Loses Her Mind,
Goes Full Karen When Pressed on Biden
Notecard Addiction
Posted by ladydawgfan 3/6/2024 10:54:21 PM Post Reply
Methinks thou dost protest too much! How quickly come out the catty “let me speak to your manager” Karen vibes. This is, by the way, almost certainly not hyperbole; immediately following the conclusion of this theater performance, Karine very likely spoke to the editor of the disobedient journo tool who dared to broach the topic of the emperor’s nakedness. Via the White House: Q Yeah. And one more, if I may. The President, I noticed, had — had notecards la- — at the border when he was doing his briefing there.
Katie Porter Gave Up a Swing Seat in Congress
to Lose to the Establishment
Posted by ladydawgfan 3/6/2024 10:48:02 PM Post Reply
I readily admit that I do not know much about California politics. What I do know comes largely from my knowledge of the operations that both Kevin McCarthy and Nancy Pelosi have been running to work their way up their respective ladders and keep themselves in power all these years. So, prior to a series of stories about how awful a person Congresswoman Katie Porter is, I really had little information about her. But once those stories started cropping up, it was clear that California was not sending their best. The more cynical among us might suggest they rarely do - at least, as far as Democrats are concerned.
SCOTUS Announces the Exact Date It Will
Hear Arguments in Trump Immunity Case
Posted by ladydawgfan 3/6/2024 10:40:05 PM Post Reply
Here we go. As we wrote in late Feb., the Supreme Court of the United States agreed to hear arguments on whether former President Donald Trump, the presumed 2024 presidential nominee of the Republican Party, can claim broad presidential immunity from Jack Smith's prosecution of the election interference case: Advertisement On Wednesday, the Supreme Court agreed to hear former President Donald Trump's claim of presidential immunity arising out of the election interference case brought against him by Special Counsel Jack Smith.[...] Trump's legal team filed an application with the Supreme Court asking the court to stay the appellate court's judgment.
Washington State Patrol Trooper Killed
by Illegal Immigrant in Drunk Driving Incident
Posted by ladydawgfan 3/6/2024 10:26:36 PM Post Reply
The Biden administration’s refusal to take substantive action on the border crisis has claimed yet another victim. Only days after a college student named Laken Riley was allegedly murdered by an illegal immigrant in Georgia, a Washington State Patrol trooper also lost his life after being struck by a car driven by an individual who entered the country illegally. The incident occurred on Saturday morning when 27-year-old Officer Christopher Gadd was on patrol in Marysville, Washington. The accused, Raul Benitez Santana, a 33-year-old Mexican national, allegedly crashed into Gadd’s patrol car after having consumed copious amounts of alcohol and marijuana.
Biden courts Haley supporters after her
exit: 'We need everyone on board'
Posted by Dreadnought 3/6/2024 9:33:17 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden on Wednesday quickly maneuvered to court Nikki Haley's supporters moments after she ended her presidential campaign against Donald Trump, with his team projecting confidence they will be able to sway some of the former governor's supporters as the race pivots toward the general election. "Donald Trump made it clear he doesn't want Nikki Haley's supporters," Biden said in a statement Wednesday. "I want to be clear: There is a place for them in my campaign." "I know there is a lot we won't agree on," the president continued, adding, "I hope and believe we can find common ground" on the "fundamental issues" of preserving democracy and NATO, standing
Pro-Choice Democrats Fight To Make Abortion
the Only Option
Posted by Moritz55 3/6/2024 9:23:55 PM Post Reply
At the State of the Union address this week, President Biden and the Democrats intend to leverage a tragic situation involving a woman who suffered a medical emergency during her pregnancy in order to advance their own abortion agenda. My heart goes out to this mother and any other mother experiencing a similar situation. It is heartbreaking to lose a child under any circumstances. But while President Biden exploits this tragedy for political gain, one critical piece of information you won’t hear during his address is that all state pro-life protections have provisions to protect mothers experiencing medical emergencies.
Trump is rolling. But here are the 4 potholes
still ahead.
Posted by Moritz55 3/6/2024 9:19:29 PM Post Reply
Donald Trump is marching into the general election in an enviable political position. The former president is leading President Joe Biden in most polls. He has shown a potential to broaden his coalition with Black and Hispanic voters. And he doesn’t face the same type of scrutiny about his age that the president confronts on a regular basis. After sweeping through almost every Super Tuesday Republican contest on Tuesday night, Trump exhibited the type of swagger befitting a candidate with a real shot of winning the White House in eight months time. “They call it Super Tuesday for a reason,” Trump said on stage at Mar-a-lago, flanked by American flags.
