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Chief Justice Roberts isn’t your hired gun

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Posted By: Big Bopper, 3/12/2025 7:23:23 PM

The Republican-appointed Justices on the Supreme Court are now six of the nine. Unsurprisingly, the ideological tilt of the Court is more conservative than it’s been in two or three generations. It shows. Last year, the Court took the conservative side in reducing deference to administrative agencies; deciding expansively in favor of presidential immunity (which of course benefits both liberal presidents and conservative ones, but the particular case that was decided benefited a conservative one, namely Donald Trump);

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Reply 1 - Posted by: 3XALADY 3/12/2025 8:14:18 PM (No. 1913488)
Coulda' fooled me.
13 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Heil Liberals 3/12/2025 8:34:20 PM (No. 1913494)
I might be more sympathetic to his argument if Roberts had not, from whole judicial fiat cloth, created a justification for Obamacare as a tax, not the mandate it is. The inconsistency of Roberts - as he is Chief Justice it’s his court - has created uncertainty of the rights we hold as citizens of the United States of America. Many, but not all, believe that Roberts is compromised. It would be nice if a DOGE-like effort was made to do a deep dive and find out what the truth is.
26 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: TrueBlueWfan 3/12/2025 8:44:14 PM (No. 1913497)
I'm not sure, but shouldn't the author be using "bloc" instead of " block"? #2, excellent example of Roberts' rino-ness. I get what the author is trying to say, but sometimes conservatives get the short shrift from the court because, it appears, the justices try to prove their independence.
8 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Dodge Boy 3/12/2025 8:57:10 PM (No. 1913503)
Funny though. The SCOTUS associate justices were all hiding under their desks in December 2020 the month after the Great Election Fraud of November 2020. Except for Justice Thomas who read the other justices and CJ Roberts the riot act when they decided to not hear any of the election fraud cases that were brought to the court. Then Roberts was heard yelling at Thomas to stand down and accept the election outcome or risk being impeached and forced to resign (Robert's words as recalled by his law clerks huddled outside the conference room door). Roberts a hired gun? You betchya.
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Reply 5 - Posted by: stablemoney 3/12/2025 8:58:32 PM (No. 1913504)
Roberts or Barrett are not conservative, or constitutionalists.
24 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Italiano 3/12/2025 9:06:36 PM (No. 1913507)
FTA: "The moral problem is that we conservatives are better than that." That may have meant something once, but we have new rules now, enacted by the other side. Now it's a mantra for losers, and the stakes are too high.
7 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: john56 3/12/2025 10:02:14 PM (No. 1913533)
My hope is that Pres Trump has three opportunities to appoint new Justices during his term. Justice Sotomayor Chief Justice Roberts Justice Thomas (with thanks of a greatful nation for his long and distinguished service).
8 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: 5 handicap 3/13/2025 6:19:26 AM (No. 1913607)
Barrett seems to vote against the Law. There is no provision in Law nor the Constiution, that allows a District Judge to dictate Foreing policy nor control the Executive branch of Government. God Damn her evil soul to the Hell she so richly deserves!
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Reply 9 - Posted by: Proud Texan 3/13/2025 10:48:19 AM (No. 1913737)
Chief Justice Roberts sole job is to be our hired gun to protect the Constitution of the United States. When he's not that, he is useless or worse.
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Reply 10 - Posted by: Muguy 3/13/2025 3:42:11 PM (No. 1913933)
Robert's calling NoBamaCare a "tax" showed he was a fake that sadly Senator Fred Thompson and W. Bush put on the Courts preaching he was a Constitutionalist. He has proven to be a reliable member of the liberals. All taxes have to original in the House of Representatives-- that bill originated in the Senate and was rubber stamped in the House because it passed on Christmas eve 2010 after the republican part overthrew the demonrat socialist marxists in the mid-term election that year. And those pictures on the island... Barrett lost her nerve when the leaked Dobbs decision brought out people to Justice's houses with Kavanaugh getting REAL death threats-- she hasn't been the same since
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Reply 11 - Posted by: franco 3/13/2025 7:21:51 PM (No. 1914029)
Beaton must write columns on days when his brains are turned off. Since when do only Democrat Presidents have the right, expectation, and assurance that everyone they nominate will be a liberal loon while Republican Presidents must tolerate lame-brain nominees who back-stab their nominating supports and reveal ulterior judicial temperaments only *after* being seated. We wouldn't mind a Roberts or Barrett who told us ahead of time that they'd be scatter-brained -- we'd have simply discontinued considering them for the nomination. Beaton acts like the abused spouse who defends the abusing spouse instead of seeking redress.
