Increase legal immigration,
Glenn Beaton
Original Article
Posted By: Big Bopper,
12/27/2024 3:56:07 PM
Guess what these people have in common:
Albert Einstein
Enrico Fermi
John Audubon
John Muir
Elon Musk
Nikola Tesla
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Irving Berlin
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Levi Strauss
Dikembe Mutombo
Liz Claiborne
Mariano Rivera
Melania Trump
Andrew Carnegie
Audrey Hepburn
Yo-Yo Ma
Ayn Rand
Elie Weisel
Sergey Brin
Bob Marley
Sammy Sosa
Carlos Santana
Henry Kissinger
Rupert Murdoch
Alexander Hamilton
You’ve probably guessed it – each was born outside the United States, and immigrated here. Most became full, legal American citizens after undergoing the citizenship process, including passing history, civics and English language tests that most American college graduates would flunk.
The list could go on for thousands of pages, but you probably get the drift.
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
Bur Oak 12/27/2024 4:07:11 PM (No. 1862054)
I agree. He didn't list my ancestors!
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
Venturer 12/27/2024 4:37:40 PM (No. 1862071)
Legal immigration. Of vetted individuals.
I am all for it.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
Mike22 12/27/2024 4:58:01 PM (No. 1862081)
Immigration yes. O-1 visas, yes. H1-B no. H1-B is the great replacement applied to technical workers. They hire foreigners, have skilled senior American technologists train their replacements and lay the Americans off. American workers lose jobs, foreign imports replace them because they are cheaper and essentially indentured servants. Sorry Glenn, by not making the distinction you have loss credibility with me. And if you believe the billionaire propaganda tech moguls propaganda, I have some really nice bridges around the country I can sell you. And if you want to know why not many young people want to get a technical degree, look no further that the short sighted greed and evil of the billionaire tech moguls that only want more, more, more. Because they have seen that going through a tough college program, getting a tech job and working hard, only gets you the "reward" of training your replacement and collecting unemployment benefits as soon as your salary gets "too high".
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
Californian 12/27/2024 5:09:54 PM (No. 1862085)
4, I was asked to train my replacement at a Big Tech company. They sold it to us as, "we'll have them do the grunt work which will free you to work on this cool new Project X" which didn't have a budget or a plan or a goal or even a real description.
I quit a week later.
I read online a few years later that Project X never got off the ground and everyone on that project was let go.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
bighambone 12/27/2024 5:28:40 PM (No. 1862090)
There is no way that you can compare the accomplished legal immigrants listed with 99% of the Third World origin poor and uneducated illegal aliens who Biden-Harris and the leftist and progressive Democrats have been allowing into the USA in the last four years by way of their "open borders" "catch and release" and misused "parole" programs that do not comport with the immigration laws that were constitutionally passed into law by the US Congress.
The current immigration laws legally allow almost two million legal immigrants a years to gain entry to the USA, by way of work immigrant visas that range from immigrants of outstanding ability down to needed farm workers, and in addition allow unlimited numbers of legal immigrants who are immediate family of US citizens into the USA each year. Raising up the limitations on legal immigration will not stop mass uncontrolled illegal immigration to the USA.
Under the current immigration laws all aliens who are found in the USA unlawfully are subject to removal (deportation) from the USA. If the law was changed to essentially allow non-criminal illegal aliens to stay in the USA, with only criminal illegal aliens being subject to removal (deportation), rather than being removed, common sense will tell you such an action to allow all non-criminal illegal aliens to stay would simply encourage more and more mass uncontrolled illegal immigration and make the immigration laws unenforceable.
The leftist and progressive Democrats would love that and would immediately move to automatically legalize all non-criminal illegal aliens who would be no longer subject to removal and transform them by the millions into new leftist and progressive Democrat supporters and voters. Thereby being able to accomplish their current covert mission that is to use illegal aliens to permanently change the ethnic, political, and racial demographics of the USA thus building a minority-majority country. Thus by effectively encouraging and inviting unlimited numbers of noncriminal illegal aliens to unlawfully enter the USA would end up assisting the leftist and progressive Democrats to quickly legalize all noncriminal illegal aliens since they would no longer by subject to removal (deportation) under the immigration laws.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
mc squared 12/27/2024 5:43:46 PM (No. 1862096)
Does he have another list for prominent legal immigrants from the southern hemisphere or the middle east?
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
DVC 12/27/2024 5:49:51 PM (No. 1862103)
NO! Stop ALL immigration for at least 20-30 years to let the country "digest" the ones already here.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
rememberwhen 12/27/2024 5:57:20 PM (No. 1862112)
We don't need to increase legal immigration. I interviewed for a job with immigration years ago. The man who would have been my supervisor told me that the US allowed more legal immigration than the rest of the world combined. I seriously doubt that it has changed in the years since. The problem is we are accepting the wrong people, and it has nothing to do with ethnicity but everything to do with education, skills, etc.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
RussZilla 12/27/2024 6:04:41 PM (No. 1862115)
Birth citizenship is allowed only in the US and Canada. No other country allows it.
We need to go back to the early sixties to come up with laws that made sense. We allowed seasonable workers then. Congress then passed a quota system that made it more difficult for Europeans to immigrate. Other congressional acts in the seventies and eighties were bandaid solutions. New laws have added nothing to order and law since then, just more bandaids. Just empty promises.
Eisenhower, president in the 1950s deported over a million illegals. After the explosion that happened in the last four years we need a version of Eisenhower’s solution, on a grander scale.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
seamusm 12/27/2024 6:18:42 PM (No. 1862119)
Even our hallowed President-elect hired using the H1B visa program. But I echo the concerns that often these hires are foreigners who displace American citizens. And, yes, I understand that sometimes foreigners seemingly make better employees but, not infrequently, because they work as virtual slaves. H1B is too easily used at the expense of Americans.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
jasmine 12/27/2024 8:10:26 PM (No. 1862152)
The first consideration should be restoring the concept of immigration to the United States as a privilege, not a right.
We don't need immigrants, legal or illegal, who lack gratitude toward the United States. We have plenty of homegrown ingrates who have no idea how blessed they are.
It is a fact that H1B Visas have been used by employers to increase the labor pool of all workers, including educated ones. If we are to have an artificially enlarged labor pool, employer behavior needs to be watched more carefully, so that we don't have Americans training imported replacements slated to take their jobs from them, at lower pay. More can be done to help Americans afford education in the sciences and engineering. When school districts like the one we read about today in San Francisco prevent good math students from taking algebra in 8th grade so that slower students can "catch up" no one should be surprised that we don't have enough people trained for the jobs employers want to fill. Instead of rushing to import foreign workers immediately, employers can increase the pool of workers with scholarships to train them here at home. It may be more efficient in the short term to import workers, but there's no reason not to ramp up scholarships for smart American students who don't have the financial resources to pay for four years of college. In addition, helping students who excel in math can begin by making their first two years of college more affordable in local community colleges. For too long, the "go to" answer for politicians and employers has been importing workers. Math ability is a gift to be encouraged and preserved right here in the United States.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
SALady 12/27/2024 11:15:01 PM (No. 1862209)
No increase in legal immigration until every last illegal alien is deported and the border is secure!!!! And then only the best and brightest -- no more dirty masses of parasites.
Fortunately, under President Trump, that very well may not take very long!!!
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
mifla 12/28/2024 2:59:49 AM (No. 1862239)
Stop immigration for now, and eliminate entitlement programs for those who can work.
Citizens will be fighting over the jobs "that Americans won't do".
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