Angry Democratic donors turn off the flow
of money
The Hill [Washington DC],
Amie Parnes
Hanna Trudo
Original Article
Posted By: NorthernDog,
2/24/2025 10:07:25 AM
Democrats are anxious to rebuild their party on the heels of President Trump’s victory in November. But they have a major problem as they try to refashion their brand: The money isn’t there. Democratic donors — from bundlers to small dollar donors — say they are still angry about the election results and uninspired by anything their side has put forward since then. (Snip) Much of the consternation among the donor community stems from the unprecedented 2024 election cycle, where many felt misled by the party and former President Biden’s reelection campaign. Until the Democratic debate in June, donors and
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Well this is a double crisis for the dems.
First their slush funds get raided, and their money laundering shut down... and now this.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
jimincalif 2/24/2025 10:28:16 AM (No. 1902894)
A question was posed on X, did the “donor” money really dry up or is this related to the freeze in USAID funding? Coincidence?
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
voxpopuli 2/24/2025 10:30:30 AM (No. 1902897)
good article a couple days ago here
about them electing to die on the hill
of their main constituents..
"Democrats are doubling down on left-wing gender ideology"
good luck, players..
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
jalo1951 2/24/2025 10:32:41 AM (No. 1902899)
" . . . unprecedented 2024 election cycle, where many felt misled by the party and former President Biden’s reelection campaign". This is a CYA cop out on their part. The number 1 code of the dems is to lie as much as possible over and over again. You know that. Anyone who had eyes saw that FJB was headed toward an enclosed memory unit in the local nursing home. It made no difference what his handlers said. He was a swiss cheese brained fake president and it was obvious everytime he was seen. Let alone when he opened his mouth. Everything they said about the dems is spot on but don't tell me you were taken in my Mrs. FJB and the other worker bees telling you all was good. When your party can't give the definition of what a woman is it's time to rethink your support. Then over a $ billion was blown away on the replacement and they want more.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
seamusm 2/24/2025 10:37:08 AM (No. 1902901)
Angry about the election RESULTS? Seriously? How about running candidates with more than two brain cells between them? How about espousing policies which might actually benefit Americans? How about actually thinking of America's needs not elitist One World Order Eurotrash? But by all means hold on to your money. Because the Dems represent multi-generational failure - and so do you.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
jeffkinnh 2/24/2025 10:38:45 AM (No. 1902903)
“In fact, it doesn’t get much worse.”
Yup, the dems have become the party of incompetent, impotent whiners.
“Grassroots donors want to see more fight"
But here's the problem. Dems are grossly incompetent. They were in governing for 4 years and in running for election. Their only ability was spin, which Trump started to dissolve in his first term and completed during the election. Dems, media, and Deep State have no credibility to spin with. Without spin the dems are empty suits. The dems keep doing the same failing things because they are too stupid to do anything else.
So expecting them to fight is delusional. They are clueless and weak. Further, fighting an ordinary political foe would be hard enough. Trump is a master tactician, strategist, and public relations guru. The dems at their peak would have trouble breaking through against him. In their current pathetic state, dems couldn't win a fight against a butterfly, let alone Trump.
"Democrats like to be inspired, so having more inspirational candidates will make that easier,” he said."
Ahhh, but there's the rub. There are NO inspirational dem candidates. Consider their presidential choices, senile Biden and kackling Kamala. Then you have self proclaimed knucklehead Walz and Hot Stuff Newsom that let California burn. You have the oldie (and burned out) parade like Chuckie, Pocahontas, who are whiny to the extreme. None of these people are inspirational or competent.
And, the donors are going to be looking for clear winners to back. After having been lied to in 2024, they are not going to swallow the pablum.
The reality is, the dems are a dying party. Somewhere along the line, someone is going to accept this and start rebuilding a new party. It may take decades to do that. The government that exists then will be far more resilient to the manipulations of the past and the American People's expectations of government will be far more demanding of a restrained and efficient government because they will know it is possible.
