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AOC-Backed Starbucks Union Cheers for
Hamas Terror Attacks

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Posted By: DW626, 10/11/2023 3:46:20 PM

As armed Hamas terrorists are beheading Jewish babies, raping innocent women, and executing civilians in the street, Starbucks union workers—backed by far-left Squad member Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-VT), socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), and brain-dead Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA)—have proudly signaled public support for the terrorist invasion of Israel. Starbucks Workers United, an affiliate of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), voiced "Solidarity with Palestine!" in a series of since-deleted posts across social media. Over the weekend, Starbucks union chapters in progressive strongholds, such as Iowa City, Chicago, and Boston, promoted "Long Live Palestinian Resistance" rallies supporting the Hamas attacks.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: MMC 10/11/2023 3:53:16 PM (No. 1575031)
Vile, evil, despicable - the Squad in silence- or not- are advocating for the terrorists- beheading babies, raping women- And the fact Democrats walk out on a resolution to support Israel?
16 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: john56 10/11/2023 4:07:21 PM (No. 1575046)
I'm usually not a big fan of Starbucks, but let's give the corporate folks an opportunity to disassociate themselves from their leftist union goons.
7 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Vaquero45 10/11/2023 4:41:20 PM (No. 1575070)
Okay - that’s it for Starbucks. It’s only a matter of time before customers start staying away, or defacing their stores.
10 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: DVC 10/11/2023 5:28:59 PM (No. 1575101)
And how many American Jews will continue to purchase their coffee at Starbucks? My bet is a lot of them.
9 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: DogFacedPonySoldier 10/11/2023 6:09:31 PM (No. 1575128)
Too bad that I can’t boycott the bizniz . I haven’t been a patron in years.
18 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: velirotta 10/11/2023 6:42:06 PM (No. 1575137)
Richly deserving of a Bud Light treatment, nationwide.
14 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Venturer 10/11/2023 9:47:08 PM (No. 1575262)
Remember these people are the ones who gave us Joe Biden.
4 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: New Mexico Rider 10/12/2023 9:11:28 AM (No. 1575555)
FJB and F-Starbucks
0 people like this.

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Posted by DW626 10/13/2023 11:50:41 AM Post Reply
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Posted by DW626 10/12/2023 12:57:54 PM Post Reply
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Posted by DW626 10/12/2023 10:14:54 AM Post Reply
The railroad cars squealed to a stop where lines of police and soldiers stood by to receive the deplorable passengers. The human cargo -- nearly all middle aged to seniors -- debarked with their few permitted possessions and turned where the uniformed guardians directed. Those using crutches or wheelchairs took separate routes for greater efficiency. Some of the deplorable detritus still sported red hats rather than yellow stars. Welcome to Hillary Clinton’s Amerika. In a CNN interview earlier this month Clinton said, “At some point maybe there needs to be a formal deprogramming of the (Trump) cult members.”
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Posted by DW626 10/12/2023 10:08:12 AM Post Reply
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AOC-Backed Starbucks Union Cheers for
Hamas Terror Attacks
8 replies
Posted by DW626 10/11/2023 3:46:20 PM Post Reply
As armed Hamas terrorists are beheading Jewish babies, raping innocent women, and executing civilians in the street, Starbucks union workers—backed by far-left Squad member Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-VT), socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), and brain-dead Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA)—have proudly signaled public support for the terrorist invasion of Israel. Starbucks Workers United, an affiliate of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), voiced "Solidarity with Palestine!" in a series of since-deleted posts across social media. Over the weekend, Starbucks union chapters in progressive strongholds, such as Iowa City, Chicago, and Boston, promoted "Long Live Palestinian Resistance" rallies supporting the Hamas attacks.
