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Will the Deep State actually assassinate
Donald Trump?

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Posted By: Harlowe, 12/17/2023 11:07:17 PM

The 2024 presidential race is not quite fully underway.[Snip]The inevitability of another Trump nomination--and possible electoral victory next November--is something Beltway elites are coming to grips with. Robert Kagan, the neo-con husband of liberal zionist Victoria Nuland, said as much in a recent column for CIA mouthpiece The Washington Post.[Snip]It seems that what he is trying to say with the words “still hoping for some intervention” is to urge the Deep State to assassinate Donald Trump.[Snip]Are we being programmed to accept a Trump assassination?


Recommend reading the article for further detail, analysis, and the author’s prayerful conclusion.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: DVC 12/17/2023 11:11:53 PM (No. 1619475)
I truly do worry about them doing it.
38 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: MissMann 12/17/2023 11:12:17 PM (No. 1619476)
Who would be surprised? And ultimately, who would do anything about it?
32 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Italiano 12/17/2023 11:28:40 PM (No. 1619482)
Unthinkable? after JFK, RFK and the Nixon coup, hardly.
23 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: formerNYer 12/17/2023 11:33:49 PM (No. 1619483)
They wouldn't dare. It would be open season od D'Rats!
13 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: cThree 12/17/2023 11:36:23 PM (No. 1619484)
It's not at all unthinkable, but I offer an alternative in the amoral smudge pot that is the deep state: They will assassinate Joe Biden. Blame it on MAGA, and it clears the deck for electing a Democrat. Kamala will be "persuaded" to stand down.
19 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Dodge Boy 12/17/2023 11:39:57 PM (No. 1619486)
Various scenarios have likely been discussed within the deep state ranks. Hate is what hate does. It is a worry. May God our heavenly Father continue to protect President Trump, Melania, and the Trump children.
41 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: BarryNo 12/18/2023 2:10:01 AM (No. 1619517)
It would not surprise me, but if they do, they will be risking their own lives and the lives of everyone they care about as we hunt them down. If DJT dies by any means that might be an "assassination", we will assume it is, and the hunt begins.
11 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: linkay6 12/18/2023 2:18:19 AM (No. 1619520)
Everyone needs to pray for Orea. Trump daily!
3 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: linkay6 12/18/2023 2:18:55 AM (No. 1619521)
That should say Pres. Trump....sorry
7 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: judy 12/18/2023 2:34:52 AM (No. 1619527)
After all 51 agents signed a letter stating Hunters laptop was Russia disinformation …they tried with 71 indictments, raids, trying to bankrupt Trump & his family, 54 million $ Mueller mess, 7 years of endless investigations…amazingly Trump is still standing ! We used to have fair elections now all we have is prayer.
22 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: Timber Queen 12/18/2023 3:08:48 AM (No. 1619530)
Like everyone else, I pray for President Trump's safety every day and for his family. Yet, I still have this sure faith that MAGA will overcome the Deep State. We have God on our side, or better put...we are on God's side. Americans, of recognized ancient faiths or their own personal beliefs, who understand there is a Creator Power beyond our puny selves, are typical of those drawn to President Trump's message to make America great again; to bring back personal and economic security, and freedom. First and foremost we are in a spiritual battle where prayer is our most powerful weapon. One of the foundation stones of our Revolution was public worship. It sure would give the powers-that-be heartburn if church attendance went up. I urge all to invite your non-churched friends and family to join you at worship services. Christmas is a perfect time, but remember to invite them next Sunday also! We can best protect President Trump with a nation of prayerful people. In God We Trust
16 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: plomke 12/18/2023 3:25:41 AM (No. 1619532)
4 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: EJKrausJr 12/18/2023 4:50:49 AM (No. 1619558)
If all election shenanigans fail to prevent 45 from becoming 47, yes they will. It's not rocket science.
3 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: Strike3 12/18/2023 5:09:56 AM (No. 1619563)
The actual dictators currently have the means to do the ultimate harm but if they expect real Americans to cry and peacefully protest they are sadly mistaken. They will be sealing their own doom.
7 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: 5 handicap 12/18/2023 6:55:58 AM (No. 1619613)
Lock and Load...
