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Donald Trump’s Greatest Escape

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Posted By: StormCnter, 4/20/2020 7:24:48 AM

It was the spring of 1995. Donald Trump was this close to finished. He had spent the previous five years constantly, and barely, avoiding financial ruin and what he worried would be a permanent stain of personal bankruptcy. In that time, his marriage had collapsed, he himself had incurred debts of almost a billion dollars, all three of his casinos in Atlantic City had filed for bankruptcy, and the best of the three, Trump Plaza, was losing almost $9 million a year. The aura of success was gone. Banks wouldn’t anymore lend him the kind of money he needed. From this crouch, Trump hatched a bold, almost absurd plan:

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Reply 1 - Posted by: drive 4/20/2020 7:32:50 AM (No. 385148)
Nasty piece by leftwing Politico
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Reply 2 - Posted by: Ronaldus Magnus 4/20/2020 7:47:48 AM (No. 385160)
As soon as I realized this is a Politicrap hit piece, I knew 99.9999% of it is malarkey. Only Trump could negotiate such a large debt. It also became a massive tax write off that libs complain about to this day. Talk about too big to fail, while Trump was using bankruptcy laws to his advantage, I also read that he kept a casino open longer than he had to in order that the employees might have jobs a little longer.
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Reply 3 - Posted by: Kitty Myers 4/20/2020 7:57:15 AM (No. 385169)
FTA: “The Trump magic only works if he’s got gullible audiences..." I knew some of Trump's history before he ran for president, and I couldn't wait to vote FOR him. I knew he could -- and would -- make the changes necessary to ramp up our economy and clean out the swamp. And he's been doing exactly that against all odds. This article takes swipes at Trump's honesty and intelligence. And, yet, look at the DC brain-trusts, the liars who fabricated 'evidence' to impeach Trump. And the greedy people who load relief bills with pork in order to line their pockets and those of their cronies. I am so disgusted with politicians on both sides, and I am not alone. Trump didn't infect people with COVID-19, the Chinese did. And now he's dealing with it, and pretty well if you ask me. Imagine what Hillary "What's the difference" Clinton would have done or even Joe "I'm running for the senate" Biden.
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Reply 4 - Posted by: LooseCannon 4/20/2020 8:21:16 AM (No. 385195)
What a disgusting piece of trash this article is! More disgusting still is its intent: to erode the confidence of Trump supporters who believe the president can and will lead America out of this economic disaster. We are a nation at war with an unseen enemy; yet, the irresponsible, demonic voices of the leftstream media are cheering for the enemy to win and the president to fail.
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Reply 5 - Posted by: Daisymay 4/20/2020 8:25:44 AM (No. 385201)
Long article! Yes, It's Politico. That said I found it interesting and I also picked up on the theme which was, no matter what Trump does, or what happens during his Presidency, He will be a WINNER! They hated to admit it, but they did!
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Reply 6 - Posted by: TCloud 4/20/2020 8:40:51 AM (No. 385218)
Trump has them at arms length as they take their *haymaker swings* at him he then retaliates with his own punches and landing em pretty hard!
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Reply 7 - Posted by: Quigley 4/20/2020 8:44:08 AM (No. 385227)
His exceedingly deep level of experience is one of the things that makes me a Trump supporter. Plus the fact that he mastered the communications skills neede to prosper in the cess pool known as the mainstream media. Show me a guy who’s never made a mistake and I’ll show you somebody who’s never done anything. The casino business has got to be a tough business. And if investors lost money, well I would like to know the back story on that. Was it union pension funds? Were those union people in charge of the funds paid- in some form or fashion- to make the investment by the big wall street underwriters who are so cozy with the crooked Dims? So, before you get me to cry you a river about the investors, tell me the whole story. Since when did the media care about fat cat stock market investors? This is the kind of president we need. Not a pajama boy obama or a ready for straight jacket pajamas bi.den and his son, huncher.
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Reply 8 - Posted by: Strike3 4/20/2020 8:51:29 AM (No. 385234)
“Trump is a simple guy with a few basic moves,” In any fight, whether it be business, martial arts or politics, the winner is the one with good basic moves. The fancy, complex dance moves and flying, spinning kicks fall flat when you hit your opponent with a good solid punch to the face. My old Tae Kwon Do master once said, "it's better to have one perfect technique than a thousand imperfect moves." That's Donald Trump, Politico sprinkles the article with their usual attempts at bashing but the success of this President can not be denied. He will come back in November, better than ever.
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Reply 9 - Posted by: Submariner 4/20/2020 9:16:22 AM (No. 385261)
I read a few paragraphs. The writer based the article on [discredited] media narratives and not on facts. I believe his intent is to encourage the Bernie bros to actually show up and vote for the figurehead in November.
8 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: brother ram 4/20/2020 9:16:59 AM (No. 385263)
What makes Trump different than LBJ or Carter or whomever else was cited in the article is that Trump has actually done something with his life instead of talk and spend other people's money (tax payers). Trump has taken huge risks, sometimes he has failed and other times he has succeeded. I was a Cruz supporter, I voted for Trump and I am glad I did - I can thing of no other politician today that could weather this storm and bring us, the American people, out of this Chinese induced mess. Thank God Trump has had the experiences he has had with bankruptcy etc. because it has prepared him for this moment in time.
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Reply 11 - Posted by: MDConservative 4/20/2020 9:42:55 AM (No. 385308)
