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Protests Erupt in Blue Cities Over Illegal
Immigrants as Democrats Reap What They Sow

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Posted By: Judy W., 9/7/2023 9:44:26 AM

The meltdown in blue cities over the busing of illegal immigrants continues, and it’s causing Democrats serious problems. That’s good, because it’s their fault this is happening. What the media inaccurately call the “migrant crisis” (these are people who have unlawfully crossed the U.S. border, not migrants) is battering so-called sanctuary cities, such as New York and Los Angeles. Imagine how people in Texas and Arizona border cities—such as El Paso, Yuma, and Eagle Pass—feel. Texas sent a 12th bus full of illegal immigrants to Los Angeles on Monday. (Snip) “The migrants were from Colombia, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Russia, and Venezuela,” it said.


As the author points out, busing these invaders is not a solution, but it shines a spotlight on Democrat-run cities and puts the Democrat Party in a bad light. Of course, it had to be governors who took the bull by the horns, not Republicans in Congress, who should be far more active on the issue.

Post Reply

Reply 1 - Posted by: Buzzman 9/7/2023 9:48:24 AM (No. 1551058)
But....but....but.....Sanctuary City...................
44 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: itsonlyme 9/7/2023 9:51:31 AM (No. 1551060)
AirRick, "crackers" ?
16 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: formerNYer 9/7/2023 9:52:48 AM (No. 1551061)
Wow, they got what they voted for and now they're complaining, either they are very stupid or very naive. I go with the former instead of the latter.
56 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: mifla 9/7/2023 10:11:41 AM (No. 1551074)
Same old story. Democrats value intentions. Republicans value results.
47 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Amanoftwistsandturns 9/7/2023 10:37:40 AM (No. 1551090)
There answer is to push them to the suburbs where they gladly go as they feel safer. The ER at the Innova hospital in Fairfax,Va is flooded with illegals seeking free healthcare. Biden is deliberately destroying America because he absolutely hates the people of this country.
52 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: cor-vet 9/7/2023 10:49:25 AM (No. 1551104)
Too bad they can't get a few bus loads to our favorite beach in Deleware!
47 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Jesuslover54 9/7/2023 10:51:27 AM (No. 1551106)
You made everyone's life miserable, so choke on it.
42 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: Amanoftwistsandturns 9/7/2023 10:57:46 AM (No. 1551114)
Sending 100 busloads of illegals and terrorists to Rehoboth Beach will get FJBs attention.
48 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Gordon Mills 9/7/2023 11:01:19 AM (No. 1551120)
They have always been diseased criminal invaders
26 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: snakeoil 9/7/2023 11:09:16 AM (No. 1551133)
Adams should retaliate by sending a bus load of New Yorkers to Mexico. Starting with Steven Colbert.
53 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: Luandir 9/7/2023 11:50:27 AM (No. 1551169)
Quoting protester Michelle Rubin: "We are not vetting anybody. We don’t know if anybody has a criminal background or what they did in their country of origin.” Welcome to Texas, Ms. Rubin.
35 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: DVC 9/7/2023 12:41:46 PM (No. 1551210)
Maybe those folks should work on getting some person who has experience with ACTUALLY closing the border.....Donald John Trump?
38 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: Gordon Mills 9/7/2023 1:10:13 PM (No. 1551242)
#12, President Donald John Trump
30 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: broken01 9/7/2023 1:42:59 PM (No. 1551276)
Hey Sanctuary City democrats. Like the old car commercial stated, you asked for it you got it Toyota!
15 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: Luke21 9/7/2023 2:25:37 PM (No. 1551310)
"Illegal invaders" has a nice ring to it.
30 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: Sully 9/7/2023 3:50:49 PM (No. 1551361)
Lookit. There will be no conservative opponent running for office in any of these lib bastions. The commiecrats know this. They will never answer to anyone for their schizophrenic policy debaclesthere is zero. It may give you a sugar rush to see them backpeddal, but they will never be called on it.
14 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: bighambone 9/7/2023 7:35:45 PM (No. 1551504)
The leftist and socialist Democrat politicians who are running the leftist and socialist Democrat “sanctuary cities” do not want the migrants (illegal aliens) who are also categorized as minority group peoples in Democrat identity politics, to be arrested and deported in accordance with U.S. Immigration law. What those leftist and socialist Democrat politicians want is for the US Congress to appropriate as many billions of federal dollars as possible, and for Biden to send that federal money to them to defray the growing amounts of social and welfare costs that they are spending to cater to the massively growing migrant (illegal alien) population that is descending on their sanctuary cities. In the long-term the Democrat strategic political plan is to grant an amnesty and legalize as many migrants (illegal aliens) as possible by way of Democrat designed “path to citizenship” amnesty and legalization programs and to transform them into future leftist and socialist Democrat supporters and voters by the tens of millions in the years ahead.
19 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: LaVallette 9/8/2023 6:50:57 AM (No. 1551736)
#17: You afiled to conlude your post; The Establishment of the One Party Demonrat State of the USA
8 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: Rinktum 9/8/2023 6:52:44 AM (No. 1551737)
I may be wrong to feel this way but it gives me great satisfaction to see these democommies suffer. They asked for it and now they have it and it is beyond satisfying to watch them cry and moan. I get a kick watching these rich New Yorkers complain. These are the same people who don’t give a flying fig about the border states that are overrun, but make them inconvenienced and we see them for what they are, victims of their own stupidity. So be it. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. I’d like to believe this would give them a wake-up call, but it won’t. They would rather die than vote for a Republican, therefore, they deserve everything they get.
36 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: Krause 9/8/2023 6:54:13 AM (No. 1551740)
Obama is famous for saying 'don't underestimate Joe's ability to eff things up.' This can be expanded to the whole democrat party and the deep state. Everything they do is against the wishes of the people. They offer nothing of what the people want. The person who really does what the people want, Trump, they are trying to jail. It's really unbelievable where we are at now.
23 people like this.

