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Hungary blocks €50bn of EU funding
for Ukraine

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Posted By: 4250Luis, 12/16/2023 1:39:32 PM

Hungary has blocked €50bn ($55bn; £43bn) in EU aid for Ukraine - just hours after an agreement was reached on starting membership talks. Summary of the nightshift: veto for the extra money to Ukraine," Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said after Thursday's talks in Brussels. EU leaders said Ukraine would not be left without support. Ukraine is critically dependent on EU and US funding as it continues to fight occupying Russian forces.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: DVC 12/16/2023 3:04:41 PM (No. 1618732)
Russian influence in Hungary is strong.
1 person likes this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Roscoelewis 12/16/2023 6:01:05 PM (No. 1618799)
I suspect Putin has Viktor Orban by the gonads somehow.
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Reply 3 - Posted by: mifla 12/17/2023 4:59:37 AM (No. 1618989)
Ukraine is running out of soldiers. Read an article that "recruiters" are combing the country and literally kidnapping men to serve in the military. Reminds me of the British press gangs of old.
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Hungary blocks €50bn of EU funding
for Ukraine
3 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 12/16/2023 1:39:32 PM Post Reply
Hungary has blocked €50bn ($55bn; £43bn) in EU aid for Ukraine - just hours after an agreement was reached on starting membership talks. Summary of the nightshift: veto for the extra money to Ukraine," Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said after Thursday's talks in Brussels. EU leaders said Ukraine would not be left without support. Ukraine is critically dependent on EU and US funding as it continues to fight occupying Russian forces.
Hungary’s Viktor Orban: Is one man blackmailing
the EU?
2 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 12/16/2023 1:34:00 PM Post Reply
The political rollercoaster that unfolded in Brussels this week was astonishing even for the most veteran watchers of European summits. As EU leaders met for the last time before the Christmas holidays, all eyes were on one man: Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban. He is perceived as the Kremlin's closest ally in Europe, and is the only EU leader who met face-to-face with Vladimir Putin this year. As his voice grew louder with threats that he would block two crucial decisions on Ukraine, speculation in Brussels was rife about how the negotiations would go down. Would Mr Orban torpedo the summit?
Biden Administration Empowered Iran's
Terror Group, the Houthis
9 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 12/16/2023 6:42:20 AM Post Reply
The Houthis have been fortunate to have, as a powerful patron and sponsor, Iran. Their backers in Tehran will not let them run out of ammunition and the Biden administration will not let the Iranian regime run out of funds. Iran has been employing every political and military tactic possible -- including racing toward nuclear weapons capability -- to complete its objectives of annihilating Israel, driving the United States out of the Middle East, and establishing an Islamist caliphate. Does anyone seriously think that if Iran finally acquires a nuclear bomb, they will not use it -- or at least threaten to?
Unprecedented tensions between White House
and Netanyahu as Biden feels political
price for standing with Israel
20 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 12/14/2023 6:01:02 AM Post Reply
Joe Biden held Israel closer than any American president ever has in the horrific days after the Hamas attacks on October 7. But more than two months later, following days upon end of Israeli strikes in Gaza that have killed thousands of civilians, unprecedented tensions are widening between the White House and the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Biden accused Israel, for example, of carrying out “indiscriminate” bombing in an off-camera political event this week. He used exceedingly blunt language, which typically causes pushback from Israel’s leaders, who insist they try to spare civilians but accuse Hamas of using innocent Palestinians as cover.
Judge Hands Trump Major Victory In 2020
Election Case
9 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 12/13/2023 4:34:37 PM Post Reply
Obama-appointed District Judge Tanya Chutkan paused former President Donald Trump’s 2020 election trial schedule while the appeal for his presidential immunity claim is pending. In early December, Chutkan rejected Trump’s bid to have his case dismissed based on presidential immunity, prompting Trump to appeal to the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals. Chutkan agreed Wednesday to pause pre-trial deadlines and further proceedings pending the appeals court’s decision. “[T]he court agrees with both parties that Defendant’s appeal automatically stays any further proceedings that would move this case towards trial or impose additional burdens of litigation on Defendant,” Chutkan wrote Wednesday.
