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Why do American Jews vote against Israel?

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Posted By: Big Bopper, 11/16/2024 1:07:43 PM

For a hundred years, American Jews have overwhelmingly voted for the Democrat candidate. Franklin Roosevelt received about 80% of the Jewish vote each time. This dramatic tilt toward the Democrats continued up through the turn of the century, when they gave Al Gore about 79%. They gave Obama 78% in his first election, and even gave him 69% in his second – after Obama’s antipathy toward Israel became impossible to overlook. Some of this Jewish support for Democrats is understandable.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Aubreyesque 11/16/2024 1:11:24 PM (No. 1836298)
Y'all should really watch Rosanne Barr's channel on YouTube. She can give you a lot of reasons why they do what they do. Ive learned a lot from her.
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Reply 2 - Posted by: FLCracker 11/16/2024 1:28:18 PM (No. 1836309)
I think it is unthinking traditionalism. Grandpa and great-grandpa voted for the Democrats when they came to America, so that's just what their descendants do. The South was like this up to the Bush-Gore election, and the pundits couldn't get over the fact that Florida went for Bush, about 150 years of tradition right out the door.
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Reply 3 - Posted by: Italiano 11/16/2024 1:40:41 PM (No. 1836324)
Beats me. Why did Israelite Jews choose Barabbas?
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Reply 4 - Posted by: Dodge Boy 11/16/2024 1:42:56 PM (No. 1836327)
My next-door neighbors are in their mid-70s and are devout practicing Jewish worshippers. And they were all in for Trump on November 5th. Most of their relatives were killed by the nazis during WWII.
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Reply 5 - Posted by: Newtsche 11/16/2024 1:56:26 PM (No. 1836337)
Nationalism, any nationalism, is a threat to some, there is some historical precedence for that mentality. That's half an explanation, leading to alternative lines of thinking.
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Reply 6 - Posted by: JunkYardDog 11/16/2024 2:03:53 PM (No. 1836347)
I wish I could understand why so many American jews vote Democrat, given the presence of Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tliab, and other Democrats who say Israel is committing genocide in Gaza, an Administration that always wanted to pull back the leash whenever the IDF conducted operations against Hamas, and who fund the UN -> terrorists. A lt of them hate Trump with a passion, but they couldn't explain why without resorting to ad hominem attacks and casting aspersions. It's almost like they're brainwashed, completely conditioned to make decisions against their own best interests.
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Reply 7 - Posted by: Ketchuplover 11/16/2024 2:06:55 PM (No. 1836350)
I can understand that if you do not have a direct link or connection to Israel within the last generation or two, you're not that invested. My great-grandparents came from Germany and Norway. Should those nations come under attack, I'd feel empathy but not an emotional commitment to engage myself. I'm sorry the majority of American Jews do not support Republicans, let alone, Trump, but I can somewhat understand their lack of engagement.
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Reply 8 - Posted by: marbles 11/16/2024 2:19:40 PM (No. 1836356)
Many of the children of Jews that emigrated here grew up under FDR and to them he was a god.He was the president of their formative years during the depression and into WWII. Their children were/are the baby boomers that came of age in the 1960's when societal norms went nuts. Those kids went on to the universities and became the hate America first professors, Bill Ayres, Bernadine Dohrn etc. brainwashing generations of young Jews. Many of the Jews on the left are not aware of FDR's order to send back a ship of Jewish refugees from Germany. Not aware that FDR was in no hurry to bomb the rail lines to the concentration camps.
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Reply 9 - Posted by: Northcross 11/16/2024 2:23:20 PM (No. 1836359)
They have a deep resentment against the Jews who determined with great sacrifice to regain the Promised Land while they enjoyed the good life in America.
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Reply 10 - Posted by: NeonVortex 11/16/2024 7:21:37 PM (No. 1836539)
It's cultural. They live in the big cities and they thrive on guilt. The vast majority would throw their grandmother under a bus for a buck so they vote like Puerto Ricans to assuage their guilt.
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Reply 11 - Posted by: JimBob 11/16/2024 10:43:06 PM (No. 1836636)
From what I can see, a majority of American jews -at least the ones I hear about- are anti-Israel and anti-American Communists first, and jews as a far distant second. I have the impression that a large percentage of them go to fancy Universities where Left-wing beliefs -from Vietnam-era draft dodgers turned University instructors- relentlessly drill Communism into them for their entire time there. Do I have proof of this? No, just a belief that has kind of seeped into me from years of reading the news, and associating certain behaviors with mentions of various groups and people in news accounts over the decades. I offer the following list of jewish Leftist/Communist members of Congress that I recall taking prominent hard-Left -and as far as I am concerned, Anti American- positions on a large number of issues, influences that drove America away from the Land of Liberty and toward being a one-Party Totalitarian State. Adam Schiff, Jamie Raskin, Ron Klein, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Rahm Emanuel, Anthony Wiener, Jerry Nadler, Bernie Sanders, Barbara Boxer, Chuck Schumer, Barney Frank, Henry Waxman, Bella Abzug, Abraham Ribicoff,
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Reply 12 - Posted by: mifla 11/17/2024 9:39:32 AM (No. 1836837)
Same reason why some Catholics vote for abortion. Calling yourself a member of a religion is easy, practicing/embracing that religion takes a lot more effort.
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Why do American Jews vote against Israel? 12 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 11/16/2024 1:07:43 PM Post Reply
For a hundred years, American Jews have overwhelmingly voted for the Democrat candidate. Franklin Roosevelt received about 80% of the Jewish vote each time. This dramatic tilt toward the Democrats continued up through the turn of the century, when they gave Al Gore about 79%. They gave Obama 78% in his first election, and even gave him 69% in his second – after Obama’s antipathy toward Israel became impossible to overlook. Some of this Jewish support for Democrats is understandable.
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Posted by Big Bopper 11/10/2024 6:09:33 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Big Bopper 11/8/2024 4:31:41 PM Post Reply
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24 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 10/30/2024 5:42:42 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Big Bopper 10/27/2024 3:17:06 PM Post Reply
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10 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 10/22/2024 3:28:07 PM Post Reply
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6 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 10/16/2024 4:22:16 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Big Bopper 10/11/2024 1:56:58 PM Post Reply
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Posted by DW626 11/25/2024 6:33:08 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 11/25/2024 8:28:26 AM Post Reply
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