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San Francisco Gay Pride Parade Loses Longtime Sponsors

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Posted By: Hazymac, 3/19/2025 6:22:32 PM

Several longtime sponsors, including the company that makes Bud Light, have pulled their funding from the annual San Francisco Gay Pride Weekend. For some reason, San Francisco Pride requires $3.2 million to cover its June weekend of events. Corporate sponsors were expected to pay $2.3 million of that. But after four declined, the organization will have to scramble to make up the $300,000 shortfall elsewhere. San Francisco Pride’s executive director, Suzanne Ford, told SFGATE that they expect to lose a few sponsors every year, but it was “very abnormal” for four sponsors who have been with them for years to suddenly bail out.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: JimBob 3/19/2025 6:36:49 PM (No. 1917545)
$3,200,000. Gee, Sounds like a lot of Ca$h has been disappearing down a lot of 'Rat holes! .... and I bet every one of them is a 'Non-Profit' Non-Government Organization!
18 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: FL_Absentee_Voter 3/19/2025 6:48:04 PM (No. 1917551)
Just the photos sum the whole thing up. 1982: Normal-looking guys in street clothes. 2023: Weird-looking guys in bikini tops, Americans are tired of all the freak flags flying.
25 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: seamusm 3/19/2025 6:51:39 PM (No. 1917554)
Let them pay for their own prevert party - not the taxpayers. Though I am sure that San Francisco will steal from their tax base to pony up the expense.
21 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: mossley 3/19/2025 7:08:27 PM (No. 1917558)
Businesses are slowly waking up the fact that the majority is sick of freaks trying to run the country. And with a budget of $3.2 million, someone's pockets were getting lined.
22 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: smak90 3/19/2025 7:27:02 PM (No. 1917568)
If backing this nonsense was good for business, the companies would do it. Pissing off 97% of your customer base to make 3% happy is not good business.
25 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Strike3 3/19/2025 7:34:03 PM (No. 1917573)
Haven't you heard? It's no longer cool to be gay.
17 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Jesuslover54 3/19/2025 7:40:15 PM (No. 1917577)
Proud of what, exactly? Somebody 'splain me.
14 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: downnout 3/19/2025 8:06:35 PM (No. 1917588)
Apparently there is a lot of cash available to the gay community - but $3.2 million? Isn’t that a bit much??
8 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Califedup 3/19/2025 8:06:37 PM (No. 1917589)
Gee, Looks like the Gay Pride Parade got shafted! Pun intended.
6 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: DVC 3/19/2025 10:41:04 PM (No. 1917660)
San fran-sicko is a disgusting place. Some are finally figuring this out.
9 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: skacmar 3/20/2025 12:23:59 AM (No. 1917680)
If the guys want to show their "pride" so much, they can pony up the $3,200,000 themselves. I am always told that gay households have a higher income level than other groups. They can come up with three $$.
5 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: mifla 3/20/2025 4:29:22 AM (No. 1917734)
You don't need a parade. Just live your life, stay out of trouble, and stop demanding that the rest of us bend the knee to your lifestyle choices.
4 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: rfr46 3/20/2025 8:09:13 AM (No. 1917800)
Will Bud Light now get a boycott from the LGBT+ groups? That would be delicious irony.
0 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: JHHolliday 3/20/2025 9:55:29 AM (No. 1917880)
I want a heterosexual month and parade, and how about a white pride month?
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Reply 15 - Posted by: homefry 3/20/2025 10:13:19 AM (No. 1917896)
DOGE cut the funding for the sanfransissy sissy parade?
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Reply 16 - Posted by: zephyrgirl 3/20/2025 3:53:57 PM (No. 1918186)
Having seen the disgusting pictures from these perverted events makes me wonder why any publicly-traded company would want to associate themselves with the "gay pride" movement.
0 people like this.

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San Francisco Gay Pride Parade Loses Longtime Sponsors 16 replies
Posted by Hazymac 3/19/2025 6:22:32 PM Post Reply
Several longtime sponsors, including the company that makes Bud Light, have pulled their funding from the annual San Francisco Gay Pride Weekend. For some reason, San Francisco Pride requires $3.2 million to cover its June weekend of events. Corporate sponsors were expected to pay $2.3 million of that. But after four declined, the organization will have to scramble to make up the $300,000 shortfall elsewhere. San Francisco Pride’s executive director, Suzanne Ford, told SFGATE that they expect to lose a few sponsors every year, but it was “very abnormal” for four sponsors who have been with them for years to suddenly bail out.
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Posted by Imright 3/20/2025 12:43:40 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Elljay 3/19/2025 4:37:08 PM Post Reply
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