Pardoning Fauci Would Be Disservice to
Him and Americans
Real Clear Politics,
Robert Moffitt
Original Article
Posted By: Hazymac,
12/31/2024 8:03:00 AM
It seems President Biden won’t stop at letting his convicted son Hunter off the hook. The White House staff is reportedly pondering an unprecedented, pre-emptive set of presidential pardons for numerous officials who haven’t been formally charged or convicted of federal crimes but may be liable for indictment or conviction under the incoming Trump administration.
Prominent on that list is Dr. Anthony Fauci, former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID).
Why Fauci? Team Biden is mum. But the most likely rationale is a possible perjury charge: Fauci testified under oath in congressional inquiries. At issue: Fauci’s responses to the crucial question of whether American
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
singermom9 12/31/2024 8:10:06 AM (No. 1864007)
Make him take his own "SAFE AND EFFECTIVE" shots every day. Prove they are not harmful and do not kill. I have a daughter who got cancer and died 15 weeks after taking his "safe and effective" booster. May he spend eternity in HELL. Give to him what he gave to others. And no more 15 MIL in protective service from our govt.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
wilarrbie 12/31/2024 8:44:06 AM (No. 1864028)
Fauci was not simply 'mistaken'. He LIED. He lied then, he lies now. In service to the kings. Of course Biden will pre-emptively pardon him. And the others.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
ladydawgfan 12/31/2024 8:53:27 AM (No. 1864032)
How does he get away with pardoning someone for something they haven't even been charged with?? How is this legal since it doesn't pass the smell test?? What if someone "preemptively pardoned" kills a federal official?? Are they still pardoned just because a demented old phart doesn't want his friends to get in trouble???
16 people like this.
Reply 4 - Posted by:
Dodge Boy 12/31/2024 8:58:38 AM (No. 1864039)
FTA - "Following a bitter exchange and dissatisfied with Fauci’s responses, the next day, Sen. Paul requested Attorney General Merrick Garland to investigate the truthfulness of Fauci’s sworn testimony. Garland ignored the request. On July 14, 2023, Sen. Paul renewed the request. Again, no response. Citing new circumstantial evidence, on Aug. 8, 2023, Sen. Paul then asked Matthew Graves, U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia, to investigate the matter. Again, no response."
This explains why Fauci isn't now wearing an orange jumpsuit and continues to be a free man.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
seamusm 12/31/2024 9:00:59 AM (No. 1864042)
Honestly, I hope Biden DOES pardon Fauci. Because that would prove that he'd committed crimes not just lies. I am sure there are plenty of non-government citizens who will haunt his arse till the day he dies - especially since now he has to pay for his own protection.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
slipstik 12/31/2024 9:08:15 AM (No. 1864051)
The Biden administration is not "...inept..".
They had to get the vaxx onto as many bodies as possible, and COVID was the excuse.
The Biden administration is now and always has been dedicated to the destruction of this nation.
What better way than sow the seeds of destruction directly into its population?
The disease wasn't the "disease"...the cure was.
How inept is that?
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
Ashley Brenton 12/31/2024 9:42:44 AM (No. 1864068)
Pardon him if you want. I would only stipulate that you announce the specific crimes he committed that you are now pardoning him for.
These blanket pardons for anything you MIGHT have done are a genuine threat to democracy. For example, what power does a Congressional Subpoena have if any President simply pardons anything the guy did within a multi-year window?
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
oldmagnolia 12/31/2024 10:05:17 AM (No. 1864088)
Fauci needs a rope.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
Mcscow sailor 12/31/2024 10:29:29 AM (No. 1864104)
À preemptive pardon is an exercise in doublespeak. The historic meaning of pardon…is an act after conviction. Nixon pardon was preemptively issued, and while troublesome, did constitute an admission of guilt by Nixon and avoided the severe disruptions that would have occurred during a trisl of the nation’s former leader.
Fauci, and other lowlifes in the swamp, could be brought to trial without disrupting the constitutional framework of the nation. Whether it is worth the time and energy…is for the pols to evaluate. But if one issued, it needs to be loud and clear as to the crimes committed and the guilt agreed to, for all to know what happened
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
singermom9 12/31/2024 10:56:43 AM (No. 1864124)
Pardon him? Charge him w TREASON.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
kennedylaw 12/31/2024 1:39:25 PM (No. 1864263)
I hope Biden gives Fauci a blanket pardon like he did for Hunter. It will prevent Fauci from being able to refuse to testify based on the Fifth Amendment when subpoenaed by every Congressional committee or grand jury that wants to question him. It is the functional equivalent of Congress giving him immunity to testify.
Congresscritters should subpoena Fauci and ask him the same questions that he lied about last time. If Fauci refuses to testify, he can be prosecuted for contempt of congress. If he testifies and lies again, then he can be prosecuted for perjury. Even if it is impossible to get a conviction against a hardcore democrat in D.C., the process is the penalty as the democrats have proven. Or Congress can take the show on the road, subpoenaing Fauci to testify in conservative districts around the country, then prosecute him wherever he lies or refuses to answer.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
preciosodrogas 12/31/2024 2:25:27 PM (No. 1864292)
I think there are more than a few other countries that would like to talk to him, and imagine the DOJ work allow for him to be extradited. Might even be a few states as well. My New Year wish.
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