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Posts on Saturday, December 16, 2023

Russian soldiers carve swastikas into
foreheads of Ukrainian captives in horrific
war crime, harrowing images reveal
Posted by Imright 12/16/2023 11:56:14 PM Post Reply
Russian soldiers have carved swastikas into the foreheads of Ukrainian prisoners of war, a doctor has claimed. A Ukrainian soldier named only as Serhiy was found mutilated and with psychological trauma upon returning to his home country from Russian captivity. Dr Olexandr Turkevich said he has been treating Serhiy, who told him how Russian soldiers threatened to 'take him apart piece by piece' while in their care.'I want your children to know that you're fascist. That's why I am cutting deep,' a Russian soldier allegedly told Serhiy, who was blindfolded, while carving into his face.
Biden Admin To Desecrate Graves In Removal
Of Civil War Memorial From Arlington National Cemetery
Posted by Christopher L 12/16/2023 10:04:57 PM Post Reply
The Democrats’ march to Year Zero continues apace with the Biden regime’s proposed removal of a Civil War Memorial that marks the grave of the memorial’s Jewish sculptor who is buried at its base. The memorial’s removal would also necessarily desecrate the graves of numerous Confederate soldiers buried nearby. The memorial is intended to celebrate the post-war reconciliation of the North and South, a celebration of unity that apparently rankles Democrats and their rabid desire for division and destruction.
Barack Obama 'thinks Joe Biden could LOSE
the White House next year', with president's
polls continuing to tank as worries over
his age and cost of living crisis persist
Posted by Imright 12/16/2023 8:48:07 PM Post Reply
Barack Obama is concerned about Joe Biden's prospects for next year's election and 'feels that Democrats very well could lose', according to a report. With Donald Trump edging ahead in polls, and concerns about the president's age, immigration, Israel policy and economic plan denting confidence, a person described by The Wall Street Journal as being familiar with Obama's thinking said the former president was troubled. Trump leads by 2 points in the RealClearPolitics polling average. Obama 'knows this is going to be a close race', the source said, and 'feels that Democrats very well could lose' the 2024 election. Obama worries that 'the alternative is pretty dangerous for democracy,' the person said.
Ron DeSantis Challenges Donald Trump to
Debate Ahead of Iowa Caucus
Posted by Imright 12/16/2023 8:38:11 PM Post Reply
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is urging former President Donald Trump to debate him ahead of the Iowa caucus, which takes place January 15, following former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley agreeing to appear in CNN’s Hawkeye State debate. “If Donald Trump and Nikki Haley are going to continue to spend millions against me on television with false attacks, they should at least have the courage to meet on the debate stage,” DeSantis said in a Friday post on X. “Now that Nikki Haley has been shamed into coming to the CNN debate, it’s time for Donald Trump to follow suit and join us,” DeSantis added: (X)
Republicans Introduce Bill Prohibiting
VA Health Resources From Being Used for
Illegal Immigrants
Posted by Imright 12/16/2023 8:21:16 PM Post Reply
This week, two Republicans introduced legislation that would prevent the Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) health care resources from being used for illegal immigrants. According to a report from Fox News, Alabama Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R) and Illinois Rep. Mike Bost (R) unveiled the legislation, called the “No VA Resources for Illegal Aliens Act.” This reportedly came after Fox News reported on complaints stating that the VA was providing healthcare services to illegal immigrants and lengthening wait times for veterans.
