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Posts on Saturday, January 27, 2024

Joe Biden Endorses Senate Deal to Expand
Immigration: ‘I Will Sign It’
Posted by JoElla Bee 1/27/2024 10:58:53 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden has endorsed a Senate deal to massively expand overall immigration to the United States negotiated by Sens. James Lankford (R-OK) and Chris Murphy (D-CT) among others, saying he “will sign it” if it is passed through Congress. Lankford and Murphy have negotiated a deal to expand legal immigration levels by an additional 50,000 green cards annually, expedite work permits for illegal aliens released into the nation’s interior, provide taxpayer-funded lawyers to Unaccompanied Alien Children (UACs), and allow up to 35,000 illegal aliens to arrive at the border every week before imposing border controls, among other things.
Polish orphan of the Holocaust - who never
knew his name - is miraculously reunited
with his surviving family in theUS after
the 83-year-old gave his DNA to a genealogy
site - and the resemblance to his relatives
is striking
Posted by JoElla Bee 1/27/2024 9:59:50 PM Post Reply
An 83-year-old man who never knew his real name after being orphaned in the Holocaust has finally learned his identity and reunited with his family through genealogy mapping. Shalom Koray was just two-years-old when he was left abandoned on the streets of Warsaw, Poland, after his family were killed by the Nazis in 1943. Koray was taken in by Lena Kuchler-Silberman, who gave him the gentile name Piotr Korczak, and hid him from the horrors of the Holocaust. He grew up unaware that he had living relatives - and didn't even know his real age.
MRC's Tim Graham on C-SPAN: Vox Is Wrong,
Conservatives Do NOT Dominate Media!
Posted by Imright 1/27/2024 9:47:59 PM Post Reply
NewsBusters Executive Editor Tim Graham appeared on C-SPAN's Washington Journal on Saturday morning to discuss media bias in the presidential campaign and take calls from viewers across the country. The host, Kimberly Adams, began by talking about the generalities of media bias and how NewsBusters operates. Then she shared a long quote from the leftist website Vox by Eric Levitz claiming the media is dominated by Biden critics. Of course, there are plenty of unabashedly left-of-center media outlets. And some of these do seek to boost narratives favorable for the Democratic Party. But Fox News is more consistently propagandistic than MSNBC and
Hunter Biden got over $6.5MILLION in total
from his 'sugar brother' Kevin Morris
over one million MORE than previously
disclosed attorney reveals
Posted by Imright 1/27/2024 9:09:19 PM Post Reply
Hunter Biden's bong-smoking Hollywood attorney Kevin Morris actually lent the president's son over $6.5 million dollars - over one million more than he previously disclosed. According to a letter from Morris' attorney to the House Oversight Committee obtained by, he made five loan payments to Hunter between October 2021 and December 2023. The total reaches over $6.5 million dollars - which is well over the amount that Morris disclosed to Congress last week after he was subpoenaed for a closed-door interview.
Breaking News: Trump comes out fighting:
Donald's lawyers reveal how they plan
to challenge $83.3 MILLION jury verdict
in E Jean Carroll case - as they discover
'startling link between the writer and
the judge'
Posted by Imright 1/27/2024 9:01:51 PM Post Reply
Donald Trump's lawyers intend to appeal his staggering $83.3 million defamation lawsuit loss to E. Jean Carroll by arguing there was an 'insane' conflict of interest at the heart of the case. The former president's legal team are set to appeal on the grounds there was a conflict of interest between Carroll's lawyer and the judge presiding over her case. Trump's firebrand attorney Alina Habba claimed she was unaware that Judge Lewis Kaplan and Carroll's lawyer Roberta Kaplan - who are not related - worked together in the early 1990s, with the judge serving as her 'mentor', reports the New York Post.
