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Posts on Monday, April 20, 2020

Deborah Birx Shuts Down Criticism of
Decision to Reopen Jacksonville Beaches
Posted by earlybird 4/20/2020 11:38:30 PM Post Reply
Dr. Deborah Birx on Monday again defended the city of Jacksonville, Florida, for reopening their beaches, despite heavy criticism from national establishment media. Birx said that Florida had excellent coronavirus infection data accessible on their website, which showed that the decision to reopen the beaches made sense. “They had less than 20 cases per day and less than 800 in four weeks,” she said. She said that each governor and local official should be allowed to make a decision for themselves about when to reopen their states, based on data. Birx said that Southern Florida had most of the coronavirus cases in the state, such as Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, and the Broward County areas.
Trump says he will sign executive order to
‘temporarily suspend immigration' to
US over coronavirus
Posted by Imright 4/20/2020 11:11:24 PM Post Reply
President Trump announced that he will be signing an executive order to suspend immigration into the United States.Trump made the surprise announcement in a late-night tweet on Monday. While the details of his forthcoming order were unclear, the move would follow travel restrictions already imposed on China, most of Europe, and some other countries during the coronavirus pandemic.“In light of the attack from the Invisible Enemy, as well as the need to protect the jobs of our GREAT American Citizens, I will be signing an Executive Order to temporarily suspend immigration into the United States!” he said. (Tweet)
Breaking: Donald Trump bans immigration
into the U.S. with executive order to
'protect jobs' amid coronavirus pandemic
Posted by Ribicon 4/20/2020 11:09:43 PM Post Reply
Donald Trump announced Monday plans to ban immigration into the United States amid the coronavirus pandemic. The president tweeted Monday: 'In light of the attack from the Invisible Enemy, as well as the need to protect the jobs of our GREAT American Citizens, I will be signing an Executive Order to temporarily suspend immigration into the United States!' At least 22 million Americans are now out of work as tough measures to control the coronavirus outbreak wiped out 13.5 percent of the workforce and 10 years of job growth. In an address to the nation last month Trump announced a drastic ban on foreigners traveling
Jacksonville Beach Mayor Says Decision to
Reopen Beaches Has ‘Paid Off Really Well’
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/20/2020 11:00:04 PM Post Reply
The move to reopen beaches has so far been a good one, Jacksonville Beach, Florida, Mayor Charlie Latham said Monday. “There is [sic] a lot of people that are upset that we’ve opened, but we’re not requiring anybody to go to the beach,” the mayor said during an interview on Fox & Friends. He continued: We’re making the beach available as long as they meet various strict compliance requirements and so far citizens have done that, our visitors have done that so right now we believe it’s a good decision. If things were to change, we could certainly shut it down in just a very short period of time if we need to.
North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un in
‘grave danger’ after hospital admission
Posted by Pete Stone 4/20/2020 10:55:23 PM Post Reply
The US is monitoring intelligence that North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong Un, is in grave danger after a surgery, according to a US official with direct knowledge. Officially, Jong-un is receiving treatment after undergoing a cardiovascular procedure early this month, a South Korean media report says, amid speculation over his health after his absence from a key anniversary event. North Korea marked the anniversary of the birthday of its founding father and Kim’s grandfather, Kim Il Sung, as a national holiday on April 15, but Kim was not seen in attendance. Daily NK, a speciality website run mostly by North Korean
Kerry on Push to Reopen: Trump Is Playing
‘Russian Roulette’ with American Lives
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/20/2020 10:36:44 PM Post Reply
Monday on MSNBC, former Secretary of State John Kerry said President Donald Trump encouraging protests to end state stay-at-home orders when governors are pointing to insufficient testing availably was akin to playing “Russian roulette with everybody’s lives.” Kerry said “I think what’s extraordinary is that the president of the United States, whose responsibility it is to lead the nation, according to the best advice and all the best advice, the best business advice, the best medical advice, the best security advice is all saying, you can’t make the economy work again if the majority of the people of our country are in fear, and they’re not going to come out,
Don’t Let The Washington Post Get Away
With Memory-Holing Its Anti-Kavanaugh
Posted by earlybird 4/20/2020 9:06:03 PM Post Reply
The Washington Post has a problem. The newspaper led the massive effort against the nomination of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh by publishing and relentlessly hyping a completely unsubstantiated allegation of sexual assault against him. Now, the paper is leading Democrats’ efforts to bury a similar, if stronger, allegation of sexual assault against Joe Biden. To accomplish this dramatic turnabout, the paper is collectively trying to rewrite history, pretending the allegation against Kavanaugh had more basis than it did while also pretending that the allegation against Biden has less basis than it does. The Post’s anti-Kavanaugh operation had powerful divisions in both the news and opinion departments. It’s worth looking
Navarro: China Might Have Withheld Data
So They Can Sell Coronavirus Vaccine
Posted by earlybird 4/20/2020 8:46:21 PM Post Reply
On Monday’s broadcast of the Fox Business Network’s “Lou Dobbs Tonight,” White House Trade Adviser Peter Navarro suggested that China might have hidden coronavirus data from the U.S. so they can create a vaccine first and they view it as “a business proposition so that they can sell the vaccines to the world.” Navarro said, (Snip)“One of the reasons that they may not have let us in and given us the data on this virus early is they’re racing to get a vaccine. (Snip)We’re going to beat them because of President Trump’s leadership. We’re going to beat them because HHS has already got a five-company horse race.”
