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Posts on Thursday, December 14, 2023

Exclusive: Tucker Carlson lashes out at
big news companies and plants billboards
at HQs of NYTimes, CNN, MSNBC and the
Washington Post with 'corporate media
is dead' emblazoned, as he launches his
OWN streaming service
Posted by Imright 12/14/2023 9:56:57 PM Post Reply
He's as mad as hell, and he's not going to take it anymore! No, we're not talking about 'Network's' Howard Beale here, but ousted Fox News broadcaster Tucker Carlson, who is taking aim at the 'corporate media' days after launching his own streaming platform for exclusive content. 'They're doomed,' Carlson told in an exclusive interview yesterday.And on some level, they know they're doomed, which is why they're hysterical. The era of dominance by a few big media companies, the era of total control over all information by you know, nine people, that's done,' Tucker said. And to make sure the message is clear he organized mobile billboard trucks with his image
‘Continually Fail’: GOP To End Debate
Season In The Arms Of CNN, Disney Media
Posted by Imright 12/14/2023 9:40:13 PM Post Reply
The once-lofty dreams for GOP primary debates have ultimately ended with the party’s retreat into the arms of corporate media companies that the electorate views as inherently hostile, and no decision maker, from the campaigns themselves to the Republican National Committee (RNC), wants to take credit. The Daily Caller talked to the RNC, the DeSantis campaign, the Ramaswamy campaign and CNN, and reached out to the Haley campaign. No one can explain how RNC Temporary Committee on Presidential Debates David Bossie’s 2022 promise to center debates around independent and conservative media ended up with the RNC in full retreat and candidates flocking to CNN and Disney-owned ABC on the eve of
Republicans Introduce Plan to Verify U.S.
Citizenship for Mail-In Voters
Posted by Imright 12/14/2023 9:32:34 PM Post Reply
Republicans on the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration, led by Sen. Katie Britt (R-AL), have introduced legislation that would give states the power to verify the American citizenship of applicants registering to vote via mail. This week, Britt and fellow Republicans introduced the “Citizen Ballot Protection Act” which would give states the ability to more accurately verify that only American citizens are being approved for voter registrations.Britt said the legislation is necessary as several blue states, counties, and cities pass ordinances opening voting rights to foreign nationals — at least for municipal elections. “Voting in our country is a sacred right
Biden's Border Crisis Just Keeps Getting
Worse, 13 Million Illegal Aliens Now In U.S.
Posted by Imright 12/14/2023 9:21:40 PM Post Reply
As the 2024 election rounds the corner, President Joe Biden's border crisis is at the forefront of voter's minds— which has exceeded a staggering 13 million illegal aliens now in the United States. According to a new report, the growing number of "gotaways" has reached a record high as migrants illegally enter the U.S. through the southern border. Steven Camarota, the research director for the Center for Immigration Studies, said that there are now nearly 50 million foreign-born citizens in the U.S.— driven solely based on the Biden Administration's open border policies. This number is far more than the government previously expected.
Watch: Karine Jean-Pierre Does Not Deny
Joe Biden Lied About Hunter Business Ties
Posted by Imright 12/14/2023 9:17:14 PM Post Reply
White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre did not deny Thursday, when asked, that President Joe Biden had lied about his ties to his son Hunter’s business dealings — but said he had not lied about Republicans wasting time on an impeachment inquiry. Last week, President Biden repeated a lie that he had never interacted with Hunter Biden’s business associates. He had also lied on the campaign trail in 2019, when he claimed that he had never discussed his family’s business interests with them.Jean-Pierre said Thursday there was “zero evidence” that the president had done anything wrong, even though evidence has emerged that Hunter Biden traded on access to his father
Evening 'News' Echoes Biden Spin on Scandal:
'No Proof....Where Is The Evidence?'
Posted by Imright 12/14/2023 9:11:01 PM Post Reply
Wednesday's evening shows all led with the House of Representatives authorizing an impeachment inquiry into President Biden on a party-line vote. ABC, CBS, and NBC all echoed the preposterous "no evidence" claims of the White House. ABC spun for Biden the hardest, while NBC came closest to a middle-ground approach. On ABC's World News Tonight, David Muir began the program: "Tonight, breaking news involving President Biden. The House voting moments ago to formally open the impeachment inquiry despite no proof of high crimes or misdemeanors.
Chicago lawmakers are slammed for blocking
efforts to put sanctuary city status on
ballot after Windy City was inundated
by 20,000 migrants
Posted by Imright 12/14/2023 9:07:25 PM Post Reply
Chicago's Democrat leaders have been accused of hiding from voters in a city buckling under a migrant crisis after they blocked a vote on ditching its sanctuary city status. Mayor Brandon Johnson ordered his lieutenants to quash a bid to put the controversial 'Welcoming City Ordinance' to a referendum on Chicago's March primary ballot. It came after the mayor's floor leader was forced to resign for physically blocking opponents trying to access a previous vote on the issue last month.
Exclusive: 'Ms. TayIor,' 26, is identified
as the staffer who was paddle boarding
with Barack Obama's chef Tafari Campbell
in unsealed Secret Service records, that
also describe the chaotic scene as agents
scrambled to save him
Posted by Imright 12/14/2023 9:00:34 PM Post Reply
Newly-released records from the Secret Service show the chaotic early moments as agents scrambled to try and rescue Barack Obama's personal chef in Martha's Vineyard, struggling to get a motor boat into the murky water with just 15 minutes of daylight. Agents tried but failed to get two motorboats on the property working, at least one of them belonging to the Secret Service, before they successfully started a third boat belonging to the groundskeeper. But it was already too late. Tafari Campbell, 45, never surfaced the night of July 23, and his body was pulled from Edgartown Great Pond the following day.