Harvard covered up secret plagiarism probe
into president Claudine Gay during antisemitism
storm — threatened The Post
13 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 12/13/2023 8:25:05 AM Post Reply
Harvard University covered up a high-level investigation into whether its controversial president was a plagiarist — and used an expensive law firm to threaten The Post over our own probe. The college announced Tuesday morning that it had investigated Claudine Gay over whether some of her academic work was plagiarized and had cleared her of breaching the college’s “standards for research misconduct.” Instead, it said that she would request four corrections in two publications to insert citations and quotation marks that were originally “omitted.”
Iowa poll: Trump surpasses 50% support
ahead of first GOP contest
6 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 12/11/2023 6:28:05 AM Post Reply
Former President Donald Trump has expanded his lead over his GOP rivals with five weeks until the first Republican presidential nominating contest, now earning 51% first-choice support from likely Iowa caucusgoers, according to the latest NBC News/Des Moines Register/Mediacom poll. Trump’s lead — the largest recorded so close to a competitive Republican caucus in this Iowa poll’s history — is fueled by majorities of evangelical and first-time likely caucusgoers, as well as by nearly three-quarters of Republicans who believe Trump can defeat President Joe Biden next year despite the legal challenges the former president faces.
Thousand of blue state residents flock
to Idaho and they bring conservative
politics with them: data
18 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 12/11/2023 6:06:25 AM Post Reply
Thousands of conservative-leaning Washington residents fled the deep blue state for neigboring Idaho, voter data published by the Gem State shows. Data published by the Idaho Secretary of State’s office shows that out of the nearly 119,000 people who recently moved to the state, 65% registered as Republicans, compared to just 12% registering as Democrats. The data, which was reviewed by Fox News Digital, show that out of the roughly 20,000 Americans who moved from Washington state to Idaho, 62% registered as Republicans, compared to 12% as Democrats, 24% as unaffiliated and 2% as "other."
Israel-Hamas war: The US vetoing the Gaza
ceasefire is a defining moment for the UN
14 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 12/10/2023 6:25:56 AM Post Reply
Before the draft resolution hit paper, the writing was on the wall. The US, as a permanent member of the UN Security Council, was always going to veto any move for a ceasefire and they all knew it as a matter of fact. For some, it was a matter of regret. On his way into the chamber, France's ambassador to the UN, Nicolas de Riviere, put it this way: "A resolution failing because of veto is a failure of the UN Security Council." Mr de Riviere wanted more time to negotiate towards an agreement and spoke of the danger of driving "the Security Council car against the wall".
Front-page anti-Israel animus at The Washington Post 10 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 12/10/2023 6:24:01 AM Post Reply
It was telling, and not unexpected, to see the front-page, above-the-fold placement of the Washington Post article “Young Palestinians describe harsh treatment in Israeli jails” (12/04/23) describing alleged Israeli mistreatment of Palestinian prisoners. With the origin of the recent Israeli/Palestinian war being the broken ceasefire and subsequent barbaric massacre by Hamas of 1,200 innocent Israeli civilians from infants to the
3 reasons for the Democrat ‘great replacement’ 17 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 12/10/2023 6:21:57 AM Post Reply
In the fourth, and hopefully final GOP debate, Vivek Ramaswamy created an uproar when he stated that “the Great Replacement Theory is not some grand right-wing conspiracy theory, but a basic statement of a Democratic Party’s platform.” He stated the truth, as Democrats have touted this premise for the past handful of years, from Joe Biden to Chuck Schumer and more. Politico concluded in 2013 that “amnesty for millions of illegal aliens would be an electoral bonanza for Democrats and cripple Republican prospects in many states they now win easily.” Van Jones threw a hissy fit in providing his, ahem, (mischaracterization) of Ramaswamy’s comments following the debate
A report rips Disney for freebies to its
local board. It omits gifts to top Florida politicians.