Media Smear Merchants Come for Mark Robinson,
Get Derailed by the Facts - and Their
Own Video
Posted by ladydawgfan 3/6/2024 9:16:48 PM Post Reply
As we reported earlier, the Democrat/media panic set in immediately Tuesday night going into Wednesday in the aftermath of Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson's decisive victory in the North Carolina GOP gubernatorial primary race, with the usual accusations of sexism, homophobia, antisemitism, and extremism being thrown with wild abandon. In what should be considered the "evening update" to that post, the media smear merchants are at it once again, with the Huffington Post taking the lead this time around in spreading the latest out-of-context quote and spinning it to mean something it didn't. Jennifer Bendery, a senior politics reporterette for the HuffPo, penned a piece in which she declared that Robinson,
Here We Go: Trump Challenges Biden to Debate replies
Posted by Imright 3/6/2024 8:34:42 PM Post Reply
After becoming the defacto 2024 Republican nominee for president Tuesday night, former President Donald Trump is calling on President Joe Biden to debate "ANYTIME, ANYWHERE, ANYPLACE!""It is important, for the Good of our Country, that Joe Biden and I Debate Issues that are so vital to America, and the American People. Therefore, I am calling for Debates, ANYTIME, ANYWHERE, ANYPLACE! The Debates can be run by the Corrupt DNC, or their Subsidiary, the Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD). I look forward to receiving a response. Thank you for your attention to this matter!"
Exclusive — Kari Lake: My Opponent Is
‘on the Verge of Being a Full-Blown Marxist’
Posted by Imright 3/6/2024 8:18:22 PM Post Reply
Republican Arizona Senate candidate Kari Lake said her Democrat opponent is “on the verge of being a full-blown Marxist,” making the remarks during an appearance on Breitbart News Daily following the news of Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (I-AZ) not seeking reelection. Sinema made the announcement on Tuesday, stating, “Because I choose civility, understanding, listening, working together to get stuff done, I will leave the Senate at the end of this year.” This announcement officially takes her off the table in the Arizona Senate race, which has Lake on the Republican side and Rep. Ruben Gallego (D-AZ) on the Democrat side.
The Blame Game replies
Posted by earlybird 3/6/2024 7:28:19 PM Post Reply
One of the stranger aspects of the long-running American affirmative action debate is that both supporters and critics of racial quotas seldom admit in public how scarce blacks would be in cognitively elite institutions without the now traditional massive thumb on the scale in their favor. Liberal racial preference advocates tend to argue as if black representation in prestige positions in percentages close to their share of the population (12 percent or 14 percent, depending on whether or not you count individuals who identify as black and another race) merely requires tie-breakers favoring African-Americans among extremely equal applicants
Machiavellian Mitch McConnell Strategically
Endorses President Trump
Posted by earlybird 3/6/2024 7:17:52 PM Post Reply
Those who understand the long history of Mitch McConnell as a Machiavellian-minded Senate Leader well understand how this is playing out. John Thunes prior endorsement of Donald Trump sets the stage. Nikki Haley withdrawing from opposition to Donald Trump, on behalf of the financial and professional political class who underwrote her effort, was a transparent predicate. Now comes the Machiavellian leverage move by Senate Leader Mitch McConnell, who falsely positions his support without conditions as a lull toward a duplicitous intent.
The Democrats believe Trump is a witch replies
Posted by Big Bopper 3/6/2024 7:15:20 PM Post Reply
When men choose not to believe in God, they do not thereafter believe in nothing. They then become capable of believing in anything. ÉMILE CAMMAERTS Or maybe they believe he’s a warlock. Unless he has undergone that “gender affirmation” mutilation that they promote for other people’s children. Which I doubt. The ancient notion of witchcraft was an understandable aspect of the pre-Enlightenment inability to understand the connections between natural causes and effects, together with the absence of a scientific method of data-gathering and experimentation to discover those connections.
Trump accuses Fani Willis of 'calculated'
plot to 'prejudice jurors against him'
in the Georgia trial as her future on
the case hangs in the balance
Posted by Imright 3/6/2024 6:58:55 PM Post Reply
Lawyers for Donald Trump have accused Fulton County DA Fani Willis of playing the 'race and religion card' in an effort to influence the jury pool who would hear conspiracy charges against him in Georgia. Trump lawyer Stephen Sadow accuses Willis of 'unforgivable' conduct in a new legal filing, after homing in during explosive hearings on Willis' speech to an Atlanta church on Martin Luther King, Jr. weekend. He accuses her of 'wantonly playing both the 'race and religion card' and accused her of unfairly attacking lawyers for Trump and his codefendants. He made similar arguments orally during bombshell evidentiary hearings in recent weeks over whether Willis should be disqualified
House passes $460BILLION package to fund
six government agencies just three days
before another shutdown: Democrats help
Republicans advance six bills in the face
of conservative uprising
Posted by Imright 3/6/2024 6:53:03 PM Post Reply
The House on Wednesday passed a $460 billion spending package that will fund six agencies of government, relying Democratic support to make up for the majority of Republicans who opposed it. The bill passed 339-85, with 132 Republicans voting yes, 83 voting no, and all but two Democrats voting for it. The package brought together funding for Agriculture, Commerce-Justice-Science, Energy-Water, Interior-Environment, Military Construction-VA and Transportation and Housing and Urban Development (HUD) under one vote.
Goodbye America! A quarter of US adults
want their state to secede - Texans, Californians,
and New Yorkers are closest to the exit,
but can YOU guess which state wants out
the most?
