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The Deafening Media Silence About Americans
Held Hostage By Hamas

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Posted By: RockyTCB, 12/14/2023 7:14:30 AM

On Monday, the White House held a Hanukkah reception. Among those not invited: American families who have relatives currently being held hostage by Hamas. CNN reported that: “Ruby Chen, whose son Itay is a reservist missing since the militant group’s October 7 attacks on Israel, said a number of the families of American hostages were in Washington, D.C., this week, and had reached out to the White House asking to attend the reception but were not invited. A White House spokesperson declined to comment.” The White House then scrambled have these families meet President Joe Biden on Wednesday. Biden isn’t

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Reply 1 - Posted by: LC Chihuahua 12/14/2023 8:47:02 AM (No. 1616972)
No discussion about the Americans left behind in Afghanistan either. Where else are Americans being held hostage?
8 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: NorthernDog 12/14/2023 9:32:19 AM (No. 1617016)
If the hostages were all WNBA 'stars' the Democrats would be moving heaven and earth to get them released.
6 people like this.

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How Far Will The Climate Cult Go? 15 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 12/15/2023 6:57:37 AM Post Reply
The answer to the question in our headline is: All the way to full tyranny. Don’t think so? Take a look at where the warming alarmists have already gone. Carbon passports are catching among the climate clergy. “Personal carbon allowances could help curb carbon emissions and lower travel’s overall footprint. These allowances will manifest as passports that force people to ration their carbon in line with the global carbon budget,” says a report from a ​​small group adventure travel company. “By 2040, we can expect to see limitations imposed on the amount of travel that is permitted each year.” CNN reports that “several laws and restrictions
The Deafening Media Silence About Americans
Held Hostage By Hamas
2 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 12/14/2023 7:14:30 AM Post Reply
On Monday, the White House held a Hanukkah reception. Among those not invited: American families who have relatives currently being held hostage by Hamas. CNN reported that: “Ruby Chen, whose son Itay is a reservist missing since the militant group’s October 7 attacks on Israel, said a number of the families of American hostages were in Washington, D.C., this week, and had reached out to the White House asking to attend the reception but were not invited. A White House spokesperson declined to comment.” The White House then scrambled have these families meet President Joe Biden on Wednesday. Biden isn’t
Where Is Our Javier Milei? 6 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 12/13/2023 6:24:04 AM Post Reply
The new Argentinian president is a radical, a far-right outsider and a right-wing reactionary, if the press is to be believed. But he’s not at all the demon that the mental-case media claims he is. Javier Milei is the type of elected official – note that we didn’t say “politician” – that this country needs. In fact, every nation on the planet could use a Javier Milei. “No country declined as rapidly or as severely as Argentina,” Investopedia said a year ago in a post explaining the country’s relationship with socialism. “In 1989 the average inflation rate in Argentina approached 5,000%, and in March 1990 it peaked at over 20,000%.”