Ramaswamy Exposes the Leftist Tactic of
CNN Moderator in Answer About COVID Origin,
Federal Agents on J6
Posted by Imright 12/14/2023 8:56:44 PM Post Reply
Put aside whatever you might think of Vivek Ramaswamy as a potential, 2024 Republican presidential nominee, or the relevance of any political programming the folks at CNN might choose to broadcast to their paltry audience. Sometimes, truth finds strange bedfellows--and an even stranger location in which to live.Such was the case on Wednesday night, when the tech entrepreneur and GOP presidential candidate appeared in a town hall program on CNN. One question in particular has people abuzz--and it had to do with January 6, 2021. (X Video) CNN moderator Abby Phillip began: Let me ask you about something you said
Breaking News: Read Sidney Powell's VERY
brief apology letter for election interference:
Trump ally scrawls THIRTEEN-WORD handwritten
note saying sorry for her role in Georgia
RICO case - while Kenneth Chesebro manages
to fill just three lines
Posted by Imright 12/14/2023 8:50:22 PM Post Reply
Two of the attorneys who worked to try and help Donald Trump overturn the 2020 election and pleaded guilty in the Georgia case have written an apology as part of their plea deal - with the feeble letters only one sentence long. Sidney Powell and Kenneth Chesebro's letters were obtained on Thursday by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution through an open records request. Neither letter acknowledges the legitimacy of Joe Biden's win in Georgia's 2020 election nor denounces the baseless conspiracy theories they pushed to claim Trump was cheated out of victory through fraud.
DOJ's handling of Hunter Biden case is
'inexplicable,' says Turley, as ex-prosecutor
faces questioning
Posted by Imright 12/14/2023 8:44:34 PM Post Reply
FOX News contributor Jonathan Turley told "America’s Newsroom" on Thursday that the "glaring issue" in the Hunter Biden case is how the Department of Justice allowed early potential tax felonies against the first son to expire. The George Washington University law professor questioned why Special Counsel David Weiss, who is investigating Hunter Biden’s possible misconduct, would allow the statute of limitations to run out during an investigation. JONATHAN TURLEY: Well, things are going poorly, I think, for the Biden team. Obviously, this was not a great week. The impeachment inquiry is indeed that — it's an inquiry.
Hair on Fire: ABC FREAKS Over ‘No Evidence’
for Biden Impeachment, Implies It’s Illegal
Posted by Imright 12/14/2023 8:41:18 PM Post Reply
As we saw on Wednesday morning and evening, ABC News was almost foaming on Thursday’s Good Morning America with a half-dozen shrieks of “no evidence” over House Republicans voting to formally launch an impeachment inquiry into President Biden and allegations he was enriched by foreign business dealings involving his corrupt son Hunter (and brother Jim). At one point, they even implied it might not even be constitutional. Co-host and former Clinton tool George Stephanopoulos huffed in a tease that the GOP has “present[ed] no evidence of wrongdoing by the President”. In a chyron for the actual segment, ABC even made sure to include the line “No Evidence of Wrongdoing.”
Hunter’s Troll-tastic Press Conference
Was a Major Strategic Blunder
Posted by Imright 12/14/2023 8:33:28 PM Post Reply
He did it again. Hunter Biden trolled the world. Only this time, there might be actual consequences for his family. Hunter Biden defied a congressional subpoena Wednesday, announcing his decision in a public statement that was obviously crafted and approved by his legal team and handlers. His strategy is to play the victim card, trying to use his addictions as an excuse for a lifetime of evading the law—and basic responsibilities—while bagging as much cash as possible off of his family name. This latest dramatic episode of the Hunter Biden Show is likely to yield contempt of Congress proceedings from House Republicans.
Kamala Harris pushes White House to be
more sympathetic toward Palestinians
Posted by Dreadnought 12/14/2023 8:21:01 PM Post Reply
Vice President Kamala Harris has been telling colleagues in the administration that she wants the White House to show more concern publicly for the humanitarian damage in Gaza, where Israel is locked in a bloody and prolonged battle with Hamas, according to three people familiar with Harris’ comments. President Joe Biden is among the officials Harris has urged to show more sensitivity to Palestinian civilians, these people said. In internal conversations about the war in Gaza, Harris has argued that it is time to start making “day after” plans for how to handle the wreckage of the war once the fighting ends, one senior administration official said.
Nelson Peltz nominates himself, ex-CFO
to Disney board as fight against Bob Iger escalates
Posted by Dreadnought 12/14/2023 8:04:17 PM Post Reply
Walt Disney is bracing for a bitter proxy battle as activist investor Nelson Peltz is seeking two board seats, his firm Trian Fund Management said Thursday, pressing ahead with his second board challenge this year. Trian, which owns roughly $3 billion worth of Disney shares, abandoned an earlier bid for one board seat in February when the media conglomerate outlined a sweeping restructuring plan that addressed his criticisms. The firm nominated Peltz and former Disney Chief Financial Officer James “Jay” Rasulo. “As Disney’s largest active shareholder, we can no longer sit idly by as the incumbent directors and their hand-picked replacements stand in the way of necessary change,” Trian said
‘Bury Them’: Meghan McCain Gets Spicy
After ‘View’ Defends Hunter Biden
by Whatabouting Former Co-Hosts
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/14/2023 7:59:24 PM Post Reply
I'm not a big fan of Meghan McCain nor her former employer, "The View," but a war is brewing between the two after a segment that aired Thursday in defense of Joe Biden and his son, Hunter, and we are so here for it. It all started as co-host and pseudo "conservative" Ana Navarro salivated over the alleged close relationship between Joe and Hunter, using an oft-invoked media talking point in so many words about how the only thing Joe Biden is guilty of is loving his legally embattled son Hunter, who defied a Congressional subpoena this week and flaunted it just steps from the Capitol building, too much.
Kevin McCarthy Delivers His Final Speech
on House Floor: Lauds Democrats as True
Reflection of America, Criticizes GOP
as “Restrictive Country Clubs” (Video)
Posted by Imright 12/14/2023 7:50:45 PM Post Reply
Former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy delivered his farewell address on the House floor, commending Democrats for their embodiment of America’s diversity while censuring his own party. Once holding the Speaker’s gavel, McCarthy saw his tenure end abruptly in October after a historic ousting due to his failed leadership. Earlier this month, McCarthy announced that he is retiring from Congress at the end of the year. “I have decided to depart the House at the end of this year to serve America in new ways. I know my work is only getting started,” McCarthy wrote in a Wall Street Journal.
