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The election isn't a lock, but . . .

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Posted By: Judy W., 9/6/2023 2:43:13 PM

. . . Democrats and RINOs desperately are looking for some keys. The Atlantic reported, “Why Biden Just Can’t Shake Trump in the Polls.” The reason was buried in Paragraph 22: “There’s also a chance that new dynamics will break this equilibrium before November 2024. If Republicans nominate anyone other than Trump, that would create fresh opportunities and challenges for each side. (McLaughlin counters that even with a conviction, independents might still prefer Trump, because many of them consider the charges politically motivated and also ‘because he’s viewed as better on the economy’ than Biden.)” (Snip) The people see the indictments differently than the milquetoast media does.


There are a lot of good points here.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: FormerDem 9/6/2023 3:32:56 PM (No. 1550605)
The reason independents hate Trump is that the Democratic owned media have drawn scare boxes around him. If we nominate someone else they will do the very same thing again, same as they did when we chose McCain. Suddenly he was awful. They had a narrative ready to go on him the minute he got the nomination. There is nothing to be achieved by attending to their goads. They are 100% hypocritical and aimed to herd us off the cliff. It is like a person trying to kidnap you who waves a gun. Your situation is not going to get better by obeying. We know that. Attending to them just makes them behave worse. That is why we are ignoring them.
29 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: mc squared 9/6/2023 4:28:46 PM (No. 1550633)
Heartening, but don't count your chickens before they're in soup. Commiecrats will not stop at ANYTHING.
20 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: bpl40 9/6/2023 4:55:54 PM (No. 1550668)
The morbid fear that Democrats and the MSM have of Trump winning, isn't really about his winning at all. The gnawing in their stomach is the scarer that the amount of vote fraud required to get their man/woman over the top could become unattainable by Nov, '24.
23 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: RussZilla 9/6/2023 9:06:58 PM (No. 1550813)
I think the media is leading a hate campaign on Trump to keep the sheeple from noticing how much Biden sucks.
14 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Rinktum 9/7/2023 6:48:56 AM (No. 1550948)
FTA: “ But mainly, Americans are worried about losing their freedom because Washington is making it illegal to vote for Donald Trump.” Bingo! The American people are not as stupid as the political class believe we are. Come on out to flyover country and you will get a sense of what real Americans are thinking. MAGA 2024! Nothing else will cure what ails this country.
26 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: marlon 9/7/2023 8:37:02 AM (No. 1551012)
Voted for Trump twice and will vote for him again. What scares me is that with rare exception every women I hear talking about the election seem like they would vote for the devil himself before Trump.
11 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Sully 9/7/2023 8:58:13 AM (No. 1551021)
Thank God for Surber. When I read him I say, ok I'm really not crazy.
9 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: lennon47 9/7/2023 10:23:48 AM (No. 1551080)
We're wasting time talking about a Trump victory, or anyone. The GOP cannot will. The election will be stolen by the Dems...that's what they do. And they will do 'because the GOP leadership like Ronda, Mitch, Kevin, and many of the backups cannot pull their heads out of their butt.
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Reply 9 - Posted by: Dodge Boy 9/7/2023 10:25:57 AM (No. 1551083)
FTA - "Maybe Democrats and RINOs should realize the key to stopping is dropping the charges and getting things done by closing the border and telling Zelensky to take a hike. But that is like trying to get a drunk to stay sober for a month. And you take the keys away from a drunk." I have commented about this before and it bears repeating - lefties, Obie, dims, deep staters, rinos, msm, Soros, Klaus, Xi, Putie Poot, and you mullahs, why waste your time and energy. All you have to do is put your new world order and completing the transformation of Amerika on hold for at least the next generation. Let Trump and future MAGA Presidents do their thing. Meanwhile, go crawl under your rocks. Besides, what's another generation? As for us deplorables, we could use the extra time to finish installing our defenses.
4 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: Zigrid 9/7/2023 11:07:58 AM (No. 1551131)
WE are very aware of what the establishment is capable of...WE see it every time an indictment or court order appears on the news....WE know their game...and WE stand with our President it enough to count their dirty games...WELL..WE'll see...I think it is...but never underestimate the rats...they play dirty....they have convinced the black community that government is their only answer for years...and now they are waking up...not a good move for the rats....they are losing the blacks and hispanics...and many suburban mothers have had it with the school curriculum's across the country...and the glooming of small children... so's that working for ya?
