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Paul Krugman explains economics for us
hysterical conservatives

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Posted By: Mercedes44, 12/18/2023 7:42:14 AM

In addition to being an insufferable leftist, Paul Krugman is a world-renowned economist. He even has a Nobel Prize to prove it. I’m just a retired engineer who refuses to keep my opinions to myself. I shouldn’t be able to ridicule him on economic matters, but he just makes it so danged easy. It’s seems clear that our Nobel laureate is either economically illiterate or just plain dishonest. I doubt he’s economically illiterate, but I’ll let you decide.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: rikkitikki 12/18/2023 7:55:26 AM (No. 1619640)
Article is spot-on...Krugman may well earn another Nobel prize for tearing apart the very capitalist economic system that created the prosperity in which he lives, but that doesn't change the fact that he wouldn't know economics if it bit him in his ash.
9 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: smokincol 12/18/2023 8:26:38 AM (No. 1619651)
whatever this bozo says my rapidly depleting checking account and savings account balances tell me that - things are not good in the land of diapers biden, the bidenistas and comrade mullah obama PS - I will not read, or listen to, any of the commie radical demcommies or their acolytes
4 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: seamusm 12/18/2023 8:27:57 AM (No. 1619653)
Krugman has always fancied himself as knowing truth when no one else did. His Nobel prize was not unearned but he has ridden that horse so far afield that his arrogance has taken him where opinion is king but not truth. He revels in his fame and the fawning adulation of those who believe him as an arbiter of economic facts instead of just another self-aggrandizing soapbox screamer. God's Word warns of false prophets and Krugman is right up there at the front of the parade.
7 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: chumley 12/18/2023 8:34:12 AM (No. 1619663)
He must be good to be wrong 100% of the time. I quit reading him years ago.
7 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Swirven 12/18/2023 9:03:09 AM (No. 1619703)
Paul Krugman knows that the leftist control the economy. The economy will flourish in 2024. It is all planned. They will do anything to get Trump. If Mr. Krugman wants to know what is really going on, he should ask me. I am a retiree and we are overwhelmed with tax payments, increases in medicare, and decreases in Social Security. For us, things do not look so good.
5 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Rumblehog 12/18/2023 9:18:52 AM (No. 1619720)
Were it not for his youth and birth affiliation, Krugman could have been on the staff of Joseph Goebbels' propaganda network, generating stories lauding the great "Führer," as tens of thousands of Soviet tanks rolled toward Berlin. Such a great Economist, our "Mr. Enron."
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Reply 7 - Posted by: DVC 12/18/2023 10:22:41 AM (No. 1619765)
Everything that Krugman "knows" about economics is a falsehood. ALL of it. In all things economic, if Krugman say to do "A", and "B" is the diametric opposite of "A", you'll always be a winner choosing "B". The perfect contra-indicator.....100% always wrong.
5 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: czechlist 12/18/2023 10:43:21 AM (No. 1619792)
#3 ". His Nobel prize was not unearned ..." It was "earned" for his political commentary - not economics. Besides, Nibel did not create a prize for economics and the "work" he "earned" it for was written 20 years orior to his "award". Cogent indeed.
2 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: WV.Hillbilly 12/18/2023 11:01:52 AM (No. 1619813)
Krugman did not win a Nobel Prize. " Alfred Nobel established five Nobel prizes. Chemistry, Literature, Peace, Physics, and Physiology or Medicine. There is no Nobel Prize for economics. What Krugman won was the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel. It's a prize sponsored by the state bank. That's like winning the Federal Reserve Bank Prize in Memory of Alan Greenspan.
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Reply 10 - Posted by: Strike3 12/18/2023 11:59:34 AM (No. 1619851)
Any time you see an opinion authored by Krugman or analyzed by a person of common sense, you expect to be entertained and amused. The man does not disappoint.
5 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: JimBob 12/18/2023 8:54:44 PM (No. 1620097)
Krugman and the HairSniffer. Two Peas in a Pod. Both of them Wrong on Everything.
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Reply 12 - Posted by: WV.Hillbilly 12/28/2023 4:02:54 PM (No. 1625767)
Krugman did not win a Nobel Prize. Alfred Nobel established five Nobel prizes. Chemistry, Literature, Peace, Physics, and Physiology or Medicine. There is no Nobel Prize for economics. What Krugman won was the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel. It's a prize sponsored by the state bank. That's like winning the Federal Reserve Bank Prize in Memory of Alan Greenspan.
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Posted by Mercedes44 12/18/2023 7:44:23 AM Post Reply
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Paul Krugman explains economics for us
hysterical conservatives
12 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 12/18/2023 7:42:14 AM Post Reply
In addition to being an insufferable leftist, Paul Krugman is a world-renowned economist. He even has a Nobel Prize to prove it. I’m just a retired engineer who refuses to keep my opinions to myself. I shouldn’t be able to ridicule him on economic matters, but he just makes it so danged easy. It’s seems clear that our Nobel laureate is either economically illiterate or just plain dishonest. I doubt he’s economically illiterate, but I’ll let you decide.
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Posted by Imright 12/27/2023 3:46:46 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 12/27/2023 12:22:50 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 12/27/2023 10:32:07 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Beardo 12/27/2023 11:39:18 PM Post Reply
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Posted by ladydawgfan 12/27/2023 9:28:30 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 12/27/2023 3:44:07 PM Post Reply
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Posted by mc squared 12/27/2023 10:36:25 AM Post Reply
A Muslim mob of pro-Palestinian militants terrorized shoppers on Christmas Eve in the small city of Collierville, Tennessee. “You should be ashamed!” the Muslim militants shouted at shoppers as others repeatedly honked their car horns. One KWAM listener said the Muslim militants “clogged the streets to prevent shopper ingress/egress and unleashed individual terrorists out to run up and down the sidewalks with Palestinian flags.” As a Collierville citizen, I strongly believe and support the First and Second Amendment rights of every American citizen,” conservative leader Justin Johnson told KWAM. “Protests should not be intrusive and dangerous to drivers, shoppers or the protestors.”
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20 replies
Posted by Beardo 12/27/2023 12:11:30 PM Post Reply
Former President Barack Obama and former First Lady Michelle Obama are being slammed on social media for producing a Netflix cartoon for preschoolers that featured young children attending a gay wedding. The popular X/Twitter account Libs of TikTok posted a video pointing out that an episode of Netflix’s Ada Twist, Scientist “showcases young students coming together to set up and celebrate their teacher’s gay wedding.” “This is aimed at preschoolers,” Libs of TikTok said. “Barack and Michelle Obama are the executive producers.”
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the hit 'Leave the World Behind' movie
nightmare into reality: 'You'll only know
war has begun… when the phones go out'
20 replies
Posted by Imright 12/27/2023 8:42:19 AM Post Reply
Morgan Wright is Chief Security Advisor for the cybersecurity company SentinelOne.. No phones. No internet. No satellites. Oil tankers running aground. Planes falling out of the sky.Flamingos in the swimming pool. Zombie deer in the backyard. Chaos without explanation. Netflix's apocalyptic thriller 'Leave the World Behind,' starring Julia Roberts, Mahershala Ali and Ethan Hawke is based on a book by Rumaan Alam and it has terrified U.S. audiences. The film portrays a modern world in collapse.
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