Biden Puts Us On A Fast Train To Nowhere 20 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 12/12/2023 6:31:47 AM Post Reply
"At long last, we’re building the first high-speed rail project in our nation’s history. And it’s starting here.” That was President Joe Biden announcing last week that us taxpayers will be ponying up $3 billion to help a private company build a bullet train from Los Angeles to Las Vegas so gambleholics can start losing money more quickly. The L.A. to Vegas train will supposedly be finished in time for the Los Angeles Summer Olympics in 2028 — just four and half years from now. Well, anything is possible. A private company is planning to build the thing and claims to have the route and rights-of-way all figured out. But
Nearly Half Of Dems Say Charges Against
Trump Are Politically Motivated: I&I/TIPP Poll
8 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 12/11/2023 5:38:17 AM Post Reply
With less than a year to go in the presidential election cycle, most Americans almost always have a good idea of who will be running for president, and who won’t. That’s especially true when an incumbent president is eligible for reelection. As this month’s I&I/TIPP Poll demonstrates, that’s not the case this time around. While both of the main parties’ likely candidates — President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump — have healthy leads against potential competitors within their own parties in virtually all polls, it’s still not clear that either will even be on the ballot next year. The media are full of stories
The Doomsday Cult Needs To Recalculate
Its Many Failed Predictions
7 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 12/8/2023 6:58:17 AM Post Reply
Five years ago, then-California Gov. Jerry Brown said, with great certainty, that “in less than five years, even the worst skeptics will be believers.” While we’re not sure why some skeptics are in his mind worse than others, it’s clear that he was wrong. Wrong as the prediction of the end of snow was wrong. Just as wrong as Prince Charles, Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Al Gore, celebrated activist James Hansen and the tiresome, we’ll-have-no-coal John Kerry declaring we have fewer than 100 months or 12 years or 10 years or four years or 500 days to save Earth
Trump Just Won Tom Friedman’s Vote 17 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 12/7/2023 7:30:24 AM Post Reply
Leftists in the press have been falling over themselves lately to warn Americans that a second Trump term in the White House would usher in an era of dictatorship. The Hill reports that “The Washington Post, The Atlantic, and The New York Times each published stories referencing a ‘Trump dictatorship’ in recent days, arguing a new Trump presidency posed a threat to democracy.” (snip) But our question is this: Since when did the left start hating dictatorships? It’s the left, after all, that has had a long and storied string of romances with actual dictators.
EVs Aren’t The Edsel Of The 21st Century
— They’re Far Worse
12 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 12/6/2023 7:09:18 AM Post Reply
Economist Steve Moore recently compared EVs to the ill-fated Edsel, “one of the textbook marketing flops of all time.” “All the automotive experts and Ford executives said it was a can’t-miss. Henry Ford (the car was named after his son) guaranteed hundreds of thousands of sales. But one big thing went wrong: Nobody ever bothered to ask car buyers what they thought of the new car,” he wrote. “Given the all-in approach to electric vehicles at Ford and General Motors, it’s clear that Detroit never got the message.” With all due respect to our good friend Steve, there is one
Most Deserving Of A Lump Of Coal 16 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 12/5/2023 5:22:15 AM Post Reply
Climate czar John Kerry, who must have nightmares of everyone’s carbon footprint but his own, dreams of outlawing coal-fired power plants across the world. Doing so is “how you can do something for health,” he said from the United Nations 28th global warming cocktail party in oil-rich Abu Dhabi. Avoiding blackouts and holding down electricity prices are also good for health, but health is not what the warming activists are interested in. After declaring that “​​there shouldn’t be any more coal power plants permitted anywhere in the world,” the White House’s climate hector in chief admitted “the reality is that we’re not doing it.” How dare India,
Angry Independent Voters Give Trump Edge
Over Biden In 2024: I&I/TIPP Poll
7 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 12/4/2023 4:37:56 AM Post Reply
Who will win the next presidential election? Of course, no one knows, since it’s still 11 months off. But if the election were held today, there would be a second term for President Donald Trump, the latest I&I/TIPP Poll shows. The national online poll, taken from Nov. 29-Dec. 1 from among 1301 registered voters, shows Trump with a slim two percentage point edge over President Joe Biden, 41% to 39%. The poll has a margin of error of +/-2.8 percentage points. Notably, there isn’t a majority for either of the candidates. Among those responding, 13% opted for other “other” while 7% said “not sure,” a total of 20% of the total sample.
Does Anybody Know What Books Biden Reads?
Or If He Reads?