Head of Biden Crime Family Feels Guilty...but
Doesn’t Plead Guilty
Posted by Imright 12/14/2023 7:42:07 PM Post Reply
The MSM are reporting that Joe Biden is raging at his staff because of the unfairness of Hunter being investigated. It’s giving old Joe a guilty conscience. I didn’t even know that was possible. According to Axios: The 81-year-old president has suggested to close associates that if he hadn't run in 2020, Hunter wouldn't be facing criminal prosecutions or be the target of daily stories by conservative media — all while trying to stay sober and rebuild his life.Perhaps for the first time in his 53 years of collecting bribes for selling out the public that pays his salary, our president
Republicans have a great candidate to
replace George Santos — meet Mazi Melesa Pilip
Posted by Imright 12/14/2023 7:37:40 PM Post Reply
George Santos was a constant headache for Republicans, starting when he was exposed as a con man shortly after winning a Long Island Congressional seat a year ago. That continued until this month, when he was expelled from the House after publication of a searing ethics report. But the mood among local Republicans is likely to shift now that they’ve found what appears to be a dream candidate for the Feb. 13 special election to succeed Santos. Mazi Melesa Pilip, 44, is a two-term member of the Nassau County Legislature whose life comes out of central casting.
Did Joe Biden Know Hunter Would Violate
Republicans’ Congressional Subpoena?
The White House Says Yes
Posted by Hazymac 12/14/2023 5:54:30 PM Post Reply
The White House admitted on Wednesday that President Joe Biden was “familiar” with his son’s plans to violate a congressional subpoena issued by House Republicans. The moment came during a White House press conference when Fox News’ Peter Ducey asked Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre about Hunter’s refusal to abide by House Republicans’ subpoena. By subpoenaing the younger Biden, House Republicans sought to compel him to sit for a closed-door deposition hearing where they could dig into Joe’s leading role in the Biden family’s foreign business ventures. When asked about Hunter’s refusal to testify in the Republicans’ sought-after deposition, Jean-Pierre admitted that Joe was “familiar” with what his son would say
The Drudge Plot Thickens replies
Posted by Hazymac 12/14/2023 4:57:50 PM Post Reply
A few weeks ago, I wrote about how The Drudge Report—or whoever is running it now—began boycotting PJ Media the minute it was announced that we had become part of the Salem/Townhall Media family in 2019. Not only did he/they/whatever remove us from the blog roll, where we had been listed for as long as I can remember, but we stopped getting Drudge links. For a site like PJ Media that exists on razor-thin margins— thanks to Big Tech censorship and a major collapse in digital ad revenues—being cut off from one of the largest media aggregators in the world was a gut punch.
Washington Wizards, Capitals plan to depart
DC as crime crisis intensifies; Youngkin
celebrates move
Posted by NorthernDog 12/14/2023 4:55:22 PM Post Reply
As the crime wave gripping the United States intensifies, the owner of two of Washington, D.C.'s major league sports teams joined Virginia Republican Gov. Glenn Youngkin to announce a move across the Potomac to a yet-to-be-constructed complex in Alexandria. "Ingraham Angle" host Laura Ingraham, a longtime Washington-area resident, said it is clear that "crime was part of this decision" to bring the teams to Virginia come 2028. "I was in D.C. when the [then-]Verizon Center… was built, and I saw how that area of D.C. was totally revitalized… Crime has been a major problem in this city really since before
Americans Must Choose Between Civilization—or
Its Destroyers
Posted by Hazymac 12/14/2023 4:50:46 PM Post Reply
Nihilism is the religion of the Left. Anarchy is now at the core of the new Democratic Party. If the Left wished radically to alter the demography of the U.S., it could have expanded legal immigration through legislation or the courts. Instead, it simply erased the border and dynamited federal immigration law. By fiat, nihilists ended the wall, and stopped detaining and deporting illegal aliens altogether. Or was it worse than that when candidate Joe Biden in September 2019 urged would-be illegal aliens to "surge" the border? As a result, through laxity and entitlement incentives, eight million illegal entrants have swarmed the southern border under the Biden administration. They are swamping border towns, bankrupting
James Bennet: The NY Times Has Gone from
Liberal Bias to Illiberal Bias
Posted by Dreadnought 12/14/2023 4:48:14 PM Post Reply
You may remember James Bennet as the NY Times editor who managed the opinion section of the paper. Bennet was pushed to resign back in 2020 after agreeing to publish a piece by Sen. Tom Cotton. Cotton had argued the country should call out the National Guard to put an end to Black Lives Matter riots which had broken out around the country. Bennet and his superiors had agreed in advance of publication that Cotton had a legitimate, albeit right-wing, view. But it wasn’t his alone. Other members of congress and possibly the president held it too, not to mention lots of regular people. But the backlash inside the newsroom,
Hate crime investigation underway after
large menorah destroyed, thrown in lake
in Oakland, California
Posted by NorthernDog 12/14/2023 4:46:55 PM Post Reply
Police have opened a hate crime investigation after a 9-foot-tall menorah was destroyed and thrown into a lake in Oakland, California, during the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah. The vandalism occurred around 1:30 a.m. local time on Wednesday, according to the Oakland Police Department. There is no update on any suspects at this time, a police department spokesperson told ABC News Thursday. The Chabad Jewish Center of Oakland inaugurated a new menorah Wednesday night in the place where it said the original was "brutally desecrated." Hundreds attended Wednesday night's lighting, including California Attorney General Rob Bonta. "Too many people have
San Francisco Giants Lost Out on Shohei
Ohtani in Part Due to Rampant Crime, Homelessness
Posted by Dreadnought 12/14/2023 4:45:11 PM Post Reply
San Francisco’s struggles with rising crime, rampant drug use, and sprawling homeless camps have kept tourists away and led to businesses and residents fleeing the city. Now, the downtown disorder is being blamed for deterring a big name from relocating to the Golden Gate City: Major League Baseball superstar Shohei Ohtani. Ohtani, a rare two-way talent who is both an elite hitter and pitcher, made news over the weekend when he announced he was signing with the Los Angeles Dodgers. He signed a record-breaking ten-year, $700 million contract with the team this week. But news reports have indicated that the San Francisco Giants — the Dodgers’ biggest rival — were also all-in
You Can Tell the Bidens Have Nothing to
Hide by How They’re Hiding So Many Things
Posted by Hazymac 12/14/2023 4:22:29 PM Post Reply
Since the written word is the worst way to convey sarcasm, let me start off by saying parts of this column will be dripping with it. If you can’t spot those sections and think I’ve suddenly become a mentally deranged leftist, I can’t help you. The Biden family is not corrupt. You can tell this by how they insist they are not corrupt while not addressing any of the evidence amassed by Republicans (since the media isn’t doing even the basics of their job by looking into it), rather simply declaring themselves to be innocent. Innocent people always martyr themselves without proving anything, that’s just science. Of course, I’m joking.