Iranian ‘Prophetic Medicine’ Leader:
Camel Urine Cures Coronavirus
Posted by earlybird 4/20/2020 8:41:47 PM Post Reply
An Iranian man who describes himself as an Islamic prophetic medicine healer has prescribed drinking camel urine as a treatment for the Chinese coronavirus, Radio Farda reported Monday. In a video that has reportedly gone viral across social media, the Chairman of the Prophetic Medicine Society Medhi Sabili urged people to consume the urine when it is both “fresh and warm.” It was quickly ridiculed by Iranians, many of whom warned about the dangers of such treatment. The consumption of camel urine, as well as camel meat and camel meat, is not uncommon across the Middle East. In some countries, including Saudi Arabia, many believe that it can cure a range of
Five People Die of Coronavirus After
Attending High School Basketball
Posted by earlybird 4/20/2020 8:38:41 PM Post Reply
Five men who attended a high school basketball game in Indiana last month, have died of the coronavirus. The game took place on March 6th at Lawrence Central High School for the regional semi-finals. Over 2,800 fans packed the arena. According to the Indianapolis Star, at least a dozen other people who attended the game have either tested positive or experienced symptoms consistent with the coronavirus. Dr. Cole Beeler, an infectious disease doctor at Indiana University Health, sees sporting events like the basketball game as a challenge to containing the spread of disease.(Snip) The five men who succumbed to the disease, ranged in age from 43 to 78.
Some US manufacturers reopening
amid fierce political heat
Posted by NorthernDog 4/20/2020 7:19:33 PM Post Reply
SEATTLE -- Boeing and at least one other U.S. heavy-equipment manufacturer resumed production and some states rolled out aggressive reopening plans Monday, despite nationwide concerns there is not enough testing yet to keep the coronavirus from rebounding. (Snip) The reopenings in the U.S. are a drop in the bucket compared with the more than 22 million Americans thrown out of work by the crisis. In a dispute that has turned nakedly political, the president has been agitating to restart the economy, singling out Democratic-led states and egging on protesters who feel governors are moving too slowly. Some states — mostly Republican-led ones
US needs to conduct 20 million coronavirus tests
per day to reopen fully, Harvard report says
Posted by NorthernDog 4/20/2020 7:08:40 PM Post Reply
The U.S. will need to administer 20 million tests for the novel coronavirus each day by mid-summer in order to fully remobilize the economy in a safe fashion, according to new report from a Harvard panel of more than 45 experts in health, science and economics. The figure far exceeds testing recommendations from other health experts. Former Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Commissioner Scott Gottlieb has said that the country will need to initially conduct up to 3 million tests per week to reopen. A separate estimate from Harvard University researchers says the U.S. must conduct between 500,000 and 700,00
Cuomo didn’t know coronavirus patients
are being sent back to nursing homes
Posted by Ribicon 4/20/2020 6:18:02 PM Post Reply
New York’s health commissioner on Monday defended a directive that requires nursing homes to readmit residents who’ve tested positive for the coronavirus—as Gov. Andrew Cuomo revealed he didn’t know the policy was in place. Cuomo was asked about the state’s policy on admitting or re-admitting to nursing homes people who’d tested positive for COVID-19. “That’s a good question, I don’t know,” the governor said. Cuomo’s startling admission came days after the state revealed last week that at least 3,316 people in nursing homes and adult care facilities had died of coronavirus at their residences or in hospitals across the state.
Blue State Governors Demand Facebook
Remove Information Organizing Protests
Against Their “Orders” – Facebook
Posted by earlybird 4/20/2020 3:59:33 PM Post Reply
There’s some misinformation quickly spreading about Facebook taking down all content where people are organizing protests against state “orders.” In reality what Facebook is doing is responding to requests from state officials to remove content the state dictators claim is defiance of their orders. Facebook is complying with those removal requests.(Snip)The latest effort by authoritarian-minded state governor should not come as a surprise. These are overwhelmingly blue state (democrat) governors. It is important to keep in mind the ‘stay-at-home’ and other restrictions on liberty are not laws per se’, they are orders by state governors. The authoritarian to block protest organizing on social
Netanyahu, Gantz sign a unity
government agreement
Posted by Harlowe 4/20/2020 3:44:59 PM Post Reply
Israel will soon have a new coalition government after an agreement was signed on Monday evening between Likud and Blue and White, putting an end to a 17-month political stalemate that resulted in three elections. As part of the deal, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has served as caretaker prime minister since December 2018, will remain prime minister for another 18 months and then will be replaced in October 2021 by Blue and White leader Benny Gantz, who will serve as vice prime minister in the meantime. Netanyahu will be vice prime minister under Gantz after that, but if Netanyahu leaves
John Oliver Blasts Rush Limbaugh, Right-
Wing Misinformation About Coronavirus
Posted by Harlowe 4/20/2020 3:28:30 PM Post Reply
A fired-up John Oliver laid into right-wing media on Sunday, excoriating Rush Limbaugh and Fox News hosts for continuing to downplay the coronavirus pandemic--and blaming them for the recent string of protests against stay-at-home orders and social distancing measures. (Snip) It wasn't just Limbaugh who had Oliver incensed on Sunday. The host also criticized Fox News hosts for continuing to downplay the number of coronavirus deaths in America (a number that has now topped 41,000), citing numerous examples from the likes of Sean Hannity, Jesse Watters, and Tucker Carlson.
Schumer: Paycheck Protection Program
delayed to get loans for minority groups
and rural areas
Posted by Imright 4/20/2020 2:40:52 PM Post Reply
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer touted how minority communities and rural areas will receive aid via provisions added to the Paycheck Protection Program in response to a claim that Democrats are holding up funding for small businesses.Schumer joined CNN’s State of the Union on Sunday and responded to a statement from the former administrator of the Small Business Administration, Karen Mills, who said: “Complexity is not our friend here … things that have to be implemented quickly can’t have a lot of bells and whistles or else there will be too many unintended consequences — one of which is delay. And we don’t have time for delay.”
PG&E customers to receive $63 'climate credit' this month replies
Posted by GoodDeal 4/20/2020 1:52:20 PM Post Reply
PG&E customers will receive up to $63 in credit to their accounts for the month of April as part of a state-mandated climate credit. The credit, which is typically given twice a year, comes in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic when many people are sheltering at home and impacted financially. Customers who receive natural gas and electric services will be credited $62.91. Those who only receive electrical services will be credited $35.73.