0 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 12/7/2023 9:56:00 PM Post Reply
A war of words — and regulation — escalated this week when a board, hand-picked by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, endorsed an audit alleging Disney World for decades used free park perks to improperly influence public officials and employees tasked with the oversight of the park. The audit claimed Disney gave complimentary annual passes and steep discounts to the public employees, calling the perks “akin to bribes.” A review of campaign finance records shows that some of Disney’s scrutinized perks have also long been enjoyed by Florida’s top politicians, even including DeSantis,
Most Active Articles (last 48 hours)
White House Sets Border Deal: 1 Million
Illegals Per Year and $61 Billion for Ukraine
62 replies
Posted by Imright 12/16/2023 10:43:14 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden’s border chief has a deal for the GOP: He will carefully cap illegal migration at one million a year if the GOP approves $61 billion for war in Ukraine, according to press reports. The offer would double pre-2021 immigration numbers, but it is a “good faith offer,” said one of the four GOP negotiators told reporters.“We’re at 11,000” illegal migrants per day or roughly 4 million migrants in a year, Sen. Thom Tillis told CBS on December 13, adding: We’ve seen what the White House has sent over … We’ve got to get somewhere closer to … 2,000 [migrants] a day [or 700,000 a year],
Majority of Americans 18-24 think Israel
should ‘be ended and given to Hamas’
42 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 12/17/2023 12:06:22 AM Post Reply
A majority of young Americans said they believe Israel should “be ended and given to Hamas,” according to a shocking poll. The survey, conducted THIS WEEK by Harvard-Harris polling, found 51% of Americans between the ages of 18 and 24 said they believed the long-term answer to the Israel-Palestinian conflict was for “Israel to be ended and given to Hamas and the Palestinians.” Only 32% said they believed in a two-state solution, and just 17% said other Arab states should be asked to absorb Palestinian populations. The figure was in stark contrast to other age groups, which all dramatically preferred a two-state solution. Just 4% of Americans 65 and over
New California law will raise minimum
wage for fast food workers to $20/hour
in 2024
36 replies
Posted by NorthernDog 12/17/2023 10:06:27 AM Post Reply
Some new California laws will change things up in the workplace in the new year. AB 1228 is increasing the minimum wage for fast food workers to $20 an hour. The law only applies to restaurants with more than 60 locations. NBC 7 spoke to a labor attorney who said it seems there may be a shift in how companies value an often-overlooked workforce. Christopher Olmstead is a labor and employment attorney, also managing shareholders, with Ogletree Deakins in San Diego. He said many industries have already adapted for several reasons. "Availability of workers to fill roles, that’s really putting
Barack Obama 'thinks Joe Biden could LOSE
the White House next year', with president's
polls continuing to tank as worries over
his age and cost of living crisis persist
34 replies
Posted by Imright 12/16/2023 8:48:07 PM Post Reply
Barack Obama is concerned about Joe Biden's prospects for next year's election and 'feels that Democrats very well could lose', according to a report. With Donald Trump edging ahead in polls, and concerns about the president's age, immigration, Israel policy and economic plan denting confidence, a person described by The Wall Street Journal as being familiar with Obama's thinking said the former president was troubled. Trump leads by 2 points in the RealClearPolitics polling average. Obama 'knows this is going to be a close race', the source said, and 'feels that Democrats very well could lose' the 2024 election. Obama worries that 'the alternative is pretty dangerous for democracy,' the person said.
Mark Zuckerberg Building Top-Secret Hawaii
Doomsday-Bunker With Blast-Resistant Door
34 replies
Posted by zephyrgirl 12/16/2023 11:42:40 AM Post Reply
A Wired investigation reveals Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is building a massive underground bunker with a "blast-resistant door" to survive the end times. For years, Zuckerberg has added hundreds of acres to his controversial 1,500-acre ranch in Kauai, Hawaii. Much of that has been known, but now new planning documents reveal a "5,000-square-foot underground shelter" equipped with "own energy and food supplies" is being constructed, according to the tech blog, citing public planning documents obtained through public records requests.
