They Can’t Stop Us
from Re-Opening America
Kurt Schlichter
Original Article
Posted By: MissMolly,
4/20/2020 5:07:40 AM
We’re going to come out of this nightmare whether the Democratic politicians like it or not. The pandemic is subsiding, so America is done with this lockdown nonsense, and the inevitable re-opening is coming. It will start out slow, then get faster, then get very, very fast, and then get finished. That’s how these things happen. But it won’t happen without #resistance. The lib establishment and its media gerbils clearly think it’s in their interest to have the Bat Gobbler flu crisis continue indefinitely. They think it hurts Trump, plus they really love wielding power over you. Just look into the dead doll eyes of Governor Karen (D-Minncounsinigan)
Reply 1 - Posted by:
Rob_NC 4/20/2020 5:21:11 AM (No. 385104)
While I understand the passion is it smart ?
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
chumley 4/20/2020 5:40:25 AM (No. 385108)
What if they gave a quarantine and nobody came? I'm tired of this phoney baloney foolishness, and I'm essential. I'm still working.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
Rather Read 4/20/2020 5:54:24 AM (No. 385112)
Where I live we have had about 58 cases in a county of 134,000. No deaths. It's time for us to reopen - long past time. We have to look at a state by state, county by county basis. It's not fair for us to be held down because New York and Detroit have huge numbers of cases.
By the way, a friend of mine who works in the hospital says they are not seeing anything at all. Evidently, the few cases are not bad enough to warrant hospitalization.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
petrichor 4/20/2020 6:31:52 AM (No. 385128)
It was supposed to be about flattening the curve, but now seems to be about eliminating the pandemic altogether. It looks like Illinois is going to huddle up for a year, meanwhile demanding money from the "rest of America" (who they call the government).
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
Italiano 4/20/2020 7:00:06 AM (No. 385138)
When the propeller-head globalist "experts" ever get the numbers right, wake me.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
MSUDoc 4/20/2020 7:27:07 AM (No. 385146)
The death numbers are being grossly padded to insure federal money and even more importantly, to cover their tails in the face of astonishingly overestimated death rates put forth by the initial “models.”
The virus is killing some people, almost ALL with significant preexisting health conditions, especially obesity (the rare exceptions will be trumpeted by the media of course).
Most of those demanding others stay home are people who work for government or otherwise and are
not missing any paychecks.
We need to re-start the economy now. The disease is going to ultimately be spread everywhere. The “flattening of the curve” was to prevent a rapid influx of cases from overwhelming hospitals — mission accomplished.
Im fact, it is very possible that most reading this have already been exposed and have antibodies to the virus. So we should get back to our lives in a free country — and the good news for folks like #1 is that if you want to self-quarantine with your mask and Netflix for another year or longer, you are free to do so.
The rest of the nation is ready to go back to work.
God Bless America.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
BaldGuy 4/20/2020 7:38:04 AM (No. 385152)
#3...totally agree. In Illinois here, almost all the cases are in the Chicago area...virtually zero downstate, yet our moron goobiner is gonna keep the state shut down forever. Where's our smaller counties issuing decrees they will not abide by the shutdown order? These small town restaurants and bars need to reopen, or they'll all be out of business. Oh, and just read our goobiner wants $12 billion for their broken pension plan. Get me outta here!
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
Daisymay 4/20/2020 8:02:49 AM (No. 385173)
Yeah Kurt! This man is so smart! Many of us have said "Enough"! I see my neighbors starting to stop and visit when they are out walking in the evening. We went on a golf cart ride a couple evenings ago and in one neighborhood, every third driveway had chairs set up, people visiting and adult beverages being served. This went on for blocks and blocks. They must have sent out a neighborhood e-mail. They were celebrating the end of the end of the Lock down before it was even announced! I think that's the way most folks feel. I was at the grocery store yesterday, people were calm, many not wearing a mask, food was plentiful and even a few paper products were left on the shelves! Wow! Things are changing here in FL!
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My guess is that keeping people home is a way of keeping President Trump from holding rallies with thousands of supporters.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
TCloud 4/20/2020 8:09:07 AM (No. 385177)
Just wait and one our hotshot Liberal Governors will insist on door to door forced testing...just wait!
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
udanja99 4/20/2020 8:31:58 AM (No. 385209)
I live in South Carolina but am currently holed up in Virginia with family. I was emailing with a friend in Maryland the other day and told her that I don’t know anyone who has had this virus. She told me that she didn’t either and had just had a similar conversation with her mailman who he said that he has been asking his customers and none of them know anyone who has had it. I imagine that, outside of NYC, Baltimore, SanFran, Seattle and Chicago, most of us could have the same conversation.
My very small business is already shut down for May but I want to be back to work again in June. Enough already. And someone please drag Nazi Pelousy back from her ice cream stash and force her to pass the small business bill.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
Strike3 4/20/2020 8:32:08 AM (No. 385211)
The big numbers in Chicago, New York and LA were caused by not closing the huge airports down immediately. The exodus from China should have been shut down before it began but of course that was "racist."
When the people reopen their hometowns, the next step will be mandatory tests and showing your health papers everywhere you go, count on it. The tests are meaningless, just something about which they can make a new rule.
The virus will appear in small pockets for the next six months but so what, so will the flu and the many other sicknesses running around. Being healthy in a broken country is not the kind of life we have in mind.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
pros7767 4/20/2020 8:52:24 AM (No. 385235)
One of the most important things all of us can do when things open back up is to "Shop Local". Find local stores and buy something, anything really, just to show your support!
