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Posts on Monday, May 4, 2020

Delicious Dynamic – John Ratcliffe ODNI
Confirmation Hearing Tomorrow – Senate
Intel Committee 9:30am ET
Posted by earlybird 5/4/2020 11:50:13 PM Post Reply
An interesting dynamic unfolds tomorrow as the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) will be holding the confirmation hearing for President Trump’s nominee, John Ratcliffe. As a result of earlier political moves the SSCI is between a rock and a hard place. The SSCI is the drain-plug in the swamp. They use their corrupt oversight power and confirmation authority to control the intelligence apparatus (swamp guards) and ensure that no executive branch officer can disrupt or disclose their corrupt Senate schemes.
Trump aide tried to use disease to close
borders before coronavirus outbreak
Posted by Ribicon 5/4/2020 10:44:18 PM Post Reply
From the early days of the Trump administration, Stephen Miller, the president’s chief adviser on immigration, has repeatedly tried to use an obscure law designed to protect the nation from diseases overseas as a way to tighten the borders. The question was, which disease? Mr Miller pushed for invoking the president’s broad public health powers in 2019 when an outbreak of mumps spread through immigration detention facilities in six states. He tried again that year when Border Patrol stations were hit with the flu. When vast caravans of migrants surged towards the border in 2018, Mr Miller looked for evidence that they carried illnesses.
KSTP/SURVEYUSA: Big difference
in Walz, Trump approval ratings
on virus response
Posted by voxpopuli 5/4/2020 10:08:06 PM Post Reply
It might be a tale of two different approaches to regular briefings on the coronavirus by state and federal leaders. Whatever the reason, Minnesotan's approve of the coronavirus response of Gov. Tim Walz much more than that of President Donald Trump.
CBS Reporter Wonders Openly Why
Disney Hasn’t Sued Trump Yet
Posted by Ketchuplover 5/4/2020 9:34:05 PM Post Reply
CBS White House correspondent Paula Reid tried to direct Disney’s attention toward a possible copyright violation from President Donald Trump’s campaign team. In honor of Star Wars Day — “May The 4th Be With You!” — the Trump campaign team tweeted a themed video that depicted former Vice President Joe Biden as Emperor Palpatine. President Trump’s face was photoshopped onto Yoda’s body, and as the video came to a close, he decapitated two droids with one swing of his light saber. Superimposed over the droids’ faces were the CNN and MSNBC logos, respectively.
Fmr CIA operative, Dem voter bluntly says
Comey, Brennan should get death
penalty for coup against Trump
Posted by Imright 5/4/2020 8:34:10 PM Post Reply
Former CIA operative Bryan Dean Wright isn’t pussyfooting around when it comes to fired FBI Director James Comey and former CIA Director John Brennan, and their actions in the Russian collusion hoax.Declaring that Comey and Brennan, who went on to become virulent Trump bashers, decided to “take out” a member of President Trump’s administration, Wright said the two are “traitors” and should get the death penalty, if convicted.His remarks are in response to the bombshell report last week that former National Security Adviser Mike Flynn, a retired three-star U.S. Army general, may have been set up by the FBI.Wright, who is a Democratic voter,
Michelle Obama says black voters not
coming out for 2016 election 'slap in the face'
Posted by NorthernDog 5/4/2020 8:26:11 PM Post Reply
Michelle Obama, the former first lady, said it felt like a “slap in the face” that African-Americans did not turn out to vote in the 2016 presidential election. Mrs Obama revealed she was saddened that her husband Barack’s legacy did not live on, in a preview of Becoming, a Netflix documentary about her life which is due to be released on Wednesday. “It takes some energy to go high, and we were exhausted from it. Because when you are the first black anything…,” she said, speaking to a group of African-American schoolchildren in the clip. “A lot of our folks
Florida is back in business! Cheers go
up as freshly groomed beaches reopen
at 7am - and restaurants and retailers open
for 25% capacity trade as the Sunshine
State joins nearly half of America in
relaxing lockdown
Posted by Imright 5/4/2020 8:22:36 PM Post Reply
Florida has now officially reopened with most coronavirus restrictions being lifted as of today as about half of all US states partially reopen their economies after the lockdown. As part of the reopening in Florida, which has seen 1,300 deaths and 36,000 infections among its 21.5 million residents, retailers and restaurants across much of the state can open their doors at a 25 percent capacity. While some beaches across parts of the state were allowed to reopen last month, Clearwater Beach in Tampa officially reopened to the public before sunrise on Monday morning. Police removed 'closed' signs from barricades at 7am to the cheers of the 50 or so people
Don Lemon taunts Trump in tirade,
compares Obama’s wife to Melania
in cheap insult
Posted by Imright 5/4/2020 8:13:02 PM Post Reply
CNN’s Don Lemon was raked over the coals for his “disrespectful” attempt to get at President Donald Trump.The CNN “anchor” appeared to live up to Trump’s description of him as “the dumbest man on television” when he ripped the president’s handling of the coronavirus crisis and took a moment to ask why former President Barack Obama gets under his skin. (Tweet/Video) Lemon complained about Trump attacking his critics and tweeting over the weekend instead of dealing with the ongoing coronavirus pandemic during his show on Sunday. He took issue with the president retweeting an account that claimed Obama was “the one running the Russian hoax.”
New Corona Study Bolsters Case
to Reopen Schools
Posted by Imright 5/4/2020 7:58:43 PM Post Reply
Several countries are reopening schools after temporarily closing them due to coronavirus. For example, Denmark and Norway have reopened their elementary schools. States in America should start reopening their schools, too. New research says that doing so won't spread coronavirus to many adults, and it will have little effect on child mortality. Yet schools remain closed in 44 states. Two months ago, I called for states to close their schools, to reduce the spread of COVID-19. My goal was to "slow down the spread of coronavirus,
Mitchell Fears Trump Sullied ‘Hallowed
Ground’ of Lincoln Memorial
Posted by Imright 5/4/2020 7:51:52 PM Post Reply
On Monday, MSNBC anchor Andrea Mitchell and NBC News presidential historian Michael Beschloss feared that President Trump conducting a virtual town hall with Fox News at the Lincoln Memorial Sunday night to discuss the coronavirus pandemic had somehow sullied the “hallowed ground” of the Washington D.C. monument. “And speaking of inconsistent messaging or unusual messaging, let’s talk about the Lincoln Memorial,” Mitchell proclaimed during her 12:00 p.m. ET hour show, referring to the event. Turning to Beschloss, she complained: “ a lot of people, that’s hallowed ground.