Reply 21 - Posted by: raspberry 9/8/2023 7:31:34 AM (No. 1551752)
Illegal migration is the major element of Ovomit's "fundamental transformation of America." He still rules America from his Wash., D.C. home where Susan Rice resides and runs the White House and tells puppet Biden what to do. Why are Ovomit and Hillary so quiet? They don't want Americans asking questions and figuring things out. Dictators are silent about their traitorous actions.
22 people like this.

Reply 22 - Posted by: janjan 9/8/2023 8:27:06 AM (No. 1551779)
Every one of these protesters need to be polled on who they voted for. If it was Biden they need to be told to go home and shut up. That will reduce the protests to a handful of people who have the right to complain.
17 people like this.

Reply 23 - Posted by: TCloud 9/8/2023 8:29:49 AM (No. 1551780)
And, it is just like Cuba not wanting any influx of US Liberals on the Island because the Cubans know that these People will destroy Communist Cuba...
9 people like this.

Reply 24 - Posted by: Msquared112 9/8/2023 9:44:51 AM (No. 1551827)
I guess they really didn't mean it when they called themselves "sanctuary cities". Liars.
14 people like this.

Reply 25 - Posted by: MickTurn 9/8/2023 9:58:48 AM (No. 1551835)
Hmmm, Leftist Riots, Burned Cities...Karma sucks when it bites the Lefties on the Rear!
10 people like this.

Reply 26 - Posted by: Dodge Boy 9/8/2023 10:07:38 AM (No. 1551853)
Enjoy the suck, you ignorant urban dim voters.
12 people like this.

Reply 27 - Posted by: Zigrid 9/8/2023 11:08:03 AM (No. 1551925)
The rats are running scared...their blue cities are exploding and they are wringing their hands and crying because they don't know what to do about it...typical democrats...they make a problem and then panic when they can't fix it....this is what happens when you follow the corporate dudes who are in for the money...nothing else...the illegal aliens are a work force for their factories...and the poor children are toys for the sicko perverts who use them and abuse them....welcome to obama's world...sick and twisted.....and let's not fool ourselves...this is obamas third term...biden is gone to never...never land....
8 people like this.

Reply 28 - Posted by: red1066 9/8/2023 12:01:11 PM (No. 1551989)
You can't blame Republicans in the current Congress for not acting. The only control they have is with the purse, and the demoslut run Senate would veto any attempt to change the Biteme's demoslut/communist administration policy though the budget and Biteme isn't going to sign it. One can blame Republicans in past administrations for not doing anything and in some cases promoting this stuff, but when control of government is not in the hands of people who would stop this, then what we have is what you get.
4 people like this.

Reply 29 - Posted by: Omen55 9/8/2023 1:48:18 PM (No. 1552073)
Let dem suffer as they were meant to suffer!
3 people like this.