Joe Biden’s Parole Pipeline Freed 745K
Foreign Nationals into U.S. in 2023 —
Exceeding 2 Months of American Births
Posted by Imright 1/27/2024 8:55:39 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden’s parole pipeline at the United States–Mexico border released a foreign population into American towns in 2023 that outpaces two months of American births. This week, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) released illegal immigration figures for December 2023. The data shows that more than 745,000 foreign nationals were released into the United States interior through Biden’s parole pipeline in 2023. This is a foreign population larger than the populations of Nashville, Tennessee; Denver, Colorado; Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; Washington, DC; or Boston, Massachusetts. Biden’s parole pipeline, which makes up just a portion
Bongino: “They’re Gonna Get This Guy
Hurt” — Secret Service Agents Ordered
to Not Wear Red Ties Because President
Trump Wears Red Ties
Posted by Imright 1/27/2024 8:42:02 PM Post Reply
Former Secret Service agent Dan Bongino revealed in his podcast Friday that the Secret Service has ordered agents to not wear red ties. The order came down last week after an agent guarding Trump was photographed sporting a similarly colored red tie as Trump as he took the stage at a campaign rally in New Hampshire. Bongino warned, “They’re gonna get this guy hurt.” (Photo) Bongino said an email edict went out after the photo of the agent wearing a red tie while guarding Trump was published in the Guardian last Sunday. Bongino said agents are “p****d” about the tie order. Bongino said Trump needs to clean out Secret Service management
Fired-up Trump supporters SHOVE protestors
out of Las Vegas rally as ex-president
tells Nevada voters 'your primary vote
doesn't mean anything' - only hours after
he was slapped with staggering $83.8M
damages bill
Posted by Imright 1/27/2024 8:38:07 PM Post Reply
Donald Trump's supporters didn't even wait for security to get involved with protesters at his Las Vegas rally on Saturday as they took matters into their own hands and shoved the rowdy attendees from the venue. The day after the former president was ordered to pay $83.8 million to E. Jean Carroll for defamation, he flew to Nevada for a rally just 8 miles from his golden hotel on the Las Vegas strip. As a group of rally-goers became rowdy – and seemingly anti-Trump – a group of supporters pushed the American Flag-donning attendees out of the venue and shouted at them as the former president said: 'No, they're actually friends –
Israel-Hamas war: Negotiators inch closer
to deal on hostages in Gaza
Posted by Dreadnought 1/27/2024 8:04:33 PM Post Reply
Negotiators are moving closer to an agreement in which Israel would pause its war in the Gaza Strip for two months in exchange for the release of more than 100 hostages still held by Hamas, according to a published report. The New York Times, quoting anonymous U.S. officials “who insisted on anonymity to discuss sensitive talks,” said an American-led negotiating team has developed a written draft agreement that combines the proposals of the Israelis and Hamas. President Joe Biden spoke on Friday with the leaders of Egypt and Qatar, the nations that have served as intermediaries with Hamas, according to The Associated Press.
It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like 1776 replies
Posted by mc squared 1/27/2024 6:18:02 PM Post Reply
I argue in my recently published book, "America’s Last Stand: Will You Vote to Save or Destroy America in 2024," that “our present conflict is unprecedented in our own nation’s history and in our own lifetimes and marks the third major test, which will determine whether America survives or dies” — our previous major tests being the American Revolution and Civil War. Advertisement While it was the left’s unprecedented and unlawful efforts to indict and imprison former President Trump that compelled me to make such a claim, more recent events have unfortunately reaffirmed its validity and served to exacerbate already deteriorating relations between our tyrannical federal Government and the American citizenry.
15 Facts About E. Jean Carroll’s Allegations
Against Trump the Media Don’t Want You
to Know
Posted by Imright 1/27/2024 5:37:09 PM Post Reply
E. Jean Carroll’s second defamation lawsuit closed on Friday as a New York jury determined that former President Donald Trump owes her $83.3 million for defaming her in 2019. However, what has continually fallen under the radar is the fact that there are serious concerns with the woman’s entire story. Yet, she was awarded tens of millions of dollars. Carroll originally came out with her story in 2019, detailing the alleged incident, claiming that Trump sexually assaulted her in a Bergdorf-Goodman dressing room in the mid-1990s:
Mass incarceration deepens inequality,
makes us less safe, report says
Posted by OhioNick 1/27/2024 4:57:46 PM Post Reply
In Ohio and other states, the number of people locked up in jails and prisons has increased dramatically over the past four decades. Many, including Ohio, are taking steps to reduce those numbers. [SNIP] Those who get locked up are much more likely to be people of color — 69% — didn’t complete high school — 62% — received public assistance before turning 18 — 42% — and had been homeless or lived in subsidized housing while still a child — 31%.
