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Fedsurrection Anniversary Day - They Needed
an Emergency Session

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Posted By: Kate318, 1/7/2024 11:15:44 AM

In honor of our national gaslighting embarrassment, the third anniversary of the FBI’s fedsurrection, the FBI laughed in the faces of the general population under their control. The DC-based FBI sent out this message: [SNIP] Yes, the national kidnappers have removed their masks. Y’all know what that metaphor means. Once again, for those who just walked in…. Following the scale of manipulation within the 2020 election, those who did the manipulation, which included support from the FBI and DOJ, justified to keep their institutional agencies from being exposed, needed to do something to stop any state delegate challenge.


If you read nothing else today, read this. If you want to know the why’s of so many aspects of J6, this article covers it. It is very, very important.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: wilarrbie 1/7/2024 12:02:53 PM (No. 1631346)
A terrible great criminal I once knew told me, very succinctly: It ain't what you know (the article here as written) - it's what you can prove.
14 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Kate318 1/7/2024 12:06:15 PM (No. 1631347)
Absolutely, #2, and the whole point of the article is that the engineers of the Fedsurrection made sure there was no legal recourse to be able to prove it in the courts.
25 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: earlybird 1/7/2024 12:40:42 PM (No. 1631359)
Yay, OP ... was abbout to post this myself. Many thanks...and everyone should read this whole article.
14 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: WimeTarmerFable 1/7/2024 1:11:44 PM (No. 1631370)
The #JihadJunta and their Useful Idiocy Enablers knew exactly what they were doing. “ This was a coup….it was a very organized and carefully planned coup. VP Pence without a doubt as well as most members of the house were quite aware of how the certification was going to be MANAGED. It would require new rules to prevent the debate clause from occurring! New rules that ONLY AN EMERGENCY CRISIS COULD CREATE! So, they created an emergency. 🚨” Since the sullying of the “vote,” the only Citizen recourse against this tyranny has been destroyed, what can we do to fix this, and get Justice?
11 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: volksford 1/7/2024 1:12:43 PM (No. 1631371)
#3.. the irony of the whole matter would be " proving it " in a D. C. court ! Good luck with the issue of "standing " if you even got that far .
11 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: PrayerWarrior 1/7/2024 1:16:40 PM (No. 1631377)
This is shocking and sickening. And the perps still laugh at us because they are still in control today. Pelosi is even more evil than one can imagine along with her supporters like Lying Chris Wray. The corruption is so bad in the country, that if I were God I would do a Sodom and Gomorrah (rain fire down on us) and start over.
17 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: anniebc 1/7/2024 1:23:39 PM (No. 1631378)
They got US before we could get them. Plain and simple. Our side tells their side what we're doing all the time, making it easy for them to beat us. In 2020, we were focused on rally crowds, or not in the case of pre-vegetable, polls, and we're winning; they were focused on the steal. I listened to the bedding man (can't think of his name) the other day as he directed people to his website to find out some plan. I screamed, "Why?" It's hard for people who aren't crooked to battle the experienced crooked. We see it in the workplace. The incompetent, entitled, sneaky, conniving get away with a lot while decent people helplessly watch it happen. Decent people don't even know how to play crooked. Good people get pushed out while the snakes are rewarded.The same happens in the world of politics.
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Reply 8 - Posted by: Red Ghost 1/7/2024 1:42:44 PM (No. 1631389)
This article by the CTH is probably the most important Must Read has ever presented. It always stuck in my mind that at the precise moment Ted Cruz, who has never lost a case in the Supreme Court, was about to make his presentation, all hell broke loose. If that wasn't a coordinated event, I don't know what was. What is maddening is that Cruz and others have not publicized the aforementioned scenario in the three years since this successful coup of our government. Where are you Senators Cruz and Lee? I hope Tucker and others in the so-called conservative media, blast this from the roof tops. If not, then what many of us are prepared to see happen,will be another manipulated and stolen election in 2024 and the continued swift planned destruction of our once beloved Constitutional Republic.
14 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: earlybird 1/7/2024 3:08:55 PM (No. 1631415)
The defeatist attitude that I see on these threads is the symptom of how some would have us resign to hopelessness. "Don't bother to read. We can never prevail. Give it up..." AKA Eeyore.
5 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: Ketchuplover 1/7/2024 3:55:32 PM (No. 1631440)
Definitely a Must Read. Thanks for posting! Hope Tucker acts on this.
6 people like this.