FBI will reportedly adopt ‘LGBTQIA+
acronym’ at behest of one of their ‘nine
Diversity Advisory Committees’
Posted by Imright 12/16/2023 7:10:08 PM Post Reply
Proving once again that its priorities have swung like a rainbow-colored wrecking ball away from its mission to “protect and defend the United States against terrorist and foreign intelligence threats” and “to uphold and enforce the criminal laws of the United States,” the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) issued a statement announcing that it is adding extra letters to the alphabet soup that is LGTB+ inclusivity. Fear not that the President of the United States and his son are being accused of potentially treasonous acts or that people on the actual terrorist watchlist are entering the country across open borders, the FBI is now tacking “IA” onto the “LGTBQ+” acronym,
Fired New York Times Editor James Bennet:
The Times 'Lost Its Way'
Posted by Imright 12/16/2023 7:01:54 PM Post Reply
In the day, it was a news-grabbing story. NewsBusters’ own Curtis Houck headlined the story when it happened in 2020. They Have Their Scalp: NYT Editor Bows to Mob, Resigns Over Tom Cotton Column... Curtis opened with this: In the latest blow to free speech, outside criticism, and exposure to opposing views, the woke, snowflake-laden New York Times and Philadelphia Inquirer newsrooms forced the resignations Sunday afternoon of opinion editor James Bennet and executive editor Stan Wischnowski, respectively. For Bennet, he was shoved out after his section published a June 3 op-ed by Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR)
Last Refuge of a Scoundrel replies
Posted by Hazymac 12/16/2023 6:54:13 PM Post Reply
I long for the days when an observer could plausibly write that patriotism was the last refuge of a scoundrel. Today’s scoundrels hate our country and mock its institutions, a much worse state of affairs. The most recent instance is one Aidan Maese-Czeropski, a legislative aide to Senator Ben Cardin of Maryland. Maese-Czeropski, a homosexual, made and posted online an amateur porn video of himself receiving anal sex in what I understand to be the Senate Judiciary Committee’s hearing room. You can see an expurgated version of the video at the link. More about Mr. Maese-Czeropski, who was featured in a 2020 Biden campaign ad, here.
President Trump at Rally in Durham, New
Hampshire: “Joe Biden, He is Truly The
Worst and Most Incompetent and Most Corrupt
President in the History of Our Country”
Posted by Imright 12/16/2023 6:36:04 PM Post Reply
President Trump was in Durham, New Hampshire, for a rally on Saturday, delivering a speech to a very energetic crowd. He strongly criticized the Biden regime for corruption and incompetence. Newsmax reported: Denouncing President Joe Biden unleashing “hell” on America, former President Donald Trump hailed “what a difference a president can make; it really does make a difference.” “Joe Biden is a low-IQ individual,” Trump told his Durham, New Hampshire, campaign rally in a speech that aired live and in its entirety on Newsmax. “He is truly the worst, most incompetent, and most corrupt president in the history of our country.
Gloves Off: Elon Musk Writes That DEI
Initiatives Must DIE – And That Diversity,
Equity, and Inclusion Are ‘Just Propaganda Words’
Posted by Imright 12/16/2023 6:23:45 PM Post Reply
Political correctness has invaded every corner of life in many Western societies, mostly with a detrimental effect. In the corporate environment, the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives are a shining example of something that may have seemed great in theory, but in real life is developing into yet another big problem. Billionaire Elon Musk, the owner of X/Twitter, Tesla, and SpaceX, claimed that DEI replaces discrimination with ‘different discrimination,’ labeling them ‘propaganda words.’
Contemporary touches planned for rebuild
of Notre Dame Cathedral draw the ire of
critics: ‘Abstract crap’
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/16/2023 5:57:35 PM Post Reply
Notre Dame Cathedral is now the target of a literal attempt to “build back better” after French leaders called to add a “mark of the 21st century” with a contest to redesign prominent features. On Dec. 8, French President Emmanuel Macron visited the restoration effort of the famed cathedral, marking the one-year countdown from the expected completion following the April 2019 fire. It was then that the progressive leader announced plans to include a contemporary twist on the landmark by way of a design contest. “I fully support [the idea],” Macron told reporters regarding the request from Archbishop of Paris Monsignor Laurent Ulrich
Senate Sodomite in Capitol Sex Tape Is
the Latest Attempt by Biden to 'Bring
Back Decency'
Posted by Hazymac 12/16/2023 5:47:36 PM Post Reply
Once upon a time, a president whom I shall call "Slick Willy," using a form of sorcery unbeknownst to modern man, transformed a starry-eyed intern into a consensual humidor in the Oval Office. Ta-DA! Some believe the real magic was that he kept his job, but, as a Democrat, that was the easy part. And it was just the beginning. Today, Joe Biden and his myrmidons in the Democrat Party are using their useful idiots to tear down every stitch of decency in American politics. They are doing this on purpose — as per the 45 goals of Communism — and are employing their most broken malcontents to carry out the mission.