Nazi camp survivors mark 79th anniversary
of Auschwitz liberation
Posted by OhioNick 1/27/2024 4:52:31 PM Post Reply
A group of survivors of Nazi death camps marked the 79th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp during World War II in a modest ceremony Saturday in southern Poland. [SNIP] Police were also on alert after pro-Palestinian activists indicated that they would ignore a police order and go ahead with a rally planned to coincide with the Holocaust commemorations. Italy's Jewish community has complained that such protests have become occasions for the memory of the Holocaust to be co-opted by anti-Israel forces and used against Jews.
President Biden Blames Congress For Border
Crisis, Elon Musk Calls Foul
Posted by Imright 1/27/2024 3:59:25 PM Post Reply
Billionaire Elon Musk rebuked President Joe Biden on Friday after the president blamed Congress for the worsening border crisis. “Congress needs to finally provide the funding I requested in October to secure the border,” Biden said in a statement on Friday, following backlash. “This includes an additional 1,300 border patrol agents, 375 immigration judges, 1,600 asylum officers, and over 100 cutting-edge inspection machines to help detect and stop fentanyl at our southwest border.” (Snip)“No laws need to be passed,” Musk responded. “All that is needed is an executive order
Navarro: If Anybody Thinks They’re Not
Trying to Put Trump in Prison for 700
years, Look at What They Did to Me
Posted by Imright 1/27/2024 3:51:37 PM Post Reply
On Friday’s broadcast of FNC’s “Hannity,” former Trump White House advisor Peter Navarro decried the Biden Justice Department’s pursuit of contempt of Congress charges against him for defying a January 6 Committee subpoena. Navarro noted the rare nature of the crime and how it contradicted Department of Justice policy. He was sentenced to four months in prison for the crime, which he said he intended to appeal to the Supreme Court and warned it could happen to anyone.“Sean, if anybody thinks they’re not trying to put Donald Trump in prison for 700 years, they need — just need to look at what they did to me yesterday,” he said.
Watch Live: 3 PM ET – President Trump
Speaks at Las Vegas Rally Ahead of February 8
Nevada Caucus
Posted by Imright 1/27/2024 3:48:36 PM Post Reply
President Trump is set to speak at 1 pm PST during a Commit to Caucus Rally in Las Vegas, Nevada, ahead of the state’s February 8 primary caucuses. The Gateway Pundit reported on Trump’s massive landslide victory in the first in the nation Iowa caucus earlier this month and his win in New Hampshire’s primary last week. Both states were called early in the night for Trump. The mainstream media, including the Associated Press, even called the Iowa caucuses for Trump just 30 minutes after they began. As Wayne Root put it, “It’s all downhill from here for Nikki.
Democrats Push Biden Administration to
Shut Down Ammunition Plant Supposedly
to Prevent Mass Shootings
Posted by ladydawgfan 1/27/2024 3:33:49 PM Post Reply
Democrat attorneys general are calling for an investigation into the Lake City Army Ammunition Plant in an effort to shut down the facility. The Missouri-based plant, which is the largest producer of small arms ammunition in the U.S., has become one of the latest targets of the anti-gunner crowd in their quest to keep as many Americans disarmed as possible. The Democrats’ request, which is ostensibly intended to curb the availability of “military-grade rounds” in the commercial market, is supposed to be a step towards decreasing the prevalence of gun violence. However, like their other schemes, a closer look
Legislation in Maryland Would Place Prohibitive
Insurance Requirement for Firearms 'Wear
or Carry'
Posted by ladydawgfan 1/27/2024 3:17:05 PM Post Reply
It is belaboring the obvious to note that a constitutional right should not be conditional and subject to taxation, but a Maryland politician is proposing exactly that. Predictably, anti-Second Amendment Maryland Delegate Terri Hill is proposing to require prospective legal CCW holders to provide proof of a $300k insurance policy before being allowed to carry. Gun owners in Maryland would be required to buy at least $300,000 in liability insurance or forfeit their ability to carry a firearm under a new bill. The controversial legislation, introduced by Delegate Terri Hill, D-Howard County, would prohibit the "wear or carry" of a gun anywhere in the state
Chinese Firm Sent Biden Enterprise $3
Million As ‘Thank You’ For Work When
Joe Biden Held Office, Comer Says
Posted by Imright 1/27/2024 2:45:11 PM Post Reply
Hunter Biden’s former business associate Rob Walker confirmed Chinese firm CEFC wired him $3 million as a “thank you” payment for work during Joe Biden’s vice presidency, according to House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer. Walker, a key figure in the Biden family’s Chinese and Romanian business dealings, testified before Congress Friday about the relationship the Bidens had with both CEFC and Romanian oligarch Gabriel Popoviciu, Comer said Friday night. (X) “Today’s interview confirmed Hunter Biden and his associates’ work with the Chinese government-linked energy company began over a year before Joe Biden left the vice presidency, but the Bidens and their associates held off being paid by the Chinese
Kristi Noem Visits Texas' 'Warzone' Amid
Trump VP Rumors
Posted by Imright 1/27/2024 2:42:10 PM Post Reply
On Friday, Gov. Kristi Noem (R-SD) headed to the southern border to see firsthand the destruction and turmoil President Joe Biden has implemented amid a battle between Gov. Greg Abbott (R-TX) and the federal government. Noem conducted a boat tour with the state’s National Guard of the southern “war zone” Texas has been facing since day one of the Biden Administration. She reiterated that Biden’s failed policies have caused the border to deteriorate and suffer while the president sits back and enjoys a light daily schedule while eating an ice cream cone.
