Is There a Democrat Blueprint to Regain Power?
American Greatness,
Victor Davis Hanson
Original Article
Posted By: Moritz55,
2/17/2025 10:44:38 AM
What is the long-term Democratic Party’s strategy to return to power? Americans may ask that only because so far, the Democrat agenda seems to entail polarizing and alienating as many voters as possible. They gleefully double down on their 2024 defeat. And they seem almost to grow ecstatic at ensuring that Donald Trump and his record poll at unprecedented highs. Rep. Robert Garcia (D-CA) rants on national TV that Trump is a d—k and promises to go to “war” against him. Democratic representatives chant “f—k Trump” on national television.
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
Quigley 2/17/2025 10:56:31 AM (No. 1897860)
Arrest Trump? Is that a good plan? Let's put Alvin Bragg right on it! And all the other power drunk prosecutors. Yeah! This time it could work!
We'll do it while pretending to be women and getting naked in front of your children!
And make people pay their fair share and keep the undisclosed payments flowing.
IT .... COULD ........ WORK!!!!!
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Four-letter words are all that Dems can sputter. They have no argument, so out come the four-letter words. Hissy fits and no substance.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
Ditto1958 2/17/2025 11:14:46 AM (No. 1897872)
Oh, I’m sure there is. Liberals are basically communists these days, and communists are never truly defeated. Like cockroaches, they always come back.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
Ashley Brenton 2/17/2025 11:21:26 AM (No. 1897878)
Based on the type of people they just elected in those DNC appointments, I certainly don't see the Democrats getting their act together in time for the mid-terms.
I think the Republican majority is going to widen in the House and Senate. Any attempt to rig those elections is going to be tough because the RNC and Trump will have those races under an electron microscope. Try to steal one this time!
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
stablemoney 2/17/2025 11:34:08 AM (No. 1897892)
I am only interested in the Republican blueprint to keep the Democrats from ever regaining power. Start with honest elections, please.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
paral04 2/17/2025 11:45:39 AM (No. 1897901)
His stating he wants to go to war with our country sounds like sedition. He needs to be thrown in the prison that the January 6th citizens were incarcerated, without benefit of a trial,
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
seamusm 2/17/2025 12:03:13 PM (No. 1897914)
We cannot afford to become over-confident. We did not overwhelmingly win last November and hold only razor-thin margins in Congress. Dems still know how to cheat and will boldly work to allow illegals to vote in future elections. It remains critical that we pursue minorities and young men who aren't all foolishly dominated by false issues of 'women's health', AKA abortion. November was only a start.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
anniebc 2/17/2025 12:23:18 PM (No. 1897937)
Not one that doesn't involve mass murder and ginormous theft. Without our money, what can this bunch of incompetents do?
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
Kate318 2/17/2025 12:46:38 PM (No. 1897958)
We all know their strategy. They’ve used it for decades and will continue to do so. It’s the only way they can get into and hold office. Four senate seats and numerous house seats were stolen in 2024, and so far, I have seen no effort to rectify that situation. Until dem vote fraud is dealt with permanently, they will continue to be political players.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
Luke21 2/17/2025 1:20:00 PM (No. 1897978)
Cheat. Has worked great so far.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
FJB 2/17/2025 1:43:19 PM (No. 1897987)
This figures. The Deep State had that nasty leftist traitor Tom Hanks playing an ugly racist Trump Supporter in a pathetic Saturday Night Live skit. MAGA
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
jeffkinnh 2/17/2025 3:09:00 PM (No. 1898017)
The biggest problem for the dems, after hiding who they really are for so long, aided and abetted by media and the Deep State, they have finally been EXPOSED. ALL their masks are being ripped away and the American People are seeming that is no THERE, there. And what is there is unbelievably corrupt and evil.
Part of the proof of this Trump's improving polling and approval of what he has already done. The People WANTED to think that Trump was the solution to the mess they KNEW the country was in. It was clear the dems were inept. But now, the People KNOW there is more to it. Trump is masterful in doing exactly as he said he would. And along the way, just as Trump planned it, he is uncovering the evidence of the dems malfeasance. And all the dems can seem to do is the same old fake attacks they have used since Trump came on the political scene. They simply do NOT resonate any longer except with the delusional hard Left who exist in La La Land. The media is in freefall. The Deep State is being swept away.
And the American People think the Country is on the right Track. Just as Trump promised.
Regaining power? If this continues, the dems may be lucky to have a cohesive party in a few years. The question for them has become one of survival, and they aren't doing a very good job of accomplishing THAT either.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
Starboard_side 2/17/2025 4:08:02 PM (No. 1898052)
The former mayor of Long Beach who has a huge +D district can essentially say anything without fear of being voted out of office. He lost both his parents during COVID but he also needs the Federal funds that would help build that massive offshore wind turbines at the Port of Long Beach.
The Dem blueprint is likely to try and obstruct any sort of progress in reforming the size and scope of government to avoid having any Trump wins.
They are also likely working hard to find votes for the 2026 election cycle, or at least the votes they feel they can harvest or "cure".
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
Encore 2/17/2025 5:54:44 PM (No. 1898111)
With their choice of David Hogg, as an indicator, I’d say…nope.
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
mifla 2/18/2025 6:45:01 AM (No. 1898447)
Their plan is "Orange Man Bad".
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
Hazymac 2/18/2025 11:59:09 AM (No. 1898658)
Yes. Cheating. Flagrant cheating. If the Democrats are not prevented from cheating, they will find a hundred ways to accomplish that. Cheating is deeply embedded in our electoral system.
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Yes, there is a blue print. However, note that all the edges are singed and it smells of brimstone, i.e., sulphur. That should tell us all we need to know about it.
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