WATCH: Cleveland Monsters Fans Throw 16K
Stuffed Toys onto Ice for Needy Children
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/16/2023 5:34:31 PM Post Reply
The Cleveland Monsters hockey team got tons of help at Friday night’s game with its efforts to bless local children for Christmas. The annual Teddy Bear Toss night at Rocket Mortgage FieldHouse, in which fans love to participate, was a huge success, according to the News-Herald, which said the donated toys will go to needy children in Cleveland. An image shows some of the stuffed toys scattered on the ice: [video] The first period of the game between the Monsters and Belleville Senators did not result in a score; however, fans could not wait to toss the stuffed animals they brought onto the ice once the Monsters made a goal,
Too Funny – CNN Begins Apoplexy Narrative
Around “Missing” 10 Inch Declassified
Dossier That Details Trump-Russia Conspiracy
Posted by earlybird 12/16/2023 5:23:40 PM Post Reply
Big picture #1 – The FBI/DOJ is now seriously worried that President Trump will win the 2024 election. Big picture #2 – CNN ((snip)Bertrand, Evan Perez and Zachary Cohen) mouthpieces for the FBI Trump-Russia collusion conspiracy fraud, now begin positioning defenses against Trump’s evidence of the fabrication. They want to proactively stop the dossier they know consists of the evidence.
It seems like end of road for iconic American
car as Chevy Camaro production stops
Posted by NorthernDog 12/16/2023 5:15:45 PM Post Reply
According to multiple industry sources and trade reports, General Motors has stopped production of its Chevrolet Camaro this week. GM Authority, citing an unnamed source, reported that Dec. 14 was the last day of production. Road and Track reports that a GM representative confirmed the end of production. The earliest version of the Camaro was produced in 1966, with multiple generations following. Camaros are known as "pony" cars, which are sporty commercial models. The current sixth generation of Camaros was introduced in 2016. The end of Camaro production comes as General Motors, Chevrolet's parent company, revealed plans to lay off
Can’t We Phase Out Climate Change Instead? replies
Posted by Hazymac 12/16/2023 5:09:55 PM Post Reply
At the COP28 climate summit in Dubai this December, the climate change world was waiting with bated breath for a final document that would declare war on fossil fuels. The 70,000 delegates at the United Nations-sponsored event in the oil-rich nation of the United Arab Emirates hoped for a radical turning point where countries might agree to the “phase-out” of the production and consumption of oil, gas, and coal by mid-century. For much of the conference, the debate was centered on whether to use the term “phase-out” or “phase-down” to describe the pace of the process to keep world temperature increase frozen at 1.5 degrees Celsius. Either term
Big Picture Debrief – We Are in an Abusive
Relationship, Accepting Isolation
Posted by earlybird 12/16/2023 5:09:52 PM Post Reply
I initially considered a password protect post for this, but the issue is important enough that messaging a larger audience carries a greater value.(smip)I have noted several times in the past few years that the nature of our relationship with government seems to have shifted. Specifically, We The People now appear to be in an abusive relationship with government. In all abusive relationships there is a common set of behaviors; the DC control system is following a familiar pattern. My recent research trips helped me to understand exactly how severe and deep this shift has become. Certain abusers distort reality in the mind of their victims through gaslighting.
Wallingford-Swarthmore School District
‘Bans’ Christmas Decorations on Buses
and Restricts Employees’ from Wearing
Christmas Attire
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/16/2023 5:07:43 PM Post Reply
In a recent memo addressed to all drivers and aides, Wallingford-Swarthmore School District in Pennsylvania outlined new guidelines regarding holiday decorations and attire. The Gateway Pundit obtained the memo, issued on December 15, 2023, by Patti Diaferio, Transportation Supervisor at Wallingford-Swarthmore School District, cites concerns raised by parents about district employees displaying Christmas-themed decorations and clothing. According to the memo, the directive follows complaints received by Dr. Marseille, a senior figure in the district. Employees who have decorated their buses with Christmas or other religious-specific items are instructed to remove them immediately. This policy extends to personal attire, prohibiting employees from wearing clothing related to Christmas or any other religious holiday.