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Reply 11 - Posted by: Timber Queen 9/7/2023 3:21:58 PM (No. 1551335)
There is no doubt we are in uncharted waters, but we do carry the legacy of those voyagers who sailed these stormy seas two and half centuries ago. Much like the thinly stretched British Empire of the late 18th century, in D.C. today beneath the veneer of power is an underbelly of corruption, nepotism, outright theft supported by a treasury filled with IOUs, and led by an imbecile. The indictments against President Trump, his lawyers and campaign staff are ludicrous. Their words and actions questioning the outcome of the 2020 election were no different than those of previous Democrat losers such as Al Gore, John Kerry and Hillary Clinton. (Not to mention Stacey Abrams.) The Democrats are trying to gaslight the entire American population into forgetting their shared lived experiences. After conservatives recent bout with their Covid gaslighting, you could say we have developed a certain "herd immunity" to that particular tactic. I would also venture to say that a good portion of the previously sleeping electorate have awakened to it as well. The Bribem Economy has crushed the American Dream at such a rapid pace that the differences in just three short years is so stark Stevie Wonder can see them a mile off. There are signs of a populist uprising everywhere. The sudden nation-wide popularity of "Rich Men North of Richmond", and Oliver Anthony's stunning refusal to be sucked into the music industry's maw and be neutered. The third-rate Atlanta dims thought President Trump's mug shot would shame him; it became a badge of honor. It is the mug shot heard round the world. The FBI raided President Trump's home, and they've raided the homes of Catholic pro-life leaders and J6 protestors. They have even murdered a citizen in his home with views they didn't like. These actions are reported, but there are no outcries from Civil Rights groups as there would be if this was a Republican Administration. People notice these things, even though they do not speak out about them. One man, though, is speaking out about them. He is President Trump, and with each raid on his home, indictment, RNC manipulation of delegates, and editorials detailing his utter unfitness to be alive he gains more supporters. People are coming to realize the truth of his oft repeated saying; they are after him because they are after us. MAGA REVENGE - TRUMP 2024
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Protests Erupt in Blue Cities Over Illegal
Immigrants as Democrats Reap What They Sow
17 replies
Posted by Judy W. 9/7/2023 9:44:26 AM Post Reply
The meltdown in blue cities over the busing of illegal immigrants continues, and it’s causing Democrats serious problems. That’s good, because it’s their fault this is happening. What the media inaccurately call the “migrant crisis” (these are people who have unlawfully crossed the U.S. border, not migrants) is battering so-called sanctuary cities, such as New York and Los Angeles. Imagine how people in Texas and Arizona border cities—such as El Paso, Yuma, and Eagle Pass—feel. Texas sent a 12th bus full of illegal immigrants to Los Angeles on Monday. (Snip) “The migrants were from Colombia, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Russia, and Venezuela,” it said.
The election isn't a lock, but . . . 11 replies
Posted by Judy W. 9/6/2023 2:43:13 PM Post Reply
. . . Democrats and RINOs desperately are looking for some keys. The Atlantic reported, “Why Biden Just Can’t Shake Trump in the Polls.” The reason was buried in Paragraph 22: “There’s also a chance that new dynamics will break this equilibrium before November 2024. If Republicans nominate anyone other than Trump, that would create fresh opportunities and challenges for each side. (McLaughlin counters that even with a conviction, independents might still prefer Trump, because many of them consider the charges politically motivated and also ‘because he’s viewed as better on the economy’ than Biden.)” (Snip) The people see the indictments differently than the milquetoast media does.
Expressionless Babies, Bored Lovers 16 replies
Posted by Judy W. 9/5/2023 6:39:37 AM Post Reply
I feel that I make notes every day on mourning a world that has passed - and at times on noticing a new world that is barely stirring. So I mourn, and at times I hope. I’ve been traveling, and now I am home; so I have observed my fellow humans recently in airports, and on airplanes; on trains; in crowds; and in smaller gatherings. And in the “mourning”: category I must note that some things about human beings, as an aggregate, have changed — since those fatal sixteen to 18 months, the months of mass injection, from late 2020 to mid-2022.
First Rule of Fight Club: Do Not Fall
for the Demoralization Program
4 replies
Posted by Judy W. 9/3/2023 9:44:09 AM Post Reply
You probably haven’t heard of Rupert Sheldrake. (Snip) Legacy Media runs a demoralization program, but they have to report the news sometimes and the real news is that their narrative is crumbling. This is just from the past week. One week. I can aggregate another thousand to make up the month. The crumbling of the financial system is first up. China Banks to cut Rates on Mortgages, Deposits in Stimulus Push Bank of International Settlements (BISS) says “capital outflows could have a significant effect on macro-economic outcomes. Today, banks are seeing a virtual collapse of deposits, and capital outflows in record numbers. They are also seeing loan defaults.”
