Street Violence as a Political Tool
Lee Smith
Original Article
Posted By: zephyrgirl,
6/10/2021 9:27:36 AM
The Democratic Party has had a problem. It’s a small, incoherent, and privileged clique funded by billionaire oligarchs to push policies that even mainstream Democratic voters oppose. How to bridge the gap? The solution they chose, which party officials made clear this week, was simple: the way third-world elites always do—by using street violence to keep their clients in line. This week, pro-Palestinian demonstrators auditioned for the chance to join already established Democratic Party militias antifa and Black Lives Matter by attacking Jews in New York and Los Angeles.
Reply 1 - Posted by:
Italiano 6/10/2021 9:51:12 AM (No. 811542)
Words do not fail me.
Start killing them.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
cThree 6/10/2021 9:54:21 AM (No. 811547)
Yes, #1, and thank God words did not fail Lee Smith.
This is a brilliant and concise synopsis explaining the seemingly incomprehensible contradictions flowing out of the Democratic "big tent."
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
pros7767 6/10/2021 9:58:13 AM (No. 811551)
Brought to you courtesy of the Obama Administration! All this started with Michael "Hands up,don't shoot" Brown (who was guilty as sin), and Trayvon "If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon" Martin.
Obama promised to raise an army of brown shirts. He has succeeded beyond even his expectations.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
stablemoney 6/10/2021 10:13:55 AM (No. 811577)
A perfect article. The Democrat Party is inciting and participating in street violence to advance their agenda. The mafia does their murders in return for not prosecuting the mafia, or interfering in their criminal activities. The mafia can always be relied on by the Democrats to show up with that last van full of votes to throw the election to the Democrats. The Democrats don't have to order anything. They just let it be know who they don't like. The Democrat Party is a criminal organization that learned all they know from the Nazi Party, Stalin, and Mao. The people are ignorant, and do vote for the Democrats. But I don't think the people elected Biden. Dominion did that. Trump Won.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
bighambone 6/10/2021 10:48:12 AM (No. 811627)
It’s pretty simple, when the USA allows large numbers of Palestinians, Syrians, or Islamists into the USA, the USA should expect new Palestinian, Syrian, or Islamic political supporting movements to be established and play out in the USA wherever those foreign people decide to resettle. That’s just common sense.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
ByteGuru 6/10/2021 10:54:38 AM (No. 811636)
#1 & #2 have the right idea. When the bodies of blm & pantifa rioters start showing up on Medical Examiner's slabs, this political ploy will wind down quickly. Let rioters scream and shout all they want but when one picks up a brick to throw, ventilate them. These animals may come to realize that they and their friends are paying the ultimate price while the shot-callers are safe both physically and legally. That realization will dim their fervor.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
texaspast 6/10/2021 11:00:42 AM (No. 811647)
This tactic has been used for a looooong time. I recommend to you a book 'The Storm Before the Storm: The Beginning of the End of the Roman Republic' by Mike Duncan. You won't believe how closely we are tracking the demise of the Roman Republic. All the dirty political tricks that look like modern politics were present in Rome. Seriously, if you have some time this summer, read the book. Or do what I did and download the audio and listen to it.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
redriverranger 6/10/2021 11:20:38 AM (No. 811664)
Great article and analysis! Precisely on point!
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
Jesuslover54 6/10/2021 11:26:54 AM (No. 811668)
So obvious.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
mc squared 6/10/2021 12:20:47 PM (No. 811728)
Excellent. A possible must read. Not because its anything new but it connects the dots and shows the peaceful protests are not from grass roots.
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