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TV Says You’re Wrong, Joe Biden’s
Economy Is Really Wonderful

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Posted By: Imright, 12/16/2023 12:43:13 AM

As polls show Joe Biden’s re-election is in peril because of the public’s negative opinion of how he’s handled the economy, TV viewers woke up Friday morning to a round of happy talk telling them that, despite what they might think, the economy is really quite spectacular. “The economy is in solid shape. Job growth is steady and inflation is cooling,” ABC’s Elizabeth Schulze exclaimed on Good Morning America. Over on Today, NBC’s Tom Costello cheered that travel will be cheaper this Christmas: “Gas prices now below $3 a gallon in more than 20 states,

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Reply 1 - Posted by: DVC 12/16/2023 1:10:13 AM (No. 1618406)
Well, Golly Gee, if it was on TeeVee, it must be the truth. Right? /s off That BS won't sell, to anyone.
28 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Ogden Pod 12/16/2023 1:27:19 AM (No. 1618412)
Reelecting Biden is not so much supporting him or favoring the policies he is pushing as it is a demonstration of power. Like all totalitarians, the bigger the lie they can sell to the masses the greater the validation of their authority.
23 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: DogFacedPonySoldier 12/16/2023 4:16:22 AM (No. 1618423)
Oh…. And there is no affordable housing crisis anywhere in the United States! The 20 million new fecund “immigrants “ have found habitation without raising the availability and cost of housing for the established population including the already homeless Americans in virtually every major city and the elderly who live on their Social Security payments and their life savings which diminishing rapidly in purchase power because of government spending on wars around the globe.
21 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: mifla 12/16/2023 4:39:18 AM (No. 1618425)
I guess the increased demand for food from our church pantry is a figment of my imagination, along with all the calls our SVDP group is getting requesting rent help.
17 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Petronius 12/16/2023 5:47:53 AM (No. 1618441)
NPR is doing the very same thing, ironically enough after I just got done doing some grocery shopping after work. I had picked up a few things that I knew we needed at WalMart, paid for them at the self checkout and went out to my car. As I was driving home it suddenly struck me what I had paid for the small bag of items and thought "There must be some mistake, it had cost nearly double what I had paid a while back". I went back to the store with my receipt and checked the prices and confirmed that the price hikes were real. Then I got to listen to NPR tell me how great and wonderful Joe Bribeme's economy is all the way home.
19 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: anniebc 12/16/2023 5:54:20 AM (No. 1618444)
North of $500 for a roundtrip price to DC, even with the holidays, is about double the normal price from where I live, before people who steal elections stole the White House.
16 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: EJKrausJr 12/16/2023 6:40:28 AM (No. 1618462)
To take the Bagdad Bob's on the boob tube words as truth is like taking fool's gold to an assayer's office. No one believes the words emitted from their mouths. JRB has fubared America, lock stock and barrel.
8 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: franq 12/16/2023 8:18:51 AM (No. 1618500)
Food costs way more and you get less. Gas prices are just a smokescreen. All "hard" goods have increased in price significantly too. The washer (Speed Queen) we bought for $1000 five years ago is now almost $1300.
7 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Tanker76 12/16/2023 8:27:12 AM (No. 1618510)
Economy is SO great, my wife has just lost her second job in 6 months, in the mortgage industry.......
12 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: smokincol 12/16/2023 8:44:40 AM (No. 1618518)
maybe so .... but every time I look at my checkbook the numbers tell me a very, very different story
10 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: volksford 12/16/2023 9:02:35 AM (No. 1618523)
Yes , they sincerely believe you are that stupid.
10 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: zephyrgirl 12/16/2023 9:29:47 AM (No. 1618544)
Every time I got to the grocery store, I know they're slinging BS. Houses in my area (even costing seven figures) used to sell in days, now they're sitting on the market for months. Even the "modestly priced" are languishing for months.
3 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: Snow Possum 12/16/2023 9:43:47 AM (No. 1618550)
This is like the guy at a cocktail party who started the year with 1,000,000 in the markets, lost half of that in 6 months, then in the next 6 months turned the remaining 500K into 750K. He tells everyone in the room how he is up 50% in his investments.
6 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: Krause 12/16/2023 10:47:41 AM (No. 1618571)
Democrats do this all the time. They come into office and spend a ridiculous gazillion dollars. Next year they spend a bit less than a ridiculous gazillion dollars....and then shout out that they are 'cutting the deficit.' Smart people see the scam, but the moronic left media laps it up, because, as democrats, they don't know any better. And, they want more of the same.
7 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: DVC 12/16/2023 10:59:27 AM (No. 1618581)
Re #5, listening to NPR is a mistake all by itself.
