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The EV Graveyard

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Posted By: RockyTCB, 9/24/2024 9:56:23 AM

Last week, the House approved a resolution to block the Biden administration’s emissions rule that would require more than half of the automobiles sold in the new-car market to be electric by 2032. The 215 representatives who voted for the bill, including eight Democrats, are far more in tune with most of the country than the White House. The “deplorables” and “bitter” clingers of the industrialized world are rejecting electric vehicles. Nationwide, the inventory of unsold EVs had grown by nearly 350% over the first half of 2024, creating “a 92-day supply — roughly three months’ worth of EVs, and nearly twice the industry average,” says Axios,

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Reply 1 - Posted by: LC Chihuahua 9/24/2024 10:23:35 AM (No. 1801294)
Knew they weren't serios when they created only 7 charging stations with the 15 billion dollars that were allocated. Wait until they ask for more money. Saving the planet? Nah. This is just a boondoggle for our government and their supporters.
23 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: mc squared 9/24/2024 10:28:35 AM (No. 1801304)
I'll wait for my portion of the 15 billion to be returned. They have my address.
18 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: jalo1951 9/24/2024 10:37:02 AM (No. 1801308)
The supporters? Follow the money. Somehow they are getting rich or thinking they will get rich if this asshat skeem goes through. There will come a time when this makes sense. When the problems are totally worked out or at least are a minimal inconvenience it might actually work. That time is not now. It will take years of study and development and revision. We need to be an "all of the above" energy country. This rush to alternative energy sources was willie nillie. Put the brakes on and think this through. We did not go from Kitty Hawk to the moon overnight. We need to be good stewards but too much foolish nonsense about going back to the creek to wash laundry and kitchen communes.
10 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: seamusm 9/24/2024 10:48:05 AM (No. 1801314)
EV is as much an insider scam as solar power was under Obama. And how much money did that lose the taxpayers as when Solyndra went bankrupt despite millions of our money?
22 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: LC Chihuahua 9/24/2024 10:52:36 AM (No. 1801315)
Some supporters are more important than others. Kind of like Animal Farm. The number of supporters benefiting from Green is very small. The rest of their supporters believe they are Saving the Planet (useful idiots).
17 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Strike3 9/24/2024 11:03:46 AM (No. 1801324)
The EV mandate was a half-baked idea and arrived DOA, just another wasteful Green scam. When the government has to heavily subsidize something, you know it's not a good idea right from the start. Suffer, you fools who bought into this idiocy.
17 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: DVC 9/24/2024 11:13:22 AM (No. 1801330)
The title brings up a real issue, which is how in hell do you get rid of one of these rolling environmental and economic disasters? How much will you have to pay to get rid of one with a crapped out battery? $10,000 to haul it away?
17 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: MickTurn 9/24/2024 12:32:59 PM (No. 1801389)
EV...Extra Volatile. That is why they catch on fire at RANDOM. Just what every Politician needs in the Garage next to their Bedroom!
8 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: HPmatt 9/24/2024 12:36:13 PM (No. 1801393)
Great Speaker Johnson! Has the Senate appoved this? No? But they approved the Spending bill until......the Lame Duck Session starts?? So then you can Fill Up 2025 with TRILLIONS of pork on the Federal Debt! YEAH TEAM!! So Serious in DC.
8 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: JHHolliday 9/24/2024 2:40:41 PM (No. 1801455)
Given current technology, EVs are not practical nor do they do anything to "save the planet". Maybe in the future, not now. The EV manufacturers alsos also eliminate a lot of potential buyers....old people like me who don't want the hassle..expensive home chargers (higher electric bills), limited mileage, finding chargers etc etc. You also have the fire hazard. I have a friend who has a Chevy (Bolt or Volt? That thing is not much bigger than a golf cart and a serious accident in it will leave him crippled or dead.
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Beyond ‘Defining’ To Shining: 5 Ways
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Posted by RockyTCB 10/2/2024 9:24:07 AM Post Reply
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Posted by RockyTCB 9/30/2024 8:32:00 AM Post Reply
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The Democrats’ Joy Of Hating America 5 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 9/27/2024 9:34:05 AM Post Reply
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Kamala’s Project 2025 — Talk About Scary 1 reply
Posted by RockyTCB 9/26/2024 3:50:14 PM Post Reply
After being beaten over the head for months by Democrats about “Project 2025” – about which the left has mounted an unprecedented disinformation campaign – Donald Trump has finally figured out how to respond. And it’s a doozy. Up until now, all Trump would say about Project 2025 is that he didn’t know anything about it. That left the door open for Democrats to say whatever they wanted about that effort and claim it’s a Trump plan. Project 2025 was never a Trump plan. The book Democrats keep parading around is called “Mandate for Leadership,” which the conservative Heritage Foundation has published every four years since 1980.
