Scientism, Catholicism, and the God that Failed
American Greatness,
Brian Robertson
Original Article
Posted By: Beardo,
2/14/2022 9:10:29 AM
Practicing Catholics in the United States, like everyone else over the past two years, have experienced a severe disruption of their communal life. (snip) If even your bishop indicates that your sacramental obligations can be dispensed with indefinitely on account of a virus—while “essential businesses” like weed shops, liquor stores, and big-box retailers remain in operation—it tends to affect people’s perception of what truly is “essential” in the practice of their faith.
Reply 1 - Posted by:
Venturer 2/14/2022 9:33:22 AM (No. 1071569)
This is a bit wrong in my mind. Church's closed, but even my little church had their Mass on Utube and Facebook. There was no reason to miss Mass. I don't know of any Sacramental obligations that were dispensed with.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
qr4j 2/14/2022 9:36:50 AM (No. 1071571)
Expand the reach of this article to include not only Roman Catholics but also Protestants and the religious of all stripes. Mass at my local Episcopal church is funless and joyless. So much of the beauty of the liturgy has been stripped away. We are left with emotionless, cerebral matters to contemplate. I cannot even sing. Well, it is hard to sing when you're wearing a surgical mask! Do demoralizing.
Where is God?
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
qr4j 2/14/2022 9:37:35 AM (No. 1071572)
^SO demoralizing. NOT "do" demoralizing. Sorry!
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
sanspeur 2/14/2022 9:43:46 AM (No. 1071583)
The not mentioned RC scam is their deep deep involvement ( for OUR $$$!) with illegal alien resettlement programs .The lil white vans bringing disease , illiteracy and border busting criminals to mostly conservative communities in the dead of night .There is money to made made by this criminal enterprise and that filthy lucre guides “the churches “ socialist , America be damned , creed.
More money than any offering plate or poor box can provide . cui bono ? not us/US
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
Namma 2/14/2022 9:53:35 AM (No. 1071601)
Have not missed Mass at all. BECAUSE I DIDN'T WANT TO. If I could not attend in person, I watched live streaming of the mass. But churches of all faiths have opened up. No reason to not get back to church.
I believe all this closing of churches was all in the plan to change the world. Get the people away from God. Control.
You now that old saying, the devil best triumph is convincing people he does not exist. its happening a lot lately
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
BarryNo 2/14/2022 10:24:08 AM (No. 1071633)
That's because bushops are worldly, venal people (with exceptions) who play politics.
They are no more christian than a vulture, and belive only in the power they wield in their dioceses, not the power of God, dispensed in his time.
They don't believe in eternity.
They will be surprised.
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May I recommend a book, "Contagious Faith, Why the Church must spread hope, not fear, in a Pandemic."" written by Phillip F. Lawler. Covers both Catholic and Protestant churches. Truly a great resource in understanding the foibles the Catholic church embraced during this pandemic. It will disappoint you or even may you angry. Strongly recommend. "He tackles the dangerous consequences of treating school children like lepers..."
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Those who kowtow to the world, have no place in God's kingdom. It is as simple as that. That especially applies to any religious authority.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
JackBurton 2/14/2022 10:54:42 AM (No. 1071688)
I was going to church on line in 2020 but decided the parish was not for me when they posted, on line, the pope's calumny about America being racist. There is a small, rural parish about 30 minutes away that I called and asked about lotteries for attendance and mask and distancing requirements. The receptionist paused, took a deep breath and said "Father is not compliant." I've been going there ever since.
