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Thanks, Biden-Harris—Cops Estimate Up
to 75 Percent of Manhattan Crimes Committed
by Illegal Immigrants

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Posted By: Hazymac, 9/3/2024 8:15:11 AM

Kamala Harris, the presidential candidate foisted on America by the Democrat political machine—a vice president who has never in her life won a delegate in a Democratic primary—has been releasing ludicrous ads lately claiming she’d be tough on the border. What an absolute joke. Tell that to the police who patrol the streets of Manhattan, some of whom claim that up to 75 percent of all the crimes committed in the Big Apple are by illegal aliens. Life in the big city: "Across New York, recently arrived migrants are flooding the criminal-justice system — at far higher rates than public officials have acknowledged.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Daisymay 9/3/2024 8:27:56 AM (No. 1789514)
And yet....New Yorkers WILL vote Democrat! So, I don't feel sorry for them!
24 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Krause 9/3/2024 8:29:41 AM (No. 1789515)
And there is absolutely nothing they can do about it. NY is a heavily Democrat town. The people will always vote democrat, no matter what.
14 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: bpl40 9/3/2024 9:01:21 AM (No. 1789534)
Not only will they continue to vote Democrat. They will blame the crime on Trump.
15 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: broken01 9/3/2024 9:05:25 AM (No. 1789536)
So-called democrat ran sanctuary cities like NYC have become illegal alien dens of lawlessness, criminality and death. Visit them at your own risk. To all sane citizens (those that don't vote democrat) move if you can and if you can't take measures to protect yourself and your loved ones.
7 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: cartcart 9/3/2024 9:50:18 AM (No. 1789571)
What a surprise! So, you are telling me that TRUMP IS RIGHT!
8 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: LC Chihuahua 9/3/2024 10:15:42 AM (No. 1789595)
And they are all registered to vote.
7 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Mizz Fixxit 9/3/2024 10:19:46 AM (No. 1789598)
“Not sending their best.” PDJT The illegal alien crime wave is going to get much worse when the parasites get kicked out of hotels.
8 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: JimBob 9/3/2024 10:29:35 AM (No. 1789605)
Hey Noo Yawk! Y'all Made your bed, as you Looked Down Your Nose at us out here in Flyover Country. Now you get to Lie Down in it! 'Enjoy the Suck'!
12 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Jesuslover54 9/3/2024 10:56:20 AM (No. 1789626)
Didn't I see this movie? Escape from New York?
5 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: Bur Oak 9/3/2024 10:56:43 AM (No. 1789628)
Strangely when you become a sanctuary city for law breakers you get broken laws. Who would have thought that! Ditto Denver, Colorado and many other cities.
6 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: Namma 9/3/2024 12:23:54 PM (No. 1789669)
Amazing! illegals do not have to obey the law, but Americans do! gotta love it!
6 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: Mizz Fixxit 9/3/2024 12:47:59 PM (No. 1789679)
Excuse the second post. According to NPR, the crime rate among “immigrants” is lower than the native born population. NPR quoted research done by a lefty Stanford U. economist who did a government funded, predetermined outcome study. I have heard many liberals spout this talking point about immigrant crime that is a complete falsehood.
2 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: rytwng 9/3/2024 4:34:13 PM (No. 1789775)
They're all friends of the HO.
3 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: mifla 9/4/2024 5:45:04 AM (No. 1790004)
Imagine the crime rate when NYC gets tired of paying for the illegals room and board and pushes them out into the streets. Given the number of NYC cops that are retiring as soon as possible, 911 calls will go to a recorded message telling callers that their requests for help will be answered within five working days.
1 person likes this.