Biden Roasted for Wearing Hardhat Backwards
While Meeting with Union Workers
Posted by Beardo 1/27/2024 2:30:31 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden was roasted online after Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) posted a photo on social media that showed Biden wearing a hardhat backwards while meeting with her and union workers in Superior, Wisconsin, on Thursday. (snip) The photo showed Klobuchar and two union workers holding beers at a local brewery, with Biden with his arms around two union workers, wearing a hardhat backwards. Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) joked that a Biden aide would be fired after the blunder.
The Liberal Media Is Getting Slaughtered replies
Posted by Hazymac 1/27/2024 2:18:06 PM Post Reply
I wish I could say it’s a proper market correction because people were tired of their lies and fake news narratives being published, but it’s not. It might partially be due to that, but the ad bubble burst, and those days will never return. The liberal media is bleeding all over, with some newsrooms being decimated over revenue issues. As Axios wrote this morning, it’s a “bloodbath.” We saw the first signs of this in the early 2010s when news outlets began curbing local beats. Again, the gravy train was at its high point then, so most companies probably thought they could tread water, shifting all
So, That's Why Biden Wants Israel to Scale
Down Its War in Gaza
Posted by ladydawgfan 1/27/2024 2:09:56 PM Post Reply
Young voters are already frustrated that Joe Biden couldn’t deliver on an actual student loan bailout. Biden didn’t have the votes in Congress to pull off something of that scale, and doing so by executive decree was later deemed constitutionally questionable. He did so on a smaller scale because Joe, like crackhead Hunter, thinks the rules don’t apply to him. Still, it hasn’t masked the fact that young voters are souring on Joe; they think he’s too old, and now he’s enabling genocide in Gaza. You know there’s no genocide in Gaza. Still, the kiddos and the Muslim voters here think Treblinka 2.0 is unfolding before our very eyes,
Trump 2016 vs. Trump 2024: What He Did
Wrong, What He's Doing Right, and Will
He Win?
Posted by ladydawgfan 1/27/2024 1:56:14 PM Post Reply
Former U.N. Ambassador and South Carolina governor Nikki Haley's allegations that chaos follows former president Donald Trump wherever he goes are proving to be unfounded. Aside from the circus of indictments, if the poll numbers, endorsements, and wins in both the Iowa Caucuses and the New Hampshire Primary are any indication, the Trump 2024 re-election machine appears to be well-oiled and chugging along smoothly. In particular, the endorsements have been almost lockstep, showing a unified Republican Party backing without reservation the person whom they assume will be the presumptive nominee. Something shocking — and telling — has unfolded beyond Donald Trump's onstage, online and courtroom theatrics:
Joy Reid Sez: If You Don’t Support Open
Borders, You’re a Racist
Posted by ladydawgfan 1/27/2024 1:44:38 PM Post Reply
Falsely accusing people of racism never gets old for folks on the hard left – especially for MSNBC commentator Joy Reid, who gets paid big bucks to call people bigots for not being progressives. In the latest episode of “Everyone Who Disagrees With Me Is a Racist,” Reid hit out at people who oppose open borders immigration policy during a conversation with Paola Ramos, a former advisor to Hillary Clinton. Reid was especially fixated on Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX), who has been vocal in his criticism of the Biden administration for its failure to handle the border crisis.
