Trump’s Electrifying, World-Changing Victory
American Thinker,
Joan Swirsky
Original Article
Posted By: FlyRight,
11/7/2024 5:22:17 AM
It was exactly 1:38 A.M. today that Bret Baier on Fox News said that it was clear “that the next president of the United States of America would be Donald J. Trump.”
Not taking a micrometer of credit away from President Trump 47 and his epically tireless, passionate, often hilariously funny, and brave — in spite of three assassination attempts and then a fourth death threat — countrywide, night-after-night, week-after-week, month-after-month, year-after-year campaign.
Whoever coined the word “superhuman” had a person like Trump in mind!
But I have to give the lion’s share of the credit for President Trump’s decisive, stunning,
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
Krause 11/7/2024 6:19:58 AM (No. 1827902)
Trump will have to give a hearty shout-out to the democrat party and the left media for being over-the-top corrupt for the last 10 years. They turned off a lot of people. Many individuals could be named.
70 people like this.
Reply 2 - Posted by:
Strike3 11/7/2024 6:46:29 AM (No. 1827915)
THIS is the article of the day. Well written and the bold truth. The Trump victory was so solid because the Biden/Harris clown show was so pathetic and we could not afford to lose. We thank God for Donald Trump because any lesser man could not have done it.
91 people like this.
Reply 3 - Posted by:
privateer 11/7/2024 6:53:03 AM (No. 1827919)
I second that. This is a superb column! It is analytical, informative, uplifting, and...joyous! We are blessed.
53 people like this.
Reply 4 - Posted by:
Krause 11/7/2024 6:58:56 AM (No. 1827923)
Forgot to add the obnoxious self-important 'celebrities' in #1.
39 people like this.
Reply 5 - Posted by:
Venturer 11/7/2024 7:20:35 AM (No. 1827938)
Good article, it covered most of my thoughts.
31 people like this.
Reply 6 - Posted by:
Hazymac 11/7/2024 7:22:18 AM (No. 1827941)
It's so nice to be here today, unburdened by what has been. Kamala Harris ran a campaign that was basically communist because that's what she is, a commie. Unfortunately for the American nation, the Democrats have turned bolshy, and deserve forced retirement in large numbers. Socialiam and communism are not American ways.
56 people like this.
But for the grace of God, we could have had leaders that we deserved. Our behavior (collectively, as the UNITED STATES of AMERICA) has become appalling, leaning more and more toward an evil empire that the devil so desires. And when ordinary God-fearing Americans stand up and collectively say "Stop this Madness!" and turn back toward God and beg redemption, we are truly blessed as a nation. Please pray for continued blessings and graces, and pray for our nation and our new President, Donald J Trump. May he steer our nation to new levels of prosperity and hope.
God Bless us all!
69 people like this.
Reply 8 - Posted by:
Nashman 11/7/2024 9:03:55 AM (No. 1828037)
It did one other miraculous thing (Thank You Lord God), it rid us of Barry Sotero. Obama no longer has any sway with anyone. In fact, rumor is he’s left the country ahead of his exposure on many DIddy videos. Bye bye Barry…
48 people like this.
Reply 9 - Posted by:
hurricanegirl 11/7/2024 9:05:29 AM (No. 1828039)
Trump's going to have to do WAAAAAY more than just "give a hearty shout-out to the democrat party and the left for being over-the-top corrupt." The people who have broken the law need to suffer the consequences for their lawlessness.
If they don't, we'll be in MUCH worse shape in four more years!
37 people like this.
How refreshing the last two days have been! For the last 4 years I have come to Lucianne to get information that is not tainted by the leftist propaganda outfits that jokingly call themselves "news" sources. But I have also come here for solace during the dark and disappointing bidet reign.
Now I come here in celebration, and yes to gloat a bit as well. After the last four years, we have earned that right. Thanks to the many L.dotters our there who have helped me retain my sanity in trying times.
I have a flagpole in my front yard. After the (likely) stolen election of 2020, I pulled down the current 50 star national flag and have since flown a 13 star one as a symbol of rebellion and a struggle for freedom. I am happy to once again run our current national symbol up the pole where it belongs.
Pray for President Trump. He is still reviled by the hateful left, and they will no doubt try again the assassinate him in order to "save democracy".
39 people like this.
Reply 11 - Posted by:
DVC 11/7/2024 9:43:06 AM (No. 1828090)
Trump was protected from a bullet in Butler, and the country was protected from a 'bullet' in the election. God's hand in both, I feel.
We all need to pray more.
45 people like this.