Israeli Defense Minister to Biden Aide:
We'll Take All the Time We Need to Destroy Hamas
Posted by Dreadnought 12/14/2023 3:45:09 PM Post Reply
So much for Joe Biden’s reported three-month time limit to destroy Hamas. A week ago, the Wall Street Journal reported from unnamed “US officials” that Biden and his team had demanded that Israel wrap up its war with Hamas based on Joe Biden’s election calendar. Antony Blinken reportedly lectured Israel’s war cabinet that they only had “weeks, not months” in which to fight Hamas after the atrocities of October 7 made clear that Israel could not be safe with their presence on their border. Reportedly, the Biden administration gave Israel a deadline of January 7 to end its military operations in Gaza. Today, Israeli defense minister Yoav Gallant gave Biden’s national-security
More media drumbeating on the global warming
nonsense from USA Today
Posted by DVC 12/14/2023 3:40:57 PM Post Reply
We are told that the science is settled, that the last 160 years of our using natural resources have led to record high temperatures on Earth and that the ocean is rising to unsustainable levels. This article from USA Today says the Earth used to be much hotter, so why do they tell us constantly that the Earth has reached record high temperatures and that we don’t have much time to save the planet: New climate record is a reminder: Earth used to be way hotter, the oceans way higher To summarize: All the changes in the past were cyclical and natural but this minor 2-degree temperature rise
Air Force Eyes Big Changes for Major Commands replies
Posted by Dreadnought 12/14/2023 3:38:02 PM Post Reply
ORLANDO, Fla.—As the Department of the Air Force’s sweeping re-optimization review nears its January deadline, service leaders are contemplating fundamental changes to USAF’s nine major commands. “We’re going to transform the entire Department of the Air Force organizationally to prepare for great power competition within the next quarter,” Space Force Lt. Gen. Michael A. Guetlein said at the Space Force Association’s Spacepower Conference Dec. 13. Guetlein, whose nomination to become Vice Chief of Space Operations is among several Air Force four-start appointments currently on hold, said in his keynote address that “the Air Force is going to get rid of the major commands structure.” But appearing again soon after, Guetlein suggested
Bannon BLASTS Mike Johnson over passage
of ‘demonic’ defense bill: ‘Don’t
tell me you’re a Christian!’
Posted by Imright 12/14/2023 3:23:34 PM Post Reply
Conservative pundit Steve Bannon eviscerated Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) for bringing the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) up for a vote Thursday. “The NDAA just passed, it just passed. This is Mike Johnson, and don’t tell me you’re a Christian. I don’t want to hear you’re a Christian, don’t wear your faith, don’t give me the Bible, I don’t hear more Bible verses. When you’ve allowed the transgender, you’ve allowed all that garbage, all that demonic trash throughout the defense budget,” Bannon railed on his War Room podcast. “You wonder why, you wonder why you can’t get, you wonder why you can’t get, that you can’t get kids, you know, red-blooded American
Breaking: 147 Worthless Republicans Vote
to Reauthorize FISA Program So DOJ-FBI
Can Spy on President Trump Again
Posted by Imright 12/14/2023 3:06:40 PM Post Reply
147 worthless Republicans voted on Thursday to reauthorize the FISA program abused by the FBI to spy on candidate and then President Donald Trump the entire time he was in office. No one was ever jailed for the injustice, and the FBI, of course, hid this illegal act from the American public. According to Rep. Eli Crane, “FISA 702 is a violation of the 4th Amendment. Additionally, this bill continues to entangle us in forever wars abroad and even managed to abandon heroes from Northern Arizona, including the Navajo Nation, that sacrificed for our country during WWII.”
'Civil War' movie where president bombs
American citizens in near future to premiere
in 2024
Posted by Dreadnought 12/14/2023 2:45:16 PM Post Reply
A different kind of "Civil War" will debut in 2024 ahead of the presidential election, courtesy of a new movie whose trailer just came out. Written and directed by Alex Garland, "Civil War" is described in a tagline as "a race to the White House in a near-future America balanced on the razor’s edge." In the two-and-a-half-minute trailer from A24, the "razor’s edge" appears to be a modern civil war following the secession of 19 states. The trailer contains various provocative images, including U.S. soldiers and military tanks tearing through American cities during an apparent uprising. "Do you regret the use of airstrikes on American citizens?" a journalist
‘We will meme that disloyal dog into
oblivion’: Who is behind ‘Trump’s
online war machine’ the Dilley Meme Team?