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Posted by Hazymac 9/4/2024 6:52:59 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Hazymac 9/4/2024 6:37:16 AM Post Reply
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Venezuela’s Attorney General Seeks Arrest
of Opposition Leader Edmundo Gonzalez
6 replies
Posted by Hazymac 9/3/2024 11:12:02 AM Post Reply
Venezuela’s attorney general’s office has requested that an arrest warrant be issued for opposition leader Edmundo Gonzalez over his refusal to respond to three summons to testify about an opposition website that published detailed information about the country’s disputed presidential election. The arrest warrant request for the 75-year-old Gonzalez from the Democratic Unity Roundtable, an electronic copy of which was viewed by The Epoch Times, comes as part of a probe into his claim that he was the rightful victor of the July presidential election, in which President Nicolas Maduro was declared by officials as the winner. The accusations leveled against Gonzalez in the arrest warrant request include usurping
Thanks, Biden-Harris—Cops Estimate Up
to 75 Percent of Manhattan Crimes Committed
by Illegal Immigrants
14 replies
Posted by Hazymac 9/3/2024 8:15:11 AM Post Reply
Kamala Harris, the presidential candidate foisted on America by the Democrat political machine—a vice president who has never in her life won a delegate in a Democratic primary—has been releasing ludicrous ads lately claiming she’d be tough on the border. What an absolute joke. Tell that to the police who patrol the streets of Manhattan, some of whom claim that up to 75 percent of all the crimes committed in the Big Apple are by illegal aliens. Life in the big city: "Across New York, recently arrived migrants are flooding the criminal-justice system — at far higher rates than public officials have acknowledged.
Fake News 2024 — Now With 100% More Fakery! 0 replies
Posted by Hazymac 9/2/2024 12:01:51 PM Post Reply
Happy Monday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. (Snip) Poll Perspective. On September 2, 2016, Hillary Clinton led Donald Trump by 4.1 points in the RealClearPolitics Poll Average. The mainstream media hacks who masquerade as journalists while behaving as the Joseph Goebbels Memorial Propaganda Machine for the Democratic National Committee have long been giving conservative Americans plenty of reasons to distrust and dislike them. As I wrote in a VIP column a couple of weeks ago, I don't like to use the word "hate," but the MSM public relations push for Kamala Harris is begging me to make it a regular part of my vocabulary. What has played out
Biden claims Netanyahu not doing enough
to secure deal with terrorists
51 replies
Posted by Hazymac 9/2/2024 11:43:32 AM Post Reply
President Biden claimed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is not doing enough to secure a hostage deal with Hamas terrorists. Biden made the remarks to reporters before heading into the Situation Room, where he and Vice President Harris are convening with a hostage deal negotiating team following the murder of 23-year-old Israeli-American Hersh Goldberg-Polin and five other hostages by Hamas on Saturday. On the South Lawn of the White House, where Biden disembarked from Marine One upon returning from his vacation home in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, one reporter asked, "Mr. President, do you think it’s time for Prime Minister Netanyahu
GOP Senator Shuts Down NBC Host for Peddling
False Narrative About Trump's Arlington
Cemetery Visit
5 replies
Posted by Hazymac 9/2/2024 11:09:19 AM Post Reply
There is a lot of drama happening surrounding former President Donald Trump’s visit to Arlington Cemetery to honor the 13 servicemembers who were killed in a suicide bombing attack at Abbey Gate in Kabul, Afghanistan. The attack occurred on August 26, 2021, during our shambolic exit from the country, which will go down as one of the Biden administration’s most infamous foreign policy failures. Trump was there. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were not. The optics were atrocious, which led to the liberal media spewing fake news about the ceremony. They accused Trump of politicizing the event, then attacked the Gold Star parents who voiced their outrage
A Requiem for Hersh Goldberg-Polin 3 replies
Posted by Hazymac 9/2/2024 9:45:35 AM Post Reply
A couple of summers ago, I saw a huge, brightly marked wasp crawl out of a hole in the sandy soil above a curb. It was such a striking creature and its burrow so cleanly excavated that I had to know more. I finally identified the creature as a cicada killer wasp, and while it may have been an impressive and attractive insect at a glance, its habits were nightmarish. The female, you see, flies up to an unsuspecting cicada that is minding its own business, singing to the summer from a tree, and paralyzes it with a sting. It then transports the helpless creature to its burrow.
When Joe Met Leni 5 replies
Posted by Hazymac 9/2/2024 9:09:22 AM Post Reply
During the DNC, the Democrats bumped Biden’s speech, as the New York Post put it, “past his bedtime” but Biden managed to read the boilerplate composed by his woke-left-globalist handlers. He did the same on September 1, 2022, backdropped in blood red, with U.S. Marines at the ready, like something staged by Nazi cineaste Leni Riefenstahl,. The Delaware Democrat told the nation: "Too much of what’s happening in our country today is not normal. Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic. Now, I want to be very clear — very clear up front: Not every Republican,
Here's What Tim Walz Did When Asked About
the Six Hostages Found Dead in Gaza
10 replies
Posted by Hazymac 9/2/2024 8:36:22 AM Post Reply
Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz is slurping up milkshakes and eating pork chops on a stick at the state fair this weekend. Not many outlets will cover this heinous exchange with the press at the event, where Walz refused to answer a question about how he felt about the six hostages whose bodies were found by Israeli forces in Gaza over the weekend. Walz listened to the question and then walked away. (X) The reporter asked, “What's your reaction to the six hostages being found dead in Gaza?" "Thanks, everybody!" replied Walz as he waved goodbye. One of the six was American Hersh Goldberg-Polin. The terror group likely executed these people.
