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Jimmy Carter turns 100

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Posted By: Beardo, 10/1/2024 9:05:40 AM

Jimmy Carter has accomplished something no other former U.S. president has — he notched a 100th birthday. (snip) The proud Democrat, who has grown increasingly weaker in recent months, has told relatives he wants to hang on until Oct. 15, when early voting begins in Georgia, so he can cast his ballot in the 2024 presidential election. “I’m only trying to make it to vote for Kamala Harris,” Carter said, his grandson, Jason Carter, told The Atlanta Constitution.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: seamusm 10/1/2024 9:11:28 AM (No. 1805419)
Stop worrying, Jimmy. Alive or dead, someone will make sure you vote - at LEAST once. It may already be true.
43 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: hershey 10/1/2024 9:11:44 AM (No. 1805420)
I'm 83 and I'm trying to make it to vote for Trump...unless I die, then it'll probably be democrat....
31 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: john56 10/1/2024 9:15:24 AM (No. 1805424)
Well, happy birthday President Carter. 100, even infirm, is a goal most of us aren't going to see. Assuming you still have your mind and communicate abilities, I wish you more years before you go to see your wife, parents, and others in Heaven. But if the only thing keeping you alive is to vote on Oct 15, well, don't worry. Democrats have dead voters all the time.
17 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Californian 10/1/2024 9:18:53 AM (No. 1805427)
Happy Birthday to the father of modern middle eastern terrorism! Only the good die young.
60 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: BeatleJeff 10/1/2024 9:23:07 AM (No. 1805429)
I visited the Carter Library a couple of weeks ago. Having been a teenager during his administration, I have vivid memories of that time period, and I will say the curators did a good job of trying to make his administration look better than I remember it being. Decent man way in over his head and a much better ex-President than actual POTUS.
23 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: 3XALADY 10/1/2024 9:23:57 AM (No. 1805430)
A hospice user for 1-1/2 years. Who else would get by with that?
24 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Quigley 10/1/2024 9:24:46 AM (No. 1805432)
Jimmy, Jimmy, don't worry, Big Bidet has already ensured your place as Second Worst President- you're not the worst! You made it! But yet you feel you need the Kamel A Hairass insurance policy .... or maybe you're just anxious to notch up to Third Worst President?
25 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: FunOne 10/1/2024 9:35:21 AM (No. 1805443)
I agree with poster #5 in that Carter was a better past president than actual White House resident. His administration was a total cluster mess--couldn't get anything right. His failure to support our best friend in the Gulf Region, the Shah of Iran, led to decades of continued war and unrest in that part of the world. How much better the USA would have been had Jimmy gone from high school straight to building homes for the Habitat for Humanity organization, and avoided all government employment.
25 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Amanoftwistsandturns 10/1/2024 9:37:19 AM (No. 1805445)
Our 3rd Worst President behind the 2 JB’s from Pennsylvania.
7 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: Amanoftwistsandturns 10/1/2024 9:40:18 AM (No. 1805448)
He was a terrible past president. Never missed the opportunity to talk down America on the global stage. He was a petty politician and behind the image a petty and envious man.
36 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: jkb 10/1/2024 9:43:20 AM (No. 1805453)
As if his legacy wasn't bad enough, his final political misstep is to vote for Kommie Kamala. God have mercy on his soul.
20 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: Italiano 10/1/2024 9:47:58 AM (No. 1805460)
What's the over-and-under on the number of "he was a bad President but a good man" BS posts?
13 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: cartcart 10/1/2024 10:05:22 AM (No. 1805473)
I didn’t know Jimmy Carter was in favor of abortion. It seems odd that he would vote for anyone that is. Think of all those unborn that never go to see their first birthday while he celebrates his 100th. Life is good, Jimmy.
18 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: Safari Man 10/1/2024 10:09:28 AM (No. 1805475)
Only the good die young Dimocrats of his ilk have made it so I have no interest in living so long.
7 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: Older Lady 10/1/2024 10:18:48 AM (No. 1805481)
I am 87 years old and Jimmy Carter was the worst president of the United States in my lifetime. Then along came Obama and knocked Jimmy to 2nd worst. Joe Biden has knocked Jimmy down to 3rd worst. That's far enough. Kamala Harris becoming president is the worst thing that could possibly happen to this country. She won't own up to her extreme liberal views but if she becomes president, they will all show up then. I really don't think she is a smart person (putting it kindly) and she proves it every time she opens her mouth. I have never understood how Jimmy Carter could support abortion considering that he was supposed to be such a Christian man and very active in his church. Killing babies in the womb and Christianity just don't go together.
31 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: DVC 10/1/2024 10:24:48 AM (No. 1805483)
Second worst president becomes the longest living. Only the good die young.
10 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: Mizz Fixxit 10/1/2024 10:28:43 AM (No. 1805485)
He was a weak president. There is nothing to like about Carter.
17 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: thefield 10/1/2024 10:48:57 AM (No. 1805495)
I believe Jimmy the Peanut was (is) a registered pastor. by supporting abortions he is supporting killing babies.
14 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: WV.Hillbilly 10/1/2024 10:49:33 AM (No. 1805496)
A real shame.
4 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: Ida Lou Pino 10/1/2024 10:55:50 AM (No. 1805500)
The Shah of Iran was 100% pro-western. He did his best to tamp down radical islam terrorism - - and bring his country into the 20th century. But Jimmuh took the side of the radical commie leftists - - and stabbed the Shah in the back - - opening the way for the past 45 years of terrorism. Pfooey on you, Jimmuh - - you get not a drop of admiration or sympathy from me!
21 people like this.