Reply 30 - Posted by: Timber Queen 9/8/2023 2:08:21 PM (No. 1552098)
#28 - I believe we can blame the Republicans in the House for not acting, despite not having control of the Senate. They have the "Bully Pulpit", and that political position has never stopped Democrats in the past from pounding the podium. They also no longer have the excuse of the Dems controlling the enemedia because few watch or believe the legacy networks anymore. If McCarthy would rail against Bribem's corruption and treason, and let Gaetz and Green off-leash to start pounding the Dems for their egregious and unconstitutional actions against the J6 prisoners, then we would get some attention and action. Not to mention what would happen if our elected Republicans began to voraciously defend and support President Trump in his trials. It sure would be "grand" to have an opposition party. MAGA REVENGE - TRUMP 2024
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Megadeath: the global conspiracy to kill
every living thing until we submit.
2 replies
Posted by Judy W. 9/17/2023 9:48:35 AM Post Reply
“Weather was a weapon used over Vietnam,” says US Air Force Major General Richard H Roellig. “Would you expect that to be deleted from the availability? No! They continue to expand the scientific aspects of it, to have it available in your portfolio of weaponry would be a natural process. Should you expect it to be available on demand to have the ability to modify weather? Absolutely. Within this country. And others.” “Climate engineering is the crown jewel of the Military-Industrial Complex. (Snip) We know some of these countries have had their precipitation cut off, like Iran, which stated so on the floor of the U.N.” - Dane Wigington
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Posted by Judy W. 9/15/2023 12:56:19 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Judy W. 9/11/2023 2:15:19 PM Post Reply
When I was four, my mother took her first flight and first trip out of her native India to the U.S. with me and my younger brother in tow. (Snip) When I was 19, I became an American citizen. It was one of the happiest days of my young life. The immigration officer gave me a civics test, including a question about the First Amendment. It was an easy test because I knew it in my heart. The American civic religion has the right to free speech as the core of its liturgy. I never imagined that there would come a time when an American government
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Posted by Judy W. 9/11/2023 10:07:45 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Judy W. 9/11/2023 8:19:00 AM Post Reply
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The Real New Normal 12 replies
Posted by Judy W. 9/9/2023 7:29:04 AM Post Reply
I mentioned on Monday that on his long-running Radio Derb John Derbyshire drew his listeners' attention to an observation of yours truly: (Snip) "There's no point pretending this is a normal situation, right?" And yet at least three-quarters of the candidates in that Republican debate insisted on doing just that: This is just a normal quadrennial election in the greatest country in the history of countries where we're renowned around the planet for our uniquely peaceful "peaceful transfer of power", etc, etc. Sorry, I don't buy that - and evidently nor does the GOP base. Which is why Trump has a forty-point lead over his nearest rival,
The Long Term Payback from the Ukraine War 7 replies
Posted by Judy W. 9/8/2023 9:30:16 AM Post Reply
A recent Zero Hedge article contains an interesting quote as to why the U.S. warhawks want the Ukraine war: Beltway liberal elites... still think Russia must be punished given they see Moscow as having brought the "bad orange man" to power in 2016. Sounds crazy, but that would explain what I have experienced on the ground (physically and linguistically) in Ukraine. Ukrainian Trump Derangement Syndrome (Snip) My Ukrainian language comprehension has increased dramatically over the past year (I am a fluent Russian speaker), and Ukrainian language news has opened my eyes to a side of Ukraine I despise.
The Death of Informed Consent 13 replies
Posted by Judy W. 9/8/2023 8:23:13 AM Post Reply
Here's what never happened in the hospital during COVID: a doctor sat down next to a patient and said, "You have a choice. We can give you Remdesivir, which killed 53% of the patients in an Ebola trial. It was so bad the trial had to be shut down.' (Snip) Or we can give you ivermectin, a safe and effective drug that's been successfully used for decades, and send you home. Which do you prefer?" The reason that conversation never happened is that it would have cost the hospital too much money.
Protests Erupt in Blue Cities Over Illegal
Immigrants as Democrats Reap What They Sow
30 replies
Posted by Judy W. 9/7/2023 9:44:26 AM Post Reply
The meltdown in blue cities over the busing of illegal immigrants continues, and it’s causing Democrats serious problems. That’s good, because it’s their fault this is happening. What the media inaccurately call the “migrant crisis” (these are people who have unlawfully crossed the U.S. border, not migrants) is battering so-called sanctuary cities, such as New York and Los Angeles. Imagine how people in Texas and Arizona border cities—such as El Paso, Yuma, and Eagle Pass—feel. Texas sent a 12th bus full of illegal immigrants to Los Angeles on Monday. (Snip) “The migrants were from Colombia, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Russia, and Venezuela,” it said.
The election isn't a lock, but . . . 11 replies
Posted by Judy W. 9/6/2023 2:43:13 PM Post Reply