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Chief Justice Roberts isn’t your hired gun 11 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 3/12/2025 7:23:23 PM Post Reply
The Republican-appointed Justices on the Supreme Court are now six of the nine. Unsurprisingly, the ideological tilt of the Court is more conservative than it’s been in two or three generations. It shows. Last year, the Court took the conservative side in reducing deference to administrative agencies; deciding expansively in favor of presidential immunity (which of course benefits both liberal presidents and conservative ones, but the particular case that was decided benefited a conservative one, namely Donald Trump);
Mexico sues Smith & Wesson, Supreme Court
shoots them down
9 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 3/6/2025 3:27:32 PM Post Reply
One summer day in 1924, a train stopped at a station on Long Island. A man carrying a harmless-looking package ran to catch it. He struggled to board the train as it departed. One of the train employees on board reached for his hand as another on the platform gave him a boost from behind. The package fell onto the tracks. It turned out to be a package of fireworks. The fireworks exploded. So, the exploding fireworks injured someone, right? Not exactly.
Denver’s mayor is out to lunch – but
he might be the only one
6 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 3/4/2025 5:41:01 PM Post Reply
Have you seen the Denver restaurant scene? Me neither. It’s dead and gone. In a one-year period, the number of restaurants in Denver declined by 183. Of all the restaurant closures in Colorado last year, 82% were in Denver – a place that has only about 12% of the population of Colorado. Average profits at the few surviving Denver restaurants are only 3-5%. Anyone who dines out knows that this isn’t because prices are down. It’s because costs are up. Restaurant wages in Denver are up 89% since 2019. The main reason is Denver’s minimum wage of $18.81/hour for ordinary workers and $15.79 for tipped workers. For comparison, in New York City
Trump v. Zelensky cage match: Whaaaat? 14 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 3/1/2025 2:54:09 PM Post Reply
The White House event “Trump and Zelensky Meeting Staged for Media” somehow turned into “Trump v. Zelensky Cage Match.” How did that happen? My theory is that it wasn’t exactly an accident, but it didn’t play out the way either side intended. Bear in mind that both leaders are experienced actors – Trump as a reality TV host and Zelensky as a stand-up comedian. (Yes, Trump really was a reality TV host!) Both saw the meeting as a stage. They intended to communicate not with one another – that could have been done better in private – but with millions of viewers.
Dem pundits ask, “Why aren’t we marching
in the streets?” Here’s why:
7 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 2/28/2025 12:27:51 PM Post Reply
It’s amusing to see them pose the question to themselves. It’s not really a question; rather, it’s rhetorical. Posing the question, “Why aren’t we marching in the streets?” is their way of saying that they really should be. But even after considerable angst, self-incrimination, and rhetorical excesses about not marching, they’re still not marching. As for why, there’s a simple answer and a complicated one. The simple answer is, because it’s cold outside. Remember the “protest era” of the 60s and early 70s? College kids would organize protests and sometimes riots with two goals in mind: Ending the Vietnam War (or, really, just ending the draft); and Ending Spring finals.
Light-skinned Neanderthal Europe was conquered
by dark-skinned modern humans 40,000 years ago
8 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 2/24/2025 8:16:27 PM Post Reply
When fossilized Neanderthals (or “Neandertals” if you prefer) were discovered in caves in Europe back in the mid-1800s, it was assumed that they were stupid, ape-like brutes. Indeed, they did possess compact, muscular bodies with short legs. We’ve learned in the past few decades that our stereotype of Neanderthals was wrong. These were fully human creatures who hunted with spears, created art, made boats, fished, ceremonially buried their dead, and almost certainly spoke to one another. They were as advanced as any other hominid of the time period.
Trump is thinking outside the Ukrainian box 12 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 2/22/2025 11:00:38 AM Post Reply
Inside the box, and the Beltway, the thinking all along has been that we must draw a line at Ukraine, else Putin and the barbarians will soon be on the steps of Warsaw and then Berlin and Paris. Besides, Russian aggression and aggressors are morally bad. We owe it to posterity and civilization not to crumble before them. Those are valid points. On the other hand: We are where we are. Where we are, is Vladimir Putin make some understandable miscalculations. One, he miscalculated America’s willingness to support foreign countries. After all, he had witnessed Joe Biden’s Afghanistan surrender debacle.
Colorado wolves are casualties in the
culture wars
7 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 2/20/2025 9:51:09 AM Post Reply
Wolves roamed Colorado for millions of years. At the end of the last ice age, they managed to survive the mass extinctions of megafauna such as mammoths, mastodons, sabertooth tigers, giant cave bears, and huge sloths, an extinction event that was probably caused in part by the arrival of humans from Asia at about the same time. Until the much later arrival of Europeans, those early Americans were living in the stone age. Their weapons were stone-tipped spears and arrows. They didn’t even have horses. But they hunted in a way that was deadly to large herding animals and the predators of the herds: They used fire.