Posted by Imright 3/6/2024 6:47:34 PM Post Reply
Calls for Texas to secede from the US are growing louder, with advocates saying it could then stop migrant flows from Mexico without being hamstrung by the federal government. The Lone Star state may have the country's noisiest secessionist movement, but it is not the most popular. That label goes to Alaska, a new survey shows.Researchers found that more than a third of Alaskans — 36 percent — want the Last Frontier to call it a day and leave the union. (Photos) That's a more popular movement than the 31 percent of residents who seek a 'Texit,' as the departure of Texas is known. It's not just Republican-leaning states
57,000 Reasons - and Counting Every Day
- Why You Need an AR-15
Posted by Hazymac 3/6/2024 6:13:31 PM Post Reply
I don't want to sound like an alarmist but that part of the oath our military, police, and politicians take that mentions "enemies foreign and domestic" might be more than just a phrase. When Gropey Joe Biden isn't fighting to keep the borders open or flying 320,000 illegal immigrants to our airports at all hours of the night, he is doing his dementia-best to disarm We the People, especially of those big, scary AR-15 rifles. FACT-O-RAMA! Your pink-haired pinko-in-law likely thinks the AR in AR-15 stands for "assault rifle." It stands for "Armalite rifle." Armalite is the company that originally designed the weapon. No one knows how many
Nikki Haley to Trump: You're Going to
Have to Earn my Vote
Posted by Dreadnought 3/6/2024 5:58:38 PM Post Reply
Haley voters are up for grabs. Who wants them more - Donald Trump or Joe Biden? That's the question today. Nikki Haley suspended her campaign today. "I have no regrets," she said as she delivered a short speech to supporters. She did not endorse Donald Trump. I didn't anticipate that she would do that today. That may change down the road, we'll have to wait and see. She did offer her congratulations to Trump and wished him well. Haley liked to say that her campaign was not all about her, that it was not personal. She said she was running for the sake of America.
Karine Jean-Pierre Melts Minds With Absurdities
on Biden's Age and a Possible Biden-Trump Debate
Posted by Imright 3/6/2024 5:56:11 PM Post Reply
What's the antidote for a president whose approval rating is lower than a professional limbo player? Trotting out Karine Jean-Pierre, of course, and she was on her game on Wednesday. When pressed on whether Joe Biden would participate in a debate with Donald Trump, the world's greatest press secretary delivered this coherent, not-at-all absurd answer in which she cited that the president faced hecklers during his last State of the Union speech. (X Video)
Trump Co-Defendant's Attorney Lays Out
Case for Disqualifying Fani Willis to
Georgia State Senate
Posted by Imright 3/6/2024 5:54:11 PM Post Reply
The Georgia State Senate’s Special Committee on Investigations held a hearing on Wednesday in which lawmakers delved into allegations of a romantic relationship between Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis and special prosecutor Nathan Wade.The inquiry, along with other hearings, casts a long shadow over the integrity of Fulton County’s high-profile election interference case against former President Donald Trump. At the center of the proceedings was testimony given by attorney Ashleigh Merchant, who is representing Michael Roman, a co-defendant in the case. For several hours, the Republican chairman the George Senate’s Special Committee on Investigations, Sen. Bill Cowsert, questioned Ashleigh Merchant,
House approves spending package to avert shutdown replies
Posted by Dreadnought 3/6/2024 5:53:39 PM Post Reply
The House on Wednesday approved a package of six spending bills, sending the legislation to the Senate days ahead of Friday’s partial government shutdown deadline. The “minibus” — which funds a slew of programs and agencies through the end of fiscal 2024 — cleared the House in an 339-85 vote, with 207 Democrats and 132 Republicans throwing their support behind the measure. The 1,050-page package calls for more than $450 billion in funding for the departments of Veterans Affairs, Agriculture, Interior, Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, Justice, Commerce and Energy.
New York State Sending National Guard
to NYC so Commuters ‘Feel Safe’
Posted by Imright 3/6/2024 5:49:54 PM Post Reply
The state of New York is sending the National Guard, State Police, and MTA cops into New York City subways, so commuters “feel safe” amid a leadership failure by the mayor that has devastated the city. New York Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) announced Wednesday that she would deploy state law enforcement to the Big Apple subway network, as well as “teams of mental health workers,” to “help commuters and visitors to the city feel safe,” according to the New York Times. The Times reports: Additional law enforcement officers would add to an already large presence in the subways, where Mayor Eric Adams ordered an additional 1,000 officers in February
This Is the Moment Donald Trump Won the
2024 Election
Posted by Hazymac 3/6/2024 4:36:44 PM Post Reply
Super Tuesday may have been the day that Joe Biden lost the 2024 presidential election and Donald Trump won it. Both outcomes will have had nothing to do with the vote tallies on Tuesday when a third of the nominating delegates were up for grabs. This moment will have had everything to do with Biden's treachery and Trump's rectitude, if you can believe it. Let's back up for a moment for those curious enough to have read this far. After "justice," the next job of government is the nation's security. In order to accomplish that, elected leaders are required by the binding contract with citizens — the Constitution —
Rachel Levine Plays the Race Card on Climate Change replies
Posted by Hazymac 3/6/2024 4:29:07 PM Post Reply
The 2020s are like a South Park episode. Assistant Secretary for Health Rachel Levine, a biological male who identifies as a transgender woman, earlier this month took time away from encouraging pre-adolescent children to explore their gender identities through the wonders of endocrine-disrupting pharmaceuticals to lecture the public about how climate change might be racist. In a video posted on X, Levine said, “Black Americans are more likely than White Americans to live in areas in housing that increase their susceptibility to climate-related health issues,” and added that “65% of Black Americans report feeling anxious about climate change’s impact.” (X) The Department of Health and Human Services website that viewers
The Real Victoria Nuland: US foreign policy
official retires after decades of fomenting
conflict and destruction
Posted by Beardo 3/6/2024 4:07:52 PM Post Reply
Victoria Nuland has played a pivotal role in both constructing and executing American foreign policy over the last few decades, wreaking havoc every step of the way. On Tuesday, the State Department announced that she will be retiring from her role “in the coming weeks.” (snip) Far from her advertised qualities, Nuland has used her position of power to pursue ideological pursuits that served as a force for death and destruction. Let’s take a look at Nuland’s resume and explore the activities of this supposed “freedom and democracy” champion.