This article is not trashing is marveling at his ability to go on when defeat is inevitable, eventually claiming victory. Where is the "trashing" in that? Politics, like casino ownership and all business, is 99 percent bullshtuff. It takes nerve the vast majority doesn't have. That doesn't mean these people are driven by pure, clean civic duty. Far from it. They are in the game because they are following the Willie Sutton axiom, government is where the fame and fortune is. The exceptions don't last long in the racket.
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Reply 12 - Posted by: RuckusTom 4/20/2020 10:13:46 AM (No. 385358)
1995. A long time ago.
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Reply 13 - Posted by: DVC 4/20/2020 11:10:41 AM (No. 385459)
Politico on WILL be filled with lies and half truths, and it WILL be a smear job on the President. No, thanks.
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Reply 14 - Posted by: stablemoney 4/20/2020 11:28:07 AM (No. 385489)
This article aside, a lot can be learned from Trump. The real estate business is highly leveraged, and requires a person of nerve and imagination, able to withstand the inevitable ups and downs of the economy. I have listened to most of Trump's books. He never gives up, a day only a battle, never the end of it. And Trump learned more with his experiences with his reality tv show. Trump is what the nation needed. It takes a fast talking NYer, reality tv star, and experienced business person to handle the media and DC. It's a fascinating journey, a lot of people will learn from Trump, a lot of people will try to copy his successes. Trump is an executive officer, a person that does, refreshing in DC.
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Reply 15 - Posted by: Smart11344 4/20/2020 1:01:51 PM (No. 385643)
To all the Trump Haters, Donald Trump will be re-elected in 2020. Eat your heaarts out!
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Reply 16 - Posted by: caljeepgirl 4/20/2020 3:16:46 PM (No. 385762)
Got about half-way through, but got the gist....interesting read, but overlong. Grudging comments like "...his aberrant, hyperactive presidency..." [as opposed to the more typical asleep-at-the-wheel presidency] give the usual Politico treatment.
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Posted by StormCnter 11/24/2020 7:40:39 AM Post Reply
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Posted by StormCnter 11/24/2020 7:36:20 AM Post Reply
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Posted by StormCnter 11/24/2020 7:32:02 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 3/8/2021 11:38:50 PM Post Reply
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Posted by FlyRight 3/8/2021 5:28:52 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Ribicon 3/8/2021 8:37:17 PM Post Reply
President Biden on Monday seemed to forget Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s name at a White House event—calling the Pentagon chief “the guy who runs that outfit over there.” Biden was announcing the nomination of two female generals to lead US military combatant commands. “And I want to thank the sec—the, the, ah former general. I keep calling him general, but my, my—the guy who runs that outfit over there,” Biden said.(Snip) Earlier at the event, Biden mentioned the Defense Department leader by his name, “Secretary Austin,” while appearing to read from a teleprompter.
Oprah interview bombshells: Meghan claims
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refused to make Archie a prince because
they were worried how 'dark' he would be
27 replies
Posted by Imright 3/8/2021 8:21:02 AM Post Reply
The Royal Family was left reeling this morning after Meghan Markle tearfully revealed that the stress of royal life made her suicidal when she was five months pregnant, claimed Archie was denied the title of prince because he is mixed-race and said Kate Middleton made her cry before she married Harry in a bombshell interview with Oprah Winfrey.The couple also chose to reveal that they are having a baby girl to the tens of millions of people watching the CBS show broadcast in the US before accusing the Royal Family of racism and revealing the deep rift 'Megxit' has caused with Prince Charles and Prince William.
Meghan Markle openly
accuses the Royals
of racism
26 replies
Posted by Magnante 3/8/2021 5:26:07 AM Post Reply
I’m probably second to none in my dislike for Meghan Markle. There’s something unattractive about a mature woman marrying into the British Royal family with one of the world’s most expensive weddings, hanging out with the Queen, living in insane luxury…and then whining non-stop about the horror of her life. There’s something even less appealing when that woman accuses the Royal family of race hatred. And the problem is that, when it comes to that left-wing diva, Meghan Markle, it’s hard to believe most of what she says. After weeks of hype, CBS finally televised Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s interview with Oprah.
Watch: John Solomon Gives Stunning Update
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24 replies
Posted by Imright 3/8/2021 4:56:55 PM Post Reply
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Democrats renew calls to remove
J. Edgar Hoover's name from FBI building
24 replies
Posted by Ribicon 3/8/2021 2:56:29 PM Post Reply
Rep. Steve Cohen vowed to renew the push to remove former FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover’s name from the bureau’s downtown Washington headquarters, according to an interview released Monday. Appearing on Yahoo! News’ Skullduggery podcast, the Tennessee Democrat said the effort is getting a fresh look after the release of a new movie highlighting the FBI’s secret program to discredit civil rights activists. The Washington Times in 2019 first reported Democrats’ bid to strip the longtime FBI director’s name from the bureau’s headquarters. Mr. Cohen said the impetus to revive the bid is the new movie, “Judas and the Black Messiah.” The movie details
Jill Biden, the Meghan Markle
in the WH, is egregiously
guilty of elder abuse
23 replies
Posted by Magnante 3/9/2021 4:40:38 AM Post Reply
“There must have been a moment, at the beginning, when we could have said –-no. But somehow we missed it.” Tom Stoppard The millions of Americans who were paying attention throughout the 2020 election campaign all became painfully aware of the fact that Joe Biden’s cognitive abilities were slipping and slipping fast. His wife, as the person closest to him, should have been the one to call the campaign quits in order to reduce stress on the man. Instead, apparently so anxious to become the First Lady by any means necessary, Mrs. Biden continued to push her failing husband’s campaign forward as if he were mentally qualified.
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