Oh, that pesky carbon dioxide!
American Thinker,
Mark C. Ross
Original Article
Posted By: mc squared,
11/24/2024 11:11:13 AM
WARNING: The following is forbidden knowledge for committed climate activists. If you are one, please click the “X” in the upper right corner of your screen and then send a check to Al Gore to help keep him off the street.
Lucky for us, the Earth is massive enough to hold on to a tenuous atmosphere. In this gaseous soup are elements and a few compounds. Nitrogen is the most plentiful element, followed by oxygen and then the inert gas argon...the slightly heavier cousin to neon, the illuminator of electric signs, and helium, the inflator of party balloons. Carbon dioxide is just a bit down the list
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
Highlander 11/24/2024 11:42:03 AM (No. 1841997)
We will always have the fools with us, always looking under their beds for the bogeymen and monsters that exist only in their darkened and fevered minds. Every generation comes up with some new silliness to complicate the lives of normal-thinking people. It never stops.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
Quigley 11/24/2024 11:43:54 AM (No. 1841998)
Interesting, but what was the climatistas' wake up call referred to in the article? Trump?
Of course, the German wind power experiment is collapsing. Who could possibly have predicted that the wind could fail to blow for more than a few minutes? Yes, back to the drawing board, back to the Central Con Planning Committee.
We'll need green batteries capable of powering a city for, say, two weeks in case the wind doesn't blow and it is overcast for an extended period. How hard can it be? Mandate it! Make it so!
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
bpl40 11/24/2024 12:06:32 PM (No. 1842008)
Just for perspective. Today the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere is approaching 400 ppm - 180 ppm is minimum for plant survival. About 140 million years ago plant life was abundant, dinosaurs were thriving , the average temperature of the globe was just about what it is today. The CO2 percentage, BTW was 2800 to 3000 ppm - about 7 times as much as today with no ill effects. How you might ask is that possible. A dirty little secret the Climatistas will never tell you. The ability of the CO2 molecule to trap heat is inversely proportional to it's concentration in the air. If it were not complex life forms such as us would have never been able to evolve!
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
jeffkinnh 11/24/2024 12:27:15 PM (No. 1842017)
While an interesting article, it left out a key reality. Alarmists say that atmospheric CO2 is increasing, which is measurably true. The amount of CO2 coming from man made sources vs. natural sources is muddy at best. However, the most critical question is the impact of CO2 on global temperature.
The truth is, rising CO2 does have an impact on temperature HOWEVER, the increase is not linear. In fact, as CO2 levels rise the impact is considerably lessened. At 400 ppm CO2 we have already seen the most impact. If we see CO2 doubling to 800 ppm, the temperature impact would be about 1 degree F, not the 5+ degrees panic amount that is screeched by alarmists. Double it again and it is far less than 1 degree.
All of the above is based on measurable physical science parameters and well proven scientific facts. Since that doesn't suit the ultimate purposes of the Alarmists (global government, ...) they CANNOT accept it.
Simply, we do NOT have a CO2/warming crisis.
And a couple of secondary bits of information. Have you noticed how lush plant growth has become? That is due to the increased CO2 levels which make plant growth more efficient and even require less water, increasing drought resistance. Crops yields are increasing. The estimated optimum levels for plants is about 1000 ppm of CO2. Of course that means you may have to mow the grass more frequently. And BTW, if the CO2 levels dropped to 150 ppm it would probably end plant growth and everything that requires plants to survive, i.e. us and everything else. Let's hope Alarmists are not successful with their plans. Will their typical incompetence, they would probably drive the CO2 down to extinction levels.
The second fact is that the SUN is the cause of warming. Not directly but through the varying strength of the sun's magnetic fields, which impacts the amount of cosmic rays that hit the earth, that in turn impacts cloud formation. More clouds = more heat reflection = cooling. Less clouds = less heat reflection =warming. Further, this process is also impacted by the Earth's travel through our solar system which impacts the amount of cosmic rays that can hit the earth to begin with. Studies showing all this interaction follow closely actual heating and cooling of the Earth.
And of course, since neither the fluctuations of the sun or our planet's path through the solar system can be controlled by man, it doesn't serve the Alarmist's purposes (to control us). So they ignore this or deny it.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
paral04 11/24/2024 12:28:12 PM (No. 1842019)
According to my sources, Oxygen is the most prevalent element.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
DVC 11/24/2024 12:43:14 PM (No. 1842028)
Actually, all green plants today are in such a low CO2 environment that they are limited in growth rate. We really need to increase the CO2 in the atmosphere to about double or triple what it was 100 years ago to enhance green plant growth around the world.
Now we need a new movement "Save the Green Plants --- MORE CO2 NOW".
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
genius 11/24/2024 12:53:53 PM (No. 1842040)
78% Nitrogen
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
Starboard_side 11/24/2024 1:46:29 PM (No. 1842059)
Great points #2 and #3.
My view they've used the climate issue to clean up pollution but then found how easily swayed so many were and willing to pay more taxes (which supports government growth) they just kept on pushing it.
And, no one seems to talk about the big issue in Brazil where they've cleared out MASSIVE amounts of the rainforest over the past 40 years.
If you remember, when they started to do this in Brazil the scientists were complaining about the loss of the earths lungs as they knew they produced a large amount of the photosynthesis which they acknowledged was needed back then.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
udanja99 11/24/2024 2:54:21 PM (No. 1842080)
Funny, I learned most of this in “Earth Science” class in elementary school way back in the late 50’s/early60’s when actual science was taught in schools.
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I'm saving a copy on my phone: it's sound reasoning when faced by the masked Climatistas.