Pulitzer Prize to New York Times Essay
Falsely Claiming American Revolution
Was Fought to Preserve Slavery
Posted by Imright 5/4/2020 7:27:27 PM Post Reply
The 2020 Pulitzer Prize for commentary was awarded Monday to Nikole Hannah-Jones for an essay in the New York Times that falsely claimed the American Revolution was fought primarily to protect slavery.The essay, titled “Our democracy’s founding ideals were false when they were written. Black Americans have fought to make them true,” launched the Times‘ controversial 1619 project.The essay incorrectly claimed that the Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4, 1776 (signing began weeks later, on August 2).However, the far more egregious error was Hannah-Jones’s claim
NYPD officers say coronavirus
social distancing policing needs
to end
Posted by DVC 5/4/2020 7:26:32 PM Post Reply
Officers from the New York Police Department have decried city officials "get cops out of the social distancing enforcement business altogether," following backlash stemming from a violent confrontation with police over the weekend as officers tried to enforce the rules. Patrick Lynch, the president of the Police Benevolent Association, lambasted city leadership, saying officers have received "nothing but vague guidelines and mixed messages, leaving the cops on the street corners to fend for ourselves." .@NYCPBA calls for end of @NYPDnews policing of social distancing: "As the weather heats up & the pandemic continues to unravel our social fabric, police officers should be allowed
Republican congressman Paul Mitchell
sues Gov. Whitmer over
handling of coronavirus
Posted by Daria 5/4/2020 7:25:53 PM Post Reply
Lansing - A Republican congressman sued Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer in federal court Monday, alleging she has violated the constitution in her management of the coronavirus pandemic. U.S. Rep. Paul Mitchell, R-Dryden Township, said he wants a judge to "define the limits of a state's police power." He sued Whitmer in federal court in Grand Rapids.
A US Senator With Purple Hair?
Krysten Sinema’s New Look Is Causing A Stir
Posted by PageTurner 5/4/2020 7:14:33 PM Post Reply
Democratic Arizona Sen. Kyrsten Sinema definitely got everyone’s attention Monday when pictures started surfacing of her rocking purple hair during the pandemic. The senator showed up on the senate floor with shiny purple hair and a bright green sleeveless dress while donning a face mask. She didn’t explain much about the change of look from her platinum blond locks, to the new vibrant hair color. But she did take a second out to point straight at it while on camera. (
Outrage over grocery shopper wearing
Klan hood in SoCal city
Posted by PageTurner 5/4/2020 7:10:36 PM Post Reply
Photos of a man wearing a home-made Ku Klux Klan hood as he shopped at a suburban San Diego grocery store caused an uproar on social media over the weekend. The unidentified middle-aged man, dressed in a camo T-shirt and cargo pants, was photographed Saturday evening in the produce section of a Vons store in Santee. Employees told him to remove the pointy hood, which he was ostensibly using to comply with face-mask requirements in San Diego County. “Several members of our team asked the customer to remove it, and all requests were ignored until the customer was in the checkout area,” said a spokeswoman for Vons
It's our turn! Here's when you can
see the Blue Angels fly over
the Houston area
Posted by Imright 5/4/2020 6:03:16 PM Post Reply
HOUSTON — The Blue Angels will fly over Houston, Dallas, Fort Worth and New Orleans this week, the squadron confirmed on its official Twitter account."Your Blue Angels are heading your way this Wednesday!".."Stay home and stay safe!"The Blue Angels flyover is planned for Wednesday, May 6. This will be the first of two planned flyovers in the Houston area this week as this Friday, May 8, a collection of rare and vintage aircraft will also fly over parts of town. (Tweet)
House Republicans investigating
Chinese influence on U.S. universities
Posted by Ribicon 5/4/2020 5:42:44 PM Post Reply
House Republicans said Monday they have launched an investigation into Chinese influence on U.S. universities with the goal of pilfering research and concealing data about the origins of the new coronavirus. The Republicans say they are concerned that universities funded with taxpayer dollars are also accepting money from China and other affiliated organizations. “For some time, we have been concerned about the potential for the Chinese government to use its strategic investments to turn American college campuses into Indoctrination platforms for American students,” the ranking members of seven committees wrote in a letter to Education Secretary Betsy DeVos. The lawmakers say they want a better
Democrat Operatives Launch ‘Committee
to Draft Michelle Obama’ for VP
Posted by Imright 5/4/2020 5:26:02 PM Post Reply
A newly-launched committee called “Draft Michelle Obama” is pushing for Joe Biden, the apparent Democrat presidential nominee, to select the former first lady as his running mate.“Joe Biden has said he would choose Michelle Obama as his running mate ‘in a heartbeat.’ The aim of this campaign is to build on the substantial grassroots support for a potential Michelle Obama candidacy and help garner media attention for a vice-presidential nominee who has the power to beat Donald Trump,” the group said in a statement released Monday.The statement adds: “The Committee to Draft Michelle Obama firmly believes that Ms. Obama will not only benefit the Democratic ticket this November
Save the Free Press Initiative seeks
solutions for local journalism
Posted by Maggie2u 5/4/2020 3:47:47 PM Post Reply
The COVID-19 pandemic has simultaneously proved the life-and-death importance of local journalism in our democracy and accelerated the destruction of the free press at a scale that only Congress can reverse. During the novel coronavirus outbreak, readership of The Seattle Times and newspapers nationwide is at an all-time high, but with plummeting advertising revenue. So many papers have laid off staff that journalism enterprises are in danger of not being able to provide the necessary local coverage vital to community connection just when it is most needed: in the midst of a national health and economic crisis. While the newspaper industry has been struggling with a changing business model precipitated
America Doesn’t Have
A Justice System Anymore
Posted by StormCnter 5/4/2020 3:04:56 PM Post Reply
The good news is that you might get out of future jury duty, because when you are asked under oath about your own biases during a federal criminal case jury selection you would have to answer honestly by responding, “Your Honor, I don’t trust a damn thing anyone in the FBI says.” If the heirs of Efrem Zimbalist, Jr., were to go up on the stand and testify, the recent disgraceful revelations about how their bosses tried to frame LTG Mike Flynn mean you would be entirely correct to grant them the same credibility as the dude caught wearing a black cape, a Lone Ranger mask, and a nametag
Your Guide To The Obama
Administration’s Hit On Michael Flynn
Posted by StormCnter 5/4/2020 2:48:13 PM Post Reply
The unsealing last week of a series of documents in the Michael Flynn criminal case cemented the reality that a small cadre of high-level FBI agents set a perjury trap for President Trump’s then-national security advisor. Beyond exposing the depth of this despicable personal and political hit job on a 30-year military veteran, the newly discovered documents hold great legal significance. Here’s your legal primer. The Russiagate special counsel’s office charged Flynn with violating 18 U. S. C. § 1001, which makes it a federal crime to “knowingly and willfully” make a false statement of “a material fact” to a federal official. Former Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team claimed Flynn
N.J. facing ‘fiscal disaster’ that’s
just weeks away from coronavirus
pandemic, Murphy says
Posted by Ribicon 5/4/2020 2:26:09 PM Post Reply
New Jersey is facing a financial disaster due to loss in revenue and spike in expenses related to the coronavirus outbreak that could be just weeks away, Gov. Phil Murphy said Monday. “Right now, it’s pouring,” Murphy said, shortly after announcing he was ordering all public and private schools closed for the rest of the academic year. “We are on the brink of having to make very tough and, quite frankly, very unpalatable decisions." Murphy has previously warned of “historic” public worker layoffs without federal assistance.(Snip) The governor called on Congress to provide financial relief to the Garden State.