Comer Invites Hunter Biden, Former Business
Partners to Testify Publicly about Biden
Family Dealings
Posted by Dreadnought 3/6/2024 4:06:56 PM Post Reply
House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R., Ky.) is inviting Hunter Biden and three of his former business partners to testify publicly about Joe Biden’s role in his son’s foreign business dealings. Comer is requesting that Hunter Biden testify alongside Devon Archer, Tony Bobulinski, and Jason Galanis at a hearing titled “Influence Peddling: Examining Joe Biden’s Abuse of Public Office” on March 20th. All four of invitees have testified privately as part of the House GOP’s impeachment inquiry into the apparent role Joe Biden played in his son’s lucrative foreign business enterprise. Hunter Biden expressed interest in holding a public hearing last year when he was dodging the House GOP’s
Biden administration ADMITS flying 320,000
migrants secretly into the U.S. to reduce
the number of crossings at the border
has national security 'vulnerabilities'
Posted by Hazymac 3/6/2024 3:37:02 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden's administration has admitted transporting migrants on secret flights into the U.S. and lawyers for its immigration agencies claim revealing the locations could create national security 'vulnerabilities'. Customs and Border Protection has refused to disclose information about a program last year secretly arranging flights for thousands of undocumented immigrants from foreign airports directly to U.S. cities. It means that while record numbers of migrants were flowing over the southern border last year, the Biden White House was also directly transporting them into the country. Use of a cell phone app has allowed for the near undetected arrival by air of 320,000 aliens with no legal rights
ATF Chief Tells CBS He’s Willing To
Skirt Laws To Ban Guns He Doesn’t Even
Know How To Use
Posted by Hazymac 3/6/2024 3:18:00 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden’s Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms Director Steven Dettelbach seems to know as much about guns as Democrat-nominated Supreme Court justices. As ATF head, Dettelbach, who was confirmed in 2022 with the help of Senate Democrats and two Republicans, is expected to understand to some degree the items his agency regulates and enforces. Unfortunately for Americans who have endured a slew of attacks on their Second Amendment rights at the hands of the Biden administration, Dettelbach is publicly ignorant about the guns and gun parts his agency wants to ban. During his appearance on CBS’s “Face The Nation” over the weekend, Dettelbach outlined for CBS News’s Margaret Brennan the ATF’s
Mea Culpa: Google Is Even More Evil Than
I Thought
Posted by Hazymac 3/6/2024 2:10:50 PM Post Reply
Let me start by telling you that I am perhaps unrivaled in my disgust for Google, parent company Alphabet, feckless CEO Sundar Pichai, and every single one of the company's products and services. I've gone so far as to switch to a paid search engine — Kagi — as part of my endless quest to remove myself forever from Google's revenue stream yet remain an internet user. That aside for a moment, I owe you an apology that I'll get to after this quick refresher on Google's latest self-own. My grudge against Google is deeply personal. Google — along with Facebook, another service I boycott — is on an endless
Nikki Haley Quits U.S Presidential Race
– DC Supporters Consider Alternative
Role, President of Ukraine
Posted by earlybird 3/6/2024 1:54:49 PM Post Reply
Nikki Haley now has the option to run as presidential replacement for Volodymyr Zelensky. Thus, the final chapter in the billionaire Sea Island donor effort to eliminate Donald Trump comes to an end. As traditional amid the character trait of the professional liars and manipulators, Haley refused to endorse Trump and indicated she never intended to adhere to the endorsement pledge of the republican party. Thus, the way of the DeceptiCon RAT’s continues. The exit theme she read from the provided script of her departure remarks was the same as her intro theme. Haley declaring her primary qualification was her gender.
Ex-MLB star Steve Garvey moves on in California
Senate race
Posted by Imright 3/6/2024 1:49:13 PM Post Reply
Former National League MVP Steve Garvey has advanced in the race to represent California in the U.S. Senate. In the state's primary election on Tuesday, Garvey finished second in balloting and will face former U.S. Rep. Adam Schiff in November's general election. The two are vying to fill the seat long held by Dianne Feinstein, who died in September. California's voting system puts all the candidates, regardless of party affiliation, on the same ballot. According to state election results, Schiff and Garvey easily outdistanced the other contenders, with Schiff gathering 33.1 percent of votes and Garvey 32.4 percent.