Donald Trump tweets racially-charged
attack on Joe Biden showing fake Barack
Obama watching his former VP speak
nonsensically in a meme made from an *
Posted by Ribicon 4/20/2020 1:42:59 PM Post Reply
President Donald Trump tweeted a campaign ad on Monday that contained a racially-charged attack on Joe Biden and features former President Barack Obama. In the 30-second ad, Obama and three other black men are watching a basketball game when Biden appears during a commercial break. The former vice president is talking–unclearly–about his time as a life guard and how children jump on his lap. As Biden struggles for words, one of the men looks at Obama, who says: ‘What?’(Snip) The video the president tweeted–which had more than 540,000 views in the hour after Trump posted it
Joe Biden Advisor Tries to Blame Republicans
for Small Business Loan Money Running out,
It Doesn’t Go Well
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/20/2020 1:17:49 PM Post Reply
I guess Joe Biden isn’t the only part of his campaign that can devolve into incoherence on a live stream, but I’d think this example isn’t a result of dementia. Rather, she’s just choosing to outright lie. Symone Sanders, who once worked for Bernie Sanders, is a senior adviser for the Biden campaign now. She “interviewed” Tony Goldwyn via one of their streaming hits and then went to Twitter to make a rather ridiculous assertion. She actually attempted to blame Republicans for the PPP money running out for small businesses.
Supreme Court says unanimous jury verdicts
required in state criminal trials for serious
Posted by earlybird 4/20/2020 1:14:09 PM Post Reply
Washington -The Supreme Court said Monday that unanimous jury verdicts are required in state criminal trials for serious offenses, handing a victory to criminal defendants including petitioner Evangelisto Ramos, who was convicted of murder in Louisiana on a 10-2 vote. Ramos argued that Louisiana's non-unanimous jury provision violated his federal constitutional right to trial by jury and that the law had racist roots meant to diminish the votes of minority jurors. Justice Neil Gorsuch penned the opinion and was joined in key parts by Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Sonia Sotomayor, Stephen Breyer and Brett Kavanaugh.
Democrats Block Job-Saving Program replies
Posted by Garnet 4/20/2020 12:55:35 PM Post Reply
Let’s not hear one more consonant from Democrats and their housekeepers in the left-wing media about President Donald J. Trump’s allegedly slothful response to the COVID-19 crisis. Democratic lawmakers and leftist journalists now are slowing things, on purpose. And that’s far, far worse. House speaker Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) degraded herself on March 29 by telling CNN: “As the president fiddles, people are dying.” NBC’s Chuck Todd recently asked Joe Biden, “Do you think there is blood on the president’s hands considering the slow response?”Somehow, while fiddling with bloody hands, President Trump managed to impose his ban on alien-arrivals from China on January 31, one day after
A Tiny Virus Further Sickens
the Fevered Media Mob
Posted by Garnet 4/20/2020 12:51:03 PM Post Reply
In his 1898 novel, “The War of the Worlds,” H.G. Wells imagined a world changed forever by something like our dread coronavirus. In that familiar story, Martian invaders were close to total domination of the Earth when they were unexpectedly vanquished by the “germs of disease,” famously called by Wells “the humblest things that God, in his wisdom, had put upon this earth.” In the novel, mankind is saved by germs, but in modern Hollywood science fiction viruses are usually employed to devastate human society, or change it forever. The extent to which COVID-19 will leave a permanent mark on us is yet unknown, but
The Superstition of ‘Science’ replies
Posted by DVC 4/20/2020 12:34:56 PM Post Reply
A virus is not magic, epidemiology is not voodoo, and the credentialed experts are not a priesthood. Yet the reporters, anchors, and commentators on cable TV news — most of whom have no more claim to expertise in such matters than you or I — exhibit a cult-like faith in the ability of the Pandemic Priesthood to predict the future. Previous failures by these experts to predict the course of the COVID-19 outbreak are ignored, as the television preachers of “science” encourage their viewers to regard the priesthood with religious reverence. Most amazing of all is how the media has
Carl Bernstein: Jared Kushner convinced
Trump 'to stop being delusional' about
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/20/2020 12:25:28 PM Post Reply
Veteran investigative journalist Carl Bernstein said President Trump's son-in-law and adviser, Jared Kushner, played a key role in convincing the commander in chief to take more serious steps in combating the coronavirus. The Watergate sleuth told CNN colleague Chris Cuomo on Friday that Kushner, who is leading a coronavirus task force, helped sway the president in March to get serious about the pandemic, along with Drs. Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx, as the number of cases and deaths shot up. Citing people in the White House, Bernstein said he was told Kushner "had to convince" Trump "to stop being delusional and in denial."
COVID-19 puts rural hospitals in Eastern
Washington on brink of financial collapse
Posted by Ron_lfp 4/20/2020 12:04:49 PM Post Reply
It sounds like an oxymoron: hospital loses money in the midst of a pandemic. But that is happening across Eastern Washington: Rural hospital systems have bolstered COVID-19 responses and protections while losing major revenue streams from other kinds of care. The moves have left many in a financially precarious position. (snip) “But when social distancing went into effect and cancellation of elective surgery procedures happened, we saw all of the patient volume essentially cease.
‘Social Shredding’: Defiant Residents Grab
Shovels, Dirt Bikes After Cali Authorities
Dump Tons Of Sand In Skateparks
For ‘Social Distancing’
Posted by Imright 4/20/2020 11:36:08 AM Post Reply
California authorities tried to stop skateboarders by dumping literally tons of sand into at least two area skateparks in an effort to enforce so-called “social distancing.” However, the effort was for naught, it seems.Young residents in California responded to the government’s extreme social distancing enforcement action by grabbing a few shovels, buckets, and booms and turning at least one sand-filled skatepark into a park for both skating and dirt biking.“Took advantage of all the sand the city dumped into the San Clemente skatepark then helped some local skaters dig it all out so they could do some social shredding,” Buttery Films’ Instagram account posted at San Clement Skatepark on Sunday.