That Wasn’t An Interview. It Was A Campaign Rally 6 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 9/26/2024 9:41:49 AM Post Reply
In a long, arduous career in PR, this commentator approached one task with all the enthusiasm of cleaning latrines for ten battalions. Interacting with the media. Why? Because real reporters’ obsession is gettin’ ya in a “gotcha.” Pushing, prodding, twisting words out of context, and generally making nuisances of themselves. Especially hard-bitten, cynical, and largely antagonistic business journalists. Ah, that word. Journalist. A concept sorely lacking in the “interview” of Kamala Harris by MSNBC/NBC’s Stephanie Ruhle.
Kamala Harris Makes Dan Quayle Look Like
A Superhero
7 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 9/26/2024 9:18:30 AM Post Reply
If you want an idea of just how inept Kamala Harris has been as vice president, measure her against former Vice President Dan Quayle – the guy that the left universally berated as a pampered half-wit. That characterization of Quayle was completely unfair. But when it comes to Harris, well, you be the judge. Quayle’s approval ratings were, like Harris’, in the basement when he was VP. There was constant chatter among Republicans that George H.W. Bush should dump him. Few thought he was qualified to be president. Both he and Harris had privileged backgrounds and got a start on their careers more through connections than talent. But the similarities end there.
Should Biden Stay? 42% Say He Should Leave
Office Before His Term Ends: I&I/TIPP Poll
25 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 9/25/2024 9:03:36 AM Post Reply
Does the United States of America have a functioning president right now? That question isn’t meant to be provocative. Members of both major parties have noted that President Joe Biden seems to have gone AWOL from his official duties as the nation’s executive in chief. A large chunk of voters agree, saying they want Biden to leave office right away. In August’s I&I/TIPP Poll of 1,488 registered voters, taken from July 31-Aug. 2, shortly after the Democratic Party forced Biden to step down as his party’s candidate, we asked voters the following question: “Which of the following do you believe is in the best interest of the country?” \
The EV Graveyard 10 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 9/24/2024 9:56:23 AM Post Reply
Last week, the House approved a resolution to block the Biden administration’s emissions rule that would require more than half of the automobiles sold in the new-car market to be electric by 2032. The 215 representatives who voted for the bill, including eight Democrats, are far more in tune with most of the country than the White House. The “deplorables” and “bitter” clingers of the industrialized world are rejecting electric vehicles. Nationwide, the inventory of unsold EVs had grown by nearly 350% over the first half of 2024, creating “a 92-day supply — roughly three months’ worth of EVs, and nearly twice the industry average,” says Axios,
Call It Greenflation — And Kamala Wants
More Of It
4 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 9/23/2024 10:44:33 AM Post Reply
For families struggling to make ends meet, Kamala Harris claims she has a plan to lower energy costs. What she will deliver is more pain. Just ask anyone paying energy bills in a state her party controls. On Harris’ campaign website, she pays lip service to reducing energy costs, but then rattles off a long list of plans to tackle the “climate crisis.” We already know you can’t have one with the other. At a congressional hearing last week, members of the House Budget Committee heard from witnesses about how Biden-Harris policies have fueled today’s energy crisis.
Trump Didn’t Start The Fire 3 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 9/19/2024 9:19:18 AM Post Reply
For the second time in as many months, an assassin targeted Donald Trump, and the left blamed … Donald Trump. It’s his violent rhetoric, you see, that is poisoning the body politic and causing everyone to go crazy. Or something like that. Never mind that the second would-be assassin, Ryan Routh, had written a book in which he called on Iran to assassinate Trump, gave money to Democrats, and posted on X in April using the exact same language Democrats have been pushing for years – “DEMOCRACY is on the ballot and we cannot lose. We cannot afford to fail. The world is counting on us to show the way.” David Frum,
Harris Holds Slim Lead On Trump, But Dem
Voters See Own Party As ‘Undemocratic’:
16 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 9/18/2024 9:25:23 AM Post Reply
Much of the noise coming from the debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris last week had to do with a media-driven narrative that Harris “won.” Maybe so. In initial polls after the debate, Harris padded her lead. But will the debate win be enough for the Democrats’ own rank-and-file voters, who believe the party used an undemocratic method to select its nominee? September’s I&I/TIPP Poll suggests the answer is yes. Start with the fact that the Real Clear Politics polling average puts Harris up just 1.7 percentage points nationally, and a sliver-thin 0.2 percentage points in key battleground states.