Ukraine's First Lady and Alexei Navalny's
widow both turn down White House invitations
to Biden's State of the Union address
Posted by Imright 3/6/2024 1:45:21 PM Post Reply
Olena Zelenska, Ukraine's first lady, turned down an invitation from the White House to attend Thursday's State of the Union address, dashing President Joe Biden's dreams of seating her next to Alexi Navalvny's widow in a show of force against Russia. The White House intended to place Zelenska and Yulia Navalnaya, the widow of murdered Russian opposition leader, in Jill Biden's box on the night of the president's prime time address. The plan was to use the women as powerful image against Russian President Vladimir Putin, coming at a time when Biden wants Congress to approve more aid for the Ukraine.
Mitch McConnell FINALLY endorses Trump
after his 14 Super Tuesday victories and
only after Nikki Haley dropped out
Posted by Imright 3/6/2024 1:42:44 PM Post Reply
Outgoing Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell endorsed Trump after his 14 Super Tuesday GOP primary victories. His support came moments after Nikki Haley dropped out of the race Wednesday morning, after she won just Vermont on Super Tuesday. Trump, 77, and McConnell, 82, have had a contentious relationship going back to 2020 when the senator refused to say the election was stolen. Trump for years has lobbed vicious attacks at McConnell,
Mark Cuban vows to back Joe Biden over
Donald Trump, even if Biden 'was being
given last rites'
Posted by Dreadnought 3/6/2024 1:19:21 PM Post Reply
Mark Cuban, the minority stake owner of the Dallas Mavericks, reaffirmed his political support for President Joe Biden and vocal opposition to former President Donald Trump. In an interview with Bloomberg News that published Monday, Cuban went as far as saying that he would vote for Biden even if Biden was on his death bed. “If they were having his last wake, and it was him versus Trump, and he was being given last rites, I would still vote for Joe Biden,” Cuban told Bloomberg. The ages of Biden and Trump, the presumptive nominee for the Republican party, has become a topic of intense debate as the U.S. gears up
Kathy Hochul deploys National Guard to
conduct bag checks in NYC subway
Posted by Dreadnought 3/6/2024 1:11:51 PM Post Reply
New York City Mayor Eric Adams (D) and Gov. Kathy Hochul (D-NY) are fighting back against crime in the New York City subway system by reinstating bag checks. Hochul announced Wednesday she is deploying 1,000 additional law enforcement officers to the subway, including 750 New York National Guard members and 250 members of law enforcement. Adams ordered an additional 1,000 law enforcement officials to patrol the subway in February after the city saw a 45% increase in crime in January compared to January of last year. “We know people feel unsafe,” Adams said. “We are reinstituting bag checks. There are several things we are reinstituting in the system.”
McConnell endorses Trump for president,
despite years of criticism
Posted by Dreadnought 3/6/2024 1:05:40 PM Post Reply
Washington — Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, who has openly criticized former President Donald Trump for years, endorsed him for president on Wednesday, one day after Trump's slew of victories on Super Tuesday brought him closer to the GOP nomination. The vocal detractor of the former president said in a statement that "it is abundantly clear that former President Trump has earned the requisite support of Republican voters to be our nominee for President of the United States." "It should come as no surprise that as nominee, he will have my support," McConnell said, noting that during Trump's first term, the two leaders worked together to "accomplish great
Modern Martyrs of Communism replies
Posted by Trapper 3/6/2024 12:45:00 PM Post Reply
Bianca Jagger just issued a thundering warning about Nicaragua’s human rights abuses: “Just like the Castro Regime did in Cuba during the 1960s,” she wrote in the U.K.’s Independent, Nicaragua has put “harsh restrictions on religious freedom, practices, and church processions. Catholic education has been forbidden.” She even compares the country’s current purge of the Catholic Church “to Joseph Stalin’s purge of religious institutions in the Soviet Union.” [snip] Why do so few Americans pay attention to the horrors of Marxist-leaning regimes?
Momentum builds in major homelessness
case before U.S. Supreme Court
Posted by sunset 3/6/2024 11:30:37 AM Post Reply
Momentum is building in a case regarding homeless encampments that will be argued before the U.S. Supreme Court next month and could have major implications for cities as homelessness nationwide has reached record highs. Dozens of briefs have been filed in recent days, including from the Department of Justice, members of Congress and state attorneys general. They joined the growing number of western state and local officials who have submitted briefs urging the justices to overturn a controversial lower court decision they say has prevented them from addressing homeless encampments.