The Biden Voters Who Got Us Into This
Mess Get A Rare Do-Over In 2024
Posted by Harlowe 1/27/2024 1:15:20 PM Post Reply
Insulting voters isn’t smart, but talking directly to them about change or options in a positive way on the issues can bear fruit. [Snip] Conservatives, including Trump, should stop railing against Biden and start talking directly to his voters. ... But it hits totally differently if he says, “Is that what Biden voters really want? An open border, cities flooded with people who are using the aid meant for American citizens who need help? I hope not, they have a chance to fix it in November.” [Snip] There are plenty of 2020 Biden voters who don’t like and don’t want to double down on the policies of this administration.
Wait Until Rep. Eric Swalwell Finds Out
Who Is Responsible for the Carjackings
He's Terrified Of
Posted by Hazymac 1/27/2024 12:12:51 PM Post Reply
Congressman Eric Swalwell, who we occasionally must remind ourselves tried and failed miserably to run for President of the United States, has taken to social media to bemoan the state of crime in California. In the roughly nine years I spent in the classroom teaching America's Youth, one of the toughest moments that could potentially be the most rewarding was when a student was working their way toward an answer and they were getting closer and closer. As an educator, that moment when the student makes the connection on their own, and you feel all that work teaching them how to do it on their own, generates
The Details of Biden's Border Security
Bill Show It Won't Work - and That's Probably
the Plan
Posted by Imright 1/27/2024 11:56:41 AM Post Reply
Joe Biden, Chuck Schumer, and some GOP Senators are trying to bully the GOP into signing on to support an as yet unreleased immigration "reform" bill. Last night Fox News's Bill Melugin revealed the key provisions which show that Senator Ted Cruz's "stinking pile of crap" description is kind. On Friday, the White House released a statement purporting to offer the GOP a plan to fix the border. (X) The statement reads, in part, "What’s been negotiated would – if passed into law – be the toughest and fairest set of reforms to secure the border we’ve ever had in our country."
White House criticizes half the nation's
governors for backing Texas as border
standoff intensifies: Karine Jean-Pierre
accuses Greg Abbott of stopping agents
doing their jobs and won't say if Biden
will federalize the National Guard
Posted by mc squared 1/27/2024 11:49:23 AM Post Reply
White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on Friday criticized the 25 Republican governors who signed onto a letter saying that Texas Gov. Greg Abbott had the right to install razor wire to defend his state from illegal immigrants coming over the border. Jean-Pierre also blasted Abbott for preventing U.S. Customs and Border Protection from doing their jobs, though wouldn't say if President Joe Biden would federalize the National Guard, which Abbott has deployed to the area. Former President Donald Trump, the likely GOP nominee, encouraged the country's GOP governors to send additional National Guard troops to Texas -
Why Is Nikki Haley Still in the Race? replies
Posted by Moritz55 1/27/2024 11:32:00 AM Post Reply
By now, former South Carolina Gov. and United Nations ambassador Nikki Haley surely knows she will not be the Republican nominee for president. Having lost in New Hampshire by double digits and trailing Trump by 30 points in her home state, according to the RealClearPolitics average — to say nothing of the fact that the bulk of South Carolina’s Republican powerbrokers are backing the former president — Haley must be aware that victory by conventional means is not only virtually impossible, it is simply outside the realm of reason.
You say you want a revolution in Texas? replies
Posted by Big Bopper 1/27/2024 11:14:09 AM Post Reply
The governor of Texas says his state is being “invaded” and that under the Constitution he has the right to defend his border. On the first point, millions of people are indeed unlawfully crossing the border into Texas. Joe Biden refuses to do anything about it. In fact, he seems to be encouraging it. He stopped construction of Donald Trump’s border wall, reversed the “stay in Mexico” policy which required immigrants seeking asylum to remain in Mexico pending a decision by American authorities, and, to the extent he accidentally catches illegal immigrants, he usually lets them go
Trump blasts ‘ridiculous’ $83M verdict
in E. Jean Carroll defamation trial: ‘THIS
Posted by Mercedes44 1/27/2024 6:30:10 AM Post Reply
Former President Donald Trump vowed to appeal Friday’s verdict in his E. Jean Carroll defamation case, in which he was ordered to pay the advice columnist $83.3 million in damages. “Absolutely ridiculous!” Trump railed on Truth Social. “I fully disagree with both verdicts, and will be appealing this whole Biden Directed Witch Hunt focused on me and the Republican Party. Our Legal System is out of control, and being used as a Political Weapon.” “They have taken away all First Amendment Rights,” he continued. “THIS IS NOT AMERICA!”
