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Climate Indoctrination Accelerates As
The Narrative Breaks Down

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Posted By: RockyTCB, 9/6/2024 8:50:20 AM

The global warming alarmist cabal continues to spin its many yarns and press forward with its propaganda program. Maybe the zealots are becoming desperate because they see the facts aren’t lining up with their hyperbole. Following the get-’em-while-they’re-young school of thought, the climate agitators are targeting kindergarteners. NASA’s Climate Kids webpage, for instance, says “global warming will affect everyone on Earth.” While admitting that “fossil fuels have changed the course of human history,” NASA also says “these good things come at a cost. The cost is pollution, the destruction of landscapes and natural habitats, oil spills in the ocean, and nasty fracking chemicals in the ground.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: NorthernDog 9/6/2024 8:58:57 AM (No. 1791197)
Parts of the Sahara Desert have been getting rainfall this year. And the hysterical hurricane forecast has been a bust. Maybe the climate alarmist need to be held accountable for whipping the public into a frenzy.
17 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: crashnburn 9/6/2024 9:26:13 AM (No. 1791209)
It's never been about saving the planet. It's a scam that was cooked up by the late Soviet Union to hamstring Western Civilization to get them to reduce our industrial base because the USSR couldn't keep up. Now we have Commies in all levels of all governments parroting the Soviet line so they can assume more control of the economy. It's all about control, and always has been.
15 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Wetenschapper 9/6/2024 9:28:35 AM (No. 1791210)
There is at least one study showing that, far from being climate simpletons, the "climate deniers" among us are actually more knowledgeable about climate science than are the climate zealots. Makes sense, since we're constantly being compelled to defend our positions. As with a lot of other controversial matters, public education has taken it upon itself to make our kids more stupid and compliant.
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Reply 4 - Posted by: DVC 9/6/2024 10:24:59 AM (No. 1791247)
I saw a video where the "nasty fracking chemicals" were discussed. IIRC it was mostly citric acid ....and the presenter drank a glass of it, saying it was like a third rate lemonade. Human activities have no effect on the global climate.
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Reply 5 - Posted by: stablemoney 9/6/2024 10:25:38 AM (No. 1791248)
The NOAA is a left wing propaganda organization, and they are spreading their propaganda in our schools, so don't be surprised to see the propaganda in your child's textbooks. Frankly, their lies point to their hanging for it.
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Reply 6 - Posted by: paral04 9/6/2024 10:31:58 AM (No. 1791255)
The destruction of landscapes comes from over development. An oil well doesn't take much space. California had them all over the place. You could see the pumps in people's yards. None of these people carrying on about this are under educated. Our climate changes because of a number of factors .Polar shift is one. It wasn't tool long ago people with the same mentality were hiding under the bed because of Global Cooling and we are all going to die.
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Reply 7 - Posted by: chagrined 9/6/2024 10:47:15 AM (No. 1791273)
I don't trust NOAA at all, especially since hussein's NCEI (National Centers for Environmental Information) took over for the NCDC (National Climatic Data Center) in 2015 and suspect there were many eager new hires to roll out the propaganda being fed to the young-uns. Also, I'm pretty certain they've manipulated tons of climate data, possibly destroying quite a bit too from 100 years ago or more. I've already seen data where all of sudden it just wasn't reliable any more, so it's not used or been replaced by statistical garbage. Yeah, the climate change fraud has been about power all along. IMO, it's been pretty obvious for decades.
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Reply 8 - Posted by: Lawsy0 9/6/2024 10:49:20 AM (No. 1791275)
Well, I got'cher Climate Change right'cher! (Doing my best Roseann Barr baseball scratch.) I say when Howdy Doody gave us Princess Summerfall Winterspring, even preschoolers back then learned about weather and seasonal change.
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Posted by RockyTCB 9/9/2024 9:20:01 AM Post Reply
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Climate Indoctrination Accelerates As
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Posted by RockyTCB 9/6/2024 8:50:20 AM Post Reply
The global warming alarmist cabal continues to spin its many yarns and press forward with its propaganda program. Maybe the zealots are becoming desperate because they see the facts aren’t lining up with their hyperbole. Following the get-’em-while-they’re-young school of thought, the climate agitators are targeting kindergarteners. NASA’s Climate Kids webpage, for instance, says “global warming will affect everyone on Earth.” While admitting that “fossil fuels have changed the course of human history,” NASA also says “these good things come at a cost. The cost is pollution, the destruction of landscapes and natural habitats, oil spills in the ocean, and nasty fracking chemicals in the ground.