RSV Vaccines May Increase Risk of Rare
Neurological Condition
Posted by earlybird 3/6/2024 11:02:06 AM Post Reply
Recently approved vaccines for respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) for older adults may be linked to a rare nervous system disorder that causes the body’s immune system to attack its own nerves. In a Feb. 29 meeting of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, health officials presented data that appears to show a slightly elevated rate of Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) among people who received RSV vaccines by Pfizer and GlaxoSmithKline (GSK). A data mining alert on Jan. 19 for disproportional reporting was detected by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for Pfizer’s Abrysvo RSV vaccine and GBS but has not been reported to date for GSK’s RSV vaccine Arexvy,
Poll: 45% of young voters unwilling to
spend $10/month to fight ‘climate change’
despite it apparently being a top priority
Posted by DVC 3/6/2024 10:49:09 AM Post Reply
In perhaps the most scathing condemnation yet of the young “activists” known for their pseudo-concerns for the environment, a new poll revealed that around half of them are unwilling to put their money, even a measly ten bucks (or less), where their mouth is. Here are the details, from an exclusive report at Daily Mail: Nearly half of all young voters are not willing to pay more than $10 a month to fight climate change, despite Joe Biden claiming it’s an ‘existential threat’ and making it the center of his re-election campaign.
It Doesn’t Matter Who the Democrat Nominee Is replies
Posted by Imright 3/6/2024 10:27:38 AM Post Reply
From the moment Joe Biden illegitimately took office, whispers about whether he would run again in 2024 began. Biden himself even said the quiet part out loud by saying California governor Gavin Newsom could soon “have the job I’m looking for.” Most Democrat party elites have remained steadfast in their support for Biden verbally despite his infamous gaffes becoming even more common than they were when he first took office. Recently however, something changed. Special Counsel Robert Hur’s report on Biden’s mishandling of classified documents was damning, even for those previously aware of Biden’s cognitive deficiencies. It claimed that Biden’s memory is “significantly limited,”
Trump 'Lawfare' Update replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 3/6/2024 10:23:45 AM Post Reply
Former President Donald Trump's victory in the Supreme Court 14th Amendment case, together with delay and disorder in the criminal cases against him, has set off panic among Democrats who hoped to use prosecutions and other legal maneuvers to keep Trump from winning a second term. "Supreme Court ruling darkens critics' hopes for a judicial curb on Trump," read one headline in the Washington Post. You might find it outrageous that people in positions of great power and responsibility, in the midst of a campaign, would use the justice system to "curb" one of the two major presidential candidates. You might find it outrageous that those people --
Trump Super Tuesday Victory Speech: “Joe
Biden Is the Worst President in the History
of Our Country” (Video)
Posted by Imright 3/6/2024 10:18:59 AM Post Reply
President Trump delivered a victory speech tonight at his Mar-a-Lago home after winning 15 of the Super Tuesday states. Nikki Haley squeaked off a victory in Vermont where they held an open primary in a far left socialist state. President Trump focused on the complete devastation of the Biden regime in his Mar-a-Lago speech. President Donald Trump: He’s the worst president in the history of our country. There’s never been anything like what’s happening to our country. Today it was announced that 325,000 people were flown in from parts unknown. Migrants were flown in airplanes, not going through borders,
Dem Rep. Sherman: Biden Doesn’t Need
to Act on Border, Blaming Trump Is ‘All
You Need’
Posted by Imright 3/6/2024 10:15:22 AM Post Reply
On NewsNation’s Super Tuesday, Rep. Brad Sherman (D-CA) responded to a question on whether President Joe Biden needs to take executive action on the border to reclaim the issue by stating that 2024 Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump tanking the Senate border bill is “all you need to say.” Co-host Leland Vittert asked, “I know you are going to tell me that President Biden can blame Republicans for not passing the Senate bill, on and on and on. Does Joe Biden need to announce on Thursday some executive orders on immigration to try and reclaim this issue?”
David French fried replies
Posted by earlybird 3/6/2024 10:12:03 AM Post Reply
David French — Harvard-trained lawyer, former Army JAG officer, writer and New York Times columnist — is a principled man, just ask him. He has many principles, just ask him. Principally, he sticks to his principles until a pretty new principle comes along. His longest lasting principle is his devotion and dedication to destroying Donald Trump, a position French has held a record eight years for him. When he said Never Trump, he meant it. He’s a man of his word — until a new word pops up.
MSNBC's Horrific Super Tuesday Panel Mocked
Rural Voters Over This Issue
Posted by ladydawgfan 3/6/2024 10:11:20 AM Post Reply
As expected, some of the media reactions on Super Tuesday were unhinged. Others were fraught with outright fiction, like how CNN’s Alyssa Farah Griffin tried to spin how Trump Republicans aren’t most of the GOP. Has she seen how this primary is going? On MSNBC, it was a different story. If Republicans want an ad that they can run throughout this cycle, please clip this panel discussion between Jen Psaki, Rachel Maddow, and Joy Reid, where they mock immigration as a rising issue among voters. Some aptly noted how this was yet another example of the elite media mocking rural voters—they hate them.
Bumbling Joe Biden freezes for 15 seconds
and AGAIN tells press he will 'get in
trouble' for taking questions even though
White House continues to say he is mentally
fit for another term
Posted by Imright 3/6/2024 10:11:10 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden sparked more concerns about his health with a long thousand-yard stare after joking he would 'get in trouble' if he took any questions from media members. The president was wrapping up the launch of a task force to lower the cost of living when he refused to answer any questions from the White House press corps. 'I have a lot of questions. I better not start the questions. I'll get in trouble,' Biden, 81, said, only picking up the microphone halfway through.