Biden Forced to Stop Funding United Nations
Relief Agency After Evidence of 12 UNRWA
Agents Participating in Oct 7 Terrorist
Attack Against Israel
Posted by Mercedes44 1/27/2024 6:06:02 AM Post Reply
Evidence has been shown to the Biden administration and the United Nations that 12 members of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) were actual participants in the October 7th Hamas terrorist attacks against Israel. Yes, you read that correctly. The U.N. was an actual participant in the premeditated slaughter of Israeli citizens. (Via Axios) The State Department on Friday said it is pausing additional funding for the UN Palestinian refugee agency after Israel alleged 12 UNRWA employees were involved in the Oct. 7 Hamas terrorist attack.
The Biden Administration and the Iranian
Regime's Nuclear Weapons
Posted by Mercedes44 1/27/2024 6:02:34 AM Post Reply
In a noteworthy development, for the first time, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has issued a warning, signaling that Iran now holds a sufficient quantity of highly enriched uranium capable of producing multiple nuclear warheads. The regime has been actively supporting Hamas against Israel, providing assistance to Yemen's Houthi terror group to attack ships in the Red Sea, escalating tensions with Pakistan, and providing weaponry to Russia for use against Ukraine. These multifaceted engagements in regional and global conflicts indicate the regime's likely view of nuclear weapons as a means to further its strategic objectives.
Poll: Trump 27 Points Ahead of Haley in
South Carolina
Posted by Imright 1/27/2024 6:01:52 AM Post Reply
Former President Donald Trump is garnering majority support in the Republican primary race in Nikki Haley’s home state of South Carolina, a Tyson Group survey released this week found. The survey showed Trump with 58 percent support in the South Carolina GOP primary race — 27 points higher than Haley, who garnered 31 percent support. Another 11 percent remain undecided. Among Republicans specifically, Trump holds a 41-point advantage over Haley, 69 percent to the former governor’s 28 percent. Trump also holds the lead among independents, 48 percent to Haley’s 33 percent. However, Haley has the clear advantage among Democrat voters, 49 percent to Trump’s five percent:
Fani stands by her man: Atlanta DA cites
‘confidentiality,’ won’t give records
on Trump case
Posted by FlyRight 1/27/2024 5:56:30 AM Post Reply
The Georgia district attorney accused of having an affair with an attorney she hired to prosecute former President Donald Trump responded to Congress on behalf of her alleged lover Friday — saying “confidentiality interests” mean he can’t hand over any documents. Fulton County DA Fani Willis, who is facing calls even from allies to step off the Trump case due to the allegations of improper self-dealing, fired off the defiant response after House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) reached out to her alleged paramour, Nathan Wade.
Arab-American leaders call off meeting
with Biden’s campaign boss in Michigan:
‘Not welcome here’
Posted by FlyRight 1/27/2024 5:54:52 AM Post Reply
Arab-American leaders in Michigan refused to meet with President Biden’s campaign manager on Friday over the commander in chief’s backing of Israel in its war against Hamas. The planned Dearborn, Mich., get-together was part of a Biden campaign “listening tour,” according to the Detroit News, and was expected to involve Biden campaign manager Julie Chavez Rodriguez and roughly a dozen Muslim and Arab American elected officials, office holders and community leaders. When word of the scheduled summit got out, Wayne County deputy executive and meeting coordinator Assad Turfe canceled it, because of community “outrage.”
How Jill Biden can 'humanize' her husband
and remind voters 'he's human' as she
hits the campaign trail: First lady lands
in South Carolina to boost Joe's 2024
bid as questions remain
Posted by Imright 1/27/2024 5:51:56 AM Post Reply
Jill Biden is in South Carolina on Friday for her first campaign event in the state as Republicans turn their eye to their own competition there and Democrats prepare for their first primary. As Nikki Haley and Donald Trump fight it out to win the Republican primary, the first lady will tout President Joe Biden's re-election effort at an event with educators. South Carolina saved Joe Biden's quest for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2020 when it gave him his first primary victory, setting him up to be the nominee. In return, Biden pushed to have its primary the first for Democrats this year.