5 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: vhs68 12/18/2023 9:15:20 AM (No. 1619714)
FTA: And while George Soros-backed New York Attorney Letitia James’s lawsuit has taken a lot of time, money, and energy from the former president, the likelihood that Trump will end up in jail as a result of it seems highly unlikely. ......... This lawsuit is a civil lawsuit, no jail time, only monetary damages. And just like all the other lawsuits, the process is the punishment.
3 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: anniebc 12/18/2023 9:57:32 AM (No. 1619748)
Are we being "programmed to accept a Trump assassination"? Huh? It would be interesting to see what we the people would do if it, God forbid, happened. Remember, the left seems to have mass murdering crazies on standby. I suppose it depends on how badly things go for the left. The steal appears to be harder than 2020, and it looks like the vegg might actually be impeached. Hopefully there are no traitors in the SS. The clintons and obamas seem to have very loyal security guards.
1 person likes this.

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Donald Trump Jr. puts his dad on notice
over buzz of Nikki Haley as VP pick
13 replies
Posted by Harlowe 12/26/2023 11:11:29 PM Post Reply
Donald Trump Jr. drew a line in the sand for his father in the veepstakes: no Nikki Haley. The former president’s son doused cold water on the notion that former President Donald Trump would select his former UN ambassador as a running mate. Trump Jr. was adamant about flexing his clout to ensure Haley did not get the position.[Snip]“Nikki Haley wants never-ending wars. She’s a puppet of the establishment in Washington, DC. She’s the new favorite candidate of the billionaire class because they want control--no different than academia and Harvard and using their billions to exercise influence.”
Ignorance and apathy 1 reply
Posted by Harlowe 12/26/2023 5:25:08 PM Post Reply
The joke is told about a poll taker who asks about ignorance and apathy in the country. "I don't know, and I don't care," says the respondent. The consequences of that attitude are playing out across America. There are two questions most reporters never seem to ask when it comes to mass demonstrations like the recent ones over the Israeli-Hamas War. One is whether they are spontaneous, or are they organized and subsidized by outside entities? Second, have large financial gifts from foreign entities and left-wing organizations compromised some universities that fear losing money should they speak up in ways that might offend the donors?
‘If the generals are counting tunnels,
it suggests things are not going well’
8 replies
Posted by Harlowe 12/19/2023 11:43:23 PM Post Reply
This week, the Israel Defense Forces publicized what it said was the biggest Hamas terror tunnel uncovered to date, built under the stewardship of Hamas Gaza chief Yahya Sinwar’s brother Muhammad in the northern Gaza Strip, near the Erez Crossing into Israel.[Snip]Earlier this month, the IDF said it had located 800 tunnels and 500 shafts of various sizes and lengths in the course of the war against Hamas. Most of the tunnels discovered were located in northern Gaza, where the ground offensive began and has been most intensive. There are also massive tunnels for smuggling goods under the border Gaza shares with Egypt, at the southern foot of the Strip.
Fetterman Wants to Block Sale of U.S.
Steel to Japanese Company
17 replies
Posted by Harlowe 12/18/2023 11:27:34 PM Post Reply
Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA) said he would do “anything” to block Japanese steelmaker Nippon Steel’s acquisition of U.S. Steel.[Snip]“I’m gonna do everything I can to block it,” Fetterman wrote on X. “I live across the street from U.S. Steel’s Edgar Thompson plant in Braddock,” Fetterman said in a statement. “It’s absolutely outrageous that U.S. Steel has agreed to sell themselves to a foreign company. Steel is always about security--both our national security and the economic security of our steel communities. I am committed to doing anything I can do, using my platform and my position, to block this foreign sale.”
Will the Deep State actually assassinate
Donald Trump?
17 replies
Posted by Harlowe 12/17/2023 11:07:17 PM Post Reply
The 2024 presidential race is not quite fully underway.[Snip]The inevitability of another Trump nomination--and possible electoral victory next November--is something Beltway elites are coming to grips with. Robert Kagan, the neo-con husband of liberal zionist Victoria Nuland, said as much in a recent column for CIA mouthpiece The Washington Post.[Snip]It seems that what he is trying to say with the words “still hoping for some intervention” is to urge the Deep State to assassinate Donald Trump.[Snip]Are we being programmed to accept a Trump assassination?
