Florida Voter Fraud Case Could Overturn
U.S. House Race
American Thinker,
Jeff Lukens
Original Article
Posted By: Hazymac,
2/18/2025 7:05:33 AM
Last November, Democrat fraudsters bypassed the presidential race and focused instead on the down-ballot races. In Florida, local Democrat candidates received more votes than either Donald Trump or Kamala Harris at the top of the ballot. Something was definitely amiss.
For instance, Republican Rocky Rochford was running against incumbent Democrat Kathy Castor for the U.S. House seat in Congressional Race 14 (FL-14). The district straddles Hillsborough and Pinellas counties and includes the cities of Tampa and St. Petersburg. Castor was declared the winner, but Rochford is now contesting the race, claiming voter fraud, primarily by vote-by-mail ballots.
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
mobyclik 2/18/2025 7:13:18 AM (No. 1898458)
Without fraud, the 'Rats would be an endangered species.
53 people like this.
Reply 2 - Posted by:
Hazymac 2/18/2025 7:30:04 AM (No. 1898469)
Our electoral system is chockablock with fraud. In the 2020 elections, which were stolen for Biden, there were at least five Republicans who were cheated out of seats in the U.S. Senate: one in Arizona, one in Michigan, one in Nevada, and two in Georgia. There's no telling how many House seats were stolen by the Donks. Preventing voter fraud might be the most important duty of the Republicans during these next two years.
64 people like this.
Reply 3 - Posted by:
smak90 2/18/2025 7:45:06 AM (No. 1898479)
We now have a justice department who will hopefully get involved. This is the absolute most important issue to save America and our way of life. It's been fun watching everything Trump has done in his first 4 weeks in office but it can all be reversed at the stroke of a pen if we don't keep elections from being stolen. People need to go to prison for a long time if they are involved in rigging elections.
55 people like this.
Reply 4 - Posted by:
anniebc 2/18/2025 8:13:19 AM (No. 1898495)
Check every election across the country that took forever to count, and I'll bet you you'll find fraud. Deal with it now or two years from now the demons will be stopping progress again.
38 people like this.
Reply 5 - Posted by:
Corndoggies 2/18/2025 8:22:39 AM (No. 1898500)
Omega4America wrote an article and said voter rolls are like a wave. They go up at election time and roll back down for voter roll inspection. Hopefully this man has cracked the code. If we can’t trust an election in Florida, we are fudged.
23 people like this.
Reply 6 - Posted by:
dolphin 2/18/2025 8:27:58 AM (No. 1898504)
Now do the Kentucky governor's race. Kentucky went 30 points plus for Trump and we have a lame Democrat governor who is consistently overruled by the Republican legislature...twice???? You'll never convince me that was an honest election.
38 people like this.
Reply 7 - Posted by:
Highlander 2/18/2025 9:04:17 AM (No. 1898526)
The Democrats have no legitimate claim to be an American political party. Zero. Nada. Nyet, and Nein!
18 people like this.
Reply 8 - Posted by:
singermom9 2/18/2025 9:10:45 AM (No. 1898532)
1) make it a law to use VOTER ID for federal elections
2) put bar codes on ballots so they can only be scanned 1 tomr
25 people like this.
Reply 9 - Posted by:
rikkitikki 2/18/2025 9:11:24 AM (No. 1898533)
And that's just the tip of the iceberg....
17 people like this.
Reply 10 - Posted by:
red1066 2/18/2025 9:16:10 AM (No. 1898537)
Check Arizona as well. These mail in ballots have got to be eliminated. Also, end this taking a week or even a month to count ballots. No election results in this country should take more than 24 hours. If there needs to be a federal law overriding states' rights, this is the issue.
25 people like this.
Reply 11 - Posted by:
rikkitikki 2/18/2025 9:17:38 AM (No. 1898539)
My suggestion:
Immediately eliminate or cancel all existing voter registrations, in every state, city, and county.
Then re-register each voter using finger prints, facial rec, SSNs, voter IDs, addresses, birth dates, etc.
Then, in every future election, only accept a vote as valid if the person's ID is certified with facial rec that syncs with all their personal data...all of it.
One voter, one vote...period.
And do it all on a fire-walled computer network using proprietary algorithms, all run by Elon Musk.
That's what computers are for.
14 people like this.
Reply 12 - Posted by:
seamusm 2/18/2025 9:27:26 AM (No. 1898550)
Voter integrity is, I believe, not a federal or constitutional prerogative/responsibility. It is a state or local matter. So I am doubtful of Trump being able to dictate changes or even the US Congress without an amendment to the US Constitution. However, these frauds are systematic and occur in damn near every jurisdiction. This Florida case should prove successful but duplicating success elsewhere will not uniformly succeed because way too many leftist judges will rule against either 'standing' or our evidence.
9 people like this.
Reply 13 - Posted by:
Encore 2/18/2025 9:59:39 AM (No. 1898573)
Consequences! They should be horrendous for those proven to be involved, to include a death sentence, carried out immediately for all to see.
8 people like this.
Reply 14 - Posted by:
LC Chihuahua 2/18/2025 10:25:07 AM (No. 1898587)
The case will be thrown out on 'lack of standing'. As we have seen recently, only the left has 'standing'.
Good luck, regardless. People are seeing the corruption now. The biggest thing Trump has done may be his exposure of government corruption.
8 people like this.
Reply 15 - Posted by:
homefry 2/18/2025 10:38:30 AM (No. 1898597)
And put some donkeys in jail!
5 people like this.
Reply 16 - Posted by:
MindMadeUp 2/18/2025 11:47:49 AM (No. 1898643)
Our government's money spending has been a lie and election results have been a lie. Fraudulently elected officials have been stealing our nation's wealth and hiding behind a wall of lies about race and gender. We should be living in a great American paradise instead of this DEI hell hole.
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
DVC 2/18/2025 12:29:56 PM (No. 1898677)
Dems involved in voting fraud? I;m shocked, just shocked.
/s off
Dems just being Demonrats. Corruption is the primary sacrament of the Democrat Party.
3 people like this.
Reply 18 - Posted by:
Starboard_side 2/18/2025 1:56:44 PM (No. 1898728)
This is another example of why I feel it's important to have all registered voter records publicly announced no later than 90 days prior to the first ballot being available or sent out.
Provide the number for each House race, in particular, and any other major state races.
Every ballot, whether in person or VBM, would be assigned a tracking and tracing number (only that number should be the number counted).
Any ballot or VBM request would be assigned a separate tracking and tracing number after that 90 day notification (can't simply be mixed in with other ballots any longer as they'd have separate numbers).
All ballots or VBM after that 90 day announcement would be provisional until verified (we now have computer programs that should be able to do this easily).
Any ballot drop box would have ATM-style technology with a camera and only allow 1 ballot to be submitted at a time which would be scanned front and back.
The scanned ballot would then be accounted for with a date/time stamp.
Each pick up would only have that number of ballots scanned in the collection box/bag which also would have a tracking and tracing number that would be linked with those ballots.
None of these would be an impact on voters either so no one would be affected.
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
YorkieMom 2/18/2025 7:39:24 PM (No. 1898966)
Nevada has become California Jr. since the Dems took over and put in all mail in ballots. They knew they couldn't fake it with Trump losing, but the rest of the down ballot, except one, went to the Dems. They also put out the biggest lying ads ever about how the Dems were nonpartisan. We now have two of the biggest liberal women Senators ever. And, they were still counting the late ballots for a week after the election. That's how they do it. The Dems run our state legislature, so I don't know how much our Republican governor can do. He's kind of wimpy and he used to be our Sheriff.
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