Newly Declassified Evidence: Russia Didn't
Try to Help Elect Trump in 2016
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/20/2020 11:25:09 AM Post Reply
It has become conventional "wisdom" on the left that Russia wanted Trump to win in 2016, and therefore they helped his campaign. The latter belief was debunked by the Mueller report—though many on the left still believe it. The theory that Russia wanted Trump to win has also persisted, but newly declassified evidence suggesting that Russia was spreading false information about Donald Trump during the 2016 campaign "is calling into question the Obama administration’s intelligence assessment that Moscow was trying to help the Republican win the 2016 election," according to a report from Just The News's John Solomon.
This Is Really Happening: Montana County
Demands Citizens Wear Government-Issued
Arm Bands to Shop at Grocery Stores
Posted by Imright 4/20/2020 11:18:19 AM Post Reply
We thought this was a spoof. It’s not. A Montana county is mandating citizens to wear a pink wrist band to go shopping at grocery stores.The band represents the person has quarantined for 14 days.You know who else had armbands? (Tweet) The Montana Daily Gazette reported: In what might be one of the most over-the-top and draconian responses to coronavirus yet seen in Montana, Valley County is mandating that people wear government-issued pink arm bands in under to purchase products inside of stores. The measure, enforced by the Valley County Health Department,
'Experts' Float Trial Balloon: Hey, What if We
Closed Grocery Stores While We're at It?
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/20/2020 11:14:52 AM Post Reply
Earlier today after I made my coffee I noticed we were a little low on milk. So I timed my grocery store run to a point in the day I figured the local HEB would be less crowded, and I went for it. The store was well-stocked, everyone was friendly and observing distance and mask requirements, and I got what I needed and got home. But what if I couldn't do that? Today I'd have had coffee black, which isn't a huge deal, but in a few days I'd have less and less to eat for myself and my family. A hungry writer is an unhappy writer.
Matt Drudge fires back after Trump
claims Drudge Report readers
'dropping off like flies'
Posted by Ribicon 4/20/2020 11:13:18 AM Post Reply
Matt Drudge of Drudge Report fame issued a rare public statement over the weekend after President Trump claimed his website’s readership was dropping. “I gave up on Drudge (a really nice guy) long ago, as have many others,” the president tweeted Saturday. “People are dropping off like flies!” Mr. Trump and his supporters have noticed a shift in Mr. Drudge’s coverage of the president in the past year, accusing the longtime conservative must-read of adopting a leftist bent. Multiple conservative news aggregators, including Dan Bongino’s The Bongino Report, have since launched in an effort to scoop up Mr. Drudge’s readers.
Pelosi's Easter Revelation: You Know, Trump
Sure Has Made a Lot of Mistakes
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/20/2020 11:08:12 AM Post Reply
In an interview on Fox News Sunday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Planned Parenthood) made an interesting claim. Host Chris Wallace recounted the back and forth war of words between Pelosi and President Trump and asked the speaker if their verbal warfare is helpful during the coronavirus pandemic. Pelosi said yes, she had some sort of revelation allowing her to bash the president. On Easter Sunday. WALLACE: But do you think those kinds of partisan attacks by, in this case, you, are constructive in the middle of a national crisis? PELOSI: Well, I’ll tell you why it came to that. I was very prayerful on Easter.
Patriots Day, April 19th – Mr. Paul Revere
Explains The Battle of Lexington and
Concord in His Own Words….
Posted by earlybird 4/20/2020 11:00:14 AM Post Reply
Representative Doug Collins asked today: “How do you celebrate Patriots Day”? Which, perhaps, should spur me to share my own thoughts on this day of consequence. Many are familiar with the poem Paul Revere’s ride; however, far fewer know that Paul Revere actually memorialized the events of the April 18 and 19, 1775, in an eight page letter written several years later. Each Patriots Day I remind myself to read his letter from a copy handed down; and I think about how Paul Revere was really just a common man of otherwise undue significance…. yet capable to the task at hand. To me everything about the heart of Revere, which you can
Facebook Working With State Governments
to Take Down Coronavirus Lockdown Protest
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/20/2020 10:59:04 AM Post Reply
Facebook says it is working with state governments to take down organizing announcements for protests of the COVID-19 Chinese coronavirus lockdowns. The protests have been spreading around the nation by Americans concerned the cure is worse than the disease and is killing the country and that the orders by governments go far beyond what is necessary to control the spread of the virus and are more about controlling citizens. CNN’s Oliver Darcy and Donie O’Sullivan posted Monday about Facebook and the state’s conspiring to suspend the First Amendment rights of Americans. “Anti-quarantine protests being organized through Facebook in California, New Jersey, and Nebraska,
Wayne Allyn Root: Proof Democrats Are Crazy,
Insane And A Danger To Us All
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/20/2020 10:53:29 AM Post Reply
If you weren’t convinced until now that Democrats are crazy, insane and a danger to us all, I now have clear and irrefutable proof. It’s spelled Hydroxychloroquine. That’s the anti-malaria drug that has become a miracle weapon in our arsenal to defeat Coronavirus. The stories of its remarkable success in the battle versus this terrible deadly pandemic are everywhere. They are no longer “anecdotal.” This Trump-touted drug appears very likely to be a miracle drug. I’ll get to all those stories in a moment. But first, let me mention the latest Rasmussen poll which shows that only 18% of Democrats would take hydroxychloroquine if they were sick with Coronavirus. Folks, that’s just nuts.