Nikki Haley to End 2024 Presidential Bid replies
Posted by earlybird 3/6/2024 9:53:07 AM Post Reply
Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley is to end her 2024 bid, two sources have confirmed to The Epoch Times. Ms. Haley will make the announcement in a speech around 10 a.m. this morning in Charleston, South Carolina. Ms. Haley’s announcement will come a day after Super Tuesday—the day consisting of the most primaries in the presidential election cycle—in which former President Donald Trump swept all but one of the races. Ms. Haley currently has 89 delegates and President Trump has 995.
Biden’s biggest SOTU obstacles replies
Posted by Moritz55 3/6/2024 9:51:35 AM Post Reply
The obstacle course facing President Biden this week during Thursday’s belated State of the Union address presents a formidable challenge. It may prove difficult for the 81-year-old president to navigate. Expectations could not be lower. Biden faces the usual challenges of exaggerating his paltry policy wins, justifying his substantial missteps and attacking his political opponents. But those questions may be overshadowed by more basic ones. Can he make it from start to finish gaffe-free? Will we be able to understand his words? Will this be one of the shortest addresses ever? Will he even be able to find his way off the stage?
Jonathan Turley 'astonished' Fani Willis,
Nathan Wade have not stepped aside as
case gets 'worse by the day'
Posted by Moritz55 3/6/2024 9:43:49 AM Post Reply
There is a new twist in the Fani Willis-Nathan Wade legal saga after a co-chief deputy district attorney for Cobb County claimed key witness Terrence Bradley lied about his knowledge of Willis and Wade's relationship. While there has been no ruling on Willis' disqualification, legal scholar Jonathan Turley questioned on "America's Newsroom" Tuesday why the pair has not "stepped aside" as their legal quagmire worsens "by the day." JONATHAN TURLEY: It was painful to watch. It had that look of a hostage tape, where he was just saying, 'I know nothing, I heard nothing. If I said anything, I didn't mean it.'
‘Progressivism Is Out’: San Franciscans
Pass Ballot Measures Requiring Drug Testing
for Welfare, Expanding Police Surveillance
Posted by Dreadnought 3/6/2024 9:21:57 AM Post Reply
San Francisco voters who’ve grown tired of the crime, homelessness, and drug use plaguing their left-wing city overwhelmingly approved a pair of ballot measures on Tuesday that will expand police powers and require welfare recipients to be screened for drugs. Proposition E, which authorizes police to use surveillance equipment — cameras, drones, and even facial-recognition technology — without prior permission from an oversight body, passed with 59,818 votes, or 59.9 percent. The proposition will also loosen restrictions on police chases and require that officers spend less time on paperwork and administrative duties. Proposition F, which mandates that anyone receiving public-assistance benefits be screened
Biden, Trump Are Neck-And-Neck, But Is
Winning 2024 Popular Vote Enough? I&I/TIPP Poll
Posted by RockyTCB 3/6/2024 6:01:48 AM Post Reply
Each side in today’s often-angry political debate over the upcoming presidential election seems convinced that its candidate has a clear advantage. But, as of now, neither President Joe Biden nor former President Donald Trump has an obvious edge in the popular vote as we enter the final eight months of the 2024 election season, the latest I&I/TIPP Poll shows. Despite being widely criticized for his lackluster campaign and showing continuing signs of age-related mental impairment, Biden holds a slender 43% to 42% lead over Trump. The online national poll of 1,246 registered voters was taken
Breaking: California’s 169 Delegates
Awarded to Trump With 0% Expected Votes in!
Posted by Imright 3/6/2024 3:00:04 AM Post Reply
Donald Trump has been decisively declared the winner of the California GOP Presidential primary race and the 169 delegates. President Trump was declared the winner in a twelfth-state moments after the polls closed in California at 11 pm ET. Trump later soared to 73% of the vote when 35% of the results were in. (Snip) Trump’s RINO opponent, Nikki Haley, picked up just one win — hardly — in Vermont, where Democrats admitted to voting for her in the state’s open primary. The Gateway Pundit reported earlier that Biden-supporting Democrats in Vermont and likely other open primary states are voting for Nikki Haley in the open GOP Primaries despite having
California Primary: Adam Schiff’s Plan
to Boost Steve Garvey Works as Both Advance
to General
Posted by Imright 3/6/2024 2:53:21 AM Post Reply
Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) pulled off his audacious primary election plan on Super Tuesday: to boost his Republican rival, Steve Garvey, so both would qualify for the general election, leaving more viable Democratic contenders behind. Under California’s “jungle” primary system, the top two vote recipients in the primary advance to the general election, regardless of party. Schiff might have faced a tougher challenge from one of the female Democrats in the race — Reps. Katie Porter (D-CA) or Barbara Lee (D-CA), for example. But when Garvey, a former baseball player for the Los Angeles Dodgers, entered the race as a Republican, he provided the perfect foil for Schiff to set up
Biden Loses American Samoa Democrat Caucus
in First Defeat of 2024
Posted by Imright 3/6/2024 2:50:54 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden lost the American Samoa Democrat caucus on Super Tuesday, denying the president a complete primary sweep of all states and territories. Decision Desk HQ called the race at around 9:30 p.m. Eastern. The territory is worth 11 Democrat delegates.Biden lost to Democrat Jason Palmer, an entrepreneur and investor who previously worked with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, according to his campaign. (X) Palmer reportedly qualified for 16 presidential ballots in states and territories, the campaign said. American Samoa is an unincorporated territory of the United States located in the South Pacific Ocean.