Here Comes the 'Binder' Freakout: The
Latest Media Nonsense to Try to Take Down Trump
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/16/2023 4:21:55 PM Post Reply
Former President Donald Trump is increasing his lead over Joe Biden in the polls. Democrats and other assorted anti-Trump folks are losing their minds that he might win again. The lawfare leveled against him hasn't stopped people from supporting him. So the anti-Trump crew is making all kinds of hilarious predictions about Trump and what he might do in order to try to ward people off from voting for him — everything from he's going to shoot people in the street to somehow he's going to shut down the internet and misuse the "doomsday book." It's so stupid, but it shows how desperate they are.
‘Tis the Season for Bambi Fajitas replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/16/2023 3:09:43 PM Post Reply
Winter’s here along with the usual reports of an epidemic of deer-car collisions in the northeast. Few such reports issue from Louisiana, or Dixie in general. An incident a few years back helps explains why so few deer "problems" bedevil us in Dixie. The Louisiana Department of Wildlife put a plastic deer with luminous eyes beside a well-traveled bayou highway, planning to stake the place out that night and maybe nab some night-hunting poachers. When they came back a little later for the actual stakeout, that deer was already ... remember Bonnie and Clyde at the end of the movie?
Kari Lake’s Bid to Raise Arizona replies
Posted by Moritz55 12/16/2023 3:03:37 PM Post Reply
The road to the Trump White House winds through Arizona, and that means Kari Lake’s Senate bid is critical. The question for Republicans in the state is whether they’ll get on board with the Lake candidacy and help Donald Trump win the presidency and the GOP control of the Senate. Kari Lake, who ran for governor of Arizona and was beaten by a mostly absent Katie Hobbs and lots of ballot shenanigans in the Republican-controlled Maricopa County, has enemies. Lake has been shunned by some McCain-loving and Trump-hating Arizona Republicans. In her first book, Unafraid, she writes of an embarrassing interaction with then-Gov. Doug Ducey
Bill Maher Brutally Eviscerates Palestinian
Grievances in Less Than 10 Minutes
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/16/2023 3:01:11 PM Post Reply
I’m waiting for Bill Maher to roll out an inaccurate commentary that rips conservatives, but he hasn’t done that lately. The liberal HBO host has been chiefly directing his firepower toward those on his side of the aisle for their historically illiterate and illiberal tendencies. The HBO host has been riding an asphalt roller over the far left for their pro-Hamas advocacy that’s now infested the highest echelons of American academia. He rightfully torched the college presidents who couldn’t condemn or say that chants for Jewish genocide constitute harassment. The comedian also noted that these institutions are factories for breeding a “bunch of f**king idiots,”
Washington should support, not shame, Israel replies
Posted by Moritz55 12/16/2023 2:56:29 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden should be leading public opinion on Israel's effort to eliminate Hamas, not using his office to shame our close ally. Unfortunately, after a strong start in the immediate aftermath of the terrorist pogrom of Oct. 7, Biden has allowed himself to be dragged into equivocation by the pro-Hamas/Palestinian Left and has thus become a less effective advocate for good than he should be. Speaking at a fundraiser on Tuesday, Biden observed that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government was "losing" the world's support for its campaign in Gaza. He lambasted what he falsely claimed was "indiscriminate bombing" by Israel. This is demagogic and dangerous.
Law Firm Announces it Will No Longer Recruit
at Harvard University Due to President’s
Congressional Testimony
Posted by DW626 12/16/2023 2:46:10 PM Post Reply
The fallout continues for Harvard University. A law firm has just announced that it will no longer recruit from the school, due to the controversy surrounding Harvard President Claudine Gay, who failed to flatly condemn students on campus calling for the genocide of Jews. Gay has also been exposed as a plagiarist, but the school is standing by her. It’s amazing how much damage all of this has done to the school’s brand. A law firm will cease on-campus recruiting of Harvard Law students due to the university president’s recent congressional testimony, telling Fox News Digital the move will be in place until there is a “sea change” on campus.