Watch: Israel Mom Whose Children Were
Abducted by Hamas Terrorists Goes Off
on Vile Andrea Mitchell for Asking a Dumb
Question About the Nation’s Justified
Attacks Against Gaza
17 replies
Posted by DW626 10/11/2023 1:02:43 PM Post Reply
Monday on MSNBC served as yet another example why Andrea Mitchell is one of the worst “journalists” in America. As the Gateway Pundit previously reported, Hamas has committed multiple horrific atrocities since invading Israel Saturday. These include gunning down peaceful Israelis at a dance party, raping and abducting young Israeli women, and beheading Israeli soldiers. Hamas has even chopped off the heads of little babies and gunned down entire families in their beds. Mitchell hosted an Israeli mom whose two children were abducted by Hamas. She had the audacity to ask a callous and dumb question
Democrat's Reaction to Questions About
Hamas Beheading Babies Is Heinous
15 replies
Posted by DW626 10/11/2023 12:41:46 PM Post Reply
First, her reaction is heinous. Second, it’s one hundred percent expected from one of the most anti-Israel and far-left Democrats on the Hill. Rebecca wrote about Rep. Rashida Tlaib’s (D-MI) atrocious statement in the aftermath of the October 7 Hamas terrorist attack on Israel, where 1,000 armed radical Islamic madmen invaded Southern Israel, killing at least 700 Israeli civilians. A campaign of rape, murder, and kidnapping ensued. None were spared, and even babies were found beheaded. And still, scores of leftists refuse to condemn Hamas, instead siding with the terrorists. Tlaib at first offered this statement:
Did Hamas just jump the shark? 10 replies
Posted by DW626 10/11/2023 9:36:46 AM Post Reply
Just as the latest invasion began in Israel, swarms of the usual suspects began protesting in front of Israeli consulates in various American cities. Some of the anti-Israeli demonstrators were themselves Jewish… being committed leftists first and Jews second. They were of particular interest to the mainstream news media. Then news of horrific atrocities being carried out by the Hamas militants began to surface. Shooting up a harmless music festival is way too much for even woke progressives -- let alone flaunting the naked bodies of freshly murdered women. As I write, the revulsion on the Left is still lurking below the radar.
Hamas Calls on UN for Help Stopping ‘Israeli Aggression’ 17 replies
Posted by DW626 10/10/2023 6:18:39 PM Post Reply
The heady rush of bloodlust that fueled Hamas terrorists on Saturday has begun to wane now that Israel has hung out the “Open for Business” sign. As Robert reported yesterday, Hamas now wants a truce, even while the dead in Israel are still being buried and people there come to terms with those who were murdered, raped, and taken hostage. As the news cycle continues, every hour brings another story of the atrocities committed by Hamas, which have been cheered by people across the world.
Marsha Blackburn Is Actually Looking to
Do Something About That $6B Biden Released
to Iran
10 replies
Posted by DW626 10/10/2023 7:33:11 AM Post Reply
Over the weekend, Hamas attacked Israel, making October 7 the bloodiest day in the country's history and one that killed the most Jews since the end of the Holocaust. Given the support that Hamas had from Iran, many have called out the Biden administration for its move to provide the country with $6 billion--a decision that was announced on September 11--as part of a prisoner swap. As the money has reportedly not actually gone to Iran yet, Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) has called on President Joe Biden to void the agreement and freeze the payments.
Why Have Military Academies? 6 replies
Posted by DW626 10/10/2023 7:09:48 AM Post Reply
Established in 1802 under President Thomas Jefferson, West Point is our nation’s oldest armed services academy and the first engineering school in the United States. Why engineering? Because it is a battlefield-relevant discipline that promotes the kind of critical thinking military leaders need to fight and win wars. Successful combat officers must be able to solve basic engineering problems, such as determining whether bridges will support trucks and armored vehicles, how best to cross rivers and other obstacles, how to plan and build fortifications, and where to place demolition charges, to name just a few required skills.
When Americans Do the Job Their Police
Won’t Do
9 replies
Posted by DW626 10/10/2023 7:05:43 AM Post Reply
Recent instances of Vermont store-goers detaining and even assaulting would-be thieves reveal growing societal tensions seeded by progressive policies. Vermont’s law enforcement services are anemic due to anti-police rhetoric, racialization of courts, and lax prosecutorial policies. Vermont is not enforcing basic criminal laws, as gang-related violence and property crimes transform communities, drug overdoses skyrocket, and businesses are compromised. Citizens are tired of being victimized by government failure: many are taking matters into their own hands. On September 6, customers restrained a shoplifter in a Walmart parking lot in Berlin, Vermont. After arresting and charging the suspect, the Berlin Police Department sought to discourage similar public actions
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Biden Regime Is Forcing Americans Trapped
in Israel to Sign Promissory Notes to
Repay All Travel Costs If They Decide
to Be Rescued by US Government
56 replies
Posted by Imright 10/12/2023 12:20:33 PM Post Reply
In a time when Americans in Israel are relying on their government for support and protection, the U.S. State Department’s Consular Affairs Crisis Management System (CACMS) has left many American citizens hanging in the wind, demanding them to sign promissory notes as a precondition for any assistance in evacuating from the crisis-hit region. The so-called “assisted departure options” were outlined in an email sent to American citizens stranded in the Middle Eastern nation, stating that the U.S. government would offer loans for transportation. The Biden regime’s assistance to Americans wishing to depart Israel will come at a financial cost.