27 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 12/2/2023 7:18:13 AM Post Reply
Time was when the elite media class obsessed over how many and what books presidents read. But since President Joe Biden took office, they’ve completely lost interest. Do they know something we don’t? Before Biden, the press loved to ask presidents about their favorite books. What’s on their nightstand? What are they reading on vacation? It has always been treated as a sign of intelligence. A measure of sophistication. The Daily Beast once compared presidential reading habits to how historians ranked them as presidents. “The results are not surprising
Forget The ‘Red v. Blue State’ Debate:
This Was A Great Debate
15 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 12/1/2023 5:28:09 AM Post Reply
Who won – and lost – Thursday night’s primetime clash between mega-Governors Ron DeSantis, Republican of the Free State of Florida, and Gavin Newsom, Democrat of the Golden State? On this scorecard, the winners were the American people. And the losers: one and the same. Why was America writ large the winner? Because though the event was billed as Great Red State v. Blue State Debate, a nationwide audience was actually privileged to see a just-plain great debate between two attractive and transcendently talented politicians. America took in more substance, more facts, more clear contrasts, more smart thrusts and parries,
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Hunter Biden fears he will have to FLEE
the US if Trump is elected; Friends say
Joe Biden is 'consumed' by the scandal
around his son and is scared he will slip
back into addiction, report claims
31 replies
Posted by Imright 12/15/2023 6:25:33 PM Post Reply
Hunter Biden has told friends that he might have to flee the country if Donald Trump is reelected, after already enduring months of deeply personal political attacks and mounting legal woes. Republicans have put him front and center of their efforts to say his father acted corruptly when he was vice president. And he could face almost 20 years in prison if convicted of three felony and six misdemeanor charges brought last week. The result is an 81-year-old father desperately worried about the welfare of a son who has battled drink and drugs, and a son who fears more attacks if Trump wins in 2024.
Report: Hunter Biden Threatens to ‘Flee’
America if Donald Trump Reelected
24 replies
Posted by Beardo 12/15/2023 12:31:48 PM Post Reply
Hunter Biden reportedly threatened to take extreme action and flee the United States of America if voters reelect former President Donald Trump. The threat represents the often neurotic nature of the president’s son, 53, who faces 42 years in prison for tax and gun charges in an ongoing investigation. “In recent conversations with family friends, he [Hunter] has worried that he might have to flee the country if Trump were to be elected president again,” two people who spoke with Hunter told Politico’s Jonathan Lemire.
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Georgia election workers $148 MILLION
for accusing them of helping steal the
2020 race: America's Mayor faces financial
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Posted by Imright 12/15/2023 4:46:05 PM Post Reply
Rudy Giuliani should pay two Georgia election workers $148million for defaming them and accusing them of helping steal the election after a bombshell jury award in Washington, DC Friday. The panel deliberated for 10 hours on how much the former New York Mayor will have to pay Georgia election workers Ruby Freeman and 'Shaye' Moss. The panel of eight men and women decided to sock it to the former mayor after deliberating over the course to two days, hitting him with punitive damages on top of findings for emotional distress and economic damages.
Southwest Has New Policy for the 'Super
Fat' Passenger
23 replies
Posted by Hazymac 12/15/2023 10:41:30 AM Post Reply
I am not sure how to feel about this one. On the one hand, the decision that Southwest Airlines made to give free 2nd or even 3rd seats to “Super Fat” passengers is good for those people and great for the unlucky middle seaters who would have been squeezed by a neighbor whose body encroached into their personal space. On the other hand, everybody who flies Southwest will be picking up the tab for the otherwise empty seat Southwest couldn’t fill because a passenger with an exceptional appetite decided to fly on their aircraft. (X) After Southwest’s decision has come in the wake of a social media campaign by influencers
School Board Member Sworn In On Stack
Of Gay Porn Instead Of Bible
22 replies
Posted by Beardo 12/15/2023 12:19:10 PM Post Reply
A school board member in Virginia took his oath of office with his hand not on a Bible, but on a stack of books containing graphic depictions of gay sex. Karl Frisch, who will become chairman of the Fairfax County School Board, swapped the Bible for books including “Lawn Boy,” “Gender Queer,” and “Flamer.” His male partner held the books as he placed his left hand on them and his right hand in the air. “He was sworn in on a stack of the five LGBTQ-themed books most frequently banned by other school systems,” Frisch’s campaign said on his website.
Senate Staffer Caught Making Hardcore
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Senator Identified
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Posted by Beardo 12/15/2023 8:09:30 PM Post Reply
Democrat Sen. Ben Cardin is going to have some explaining to do after one of his staffers was caught making hardcore gay porn inside the Capitol Complex. The news was first broken by "Cockburn," an anonymous writer over at The Spectator, who shared the tale in rather poetic terms. That story also identified the Senate office involved as belonging to Cardin.