And 'Catholic Charities', that illegal harboring batch of commies, will not get a penny from me.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
Kate318 2/14/2022 11:01:55 AM (No. 1071698)
Pretty tough to receive the Eucharist on YouTube and Facebook. Almost impossible to receive the sacraments of Baptism, Confession or Holy Matrimony when you are forbidden entrance to the church. As far as receiving the Last Rights if you were in a hospital? Forget about it. So, no lectures, please, on how we could/should still fulfill our Mass obligations while at home. The Catholic Church turned her back on her community. They made a mockery of all they had taught through Catholic schools, nuns and priests since I was 6 yrs old, including the importance of receiving the Eucharist, confessing our sins, attending Mass and worshiping together as a body of the faithful, receiving the sacraments and corporal works of mercy. I didn’t leave the Catholic Church; she left me and millions like me. Now, she wants me to trust her again…until the next time she slams the door in my face. And, do you know why the Church opened her doors again? The coffers were running dry.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
FLCracker 2/14/2022 11:35:25 AM (No. 1071730)
FTA: "Scientism is a blind and unquestioning trust in the pronouncements of scientific and medical authorities, owing to an intense need for certainty in this age of rapid change and seeming chaos. The quantitative methods of science come to be seen as the only objective or legitimate grounds of true knowledge."
I think they need to change the name from "scientism" to "numeralism". As the author says, "The quantitative methods of science come to be seen as the only objective or legitimate grounds of true knowledge."
From this, the only things that are "true" are things that can be described by one set of numbers or another. (Think of Sheldon's whiteboard.) Here's a philosophical question I read in an article posted here on Lucianne:
"Was mathematics invented or discovered?" If invented, are we being ruled by our own creation? If discovered, did mathematics write itself? What if you can't describe something mathematically? Does it not exist? (You think I'm talking about Love or God; I'm thinking General Theory of Relativity.) Discuss quietly among yourselves.
If nothing else, there should be a regulation that "mandates" (an Orwellian word if there ever was one) that percentages cannot be posted unless the absolute numbers that produced the percentage is also posted.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
FLCracker 2/14/2022 11:38:37 AM (No. 1071735)
Oh. And on the amusing side, in some of the myths about demons, they have a compulsive need to count things. So one way to slow a demon down, is to spill a bunch of beans in front of it.
Think of the fun analogies there!
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
ussjimmycarter 2/14/2022 11:42:44 AM (No. 1071740)
Putting in man made ideology is the truest form of idolatry! God will not be mocked and has made it clear that we are to trust He and He alone for our guidance and salvation! Trusting in any form of man’s participation in even conversion is a confounding of Law and Gospel!
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
LC Chihuahua 2/14/2022 11:47:42 AM (No. 1071750)
Most of the churches around here are open. Very few still closed. Don't know about attendance.
A person wants meaning in their lives.
The first (and best) place to turn is God. Firmly believe God speaks to us in our thoughts.
There is also religion, government, science, friends and family, their work, nature, and many other possibilities. People are more likely to find these inadequate. The other thing is a person has to find something meaningful and cannot rely on others to provide meaning.
What happens if a person cannot find anything meaningful? A meaningless live is an empty life.
Everything mentioned can fail. Not just God as the title says. A person can find God seemingly unresponsive. A religion that doesn't answer one's questions, is corrupt, and inadequate is a failure. A corrupt incompetent government is a failed government. Science that is corrupt is a failure. Dysfunctional friends or family. A lousy job. A dysfunctional personal life. Eventually a person finds nothing is meaningful. What's left? That's when people turn to some sort of addiction. A person will turn to something in desperation. The alternative is far worse (death). They want to give their life meaning. We are not meant to live meaningless lives.
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
udanja99 2/14/2022 1:22:26 PM (No. 1071827)
I was having a lot of problems with the Catholic Church and especially the communist pope but was hanging in there. Then the Church canceled Easter in 2020 and that was the final straw. I haven’t been back and won’t be until the Church makes some big changes.
And please, forego the lectures about abandoning Jesus and the Eucharist.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
The Remnants 2/14/2022 2:14:58 PM (No. 1071856)
Like many in government, Catholic bishops need term limits. Way too much rot in both institutions. Clean them all out, and allow men with true vocations full of supernatural faith lead us in these desperate times. I've been waiting so long for Our Lady's promise of a period of peace after the Consecration of Russia to Her Immaculate Heart, but we need a true Pope and faithful bishops to comply with her request. The present apostasy in the Catholic Church was predicted over a hundred years ago.