AOC says 'anti-Semitic' Christian fundamentalism
in the US is partially to blame for the
Israeli-Palestinian conflict
51 replies
Posted by Moritz55 10/12/2023 5:20:14 PM Post Reply
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York is naming Christian fundamentalism as a key driver of the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine, pointing to recent US actions in the region. Speaking on local New York radio station Hot 97/WQHT on Thursday morning, the progressive Democratic congresswoman argued that the conflict was not simply the result of Islamic fundamentalism and Israeli extremism. "It's not just Islamic, it's not just Jewish, it is also Christian," said Ocasio-Cortez. "In the United States of America, Christian fundamentalism and nationalism — which has also been extremely anti-Semitic — has also aligned itself with some of the most right-wing and authoritarian and inflammatory powers in the region."
At least a dozen more CEOs endorse Bill
Ackman's vow not to hire Harvard students
who blamed Israel for Hamas terror attack
- as undergrads double down on their statement
and whine about being 'flooded with racist
hate speech'
38 replies
Posted by Imright 10/12/2023 2:27:58 AM Post Reply
Over a dozen business executives are joining the call to blacklist the Harvard students who put out a statement that blamed Israel for the Hamas attack, while the group whined about being persecuted in the aftermath. CEOs from EasyHealth, Belong, FabFitFun, Inspired, DoveHill and many more joined billionaire hedge fund manager Bill Ackman in the charge of outing the members of 31 student organizations who issued the statement on Sunday. Ackman said, 'One should not be able to hide behind a corporate shield when issuing statements supporting the actions of terrorists, who, we now learn, have beheaded babies, among other inconceivably despicable acts.'
Sen. John Fetterman: "America Is Not Sending
Their Best And Brightest To Washington D.C."
36 replies
Posted by NorthernDog 10/12/2023 9:42:25 AM Post Reply
Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA), who was dressed in a hoodie and gym shorts, appeared on 'The Late Show' with host Stephen Colbert on Wednesday accompanied by a tablet to assist him. "Sometimes you literally just can't believe these people are making the decisions that are determining the government here," Fetterman said. "It's actually scary too," he added. COLBERT: Is it awkward to be in the Capitol and then run into people that you have put up a devastating meme about because you have excellent meme game. But then you have to see these people in the cafeteria. FETTERMAN: You all
Israel orders the evacuation of 1.1 million
people from northern part of Gaza, the
UN says
34 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 10/13/2023 12:42:45 AM Post Reply
JERUSALEM — Israel’s military on Friday directed the evacuation of northern Gaza, a region that is home to 1.1 million people — about half of the territory’s population — within 24 hours, a U.N. spokesman said. This could signal an impending ground offensive, though the Israeli military has not yet confirmed such an appeal. On Thursday it said that while it was preparing, a decision has not yet been made. The order, delivered to the U.N., comes as Israel presses an offensive against Hamas militants. U.N. spokesman Stéphane Dujarric called the order “impossible” without “devastating humanitarian consequences.”
Moment BBC reporter falls to his knees
and weeps while reporting inside Gaza
hospital as he describes 'seeing things
I can never unsee' - before his cameraman
also breaks down in tears
29 replies
Posted by Imright 10/13/2023 9:07:18 AM Post Reply
This is the moment a BBC journalist broke down in tears while reporting from inside a hospital in war-torn Gaza as he described having 'seen things I can never unsee'. BBC Arabic reporter Adnan El-Bursh fell to his knees and removed his glasses before wiping his face as he was overcome by emotion at the Al Shifa Hospital yesterday. Mr El-Bursh and his team - including cameraman Mahmoud al-Ajrami, who was also left in tears - had discovered that their friends, relatives and neighbours were among those injured or killed in the hospital and he described how 'bodies lay everywhere'.
