Is This The Beginning Of A Terror Wave?
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Posted By: RockyTCB,
1/2/2025 8:51:35 AM
The New Year had barely begun when one and possibly two terrorist attacks were unleashed that claimed the lives of more than a dozen innocent people.
In New Orleans, 15 people have so far died after a driver rammed a truck through a crowd of revelers on Bourbon Street Wednesday morning. The driver had an ISIS flag in the rented pickup and likely didn’t act alone.
[snip] Is this the beginning of a wave of terror attacks inside the U.S.?
There’s reason to worry.
For almost four years, the Biden administration has been asleep at the wheel when it comes to terror threats.
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
Digger 1/2/2025 9:24:33 AM (No. 1865206)
I’ve been on Bourbon Street many times but not at 3:00 in the morning. It was always crowded with people shoulder to shoulder in the middle of the street. I usually gave up about 10:00. I was surprised to hear that there were crowds at 3:00. The timing of the terrorist attack seems to suggest coordination or support from another party. Someone provided information that large crowds would be there at that time.
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#1 big college game the next day, lots of drunken tourists of college age
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
mifla 1/2/2025 9:35:47 AM (No. 1865211)
Weak president, coupled with a DHS that is too busy letting the world into our country, creates a window of opportunity for the bad guys. Now would be the time to strike, as after the 20th, the idiots will no longer be in charge.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
Jesuslover54 1/2/2025 9:44:31 AM (No. 1865220)
Well, let's face it, we've been waiting and now it's here.
Brutal resolve is the order of the day.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
BarryNo 1/2/2025 9:45:07 AM (No. 1865221)
I would not be surprised if the Democrats were completely aware of these 'terrorist cells'. The scum in New Orleans and the fool in Las Vegas were both Military Veterans - the type of people the CIA recruits coming out of the service.
Then there's the brother's "It's not the Religion! It's the radicalization!" garbage. Jesus commanded us to Love the Lord, our God, and to love our neighbors as ourselves. Islam is quite different.
The End Times are here. This has only been the band warming up in the orchestra pit and the curtain is beginning to open. This is only the beginning.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
Digger 1/2/2025 9:53:29 AM (No. 1865230)
Further speculation about the Las Vegas terror attack: perhaps the driver of the Tesla truck did not plan to blow himself up. He planned to leave the truck and detonate it remotely or it detonated accidentally or was detonated remotely by an accomplice.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
udanja99 1/2/2025 9:56:36 AM (No. 1865234)
#5, of course they are aware, as are all of their weaponized three letter agencies. I remember reading, about 20 years ago, that there were terror cells in all 50 states. I’m surprised that they have been pretty much quiet for the last four years.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
bpl40 1/2/2025 10:41:25 AM (No. 1865266)
I predict a crescendo leading to Jan 20. Guard PDJT like Fort Knox!
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
HPmatt 1/2/2025 10:48:27 AM (No. 1865274)
Prepped here in North Texas. FIB's time to show if they really are against the Peeps and not round up all of these 'people they have known about' before the Fan's plugged in, otherwise should abolish the FIB and other letters and let them re-apply to a new external threat focused Organization, and stop violating every US citizens rights by hoovering up every piece of digital data ever created, w/o a specific judge's order. Blow the few hollowed out agencies that are left across the fruited plain when all said & done. No need to raise the debt ceiling - not increasing it CREATES a balanced federal budget - you can't borrow ANY MORE to SPEND. No Consitutional Convention needed...
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
stablemoney 1/2/2025 10:53:34 AM (No. 1865281)
We elected Trump, and he appointed Homan and Patel, to not put up with this.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
jdano 1/2/2025 11:31:10 AM (No. 1865306)
Every mosque in the U.S. is our enemy and should be death with accordingly.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
DVC 1/2/2025 11:59:38 AM (No. 1865335)
Some predictions have been for teams of 10-15 shooters in densely packed public places. Those sorts of things could result in hundreds killed. Compared to that, these two were a lot less deadly. Certainly the New Orleans attack was deadly to a significant number of innocent people. A very sad and evil event. Let's hope that more are not coming.
The Trump Las Vegas thing wasn't much of a terror attack, fortunately. Let's hope that future terrorism waves are no more effective.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
JHHolliday 1/2/2025 11:59:49 AM (No. 1865336)
We are due to attend a wedding in a couple of months in Lafayette and thinking about a side trip to NO since we had never been. Even splurge an dinner at Antoines. Not now. It's always been a dangerous city. Space doesn't allow but two of my uncles dodged being victims of a serious crime there some fifty years ago. My youngest son took one of those cemetery tours while on his honeymoon. Another cemetery that they wanted to see but it was off limits due to its proximity to a certain housing project.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
udanja99 1/2/2025 12:38:56 PM (No. 1865378)
#13, my husband and a lot of his family are from NOLA. About 30 years ago, when we were living in Virginia, he was offered and accepted a job there. But after spending a sleepless night thinking about it, he withdrew from the offer. I call it divine intervention.
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For the last four years all was relatively quiet on the Western Front. A weak president and administration is status quo for evil. Why upset the apple cart? Go for another four years. Why act prematurely and guarentee a Trump victory?
But Trump won. Thank God. Prepare to see the evil of terrorism begin to howl and pop out of their holes. Stay safe everyone.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
hershey 1/2/2025 2:17:07 PM (No. 1865419)
The government needs to put a bounty on terrorists...
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
watashiyo 1/2/2025 4:56:39 PM (No. 1865516)
Yup. BiteMe Diaper and the Puppet Masters gave the "Go" signal to ISIS to start terrorizing America.
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
JimBob 1/2/2025 5:30:30 PM (No. 1865536)
I heard a blurb on the radio that the N.O. terrorist was at the same Army camp as the Las Vegas terrorist, AND that the Trump Assassin #2 -the one that the SS found camped out next to Trump's golf course- visited that same Army camp something like 100 times. Is this true? Was this all at the same time? The radio blurb did not say. But it's such a coincidence that the pickup truck in N.O. was an electric one, and the Tesla in Lost Wages was of course also electric, and they were both rented through the same 'App' (TUMO?)- something that I had never heard of.
Then this afternoon was the kicker.... the Feds -not sure if it was the FIBbers or a different alphabet group- said "They Acted Alone!"
That does it! As far as I am concerned that's (based on the FIBbers having continually LIED to us) a pretty good confirmation that these guys were connected .... somehow.
We may someday learn the truth, or we may not.
After all, the Feds are still hiding something from JFKennedy's murder..... what- 61 years ago!
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