Which of these people is a different species? replies
Posted by Big Bopper 12/16/2023 1:55:41 PM Post Reply
A guy named Joachim Neander lived in a German valley about 400 years ago. He was a bigwig in the valley, and it came to be called “Neander’s Valley” or, in German, “Neanderhohle.” The name evolved with the language, and it morphed into “Neandertal” or “Neanderthal.” (Pseudo-linguists still debate which is right.) In a weird coincidence, the Neanderthal Valley is where they first discovered fossilized remains of an ancient human called “Neanderthal.” (What are the odds of that?) The fossils suggested that this particular Neanderthal was no ordinary human. He/she/they/it was very sturdy. The people who found him decided he was brute, in a bad way. He became the prototypical caveman.
Hamas Calls for Violence Against Americans,
and So Does This Michigan Imam
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/16/2023 1:47:46 PM Post Reply
Could the war in Israel spread to the United States? Sure. Some people want it to. Hamas has never made a secret of the fact that its goal of destroying Israel is just part of a larger jihad to conquer the entire world for Islam. And so it was inevitable, both in light of that aspiration and the Biden regime’s shaky but still subsisting support for Israel’s defensive effort, that Hamas jihadis would call for violence against Americans. What is more surprising, at least for those who have bought into the comforting establishment fictions that have been circulating since 9/11, is that one such call came from right here at home.
Hungary blocks €50bn of EU funding
for Ukraine
Posted by 4250Luis 12/16/2023 1:39:32 PM Post Reply
Hungary has blocked €50bn ($55bn; £43bn) in EU aid for Ukraine - just hours after an agreement was reached on starting membership talks. Summary of the nightshift: veto for the extra money to Ukraine," Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said after Thursday's talks in Brussels. EU leaders said Ukraine would not be left without support. Ukraine is critically dependent on EU and US funding as it continues to fight occupying Russian forces.
Hungary’s Viktor Orban: Is one man blackmailing
the EU?
Posted by 4250Luis 12/16/2023 1:34:00 PM Post Reply
The political rollercoaster that unfolded in Brussels this week was astonishing even for the most veteran watchers of European summits. As EU leaders met for the last time before the Christmas holidays, all eyes were on one man: Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban. He is perceived as the Kremlin's closest ally in Europe, and is the only EU leader who met face-to-face with Vladimir Putin this year. As his voice grew louder with threats that he would block two crucial decisions on Ukraine, speculation in Brussels was rife about how the negotiations would go down. Would Mr Orban torpedo the summit?
As green energy funds drop in value, investors
are fleeing: Will it be the end of ESG?
Posted by Beardo 12/16/2023 1:22:17 PM Post Reply
In 2018, Bank of the West issued policy statements vowing to limit the business it would do with fossil fuel companies. (snip) The iShares Global Clean Energy exchange traded fund (ETF) is down 36.59% this year as of Wednesday, and the S&P Global Clean Energy Index is down more than 30%. That’s compared to the S&P 500 Index, which rose more than 23% YTD as of December 12.
Budget Deficit Forces San Francisco to
Eliminate Reparations Office
Posted by Beardo 12/16/2023 12:51:25 PM Post Reply
A crushing budget deficit has forced San Francisco Mayor London Breed to eliminate the budget of the Office of Reparations, which was considering lavish payouts to long-term black residents of the city, though it never practiced or allowed slavery. (snip) Despite these challenges, as Breitbart News reported, San Francisco leaders were considering reparations for long-term black residents, and were floating sums in the range of $5 million, though these were not based on any precise mathematical calculations. Now, however, Mayor Breed has cut the program.