Posted by Dreadnought 12/14/2023 2:13:12 PM Post Reply
The 2024 presidential election has the potential to be the most online election in American history, considering the current logged-on nature of the population and the Republican candidates. Assuming that former President Donald Trump emerges unscathed from both the Republican primary process and the legal process to be the party’s nominee, expect a group called the Dilley Meme Team to have a role in the election. While they might not emerge as prominent members of the cast of characters in this latest Trump reality show, know that Brenden Dilley and his cohorts aim to have a role in getting the former president to return
According to Joe Biden, Anyone Who Defies
a Congressional Subpoena Should Be Prosecuted
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/14/2023 1:11:00 PM Post Reply
By refusing to appear before the House Oversight Committee for a standard closed-door deposition, Hunter Biden is widely expected to be held in contempt of Congress. And if we take Joe Biden's words at face value, the president thinks his son should be prosecuted for it. On Wednesday, instead of complying with the committee's subpoena, he gave a whiny press conference, during which he played the victim card like a petulant child. He accused Republicans of cherrypicking and fabricating evidence against him and denied any "financial involvement" by his father, Joe Biden, in his foreign business dealings. Hunter curiously moved the goalposts, considering that for a long time, the narrative
House Passes Annual Defense Bill, Extends
Section 702 Surveillance Authority
Posted by Dreadnought 12/14/2023 1:00:35 PM Post Reply
The House on Thursday passed the National Defense Authorization Act, an annual defense bill that will this year include an extension of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act’s Section 702, the controversial law that permits warrantless surveillance of foreign nationals. The House voted 310-118 in favor of the bill just before congressmen left for Christmas recess. The annual national-defense bill was passed by the Senate Wednesday, and is now headed to President Joe Biden’s desk to be signed into law. The final version of the NDAA authorizes $886 billion in national-defense spending, an increase of $28 billion over fiscal year 2023.
BIG NEWS! Supreme Court Will Hear Lawsuit
Involving Unconstitutional DOJ 1512(c)(2)
Charges Used to Abuse Trump Supporters
After J6 Protests
Posted by mc squared 12/14/2023 12:37:27 PM Post Reply
SCOTUS will hear Fischer vs. United States, the lawsuit questioning the unconstitutional 1512(c)(2) charges used by the Biden Department of Justice to abuse and punish January 6 protesters who came to Washington DC to protest the stolen 2020 election. The case involves three j6 defendants: Jake Lang, who we have reported on extensively here at The Gateway Pundit, Garret Miller, who pleaded guilty to 11 other criminal charges and was sentenced in February, and Joseph Fischer, who, like Lang, continues to await trial. The news broke this morning. Lang’s decision to move his arguments to the Supreme Court follows a split ruling in the DC Court of Appeals in April.
Why Two Parents Are the Ultimate Privilege replies
Posted by Moritz55 12/14/2023 12:32:44 PM Post Reply
One of the words that’s become utterly void of meaning in the last few years because of its overuse and misuse is privilege. White privilege, male privilege, able-bodied privilege, gender privilege, heterosexual privilege, even hot privilege. In these contexts, privilege is a stain, an original sin meant to guilt the offending party into repentance. “Check your privilege” became a common refrain of the past decade. What all of this has done is confuse and undermine the idea of real privilege, which, of course, really exists in this country. The ultimate privilege in America is not being born white or straight or male. The ultimate privilege,
Ukrainian MP Oleksandr Dubinsky Rumored
to be Summoned to Joe Biden’s Impeachment
Hearings Is Violently Beaten by Unknown
Assailants in Ukrainian Detention Center
Posted by Imright 12/14/2023 12:30:11 PM Post Reply
Guest post by EU Insiders for The Gateway Pundit - With the intensification of actions around the possible impeachment of Joe Biden, the dependent Ukrainian government continued to persecute those who conducted their own investigations into his corruption cases and were not afraid to tell the world about them. Another target was Oleksandr Dubinsky, a well-known journalist and an MP, who revealed and substantiated two crucial and sensational facts for the investigations against Biden: audio recordings of phone conversations in 2015-2016 between Joe Biden and Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko (known as “Derkach tapes”) are authentic, and behind their leak and dissemination is… the Office of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky!
Report: Alleged Spy Lover Eric Swalwell
Arranged Press Conference for Hunter Biden
Posted by Imright 12/14/2023 12:08:06 PM Post Reply
When Hunter Biden, son of President Joe Biden, delivered remarks at a press conference Wednesday outside the Capitol, only one Democrat lawmaker was there in support — Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA). In fact, according to reports, Swalwell arranged for Biden’s appearance.Swalwell told Politico his decision to do so was personal as well as political.“There is absolutely zero evidence Hunter or his father acted corruptly,” Swalwell said. “So I’m not going to sit quietly and let MAGA Republicans do Trump’s bidding in Congress.” Swalwell himself has come under fire from Republicans for his association with an alleged Chinese spy named “Fang Fang.” Axios in December 2020 reported that the alleged spy, Christine Fang,
We Need a Little Christmas: 'O Come, O
Come, Emmanuel'
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/14/2023 11:35:35 AM Post Reply
"O Come, O Come, Emmanuel" is my favorite carol of the season. I did not know about it or sing it until I went to Catholic school in the mid-1970s, but since I've discovered it, I have not let it go. I literally grew up in the Christian church, in a hodgepodge of Baptist, Church of God In Christ, and Pentecostal Charismatic churches. "O Come, O Come, Emmanuel" is to the Catholic Church what "Go Tell It On The Mountain" is to the Black Church. Come to think of it, I sang that one in Catholic school, too.
Hamas Waves White Flag: Maybe We Could
Recognize Israel? Update: Retreat?
Posted by Dreadnought 12/14/2023 10:35:32 AM Post Reply
Looks like the Banned on the Run finally got the message. With the IDF closing in on Hamas’ Gaza leadership in a Khan Younis bunker and their international sheiks now on the run from the Mossad, it has begun to dawn on them that October 7 really did change everything. The Israelis clearly intend to either drown or shoot Hamas dead to the last man, and this time the US will not be able to restrain them. Even their hostaging strategy hasn’t worked. And just like that, from the river to the sea has changed to Let’s Join the PLO. Al-Monitor reported last night that a “top” Hamas official has floated
Once Revered, the Harvard Brand Is Now
Officially Toxic
Posted by Hazymac 12/14/2023 10:31:46 AM Post Reply
Few tests at Harvard University, I’d presume, are what anyone would deem as easy. But when it came to the easiest one of all, Harvard flunked in spectacular fashion. The only reason Claudine Gay isn't being called “the former president of Harvard” today is because the university decided to not fire her, despite overwhelming pressure to do so after she waffled about the right of anti-Israel protesters to call for the genocide of Jews on campus. And she did so under oath on Capitol Hill, no less. "At Harvard, does calling for the genocide of Jews violate Harvard's rules of bullying and harassment?" Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.) asked
Woman killed after being stabbed, set
on fire in Riverdale; authorities seek
help to ID victim
Posted by konocti95 12/14/2023 10:31:45 AM Post Reply
Riverdale police have asked for the public's help to identify a woman who died in a building fire on Saturday. The fire happened around 3 a.m. in the 14000 South Wallace Street in Riverdale, police said. Officers said they discovered the woman had been set on fire. The Cook County medical Examiner's Officer ruled the death a homicide as a result of "multiple sharp force injures."
