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For Nancy Pelosi: A Rose, a Prayer and
a Letter

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Posted By: Timber Queen, 10/21/2021 11:19:50 PM

As a former “pro-choice” journalist who converted to Catholicism in 2003 and is now firmly pro-life, I’m writing you this letter because I’m deeply concerned that your public statements about abortion are not only creating confusion about what the Catholic Church teaches, but they’re also undermining our democracy. Having had an abortion myself in 1974 (the year after the Roe v. Wade decision), I know abortion is the worst experience a mother can endure, and the traumatic aftereffects can linger for the rest of her life.


Archbishop Cordileone has begun “Roses and Rosaries for Nancy”; a campaign to pray for her to listen to her "mother's heart" and rescind her current abortion bill. The author points out that abortion was supposedly an answer to women being fired for becoming pregnant; but the reality is aging career women without families or children.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Namma 10/21/2021 11:43:48 PM (No. 953527)
I believe Nancy, and others in politics may not agree with abortion but don’t stop it because they don’t want to push their beliefs on others Just a thought. Don’t think that will convince God, I pray for all government officials To have a change of heart.
10 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: John Farson 10/21/2021 11:45:13 PM (No. 953528)
Children are Gods gift to humanity. That gift starts with conception. There will be a terrible price to pay for the person who stands between God the baby and life.
15 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Come And Take It 10/22/2021 12:23:21 AM (No. 953557)
You are wasting your time. Pope Trotsky should have excommunicated this hag on the spot; instead he gave her an audience. Of course, Pope Trotsky is likely OK with abortion himself.
17 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Dr. Constant 10/22/2021 1:29:05 AM (No. 953588)
Nanzi Piglousey has no problem pushing her other beliefs on other people #1. Show me other example where she defers her beliefs to will of others. Just one, come on, show me! You can't because she doesn't do it. She is very consistent. ANYTHING that pushes the evil, debauched, and horrific agenda of the political left is OK. Anything that does not, is opposed. No, she is not misguided. She is simply evil. She is willing to sacrifice children on the alter of political expediency. Quit thinking that any democrat, including a spouse, a child, a mother, a father or a friend is misguided. They are, at best delusional. If they are not deluded, they are EVIL.
23 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: DVC 10/22/2021 1:46:38 AM (No. 953593)
I keep hoping for a coffin.
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Reply 6 - Posted by: chumley 10/22/2021 4:30:03 AM (No. 953631)
Every time I start to reconsider my stance on abortion, I wonder how much better off the world would be if her mother had got one.
7 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: mathman 10/22/2021 9:07:52 AM (No. 953818)
"And as for the rest, I say that Carthage must be destroyed." Roman politician, 2000 years ago. What had Carthage done? They had this statue with a fire in it. And they threw their babies into the fire. The Romans objected. Strenuously. They razed Carthage and salted it so nothing would grow. And that was in a less enlightened time. Come on. Abortion is murder. Life begins at conception. This happens in all living things that are binary (two parents). There is nowhere to draw a line. Too bad about God. It will be a heavy burden to send so many to the fire of Hell, just because they do not value life.
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Reply 8 - Posted by: Georgia Peach 10/22/2021 9:08:20 AM (No. 953819)
I see this: N Pelosi calls a press conference and states that she has been grievously wrong about this issue. She is deeply sorry for the lives lost because of her choosing power over conscience. She begs for forgiveness for all she has done to offend the Creator of life and for giving scandal to the Catholic Church. She will spend the remainder of her life and her fortune helping women with difficult pregnancies. "That will be my focus until my last breath." A light shines down from the sky and those in attendance weep.
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Reply 9 - Posted by: Georgia Peach 10/22/2021 9:11:35 AM (No. 953822)
BTW, the Pope has spoken out many times against abortion and if one believes they shouldn't force their views on others, at least one would have abortion restricted as the Europeans do. Not wholesale til birth slaughter and the sale of baby parts.
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Reply 10 - Posted by: wakeupcall 10/22/2021 9:34:12 AM (No. 953850)
Nancy, and all Marxist Communists, do not believe in the "Second Death" of your soul where all the pain is eternal in "Flame's of Fire".
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Reply 11 - Posted by: Edgelady 10/22/2021 11:08:59 AM (No. 954018)
Nancy simply goes through the motions of being a Catholic. She actually worships power, votes, and ice cream.
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Reply 12 - Posted by: Edgelady 10/22/2021 11:09:45 AM (No. 954019)
Everyone should read the letter. It is very powerful and certainly touches the heart.
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Reply 13 - Posted by: Venturer 10/22/2021 12:16:59 PM (No. 954088)
Abortion may be tragic and traumatic to some women, but to others it's just another Doctor's visit. Whoopi Goldberg of "The View had 6 before she was 26 years old, and it doesn't seem to bother her. IMO after the first abortion women should have their tubes tied so they do not have to murder any more of God's creations.
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Reply 14 - Posted by: mifla 10/23/2021 4:56:04 AM (No. 954735)
Nancy supports abortion because in DC, if you don't support abortion, you don't get to be Speaker of a Democrat House.
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