Reply 21 - Posted by: earlybird 10/1/2024 10:56:11 AM (No. 1805502)
Dittos to #10.
7 people like this.

Reply 22 - Posted by: snapper451 10/1/2024 11:06:05 AM (No. 1805506)
Jimmy is past his expiration date. They have probably had him vote multiple times already. Thanks to Biden, the 2nd worst president of all time.
5 people like this.

Reply 23 - Posted by: Dodge Boy 10/1/2024 11:14:52 AM (No. 1805515)
Sounds like Jimmah plans to expire later this month.
4 people like this.

Reply 24 - Posted by: paral04 10/1/2024 11:17:57 AM (No. 1805518)
His mental acumen was absent when he was president. One an not expect it to get better at the age of 100.
6 people like this.

Reply 25 - Posted by: stablemoney 10/1/2024 11:22:04 AM (No. 1805527)
I wonder if they could have pulled some SS protection from Jimmy's nursing home detail to protect Trump.
7 people like this.

Reply 26 - Posted by: bpl40 10/1/2024 11:24:35 AM (No. 1805532)
He is third worst because of the Kenyan and Joe Dementia. Should thank them every birthday.
5 people like this.

Reply 27 - Posted by: sanspeur 10/1/2024 11:45:08 AM (No. 1805548)
A big bad bunny wabbit says he’s sorry he missed.
7 people like this.

Reply 28 - Posted by: broken01 10/1/2024 12:00:48 PM (No. 1805555)
You can vote for whomever you wish Jimmy just remember one thing before you go. Like President Ronald Wilson Reagan did for you in cleaning up your mess. President Donald John Trump will clean up Sloppy Joe's.
7 people like this.

Reply 29 - Posted by: pensom2 10/1/2024 12:17:35 PM (No. 1805560)
Third worst POTUS, after Obie & Biden. But a great friend and fan of Fidel Castro. When he finally kicks the bucket, I may honor him by turning off my Christmas tree lights for a minute or two.
2 people like this.

Reply 30 - Posted by: Highlander 10/1/2024 12:47:36 PM (No. 1805575)
He certainly broke a record for being the longest-living old liberal fool.
6 people like this.

Reply 31 - Posted by: bighambone 10/1/2024 1:05:51 PM (No. 1805584)
Jimmy, keep munching down on peanuts to stay above the daisies!
1 person likes this.

Reply 32 - Posted by: lynngirl122 10/1/2024 1:17:55 PM (No. 1805594)
Hope I'm loong dead before this.
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Reply 33 - Posted by: Strike3 10/1/2024 2:32:09 PM (No. 1805623)
Morons supporting morons. They never become old enough to learn. In a comparison based on damage to America, I would consider Jimmy third worst behind Doorknob Hussein. Biden will not be removed from first place unless Harris is somehow elected so it's a moving hierarchy.
2 people like this.

Reply 34 - Posted by: crashnburn 10/1/2024 5:00:34 PM (No. 1805682)
#6) Thanks to Fraud-Chi's fake Covid vaxx, my wife was on hospice for 14 months before she died. It probably would have been longer if she'd been diagnosed with CJD earlier. She got the CJD, think dementia on steroids from her second Moderna jab. There's no place in He11 hot enough for Fraud-Chi, Dr, Scarf, and their minions, including all the doctors who pushed the fake vaxx!
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Reply 35 - Posted by: TXknitter 10/1/2024 5:46:05 PM (No. 1805702)
I agree #10. It is far better to tell the truth than sugarcoat things. My thought is, that as Carter is soon to meet Jesus, to remember he will be accountable for that vote he casts before a righteous God.
2 people like this.