Unfit To Print Episode 48: Trump Unloads
On Media During Coronavirus Briefing
Posted by Imright 4/20/2020 10:47:58 AM Post Reply
President Donald Trump took the fight directly to the media this week, playing a video of all of their poor coverage of the coronavirus outbreak and showing all of the steps the Trump administration has taken to try to mitigate the pandemic.CNN accused the president of playing “propaganda,” while CBS News’ Paula Reid falsely claimed that the administration had a “gap” where they didn’t take any action in February. “Unfit to Print” host Amber Athey shares the list of actions taken in February and more of the biggest stories of media bias in this week’s episode. LISTEN:
Understanding The Russian Disinformation
Defense – As Predicted in 2018…
Posted by earlybird 4/20/2020 10:37:43 AM Post Reply
Various mainstream media reports have discussed the latest declassification releases by saying the releases show the Steele Dossier was infected with “Russian Disinformation”.The framework of this “Russia disinformation” defense narrative is completely and utterly false. The fabrications within the Steele Dossier assembly of lies, came almost exclusively from operatives in and outside government associated with the Clinton campaign; and a dedicated group of purposeful allies in the intelligence community; who were attempting to weaponize intelligence, even false intelligence for similar political purposes. However, that said, in 2018 CTH outlined this exact defense and why they would deploy it. Below I am re-posting a research outline from August 2018; and
Testicles may make men more vulnerable
to coronavirus: study
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/20/2020 10:36:05 AM Post Reply
The coronavirus could linger in the testicles, making men prone to longer, more severe cases of the illness, according to a new study. Researchers tracked the recovery of 68 patients in Mumbai, India, to study the gender disparity of the virus, which has taken a worse toll on men, according to a preliminary report posted on MedRxix, which hosts unpublished medical research papers that have not been peer reviewed. Dr. Aditi Shastri, an oncologist at Montefiore Medical Center in the Bronx, and her mother, Dr. Jayanthi Shastri, a microbiologist at the Kasturba Hospital for Infectious Diseases in Mumbai,
NARAL Pro-Choice President Takes Issue With
Coronavirus Protestors Using 'My Body, My
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/20/2020 10:21:46 AM Post Reply
Americans across the nation have taken to the streets to protest stay-at-home orders and, in some places, are being required to wear a face mask. In parts of California and Texas, residents are required to wear a face mask whenever they're outside of their private residence or their vehicles. Some stores have even implemented their own rules, saying patrons must cover their faces with a mask, bandana or other covering. People have taken issue with being forced into these rules, arguing that they should have the power to make their own decisions.
Leftists Don’t Want The Shutdown To End
Because They Are Living Out Their Wildest
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/20/2020 10:15:33 AM Post Reply
As the ongoing Chinese coronavirus pandemic turns out to be far less deadly than previously feared, certain segments of the population are itching to get America’s economy rolling again. Except, although we were initially told to hunker down for a few weeks to “flatten the curve,” the goalposts were moved as soon as the original goal was met. Now, a significant chunk of people seemingly want the lockdowns to last forever or until a vaccine is developed, whichever comes sooner. Interestingly, the politics behind who wants to get back to work and who wants to keep their PJs on and continue their weeks-long slumber party ad infinitum are blatantly obvious.
Mnuchin Reveals How Long He Believes It'll
Take the Economy to Recover
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/20/2020 10:10:25 AM Post Reply
Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin is optimistic about the United States' economy recovering quickly from the harmful effects of the government's response to the Wuhan coronavirus. In an interview with CNN's Jake Tapper on Sunday, Mnuchin said he thinks it'll be months and "definitely not years" before the U.S. economy returns to the strong levels it enjoyed before the current pandemic. "I think it will be months. I definitely don't think it will be years. We are going to conquer this virus. We are going to have terrific breakthroughs," the treasury secretary said reassuringly.
Cops enforcing Florida beach restrictions
nab Pennsylvania murder suspect violating
lounging rule
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/20/2020 9:40:25 AM Post Reply
Florida police patrolling beaches just days after they partially reopened nabbed more than a violator of coronavirus restrictions. Jacksonville police came across a man suspected of homicide hundreds of miles away and ended up arresting him on Sunday, as hundreds of people had flooded beaches again after the closures were partially lifted. [Video] Jacksonville Beach police apprehended 30-year-old fugitive Mario Matthew Gatti, who was wanted as a suspect in a Pennsylvania murder in January, Fox 30 Jacksonville reported. Gatti was spotted near the dunes on the beach Sunday morning as police enforced social distancing and other guidelines still in place
'I've never seen so many American flags!'
Donald Trump defends protesters
demanding lockdown is lifted as
he says they just have 'cabin
fever' and 'love our country'
Posted by Imright 4/20/2020 9:40:03 AM Post Reply
President Trump gave a pass to protesters who have gathered in cities across the nation to push for American businesses to be reopened amid the coronavirus pandemic. 'They've got cabin fever,' Trump said at his Sunday White House briefing. 'They want their lives back.' The president rejected the assertion that he was inciting violence, as one reporter pointed out that governors around the country were seeing an uptick in death threats. (Photos/Video) 'No, I am not. I've never seen so many American flags,' Trump said. 'These people love our country. They want to get back to work.'
Dem Sen. Coons Calls for $3.6 Billion Vote-by-
Mail Funding — ‘We Ought to Be Able to Do This’
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/20/2020 9:29:55 AM Post Reply
In a Sunday interview with MSNBC’s “Kasie DC,” Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) called for $3.6 billion in funding to allow vote-by-mail in 2020 amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. Coons noted people in the military and diplomats vote via mail and that President Donald Trump requested an absentee ballot for the upcoming election, advising if some states can vote entirely by mail, then it should not be an issue while there are shelter-in-place orders. “It would ask us to give some flexibility to states in terms of match requirements and some dramatic additional resources, $3.6 billion,” argued Coons.
Biden Campaign to Host Unemployment Town
Hall ‘Through the Lens of What Happened to
People on Broadway’
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/20/2020 9:23:49 AM Post Reply
The presidential campaign for former vice president Joe Biden is set to host an unemployment town hall through the very lens of “what happened to people on Broadway” as a result of the Chinese coronavirus, according to left-wing actor Tony Goldwyn, who announced the town hall on Twitter. “This is going to be a great conversation about what so many Americans are dealing with, viewed through the lens of what’s happened to the folks who earn(ed) their living on Broadway,” tweeted Tony Goldwyn. [Tweet] “On Sunday night, [Symone D. Sanders] and actor [Tony Goldwyn] will be hosting an unemployment town hall
Flashback: Adam Schiff Hijacked House
Intelligence Hearing on China to Subpoena
a Russian Translator
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/20/2020 9:15:12 AM Post Reply
House Intelligence Committee Ranking Member Devin Nunes (R-CA) during an interview on Sunday recalled how Republicans tried to hold a public hearing on the China threat in mid-2018, and Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) hijacked it to call for a subpoena of a Russian translator. “The House Republicans have been running an investigation into China on the Intelligence Committee for many, many years…so we’ve been on this for awhile, and remember, we were dealing with the Russian hoax in Congress at the same time the House Republicans were trying to run an investigation into China,” he said on Fox and Friends.