A lot can happen between now and then but there is a LOT more "fight" in the Republican party than we can expect to see from the dems for a LONG time.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
downnout 2/24/2025 10:39:22 AM (No. 1902904)
Any Democrat donor who protests that he was misled by the Biden campaign needs to have their head examined. It was clear to (nearly) everyone that Biden was mentally compromised and should have stepped aside much earlier.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
montwoodcliff 2/24/2025 10:49:13 AM (No. 1902917)
Until the real voters become unhappy with the Republicans, the Democrats will say in the wilderness. At the moment, everybody is happy, so what can Dems offer…NOTHING! And, if Trump does give us that $5,000, it should be on October 31, 2026. As you have probably noted, that’s just before the midterms. It’s an old Democrat political boss tactic used to remind the people who’s being generous.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
Krause 2/24/2025 10:52:50 AM (No. 1902920)
The democrat has nothing to offer the people. In fact, when they are in office, they make everything worse. In order to win anything, they would have to do what Trump is doing. Which they will never do. Trump is doing good, and looking good, because he is cleaning up the mess the democrats made. The Dems position now is they have to cheat and buy votes, instead of earning the votes.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
cor-vet 2/24/2025 11:05:40 AM (No. 1902924)
Unless you're on the dem gravy train, or the favored victim, presently the child molesting deviants, how can you even admit to being a democtrat? It's the party of brain-washed, brain-dead hypocrites and anti-American thieves.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
Strike3 2/24/2025 11:06:12 AM (No. 1902926)
Fool me once... To their detriment, democrat donors have been fooled many times over and yet their wallets still opened come election time. The one big change is that democrats can no longer be rewarded with government money because those ATMs have now been closed. No return on investment? Smart people invest elsewhere.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
MissTX 2/24/2025 11:09:16 AM (No. 1902927)
If they felt misled about the last election, they were WILLFULLY BLIND!
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
Northcross 2/24/2025 11:20:13 AM (No. 1902944)
Any one who donated to Harris/Walz, whether it was $10 or $10 Million, was too dumb to ever be in charge of that much money.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
JHHolliday 2/24/2025 11:41:17 AM (No. 1902970)
If the Dems think that they will win back the Latino vote by pandering to the open borders crowd, they are wrong. Our family maid service, legal, hardworking immigrants who came in the right way all voted for Trump. There is a huge resentment building among that demographic against allowing almost unfettered border security while they watch illegals get free housing, food etc. for doing nothing but managing to sneak in the country. Another anecdote, we had some windows replaced on the back of our house. The guy from the company who came to price the job was a big black guy. He also told us he was voting for Trump. A working guy in a demanding job who got up every morning and came to work to support his family. He doesn't like the welfare system supporting bums who won't work either, white or black.
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
zephyrgirl 2/24/2025 12:03:30 PM (No. 1902981)
After Kamala Harris ran through $1.5 billion in 100 days (or $15 million/day), ended up $20 million in debt and lost decisively, why would anyone give more money to the party that allowed it?
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
Venturer 2/24/2025 12:14:01 PM (No. 1902988)
Too many Americans who belong to the Democrat party are sickened by the wokeness and the leadership is still shoveling it on thick. If the Democrats want to rebuild their party they have to start using some common sense and Americanism .
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
Mushroom 2/24/2025 12:51:19 PM (No. 1903010)
It really is simple...No more USAID graft to 'bid' on. The entire business model of the Democrat Party is to launder funds. It is quite obvious that leadership is not even on their top ten list of things to do. The old guard has just eaten it's young for decades and all that's left is the unknowns (Obama) and the bottom of the food chain (AOC) types left to fill the positions.
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
chance_232 2/24/2025 1:02:01 PM (No. 1903020)
Democrats always manage to raise staggering sums of money, and the promptly Wizz it away. Will they still raise eye watering piles of cash now that the USAID money laundering scam has been shut down?
If Trump can find away to stop the union cash, democrats would be finished.
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
FormerDem 2/24/2025 1:49:58 PM (No. 1903039)
i am wondering how much of the usaid money trickled ultimately to the dnc, although not with any single directly illegal transaction along the way
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
Kafka2 2/24/2025 5:56:28 PM (No. 1903135)
The donors to the Democrat party were lied to every bit as much as the voters were lied to. After Kamal blew through $2 trillion on here campaign they got tired of throwing good money after bad.
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Reply 21 - Posted by:
Ashley Brenton 2/24/2025 8:20:54 PM (No. 1903195)
My guess is there won't be any sort of BLM/ANTIFA rioting either. Whoever was buying those guys their plane tickets or renting their tents for them in Portland probably won't be fronting the cash this time around.
Here's an idea. What if it turns out those things were financially backed through something like USAID?
It would certainly be interesting to find out who was paying for that year of chaos.
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Reply 22 - Posted by:
MickTurn 2/24/2025 10:33:12 PM (No. 1903264)
"A fool and their Money are soon parted."
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