Liberal Media Scream: Bill Maher wants
cops to drag Trump out after loss
Posted by Imright 5/4/2020 1:37:46 PM Post Reply
In this week’s Liberal Media Scream, talk show host Bill Maher and former Obama-era Attorney General Eric Holder are so convinced President Trump will lose reelection and refuse to leave the White House, that cops will have to be called in to drag him out.But while Holder said that federal agents have the power to force Trump out, Maher doubted that they would because they like Trump.(Video) “They have the ability, do they have the will?” he said on his Real Time with Bill Maher on HBO, adding, “Police love his dirty draws. You really think they’re going to pull him out of the White House?”
Former FDA Chief: Social
Distancing 'Didn't Work as
Well as We Expected'
Posted by Judy W. 5/4/2020 1:14:28 PM Post Reply
On CBS's Face the Nation on Sunday, former Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Commissioner Dr. Scott Gottlieb said social distancing and other mitigation measures put in place to stop the spread of the Wuhan coronavirus don't appear to be working as much as public health experts had hoped. "When you look across the country, it's really a mixed bag," Dr. Gottlieb explained. The former FDA chief said while New York is really driving the national statistics, other areas of the country are continuing to see a rise in the number of coronavirus cases. "[W]hen you back out what’s happening in New York ... around the nation, hospitalizations and new cases
Could the Stay-at-Home
Order Go Past May?
Posted by AltaD 5/4/2020 12:50:34 PM Post Reply
Sometime between Saturday and Sunday, it’s expected that Chicago’s total number of coronavirus-related deaths will cross the 1,000-person mark. “Think about that: 1,000 people dead simply because of COVID-19,” Mayor Lori Lightfoot said Saturday. Chicago and the rest of Illinois have been under a coronavirus-inspired semi-lockdown for six weeks, and residents are instructed to stay at home as much as possible for another four weeks. Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s latest stay-at-home order will expire at the end of May. But the mayor did not take the possibility of an extension off the table. “We’re going to stay in the status quo as long as we need to,” she said.
How Treatable Is Covid-19? replies
Posted by earlybird 5/4/2020 12:35:22 PM Post Reply
The Wuhan epidemic has exposed a rift between the academic medicine types who dominate the Centers for Disease Control and similar agencies in the states and practicing physicians who are actually treating COVID patients. (Snip) doctors on the front line have developed effective treatment regimens for the virus–regimens which apparently would save many lives (Snip) A group of critical care physicians representing the University of Tennessee, (Snip) and a number of other institutions have formed the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Consortium and released a bulletin setting out a recommended treatment protocol. (Snip) based largely on the fact that it is not the virus, but the body’s reaction to the
Former Pope Benedict links
gay marriage, 'Anti-Christ'
Posted by Ribicon 5/4/2020 12:27:38 PM Post Reply
Retired Pope Benedict XVI links “homosexual marriage” to the “spiritual power of the Anti-Christ” in a new authorized biography published in Germany. “One hundred years ago, everybody would have considered it to be absurd to speak of a homosexual marriage,” the pope emeritus said, according to press reviews of the new book. “Today, one is being excommunicated by society if one opposes it.” The new biography, “Benedict XVI—A Life,” is written by Peter Seewald and set to be published in English in November. In January, Benedict requested that his name be removed as co-author from a book by conservative
New efforts to combat food insecurity
in NYC amid COVID-19 outbreak
Posted by Ribicon 5/4/2020 12:15:02 PM Post Reply
New York City is dealing with a crisis within a crisis as nearly two million people—a quarter of the population—will face food insecurity during the COVID-19 outbreak. Food pantries can't keep up the pace, and the city is scrambling to meet demand. “There's a lot of New Yorkers who now have to ask a question they never thought they'd ask. And that question is, where's my next meal coming from?” Mayor Bill de Blasio asked. Many of those New Yorkers are middle and working class, who just a few weeks ago, never had to question where their next meal would come from.