Reply 12 - Posted by:
Zigrid 11/7/2024 9:48:34 AM (No. 1828098)
I think Greg Gutfeld last night summarized the situation with the fake news.....they are with social media at our finger tips...WE can get the news faster than any news print and the CNN and NBC...and the CBS reporters are behind the curve...the news is out there before they get their orders from the White House on what to say and's rather fun to watch as they struggle with the narrative that was suppose to set the stage....
19 people like this.
Reply 13 - Posted by:
oldmagnolia 11/7/2024 10:08:13 AM (No. 1828116)
To use a metaphor, November 5th was D Day. We landed in Normandy and conquered the beaches. Now we have work to do.
32 people like this.
Reply 14 - Posted by:
PrayerWarrior 11/7/2024 10:49:29 AM (No. 1828159)
Then sings my soul, my God to Thee, how great Thou art, how great Thou art....
Last night Dan Bongino emotionally played this video of those who sang this worship song after
victory Tuesday, November 5th. It made my heart sing! Thank you Lord for answering all of our prayers.
32 people like this.
Reply 15 - Posted by:
broken01 11/7/2024 12:25:25 PM (No. 1828221)
#14 my beloved maternal grandfather (who I called Pop Pop) could sing his hind parts off. He often told me and his other grandkids that's how he won over grandma. That was his favorite hymn, and my cousin sang it at his funeral 3 decades ago. It's like the author got into my mind via Professor X's powers because she wrote down everything I've felt since The Don came down that escalator in the summer of 2015. As I did in 2016 and 2020 it was an all-nighter on Election Day. Especially because of what happened four years ago. Now I and many of PDJT's other supporters can celebrate the fact that he's back where he belongs.
18 people like this.
Reply 16 - Posted by:
udanja99 11/7/2024 12:33:30 PM (No. 1828226)
Informative explanatory article, but I still have a question which hasn’t been addressed..
What happened to the riots?
14 people like this.
Reply 17 - Posted by:
chagrined 11/7/2024 1:10:08 PM (No. 1828261)
Well, poster #16 there has only been a little bit of rioting, maybe in Portland. I think the Demonrats are in shock, but they will recover. Never fear, there will be a whole host of events which they can loose their minions upon the nation, okay big cities. President Trump's Inauguration comes to mind. I wouldn't be surprised if they tried to ruin some peoples Thanksgiving or Christmas either! Hopefully it doesn't happen, but I'm not holding my breath.
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
leonardo 11/7/2024 1:31:23 PM (No. 1828277)
It’s was all about TRUST. Biden and Harris showed Americans that they had NO SOLUTION for Democrat-created open borders, inflation and crime … and that Democrats didn’t much CARE. There are still enough people (for now) left in America who actually care about these things and so a Harris loss was assured.
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
crashnburn 11/7/2024 2:47:11 PM (No. 1828351)
I actually think we will be better off in the long run having the DemonRats steal the 2020 election. The DemonRat agenda has been completely revealed and repudiated. JD Vance will be a much better VP than Judas Pence. President Trump knows where all the bodies are buried (virtually) and this time around he won't be shy about virtually burying a few more.
JD Vance has experience as a US Senator, so he'll be a lot more effective as Senate President than QueMALA Sutra ever hoped to be.
I could go on, but will close with JD will have 4 years of experience and will make a great Republican Presidential candidate in 2028.
8 people like this.
Reply 20 - Posted by:
3XALADY 11/7/2024 5:28:49 PM (No. 1828485)
I share with you the joy of the election win, but I almost can't wrap my head around the fact that the numbers were so close. Were any of Commie-la's numbers from bogus ballots?
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Reply 21 - Posted by:
HisHandmaiden 11/7/2024 7:35:24 PM (No. 1828579)
Amen, #14, and Mark Levin played the ‘Battle Hymn of the Republic’!
Onward and Upward, Praying Patriots🙏🇺🇸🇮🇱
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Reply 22 - Posted by:
Harlowe 11/8/2024 12:27:23 AM (No. 1828774)
#16,#17~ “What happened to the riots?” / That is a concern/question raised by a variety of some “social media” pundit tweets mentioned in an article posted earlier today at another conservative website that suggests “something’s up” due to the “eerie, calm, quiet” reaction thus far and the speculation is that “something” is yet to come—something significant to prevent President-elect Trump from becoming President Trump. One of the possibilities suggested is President Trump being sent to “prison after being found ‘guilty’ on November 26th of all 34 counts of his bogus hush money trial.” Following that, getting “Antifa and migrants” to initiate a riot disguised as Trump supporters and use the 14th Amendment banning “those who ‘engaged in insurrection’ against the United States from holding any civil, military, or elected office without the approval of two-thirds of the House and Senate.” Real Trump supporters are being urged to not take the bait and react to what may happen on the streets or online. Another possibility suggested is “creating chaos via a Civil War.” These next three months are of concern to many “in the know” as well as to Trump-supporters.
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