Dodging The Debate Would Be Smart Because
Kamala Isn’t
11 replies
Posted by Hazymac 9/2/2024 8:18:17 AM Post Reply
The big debate is coming up and I think Kamala will pull out. I could be wrong, but a lot of people agree with me. And she should chicken out – she’s bound to make a fool of herself. Let’s just say that Kamala Harris is not great at public speaking. She did a 41-minute interview with Dana Bash that couldn’t have been more softball if CNN had put a Nerf on a tee in front of her and let her swing away until she hit it. They only released about 18 minutes of her babbling. Where is the rest? We can safely assume she looked like
Are “Kackling” Kamala Harris and “Won-Ton”
Tim Walz Possible Enemies of our Republic?
6 replies
Posted by Hazymac 9/1/2024 3:20:32 PM Post Reply
Now that the euphoria on the part of the delegates to the Democrat Convention has subsided, the Democrats will now have to try to sell to the voting public, a tandem of dubious candidates to try make lemonade out of apples. A major task. It's like the reincarnation of the old vaudeville act of Frick and Frack under the label of Democrat candidates for president and vice-president, “Kackling” Kamala Harris and “Won-Ton” Tim Walz. The Democrat elites went all out, at their convention, to try to bamboozle the electorate into thinking that the the Democrats are really not Democrats, but a clone of their opponents, the Republicans, by copying
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Georgia high school shooter
Colt Gray's dad arrested for murder in
shock development after son killed four
on campus
28 replies
Posted by JoElla Bee 9/5/2024 8:56:31 PM Post Reply
The father of Georgia school shooter Colt Gray was arrested on charges including murder after it was revealed that he purchased the AR-15-style rifle the 14-year-old used to shoot dead four people on campus.Colin Gray, 54, has been taken into custody by local authorities and charged with  two counts of murder, four counts of involuntary manslaughter, and eight counts of cruelty to children.Officials confirmed in a press conference that the charges stem from Colin ‘knowingly allowing’ his son to have access to the firearm used in the shooting. 
JD Vance Nukes Liz Cheney over Endorsement
of Kamala Harris: ‘They Get Rich’
While Americans Die in Wars
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Posted by Imright 9/5/2024 2:14:38 AM Post Reply
Sen. JD Vance (R-OH) criticized former Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) after she endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris, noting that Cheney and Harris “get rich” while American children die in wars overseas. While speaking to Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk in Arizona, Vance described Cheney as being a “person whose entire career has been about sending other people’s children to fight and die for her military conflicts.” Vance added that both Cheney and Harris “get rich” when the United States “loses wars instead of winning wars.”
Yellen says ending Biden tax incentives
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like North Carolina
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Posted by FlyRight 9/5/2024 6:35:56 AM Post Reply
Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen is warning voters in the battleground state of North Carolina that they could lose jobs if Republicans weaken a signature Biden administration law that encourages investments in manufacturing and clean energy. Yellen says that Republican-dominated states like North Carolina are greatly benefiting from tax incentives under the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act and that eliminating them would be a “historic mistake,” according to a draft of a speech she will give Thursday at a community college in Raleigh. The Treasury Department released the remarks ahead of the address.
Vladimir Putin claims he wants 'infectious'
Kamala Harris to win US election over
Donald Trump
20 replies
Posted by snakeoil 9/5/2024 10:25:45 AM Post Reply
Vladimir Putin has made a surprising endorsement for who he wants to win the 2024 US election. The Russian president has long been considered friendlier with this year's Republican nominee Donald Trump, with the former president calling Mr Putin a "genius" early in 2022. But speaking at the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok, he said Kamala Harris was Russia's preferred choice for the next US president.