Biden Confesses To A Big Lie, And Nobody
Notices … Not Even Joe
6 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 9/5/2024 8:29:12 AM Post Reply
In a 19-word post on X this past Sunday, President Joe Biden admitted that he has been lying to the public for years. It didn’t make news, partly because Biden is now irrelevant. But it should. Because Kamala Harris is now repeating the lie. “Since I took office,” Biden posted, “we’ve recovered all the jobs lost during the pandemic. And added over 6 million more.” Why Biden, or whoever on his staff was running his X feed, decided to post this on a Sunday is anyone’s guess. Whatever the reason, it went almost entirely overlooked. We came across it courtesy
Was Ist Verboten 9 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 8/27/2024 8:48:47 AM Post Reply
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Can Biden’s Supreme Court Reforms Survive
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9 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 8/26/2024 9:19:55 AM Post Reply
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Can Biden’s Supreme Court Reforms Survive
Without Majority Support? I&I/TIPP Poll
2 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 8/26/2024 9:12:36 AM Post Reply
President and former Democratic Party candidate Joe Biden made clear his disdain for the current U.S. Supreme Court by proposing that justices have term limits and by imposing a “code of ethics” on its members. A plurality of Americans agree, the latest I&I/TIPP Poll shows, but the poll reveals a sharp political schism emerging over the issue. Depending on which party wins, the next Congress will decide whether the limits on the justices will go into effect or whether the plan gets deep-sixed. For the Supreme Court, the stakes will be high. In the national online I&I/TIPP Poll of 1,488 adults taken
The Media Marketed Candidates 5 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 8/23/2024 11:14:27 AM Post Reply
Until Thursday night, we did not know that Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are truly supreme beings. They are the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful humans we’ve ever known. We realize this now because he media told us so. And the American media would never try to manipulate the voters, would it? It just tells the story straight. For instance:
Kamala’s Bait-And-Switch: Progressivism
For Socialism
3 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 8/23/2024 8:04:53 AM Post Reply
If you’re one of the shrunken number of people who have bothered to watch the Democratic National Convention, you will by now certainly know it’s been long on rhetoric, and incredibly short on policy specifics. That’s not a bug, it’s a feature. On Thursday night’s final evening of the Democratic National Convention, the party’s candidate and current Vice President Kamala Harris didn’t release a party platform. So “our democracy,” as the Dems like to call it, apparently doesn’t come equipped with any policy promises. Just a candidate, who received zero votes in any primary. The truth is, the increasingly far-left Democratic Party doesn’t want anyone
Don’t Forget What Harris And Biden Have
Done To The Country
2 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 8/22/2024 8:11:25 AM Post Reply
When Americans listen to Kamala Harris’ acceptance speech tonight, they need to tune out the thrill-up-the-leg praise from the media and the audience’s stream of verbal bouquets and ask themselves one question: Are they better off today than they were four years ago. For all but a few, the answer would be resounding “no.” In the only debate between President Jimmy Carter and challenger Ronald Reagan in the 1980 campaign, just days before the election, Reagan asked what the Harvard John F. Kennedy School of Government called “one of the most important campaign questions of all time: “Are you better off today than you were four years ago?”
Kamala's Word Salads Are Past Their Do-Not-Sell Date 7 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 8/21/2024 5:52:19 AM Post Reply
Conservatives were making hay about Kamala Harris’ latest “word salad” at a campaign event in Pennsylvania, where, in an attempt to sound intelligent, she went on about the “duality of democracy.” “They took Kamala off the teleprompter today in Pennsylvania,” founder Clay Travis posted on X. “It didn’t go well.” But conservatives have it wrong. It’s actually much worse than that. Harris has been uttering this particular word salad for years – robotically, using almost the exact same phraseology, and at almost any public event where she was allowed to speak, whether or not it was relevant.
Democrats And Their Riots 3 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 8/20/2024 11:00:08 AM Post Reply
Vice President Hubert Humphrey entered the 1968 Democratic National Convention polling well though he had run in none of the primaries nor had he received a single vote. The convention, marred by conflict and bloodshed, was “disastrous” in historical terms, with Republican Richard Nixon emerging, says the Washington Post, as “the one person” who was “fully victorious.” Will this year’s convention, in Chicago, just as in 1968, yield a similar result? Those who care for the future of this country and don’t want it fundamentally transformed by radicals, should pray so. The similarities between the Democrats’ 1968 and 2024 conventions go far beyond the host city.
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34 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 9/9/2024 12:11:08 AM Post Reply
Former Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) claimed Sunday on ABC “This Week” that Vice President Kamala Harris gave a speech at the Democratic National Convention the former Ronald Reagan could have given. Cheney said, “If you look at Vice President Harris’ Speech for example, at the Democratic Convention, it is a speech that Ronald Reagan could have given. It is a speech that George Bush could have given. It’s very much an embrace and an understanding of the exceptional nature of this great nation, a love of America, a recognition that America is a special place, a recognition that we all have to work together
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Support for Push for Harris Passing Mandatory
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30 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 9/8/2024 7:26:10 PM Post Reply
Kamala Harris has already signaled that she is coming for our guns. She called mandatory gun confiscation “a great idea” that she’d do by executive action within her “first 100 days.” [Tweet, video] Top Harris surrogate, far-left Georgia Democrat Senator Raphael Warnock, appeared on Meet the Press with Kristen Welker on Sunday morning to endorse this overt attack on Americans. Despite Democrat water carrier Welker uncharacteristically pushing Warnock for an answer, he did the Democratic politician shuffle and refused to be pinned down to a simple, clear yes or no answer. Kristen Welker: Should she also be, in your opinion, supporting a mandatory gun buyback program?
