Institutional Collapse
Taki´s Magazine,
The Z Man
Original Article
Posted By: zephyrgirl,
6/7/2021 9:52:16 AM
Every human organization has social trust. The belief in the honesty, integrity, and reliability of others is what makes human organization possible. There is the vertical trust between layers within the social hierarchy and there is horizontal trust between members within a segment of society. Social trust is the mortar that holds the blocks of a human society together, but also the grease that keeps the wheels turning. In large-scale human societies, social trust is embodied in the institutions, which are the superstructure of society.
Reply 1 - Posted by:
bpl40 6/7/2021 10:06:01 AM (No. 808287)
PDT comes from a similar generation where certain things like Caesar's wife are (assumed to be) beyond reproach. Trump thought that a four star marine general is automatically a patriot with the good of the country at heart. After four years we now know that vast areas of our government and public authority DoJ, FBI, CIA, IRS, State, Pentagon, SCOTUS are no better than corrupt, selfish, evil politicians.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
stablemoney 6/7/2021 10:24:27 AM (No. 808309)
After the masks and woke politics, you can add business, no longer liked, hated by some. The neighbor snitches should be on the list. As for diversity, I have nothing in common with any of the people being allowed into this country, none of whom are integrating into our society. And we have minorities that describe themselves as African Americans. Really? Whites are now openly attacked on the streets for no reason, and not even old age is respected. The government is totally corrupt. The Democrat Party is a criminal organization and should be decertified. The Republican Party is useless, led by arrogant aristocrats, unresponsive to the people, who have never read their party platform. Even the churches have betrayed us, housing foreign illegals, then billing the government for it, and betraying us during covid, turning to sheep, and to Democrats. The schools and the media are nothing but communist indoctrination centers. The socialists cannot even respect the language, now rewriting and redefining the words. The left insults all our ancestors, and us. The prosecutors are now all political creeps, doing nothing but trying to frame Trump. The FBI, CIA, and are criminal organizations. The Defense Dept is a communist organization that is not on the side of America, and the diversity is nothing but lies that will bind no one together, but build nothing but everlasting hatred. No, I do not trust anyone.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
Califedup 6/7/2021 10:30:57 AM (No. 808319)
Unfortunately the grim prognosis for the future of the United States as accurately outlined in this must read article is the brutal truth. Our Country and civilization is running on fumes. What will be the breaking point event? Who can believe anything that spews forth from the communist death democrat government, the cesspool that is Congress, a totalitarian Justice System including the corrupted Supreme Court, the propaganda media, the Overlords of Social Media, our once trusted military, now the Medical Profession, law enforcement, our churches, and especially our education system? Those of us who are awake view all of the above as our mortal enemies who are a fanatical foe poised to take away our God Given liberties as outlined in the constitution, however I truly believe that when enough Americans are finally pushed to the breaking point we will defeat and crush the communist death democrats, take back our country, and make the Constitution stronger than ever. Godspeed to all of us Patriots in this fight.
Free America!
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
Highlander 6/7/2021 10:40:26 AM (No. 808334)
My trust in the American political and governmental institutions started shaking at Clinton’s double elections. I asked myself, “How stupid can the American voters be?” Then came Barrack Hussein Obama. I thought, “Even if elected, no way our gatekeepers will let that clown anywhere near the White House!” I was expecting that this Kenyan Fraud was going to have an accident right after November 3! I was shocked and profoundly depressed, when he sailed smoothly through his first term. I wasn’t so depressed the second time, I became cynical. Now, in 2016, DJT, impossibly, gets elected, beating the Clinton Political Machine. This is where all the uglies in the U.S. institutions exposed themselves in their opposition to Trump: the FBI, the CIA, the military, fellow “Republicans” in the Senate and Congress, an endless line of Obama judges thwarting the president’s every move, backstabbers in the White House staff, the FDA, and finally, our last redoubt, the Supreme Court!
“The Lord looks down from heaven
on all mankind
to see if there are any who understand,
any who seek God.
All have turned away, all have become corrupt;
there is no one who does good,
not even one.”
Now, today, I have ZERO trust in our institutions. Only in God.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
columba 6/7/2021 11:44:30 AM (No. 808409)
Taki seems to have a magnetic hammer, as he continues to hit the nail on the head.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
Zeek Wolfe 6/7/2021 1:43:57 PM (No. 808541)
The Defense Intelligence Agency hid news of a Chinese defector with knowlege of the origin of the Covid virus. It was hidden from the FBI and CIA because it is known that both are filled with Chinese agents. What the defector had to say would quickly be reported back to Red China and the American MSM. FBI and CIA are corrupt right down to the lowest little spy or g-man in Armpit, Alabama.
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I use to think that science-based Federal agencies (CDC, FDA etc) were not as political as the rest of the government. Silly me - now I know they as bad or worse. Now I don't trust any government edict.