Costco, Kroger rationing meat amid
coronavirus shortage fears
Posted by Imright 5/4/2020 12:11:47 PM Post Reply
Costco, Kroger and other grocery chains are rationing the amount of meat customers can buy at one time as processing at U.S. meat plants has slowed down or stopped completely because of the coronavirus.Costco, a chain known for letting customers buy in bulk, is limiting purchases to three items per member of beef, pork and poultry products.Kroger said its meat purchase limits will apply to select stores."At Kroger, we feel good about our ability to maintain a broad assortment of meat and seafood for our customers because we purchase protein from a diverse network of suppliers," a Kroger spokesperson told FOX Business. "There is plenty of protein
Must Watch: Tearful Nurse Blows Whistle
on New York Hospitals ‘Murdering’ COVID
Patients With ‘Complete Medical Mismanagement’
Posted by Imright 5/4/2020 12:07:19 PM Post Reply
A Nevada nurse who travelled to New York to help treat COVID-19 patients has posted a tearful Facebook Live video claiming that patients are not dying from the virus, but are being “murdered” by “gross negligence and complete medical mismanagement.” Nicole Sirotek, a nurse from Elko, Nevada, was assigned to two different hospitals in New York City.“I am literally telling you that they are murdering these people,” Sirotek says in the terrifying video.The video begins with Sirotek explaining that every time she
Florida boaters’ massive Trump 2020 water
parade gets special ‘thank you’
from POTUS
Posted by Imright 5/4/2020 11:54:53 AM Post Reply
With Florida being one of the more than 30 states beginning to ease “stay-at-home” restrictions in response to the coronavirus pandemic, people are only too happy to rejoin the world.And in the Sunshine State, which has fared better than many states — and far better than early projections — what better way to do that than hold a boat parade in honor of President Donald Trump. Hundreds of South Florida boaters took to the Intracoastal Waterway on Sunday to show their support for the president, with the boat parade, departed from the Jupiter Inlet and traveled south toward Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort, WPTV reported. (Video)
CBS '60 Minutes' correspondent
overcomes coronavirus
Posted by Imright 5/4/2020 11:45:03 AM Post Reply
NEW YORK — CBS News “60 Minutes” correspondent Lesley Stahl said Sunday that she's finally feeling well after a battle with COVID-19 that left her hospitalized for a week. Stahl said she was “really scared” after fighting pneumonia caused by the coronavirus for two weeks at home before going to the hospital. “One of the rules of journalism is ‘don’t become part of the story,'” Stahl said at the end of Sunday's broadcast. “But instead of covering the pandemic, I was one of the more-than-one-million Americans who did become part of it.”
Don Shula, legendary NFL
head coach, dies at 90
Posted by NorthernDog 5/4/2020 11:15:40 AM Post Reply
Don Shula, a Hall of Fame NFL coach who the Miami Dolphins to two Super Bowl titles, has died. He was 90. The Miami Herald was the first to report the coach’s death, citing one of his children. The Dolphins later confirmed his death in a separate statement. “Don Shula was the patriarch of the Miami Dolphins for 50 years. He brought the winning edge to our franchise and put the Dolphins and the city of Miami in the national sports scene," the team said in a statement. "Our deepest thoughts and prayers go out to Mary Anne along with
Strzok Stopped Flynn Probe From Being
Shut Down After ‘No Derogatory Information’
Was Found
Posted by earlybird 5/4/2020 11:11:23 AM Post Reply
Evidence long withheld from Michael Flynn’s defense team shows that agents at the FBI and possibly CIA had actively searched for “derogatory” information regarding Flynn and Russia but found none. As a result, the investigative team on January 4, 2017, recommended that the investigation into Flynn—who had been given the codename of “Crossfire Razor”—be closed. According to newly released text messages, counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok stopped the investigation from being closed, telling the other agents on the case that the “the 7th floor” of FBI headquarters—where then-Director James Comey and then-Deputy Director Andrew McCabe worked—was involved.
Pressure mounts on Wray
as FBI behavior in Russia case
comes into clearer focus
Posted by Ida Lou Pino 5/4/2020 10:49:37 AM Post Reply
Back in early 2018, the FBI under newly minted Director Chris Wray issued an extraordinarily rare public rebuke of a sitting House committee chairman. Then-House Intelligence Committee chairman Devin Nunes had just issued a memo concluding that the FBI under Wray’s predecessor, James Comey, abused the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act process to improperly spy on President Trump’s campaign. Wray fired back, even though the issues didn’t happen on his watch, suggesting Nunes had given an inaccurate picture to the American public.
Many businesses may follow Amazon in
stretching out work-from-home policies,
crimping downtown recovery
Posted by Ron_lfp 5/4/2020 10:34:41 AM Post Reply
Amazon’s decision to let engineers and other office staff keep working from home through at least Oct. 2 was another blow for struggling merchants in downtown Seattle and Bellevue, which have been virtual ghost towns since the coronavirus crisis emptied the cubicle farms in March. The decision, which the Seattle-based online retailer shared with employees Thursday, also could signal a broader trend toward extending work-from-home practices. Other white-collar employers are realizing that returning to the workplaces is likely to require extensive precautions — and pose heightened health risks — even after business gets the all-clear from Gov. Jay Inslee. (snip) On Friday, Inslee extended the stay-at-home order through May 31
New Jersey councilwoman calls openly gay
mayor a 'pedophile' and a 'woman' then
tells another councilman to perform a sex
act on him during coronavirus conference*
Posted by Ribicon 5/4/2020 10:31:44 AM Post Reply
A New Jersey councilwoman went on an expletive-laced, homophobic tirade during a coronavirus conference call Saturday, officials said. During the 10-minute conference call, Councilwoman Robin Vaughn, who represents Trenton, New Jersey, was heard calling openly gay Trenton Mayor Reed Gusciora a 'pedophile.' Vaughn, according to officials and a recording of the call obtained by NJ Advance Media, also called Gusciora a 'woman' and a 'bitch a**,' and accused another city official of performing a sexual act on him.(Snip) At one point, Councilman Joe Harrison, also of Trenton, tried to stop the tirade, but wound up in a shouting match with Vaughn
Joe Biden's other problem with the gals replies
Posted by PageTurner 5/4/2020 10:11:14 AM Post Reply
Joe Biden's got a woman problem. No, not that one. Not about the diddling of the unwilling interns, or the handsiness and hair kissing of the little girls in public. Not about the Nevada lieutenant governor candidate who said old Joe sniffed her hair and kissed her head, and not about Tara Reade or the several other women who have since her charges also said he creeped on them. His other woman problem now is something else: Harpies. Seems that as the last man standing in the Democratic race, he's basically a big carcass there on the desert floor, not expected to last even if he's elected president, and the ambitious