11 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: jalo1951 12/16/2023 11:04:05 AM (No. 1618588)
Inflation is an accumulative tax. Each month's rise is added to all the others and it never goes down. That is why my groceries are 20% more than they were when Trump was in office. Beef roast is $8 a pound compared to $4 a pound. Try feeding a family of 5 a nice "Sunday dinner" at that price. I do not begrudge people their money if it was made honestly. But the cost of a beef roast never enters their mind. Eating out once a week for fun is no longer possible and take out pizza, forget that. When you are working for grocery money and the ability to pay utilities you are not pumping money into the stock market no matter how well it is doing. Or think it is cute that FJB wants to save the world and offers you a cheap $60,000 car with all their flaws or roasted bugs for your tacos. Paycheck to paycheck means just what it implies. If you have money you can ride out almost any situation. Most of us are not in that category. Hopefully we are living in a decent place and can feed our families and pay our bills. But there are no extras. Inflation is robbing the average family of $11,000 a year. No, things are not better and improving. There are dozens of problems in this country that are not being addressed. And if FJB and his minions think they can shuck and jive dance around the issues they are wrong. We are in the trenches, we know the truth. We know that lying is their strong suit.
7 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: MickTurn 12/17/2023 12:53:01 AM (No. 1618961)
Is the Economy of life support...Is Joey's Diaper Full...YES and No one wants to know!
0 people like this.

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NBC News frames Senate sex tape video
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Posted by Imright 12/17/2023 10:04:51 PM Post Reply
NBC News came under fire on social media over a "ridiculous" headline that seemed to fault "conservative news outlets" for reporting that a Democrat Senate staffer filmed a gay sex video in a Capitol Hill hearing room. The report came after the Daily Caller published an amateur pornographic video Friday that showed an alleged congressional staffer engaging in sex with another man in Hart Senate Office Building room 216. According to the Daily Caller, the video was leaked after being "shared in a private group for gay men in politics." Posts on social media claimed the alleged staffer worked for Sen. Ben Cardin, D-Md.
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Posted by Imright 12/17/2023 9:12:08 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 12/17/2023 6:12:34 PM Post Reply
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Vats of Jalapeno Paste
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Posted by Imright 12/17/2023 5:58:03 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 12/17/2023 5:49:29 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 12/17/2023 5:33:52 PM Post Reply
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Exclusive: US Army faces 'TikTok mutiny'
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'sh***y' food and FITNESS TESTS while
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13 replies
Posted by Imright 12/17/2023 5:13:04 PM Post Reply
The US Army is facing a TikTok mutiny as Gen Z recruits are taking to social media to whine about low pay, 'sh***y' food and fitness tests. The brazen posts - by uniformed troops on US bases - represent an audacious challenge to top brass amid a recruitment crisis. The Army fell short of its target by 25 percent last year. One of the posts by military influencer Anthony Laster slams Army life for having 'No Privacy, The Pay S***s, Sh***y Food, Disrespectful Leadership, NO SLEEP!' and has been viewed more than 600,000 times.
Don Jr. claims gay Senate porno proves
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Biden defied congressional subpoena
7 replies
Posted by Imright 12/17/2023 4:56:41 PM Post Reply
Donald Trump Jr. said the congressional staffer who filmed a gay porn video in a Senate office building is proving that the Democratic party thinks they are 'beyond reproach' because there is no one to 'countermeasure to this insanity.' The ex-president's eldest son also lamented to a conservative crowd in Phoenix, Arizona on Sunday about Hunter Biden refusing to comply with a congressional subpoena last week. The two instances last week were proof for Don Jr. that Democrats are increasingly exhibiting 'insanity' and, in seeming to advocate for his father's reelection, said that 'decency is on the ballot' for the 2024 presidential election.
Poll: Trump Dominance Hits New Level as
He Nears 70 Percent Support in GOP Primary
3 replies
Posted by Imright 12/17/2023 4:54:25 PM Post Reply
Former President Donald Trump is dominating the Republican primary polls with 69 percent support, up seven points from November, a Fox News survey released Sunday revealed. The Republican is the clear favorite among GOP voters, with his support having grown by a whopping 26 points since February.Fewer than one third of Republican primary voters are backing all of Trump’s rivals combined, with 12 percent going to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, nine percent for former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, five percent for businessman Vivek Ramaswamy, two percent for former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, and just one percent for former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson.
Exclusive: Trump campaign says Ron DeSantis
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since he won't be able to work in politics
'ever again'
22 replies
Posted by Imright 12/17/2023 10:36:41 AM Post Reply
Donald Trump's campaign thinks Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has ruined his chances of a future in politics by 'tainting his name' during the 2024 presidential campaign. 'He did this to himself,' Trump spokesperson Steven Cheung told, referencing DeSantis' poll demise and his decision to turn on the ex-president on the campaign trail. DeSantis is trailing Trump for second place in the primary race by several dozen points – with the ex-president leading the rest of the field with usually around half of the support from voters.
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9 replies
Posted by Imright 12/17/2023 10:31:50 AM Post Reply
Judge Beryl Howell had the time of her life presiding over the trial of Rudy Giuliani. Sitting perched above Courtroom Number 26 of the E. Barrett Prettyman Courthouse in Washington D.C., the Trump-hating Obama appointee looked on last week as an unhinged, bias and corrupted jury ordered Giuliani pay $148 million dollars to former Georgia election workers Ruby Freeman and Shane Moss. If this ridiculous judgement is not the final proof needed for lawmakers to understand that a D.C. jury is beyond rehabilitation and a D.C. judge is NOT fit to reasonably judge Conservatives or Trump supporters, I do not know what is.