Why is Harvard giving Claudine Gay ‘plagiarism privilege’? replies
Posted by Ida Lou Pino 12/16/2023 12:31:07 PM Post Reply
Boy, are the powers-that-be at Harvard invested in protecting President Claudine Gay — not just over her telling fumbles on antisemitism, but on multiple indications of plagiarism in her (scant) published academic work. Concerns that Harvard not only kept secret, but deployed high-powered attorneys to try to quash.The Post began investigating Gay’s potential plagiarism weeks before her disastrous Dec. 5 House testimony on antisemitism, reaching out to Harvard Oct. 24 for comment on dozens of suspect passages.
Mark Zuckerberg Building Top-Secret Hawaii
Doomsday-Bunker With Blast-Resistant Door
Posted by zephyrgirl 12/16/2023 11:42:40 AM Post Reply
A Wired investigation reveals Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is building a massive underground bunker with a "blast-resistant door" to survive the end times. For years, Zuckerberg has added hundreds of acres to his controversial 1,500-acre ranch in Kauai, Hawaii. Much of that has been known, but now new planning documents reveal a "5,000-square-foot underground shelter" equipped with "own energy and food supplies" is being constructed, according to the tech blog, citing public planning documents obtained through public records requests.
Pentagon BLOCKED from sending taxpayer
dollars to Wuhan lab: Congress takes action
in defense bill after $47 million was
funneled into grants for 'reprehensible'
animal experimentation - including at
China's COVID lab-leak site
Posted by Imright 12/16/2023 10:59:57 AM Post Reply
Congress is taking action to block the Pentagon from using taxpayer dollars to fund risky animal coronavirus research in Wuhan, China. A provision within the fiscal year 2024 defense authorization bill, which passed the House and Senate this week, prohibits the Pentagon from funding experiments at the Wuhan Institute of Virology - which is at the center of the COVID-19 lab-leak theory. Sen. Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, who included the measure in the NDAA, told in an exclusive interview this week that American dollars 'have been diverted in the past to institutions in communist China.'
Leftists And The ‘Imperial Presidency’ replies
Posted by Imright 12/16/2023 10:46:39 AM Post Reply
The Constitution created a chief executive who was supposed to have very few powers. His remit was foreign policy. Individual states weren’t allowed to deal directly with foreign powers, so that was left to the President. No police power exists in the Constitution, so disputes between the states would be dealt with by the Courts. The powers of the Congress were originally limited to a series of specific acts beginning with “To borrow money…” in Article I, Section 8. This didn’t leave a lot of room for a pen and a phone. Unfortunately, the Supreme Court decided to ignore that original meaning in 1936, when it ruled
White House Sets Border Deal: 1 Million
Illegals Per Year and $61 Billion for Ukraine
Posted by Imright 12/16/2023 10:43:14 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden’s border chief has a deal for the GOP: He will carefully cap illegal migration at one million a year if the GOP approves $61 billion for war in Ukraine, according to press reports. The offer would double pre-2021 immigration numbers, but it is a “good faith offer,” said one of the four GOP negotiators told reporters.“We’re at 11,000” illegal migrants per day or roughly 4 million migrants in a year, Sen. Thom Tillis told CBS on December 13, adding: We’ve seen what the White House has sent over … We’ve got to get somewhere closer to … 2,000 [migrants] a day [or 700,000 a year],
Exclusive: Six-figure eco king who is
in the EIGHTH GRADE: 13-year-old earns
$240,000 a year from sustainability company
Posted by Imright 12/16/2023 8:24:14 AM Post Reply
Kaeden Patel is like any teenager - he loves video games, sports and eating too much candy. But unlike most boys his age, the 13-year-old makes a six-figure salary after starting up his own company. The entrepreneur - and his 11-year-old business partner- launched a eco education company that teaches children about how they can help save the planet.Kaeden now has to be home-schooled because he spreads his time between Canada, London and New York, attending conferences and meeting clients. But he still makes time for daily meetings with his business partner Vasco Connor, 11, who is from Singapore.