Trump lawyers say court should not rush
consideration of immunity in federal Jan.
6 case
2 replies
Posted by Harlowe 12/13/2023 11:41:52 PM Post Reply
Lawyers for former President Trump argued Wednesday that a federal appeals court should not accelerate its consideration of whether he is immune from prosecution over claims related to the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot.[Snip]“The prosecution has one goal in this case: To unlawfully attempt to try, convict, and sentence President Trump before an election in which he is likely to defeat President Biden,”[Snip]Trump’s attorneys criticized the move, saying it prevents judges from taking their time to answer “novel, complex, and sensitive questions of profound importance.”
Archbishop Viganò: ‘False prophet’
Bergoglio is guilty of ‘all-out apostasy’
12 replies
Posted by Harlowe 12/13/2023 1:29:42 AM Post Reply
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò delivered an address to the “Is the Pope Catholic?” conference this past weekend forcefully stating that Jorge Maria Bergoglio is a “false prophet” who fits the description of the one spoken of by the prophet Daniel during the time of the “final persecution” of the Church, to whom no Catholic owes “any” obedience or collaboration but rather steadfast resistance.[Snip]“We know that John Podesta was working on behalf of Hillary Clinton and Obama--and the globalist elite in general--to promote a ‘colored revolution’ within the Church that was supposed to oust Benedict XVI from the papacy, elect an ultra-progressive pope,
Senate Democrats press Thomas to recuse
himself from Trump immunity case
14 replies
Posted by Harlowe 12/13/2023 12:24:04 AM Post Reply
Senate Democrats are calling on conservative Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas to recuse himself from ruling on former President Trump’s claim that he is immune from prosecution for alleged crimes he committed while in office. Senate Judiciary Committee Chair Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) and other Democrats on the panel argue that Thomas faces a conflict of interest because his wife Ginni was outspoken in support of Trump’s false claims that the 2020 presidential election was stolen. “There are so many unanswered questions about the relationship of the justice and his family with the Trump administration that I think in the interests of justice,
Restoration Video: Monica Crowley Warns
about the Deep State – and its War on Trump
5 replies
Posted by Harlowe 12/8/2023 1:36:26 AM Post Reply
Right. We’re all going to save our country[Snip]Fast forward to Donald Trump, same thing: America first and a peace maker--for bringing the troops home, saving the tens of billions of dollars that would have gone into those pointless wars, striking peace agreements in the Middle East, the Abraham Accords, historic, historic peacemaking. They can’t have that, cannot have it. The forces we are up against are so dangerous, they will destroy, they will ruin. They will kill you. And this is what I mean about the spiritual nature of the battle that we are in. This is a spiritual war.
We Aren’t Prepared For The Hell Democrats
Will Put America Through In 2024
18 replies
Posted by Harlowe 12/8/2023 12:26:23 AM Post Reply
Sometimes coincidences happen in American politics, but what’s happening right now with the Democratic Party--the repeated loud and public doubting about Joe Biden’s future by prominent party figures--is not a coincidence. This is coordinated,[Snip]“If he were going to drop out,” Kennedy said, referring to Biden, “the time to drop out would be during the convention because then he would control the delegates, because they’re all Biden delegates, and he would then be able to pick his successor.”[Snip]direct all of his secured delegates to fall behind someone else,
Giant 8in spiders from China are set to
invade the US: Black and yellow critters
seen parachuting through the air on the
east coast - and will soon hit New York
and New Jersey
18 replies
Posted by Harlowe 12/7/2023 11:12:43 PM Post Reply
A venomous eight-inch-long spider native to Asia, whose palm-sized females cannibalize their male mates, is flying up America's east coast and spreading out west. Experts say the Jorō spider can fly 50 to 100 miles at a stretch, using their webbing as a parasail to glide in the wind, and it's now also hitching rides up east coast highways--but the creatures aren't known to pose a threat to humans or pets. [Snip] In contrast, the Jorō spider mostly preys on flies, mosquitos and stink bugs—with the latter being not only a threat to crops,
Teachers ‘Scared to go to School’
Due to Student Violence and Hardly Any Punishment
13 replies
Posted by Harlowe 12/6/2023 11:47:09 PM Post Reply
Stacey Sawyer taught 8th grade in Cape Coral, FL. Taught is the key word. Sawyer, 55, quit her job in June due to student violence and the fact that they hardly ever face punishment. [Snip] “It was getting to the point that it was scary. There were a few days that I was scared to go to school,” [Snip] Sawyer taught for 30 years. Student behavior problems began before the COVID pandemic, but those involved in schools said the shutdowns escalated the problem: [Snip] “Now, now, Joey. That was not nice. Don’t do it again!” Or they’ll talk about feels and emotions, coddle the students.