White House tells federal workers to rent
green EVS - or take the bus or train:
Biden administration cracks down on government
staff using gas vehicles on official business
19 replies
Posted by Imright 12/15/2023 5:27:27 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden made another move Thursday to push his electric car agenda and live up to his nickname as 'Amtrak Joe' by pressing federal employees to rent electric vehicles and take more trains. In a directive Thursday, federal employees were told to rent EVS on official travel when costs are less or equal to comparable gas-powered vehicles and where charging is accessible. Additionally, federal workers were instructed to take rail for trips less than 250 miles when cost-effective and feasible rather than flying.
Federal prosecutor accused of obstructing
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18 replies
Posted by Imright 12/15/2023 2:22:10 AM Post Reply
Assistant U.S. Attorney Lesley Wolf, who has been accused of obstructing the Hunter Biden probe, has left her post at the Justice Department, it was reported Thursday as she sat down for an interview with the House Judiciary Committee. Wolf, who was interviewed behind closed doors Thursday for a transcribed interview, appeared under a subpoena, a day after the full House voted on a party line basis to formalize an impeachment inquiry into the president. That came on a day when Hunter Biden delivered a blistering statement outside the Capitol but declined to appear for a closed interview with lawmakers, after saying he would appear in a public forum.
Holy crap! California gears up to vote
on converting toilet water to tap water
17 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/15/2023 3:50:04 PM Post Reply
In an extreme move to address the climate “crisis” and the state’s infamous water droughts, California may be looking to utilize “toilet to tap” conversions. In a tentative vote reportedly planned for next week, the California State Water Resources Control Board may vote on a measure that would allow sewage water to be converted into purportedly safe drinking water. Under the proposed plan, wastewater that is currently treated and released into oceans and rivers, and used for field irrigation, may be “treated at a higher level” and then sent “back into the main water supply over the course of hours to days,” the Washington Examiner reported.
Turkish lawmaker who had heart attack
after saying Israel ‘will suffer the
wrath of Allah’ dies
17 replies
Posted by Beardo 12/15/2023 1:35:02 PM Post Reply
The Turkish lawmaker who suffered a heart attack on the floor of parliament after declaring that Israel “will suffer the wrath of Allah” died Thursday, just two days after condemning Istanbul’s policy toward Jerusalem. Hasan Bitmez, 54, a member of parliament from the opposition Saadet Party, died in Ankara City Hospital, Health Minister Fahrettin Koca told reporters in televised remarks. He is survived by a wife and child. Shocking video showed Bitmez collapsing at the podium before the general assembly Tuesday, moments after delivering a fiery speech panning President Tayyip Erdogan’s ruling AK Party over Turkey’s ongoing trade with Israel despite the war with Hamas.
Senate closes in on deal on new hardline
border policy that could ban asylum after
5,000 crossings a day: Mayorkas heads
to Capitol Hill for talks on new migration
plan to get billions in Israel and Ukraine aid
16 replies
Posted by Imright 12/15/2023 7:33:54 PM Post Reply
The Senate has pushed off its holiday recess to work on a border security and foreign aid package in what could be a breakthrough on immigration policy - that has not been dealt with by Congress in decades. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said the talks had made 'good progress' on Thursday on a package that would include money for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan and would bolster border security measures in exchange. One idea under consideration is to allow Homeland Security officials to stop migrants from applying for asylum at the southern border if the total number of crossings on a day exceeds 5,000.
Study says human breathing contributing
to global warming
16 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/15/2023 4:37:00 PM Post Reply
A new government-funded study out of Britain, conducted by scientists at the U.K. Center for Ecology and Hydrology, purports to show that “human breathing is contributing to greenhouse gas emissions.” Therefore, the study authors are urging "caution in the assumption that emissions from humans are negligible." The peer-reviewed study published Wednesday in the Public Library of Science's journal PLOS One investigated greenhouse gas emissions of methane and nitrous oxide in human breath, which allegedly "contribute to global warming." Well, there it is! I knew it was coming! Are you serious about stopping global warming? Well, then, just stop breathing! What a boon to depopulationists!
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