Time to Choose What to Do About Ukraine 20 replies
Posted by Judy W. 8/31/2023 8:42:59 AM Post Reply
No one wants to hear about Ukraine again, but we need to talk about Ukraine again. The Republican debate the other week highlighted the problem. And the problem is simple. There are no good answers, but all the candidates are going to have to pick one anyway. This is one giant Slavic Schiff sandwich, and everybody’s got to take a bite. But there is no point in muttering about how if Biden was not such an incompetent half-wit who had humiliated us in Afghanistan Putin would never have invaded, or observe that Putin never invaded when Trump was in charge. We are where we are, the current situation is a mess.
Authoritarian Ruling Class Mulls Post-Civil
War Measures To Bar Trump From The Presidency
12 replies
Posted by Judy W. 8/30/2023 4:50:48 AM Post Reply
At long last, wake up and notice the moment. Hear the argument. Anti-Trump legal scholars have been arguing that the third clause of the 14th Amendment, a post-Civil War measure barring Confederates from holding public office after participating in an insurrection, can be used against Donald Trump. Attaching a broken boxcar to the back of this moving train, an Aug. 25 essay at Politico casually compares the case for 14th Amendment disqualification from the presidency to the disqualification of southern congressmen during the Civil War.
The Deliberate Destruction of Post-War Generations 8 replies
Posted by Judy W. 8/20/2023 9:13:26 AM Post Reply
This is the third in an August series about the loose association of monsters trying to affect one world government, or fascism with a smiley face. In this essay, I draw together the evidence that from the 60’s on, their goal was to break the children of three generations, (ending with gender reassignment surgery), destroy their minds, stunt their futures, ruin their families, attempt to persuade them that having children was bad, and that growth, prosperity and self-government was impossible, even destructive. From the Kennedy assassination onwards, a series of horrifying events was engineered to destabilize American culture and confidence. From military and hospital laboratories all over the US and
Those EV Shortcomings Aren’t Shortcomings
at All
26 replies
Posted by Judy W. 8/17/2023 8:03:52 AM Post Reply
Wherever we drive nowadays, we see electric vehicles (EVs) amid the normal internal combustion cars and hybrids. (Snip) The modern Left has a dream – that soon, very soon, every vehicle in the world will be electric, running on a heavy, cobalt-laden, lithium battery that needs to be charged up somewhere with electricity derived from an out-of-sight coal plant. The EV’s current average, we are told, is eight hours to a “full charge,” whatever that means. It might be a couple hundred miles, maybe less, maybe more. Some chargers charge faster, some vehicles take longer. We rarely see the EVs charging up while we fill our normal cars
Feeling a Severed Limb 4 replies
Posted by Judy W. 8/16/2023 7:44:33 AM Post Reply
On July 7, 1919, the U.S. Army embarked on an experiment: It sent a motorized convoy of 81 trucks, staff cars, and scout motorcycles across the country, in part to see how it would go and in part to argue for a system of national roads. It took them 62 days to drive from Washington, D.C. to San Francisco. The convoy more or less traveled the route of the Lincoln Highway, a mostly aspirational national road assembled by a private organization funded by car and tire companies. (Snip) The record of the trip offers an excellent corrective for the view that life now is much harder than it used
House GOP trio introduces bill repealing
DC Home Rule Act
4 replies
Posted by Judy W. 8/16/2023 6:32:12 AM Post Reply
Three Republican congressmen introduced a bill Tuesday to repeal the D.C. Home Rule Act, an effort that would remove the Washington, D.C., mayor and council, granting all governing authority in the District to Congress. The bill, which is not likely to pass, was introduced by Rep. Andy Ogles (R-Tenn.) and cosponsored by Reps. Matt Rosendale (R-Mont.) and Byron Donalds (R-Fla.). Ogles said the bill is an attempt to exert authority over the District as Republicans focus on crime policy. (Snip) “The Constitution places the authority and responsibility of DC administration with the Congress — not with a DC Mayor or a DC City Council. Congress needs to reclaim its Constitutional authority
Biden Declares War On Your Appliances
– And Your Wallet Is In The Crosshairs
8 replies
Posted by Judy W. 8/14/2023 6:46:54 AM Post Reply
President Biden’s unelected bureaucrats were never going to stop at taking away your light bulbs. Your gas stove is next, followed by your dishwasher and your water heater – then finally your car. And it’s not members of Congress who are doing this, so you can’t vote them out of office. This isn’t conjecture. This year the Department of Energy, the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Transportation have announced proposed rules that would force you to give up your current appliances and cars. (Snip) DOE’s proposed dishwasher rule would increase wash times and raise costs of the machines,
They Break Every Family, Every Town, Every Country 10 replies
Posted by Judy W. 8/13/2023 7:46:27 AM Post Reply
This is the second in an August series about the Head of the Snake, an examination of the cabal that is behind the Great Reset, the Covid and Global Warming hoaxes, and every profit-bonanza war of the last thirty, if not 500 years, but especially Ukraine. They call themselves by a proliferation of names: the Olympians, the Elect, Bilderbergers, the 300, demi-gods, the Black Nobility, other silly secret names that must not be spoken. They are secret because their intent is evil. They practice the occult – foolish and irresponsible – they are “Masons” of the crazy branch, a cult that operates entirely in the dark and entirely for themselves.