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‘So angry’: Chris Matthews says dealing
with rural Americans is like ‘fighting terrorism’
38 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/26/2023 7:12:10 PM Post Reply
MSNBC’s Chris Matthews said that dealing with angry rural Americans is similar to combating terrorism on “Morning Joe” Tuesday. Matthews highlighted the importance of anger in mobilizing voters during elections as he drew the analogy. He said rural Americans harbor a deep-seated anger toward liberal elites and then seemed to liken it to the sentiments of terrorists in Afghanistan and Iraq following the U.S. military presence there. “This is rural rage. They are so angry at the liberal establishment, the coastal elite, they look at people on television … ‘They don’t have to worry about us,’” Matthews stated.
Harvard president Claudine Gay is now
accused of botching study that landed
her major tenure at Stanford and refusing
to share research with professors who
questioned her thesis over 'logical inconsistencies'
34 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 12/27/2023 9:29:49 AM Post Reply
Harvard's embattled president is facing yet further questions about her academic record, after a statistics expert challenged the data used in a report which helped win her tenure at Stanford. Claudine Gay, who took over as president in July, has been at the center of a firestorm since the October 7 Hamas attacks. She was seemingly slow to condemn students who justified the terrorist violence, and slow to speak out against antisemitism on campus. The harsh spotlight has spread to her academic record, with accusations of plagiarism - and on Tuesday, a data scientist challenged her analytical methods. It was then revealed that she had refused to share her data,
Michelle Obama Absolutely Is Political 27 replies
Posted by Imright 12/26/2023 9:23:43 PM Post Reply
Upon hearing the notion that Michelle Obama may be the presidential candidate for Democrats in 2024, many Republicans reflexively recite the mantra that she is enjoying her life and is not political. Let me make one thing clear: Michelle Obama is a political animal. Republicans must quickly begin to prepare for her candidacy. Michelle grew up as the daughter of a Chicago Democrat party precinct captain. She has written about making the rounds with her father from age 4, visiting homes in her area to get out the black vote for the white liberal Chicago Democrat party machine.
WHO’s Tedros Declares War on Meat, Traditional
Farming (VIDEO)
27 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/26/2023 5:33:39 PM Post Reply
World Health Organization (WHO) head, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus declared war on meat and traditional farming. “Our food systems are harming the health of people and planet. Food systems contribute to over 30% of greenhouse gas emissions, and account for almost one-third of the global burden of disease. Transforming food systems is therefore essential,” Tedros said in a video message published last Thursday for the COP28 official event. WATCH: [Video] Earlier this month the United Nations Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO) rolled out its food guidance for first-world countries in an effort to reduce carbon emissions. The message to ‘rich’ countries? Consume less meat.
Buttigieg: Americans Won’t Be Driving
‘Old’ Gas-Powered Cars in 2050
26 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/26/2023 6:44:52 PM Post Reply
On last Monday’s broadcast of the Fox Business Network’s “Varney & Co.,” Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg said that he doubts “that Americans in 2050 are still going to be driving that old technology, that combustion technology that we inherited from the 20th century.” Buttigieg said, “[T]he share of EVs has been dramatically increasing every single year, and that’s continuing. Now, our goal is, by the end of this decade, to be about half-and-half. We think that that can and will happen. But what isn’t guaranteed is, first of all, is that EV revolution going to continue to be made in America?
Donald Trump’s 2024 Vice President 25 replies
Posted by earlybird 12/26/2023 2:17:32 PM Post Reply
Given the recent discussions about a potential Vice President pick by Donald Trump, several people have asked for my perspective.Because I look at the office of the presidency slightly different than most, and specifically because the real challenge that needs to be addressed is located deep inside each institution of government, my perspective on the running mate is somewhat different than most. The Vice President is the safety mechanism for continuity of government in the event that something happens to the President.