Our First Gun replies
Posted by Imright 1/27/2024 5:48:25 AM Post Reply
It’s a .38 Special revolver. Up until one month ago, I had scant idea what such a gun looked like or could do. My husband eventually made the decision to get a gun, which surprised me a little as he is a very peaceable man. Yet, he is a lover of the U.S. Constitution: peaceable, but no fool. This week is our 30th anniversary. For our anniversary present, we bought the gun together. We have talked about buying a gun over the past few years. We live in the South in a semi-rural area bordering the Gulf of Mexico. Traditionally, gun ownership is considered mostly normal here.
Biden returns to South Carolina to show
his determination to win back Black voters
in 2024
Posted by Imright 1/27/2024 5:41:43 AM Post Reply
Columbia, S.C.— Joe Biden doesn’t need to worry about his prospects in South Carolina’s Democratic primary next week. He’s got that locked up. He also knows he’s not likely to win the solidly red state come November. It hasn’t voted for a Democrat since 1976. He’s spending this weekend in the state nonetheless, intent on driving home two messages: He’s loyal to the state that saved his campaign in 2020 and he’s determined to win back Black voters here and elsewhere who were central to his election last time but are less enthused this go-round.
Kevin Morris Threatens Jonathan Turley
With Defamation Lawsuit, Turley Promptly
Humiliates Him
Posted by Imright 1/27/2024 5:36:13 AM Post Reply
Hunter Biden's lawyer, Kevin Morris (the dubious-looking fellow on the left in the above image), hasn't exactly been on a winning streak lately. Morris recently threatened legal action against legal scholar Jonathan Turley. Turley doubled down on Friday morning — and made Morris look like a fool in the process.First, a bit of background: Following the initial “Laptop from Hell” report by the New York Post in 2020, the House launched an impeachment inquiry into the Biden family. Investigators revealed President Joe Biden received money from James and Hunter Biden. They also showed that nine additional Biden family member
REPORT: The Biden Administration Has Spent
$20 Billion on ‘Refugee’ Resettlement
in Just Two Years
Posted by Imright 1/27/2024 4:59:18 AM Post Reply
The situation at the southern border has become a multi-level crisis and it turns out that it has been incredibly expensive, too. The Biden administration has spent $20 billion hard-earned American tax dollars on ‘refugee’ resettlement in just the last two years. Of course, the vast majority of illegal border crossers are not refugees at all. Democrats sure do seem to enjoy spending other people’s money. (Snip) The Biden administration has poured billions of taxpayer dollars into the Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) since October 2022, according to a new report from Open the Books.
Orkin: Chicago Ranks Number One Worst
City in United States for Bed Bugs
Posted by Imright 1/27/2024 4:54:55 AM Post Reply
Chicago is suffering from an infestation of creepy crawlies, the Orkin pest control company revealed Monday. In a press release, the company said it is the city’s fourth year in a row to be named number one on its Top 50 Bed Bug Cities List: Chicago, New York, and Philadelphia hold onto the top three spots, ranking first, second and third, respectively for cities with most bed bugs. Greensboro, N.C. saw the largest jump this year, moving up twenty-fife spots into the Top Twenty, with Milwaukee (#25) moving up the list by fifteen and Tampa (#31) moving up by ten.
San Francisco's oldest toy store which
inspired Toy Story blockbuster movies
shuts down after 86 YEARS due to the 'perils
and violence' of the downtown - as it
becomes latest victim of zombie city awash
with drugs, homelessness and crime
Posted by Imright 1/27/2024 4:50:14 AM Post Reply
An iconic San Francisco toy store famed for inspiring the Toy Story movies has been forced to close after 86 years due to the city's rampant crime and homelessness epidemic. Jeffrey's Toys shared the news this week that it would be permanently closing its doors, citing a crimewave that had left it 'struggling for a number of years'. The store's attorney named the 'perils and violence of the downtown environment' as the main factor driving the decision, alongside 'inflation, the decrease in consumer spending and the demise of retail across the world'.
The Rooftop Solar Industry Could Be On
the Verge of Collapse
Posted by DVC 1/27/2024 1:35:49 AM Post Reply
A decade ago, someone knocking on your door to sell you solar panels would have been selling you solar panels. Now, they are probably selling you a financial product—likely a lease or a loan. Mary Ann Jones, 83, didn’t realize this had happened to her until she received a call last year from GoodLeap, a financial technology company, saying she owed $52,564.28 for a solar panel loan that expires when she’s 106 [snip]showed up at her house on the outskirts of Fresno, Calif., pushing what he claimed was a government program affiliated with her utility to get her free solar panels.