Most Active Articles (last 48 hours)
Here We Go: Six Republicans File Lawsuit
to Remove Trump from 2024 Ballot in Colorado
44 replies
Posted by Imright 9/7/2023 1:11:45 AM Post Reply
A coalition of six Republican and unaffiliated Colorado voters, including former state and federal officials, filed a lawsuit Wednesday seeking to disqualify former President Donald Trump from appearing on the state’s 2024 presidential ballot. The plaintiffs are represented by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), a nonprofit and “nonpartisan” watchdog organization, alongside law firms Tierney Lawrence Stiles LLC, KBN Law, LLC, and Olson Grimsley Kawanabe Hinchcliff & Murray LLC. The plaintiffs are Norma Anderson, Michelle Priola, Claudine Cmarada, Krista Kafer, Kathi Wright, and Christopher Castilian.
Mayor Adams Predicts Migrant Crisis ‘Will
Destroy New York City’
37 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 9/7/2023 10:32:50 AM Post Reply
Mayor Eric Adams issued his most dire warning yet about the consequences of the migrant crisis in the Big Apple on Wednesday, telling New Yorkers that the ongoing influx “will destroy New York City.” New York City has received more than 100,000 illegal immigrants since the spring, when border states began busing migrants to blue “sanctuary cities” which have committed to providing shelter and social services to all individuals regardless of immigration status. At a town hall meeting in Manhattan, Adams said New York City is receiving 10,000 migrants per month. “Let me tell you something, New Yorkers. Never in my life have I had a problem that I did
Karine Jean-Pierre reveals she has SPLIT
from her former CNN anchor partner Suzanne
Malveaux in Vogue interview about being
a 'single mom' and 'co-parent' to their
adopted nine-year-old daughter
29 replies
Posted by Imright 9/7/2023 12:01:02 PM Post Reply
Karine Jean-Pierre has separated from Suzanne Malveaux, her partner of more than 10 years, the White House press secretary revealed in an interview with Vogue. The two are sharing custody of their nine-year-old daughter Soleil. 'I'm a single mom who is co-parenting this amazing kid,' Jean-Pierre told the magazine. 'Our number-one priority is her privacy and to make sure we create an environment that's nurturing.' Vogue gave Jean-Pierre the profile treatment in its September issue, giving her a glowing write-up as it has for other administration figures,
Mike Huckabee makes wild claim that 2024
will be the last election 'decided by
ballots rather than bullets' if Trump
is kept off the ballot - or loses presidential
race - due to his legal woes
23 replies
Posted by Imright 9/7/2023 4:31:03 PM Post Reply
Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee made a dramatic claim that if former President Donald Trump is kept off the ballot, or loses the 2024 election, due to his legal woes it will be the last U.S. election 'decided by ballots rather than bullets.' Huckabee, a longtime ally of the former president, made the comment on his Trinity Broadcasting Network show Wednesday evening. He asked his audience if they knew how those in power in 'third world dictatorships, banana republics and communist regimes' dealt with their political opponents.
