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Claudine Gay Is Why I Never Checked the
‘Black’ Box

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Posted By: Moritz55, 12/14/2023 9:55:43 AM

I have known people like Claudine Gay my entire life and they are the reason why I never checked the “black” box on college and employment applications. If I had, I would not be a free individual today. As a child, I was fascinated by the story of my paternal grandparents’ interracial marriage in 1944 in segregated Chicago. The 1967 interracial marriage of my black father to the daughter of Holocaust survivors in the same city wasn’t much easier; at the time, America burned with race riots. My grandparents and parents had every reason not to marry across the color line. But they chose love over their racial order.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: udanja99 12/14/2023 10:18:25 AM (No. 1617054)
Steele has important things to say in this article. Don’t skip it!
14 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: DVC 12/14/2023 10:18:45 AM (No. 1617055)
Mr. Steele is a normal person, not a grifter like half black Obama, seeking gain from "racial grievance" his whole, miserable, destructive life. I congratulate him. He says important things when he says: "hecking the black box on college applications would have forced me to enter what I call the Minority State of Mind,[snip] that meant embracing a racialized and victimized mindset in which everything is defined by slavery, segregation, disparities, and racism." And Mr. Steele resisted the siren song of "check the box, gain a lot, but we OWN YOU" of rejoining the victim class. And, he avoided further dividing America, and tossing another log on the fires of racial hatred. Thank you, Mr. Steele, for being a strong and a good person, unlike Claudine Gay, who is a fraud and a grifter.
16 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: jimincalif 12/14/2023 10:47:36 AM (No. 1617097)
Victimhood is the most debilitating mindset one can have. I remember meeting Jack Canfield (one of the Chicken Soup for the Soul authors), and listening to one of his talks. Key takeaway for me - he said, “you are 100% responsible for what happens to you.” While it may not be completely true, it is an empowering way to live. If you take responsibility for your life, then you also get the power to improve it. Exactly 180° opposite what democrats, DEI charlatans and poverty pimps are selling.
11 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: downnout 12/14/2023 11:19:35 AM (No. 1617134)
My husband is legally Cherokee but has never checked any box other than Caucasian.
10 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: dbdiva 12/14/2023 12:44:12 PM (No. 1617182)
Agree with #1. Even if you're short on time, don't skip this piece. (Skip the one about mrs. jill's Christmas video me on this). Mr. Steele is giving great advice to black youngsters who may find themselves in his shoes. Advice that if followed will assist them in having a bright future.
7 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: faceincrowd 12/14/2023 1:51:44 PM (No. 1617218)
Wow! A must read article.
5 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: padiva 12/14/2023 5:00:37 PM (No. 1617325)
great read!
3 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: JimBob 12/14/2023 11:04:26 PM (No. 1617485)
Great RESPECT and Best Wishes for Mr. Steele!
2 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: MickTurn 12/14/2023 11:17:15 PM (No. 1617506)
Isn't Claudine a name used in the Arkansas Hills?
1 person likes this.

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Posted by Moritz55 12/15/2023 6:46:13 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Moritz55 12/15/2023 4:57:17 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Moritz55 12/15/2023 9:26:13 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Moritz55 12/14/2023 12:32:44 PM Post Reply
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Hunter Biden can duck the hot seat all
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5 replies
Posted by Moritz55 12/14/2023 10:01:36 AM Post Reply
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Claudine Gay Is Why I Never Checked the
‘Black’ Box
9 replies
Posted by Moritz55 12/14/2023 9:55:43 AM Post Reply
I have known people like Claudine Gay my entire life and they are the reason why I never checked the “black” box on college and employment applications. If I had, I would not be a free individual today. As a child, I was fascinated by the story of my paternal grandparents’ interracial marriage in 1944 in segregated Chicago. The 1967 interracial marriage of my black father to the daughter of Holocaust survivors in the same city wasn’t much easier; at the time, America burned with race riots. My grandparents and parents had every reason not to marry across the color line. But they chose love over their racial order.
House approves resolution demanding MIT,
Harvard presidents resign after antisemitism testimony
12 replies
Posted by Moritz55 12/14/2023 5:17:24 AM Post Reply
The House of Representatives voted in favor of a resolution calling on the presidents of Harvard and MIT to resign following last week's hearing on antisemitism. In a vote on Wednesday evening, representatives passed the resolution by a vote of 303-126. It required two-thirds to pass, or 290 votes. The bill was introduced by House Republican Conference Chair Rep. Elise Stefanik, R-N.Y., Rep. Jared Moskowitz, D-Fla., Majority Leader Steve Scalise, R-La., and Rep. Josh Gottheimer, D-N.J. "President Magill has resigned, and the other Presidents should follow suit," the resolution states.