Poll: About 20% of Democrats Want Donald
Trump Executed, Exiled, Jailed for Life
Posted by Dreadnought 12/14/2023 10:26:22 AM Post Reply
Some Democrats wish the worst for former President Donald Trump, even though his presidency successfully created prosperity for the nation’s citizens. Before the Chinese coronavirus came to the U.S., the Trump administration built the world’s most prosperous economy, according to White House archives: America gained 7 million new jobs – more than three times government experts’ projections. Incomes rose in every single metro area in the United States for the first time in nearly three decades. Unemployment for women hit its lowest rate in nearly 70 years. The DOW closed above 20,000 for the first time in 2017 and topped 30,000 in 2020. Jobless claims hit a nearly 50-year low.
Trump Now Leads Biden in All Seven Swing
States: Poll
Posted by Dreadnought 12/14/2023 10:17:42 AM Post Reply
With less than a year to go before Election Day, former president Donald Trump is leading President Joe Biden in head-to-head matchups in all seven major swing states. A newly released Morning Consult poll shows Trump maintaining a strong lead over Biden in Arizona, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Georgia, and North Carolina. Trump’s lead over Biden in Georgia (6 points) and North Carolina (9 points) is outside the margin of error, while his lead in the other five states is within the margin of error and ranges anywhere from 2 to 4 points. The former president bested Biden by 5 points in all swing states combined, well outside the margin of error.
The Decline of Art in Western Culture
Parallels the Decline of Everything of Else
Posted by DW626 12/14/2023 10:12:24 AM Post Reply
For most of Western history, art was used as a way for patrons to showcase achievements, propagandize citizens, or lionize individuals. Maybe the single greatest artist in human history, Michelangelo, created his greatest works for patrons of various sorts. He created David for the Florentine Guild of Wool, the Pieta for the French ambassador to the Holy See, and the Sistine Chapel and St Peter’s Basilica for popes. Art was, in one way or another, an homage to something greater than its creator. Fast-forward about three centuries, and the art world begun to change.
Legislators call for aid to ‘neighbor’
Somalia amid ‘climate change catastrophe’
Posted by voxpopuli 12/14/2023 10:09:19 AM Post Reply
On Monday, Minnesota Rep. Samakab Hussein, D-St. Paul, organized a press conference at Minnesota’s State Capitol to call for “immediate, unrestricted humanitarian aid” to Somalia. (snip) More Somalis live in Minnesota than any other place in America. In total, over 86,000 Somalis live in the state.
California teen becomes youngest to pass
the state bar exam
Posted by konocti95 12/14/2023 10:09:11 AM Post Reply
A Central Valley 17-year-old became the youngest person ever to pass the California Bar Examination, according to research by the Tulare County District Attorney's Office, which called the accomplishment "a legal history making moment." District attorney officials said law clerk Peter Park passed the rigorous exam on his first attempt. He took the test back in July and received his results on Nov. 9. On Dec. 5, he was sworn-in as one of California's youngest practicing attorneys, the DA's office said.
Elon Musk is planning to start a University
in Austin after seeding $100 million to
charity called The Foundation that will
start with a focus on STEM in primary
and secondary school
Posted by Dreadnought 12/14/2023 10:06:37 AM Post Reply
Elon Musk is planning to launch a university in Austin, Texas after seeding $100 million to his latest charity, named The Foundation. The billionaire's institution will be started with a STEM-focused primary and secondary school, which will expand into a university 'dedicated to education at the highest levels', according to tax filings seen by Bloomberg. The school will employ a traditional curriculum 'alongside hands-on learning experience including simulations, case studies, fabrications/ design projects and labs', according to the October 2022 application that was reportedly approved in March. Musk's venture into education comes as he has become a frequent critic of America's schooling,
Hunter Biden can duck the hot seat all
he wants — but not the facts
Posted by Moritz55 12/14/2023 10:01:36 AM Post Reply
Hunter Biden showed he has his father’s chutzpah Wednesday when he blew off a congressional subpoena to hold a woe-is-me press conference on Capitol Hill. “I’m here. I’m ready,” he said, and then swept away in his motorcade without answering a single question. Like father, like son. Of course, there’s nothing bold or brave about inviting a contempt charge from Congress when you have Daddy’s pardon power in your back pocket. Hunter could have taken his entourage over to the House hearing room where Oversight Chairman James Comer was waiting for him to testify — and simply pleaded the Fifth, to avoid complicating his twin indictments on tax and gun charges. Instead,
Claudine Gay Is Why I Never Checked the
‘Black’ Box
Posted by Moritz55 12/14/2023 9:55:43 AM Post Reply
I have known people like Claudine Gay my entire life and they are the reason why I never checked the “black” box on college and employment applications. If I had, I would not be a free individual today. As a child, I was fascinated by the story of my paternal grandparents’ interracial marriage in 1944 in segregated Chicago. The 1967 interracial marriage of my black father to the daughter of Holocaust survivors in the same city wasn’t much easier; at the time, America burned with race riots. My grandparents and parents had every reason not to marry across the color line. But they chose love over their racial order.