MSNBC anchors mock Virginia voters for
calling immigration their top issue and
laugh over concerns with flood of migrants
into US
Posted by Imright 3/6/2024 2:47:39 AM Post Reply
MSNBC anchors Jen Psaki, Joy Reid and Rachel Maddow joked about Virginia voters' concerns over immigration during the Super Tuesday election coverage at the left-leaning network. In Virginia, which in recent elections has become a swing state, early exit polls indicated immigration was the top issue for Republican primary voters, reported MSNBC. While discussing those exit poll results on air, anchors from the liberal network mocked voters from the Old Dominion state for their concerns.
COVID-19 Protests Are Back replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 3/6/2024 1:26:01 AM Post Reply
If you jump in the time machine with me, we'll go back to the days of protests over mask mandates, business closures, social distancing, and lockdowns. In those days, many people were incensed that the government had disrupted so many lives with a list of restrictions and warnings that many credited with helping foment the social unrest in the months and years that followed. COVID-19 protests are making a comeback. But this time, the shoe is on the other foot. Or, more appropriately, the mask is on the other face. This time around, protestors are gathering later this month to express their ire
BREAKING: It's a Super Tuesday Trumpapalooza! replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 3/6/2024 1:10:53 AM Post Reply
Former President Trump absolutely DOMINATED the Super Tuesday contests. As of this writing, he has won Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Maine, Minnesota, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia. In the night's only surprise, former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley won Vermont with 50.5% to Trump's 45.7% with 99% reporting. The states where Trump won were blowouts—he garnered anywhere from 60.5% (Massachusetts) to 83.7% (Alabama). We're still waiting on Utah and Alaska to report and will update when we have those results. It takes 1,215 delegates to win the Republican nomination. Trump currently has 724 to Haley's 57. Trump is expected to clinch next Tuesday
Red Shoes in the Sunset replies
Posted by Citoyen 3/6/2024 12:40:16 AM Post Reply
Following The Mark Steyn Caribbean Cruise, I am now on terra firma - as are Trump's poll numbers, to a degree not seen either in 2020 or 2016. On the other hand, given the Deep State thumb on the scale in both 2016 ("Crossfire Hurricane") and 2020 (fifty-seven heads of the "intelligence community" assure us that Hunter Biden's laptop is "Russian disinformation"), no prudent person would bet on a free and fair election in November - especially after yesterday's Supreme Court intervention. As I always say: There's no point having the greatest constitution in the world if you've got the crappiest election system in the world.
Federal Judge Rules Biden Administration
Can't Force Christian Employers to Pay
for Trans Surgeries
Posted by Dreadnought 3/6/2024 12:35:30 AM Post Reply
A federal judge in North Dakota ruled on Monday that the Biden administration cannot compel Christian employers and healthcare providers to pay for transgender surgeries and other procedures. U.S. District Judge Daniel Traynor ruled in favor of the Christian Employers Alliance, which had challenged the administration’s interpretation of federal discrimination law. Traynor, a Trump nominee, said the Christian groups were protected under religious liberty protections from being forced to provide “gender transition services.” In contrast, the Equal Employment Opportunities Commission (EEOC) and the Department of Health and Human Services — under Biden in 2021
Trump demands new E. Jean Carroll trial,
citing ‘restrictions’ on testimony
Posted by Harlowe 3/6/2024 12:34:55 AM Post Reply
Former President Trump demanded he receive a new trial after a jury ordered him to pay $83.3 million in advice columnist E. Jean Carroll’s defamation lawsuit. [Snip] “Just before President Trump took the stand at trial, the Court engaged in a colloquy with defense counsel designed to restrict the scope of President Trump’s testimony,” [Snip] That exchange, they argue, narrowed the scope of Trump’s testimony to the point of prejudice by preventing him from addressing his mental state in relation to Carroll. On the witness stand, Trump only answered two questions--one of which was objected to, they wrote.
Democrat Adam Schiff and Republican Steve
Garvey advance to the general election
in California's Senate race
Posted by Dreadnought 3/6/2024 12:18:06 AM Post Reply
Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff and Republican Steve Garvey will advance to the general election in the hotly contested California Senate race, NBC News projects. That means Democratic Reps. Katie Porter and Barbara Lee, who also ran for the seat, will be shut out of the general election. The progressives will also vacate their House seats at the end of the term. Under California’s rules, the top two vote-getters advance to the general election regardless of party affiliation. In the final stretch of the race, the battle grew ugly between Schiff and Porter, the top-polling Democrats in the race. Schiff cultivated his national profile by battling former President Donald Trump
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