Reply 36 - Posted by: PostAway 10/1/2024 6:16:08 PM (No. 1805726)
The slobbering fossil Carter would make a better President than Biden or Harris but even in his day he was a complete horse’s ass.
2 people like this.

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Jimmy Carter turns 100 36 replies
Posted by Beardo 10/1/2024 9:05:40 AM Post Reply
Jimmy Carter has accomplished something no other former U.S. president has — he notched a 100th birthday. (snip) The proud Democrat, who has grown increasingly weaker in recent months, has told relatives he wants to hang on until Oct. 15, when early voting begins in Georgia, so he can cast his ballot in the 2024 presidential election. “I’m only trying to make it to vote for Kamala Harris,” Carter said, his grandson, Jason Carter, told The Atlanta Constitution.
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Posted by Beardo 9/26/2024 9:55:47 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Beardo 9/26/2024 1:00:18 PM Post Reply
New York City Schools Chancellor David Banks announced Wednesday that he will be retiring Dec. 31. Federal agents raided the home of the 62-year-old chancellor, who helms the largest school system in the country, on Sept. 4, CBS News reported. Authorities reportedly seized his phones. Officials claimed that Banks already decided to retire prior to the raid. “I am confirming that I am cooperating with a federal inquiry. At this time, I cannot comment any further on that matter,” Banks said of the federal probe, reported.
Janet Jackson's Response to Fury Over
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Posted by Beardo 9/24/2024 8:21:21 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Beardo 9/23/2024 9:23:00 PM Post Reply
Jena Griswold, Colorado’s rabidly leftist Secretary of State who will forever be known for her anti-democratic drive to knock former President Donald Trump off the ballot, has suffered another election law loss in federal court. The U.S. District Court for the Colorado District last week issued an order demanding the Democrat secretary of state release Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC) reports suspected of containing dead registrants on the state’s voter rolls. The reports, according to a settlement, include individuals who may have died within the past three years. It’s another significant election integrity victory for the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF),
JUST IN: Former NYC Mayor De Blasio’s
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12 replies
Posted by Beardo 9/19/2024 1:10:08 PM Post Reply
New York City, with a population of over 8.8 million, had some of the most iron-fisted COVID lockdown policies in America. While the ridiculous, unscientific COVID policies in America’s largest city, which is run almost exclusively by Democrats, were destroying businesses and lives, the person in charge of setting those policies was hosting private sex parties with his wife on Wall Street. In an undercover meeting with a reporter working for Steven Crowder’s popular Mug Club show, Dr. Jay Varma, the former Socialist Mayor Bill De Blasio’s COVID Czar for NYC, was caught revealing stunning details about how he ignored the mandates he pushed on citizens,
Trump After 2nd Assassination Attempt:
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Posted by Beardo 9/18/2024 11:53:04 AM Post Reply
Former President Donald Trump said, “There’s something going on, perhaps it’s God,” one day after surviving a second assassination attempt within the span of two months. “There’s something going on, perhaps it’s God wanting me to be president to save this country,” Trump quipped in a Monday night X Space. “Nobody knows.”
Scientific American Endorses Kamala Harris,
Marking Only 2nd Presidential Endorsement
in 179 Years
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Posted by Beardo 9/18/2024 12:43:03 AM Post Reply
In a historic move, Scientific American magazine has endorsed Democrat Vice President Kamala Harris for president — after having made its then-sole exception by endorsing Joe Biden in 2020 — citing science, healthcare, abortion, gun rights, technology, and climate action as key reasons. On Monday, Scientific American, one of the oldest and most respected science publications in the U.S., made headlines by endorsing Kamala Harris for president. “Vote for Kamala Harris to Support Science, Health and the Environment,” the publication advocated.
FBI Agent Investigating Second Assassination
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12 replies
Posted by Beardo 9/17/2024 11:42:29 AM Post Reply
When FBI Special Agent Jeffrey Veltri addressed a room of reporters Sunday, he presented himself as a disinterested investigator in the second attempt on former President Donald Trump’s life. But Veltri was known at the FBI to be “adamantly and vocally anti-Trump,” according to a whistleblower account reported by The Washington Times. (snip) “It was well known that Veltri was adamantly and vocally anti-Trump,” the whistleblower said in a disclosure, reported by the Times. FBI Director Christopher Wray, Deputy Director Paul Abbate, and Executive Assistant Director of Human Resources Jennifer Moore were all allegedly involved in telling Veltri to whitewash his online posts.