More Bad News For Biden: Just 34% Of Americans
Say They’re Better Off Than Four Years
Ago: I&I/TIPP Poll
23 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 12/26/2023 9:06:31 AM Post Reply
Despite a multi-year campaign by the White House and its allies to convince the public that the economy is booming, the vast majority of Americans say they’re worse off today than they were four years ago. And despite claims that partisanship is driving the public’s sour mood, negative views about the economy and President Joe Biden’s performance are almost universal. That’s according to the latest I&I/TIPP poll of likely voters, which finds that 58% say they aren’t better off than they were four years ago – before the COVID-19 pandemic – while only 34% say they are. Meanwhile, a mere 23% of
"Mass Migration Blueprints" Reveal NGOs
"Carefully Planned" US Migrant Invasion,
Report Says
21 replies
Posted by Ruhn 12/26/2023 4:59:30 PM Post Reply
A network of NGOs, or non-governmental organizations, seems to be playing a powerful role in coordinating the large-scale invasion of illegals at the US southern border. The new website Muckraker revealed a treasure trove of "mass migration blueprints," handed out by NGOs across South and Central America to illegals with details about their route to the US. "The collapse of the US southern border is the result of a carefully planned and deliberately executed industrial mass migration program," Muckraker said.
Sen. Susan Collins Is Hard at Work Crafting
Gun Control Legislation for the Troops
21 replies
Posted by Hazymac 12/26/2023 8:08:22 AM Post Reply
Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) is working on legislation ostensibly intended to prevent mass shootings like the one that happened in Maine on October 27. The tragic incident took place when Robert Card, a member of the Armed Forces, went on a spree in various locations, killing 18 people. He was later found dead after a manhunt. It was later revealed that Card had a history of mental illness and had even threatened violence against his fellow servicemembers at a military base. Yet, he was still able to legally purchase a firearm despite Maine’s yellow flag law, which allows for the temporary seizure of firearms from those deemed to be a risk
Former GOP Rep. Fortenberry’s Conviction
of Lying to Feds Reversed by Appeals Court
After Defense Lawyers Argued FBI “Set
Up” Congressman
20 replies
Posted by Imright 12/27/2023 3:46:46 AM Post Reply
An appeals court wiped out a conviction of a former Congressman after defense lawyers argued the FBI “set up” the lawmaker. Nebraska GOP Congressman Jeff Fortenberry last year resigned from Congress after being convicted of lying to the FBI. “Due to the difficulties of my current circumstances, I can no longer serve you effectively,” Fortenberry said in a statement. Kevin McCarthy joined then-Speaker Pelosi and called for Fortenberry to step down last year.“I think when someone’s convicted, it’s time to resign,” McCarthy told reporters last year, according to Politico. “Congressman Fortenberry’s conviction represents a breach of the public trust and confidence in his ability to serve. No one is above the law,” Pelosi,
With support for Biden fading, and the
corruption case building, will he quit
the presidential race?
20 replies
Posted by Moritz55 12/26/2023 3:01:02 PM Post Reply
"I have decided that I will no longer be a candidate for president in the 2024 election." Most Democrats and the vast majority of voters overall hope that Joe Biden will utter those words sometime before the party’s national convention, which convenes in Chicago next August. It could happen. More importantly, it should happen. Polls show that Biden is deeply unpopular. Beyond serious concerns about his advanced age and diminished mental acuity, his job performance on every major policy issue that Americans care about is a dismal report card of inept management or misjudgment.
Ex-Tennessee Official Admits Selling ‘Hundreds’
of Fake Driver’s Licenses to Illegal
Immigrants with Her Husband
20 replies
Posted by Beardo 12/26/2023 1:37:34 PM Post Reply
A former Tennessee official and her husband pleaded guilty on Thursday to illegally producing “hundreds” (of) Tennessee driver’s licenses for sale to illegal immigrants. Cheryl Huff and husband Mario Paz-Mejia, both of Knoxville, pleaded guilty to one “count of conspiracy to produce, without lawful authority, identification documents or false identification documents,” according to the Department of Justice (DOJ), which revealed in a press release that Huff abused her position at the Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security (TDSHS) to create the illicit documents.
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