Two homeless men found dead
on NYC subways in ‘out of
control’ 12-hour period
Posted by Ribicon 5/4/2020 10:10:31 AM Post Reply
Two dead homeless men were found on Big Apple subway trains in less than 12 hours over the weekend—alarming workers as the MTA continues to struggle with vagrants in the system amid the coronavirus outbreak. “The homeless situation is out of control,” said a train operator who only identified himself as Eddie, who came upon one body on the C train. “You don’t even know if the man died of coronavirus.”(Snip) According to Hicks, it’s gotten so bad, even MTA workers don’t want to ride the rails. “I don’t really want to ride the trains for free anymore because I’m afraid
Project Veritas Talks With Funeral Directors
Who Blow the Whistle on Falsely
Attributing Deaths to Wuhan Coronavirus
Posted by Judy W. 5/4/2020 9:25:29 AM Post Reply
Project Veritas has a new video out, focusing on funeral directors who are blowing the whistle on the alleged padding of Wuhan coronavirus death totals. The Project Veritas folks spoke with funeral directors out of New York who believed that the deaths were being attributed to the virus whether they were due to the virus or not. The tape reveals a completely haphazard approach, as James O’Keefe observes, marking down people as having the virus whether they had it or not. If people died at home people would rather put “COVID” rather than have to go into the home if the person had a fever,
Fact check: Obama administration did
not send $3.7 million to Wuhan lab
Posted by earlybird 5/4/2020 9:08:09 AM Post Reply
The claim: The Obama administration gave $3.7 million to a research institute in Wuhan, China The origins of the coronavirus have become an increasingly hot-button issue, allowing conspiracy theories to gain traction online and among high-profile officials. Claims that the U.S. government helped fund research into coronaviruses began to spread after the Daily Mail reported it obtained documents, which “show the Wuhan Institute of Virology undertook coronavirus experiments on mammals captured more than 1,000 miles away in Yunnan – funded by a $3.7 million grant from the US government.” The report gained traction on social media, while the claim was repeated by high-profile political figures.
Why I Didn’t Rat On My
Neighbor For Cutting Hair
Posted by Judy W. 5/4/2020 8:33:41 AM Post Reply
When the weather permits I like to work in my little backyard here in Brooklyn. It’s a 20’ by 25’ postage stamp of cement and dirt surrounded by the small plots of my neighbors. Over the past couple of weeks as New York City has endured its lockdown, I have noticed one neighbor, day in and day out, cutting people’s hair a few yards down. At first I thought maybe it’s just family haircuts, but unless this guy has old testament levels of offspring, it became clear he had set up shop. I even saw the cash exchanged once or twice.
Anti-lockdown demonstrator
falsely accused of holding
white supremacist sign
Posted by Magnante 5/4/2020 8:25:07 AM Post Reply
The lies never end when it comes to demonizing conservatives. On April 20th, entrepreneurs, and their supporters participated in simultaneous rallies in both Pittsburgh and Harrisburg to send a message to Governor Wolf that it was time to safely reopen Pennsylvania businesses (snip) One of the drive-in participants in the rally to call for the reopening of the state was Jill Cooper of Murrysville, PA. (snip) On May 1st at 5:32 pm Talia Lavin, former writer for the New Yorker, posted the photo, but with a doctored sign that read; “Work Sets You Free”. A slogan on the sign posted above the Auschwitz Concentration Camp; “Arbeit Macht Frei” accompanied the forgery
Americans turn to hunting amid fears of
coronavirus food shortages
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/4/2020 8:24:38 AM Post Reply
More Americans are turning to hunting during the coronavirus pandemic — and amid fears of nationwide food shortages after meat plants were forced to halt operations over outbreaks. “People are starting to consider self-reliance and where their food comes from,” Hank Forester of Quality Deer Management Association said, adding that he believes there will be a hunting resurgence over empty grocery store shelves. Outbreaks have recently caused at least three major meat producers — Tyson Foods, JBS USA and Smithfield Foods — to shutter more than a dozen plants across the nation. Meanwhile, some states have seen a jump in hunting licenses — including Indiana,
Hundreds of sheep take over Turkish street
during coronavirus lockdown
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/4/2020 7:53:23 AM Post Reply
[Video] Hundreds of sheep were caught on camera parading through the streets in Turkey Saturday night amid the country’s coronavirus lockdown. The astonishing footage shot in the city of Samsun was reposted to Twitter by Ragip Soylu, a reporter based in Turkey. The video, as of Sunday night, has been viewed nearly 2.5 million times. “Flock of sheep invades Turkey’s city of Samsun last night during the coronavirus lockdown,” wrote Soylu. The majority of sheep can be seen moving in the road at varying speeds. But some of the animals were spotted grazing in an adjacent city greenspace.
Women dressed as healthcare workers
steal packages in Washington State
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/4/2020 7:43:13 AM Post Reply
What a couple of scrubs. Two women, who were dressed up as healthcare workers, stole packages left outside homes in Washington State, police said. The porch pirates were spotted on surveillance footage approaching houses while wearing blue scrubs and lanyards with ID badges. One of the women wore gloves as she grabbed a package, according to images released by the Kennewick Police Department on Saturday. Police said they don’t believe the women are real nurses.
Cuomo Plays On Fears And Ignorance
About Reopening The Economy
Posted by RockyTCB 5/4/2020 7:35:29 AM Post Reply
Now that roughly half the states in the country are starting to reopen their economies, expect a rash of stories about how they opened “too soon” and that COVID-19 cases are climbing as a result. A headline on Friday, for example, was about how Georgia reported more than 1,000 new cases of the virus “the same day its governor lifted the stay-at-home order.” New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo warned Saturday about “blindly” lifting lockdowns and reopening the economy. “Use information to determine action – not emotions, not politics, not what people think or feel,” he said. It’s Cuomo himself who is
Donald Trump Defends Tone: ‘Hostile
Press’ Treats Me ‘Worse than Lincoln’
Posted by Imright 5/4/2020 7:08:37 AM Post Reply
President Donald Trump on Sunday defended his hostile tone with the press during a Fox News town hall at the Lincoln Memorial.One woman from New Jersey challenged Trump’s tone in a video question provided by Fox News moderators Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum.“Please let go of those behaviors that are turning people away from you,” she said, criticizing his tone in the press briefings.Trump smiled at the question but said he has to continue fighting off a hostile press.“I am greeted with a hostile press, the likes of which no president has ever seen,” Trump said.