Jordan says Hunter Biden made a 'huge
change' by saying his father was 'not
financially involved' in business
7 replies
Posted by Moritz55 12/13/2023 2:34:22 PM Post Reply
House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan said Hunter Biden made a "huge change" by saying his father, President Biden, was "not financially involved" in his business dealings. Jordan's comments came shortly after Hunter Biden defied his subpoena by not appearing for a deposition before the House Oversight Committee, and instead, delivering a public statement defending himself and his family amid the House impeachment inquiry against his father. "My father was not financially involved in my business," Hunter Biden said Wednesday morning from Capitol Hill, adding the president was not involved in his dealings with Ukrainian natural gas firm Burisma Holdings, or his Chinese investments and others in the U.S.
The 1972 Insurrection: When the Left Took Over 2 replies
Posted by Moritz55 12/13/2023 12:36:48 PM Post Reply
Political polarization in politics is a feature of our political system today, but it wasn’t always this way. Conservatives began to dominate the GOP in 1964, and in 1968 the historic Democratic establishment began to be discredited and undermined. These gradual forces came to a head in 1972. The culminating clash has been the source of a half-century of competition and conflict. Before 1964, there was a broad centrism with liberal and conservative wings. Moderate Republicans and conservative Democrats could find a lot of common ground. Liberal Republicanism was gradually weakening, and the conservative Democrats of the South were steadily losing ground and legitimacy.
Obama’s clueless foreign policy left
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21 replies
Posted by Moritz55 12/13/2023 10:52:51 AM Post Reply
The structures that bind the nations of the world together are breaking down before our eyes. Two savage wars are raging in volatile regions, either of which might at any moment blow up to involve additional belligerents and the potential use of nuclear weapons. The UN, established to prevent such disasters, has become a plaything of dictators: Iran, one of the bloodiest regimes on earth and a proud sponsor of terrorism, has just assumed the chair of the UN’s Human Rights Council. China has greatly accelerated production of nuclear warheads — and the Chinese media has begun to issue threats about “war on a global scale.”
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Posted by Moritz55 12/12/2023 5:54:48 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Moritz55 12/12/2023 3:33:43 PM Post Reply
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31 replies
Posted by Imright 12/15/2023 6:25:33 PM Post Reply
Hunter Biden has told friends that he might have to flee the country if Donald Trump is reelected, after already enduring months of deeply personal political attacks and mounting legal woes. Republicans have put him front and center of their efforts to say his father acted corruptly when he was vice president. And he could face almost 20 years in prison if convicted of three felony and six misdemeanor charges brought last week. The result is an 81-year-old father desperately worried about the welfare of a son who has battled drink and drugs, and a son who fears more attacks if Trump wins in 2024.
Report: Hunter Biden Threatens to ‘Flee’
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Posted by Beardo 12/15/2023 12:31:48 PM Post Reply
Hunter Biden reportedly threatened to take extreme action and flee the United States of America if voters reelect former President Donald Trump. The threat represents the often neurotic nature of the president’s son, 53, who faces 42 years in prison for tax and gun charges in an ongoing investigation. “In recent conversations with family friends, he [Hunter] has worried that he might have to flee the country if Trump were to be elected president again,” two people who spoke with Hunter told Politico’s Jonathan Lemire.
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Posted by Imright 12/15/2023 4:46:05 PM Post Reply
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Southwest Has New Policy for the 'Super
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Posted by Hazymac 12/15/2023 10:41:30 AM Post Reply
I am not sure how to feel about this one. On the one hand, the decision that Southwest Airlines made to give free 2nd or even 3rd seats to “Super Fat” passengers is good for those people and great for the unlucky middle seaters who would have been squeezed by a neighbor whose body encroached into their personal space. On the other hand, everybody who flies Southwest will be picking up the tab for the otherwise empty seat Southwest couldn’t fill because a passenger with an exceptional appetite decided to fly on their aircraft. (X) After Southwest’s decision has come in the wake of a social media campaign by influencers
School Board Member Sworn In On Stack
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22 replies
Posted by Beardo 12/15/2023 12:19:10 PM Post Reply
A school board member in Virginia took his oath of office with his hand not on a Bible, but on a stack of books containing graphic depictions of gay sex. Karl Frisch, who will become chairman of the Fairfax County School Board, swapped the Bible for books including “Lawn Boy,” “Gender Queer,” and “Flamer.” His male partner held the books as he placed his left hand on them and his right hand in the air. “He was sworn in on a stack of the five LGBTQ-themed books most frequently banned by other school systems,” Frisch’s campaign said on his website.