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Posted by ladydawgfan 9/8/2024 8:10:21 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 9/9/2024 12:05:35 AM Post Reply
Former Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) claimed Sunday on ABC’s “This Week” that voting for former President Donald Trump or writing in a name was “to abandon the Constitution.” Host Jonathan Karl said, “There was a lot of talk during the primaries of the Nikki Haley voters, and some states seem like even when she stopped running, almost a third of Republican voters were looking for an alternative to Trump and voting for Nikki Haley. She’s now saying that she is, quote, on standby to campaign for Donald Trump to help him get re-elected. She’s also of course, called him
Tony Blair Calls for Global Agreement
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20 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 9/8/2024 10:20:12 PM Post Reply
Fresh off the crackdown on so-called “keyboard warriors” over social media posts connected to the recent anti-mass migration riots, leading leftist politicians in Britain are beginning to demand for new speech restrictions on the internet. Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, whose neo-liberal Labour Party government enacted some of the strictest speech laws in modern British history, has joined the chorus of commentators demanding a new crackdown on social media. Speaking to LBC Radio this week, Blair said: “The world is going to have to come together and agree on some rules around social media platforms.
New California Law Will Require Cars to
Beep When Traveling 10 Miles Over the
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19 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 9/8/2024 4:02:44 PM Post Reply
For a state built on the selling point of unlimited freedom, California sure has a lot of authoritarians making laws. The state legislature passed a bill that requires all cars built after 2030 to give a beep when the driver exceeds the speed limit by 10 MPH. Violations of the law wouldn't carry just a fine. The state would consider speeding 10 MPH over the limit a crime. California state Sen. Scott Wiener was surprised by the vicious pushback from citizens to the bill. However, the current language of the bill has been modified considerably from the original text.
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19 replies
Posted by Harlowe 9/8/2024 12:37:50 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Judy W. 9/8/2024 8:32:07 AM Post Reply
True the Vote the first citizen voter integrity group in the 21st century, was started by Catherine Engelbrecht in 2009. At the time, she had been managing a manufacturing plant that supplied parts to the oil and gas industry in Texas for eleven years. Interviewed last month Patriots with Grit, she explained, “I had never been interested in politics, but after ‘09, I found government was everywhere, my kids school, health care, oil and gas, regulations out of control. How could citizens engage?” Engelbrecht hasn’t been out of court one day since 09, and the pretty blond country club woman today has the stripped down looks of a real fighter.
This Small Ohio Town Is Being Overrun
By illegal Haitian Immigrants
18 replies
Posted by Imright 9/8/2024 5:09:05 AM Post Reply
Every state is a border state under the Biden-Harris Administration—even a small town in Ohio with a population of just 56,000. Springfield, Ohio, is making headlines after it was reported that illegal immigrants— specifically Haitian immigrants, are overrunning the small town. Springfield City Commission officials say an estimated 4,000 to 7,000 Haitians have arrived in recent years. During a City Commission meeting last year, community members warned of an invasion of Haitians and the crime they would bring— and they weren’t wrong. This week, a Springfield resident told the mayor that she "can't take it anymore,”
Democrats Fly Banners over College Football
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16 replies
Posted by Imright 9/8/2024 1:23:43 PM Post Reply
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Biggest Traitors to the Conservative Cause
– the McCain Family or the Cheney Family?
15 replies
Posted by Imright 9/9/2024 8:43:04 AM Post Reply
The Kamala Harris campaign has been actively courting some of the biggest Republican retreads they can find to earn their endorsement. The race has led them to scrape the bottom of the barrel with once revered political family names.Earlier this week, the son of late Republican Senator John McCain, Jimmy McCain, offered a voice of support for the Vice President. "I feel that Kamala Harris and Tim Walz embody a group of people that will help make this country better. That will take us forward. That's really what matters at the end of the day," he said. Not to be outdone was the dynamic Cheney duo – Liz and Dick –
Biden was hellbent on leaving Afghanistan
– ignoring military advice, NATO objections
and Afghan pleas: House report
15 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 9/8/2024 9:02:00 PM Post Reply
WASHINGTON — President Biden was so hellbent on getting out of Afghanistan that he rebuked any advice to the contrary, ignored the pleas of the Afghan government and disregarded objections from US allies. That was the one of the main takeaways from the House Foreign Affairs Committee’s more than two-year investigation into America’s chaotic, deadly Afghanistan withdrawal, according to a blistering report released Sunday. “During his decades-long tenure as a Delaware US senator, eight years as vice president of the United States and nearly four years as president, Mr. Biden has demonstrated distrust of America’s military experts and advisors and has prioritized politics and his personal legacy over America’s national security interests,”
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