Watch this video: Complicit Catholic Cartel - Bishops Making Millions in Trafficking Illegal Aliens.
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
GustoGrabber 2/14/2022 2:40:56 PM (No. 1071877)
Before the rest of the great reset was underway, Obama Clinton Soros identified the parties necessary to rig the papal conclave and the economic pressure on the Vatican bank that forced Benedict XVI out. That Vatican coup was essential to blocking rising Orthodox ( and antiCommunist) voices among the Catholic hierchy. Just reread everything Archbishop ( never made cardinal) Vigano. The appointment of liberal and pro gay open borders, nonRoman McCarrick friendly bishops and Cardinals has followed. Cupich, Tobin, others placed in leadership positions to prevent people unwilling to advance the Obama one world agenda.
There are term limits--- Bishops must submit their retirement papers at 75.
Without the rigged conclave that gave us another totalitarian power hungry European ( an argentian Peronista of Italian origins) and drastic changes throughout the Vatican state department, the great reset would be met with strong Catholic Opposition.
A stong Catholic Church of JPII and Benedict XVI loyalists who had a leader would not be this docile.
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
SALady 2/14/2022 2:49:36 PM (No. 1071887)
I am Baptist. I guarantee you it's not just the Catholics. When I go to church these days, the church is 50% full on good Sundays. Of those there, 75% are older than 40. The rest are mainly young families (but not nearly as many as before the pandemic started).
What you never see are teens, or people in their 20's or 30's, anymore. And I don't think they are coming back. When they needed their church to be a pillar of faith, they saw the doors locked and the church cowering in fear (but not the local liquor store owner or the folks at Wal-Mart).
I have friends in the pro-life movement from almost every denomination (Catholic, Lutheran, Episcopalian, Chruch of Christ, etc) and they all say it's pretty much the same at their churches.
I guess Satan wasn't succeeding fast enough with secularism and the lie-beral indoctrination of our education system. He just got the Chinese to invent a virus, and that worked so much faster to destroy the young people's faith!!!
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
FormerDem 2/14/2022 3:02:08 PM (No. 1071894)
The Church always has dispensations for the sick and elderly, which are always well known to the faithful, and which do not mean Mass is not essential nor are they taken that way. Also, re scientism - there are Catholics as in any other faith or lack of faith who worship anything you may wish to name from money to beauty, but that is not a problem of the Church per se, which is the very motherland of physical theory, from Albert the Great to Galileo through de Broglie and Schrodinger and taking in a lot of chuckles and mistakes along the way. If some people don't know that, and are deeply impressed by dumb stuff, well they are dopes, but it is not a problem we all must face. The story of theory is very largely faith working out its own consequences - what actually underlies science is the idea of one God means one law obeyed everywhere, in a beautiful way, with no cheating - and it is pursued for fun, not prestige.. ... And you know what else? If there had never been the study of science before, believers would launch it now and today, because if you love the Maker, you love his stuff. Science is not about prestige, it is about love of the Maker, a search for His personality. it is a scavenger hunt from snowflakes to the sea, why did You do this? how? tell me please!
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
hershey 2/14/2022 4:21:11 PM (No. 1071951)
Ya know, God is not dead, but I"ll bet he's getting pi$$ed at humanity....
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Reply 21 - Posted by:
Lawsy0 2/14/2022 5:41:16 PM (No. 1072009)
If this ''hits you all wrong'' according to your own experience, and if you join others asking ''Where is God?'' then ask that question of Dr. John Lennox, a mathematician, bioethicist and leading apologist. His debates with atheists like Christopher Hitchens. are low key, but legendary! He is as much fun to watch as he is to listen to and learn from.
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Reply 22 - Posted by:
JackBurton 2/17/2022 2:57:36 PM (No. 1074793)
Great article but one and a half years behind. Where was this in June of 2020?
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