Biden Calls Impeachment Inquiry Baseless
GOP Stunt, Laughably Demands Lawmakers
Focus on Border Instead
Posted by Imright 12/14/2023 9:04:19 AM Post Reply
The White House released a combative statement from President Joe Biden Wednesday on the "Baseless House Republican Impeachment Stunt," claiming that "even Republicans in Congress admit [the inquiry] is not supported by facts" and that the American people "need their leaders in Congress to take action on important priorities for the nation and world." (X) He went on to say that lawmakers urgently needed to focus on important issues like Ukraine, Israel, and yes -- cough, cough -- the porous southern border.
Hunter Biden Chaos Could ‘Ruin Things’
for His Dad’s Reelection Bid: ‘Unwelcome Distraction’
Posted by Imright 12/14/2023 8:42:39 AM Post Reply
The continual news generated by Hunter Biden and his legal conflicts damages President Joe Biden’s reelection campaign with undue controversy and distractions, Democrats openly complain. Hunter Biden’s chaos amid his father’s reelection campaign is just one more communications problem with which the president’s campaign staff must contend. Joe Biden’s age, mental fitness, and sluggish economy seemingly sunk his approval ratings to historic lows: FiveThirtyEight: Biden is the least popular president in modern U.S. history. CNN Poll: 67 percent disapprove of Biden’s economy, top 2024 issue. Redfield & Wilton Strategies: A majority of Democrats are “concerned”
First lady Jill Biden blasted over 'bizarre'
White House Christmas video: 'United States
of Bananas'
Posted by vrb8m 12/14/2023 7:39:09 AM Post Reply
First lady Jill Biden was blasted Wednesday night after posting a video to X showing dancers tapping around the holiday-decorated White House, whose theme this year is "Magic, Wonder and Joy." (Snip) "A bit of magic, wonder, and joy brought to you by the talented tappers of Dorrance Dance, performing their playful interpretation of The Nutcracker Suite. Enjoy!" the first lady's post read.
The Deafening Media Silence About Americans
Held Hostage By Hamas
Posted by RockyTCB 12/14/2023 7:14:30 AM Post Reply
On Monday, the White House held a Hanukkah reception. Among those not invited: American families who have relatives currently being held hostage by Hamas. CNN reported that: “Ruby Chen, whose son Itay is a reservist missing since the militant group’s October 7 attacks on Israel, said a number of the families of American hostages were in Washington, D.C., this week, and had reached out to the White House asking to attend the reception but were not invited. A White House spokesperson declined to comment.” The White House then scrambled have these families meet President Joe Biden on Wednesday. Biden isn’t
Netanyahu, Israeli FM to Biden: We're
Destroying Hamas Whether You Like It or Not
Posted by Hazymac 12/14/2023 6:58:26 AM Post Reply
Before we get to this direct rejection of the Biden/Blinken ‘credit’ argument, let’s go over the background that led to it. Under pressure from progressive anti-Semites in his party, Joe Biden growled yesterday about Israel’s supposedly “indiscriminate” bombing campaign in Gaza. His comments at a campaign event yesterday sent shock waves through the US media: “Israel’s security can rest on the United States,” Biden stated during a campaign event Tuesday, as he touted his government’s strong support of Israel. … “But they’re starting to lose that support by the indiscriminate bombing that takes place” in Gaza, Biden said, in a statement that implied Israel was needlessly targeting civilians.
Unprecedented tensions between White House
and Netanyahu as Biden feels political
price for standing with Israel
Posted by 4250Luis 12/14/2023 6:01:02 AM Post Reply
Joe Biden held Israel closer than any American president ever has in the horrific days after the Hamas attacks on October 7. But more than two months later, following days upon end of Israeli strikes in Gaza that have killed thousands of civilians, unprecedented tensions are widening between the White House and the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Biden accused Israel, for example, of carrying out “indiscriminate” bombing in an off-camera political event this week. He used exceedingly blunt language, which typically causes pushback from Israel’s leaders, who insist they try to spare civilians but accuse Hamas of using innocent Palestinians as cover.
House approves resolution demanding MIT,
Harvard presidents resign after antisemitism testimony
Posted by Moritz55 12/14/2023 5:17:24 AM Post Reply
The House of Representatives voted in favor of a resolution calling on the presidents of Harvard and MIT to resign following last week's hearing on antisemitism. In a vote on Wednesday evening, representatives passed the resolution by a vote of 303-126. It required two-thirds to pass, or 290 votes. The bill was introduced by House Republican Conference Chair Rep. Elise Stefanik, R-N.Y., Rep. Jared Moskowitz, D-Fla., Majority Leader Steve Scalise, R-La., and Rep. Josh Gottheimer, D-N.J. "President Magill has resigned, and the other Presidents should follow suit," the resolution states.
Fire in NYC courthouse hosting Donald
Trump's trial leaves 17 injured as three
floor are evacuated after person set papers
on fire then used a fire extinguisher
to put it out
Posted by Imright 12/14/2023 2:52:55 AM Post Reply
A fire at the New York City courthouse where Donald Trump's civil fraud case is being heard has left 17 people injured. Three floors of the state's Supreme Court in lower Manhattan had to be evacuated on Wednesday afternoon after a person set papers on fire. The person, who was taken into custody, then used an extinguisher to put out the fire. A Sergeant and a Court Officer were rushed to New York-Presbyterian Lower Manhattan Hospital for observation, while 15 others were treated on the scene.'Preliminary information indicates that at approximately 4:15 pm today, an individual depressed a fire extinguisher on the fourth floor at 60 Centre Street
Boston Mayor Michelle Wu is all smiles
as she joins other city leaders for 'no
whites' holiday party and defends decision
to bar representative based on skin color
from taxpayer-funded reception
Posted by Imright 12/14/2023 2:42:49 AM Post Reply
Boston Mayor Michelle Wu was all smiles as she was joined by other city and state leaders at a 'no whites' holiday reception Wednesday evening. 'I'm proud to host many many of these across all different types of collations,' Wu said outside of the controversial event. The segregated holiday party for 'electeds of color' has been held for years in Boston, but garnered scrutiny this year after an email invitation was sent to all 13 members of the city council, only for them to be rescinded from the seven white councilors 15 minutes later.
Catalytic Converter Thieves Thought They
Could Steal From an Armed Citizen. They
Thought Wrong.