The Truth About World
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Posted by Mercedes44 9/5/2024 6:31:22 AM Post Reply
In a recent and now widely seen Tucker Carlson interview, a guest historian named Darryl Cooper casually presented a surprising number of flawed theories about World War II. He focused his misstatements on the respective roles of Winston Churchill’s Britain and Adolf Hitler’s Germany—especially in matters of the treatment and fate of Russian prisoners, the Holocaust, the systematic slaughtering of Jews, strategic bombing, and the nature of Winston Churchill. Because of the size of the audience Carlson introduced him to, and because of the gravity of Cooper’s falsehoods, his assertions deserve a response.
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Posted by ladydawgfan 9/6/2024 8:29:38 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 9/5/2024 8:09:02 PM Post Reply
Hunter Biden pleaded guilty Thursday to all nine federal tax charges he faced, staving off his second criminal trial this year just before it was set to begin, according to The Associated Press. In a stunning and last-minute twist, U.S. District Judge Mark Scarsi accepted the plea change on the same day jury selection was scheduled to get underway in Los Angeles federal court. Biden admitted to withholding at least $1.4 million in taxes over four years in the throes of his addiction to cocaine, spending it instead on a lavish lifestyle.
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Posted by Beardo 9/5/2024 5:39:28 PM Post Reply
A top Department of Justice spokesman in New York was caught on a hidden camera ripping Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg for his recent prosecution of former President Donald Trump — accusing Bragg of conducting “lawfare” just to further his own political ambitions. Nicholas Biase, chief spokesman for the Manhattan US Attorney’s Office, was secretly recorded tearing into the progressive prosecutor during a recent conversation with a so-called undercover operative from conservative podcaster Steven Crowder’s “Mug Club.” “Honestly, I think the case is nonsense,” Biase was filmed saying to an unidentified woman on July 31 at what appears to be a bar.
Hunter Biden changes his plea to GUILTY
as his $1.4million tax evasion trial kicks
off in LA
16 replies
Posted by Beardo 9/5/2024 1:00:18 PM Post Reply
Hunter Biden is pleading guilty to at least some of the nine tax evasion charges against him, in a stunning last-minute reversal at his criminal trial in Los Angeles. The change was not due to a plea deal, with prosecutor Leo Wise telling Judge Mark Scarsi on Thursday: 'this is the first we're hearing of this'. The shock revelation was made by Hunter's attorney Abbe Lowell in front of the judge, while 120 potential jurors waited next door to be selected for his trial.
Harris Campaign Spokesman Tells CNN ‘We
Don’t Have Time’ to Talk About What
Happened Over the Last Few Years (Video)
15 replies
Posted by Imright 9/6/2024 2:49:28 AM Post Reply
The Kamala Harris campaign spokesman Ian Sams appeared on CNN this week and made excuses for why they are not talking about Kamala’s record from the last few years. This gives away their whole game. Democrats and the Harris people want voters to forget the fact that Harris has been part of the Biden administration and is directly responsible for what has transpired over the last three and a half years. That’s why they keep pushing the whole ‘new way forward’ nonsense. It’s a feeble attempt to erase recent history so that Harris isn’t held accountable by voters. Transcript via Real Clear Politics:
FBI questioned Georgia high school shooting
suspect Colt Gray last year over threats
and alerted districts to monitor teenager
after anonymous tip
15 replies
Posted by Imright 9/5/2024 2:19:45 AM Post Reply
The 14-year-old student who opened fire on classmates in a horror mass shooting at Apalachee High School was on the radar of the FBI a year before the tragedy, it has emerged. The federal agency said it interviewed accused gunman Colt Gray, 14, and his father last year following 'several anonymous tips about online threats to commit a school shooting at an unidentified location and time.' Officials said Gray 'denied making the threats online' at the time, and the only action taken was to warn local schools to 'continually monitor' the troubled teen.
Why Trump is losing ground on immigration
to Harris
14 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 9/5/2024 2:30:23 PM Post Reply
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is losing his edge on immigration to Vice President Kamala Harris following her recent shift toward the middle on the issue and a drop in illegal immigration at the southern border. In a matter of weeks, Democratic nominee Harris has cut into the former president’s lead on border security and immigration, according to recent polls conducted nationwide that surveyed voters on which candidate was better on the issue. Polling conducted since Harris replaced President Joe Biden a month ago revealed that the candidate whom Republicans have decried as an ineffective “border czar” has the backing of a growing share of voters
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