Albert Brooks Mocks Quarantine Protesters:
‘Even the Germans Are Going Holy S**t, I
Thought We Got Rid of This’
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/20/2020 9:10:55 AM Post Reply
Actor-director Albert Brooks is mocking the hundreds of people who converged on state capitals over the weekend to protest the continued coronavirus lockdowns, which have resulted in millions of lost jobs around the country. The Lost in America and Broadcast News star even appeared to compare the crowds to Nazi-era Germany. Albert Brooks noted in a tweet on Sunday that some of the protestors chanted “Fire Fauci!” — a reference to Dr. Anthony Fauci, a member of the White House’s coronavirus taskforce and the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. Dr. Fauci has pushed for a broader, nationwide lockdown in response to the Chinese coronavirus.
The left’s new hysterical narrative? Testing!
Testing? Testing?
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/20/2020 8:53:50 AM Post Reply
Having essentially lost the narrative on their “blame Trump” for every death, the Democrats and their media droids have this week settled upon the lack of sufficient testing with which to castigate the President. They would never call out the bureaucrats of the CDC, which dropped the ball throughout the Obama years, or the NIH, or the NIAID for Fauci’s failures to be prepared for a pandemic. No, they have all leapt on the bandwagon to blame Trump for every death, every perceived failure of the federal government to stop a virus unleashed on the world by the actual biggest threat to the world, China.
Financing Poverty, Malnutrition
and Death – Part 2
Posted by Judy W. 4/20/2020 8:32:45 AM Post Reply
It’s easy to farm organically in the wealthy EU and USA, where consumers can afford to demand much more expensive organic meats, eggs, fruits and vegetables. It’s much harder if you have to deal with the insects and crop diseases that plague African farmers on constant massive levels and locusts that bring true catastrophes every few decades – and then sell your meager crop yields to impoverished families. That modern pesticides might save billions of dollars of crops every year and stop locusts before they can swarm by the tens of billions – or that bioengineered crops might feed more people, from less land, with less water, with greater resistance
Meat shortages: The wages of 'cheap'
illegal labor
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/20/2020 8:32:19 AM Post Reply
In 2004's preachy, much-panned, leftist mockumentary, "A Day Without A Mexican," the supposedly hypothetical scenario, about how California would fall apart if all its Mexicans, including illegals, somehow disappeared, was acted out. The film had a grand old time portraying white people as a bunch of soft, privileged, fools, unable to clean even their own toilets. Which is annoying because it lumps most Americans into a stereotype of a typically feckless, over-monied limousine liberal, such as you might really find in Hollywood circles. But it did raise the question of U.S. dependence on illegal foreign labor. Seems we might just be experiencing that now with the big meat-plant shutdowns,
Rep. Dan Crenshaw politely destroys
Bill Maher’s blame game against Trump
Posted by Magnante 4/20/2020 8:17:26 AM Post Reply
We all know that decisions are based on best guesses about future events. We don’t get to make prospective decisions with the benefit of hindsight. (snip) On the same show during which Bill Maher earned deserved kudos for attacking mainstream media’s execrable, emotion-laden, dishonest coverage of the Wuhan virus, he made the mistake of trying to debate Rep. Dan Crenshaw about whether Trump’s response to the Wuhan virus was timely. If we could all learn to debate as Crenshaw does, the world would be a better, more logical, well-ordered, and well-run place.
Gunman kills at least 17 in Canada's
worst mass murder since 1989
Posted by John C 4/20/2020 8:12:28 AM Post Reply
A gunman in the Canadian province of Nova Scotia killed at least 17 people, including a policewoman, during a 12-hour rampage, authorities said on Sunday, in the worst act of mass murder the country has seen in more than 30 years. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police said the gunman, 51-year-old Gabriel Wortman, who worked as a denturist, appeared at one stage to have been wearing part of a police uniform. He had also painstakingly disguised his car to look like a police cruiser. Wortman shot people in several locations across the Atlantic province, police told a briefing, saying the death toll was more than 10.
An Earth Day reckoning?