A pandemic is the perfect opportunity to
restore education
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/4/2020 7:04:13 AM Post Reply
The COVID-19 pandemic is exposing what many have known for decades: Our education system is broken. But the situation also presents us with a silver lining: the opportunity to uncover the damaging influences and restore education. While millions of families are suddenly home schooling, it’s important to know that when our schools were elite and the envy of the world, we were a nation of home-schoolers and small, private, and independent schools. What happened? Government and labor unions intruded, claiming families and educators needed them. But do we? Theressah and Victor Ramirez say, “Absolutely not!” The Ramirez’s live with their two sons in a low-income, immigrant neighborhood in San Diego, California.
Marie Harf suggests small businesses aren’t
‘really meaningful’ to the economy
right now, anyway
Posted by Imright 5/4/2020 7:02:37 AM Post Reply
As governors of mostly red states begin to gradually reopen their economies due to the ‘flattening’ of the coronavirus ‘curve,’ cable news pundits continue to debate over whether the country ought to remain shut down ‘for our own good.’This, as more than 30 million Americans have filed for unemployment benefits over the past six weeks after state-imposed shutdown orders required “non-essential businesses” to close.That debate continued on “Fox News Sunday,” with liberal pundit Marie Harf, a former adviser to then-Secretary of State John Kerry, suggesting that allowing some small businesses to open was essentially meaningless.
K–12: Ten Lies Teachers
Tell You
Posted by Imright 5/4/2020 6:54:15 AM Post Reply
Hopefully, no one will forget our debt to Rudolf Flesch. He was a great man with a great mind. Almost forty years ago, Flesch published Why Johnny STILL Can't Read, wherein he continued his crusade against Whole Word (AKA Whole Language, Sight-Words, and other aliases). In this book, Flesch attacked the Education Establishment and its counterfeit merchandise in a unique way. He pointed out that all the things the professors assert most loudly and proudly are nothing but alibis — a polite way of saying lies.Has there ever been a field, in all of human history, that could be best defined by its alibis and lies?
Stacey Abrams's embarrassing campaign
for the vice presidency
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/4/2020 6:51:51 AM Post Reply
No one has ever wanted to be vice president as much as Stacey Abrams. The Georgia Democrat, best known for her failed gubernatorial candidacy in 2018, has launched a full-fledged campaign for the vice presidency in recent weeks, telling every news channel that will book her why she thinks she’s cut out for the job. And in doing so, Abrams has proved why she’s not. Abrams’s media tour began back in February when Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic nominee, first mentioned his campaign was looking at Abrams. When asked if she’d want the job, Abrams didn’t shy away. “Of course, I want it,” she said at the time.
‘Some neurological problem’: Flynn lawyer
speculates about Mueller’s mental acuity
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/4/2020 6:46:33 AM Post Reply
A lawyer for former national security adviser Michael Flynn questioned special counsel Robert Mueller’s mental acuity as Flynn’s legal team seeks to dismiss the charges against him. “It seems like some neurological problem has evolved there for Mr. Mueller. I don’t know how soon that started. Ultimately, he is responsible for all of this because he was supervising the investigation,” Sidney Powell told John Catsimatidis on The Cats Roundtable radio show on Sunday. Flynn, who served as President Trump’s national security adviser for less than a month, pleaded guilty in 2017 to lying to the FBI about his conversations with a Russian diplomat before Trump entered the White House.
On Virginia-Tennessee border, one side is now
open for business while the other is still on
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/4/2020 6:36:15 AM Post Reply
BRISTOL, Tennessee/Virginia state line — Joe Deel is behind the chrome-trimmed turquoise counter of his legendary diner, The Burger Bar, working with his wife Kayla, daughter Emily, and sous chef Corey Young; they can see people going in for lunch at the State Line Bar and Grill just across the street from them less than 50 yards away in Tennessee. But their round, black-topped stools in Virginia remain as empty as they were nearly two months ago when the coronavirus first shut down the country. “When they talked about opening Tennessee and not Virginia, I knew this was going to be a problem, " Deel said.
Two more California counties to reopen
economies despite Newsom's stay-at-home
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/4/2020 6:28:28 AM Post Reply
An additional two counties in California are reopening their local economies despite Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom’s statewide stay-at-home order. Modoc County in California announced last week that all businesses and churches might reopen, but people must keep a 6-foot distance from each other. Yuba and Sutter counties are now joining Modoc in reopening despite Newsom’s stay-at-home order that is still in effect. “We cannot wait for a vaccine without seeing extreme economic damage done to our community. The consequences of waiting will be additional health concerns brought on by stress and the very real dilemma for those with limited resources whether to buy life-saving food or life-saving medicines,”
The Tyrannical Soul of Gretchen Whitmer replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/4/2020 6:21:03 AM Post Reply
When Abraham Lincoln issued his Emancipation Proclamation he was criticized by abolitionists for not issuing a more sweeping order. He refused to do so, asking “If I take the step, must I not do so . . . without any argument, except the one that I think the measure politically expedient, and morally right? Would I not thus give up all footing upon constitution or law? Would I not thus be in the boundless field of absolutism? Could this pass unnoticed, or unresisted?” Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer stepped into this boundless field at the end of April.
Hotel industry issues coronavirus safety
guidelines ahead of anticipated travel surge
Posted by MissMolly 5/4/2020 4:53:42 AM Post Reply
Hotels around the country are prepping for travelers to start showing up again amid the coronavirus pandemic. But how can guests know that it's safe to stay there? Officials: WH pushing to rip supply chains from China J. Crew files for bankruptcy protection Hotels around the country are prepping for travelers to start showing up again amid the coronavirus pandemic. But how can guests know that it's safe to stay there? The hotel industry at large has had to update its cleanliness guidelines in the wake of coronavirus. © Chainarong Prasertthai, Getty Images/iStockphoto The hotel industry at large has had to update its cleanliness guidelines in the wake of coronavirus.