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/14/2023 1:20:10 AM Post Reply
Early Wednesday morning, a resident of West Miami-Dade County experienced a harrowing encounter with would-be thieves that underscores the rise in catalytic converter thefts. This is one of the most overlooked crimes that grew in frequency during the COVID-19 pandemic. Fortunately, the victim was armed and was able to fight off a pair of thieves trying to steal the catalytic converter from his vehicle. Here’s how the confrontation went down: Miami-Dade Police Det. Andre Martin said a resident was in his home when he heard power tools in the parking lot. The resident saw two people under his vehicle trying to remove the catalytic converter, so he armed himself
FINALLY: Biden Meets With American Hostage
Families, 67 Days After the October 7 Massacre
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/14/2023 1:06:20 AM Post Reply
President Biden finally found a hole in his schedule. It's been a full 67 days since eight Americans were taken hostage by Hamas terrorists during the October 7 massacre in Israel. Since that day, Biden has taken multiple trips to his home in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, and even squeezed in a long Thanksgiving trip to Nantucket. Unlike vacationing, finding time to meet with the hostage families was clearly not a priority for the president. He came under fire recently for not inviting the families to a White House ceremony marking the season of Hanukkah, despite a request by the families to be included in the event.
SCOTUS Takes Up Obstruction Charge Appeal
for J6 Defendant - Could Be Huge for Trump
and Others
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/14/2023 12:57:55 AM Post Reply
On Wednesday, the Supreme Court agreed to hear the appeal brought by a man charged with obstructing an official proceeding relating to the events at the Capitol on January 6th, 2021. The plaintiff in this case, Joseph Fischer, petitioned the Supreme Court to hear his case and asked for a dismissal of the "obstructing an official proceeding" charge as it related to the certification of the election, which declared Joe Biden the winner. At the heart of the Fischer v. U.S case is 18 U.S.C. 1512(c)(2), which makes it a crime to "corruptly...otherwise obstructs, influences, or impedes any official proceeding[...]."
Axelrod: Polling is 'Very, Very Dark'
for Biden
Posted by Dreadnought 12/14/2023 12:35:39 AM Post Reply
David Axelrod has not been holding back on his concerns about Joe Biden’s poll numbers. Last month he pointed to some polling and argued that Biden might want to think about getting out of the race. Even more recently, Axelrod said Biden only had a 50-50 shot at winning, which is not the sort of thing Democrats want to hear about the guy who is their nominee. Yesterday Axelrod was at it again. This time he was talking about a recent Wall Street Journal poll on his podcast “Hacks on Tap” which he co-hosts with Robert Gibbs and Mike Murphy. “The Wall Street Journal was, you know, very, very dark
Prominent Right-Wing Figures Line Up to
Save Bud Light
Posted by Dreadnought 12/14/2023 12:33:44 AM Post Reply
Is the right about to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory regarding Bud Light? That's the story after several prominent right-wing figures publicly came out in support of the embattled beer brand recently. For those unacquainted with the controversy, Bud Light got itself into hot water by joining forces with transgender activist (and all-around mentally deranged person) Dylan Mulvaney. That resulted in a commemorative can being sent to Mulvaney, who then used it to do product placement in a couple of videos posted on social media. The backlash was swift, and for the first time in history, conservatives were to put some teeth behind the phrase "go woke, go broke."
Hamas Thanks United Nations; Best Day
for Terror Group Since October 7
Posted by Dreadnought 12/14/2023 12:32:19 AM Post Reply
Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh, who has become a billionaire while living in comfortable exile, thanked the United Nations (UN) on Wednesday for a General Assembly vote that demanded a ceasefire in Gaza, without condemning the terrorist organization. As Breitbart News’ Frances Martel reported, the General Assembly, whose resolutions are non-binding, passed a ceasefire resolution several days after the United States vetoed a similar resolution at the United Nations Security Council. The vote came the same day as President Joe Biden bashed Israel behind closed doors, and the same day that Hamas terrorists managed to kill ten Israeli soldiers, including a colonel and a leader of the elite Golani
Hamas survivor refutes progressives downplaying
terrorists' sexual violence
Posted by Dreadnought 12/14/2023 12:26:12 AM Post Reply
A recently released Hamas hostage's revelation of sexual violence against her fellow captives appears to refute anti-Israel progressives who tend to downplay or dismiss terrorists' atrocities. Chen Goldstein-Almog, 48, was held hostage by Hamas with three of her children for 51 days following the Palestinian terrorist group's Oct. 7 attack on Israelis. Her husband and eldest daughter were murdered by Palestinian terrorists during the attack. Goldstein-Almog and her children were released by the terror group, and the wife and mother gave an interview with the Israeli press on Dec. 11 about her time as a hostage.
New York High Court Just Handed Democrats
Control of the House
Posted by Dreadnought 12/14/2023 12:19:25 AM Post Reply
The New York Court of Appeals, the highest court in the state, ruled that the bipartisan Independent Redistricting Commission (IRC) tasked with redrawing congressional district lines be given another chance. The significance of this decision is that the bipartisan commission couldn't agree on district lines in 2020, giving the task to the state legislature where Democrats have a super majority. The map Democrats drew would have given the party 22 of 26 districts in the state and virtually destroyed the Republican party. Thankfully, a state judge ruled that the grossly gerrymandered map needed to be fairer, and a special master then redrew the lines.
Facebook's Former Head of DEI Pleads Guilty
to Swindling the Company Out of $4 Million
Posted by Dreadnought 12/14/2023 12:11:04 AM Post Reply
Here’s one case where no one can deny that corporate DEI was a scam. A former head of DEI programs for Facebook has pleaded guilty to swindling the company out of $4 million, not including whatever money they were spending on her actual salary. Barbara Furlow-Smiles, who served as lead strategist and global head of employee resource groups and diversity engagement at Facebook, used the stolen funds to live an extravagant lifestyle that spanned from California to Georgia, prosecutors said. From approximately January 2017 to September 2021, Furlow-Smiles led Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) programs at Facebook and was responsible for developing and executing DEI initiatives,
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