. . . Democrats and RINOs desperately are looking for some keys. The Atlantic reported, “Why Biden Just Can’t Shake Trump in the Polls.” The reason was buried in Paragraph 22: “There’s also a chance that new dynamics will break this equilibrium before November 2024. If Republicans nominate anyone other than Trump, that would create fresh opportunities and challenges for each side. (McLaughlin counters that even with a conviction, independents might still prefer Trump, because many of them consider the charges politically motivated and also ‘because he’s viewed as better on the economy’ than Biden.)” (Snip) The people see the indictments differently than the milquetoast media does.
Expressionless Babies, Bored Lovers 17 replies
Posted by Judy W. 9/5/2023 6:39:37 AM Post Reply
I feel that I make notes every day on mourning a world that has passed - and at times on noticing a new world that is barely stirring. So I mourn, and at times I hope. I’ve been traveling, and now I am home; so I have observed my fellow humans recently in airports, and on airplanes; on trains; in crowds; and in smaller gatherings. And in the “mourning”: category I must note that some things about human beings, as an aggregate, have changed — since those fatal sixteen to 18 months, the months of mass injection, from late 2020 to mid-2022.
First Rule of Fight Club: Do Not Fall
for the Demoralization Program
4 replies
Posted by Judy W. 9/3/2023 9:44:09 AM Post Reply
You probably haven’t heard of Rupert Sheldrake. (Snip) Legacy Media runs a demoralization program, but they have to report the news sometimes and the real news is that their narrative is crumbling. This is just from the past week. One week. I can aggregate another thousand to make up the month. The crumbling of the financial system is first up. China Banks to cut Rates on Mortgages, Deposits in Stimulus Push Bank of International Settlements (BISS) says “capital outflows could have a significant effect on macro-economic outcomes. Today, banks are seeing a virtual collapse of deposits, and capital outflows in record numbers. They are also seeing loan defaults.”
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Posted by NorthernDog 9/16/2023 11:13:33 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 9/16/2023 12:52:22 AM Post Reply
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Posted by ladydawgfan 9/16/2023 7:03:00 PM Post Reply
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Socialists Push New ‘Migrant Taxes’
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17 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 9/16/2023 4:40:08 PM Post Reply
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Republicans to dispense with ‘pro-life’
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17 replies
Posted by FlyRight 9/16/2023 7:31:05 AM Post Reply
Steven Law, the head of the Senate Leadership Fund super PAC and former aide to Mitch McConnell, recently presented poll results that suggested voters are reacting differently to the terms “pro-life” and “pro-choice” in the wake of last year’s Supreme Court decision that overturned Roe v. Wade. Via an NBC News report on the story, in a September 7 interview Sen. Kevin Cramer (R-ND) stated:
Only 800 of New York's tens of thousands
of illegal immigrants have applied for
work authorization
17 replies
Posted by FlyRight 9/16/2023 7:29:02 AM Post Reply
It has been revealed that out of the tens of thousands of illegal immigrants that have taken over New York City within the past 18 months, less than two percent have applied for work visas. Democrats at every level of government continue to say that getting more work visas will solve the illegal immigration problem in New York. AOC and other Democrats staged a press conference outside midtown Manhattan's Roosevelt Hotel on Friday to speak about work authorizations, more federal funding, and the American dream, but they were shouted down by constituents who very clearly want the border closed.
POLITICO’s Przybyla: Other than Hunter’s
Own Words, GOP Doesn’t Have Evidence
Against Joe
16 replies
Posted by Imright 9/16/2023 10:31:04 PM Post Reply
On Friday’s edition of PBS’s “Washington Week with The Atlantic,” Politico National Investigative Correspondent Heidi Przybyla stated that the only documentation Republicans have for the claims behind the impeachment inquiry of President Joe Biden “is a family cell phone plan” and Hunter Biden’s own words in “some text messages that Hunter sent while he was addicted to crack cocaine.” Washington Post Early 202 co-author and Washington Post Live host Leigh Ann Caldwell stated that there isn’t any evidence President Biden took a bribe or used his power to benefit his son, adding, “there are some Republicans who wanted to impeach President Biden because of this yesterday. But most Republicans say —
Greta Thunberg once again arrested and
charged during climate demonstration
16 replies
Posted by mc squared 9/16/2023 6:20:09 PM Post Reply
Radical climate activist Greta Thunberg has reportedly been arrested and charged with disobeying the police for the second time in less than two months. Thunberg, 20, originally participated in a climate protest in the southern city of Malmo on June 19th. “The climate crisis is a matter of life and death for countless people. We choose to physically stop fossil fuel infrastructure. We are reclaiming the future,” she reportedly said at the time. A month later, she was “fined 1,500 Swedish crowns ($134) by a Swedish court on July 24 for failing to leave [the] protest when ordered by police,” according to Reuters.
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