Steve Scalise Steps Aside, Speaker Race
Back to Square One
28 replies
Posted by Imright 10/12/2023 9:37:37 PM Post Reply
Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) is withdrawing from the race for Speaker of the House after a brutal day that saw him hemorrhage support from between 30 and 40 Republican colleagues. “Our conference still has to come together and we’re not there,” Scalise told his colleagues during a hastily called conference meeting at the Capitol. “There are still some people that have their own agendas.” (X) Scalise is expected to remain Majority Leader, although who will seek the Speaker’s gavel is not clear. Rep. Patrick McHenry (R-NC), currently Speaker Pro Tem, has been encouraged by some of his colleagues to seek the position permanently. Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) finished second to Scalise
Joe Biden pledges military help for Israel
but warns nation to 'operate by rules
of war' – video
27 replies
Posted by Hazymac 10/12/2023 8:25:48 AM Post Reply
US president has pledged to give new military assistance to Israel and said the attack by Hamas on Saturday was the 'deadliest day for Jews since the Holocaust'. Speaking at a Jewish community event in Washington DC, Biden reiterated that he backed Israel but also called on Israel prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu to 'operate by the rules of war'. At least 1,100 Israelis have died since Hamas launched a deadly attack on Israel on Saturday, and at least 1,100 Palestinians were killed in Israel's retaliation
Fetterman mocks fellow lawmakers on late-night
show: 'America is not sending their best
and brightest' to DC
25 replies
Posted by Moritz55 10/12/2023 12:48:33 PM Post Reply
Sen. John Fetterman, D-Pa., joined late night host Stephen Colbert on Wednesday and said Americans weren't sending their "best and brightest" to Capitol Hill, arguing that it is "scary." "Is it awkward to be in the Capitol and then run into people that you have put up a devastating meme about because you’ve got excellent meme game. But then you have to see these people in the cafeteria," Colbert said on "The Late Show." "You all need to know that America is not sending their best and brightest to Washington, D.C.," Fetterman responded, to laughter from the audience. "Sometimes you literally just can’t believe.
University of Wisconsin Women’s Basketball
Coach Bemoans “Run-of-the-Mill White
Kids” on Her Team (Video)
25 replies
Posted by Imright 10/12/2023 5:55:20 AM Post Reply
University of Wisconsin Women’s basketball coach Marisa Moseley bemoaned “run-of-the-mill” white kids on her team. “If you look at my team, you know, we’re pretty much the United Nations. I have the first Indian woman to ever play at the Power 5. I have kids who are Nigerian and kids who are Dominican and kids who are Mexican and kids who are run of the mill white because they’re still there too,” Moseley said. As soon as she realized she , “My mom is white just so nobody is offended. My mom is a white woman from the Berkshires. Very white.” WATCH:
Student Groups at Harvard Starting to
Think Maybe it Was a Bad Idea to Sign
Letter Blaming Israel for Hamas Attack
23 replies
Posted by Imright 10/12/2023 2:19:42 AM Post Reply
The reaction to the Hamas attack on Israel by left wing college students has been horrible and Harvard is no exception.Several student groups at Harvard University have withdrawn their signatures from a controversial document blaming Israel as “entirely responsible” for the Hamas terror attack on Israeli civilians, following intense backlash. Dozens of student groups from the elite school signed a letter blaming Israel and supporting Palestine, which is represented by Hamas. The public reaction to this has been near-universal disgust, and now these Harvard students are starting to worry about their future employment prospects.
Biden-Appointed Judge Approves New Mexico
Governor’s Concealed Carry Ban
21 replies
Posted by Imright 10/12/2023 10:27:17 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden-appointed U.S. District Judge David Herrera Urias issued a decision Wednesday allowing New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s (D) ban on concealed carry in parks and playgrounds to remain in effect. On September 13, 2023, Breitbart News reported that Urias granted a temporary injunction against Grisham’s September 8, 2023, ban, which prohibited concealed and open carry in larger New Mexico cities like Albuquerque. The ban applied to licensed concealed carriers, too.
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