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
Dodge Boy 4/20/2020 8:54:36 AM (No. 385236)
All remains quiet in western Colorado. There's only 60,000 residents in my county and 58 confirmed cases of the virus. Most of these were out of state folks coming here to ski and play and brought their virus with them. No one in my family has contracted the virus and no one in my circle has it either. Small businesses here are dying and out of cash. This is also oil & gas country and the exploration and production companies are laying off large numbers of their workforce.
Everybody knows the drill now...wash your hands, no coughing, wear your mask at the store. Amazingly, most of us west slopers are pretty upbeat through all this. We are chomping on the bit though to get our fifth wheel trailer back on the road. You can only pretend to camp in the side yard so many times.
There is no reason why our county couldn't re-open Perhaps we should ignore our governor Polis and go for it. I'm sure he and his husband won't mind.
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
Dodge Boy 4/20/2020 8:56:36 AM (No. 385238)
35, not 58.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
Clinger 4/20/2020 9:04:41 AM (No. 385245)
#7 I'm also in Madiganistan and things aren't quite as safe in rural areas as you may think. I have family in the sticks and by factoring in population they aren't much if any less effected. To your point, some are virtually untouched and a one size fits all approach is just stupid. What's right for Englewood isn't for Goofy Ridge. Yes there's a real Goofy Ridge Illinois not just Springfield.
Although their homes are spaced out when you look at the places people go to get things they have less to chose from and "everybody" goes to the same Hi vee and Casey's. Life is spread out at home but funnels into even more concentration than in more densely populated areas.
I also have family in the front lines of this, in the infection control field, one of the experts the CDC experts rely on . This isn't just another flu, it's bad and had/s the potential to overwhelm the system. But it is also no excuse to destroy the Republic and we have paid far greater costs to save it in the past.
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
frew 4/20/2020 9:37:41 AM (No. 385297)
We are still near the peak of the pandemic, and there is no guarantee that it will subside quickly. You can talk about re-opening all you like, but most of the work of re-opening is going to be convincing people that it's safe, and you can't do that right now.
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
slsusnr 4/20/2020 9:52:39 AM (No. 385325)
It's time for a test. Some small business owner should just reopen – period. When a police officer or some bureaucrat shows up to inform him/her they are under arrest or being fined, the owner should respectfully request that they return with a warrant or order that specifies the exact statute they are being charged with violating. As we know, a law must be enacted by “constituted authority.” A governor (or mayor of Louisville) does not make laws.
I'm a Navy JROTC instructor in Dayton. We teach our cadets about government, and “constituted authority” is a term they learn about. It is “the power to influence or command thought, opinion, or behavior, exercised by one lawfully elected or appointed.” The legislature enacts laws, not the governor or a mayor. That concept is learned as early as middle school.
Someone please step up.
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
dst4life 4/20/2020 10:20:45 AM (No. 385366)
Just as at the end of a war when one side has surrendered, there's always someone who doesn't believe it's over. So they keep shooting at people. But does the winning side back off of its victory until every doofus in denial is rounded up? Certainly not!!
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
Cardsfan 4/20/2020 10:32:07 AM (No. 385382)
But, what they can and will do is blame EVERY death after “reopening” on President Trump.
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Reply 21 - Posted by:
Lucky5 4/20/2020 10:32:50 AM (No. 385386)
#18 That would not work due to the people, some on this comment thread, who would vilify the small business owner who opened. A friend of mine was riding their bike and some idiot yelled at them from a car, wear a mask! I have a friend who is a fearful person by nature and she is following every single rule they say and wiping all her packages and groceries down and putting her shoes in bags and all that. In her county, of 1.2 million , 20 people have supposedly died from this. The local news has given us zero info on those cases either.
People are the problem now. People who will blame others in their area and vilify anyone not following the "rules".
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Reply 22 - Posted by:
Lawsy0 4/20/2020 10:40:38 AM (No. 385392)
I may be sitting down on the outside, but I'm running around on the inside. Kurt is so right! FTA: ''But people aren’t having any more of this Schiff. We’re done.'' I for one am so tired of sitting around on my Pelosi, doing nothing. You can only clean out 3 closets and the garage so many times. (BH&G is considering a photo shoot. That will come as a shock for all the Ldotters who have been to my home.) Also, you can tell by my attitude, I need to get back to church! Memo to Kurt: ROCK ON, BABE!
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Yes, #6, it's amazing how all the people still allowed to work and still getting paid-- or in many cases not working but still getting paid (generally gubmint workers)-- think this whole shutdown is no big deal; they don't understand why those of us on unpaid vacations think this should not go on indefinitely.
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Reply 24 - Posted by:
RedWhite&Blue2 4/20/2020 1:35:23 PM (No. 385686)
Ever think a virus could be a political football?
Think again!
Wish Kurt was on all the networks!
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Reply 25 - Posted by:
msjena 4/20/2020 5:06:24 PM (No. 385844)
I have had enough--more than enough. But I fear that Trump-hating politicians will do everything they can to prolong this nightmare. We can't stay shut down until this is a vaccine or a cure. Can we?
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Reply 26 - Posted by:
judy 4/20/2020 11:52:13 PM (No. 386097)
Start docking politicians & government employees pay.......all of a sudden people will want to return to work. How cozy the people who want the government to stay closed never stopped receiving their paychecks.
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