Pope Francis draws criticism for saying
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14 replies
Posted by Beardo 9/16/2024 6:41:01 PM Post Reply
Pope Francis has ruffled the feathers of some religious leaders in the United States by saying that all religions provide a path to God. Francis delivered the spontaneous remark late last week during an interfaith gathering with young people at a Catholic institution in Singapore, according to The Christian Post. He went off-script from his prepared speech, emphasizing that different faiths serve as “languages” leading to the same divine truth. “There’s only one God, and each of us has a language to arrive at God,” Francis said, as reported by the Catholic news website Crux Now. “Some are Sheik, Muslim, Hindu, Christian, and they are different paths [to God].”
Navy launches USS New Jersey, first US
submarine built for both genders
26 replies
Posted by Beardo 9/16/2024 4:18:03 PM Post Reply
The U.S. Navy commissioned a new submarine on Saturday, the first vessel in its fleet designed to fully integrate male and female sailors. (snip) The USS New Jersey was designed for two genders from the outset with accommodations like increased privacy in washrooms and sleeping areas, Vice Admiral Robert Gaucher, commander of Submarine Forces Atlantic, told Access to top bunks and overhead valves were also designed with the height, reach and strength of women in mind. The nuclear-powered submarine was unofficially nicknamed "Jersey Girl," and its interior spaces decorated with posters and memorabilia representing the state, including a guitar signed by Jon Bon Jovi, the news outlet reported.
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Jimmy Carter turns 100 36 replies
Posted by Beardo 10/1/2024 9:05:40 AM Post Reply
Jimmy Carter has accomplished something no other former U.S. president has — he notched a 100th birthday. (snip) The proud Democrat, who has grown increasingly weaker in recent months, has told relatives he wants to hang on until Oct. 15, when early voting begins in Georgia, so he can cast his ballot in the 2024 presidential election. “I’m only trying to make it to vote for Kamala Harris,” Carter said, his grandson, Jason Carter, told The Atlanta Constitution.
Dockworkers at ports from Maine to Texas
go on strike, a standoff risking new shortages
27 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 10/1/2024 12:37:30 AM Post Reply
PHILADELPHIA — Dockworkers at ports from Maine to Texas began walking picket lines early Tuesday in a strike over wages and automation that could reignite inflation and cause shortages of goods if it goes on more than a few weeks. The contract between the ports and about 45,000 members of the International Longshoremen’s Association expired at midnight, and even though progress was reported in talks on Monday, the workers went on strike. The strike affecting 36 ports is the first by the union since 1977. Workers began picketing at the Port of Philadelphia shortly after midnight, walking in a circle
Ridiculous ‘fact check’ of a true
statement during CBS debate
21 replies
Posted by Imright 10/1/2024 11:31:05 PM Post Reply
JD Vance was accurately describing the migrant crisis fueled by Kamala Harris and Joe Biden when CBS moderator Margaret Brennan decided to insert herself with a “fact check.” “Just to clarify for our viewers, Springfield, Ohio does have a large number of Haitian migrants who have legal status,” she said smugly. Vance was rightly annoyed by the interruption and said, “The rules were that you guys weren’t going to fact check, and since you’re fact checking me, I think it’s important to say what’s actually going on.”
Jimmy Carter wheeled out to watch military
flyover in Georgia as he celebrates 100th
birthday with friends and family
20 replies
Posted by zephyrgirl 10/2/2024 8:25:05 AM Post Reply
Despite his grandson saying he was 'limited' as he turned 100, Jimmy Carter spent his birthday in the sunshine enjoying a military flyover at his Georgia home. Carter - the first American president to reach the century mark - was able to watch a flyover of four F-18 jets and several vintage planes that graced the skies over Plains, Georgia as part of the town's celebrations, per CBS News.
Biden/Harris Commerce Secretary When Asked
About Impending Strike With Huge Implications:
‘I Have Not Been Very Focused on That’ (Video)
18 replies
Posted by Imright 10/1/2024 8:23:13 AM Post Reply
Gina Raimondo, the Biden/Harris commerce secretary, was recently asked on CNBC about the impending port worker strike and declared that she has not been focused on that. What exactly does this woman do all day, other than campaign for Kamala Harris? Raimondo was in the news last week for suggesting that Democrats should ‘extinguish’ Donald Trump. She also has a track record of being shockingly unfamiliar with issues that are directly related to her job. Financial experts are warning that this strike could cost the U.S. billions of dollars a day and severely slow the transport of goods across the country.
Tim Walz staggered by cool JD Vance, admits
‘I’m a knucklehead’ during genial
VP debate
16 replies
Posted by Imright 10/2/2024 6:25:34 AM Post Reply