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Posted by Kate318 6/11/2024 11:41:56 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Kate318 4/3/2024 5:29:51 PM Post Reply
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Troubling Confirmation — Ukraine Intelligence
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Posted by Kate318 1/26/2024 10:18:45 AM Post Reply
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Fedsurrection Anniversary Day - They Needed
an Emergency Session
10 replies
Posted by Kate318 1/7/2024 11:15:44 AM Post Reply
In honor of our national gaslighting embarrassment, the third anniversary of the FBI’s fedsurrection, the FBI laughed in the faces of the general population under their control. The DC-based FBI sent out this message: [SNIP] Yes, the national kidnappers have removed their masks. Y’all know what that metaphor means. Once again, for those who just walked in…. Following the scale of manipulation within the 2020 election, those who did the manipulation, which included support from the FBI and DOJ, justified to keep their institutional agencies from being exposed, needed to do something to stop any state delegate challenge.
Subtle Like a Brick Through a Window -
CIA Outlet Approves Donald Trump Assassination
39 replies
Posted by Kate318 12/4/2023 8:14:19 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Kate318 11/11/2023 10:52:21 AM Post Reply
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House Republicans Believe Colleagues Are
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28 replies
Posted by Kate318 10/19/2023 8:42:09 PM Post Reply
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President Pallets-of-Cash Pretends
to Care About Dead Israelis
6 replies
Posted by Kate318 10/10/2023 5:15:59 PM Post Reply
If your goal is a pile of dead Israelis, send money to Iran. The more money you give to Iran, the more dead Israelis. Former President Barack Obama knows this, and still he sent the terrorist state of Iran pallets of cash. “On Tuesday, the Obama administration finally admitted something its critics had long suspected,” my colleague John Hayward reported in late 2016. “The entire $1.7 billion tribute paid to Iran was tendered in cash — not just the initial $400 million infamously shipped to the Iranians in a cargo plane[.]” “[A]t the same moment,” Hayward adds, “four American hostages were released.” Okay, so maybe I should amend my opening statement…
DHS Designtes Trump Supporters as Domestic
Violent Extremists?
9 replies
Posted by Kate318 10/5/2023 11:39:40 AM Post Reply
The claim by Newsweek is rather alarming – that the Dept of Homeland Security and FBI consider President Trump supporters as domestic violent extremists (DVE’s) in combination with official designation from the FBI as “domestic terrorists.” There’s nothing within the article, the citations or the quotes from multiple anonymous officials within the domestic surveillance system, that will seem a surprise if you take away the hyperbolic use of adjectives and descriptive statements. Yes, to the Newsweek readers, anyone who would challenge their worldview or political position is dangerous; after all, these are the same people who equate words with violence.
BRICS Economic Expands Adding Iran, Argentina,
UAE, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Ethiopia
During Summit
4 replies
Posted by Kate318 8/24/2023 7:27:06 PM Post Reply
The original BRICS economic alliance between Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa has expanded today. During the summit held in South Africa, the group which is home to about 40% of the world’s population and a quarter of global gross domestic product, voted to accept the applications of Iran, Argentina, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Ethiopia. What we see forming now is further evidence of the great energy cleaving. As most western nations chase the World Economic Forum’s priority around ‘climate change’, the BRICS alliance hedges for more traditional energy sources (oil, natural gas, coal).
Megadonor Tells DeSantis to Get Moderate
or Else, Within Hours DeSantis Dismisses
2020 “Stolen Election Theories” as False
28 replies
Posted by Kate318 8/5/2023 9:56:22 AM Post Reply
These two events are not coincidental. Ron DeSantis megadonor Robert Bigelow (below right) is already into the failing DeSantis campaign for $20 million. Billionaire donor Bigelow tells Reuters that he has told the DeSantis managers the candidate needs to take moderate positions, or he will not donate any more money {LINK HERE}. Ron DeSantis is then questioned by reporters in Iowa about the Trump indictment and the claims of the 2020 election being stolen. Immediately DeSantis changes his talking points. “All those theories that were put out did not prove to be true…”
Cernovich: This was the DeSantis campaign’s
biggest mistake…
15 replies
Posted by Kate318 7/12/2023 9:47:52 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 6/10/2024 6:49:34 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 6/10/2024 1:57:47 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Garnet 6/10/2024 12:09:33 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 6/10/2024 4:41:54 PM Post Reply
It was ALWAYS the PELOSI Insurrection . New footage was released on Monday from the House Oversight Committee of Nancy Pelosi taking responsibility for the January 6, 2021, protests and rioting at the US Capitol. Nancy Pelosi: “I take responsibility.” (X Video) As The Gateway Pundit previously reported, former Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Washington DC Mayor Muriel Bowser were both warned about the security situation prior to January 6th and both of them turned down National Guard troops at the US Capitol that day. Pelosi and Mayor Muriel Bowser turned down thousands of National Guard troops
Biden sparks concerns as he appears to
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Posted by Imright 6/11/2024 8:19:28 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden sparked concerns Monday night when he appeared to freeze for the better part of a minute before his speech became slurred past the point of comprehension during a lively Juneteenth celebration at the White House. During the event ahead of the national holiday next week, the Commander-in-Chief seemed to short-circuit as the rest of the crowd, including Vice President Kamala Harris and Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff, grooved along to the lively band. Philonise Floyd, brother of the late George Floyd, flanked Biden on his left and eventually noticed the concerning pause he was taking and wrapped his arm around him in an apparent effort to help.