The Media’s Criminal Misreporting on Crime 9 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 9/17/2024 8:43:34 AM Post Reply
"President Trump, as you know, the FBI says overall violent crime is coming down in this country.” That was ABC News’ David Muir “fact checking” Donald Trump during his debate with Kamala Harris. Two days later, the Bureau of Justice Statistics released the results of its national crime victimization survey, which showed that the number of victims of violent crime was 41% higher in 2023 than in 2020. There were almost 170,000 more rapes, 300,000 more robberies, 1.4 million more assaults, 300,000 more claims of domestic violence, and almost 400,000 more crimes with a violent weapon.
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Jimmy Carter turns 100 36 replies
Posted by Beardo 10/1/2024 9:05:40 AM Post Reply
Jimmy Carter has accomplished something no other former U.S. president has — he notched a 100th birthday. (snip) The proud Democrat, who has grown increasingly weaker in recent months, has told relatives he wants to hang on until Oct. 15, when early voting begins in Georgia, so he can cast his ballot in the 2024 presidential election. “I’m only trying to make it to vote for Kamala Harris,” Carter said, his grandson, Jason Carter, told The Atlanta Constitution.
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27 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 10/1/2024 12:37:30 AM Post Reply
PHILADELPHIA — Dockworkers at ports from Maine to Texas began walking picket lines early Tuesday in a strike over wages and automation that could reignite inflation and cause shortages of goods if it goes on more than a few weeks. The contract between the ports and about 45,000 members of the International Longshoremen’s Association expired at midnight, and even though progress was reported in talks on Monday, the workers went on strike. The strike affecting 36 ports is the first by the union since 1977. Workers began picketing at the Port of Philadelphia shortly after midnight, walking in a circle
Biden/Harris Commerce Secretary When Asked
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‘I Have Not Been Very Focused on That’ (Video)
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Posted by Imright 10/1/2024 8:23:13 AM Post Reply
Gina Raimondo, the Biden/Harris commerce secretary, was recently asked on CNBC about the impending port worker strike and declared that she has not been focused on that. What exactly does this woman do all day, other than campaign for Kamala Harris? Raimondo was in the news last week for suggesting that Democrats should ‘extinguish’ Donald Trump. She also has a track record of being shockingly unfamiliar with issues that are directly related to her job. Financial experts are warning that this strike could cost the U.S. billions of dollars a day and severely slow the transport of goods across the country.
Ridiculous ‘fact check’ of a true
statement during CBS debate
16 replies
Posted by Imright 10/1/2024 11:31:05 PM Post Reply
JD Vance was accurately describing the migrant crisis fueled by Kamala Harris and Joe Biden when CBS moderator Margaret Brennan decided to insert herself with a “fact check.” “Just to clarify for our viewers, Springfield, Ohio does have a large number of Haitian migrants who have legal status,” she said smugly. Vance was rightly annoyed by the interruption and said, “The rules were that you guys weren’t going to fact check, and since you’re fact checking me, I think it’s important to say what’s actually going on.”
Non-citizen cop can now arrest you in
Walz’s Minnesota
15 replies
Posted by DW626 10/1/2024 12:12:20 PM Post Reply
We give our police officers extreme power. We provide them with the right to arrest us before we are convicted in court or even indicted by a Grand Jury. We give them guns and qualified immunity to use those firearms. Now, in Tim Walz’s Minnesota, a non-citizen Muslim from Somalia has all those special rights. I’ll assume Somali-native Officer Lesly Vera is a good woman. Now 23, she emigrated legally when she was four. Although she has been here for 19 years, we wonder how much of America she really understands, and respects.