#MeToo movement loses its religion replies
Posted by MissMolly 5/4/2020 4:48:22 AM Post Reply
The movement that set the boundaries of what appropriate male/female interactions look like and finally held men accountable for crossing that line lost its righteousness this week. Few social crusades have been as impactful as the #MeToo movement. Powerful men in all sectors were brought down by accusations of sexual impropriety, many without a semblance of due process. But this past week some of the leading feminist figures in the nation lined up to endorse Joe Biden for president or to defend him against charges nearly identical to those used to crucify other men, most notably Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.
A Tale of Two Governors
and Two State Re-openings
Posted by Magnante 5/4/2020 4:48:11 AM Post Reply
This is a tale, not of two cities, but of two states, and two governors. Both states began reopening their economies last week as the worst of the Chinese flu appears to be over, except for a few isolated hotspots. Both states are reopening in a similar fashion, taking baby steps rather than a full gallop. One state is Georgia, the other is Colorado. (snip) Media reaction was anything but comparable or reasonable. The Guardian calls the decision racist with this headline, “Georgia's Covid-19 reopening pits white governor against black mayors.” CNN parrots the racist angle with this headline, “Black leaders say reopening Georgia is an attack on people of color.”
How to stop the
coming meat shortage
Posted by tisHimself 5/4/2020 4:44:36 AM Post Reply
Where’s the Beef?” was once just a funny (yet successful) advertising slogan. But now, it could soon be an actual question on the minds of many shoppers. Amid the coronavirus crisis, some are calling attention to the coming meat shortages the United States faces as the virus continues to ravage our economy. Rep. Thomas Massie has been sounding the alarm for weeks, and the Kentucky Republican recently introduced the “PRIME Act” in an effort to address the coming crisis. The congressman is right to be concerned.
Democrats, It’s Time to Consider a Plan B replies
Posted by MissMolly 5/4/2020 4:42:41 AM Post Reply
If you’re lucky when you report your sexual assault, you’ll become known as a person who was sexually assaulted. If you’re unlucky, you’ll become known as a person who lied about being sexually assaulted. It could still go either way for Tara Reade. In March, Ms. Reade told journalist Katie Halper on Halper’s podcast that she had been sexually assaulted by Joe Biden in 1993, while working in his Senate office. Ms. Reade contends that, sometime in the spring of that year, Mr. Biden forced her against a wall, shoved his hand up her skirt, and forced his fingers into her vagina. Mr. Biden has unequivocally denied Ms. Reade’s allegations.
Stacey Abrams's embarrassing
campaign for the vice presidency
Posted by Pluperfect 5/4/2020 4:37:52 AM Post Reply
No one has ever wanted to be vice president as much as Stacey Abrams. The Georgia Democrat, best known for her failed gubernatorial candidacy in 2018, has launched a full-fledged campaign for the vice presidency in recent weeks, telling every news channel that will book her why she thinks she’s cut out for the job. And in doing so, Abrams has proved why she’s not. Abrams’s media tour began back in February when Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic nominee, first mentioned his campaign was looking at Abrams. When asked if she’d want the job, Abrams didn’t shy away.
Former Pope Benedict complains of
attempts to 'silence' him
Posted by tisHimself 5/4/2020 4:34:40 AM Post Reply
Traditionalist former Pope Benedict XVI accuses opponents of wanting to "silence" him while attacking gay marriage in vehement terms in a new authorised biography published Monday in Germany. The 93-year-old, whose original name is Joseph Ratzinger, claims in "Benedict XVI - A Life" that he has fallen victim to a "malignant distortion of reality" in reactions to his interventions in theological debates, according to passages published by German media and news agency DPA.
Pritzker and Lightfoot -- Illinois's Hypocritical Tyrants replies
Posted by shazbot123 5/4/2020 4:34:05 AM Post Reply
s the bailout-seeking billionaire Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker resists lawsuits saying his lockdown order extension exceeds his authority and is unconstitutional, his wife jets to their estate in opened-up Florida to enjoy life without being arrested for leaving the house. Meanwhile Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot keeps barbershops and hair salons closed under penalty of imprisonment as she visits her own hair stylist on the grounds she is “the public face of Illinois” and must look her best. Both deem themselves more important than the people they represent. Laws are for the little people. It’s good to be king and queen.
Weekend at Biden’s replies
Posted by Pluperfect 5/4/2020 4:29:47 AM Post Reply
Tara Reade claims to be a loyal Democrat, and she might be doing her party a huge favor. Her accusation that Joe Biden sexually assaulted her in 1993 gives Democrats a plausible excuse to ditch the former vice president as their 2020 presidential nominee, thus sparing themselves a likely disaster in the fall campaign. To put it as bluntly as possible, Biden’s mental decline is so obvious as to be an embarrassment, as he stumbles in every interview, even with the most friendly journalists. Democrats and their friends in the media attempting to push Biden’s candidacy forward resemble nothing so much as the cast
The Inside Story Of How The
Trump Team Is Rebuilding
Our Supply Chain Preparedness
Posted by Pluperfect 5/4/2020 4:27:45 AM Post Reply
Coronavirus saddled the Trump administration and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) with a near impossible task. How could the government stabilize the nation’s medical supply chain while simultaneously refilling the Strategic National Stockpile (SNS) to prevent future pandemics from crippling the country? By leveraging a “whole-of-America approach,” facilitating private-public partnerships, and launching Project Air Bridge, a first-of-its-kind manufacturing and distribution initiative, Supply Chain Task Force Leader Rear Adm. John Polowczyk and senior administration officials tell Daily Caller. “Under the leadership of President Trump, Project Airbridge is a temporary solution
U.S. district judge rules Pritzker’s
order constitutional
Posted by tisHimself 5/4/2020 4:25:23 AM Post Reply
A U.S. district judge issued a ruling Sunday upholding Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s stay-at-home order for Illinois as constitutional. The Beloved Church of Lena, an Evangelical church located about 50 miles west of Rockford, had filed a complaint Thursday seeking a temporary restraining order and injunction in order to resume worship services with its 80 congregants. The church and its pastor, Stephen Cassell, still held in-person service Sunday without intervention from police, though the temporary restraining order was denied.