Watch: CNN Legal Analyst Makes Concerning
Statement About Prosecution of Trump
4 replies
Posted by Imright 12/17/2023 8:53:01 AM Post Reply
CNN had an interesting discussion involving senior legal analyst Elie Honig concerning whether Jack Smith was acting based on the election schedule. Honig believed that he was. (X Video) But Honig didn't leave it there. "The motivating principle behind every procedural request he's [Smith] made has been speed, has been getting this trial in before the election," Honig said. He noted how the trial date that Smith asked for -- "five months out" — was fast compared to Jan. 6 trial requests. "Donald Trump is being given far less time to prepare,"
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Posted by Imright 12/16/2023 10:43:14 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 12/17/2023 12:06:22 AM Post Reply
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Posted by NorthernDog 12/17/2023 10:06:27 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 12/16/2023 8:48:07 PM Post Reply
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Posted by zephyrgirl 12/16/2023 11:42:40 AM Post Reply
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Posted by DW626 12/17/2023 2:54:50 PM Post Reply
In a recent episode of “Meet the Press,” GOP Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) appeared to suggest a lack of compelling evidence in the ongoing impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden. When questioned by host Kristen Welker about his stance on the allegations against Biden, Graham indicated that he has not been closely following the proceedings. His comments implied that for the inquiry to hold weight, it must demonstrate that Joe Biden benefited financially from his son Hunter Biden’s business dealings. Graham’s statement, “If there were a smoking gun, I think we’d be talking about it,”
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29 replies
Posted by Christopher L 12/16/2023 10:04:57 PM Post Reply
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27 replies
Posted by Imright 12/17/2023 5:45:25 AM Post Reply
Former Representative Madison Cawthorn has made headlines again, this time in reaction to a scandal involving a Capitol staffer. A young male staffer for Maryland Democrat Senator Ben Cardin was terminated following allegations of engaging in graphic sexual acts within the Hart Senate Office Building. The staffer, Aidan Maese-Czeropski, a recent college graduate, denied the allegations, claiming they are politically motivated and fabricated. Former congressman Madison Cawthorn (R-NC) has weighed in, providing his take on the unraveling events.
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27 replies
Posted by Imright 12/16/2023 7:10:08 PM Post Reply
Proving once again that its priorities have swung like a rainbow-colored wrecking ball away from its mission to “protect and defend the United States against terrorist and foreign intelligence threats” and “to uphold and enforce the criminal laws of the United States,” the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) issued a statement announcing that it is adding extra letters to the alphabet soup that is LGTB+ inclusivity. Fear not that the President of the United States and his son are being accused of potentially treasonous acts or that people on the actual terrorist watchlist are entering the country across open borders, the FBI is now tacking “IA” onto the “LGTBQ+” acronym,
Budget Deficit Forces San Francisco to
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27 replies
Posted by Beardo 12/16/2023 12:51:25 PM Post Reply
A crushing budget deficit has forced San Francisco Mayor London Breed to eliminate the budget of the Office of Reparations, which was considering lavish payouts to long-term black residents of the city, though it never practiced or allowed slavery. (snip) Despite these challenges, as Breitbart News reported, San Francisco leaders were considering reparations for long-term black residents, and were floating sums in the range of $5 million, though these were not based on any precise mathematical calculations. Now, however, Mayor Breed has cut the program.
Ron DeSantis Challenges Donald Trump to
Debate Ahead of Iowa Caucus
23 replies
Posted by Imright 12/16/2023 8:38:11 PM Post Reply
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is urging former President Donald Trump to debate him ahead of the Iowa caucus, which takes place January 15, following former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley agreeing to appear in CNN’s Hawkeye State debate. “If Donald Trump and Nikki Haley are going to continue to spend millions against me on television with false attacks, they should at least have the courage to meet on the debate stage,” DeSantis said in a Friday post on X. “Now that Nikki Haley has been shamed into coming to the CNN debate, it’s time for Donald Trump to follow suit and join us,” DeSantis added: (X)
Looking Like Sen Staffer Who Dissed Jewish
Congressman Just About What We Figured Update
23 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 12/16/2023 12:45:37 AM Post Reply
A “delightful, well-bred young man who is a credit to his employer and his parents” is the first thing that springs to mind, right? Maybe 20 years ago. Lemme set the WayBack Machine, Sherman, for the halls of Congress – two days ago. Congressman Max Miller, who just happens to be Jewish, was trucking along, minding his own p’s and q’s, when a House staffer smart-mouthed off to him, right in front of an NBC reporter, God, and everybody else in the hallway. Snapshot from the halls of the Hill: a House staffer just passed by GOP Rep. Max Miller —who is Jewish and has been supportive of sending aide to Israel
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