Update: Liberty Safe Announces Changes
After They Admit Giving FBI Access to
J6 Protester's Safe
22 replies
Posted by Imright 9/7/2023 12:41:38 PM Post Reply
After more than 24 hours of being slaughtered on social media for giving the FBI an access code to one of its safes, Liberty Safe announced changes to its policies regarding storage of access codes and cooperation with law enforcement.The manufacturer admitted Tuesday that it had provided an access code to the FBI on August 30, 2023 for a gun safe after "receiving proof of [a] valid warrant." While Liberty Safe did not provide the name of the owner or the location of the safe, it's generally believed that it was the safe of Nathan Hughes, an Arkansas man who attended protests at the U.S. Capitol
California State Assembly Declares August
‘Transgender History Month’
22 replies
Posted by Beardo 9/7/2023 10:20:14 AM Post Reply
The California State Assembly voted Wednesday to declare August “Transgender History Month,” the first of its kind in the nation. (snip) Assemblymember Matt Haney (D-San Francisco), the bill’s author, said, “I couldn’t be more proud to have introduced legislation that will designate August as the first statewide Transgender History month in the nation.”
Biden adminstration considering plan to
force migrants to remains in Texas: report
20 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 9/7/2023 8:33:26 PM Post Reply
The Biden administration is considering forcing migrants who cross into the United States illegally to remain in Texas while they wait out their asylum screening. Administration officials cite the proposed plan as a way to curb the flow of illegal immigrants at the southern border, The Los Angeles Times reported, citing three U.S. officials not authorized to discuss the matter. The plan would force migrants to remain in Texas, or possibly other border states by tracking their location through GPS monitoring devices, such as ankle bracelets, the officials told the Times. The migrants would undergo an asylum screening to determine whether they can remain in the U.S.
Trump White House official Peter Navarro
convicted of contempt of Congress charges
20 replies
Posted by Imright 9/7/2023 4:23:36 PM Post Reply
WASHINGTON — Trump White House official Peter Navarro was convicted Thursday of contempt of Congress charges filed after he was accused of refusing to cooperate with a congressional investigation into the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol. The verdict came after a short trial for Navarro, who served as a White House trade adviser under President Donald Trump and later promoted the Republican’s baseless claims of mass voter fraud in the 2020 election he lost. Navarro was the second Trump aide to face contempt of Congress charges after former White House adviser Steve Bannon. Bannon was convicted of two counts and was sentenced to four months behind bars,
Kamala Harris assures reporter that she’s
prepared to ‘take over’ for Biden
if needed
20 replies
Posted by Imright 9/7/2023 4:11:47 PM Post Reply
Vice President Kamala Harris is just itching to take over if President Biden should become incapacitated or worse, asserting that she’s more than ready to do so. (Video) During an interview with Associated Press reporter Chris Megerian, Harris made it clear that an integral part of her job as vice president is the fact that she “may have to take over” if Biden can no longer perform his duties. At the beginning of the interview, she attempted to deflect a question on Biden’s age by alluding to his legislative accomplishments. Biden is currently 80 years old and is already the oldest ever to serve as president.
Johnson County libraries to provide feminine
hygiene products in men’s restrooms
20 replies
Posted by Beardo 9/7/2023 11:09:56 AM Post Reply
Yes, the headline is correct; Johnson County libraries will soon provide tampons and other feminine hygiene products in the men’s restrooms. Male visitors to the various Johnson County Library branches who find themselves in need will soon have no problem finding feminine hygiene products in the men’s restroom. (snip) The library claimed providing feminine hygiene products would address “period poverty” and “serve to empower library patrons and increase access to our buildings by supplying often-needed products.”
Your employer is watching you! Almost
all major businesses now use monitoring
software to track workers' keystrokes
and web searches - with JP Morgan even
checking time spent writing emails when
they are IN the office
18 replies
Posted by Imright 9/7/2023 4:41:44 PM Post Reply
Most businesses now use monitoring software to track workers' activity while on the clock, a new study has shown - with several such as JPMorgan tracking and penalizing employees even while in the office. In a survey of some 1,000 business leaders across the country, found 96 percent of respondents working at organizations with either a remote or hybrid workforce said their firms used some form of employee-monitoring software. Only 10 percent of those companies were doing so before the pandemic, the survey found - as firms like Google, Amazon, and Meta continue to commit to crackdowns for not spending sufficient time in their offices.
Biden Launches Nationwide Workforce Initiative
— for Illegal Aliens
18 replies
Posted by Imright 9/7/2023 1:02:05 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has launched a nationwide workforce initiative that seeks to funnel millions of border crossers and illegal aliens into United States jobs — even as the labor force participation rate for Americans continues to decline. On Wednesday, Biden’s DHS announced “a first-of-its-kind national campaign” to make millions of border crossers and illegal aliens, who have been released into the U.S. interior, aware that they are eligible for work permits to take American jobs.DHS officials wrote in a press release: Hundreds of thousands of email and text notifications have been sent by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) in English,
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