GOP Neocon Senator Lindsey Graham Suggests
Lack of Evidence Against Joe Biden’s
Corruption (Video)
29 replies
Posted by DW626 12/17/2023 2:54:50 PM Post Reply
In a recent episode of “Meet the Press,” GOP Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) appeared to suggest a lack of compelling evidence in the ongoing impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden. When questioned by host Kristen Welker about his stance on the allegations against Biden, Graham indicated that he has not been closely following the proceedings. His comments implied that for the inquiry to hold weight, it must demonstrate that Joe Biden benefited financially from his son Hunter Biden’s business dealings. Graham’s statement, “If there were a smoking gun, I think we’d be talking about it,”
Biden Admin To Desecrate Graves In Removal
Of Civil War Memorial From Arlington National Cemetery
29 replies
Posted by Christopher L 12/16/2023 10:04:57 PM Post Reply
The Democrats’ march to Year Zero continues apace with the Biden regime’s proposed removal of a Civil War Memorial that marks the grave of the memorial’s Jewish sculptor who is buried at its base. The memorial’s removal would also necessarily desecrate the graves of numerous Confederate soldiers buried nearby. The memorial is intended to celebrate the post-war reconciliation of the North and South, a celebration of unity that apparently rankles Democrats and their rabid desire for division and destruction.
“‘I Told You” — Former Rep. Madison
Cawthorn Reacts to Capitol’s Gay Sex
Scandal Following His Previous Revelations
About D.C. Orgies
27 replies
Posted by Imright 12/17/2023 5:45:25 AM Post Reply
Former Representative Madison Cawthorn has made headlines again, this time in reaction to a scandal involving a Capitol staffer. A young male staffer for Maryland Democrat Senator Ben Cardin was terminated following allegations of engaging in graphic sexual acts within the Hart Senate Office Building. The staffer, Aidan Maese-Czeropski, a recent college graduate, denied the allegations, claiming they are politically motivated and fabricated. Former congressman Madison Cawthorn (R-NC) has weighed in, providing his take on the unraveling events.
FBI will reportedly adopt ‘LGBTQIA+
acronym’ at behest of one of their ‘nine
Diversity Advisory Committees’
27 replies
Posted by Imright 12/16/2023 7:10:08 PM Post Reply
Proving once again that its priorities have swung like a rainbow-colored wrecking ball away from its mission to “protect and defend the United States against terrorist and foreign intelligence threats” and “to uphold and enforce the criminal laws of the United States,” the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) issued a statement announcing that it is adding extra letters to the alphabet soup that is LGTB+ inclusivity. Fear not that the President of the United States and his son are being accused of potentially treasonous acts or that people on the actual terrorist watchlist are entering the country across open borders, the FBI is now tacking “IA” onto the “LGTBQ+” acronym,
Budget Deficit Forces San Francisco to
Eliminate Reparations Office
27 replies
Posted by Beardo 12/16/2023 12:51:25 PM Post Reply
A crushing budget deficit has forced San Francisco Mayor London Breed to eliminate the budget of the Office of Reparations, which was considering lavish payouts to long-term black residents of the city, though it never practiced or allowed slavery. (snip) Despite these challenges, as Breitbart News reported, San Francisco leaders were considering reparations for long-term black residents, and were floating sums in the range of $5 million, though these were not based on any precise mathematical calculations. Now, however, Mayor Breed has cut the program.
Ron DeSantis Challenges Donald Trump to
Debate Ahead of Iowa Caucus
23 replies
Posted by Imright 12/16/2023 8:38:11 PM Post Reply
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is urging former President Donald Trump to debate him ahead of the Iowa caucus, which takes place January 15, following former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley agreeing to appear in CNN’s Hawkeye State debate. “If Donald Trump and Nikki Haley are going to continue to spend millions against me on television with false attacks, they should at least have the courage to meet on the debate stage,” DeSantis said in a Friday post on X. “Now that Nikki Haley has been shamed into coming to the CNN debate, it’s time for Donald Trump to follow suit and join us,” DeSantis added: (X)
Looking Like Sen Staffer Who Dissed Jewish
Congressman Just About What We Figured Update
23 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 12/16/2023 12:45:37 AM Post Reply
A “delightful, well-bred young man who is a credit to his employer and his parents” is the first thing that springs to mind, right? Maybe 20 years ago. Lemme set the WayBack Machine, Sherman, for the halls of Congress – two days ago. Congressman Max Miller, who just happens to be Jewish, was trucking along, minding his own p’s and q’s, when a House staffer smart-mouthed off to him, right in front of an NBC reporter, God, and everybody else in the hallway. Snapshot from the halls of the Hill: a House staffer just passed by GOP Rep. Max Miller —who is Jewish and has been supportive of sending aide to Israel
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