Greenies panicking over
the discrediting of computer models
predicting disaster
Posted by Magnante 4/20/2020 8:05:14 AM Post Reply
We have learned the hard way that the scientists who produce mathematical models predicting disaster are not to be granted the presumption of infallibility. Nor are their demands that we impoverish ourselves in order to avert a disaster a matter of “settled science.” The Coronavirus doom that the Cassandras of prestigious scientific organs predicted is nowhere to be found, and it turns out that models are based on assumptions, and can be spectacularly wrong. Americans have sacrificed trillions of dollars and turned our lives upside down based on predictions of millions of deaths
Adam Schiff’s Dirty Impeachment
Tactics Coming to Light
Posted by Magnante 4/20/2020 8:01:57 AM Post Reply
Rep. Adam Schiff spent months launching secret impeachment hearings, never thinking his conduct would be called into question. He is now caught in the crosshairs of a formidable government agent, Mr. Brendan Carr, Federal Communication Commissioner. The impeachment may be over, but Mr. Carr is formally investigating Rep. Schiff for violating privacy laws -- more like obliterating ethical boundaries -- by setting up his own surveillance state to target the president’s allies. Carr is currently uncovering the diabolical nature of the congressman’s “surveillance state.” At the time, Schiff resorted to such desperate measures because he didn’t have much of an impeachment case
Donald Trump’s Greatest Escape replies
Posted by StormCnter 4/20/2020 7:24:48 AM Post Reply
It was the spring of 1995. Donald Trump was this close to finished. He had spent the previous five years constantly, and barely, avoiding financial ruin and what he worried would be a permanent stain of personal bankruptcy. In that time, his marriage had collapsed, he himself had incurred debts of almost a billion dollars, all three of his casinos in Atlantic City had filed for bankruptcy, and the best of the three, Trump Plaza, was losing almost $9 million a year. The aura of success was gone. Banks wouldn’t anymore lend him the kind of money he needed. From this crouch, Trump hatched a bold, almost absurd plan:
The Coronavirus Lockdown:
Saving Adults But Killing Children
Posted by PageTurner 4/20/2020 6:49:27 AM Post Reply
The coronavirus has almost entirely spared children. The same can’t be said of the global lockdown. In fact, by trying to save the lives of those at high risk of COVID-19, countries around the world are condemning hundreds of thousands of children to death. Has anyone bothered to factor this in when deciding when to reopen the economy? One thing that has become abundantly clear since the virus emerged is that it targets older and sicker people. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that of those with confirmed cases by mid-March, only 5% were younger than 19, while
Miami Herald Columnist: Packed Beaches
Will ‘Work Nicely to Thin The Ranks’
Of Trump And DeSantis Supporters
Posted by Imright 4/20/2020 6:14:10 AM Post Reply
As some Florida beaches reopened under social distancing guidelines, Miami Herald metro columnist Fabiola Santiago tweeted on Sunday that Florida residents packing beaches “should work nicely to thin the ranks” of supporters of President Donald Trump and Gov. Ron DeSantis.Santiago tweeted that “packed beaches should work nicely to thin the ranks of Trump/DeSantis/Gimenez supporters in #Florida who value money over health.” Packed beaches should work nicely to thin the ranks of Trump/DeSantis/Gimenez supporters in #Florida who value money over health.
America's Huddled Masses
Yearn to Breathe Free
Posted by shazbot123 4/20/2020 5:07:45 AM Post Reply
Emma Lazarus could not imagine, when writing the 1883 sonnet inscribed on the Statute of Liberty, that the words of lines 10 and 11 -- “Give me your tired, your poor,/ Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free” -- would bear such relevance to the situation now being endured by American citizens under government lockdown thanks to a global pandemic midwifed by scientists in a Chinese viral research lab in Wuhan.
They Can’t Stop Us
from Re-Opening America
Posted by MissMolly 4/20/2020 5:07:40 AM Post Reply
We’re going to come out of this nightmare whether the Democratic politicians like it or not. The pandemic is subsiding, so America is done with this lockdown nonsense, and the inevitable re-opening is coming. It will start out slow, then get faster, then get very, very fast, and then get finished. That’s how these things happen. But it won’t happen without #resistance. The lib establishment and its media gerbils clearly think it’s in their interest to have the Bat Gobbler flu crisis continue indefinitely. They think it hurts Trump, plus they really love wielding power over you. Just look into the dead doll eyes of Governor Karen (D-Minncounsinigan)
Former Clinton adviser on Biden
nomination: 'It’s like a suicide march’
Posted by MissMolly 4/20/2020 5:04:24 AM Post Reply
A former adviser to President Bill Clinton has doubts that the Democratic Party will officially nominate Joe Biden to run against President Trump. “It’s hard to see. It’s like a suicide march with them. But they’re pretty stubborn people,” Dick Morris told radio show host John Catsimatidis on Sunday. Biden has not yet secured the 1,991 delegates needed to win the Democratic nomination on the first ballot but is the only candidate left in the race after Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders ended his campaign earlier this month. Morris pitched New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo as a possible replacement. Cuomo’s national profile has been elevated for his handling of the coronavirus crisis,
Wake up and smell the Alinsky:
Leftists use COVID-19 pandemic to
bring about revolutionary change
Posted by MissMolly 4/20/2020 4:50:17 AM Post Reply
Communist-minded community organizer Saul Alinsky, in his prologue to “Rules for Radicals,” explained that the most effective activists were those who worked within the established “system,” not against it, so as to stir the revolutionary pots of change through fear. His words: “Any revolutionary change must be preceded by a passive, affirmative, non-challenging attitude toward change among the mass of our people. They must feel so frustrated, so defeated, so lost, so futureless in the prevailing system that they are willing to let go of the past and chance the future,” noted. This is Coronavirus Chaos, exemplified.
Why Has the Voice of America
Become a Voice of Confusion?
Posted by MissMolly 4/20/2020 4:47:07 AM Post Reply
President Trump startled Washington last week by launching an attack on Voice of America, which for 80 years has been charged with presenting and explaining American values and policy abroad. Trump called it a “disgrace” that the current VOA leadership was allowing its service to repeat Chinese talking points on the COVID-19 virus. A White House statement also took issue with the news agency that called Chinese efforts in Wuhan to contain the virus a “model” for other nations. The statement also noted that VOA relied on unverified (and subsequently proven false) Chinese-government statistics in some reporting. Official Washington liberals swung into action to denounce Trump.
Democrats Ignore Lockdown
Protests At Their Peril
Posted by Pluperfect 4/20/2020 4:36:48 AM Post Reply
In addition to killing thousands of Americans and robbing millions more of their livelihoods, the COVID-19 outbreak has evidently deprived the Democrats of their political judgment. At the national and state levels they have disregarded voter lockdown protests with the same disdain with which they ignored the Tea Party movement ten years ago. The Democrats have clearly forgotten the price they paid for that blunder. Between 2010 and 2016 they lost Congress, 13 governorships, 816 state legislative seats, and finally the presidency. They regained some ground in 2018, but they won’t retain it if they don’t recognize the protests as the foreshock of an electoral earthquake.