I wish Trump were right about birthright
citizenship, but he’s probably not
21 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 2/17/2025 12:58:35 PM Post Reply
In determining citizenship, the United States has a very unusual approach. You’re a citizen if you were born here. (You’re also a citizen if you were born abroad under certain circumstances, but that’s a different issue.) That’s a bit crazy, because it means that if a woman (aren’t you glad we don’t have to refer to them as “child-birthing persons” anymore?) makes it into the United States, legally or illegally, in time to give birth – right on the north bank of the Rio Grande, for example – her baby is an American citizen. The mother doesn’t magically become an American citizen by giving birth in America,
Kennedy had a cult-like following. So
did Obama. Personally, I’ll take Trump.
13 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 2/16/2025 1:03:22 PM Post Reply
The Trump-is-Hitler crowd dismisses the 77 million Americans who elected Donald Trump to the Presidency, for the second time, as a cult. They aren’t suggesting that these 77 million people are a cult because they were opposed to another four years of Joe Biden’s drooling corruption. Rather, they’re suggesting that these people are card-carrying, Kool Aid-drinking Trump worshippers. Let’s put this in context. One of the defining characteristics of cults is that they idolize a charismatic, authoritarian leader. Such leaders get away with a lot.
Democrats have run out of epithets, now
they’ll have to talk
5 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 2/14/2025 8:14:54 PM Post Reply
“Hitler” was their favorite. Trump was “just like Hitler,” they warned us. Forget about the fact that Trump has close relatives who are Jewish and was a staunch supporter of Israel in his first term – and also before and after. And forget the fact that it’s the Democrats who proudly exhibit sympathy for barbarians who mass-murder, mass-behead and mass-rape the Jews. Democrats’ proof that Trump was Hitler despite the facts we are supposed to forget was that Trump wanted to disallow the illegal immigration of Latinos into America, just like Hitler wanted to disallow the illegal immigration of Jews into Germany. Er, no, that’s not it. Anywaaaaay, you get the point.
Was Michelle Obama a DEI bride? 15 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 2/11/2025 6:24:29 PM Post Reply
I have nothing against Michelle. The media tells us that she’s pretty, she’s smart, she’s accomplished, and I’m sure she’s charming. As her husband said about Hillary Clinton, she’s “likable enough.” OK, I’ll admit that I didn’t particularly like her comment that the first time she was proud of America was the night Barack was elected. Surely there was a time in her first 45 years before then that she felt some pride in America. How about when the 1980 Olympic Hockey Team beat the Russians? How about when we put a man on the Moon? How about when we passed the Civil Rights Acts?
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Posted by Dreadnought 3/12/2025 9:36:04 PM Post Reply
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Posted by NorthernDog 3/13/2025 9:32:44 AM Post Reply
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Posted by snakeoil 3/12/2025 7:28:12 AM Post Reply
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Posted by ConservativeYankee 3/13/2025 10:20:56 AM Post Reply
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Posted by mc squared 3/13/2025 11:15:49 AM Post Reply
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Posted by ConservativeYankee 3/12/2025 11:54:26 AM Post Reply
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Posted by mc squared 3/13/2025 10:35:42 AM Post Reply
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18 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 3/12/2025 10:35:23 AM Post Reply
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How a Black Movement About Freedom Became
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17 replies
Posted by FlyRight 3/12/2025 3:23:43 AM Post Reply
The 36 million who watched President Donald Trump's address to Congress also watched as Congressional Black Caucus member, Rep. Al Green, shook his cane and shouted at the president. When he refused to desist, Speaker Mike Johnson ordered him removed from the chamber. Two days later, in a bipartisan vote, the House censured Green. The Congressional Black Caucus stood in firm support of Green's actions and, in their own move to disrupt, CBC members sang "We Shall Overcome," an anthem of the Civil Rights Movement, as Johnson read the censure on the House floor. When they refused to stop disrupting, the Speaker gaveled the session to recess.
It's not widely known, but over HALF of
Columba University's enrollment is now
foreign students
16 replies
Posted by snakeoil 3/12/2025 10:50:48 PM Post Reply
It's not widely known, but over HALF of Columba University's enrollment is now foreign students. Some of them are people like Mahmoud Khalil, who spent all his time agitating in support of Hamas terrorists. But if you dig deeper, the true story is even more appalling: Columbia is using the prestige of its elite undergraduate school to bring in thousands of mediocre foreigners who want a Columbia degree in computer science, engineering, or a similar field. Columbia admits them because they pay full-freight tuition, boosting their bottom line while glutting the American job market and lowering wages for STEM workers.
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16 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 3/12/2025 5:52:00 PM Post Reply
Walt Disney studio chiefs might be feeling their own brand of flop sweat, as one indicator after another piles up that that company's $300 million bet on a live-action "Snow White" is going down faster than the Titanic if the iceberg had been armed with torpedoes and antiship missiles. The Mouse House "won’t be rolling out a robust red carpet like it usually does" for a big-budget premiere next week, Variety reported Tuesday. Instead of a parade of movie stars and celebrities vying for attention on the red carpet and all the attendant big media names, the "Snow White" premiere
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