Fetterman Has Perfect Response to Anti-Israel
Activists Who Show Up at His Home
Posted by Dreadnought 1/27/2024 12:55:07 AM Post Reply
Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA) has made a remarkable recovery from his stroke. Indeed, I'm not sure how it happened, but he seems to have come out of it being right on important issues from the Israel-Hamas War to the border crisis. And he hasn't been afraid to share his opinion, which, in a strange twist, has conservatives liking a lot of what he has been saying and doing. Fetterman has said the border crisis is killing the American dream and that he doesn't know how anyone could deny it was a crisis. He's decimated the anti-Israel crew with his common sense take on the Israel-Hamas War.
Biden campaign holds Michigan meetings
amid voter anger over Middle East
Posted by Dreadnought 1/27/2024 12:53:26 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden’s campaign manager traveled to Michigan on Friday to help shore up support among minority groups within the state seething over the administration’s Middle East policy, according to three people familiar with the situation. Julie Chávez Rodríguez was scheduled to meet with a range of local elected officials and leaders from Michigan’s Arab and Palestinian-American, Hispanic, and Black communities in the Detroit area, including Dearborn, which has a substantial Arab American population. The sessions reflect the continuation of a monthslong effort to meet with local Democratic officials across the nation to hear concerns and build enthusiasm for the reelection campaign.
CNN Falsely Implies SCOTUS Banned Texas
From Installing Razor Wire
Posted by Dreadnought 1/27/2024 12:45:57 AM Post Reply
CNN’s Dana Bash solemnly lamented on Friday’s Inside Politics that Texas Gov. Greg Abbott is in defiance of a recent Supreme Court ruling regarding razor wire at the border there was just one problem: the Court never said the wire was illegal. What the Court did was remove an injunction that prohibited federal authorities from removing the wire while the underlying case is litigated. Theoretically, the feds could remove the wire, do whatever it is they need to do, leave, and Texas could put the wire right back, but Bash warned, “Texas is ignoring the highest court in the land. This week the Supreme Court ruled that
Exclusive — ‘Defeat MAGA’: Meet
the Radical Left Network that Hijacked
Democrats in Effort to Stop Trump at All Costs
Posted by Dreadnought 1/27/2024 12:39:33 AM Post Reply
A well-coordinated, well-funded, and high-powered network of leftist organizations, led by a group whose efforts 2016 Democrat presidential nominee Hillary Rodham Clinton promoted, is behind the push to remove former President Donald Trump, the 2024 frontrunner for president from any party, from the ballot, Breitbart News has learned. But it’s much broader than that: For years, this network of leftists grew from a powerful vast left-wing conspiracy unmasked a decade ago into now being the dominating force on the left determined to stop Trump at all costs. What’s more, these leftists clearly control what top Democrats are saying, forcing their leaders to adopt their narrative.
Biden to Israel: Forget your existential
concerns; I’ve got an election to win!
Posted by Dreadnought 1/27/2024 12:34:25 AM Post Reply
Axios has a scoop, but I call it a bombshell: According to a Biden administration official, when it comes to the Biden administration’s approach to Israel, the most important thing is Biden winning his election. Little things like an ally’s fight against an openly genocidal enemy or stability within the always volatile Middle East? Meh. What matters is power. Here are the main points from the Axios essay: President Biden last week pressed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to scale down the Israeli military operation in Gaza, stressing he is not in it for a year of war, two U.S. officials told Axios. Why it matters: Biden's comments
Is the Electoral Fix Already In? replies
Posted by Moritz55 1/27/2024 12:09:16 AM Post Reply
The fix is in. To “protect democracy,” democracy is already being canceled. We just haven’t admitted the implications of this to ourselves yet. On Sunday, January 14th, NBC News ran an eye-catching story: “Fears grow that Trump will use the military in ‘dictatorial ways’ if he returns to the White House.” It described “a loose-knit network of public interest groups and lawmakers” that is “quietly” making plans to “foil any efforts to expand presidential power” on the part of Donald Trump. The piece quoted an array of former high-ranking officials, all insisting Trump will misuse the Department of Defense to execute civilian political aims. Since Joe Biden’s team “leaked” a strategy memo
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