Coronavirus brings Europe's borders back replies
Posted by Pluperfect 4/20/2020 4:28:27 AM Post Reply
The coronavirus has not just brought globalization to a standstill. The COVID-19 crisis also shows how fragmented united Europe actually is — not only relations between countries but between generations and classes. The most astonishing thing about the coronavirus pandemic is how easily borders can come back. The internet metaphor that we use ever more often tells it best: One after the other European countries are installing a firewall with a simple click of the mouse. Then tourism is dead, trade is down, the stock exchange loses trillions and globalization itself is brought to a standstill. Hundreds of thousands of migrant workers return home to Bulgaria, Serbia or Romania,
Our Garbage Media replies
Posted by Pluperfect 4/20/2020 4:22:51 AM Post Reply
Want to know how you can tell when the lockdown became a new great depression? It’s when the media starts experiencing large layoffs. Glenn Reynolds has a roundup of media layoffs currently under way that makes for the feel good story of the week for sure. The New York Times reports that “Roughly 33,000 workers at news companies in the U.S. have been laid off, been furloughed or had their pay reduced. Some publications that rely on ads have shut down.” And it seldom gets better than this: NPR Warns of Major Cuts Due to Coronavirus NPR will be instituting severe cost-cutting measures
Illinois Dems' $41 Billion Demand
Includes $10 Billion Pension Bailout
That Has Nothing To Do With Coronavirus
Posted by Pluperfect 4/20/2020 4:19:00 AM Post Reply
Illinois Democrats are demanding $41 billion from the federal government for coronavirus relief, including $10 billion for Illinois's cash-strapped and underfunded public pension plan. The most fiscally mismanaged state in the union that has criminally neglected funding its public pension fund for two decades wants Washington to pull its chestnuts out of the fire? Certainly, states should get something. But what Illinois is asking for is shocking. Chicago Sun-Times: “I realize I’ve asked for a lot, but this is an unprecedented situation, and we face the reality that there likely will be additional, unanticipated costs that could result in future requests for assistance,”
Bulls were ‘traveling cocaine circus’
before Michael Jordan arrived
Posted by Pluperfect 4/20/2020 4:14:36 AM Post Reply
Michael Jordan’s Chicago Bulls have long been considered the NBA’s model franchise. But before he got there, they were far from it — both on and off the court. When the Bulls drafted Jordan out of the University of North Carolina in 1984, Chicago had missed the playoffs in seven of the previous nine seasons, despite the fact 16 of the league’s 23 teams made the postseason each year. The franchise was generating such little interest that an indoor soccer team, the Chicago Sting, would outdraw it at Chicago Stadium. The first episode of ESPN’s highly anticipated docuseries “The Last Dance” offers insight
Shake Shack to return
$10M government loan
Posted by Pluperfect 4/20/2020 4:06:22 AM Post Reply
Shake Shack Inc will return the small business loan it received from the U.S. government, the burger chain's chief executive said on Monday, making it the first major firm to hand back money aimed at helping small businesses ride out the coronavirus impact. The company will immediately return the entire $10 million SBA loan as it was able to raise additional capital, CEO Randy Garutti and founder Danny Meyer said in a blog post on Monday. Last week, it raised about $150 million in an equity offering.
Democrats, White House close on deal aimed
to help small businesses hurt by coronavirus
Posted by Pluperfect 4/20/2020 4:02:55 AM Post Reply
U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said Sunday that Democrats and the White House are inching closer to a deal that will replenish the $350 billion coronavirus emergency fund and said the vote could be as early as next week. Mnuchin told CNN that he hopes that the $450 billion package will be voted on in the Senate on Monday, and pass the House on Tuesday. President Trump talked about the package during an evening press briefing and told reporters that he thinks “you could have a nice answer tomorrow, but we’ll see.”
Devin Nunes: GOP investigators 'laser-focused'
on information CIA gave to FBI in 2016
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/20/2020 2:51:45 AM Post Reply
House Intelligence Committee Republicans are "laser-focused" on investigating information the CIA gave to the FBI in 2016, according to ranking member Devin Nunes. For the first time, the California congressman described in great detail the next steps of a broad congressional inquiry into possible misconduct during the Russia investigation, which he said includes scrutiny of three "dossiers" and questions about three Russian Americans. All of this follows the declassification of key documents over the past couple weeks, including footnotes showing the FBI was warned British ex-spy Christopher Steele’s anti-Trump dossier was likely influenced by Russian disinformation and yet continued to use it,
Sweden sees jump in coronavirus
deaths with less restrictive
guidelines under scrutiny
Posted by DVC 4/20/2020 2:50:56 AM Post Reply
Sweden is seeing an unsettling rise in coronavirus deaths, as comparatively lax restrictions across the country are coming under scrutiny. The Nordic country had reported 1,540 deaths tied to the coronavirus pandemic, an increase of 29 from Saturday. Last week, the Public Health Agency of Sweden said 1,333 people had died of COVID-19. Sweden’s figures are considerably more than in the rest of Scandinavia. While its population of over 10 million nearly doubles those of Denmark, Norway and Finland individually, its COVID-19 death toll was up to 17 times higher than those countries, according to reports.
Here in Sweden we're
playing the long game, and
listening to science not fear
Posted by Zarin 4/20/2020 1:56:50 AM Post Reply
For the first (and probably last) time in living memory, the whole world seems to care about the domestic policy of my plucky little home country. Sweden’s approach to dealing with coronavirus has been hailed by some, but the majority of commentators seem to think we’re conducting some kind of heartless and dangerous experiment. Even Donald Trump has attacked us. For those that aren’t aware, while the rest of the world has been shutting down schools, shops and restaurants, banning non-essential travel, and sending the police to shout at those who dare to dawdle in their local park, Sweden remains largely open for business.
Foreign Powers Test US defenses
amid coronavirus pandemic
Posted by Zarin 4/20/2020 1:46:25 AM Post Reply
U.S. adversaries are probing America's defenses as the world is preoccupied with the fight against the coronavirus pandemic. In the past two weeks, Russia, China, Iran and North Korea have all moved to test Washington in the sea, in the air and on land as U.S. forces have become more restricted in movement amid concerns over the spread of COVID-19. “Exactly how distracted is the U.S. military? They want to know,” said Susanna Blume, the director of the defense program at the Center for a New American Security, referring to foreign countries. On Tuesday, North Korea launched ground cruise missiles and air-to-surface missiles
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