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23 replies
Posted by mc squared 6/10/2024 10:25:27 AM Post Reply
The Joshua tree. The beloved gnarled California icon—revered by desert aficionados and nature conservationists and considered to be endangered—is nevertheless under assault in a weird twist: environmentalists battling environmentalists. The tree is held in such high regard by people who love the natural world that supergroup U2 named perhaps their finest album after it, titling their 1987 multi-hit record simply "The Joshua Tree." But woke is pitted against woke, as the ancient trees now face the chopping block as the crazed "green energy" crowd is poised to destroy the land and thousands of these ancestral growths:
All-Time Low: Joe Biden's Approval Rating
Craters Further, As Questions of Where
to Go From Here Rage
21 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 6/10/2024 3:33:42 PM Post Reply
Perhaps Joe Biden needs to make the Guns N' Roses classic "Sweet Child of Mine" his campaign theme song because "Where do we go now?" is a question he and his handlers appear to be stuck with. That was punctuated on Monday after the president's approval rating hit another all-time low. According to 538, one of the industry's two most popular poll aggregators, Biden's approval sits at just 37.4 percent. That is not only the lowest of his presidency but also a record low for any president at this point in a re-election campaign since polling began. Biden wanted to make history. Well, he's doing it.
New Tax Scheme Would Charge Citizens Per
Mile Driven – Rate Could Be Based on
Car’s Fuel Efficiency
21 replies
Posted by Imright 6/10/2024 8:44:10 AM Post Reply
The rapacious Democrats in California are at it again, dreaming up a new tax, this time one that would see car owners charged for every mile they drive. The scheme to grab even more money from the state’s beleaguered citizenry is not just being “debated,” either. There is already a pilot program in motion, called the 2024 Road Charge Collection Pilot, where car owners install a device into their vehicle that tracks their driving and tallies up a tax on them. The new way of collecting road taxes will reportedly replace the state’s exorbitant gas taxes. At 51 cents per gallon,
Trump Liquor Licenses at Golf Clubs Under
Review by New Jersey After Conviction
18 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 6/11/2024 1:50:23 AM Post Reply
New Jersey officials are “reviewing” how former President Donald Trump’s liquor licenses for several golf clubs may be impacted by his recent conviction. Officials within the New Jersey Attorney General’s Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control are “reviewing the impact of President Trump’s conviction” on his liquor licenses for the Trump National Golf Club in Colts Neck, Lamington Farm Club, and Trump National Golf Club Philadelphia in Pine Hill, a spokesperson from the state’s attorney general’s office confirmed to the Hill. The spokesperson added that each of the liquor licenses for the former president’s golf clubs are still active. Under New Jersey law: No license of any class shall be issued to any person
Top pollster suggests it may be time for
Biden to drop out of 2024 presidential
race as approval rating hits ‘all-time low’
17 replies
Posted by Imright 6/10/2024 11:19:31 PM Post Reply
Pollster Nate Silver warned Monday that President Biden’s approval ratings are so low that it may be time for him to reconsider seeking re-election in November. “Biden just hit a new all-time low in approval (37.4%),” the data analyst and founder of FiveThirtyEight wrote on X, referencing his organization’s latest average of the president’s job approval numbers. “Dropping out would be a big risk,” Silver argued. “But there’s some threshold below which continuing to run is a bigger risk.” “Are we there yet? I don’t know,” the polling guru acknowledged. “But it’s more than fair to ask.”
A group of House Democrats steps up to
try to stop Project 2025 and a Trump White House
16 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 6/11/2024 7:01:30 AM Post Reply
Warning about the far-right Project 2025 agenda for a Donald Trump White House, a group of House Democrats has launched a task force to start fighting the proposal and stop it from taking hold if the Republican former president returns to power. Democratic Rep. Jared Huffman of California is unveiling The Stop Project 2025 Task Force on Tuesday, the latest sign that congressional Democrats and outside groups are treating Trump’s campaign seriously in the expected rematch against Democratic President Joe Biden this fall. “The stakes just couldn’t be higher,” Huffman told The Associated Press. Huffman said the Project 2025 agenda will hit “like a Blitzkrieg” and lawmakers need to be ready.
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