Biden Administration Empowered Iran's
Terror Group, the Houthis
Posted by 4250Luis 12/16/2023 6:42:20 AM Post Reply
The Houthis have been fortunate to have, as a powerful patron and sponsor, Iran. Their backers in Tehran will not let them run out of ammunition and the Biden administration will not let the Iranian regime run out of funds. Iran has been employing every political and military tactic possible -- including racing toward nuclear weapons capability -- to complete its objectives of annihilating Israel, driving the United States out of the Middle East, and establishing an Islamist caliphate. Does anyone seriously think that if Iran finally acquires a nuclear bomb, they will not use it -- or at least threaten to?
Looking Like Sen Staffer Who Dissed Jewish
Congressman Just About What We Figured Update
Posted by Dreadnought 12/16/2023 12:45:37 AM Post Reply
A “delightful, well-bred young man who is a credit to his employer and his parents” is the first thing that springs to mind, right? Maybe 20 years ago. Lemme set the WayBack Machine, Sherman, for the halls of Congress – two days ago. Congressman Max Miller, who just happens to be Jewish, was trucking along, minding his own p’s and q’s, when a House staffer smart-mouthed off to him, right in front of an NBC reporter, God, and everybody else in the hallway. Snapshot from the halls of the Hill: a House staffer just passed by GOP Rep. Max Miller —who is Jewish and has been supportive of sending aide to Israel
TV Says You’re Wrong, Joe Biden’s
Economy Is Really Wonderful
Posted by Imright 12/16/2023 12:43:13 AM Post Reply
As polls show Joe Biden’s re-election is in peril because of the public’s negative opinion of how he’s handled the economy, TV viewers woke up Friday morning to a round of happy talk telling them that, despite what they might think, the economy is really quite spectacular. “The economy is in solid shape. Job growth is steady and inflation is cooling,” ABC’s Elizabeth Schulze exclaimed on Good Morning America. Over on Today, NBC’s Tom Costello cheered that travel will be cheaper this Christmas: “Gas prices now below $3 a gallon in more than 20 states,
Wikipedia Editors Downplay Controversies
Surrounding Harvard President Claudine Gay
Posted by Imright 12/16/2023 12:33:25 AM Post Reply
Wikipedia editors have been actively trying to minimize mention of plagiarism allegations raised against embattled Harvard President Claudine Gay. This has included removing mention of the allegations from the intro of her article and removing detailed descriptions of the alleged plagiarism. Some editors have also tried to minimize mention of Gay’s handling of campus antisemitism in the wake of the Hamas terror attacks against Israel. Wikipedia editors have also removed all mention of the campus antisemitism controversy from the online encyclopedia’s article on Harvard University itself.
Free Speech Win: VA Supreme Court Revives
Lawsuit by Teacher Fired for Not Using
Trans Student’s Pronouns
Posted by Dreadnought 12/16/2023 12:33:13 AM Post Reply
Virginia’s Supreme Court has revived a lawsuit filed by a high school teacher who was fired for refusing to use a transgender student’s preferred pronouns. The court’s action happened on Thursday, according to the Washington Post. Virginia Supreme Court puts school boards on notice: preferred pronoun mandates won’t fare well Big win for @ADFLegal & @JasonMiyaresVA, bad sign for @VASchoolBoards Virginians enjoy stronger conscience rights than under U.S. Constitution — Greg Piper (@gregpiper) December 15, 2023 The newspaper continued: In a split 143-page decision, the justices overturned a lower court decision dismissing Peter Vlaming’s case, which has drawn national attention because it pitted the hotly contested issues of transgender rights and religious freedom against each other
Watch: Hamas Fires Rockets Toward Jerusalem
Holy Sites; Iron Dome Intercepts
Posted by Imright 12/16/2023 12:14:39 AM Post Reply
The Palestinian terrorist group Hamas fired rockets toward Jerusalem on Friday evening, as both Jews and Muslims were participating in prayers, endangering the Dome of the Rock, the Western Wall, and the Al-Aqsa Mosque. The rockets were intercepted and disabled by Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense system, whose trails could be seen across the evening sky. This is astounding. Hamas fired rockets over the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, the third holiest site in the world for Muslims. If one of the rockets strikes the holy site, it will be World War III.
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