Minnesota Democratic Gov. Tim Walz stunned watchers of Tuesday night’s vice presidential debate as he nervously fidgeted, frowned and even called himself a “knucklehead” — while his Republican counterpart, Sen. JD Vance of Ohio, gave a steady and lawyerly presentation and was widely seen as the victor. The largely good-natured forum, hosted by CBS News, featured the two candidates agreeing with each other repeatedly and expressing warm personal sentiments — avoiding the blistering personal attacks that were part of both presidential debates earlier this year. Walz, 60, who has honed a folksy demeanor on the campaign trail, was noticeably nervous and misspoke repeatedly as he wrung his hands, took frantic notes,
Malik Obama says half-brother Barack is
‘still running the country’ — and
warns he would have ‘a big role to play’
in Harris presidency
16 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 10/1/2024 9:18:12 PM Post Reply
Abon’go Malik Obama believes his half-brother former President Barack Obama is “still running the country” — and would have “a big role to play” if Vice President Kamala Harris wins the 2024 election. Malik — who was best man at Barack’s wedding but has since parted ways with the 44th president — told The Post that his relative made “everything flip” in July, when he swapped out President Biden for Harris as the Democratic nominee, without a single primary vote being cast. “Definitely he had something to do with it. … He’s still running the Democratic Party, and he’s still running the country behind closed doors,” he said of his estranged half-brother.
Hot Takes: Democrats, Media Seethe As
Republicans Cheer After Vance Dominates
Vice Presidential Debate
15 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 10/2/2024 12:53:40 AM Post Reply
I don't know what the viewership numbers were on the vice presidential debate between Sen. JD Vance (R-OH) and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, but if they're not high they should have been because that was one of the best debates I've ever watched in my time as a political junkie (which goes back a looong time). Vance, as RedState previously reported, wiped the floor not just with Walz but also the CBS News debate moderators, who did what they weren't supposed to do at least twice in "fact-checking" Vance, only to have him refuse to be silenced by fact-checking them right back.
Non-citizen cop can now arrest you in
Walz’s Minnesota
15 replies
Posted by DW626 10/1/2024 12:12:20 PM Post Reply
We give our police officers extreme power. We provide them with the right to arrest us before we are convicted in court or even indicted by a Grand Jury. We give them guns and qualified immunity to use those firearms. Now, in Tim Walz’s Minnesota, a non-citizen Muslim from Somalia has all those special rights. I’ll assume Somali-native Officer Lesly Vera is a good woman. Now 23, she emigrated legally when she was four. Although she has been here for 19 years, we wonder how much of America she really understands, and respects.
Kamala’s Husband Doug Emhoff Accused
of Assaulting Woman in 2012
14 replies
Posted by Imright 10/2/2024 12:53:59 PM Post Reply
Kamala Harris’s husband, Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff, is credibly accused of physically assaulting a woman in 2012. Three friends of the alleged victim whom the Daily Mail only identifies with the pseudonym “Jane,” have come forward alleging Emhoff “struck the woman in the face so hard she spun around.” According to the report, Jane and Emhoff, who would’ve been 47-years-old at the time, were “waiting in a valet line late at night after a May 2012 Cannes Film Festival event in France.” According to one of Jane’s three friends, who have all chosen to remain anonymous fearing retaliation (we’ve all seen what the corporate media do to people who hurt
Dominion and Georgia Face Heat in Court 14 replies
Posted by FlyRight 10/1/2024 4:37:36 AM Post Reply
Questions raised about Dominion voting machines finally got the best form of sunlight today – sworn testimony in open court subject to cross-examination. Election security experts Clay Parikh and Ben Cotton testified in Fulton County (Atlanta) Superior Court today. They testified that they were able to identify the master encryption passwords stored in plain text and unsecured on the databases housed in Dominion voting machines. They further testified that basic security protocols call for these passwords to be kept separate and secret so that only authorized persons can access them.
That was awful for Tim Walz: he flubbed
his VP debate against JD Vance
13 replies
Posted by NorthernDog 10/2/2024 2:19:44 PM Post Reply
“Mr Nice Guy”, Tim Walz, showed up at the vice-presidential debate in New York and flubbed it. Perhaps he was over-prepared. Or underprepared. Or just too darned “Minnesota nice”, as they say in his home state. Folks there have a reputation for being congenitally kind and polite. Kamala Harris’s running mate could have pummelled JD Vance for being a mean, small-minded, misogynistic flip-flopper whose sole guiding principle was to suck up to Donald Trump. Instead, he came to praise rather than to bury his opponent. Vance couldn’t believe his luck. The Republican vice-presidential nominee was only too pleased to play
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