Senate Staffer Caught Making Hardcore
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20 replies
Posted by Beardo 12/15/2023 8:09:30 PM Post Reply
Democrat Sen. Ben Cardin is going to have some explaining to do after one of his staffers was caught making hardcore gay porn inside the Capitol Complex. The news was first broken by "Cockburn," an anonymous writer over at The Spectator, who shared the tale in rather poetic terms. That story also identified the Senate office involved as belonging to Cardin.
White House tells federal workers to rent
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19 replies
Posted by Imright 12/15/2023 5:27:27 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden made another move Thursday to push his electric car agenda and live up to his nickname as 'Amtrak Joe' by pressing federal employees to rent electric vehicles and take more trains. In a directive Thursday, federal employees were told to rent EVS on official travel when costs are less or equal to comparable gas-powered vehicles and where charging is accessible. Additionally, federal workers were instructed to take rail for trips less than 250 miles when cost-effective and feasible rather than flying.
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18 replies
Posted by Imright 12/15/2023 2:22:10 AM Post Reply
Assistant U.S. Attorney Lesley Wolf, who has been accused of obstructing the Hunter Biden probe, has left her post at the Justice Department, it was reported Thursday as she sat down for an interview with the House Judiciary Committee. Wolf, who was interviewed behind closed doors Thursday for a transcribed interview, appeared under a subpoena, a day after the full House voted on a party line basis to formalize an impeachment inquiry into the president. That came on a day when Hunter Biden delivered a blistering statement outside the Capitol but declined to appear for a closed interview with lawmakers, after saying he would appear in a public forum.
Holy crap! California gears up to vote
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17 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/15/2023 3:50:04 PM Post Reply
In an extreme move to address the climate “crisis” and the state’s infamous water droughts, California may be looking to utilize “toilet to tap” conversions. In a tentative vote reportedly planned for next week, the California State Water Resources Control Board may vote on a measure that would allow sewage water to be converted into purportedly safe drinking water. Under the proposed plan, wastewater that is currently treated and released into oceans and rivers, and used for field irrigation, may be “treated at a higher level” and then sent “back into the main water supply over the course of hours to days,” the Washington Examiner reported.
Turkish lawmaker who had heart attack
after saying Israel ‘will suffer the
wrath of Allah’ dies
17 replies
Posted by Beardo 12/15/2023 1:35:02 PM Post Reply
The Turkish lawmaker who suffered a heart attack on the floor of parliament after declaring that Israel “will suffer the wrath of Allah” died Thursday, just two days after condemning Istanbul’s policy toward Jerusalem. Hasan Bitmez, 54, a member of parliament from the opposition Saadet Party, died in Ankara City Hospital, Health Minister Fahrettin Koca told reporters in televised remarks. He is survived by a wife and child. Shocking video showed Bitmez collapsing at the podium before the general assembly Tuesday, moments after delivering a fiery speech panning President Tayyip Erdogan’s ruling AK Party over Turkey’s ongoing trade with Israel despite the war with Hamas.
Senate closes in on deal on new hardline
border policy that could ban asylum after
5,000 crossings a day: Mayorkas heads
to Capitol Hill for talks on new migration
plan to get billions in Israel and Ukraine aid
16 replies
Posted by Imright 12/15/2023 7:33:54 PM Post Reply
The Senate has pushed off its holiday recess to work on a border security and foreign aid package in what could be a breakthrough on immigration policy - that has not been dealt with by Congress in decades. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said the talks had made 'good progress' on Thursday on a package that would include money for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan and would bolster border security measures in exchange. One idea under consideration is to allow Homeland Security officials to stop migrants from applying for asylum at the southern border if the total number of crossings on a day exceeds 5,000.
Study says human breathing contributing
to global warming
16 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/15/2023 4:37:00 PM Post Reply
A new government-funded study out of Britain, conducted by scientists at the U.K. Center for Ecology and Hydrology, purports to show that “human breathing is contributing to greenhouse gas emissions.” Therefore, the study authors are urging "caution in the assumption that emissions from humans are negligible." The peer-reviewed study published Wednesday in the Public Library of Science's journal PLOS One investigated greenhouse gas emissions of methane and nitrous oxide in human breath, which allegedly "contribute to global warming." Well, there it is! I knew it was coming! Are you serious about stopping global warming? Well, then, just stop breathing! What a boon to depopulationists!
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