Democratic Donors Are TERRIFIED About
the VP Pick Democratic Voters Actually Want...
Posted by Pluperfect 5/4/2020 4:20:51 AM Post Reply
A new CBS News poll has Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren running away with the vice-presidential nominating sweepstakes among rank-and-file Democrats. But big donors to the party are pressuring Joe Biden not to take her on, believing, “He would lose the election.” It’s one more indication just how far left the Democratic Party has lurched since 2016. Bernie Sanders, Warren, Kamala Harris, Beto O’Rourke, Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, and the “Squad” have brought radical, transformative, socialist ideas into the mainstream of the party, endangering the Biden’s electability.
Do the Media Even Exist replies
Posted by tisHimself 5/4/2020 4:16:45 AM Post Reply
If we lived in a fair and just world, most of the current media would simply go away and try something else. The problem is not that reporters are human and therefore sometimes err. The rub is not even that they are poorly educated or rarely write well. We also expect officials to leak one-sided stories and then the media to print them without edits. These are all things baked into the media cake and the public understands, even if it does not quite accept them.
Why Carl Icahn’s Hertz near
bankruptcy while rival Avis stays afloat
Posted by Pluperfect 5/4/2020 4:16:43 AM Post Reply
Carl Icahn’s Hertz — once considered the gold standard of car rental companies — is sputtering on the side of the road while its closest rival, Avis, is positioned to ride out the coronavirus storm. The 102-year-old Hertz told shareholders last week that it had missed a debt payment tied to its 500,000 fleet amid a “rapid, sudden and dramatic negative impact” on its business amid the pandemic. Sources tell The Post the company has until Monday to fork over roughly $500 million or obtain a waiver from its lenders. If it fails, it will be in default on its fleet financing
Comey’s Stalinists replies
Posted by MissMolly 5/4/2020 4:11:13 AM Post Reply
Friday’s news brought the welcome report that U.S. Attorney John Durham, investigating possibly illegal misconduct by the FBI and CIA against the Trump campaign, is focusing on the FBI’s illegal acts in prosecuting President Trump’s first national security advisor, Gen. Michael Flynn. According to reports by the Washington Examiner and Fox News, Durham is looking closely at newly revealed documents in the Flynn case. As I wrote here on September 2, there was a conspiracy between the FBI and CIA to prevent Trump’s election and, when that failed, to interfere in his transition to the presidency. The conspiracy aimed at violating the civil rights of Trump
Marianne Williamson’s dead campaign
still spending cash, but stiffing vendors
Posted by MissMolly 5/4/2020 4:07:46 AM Post Reply
Marianne Williamson is facing a powerful new dark psychic force — campaign debt. The New Age author’s presidential campaign committee still owes $238,180 to various election vendors, some of whom now say she is trying to renege on the payments. Williamson suspended her campaign in January 2020. “She’s not paying us,” Jennifer Marshall, co-founder of Next Digital Connection, told The Post. “We are a very small business, and we will be totally and utterly bankrupted if she doesn’t pay her bill.”
Pompeo says ‘enormous evidence’ shows coronavirus
began in Wuhan lab
Posted by tisHimself 5/4/2020 4:05:02 AM Post Reply
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said “enormous evidence” exists indicating the coronavirus pandemic began in a lab in Wuhan, China and that the ruling Communist Party did everything it could to keep the outbreak under wraps. “There’s enormous evidence that that’s where this began. We’ve said from the beginning that this was a virus that originated in Wuhan, China. We took a lot of grief for that from the outset. But I think the whole world can see now,” he said on ABC News’ “This Week” on Sunday.
Michelle and Barack Obama
rake in millions of dollars, as
adoration by liberal media continues
Posted by MissMolly 5/4/2020 4:03:03 AM Post Reply
The Hollywood Reporter recently broke a scoop about the latest Netflix documentary from the Obamas, designed to offer us an oasis of joy as we suffer through the coronavirus pandemic. The documentary is called "Becoming" and it will be available worldwide Wednesday. As the title suggests, it promotes Michelle Obama's memoir of the same name, which has sold more than 10 million copies. So let's get this straight. The Obamas were awarded a book deal worth an estimated $65 million for their memoirs, hers and then his. They also struck an estimated $50 million production deal with Netflix.
France to extend coronavirus health
emergency, will quarantine all travelers
for 14 days, health minister says
Posted by MissMolly 5/4/2020 3:57:56 AM Post Reply
France plans to quarantine all travelers entering the country, including returning citizens, for two weeks as part of a new proposal to extend the health emergency put in place to limit the spread of the coronavirus, the country’s health minister said Saturday. The move comes after French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe announced a nationwide plan last week to gradually bring the country out of a six-week lockdown on May 11 to stem the risk of economic collapse.
The Senate Dem Rape Culture That Made
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/4/2020 2:42:35 AM Post Reply
When Joe Biden allegedly sexually assaulted Tara Reade in the hallway of the Russell Senate Office Building, the storied building was home to an entire culture of Senate Democrat sexual predators. The Russell Building is the home of the Kennedy Caucus Room. After Senator Ted Kennedy’s death, the ‘Kennedy’ part was added to the Caucus Room to honor the notorious sexual predator whose actions had led to the death of Mary Jo Kopechne. Mary Jo was one of the many young women drawn to public service by the idealistic speeches of the Kennedy clan’s political scions only to suffer at their hands.
Stop the Briefings, Start the Virtual Rallies replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/4/2020 12:00:25 AM Post Reply
We have an election to win here. The president has always asked when surrounded by his ardent supporters: Is there anything more fun than a Trump rally?” The response is—was—over the top. The fanfare that greets the question eclipses even the uproarious approval that occurs when Trump turns the media’s baleful eye back on them at the rallies, letting the hate-Trump press experience firsthand a microdose of the macro loathing that routinely shows up in polls. The rallies are fun—were fun—because they’ve always been about winning. Winning America-first style. Companies and jobs returning stateside. The documents of a parasitic regulatory regime shredded.
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