Jimmy Carter wheeled out to watch military
flyover in Georgia as he celebrates 100th
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Posted by zephyrgirl 10/2/2024 8:25:05 AM Post Reply
Despite his grandson saying he was 'limited' as he turned 100, Jimmy Carter spent his birthday in the sunshine enjoying a military flyover at his Georgia home. Carter - the first American president to reach the century mark - was able to watch a flyover of four F-18 jets and several vintage planes that graced the skies over Plains, Georgia as part of the town's celebrations, per CBS News.
Dominion and Georgia Face Heat in Court 14 replies
Posted by FlyRight 10/1/2024 4:37:36 AM Post Reply
Questions raised about Dominion voting machines finally got the best form of sunlight today – sworn testimony in open court subject to cross-examination. Election security experts Clay Parikh and Ben Cotton testified in Fulton County (Atlanta) Superior Court today. They testified that they were able to identify the master encryption passwords stored in plain text and unsecured on the databases housed in Dominion voting machines. They further testified that basic security protocols call for these passwords to be kept separate and secret so that only authorized persons can access them.
Iran has tried to avoid conflict with
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13 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 10/1/2024 4:59:39 AM Post Reply
Last week, Iran’s leaders found themselves in a familiar position. The Israeli airstrike that killed Hezbollah’s leader, Hassan Nasrallah, was the latest in a series of assassinations of senior figures with ties to the regime. In a short statement eulogising Nasrallah, Iran’s supreme leader, Ali Khamenei, declared that Israel had “not become victorious” by carrying out the strike on Nasrallah, which he described as an “atrocity”. Khamenei insisted that Israel would face “more crushing” blows in retribution. But those blows are to come from the groups of the “resistance front” and not from Iran itself.
Tim Walz staggered by cool JD Vance, admits
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12 replies
Posted by Imright 10/2/2024 6:25:34 AM Post Reply
Minnesota Democratic Gov. Tim Walz stunned watchers of Tuesday night’s vice presidential debate as he nervously fidgeted, frowned and even called himself a “knucklehead” — while his Republican counterpart, Sen. JD Vance of Ohio, gave a steady and lawyerly presentation and was widely seen as the victor. The largely good-natured forum, hosted by CBS News, featured the two candidates agreeing with each other repeatedly and expressing warm personal sentiments — avoiding the blistering personal attacks that were part of both presidential debates earlier this year. Walz, 60, who has honed a folksy demeanor on the campaign trail, was noticeably nervous and misspoke repeatedly as he wrung his hands, took frantic notes,
Malik Obama says half-brother Barack is
‘still running the country’ — and
warns he would have ‘a big role to play’
in Harris presidency
12 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 10/1/2024 9:18:12 PM Post Reply
Abon’go Malik Obama believes his half-brother former President Barack Obama is “still running the country” — and would have “a big role to play” if Vice President Kamala Harris wins the 2024 election. Malik — who was best man at Barack’s wedding but has since parted ways with the 44th president — told The Post that his relative made “everything flip” in July, when he swapped out President Biden for Harris as the Democratic nominee, without a single primary vote being cast. “Definitely he had something to do with it. … He’s still running the Democratic Party, and he’s still running the country behind closed doors,” he said of his estranged half-brother.
Iran readying 'imminent' ballistic missile
attack against Israel, U.S. official tells
NBC News
12 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 10/1/2024 10:51:50 AM Post Reply
The United States has seen indications that Iran is preparing to "imminently" launch a ballistic missile attack on Israel on the heels of Israel's ground incursion into south Lebanon, a senior White House official told NBC News on Tuesday, The White House official warned that any direct attack on Israel by Iran "will carry severe consequences for Iran." "We are actively supporting defensive preparations to defend Israel against this attack," the official said. The U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem directed all U.S. government employees and their families in Israel to "shelter in place until further notice."
Federal Judge dismisses nursing home COVID
death case against former New York Gov.
Andrew Cuomo
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Posted by 4250Luis 10/1/2024 2:57:35 AM Post Reply
A federal judge on Monday dismissed a lawsuit against former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo over his handling of nursing home deaths during the COVID-19 pandemic. New York families with relatives who died from COVID-19 in nursing homes filed the lawsuit in early 2022, accusing Cuomo’s administration of undercounting fatalities "During the last four years, the debate over COVID in nursing homes has been weaponized, distorted and contorted beyond recognition by those using this situation for their own politics," Cuomo spokesman Rich Azzopardi said in a statement to Fox News. "However, anytime this gets taken out of the political arena, the truth wins.
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