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Schumer: McConnell has chance to ‘salvage’
some of his reputation

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Posted By: Mercedes44, 9/2/2024 7:54:21 PM

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) in an interview published Monday said he believes Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) will be remembered “poorly,” while noting he could save some of his reputation by getting “the old Republican Party back.” Schumer told Punchbowl News he has recently been “more friendly” with McConnell in light of the Republican’s efforts to shore up GOP votes for bipartisan legislation under President Biden, including the most recent aid package for Ukraine. This, however, may not have been enough to change McConnell’s legacy, Schumer added.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: aasilver 9/2/2024 8:09:39 PM (No. 1789210)
A classic case of the pot calling the kettle black.
11 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: 3XALADY 9/2/2024 8:10:37 PM (No. 1789212)
7 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Mcscow sailor 9/2/2024 8:11:04 PM (No. 1789213)
No chance. The knives are out, and buried trutgs will emerge
3 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: volksford 9/2/2024 8:17:48 PM (No. 1789221)
Schumer misses the old Republican Party......sniff sniff
7 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: itsonlyme 9/2/2024 8:21:36 PM (No. 1789226)
Mitch "MultiUselessMultiFreeze" McConnell will probably respond based on Chuck "Satan" Schumer's approval.
5 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: thefield 9/2/2024 8:35:47 PM (No. 1789240)
I love it when a important Democrat wants to help the Republicans. Sounds like a Trump victory to me.
5 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: robertthomason 9/2/2024 8:51:26 PM (No. 1789247)
Well, of course the effeminate Democrat Party led by Chuck U. Schumer loves the low-T GOP led by Mushmouth(R-KY)
7 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: john56 9/2/2024 9:09:27 PM (No. 1789253)
Heck, McConnell is the besy friend Schumer ever had.
5 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: billa57 9/2/2024 9:16:51 PM (No. 1789260)
Democrats want to keep their whipping Boy. It's worked for a long time.
5 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: Kate318 9/2/2024 9:22:06 PM (No. 1789263)
Two snakes in the Punch Bowl.
6 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: TCloud 9/2/2024 9:41:59 PM (No. 1789275)
He is on YOUR side Chuck!
6 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: wilarrbie 9/2/2024 9:59:03 PM (No. 1789288)
With whom? Certainly not conservatives.
4 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: vhs68 9/2/2024 10:17:10 PM (No. 1789296)
They don't call Chuckie Smuckie for nothing!!
2 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: danu 9/2/2024 10:21:09 PM (No. 1789299)
what. could. be . worse ?
2 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: RussZilla 9/2/2024 10:45:29 PM (No. 1789310)
The uniparty is getting desperate. Just watch all these folks. Schumer, McConnell, Schiff, Pelosi and their clan brethren are watching the walls close in.
1 person likes this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: cor-vet 9/2/2024 11:33:57 PM (No. 1789319)
While I doubt that there's much chance McConnell can salvage his reputation, I'm positive Schumer will go out with his reputation intact. But a reputation as a lying, anti-American, anti 2nd amendment, low life POS is not a reputation to brag about.As bad as McConnell is, he'll never be as low or loathsome as the schmuck with the stupid glasses on the end of his nose.
3 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: mifla 9/3/2024 3:28:25 AM (No. 1789380)
Hey Chuck. Threaten any supreme court justices today?
4 people like this.

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Posted by Mercedes44 9/4/2024 11:56:05 AM Post Reply
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one from Kathy Hochul's office
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Posted by Mercedes44 9/4/2024 11:54:20 AM Post Reply
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Israel to the wolves with their ignorance
and betrayal
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Posted by Mercedes44 9/4/2024 9:11:42 AM Post Reply
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Denver’s Sanctuary City Designation
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Posted by Mercedes44 9/2/2024 8:21:45 PM Post Reply
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Former Rep. George Santos Blows the Whistle
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Posted by Mercedes44 9/2/2024 8:19:15 PM Post Reply
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Billionaire Who's Bankrolling Bogus Anti-Trump
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Posted by Mercedes44 9/2/2024 8:00:16 PM Post Reply
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The Democrat Plan to Restore the Higher
Education Indoctrination Industrial Complex
4 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 9/2/2024 7:56:44 PM Post Reply
The Democrat party’s craving for power is insatiable so nothing is ever enough. How else can you explain their infatuation with open borders with quick paths to citizenship, undermining the electoral process with mail-in voting or schemes to re-write the Constitution? Consider the party’s 2024 party platform. The section “Making Higher Education Accessible and Affordable” advances two aims central to the party’s very existence: promoting political indoctrination and rewarding one of the party’s most crucial allies, college professors. Today’s college campus is, with scant exception,
Schumer: McConnell has chance to ‘salvage’
some of his reputation
17 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 9/2/2024 7:54:21 PM Post Reply
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) in an interview published Monday said he believes Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) will be remembered “poorly,” while noting he could save some of his reputation by getting “the old Republican Party back.” Schumer told Punchbowl News he has recently been “more friendly” with McConnell in light of the Republican’s efforts to shore up GOP votes for bipartisan legislation under President Biden, including the most recent aid package for Ukraine. This, however, may not have been enough to change McConnell’s legacy, Schumer added.
Iran's Gaza War: Unfortunately, A Ceasefire
Deal Will Not Bring the Hostages Back
5 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 9/2/2024 11:33:42 AM Post Reply
The Biden-Harris administration apparently sees no problem with a Palestinian state being yet another terrorist state, committed to annihilating Israel -- as both Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Qods Force commander General Esmail Qaani ("Israel is a cancer that must be eliminated"), and senior Hamas official Ghazi Hamad have straightforwardly vowed. A ceasefire might sound as if it is a "good thing" that benefits everyone -- understandably if a friend or family member is a hostage. The problem seems to be the Hamas demand that Israel should leave the "Philadelphi corridor" on the border between Gaza and Egypt, so that Hamas, backed by its patrons Qatar and Iran,
Kamala’s Stolen Working-Class Valor 12 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 8/30/2024 6:32:11 AM Post Reply
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Harris claims she 'made clear' her position
on fracking in 2020 – transcript shows
another story
16 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 8/30/2024 6:29:33 AM Post Reply
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11 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 8/29/2024 9:43:35 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 9/3/2024 9:31:32 PM Post Reply
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Election – Gives Different Responses
About Voting For Trump vs Kamala Harris
– Amazon Responds!
27 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 9/3/2024 6:04:24 PM Post Reply
should I vote for Kamala Harris?” When asked about voting for Trump, Alexa replied, “I cannot provide content that promotes a specific political party or a specific candidate.” The responses for Kamala Harris varied but they all praised her. “While there are many reasons to vote for Kamala Harris, the most significant may be that she is a strong candidate with a proven track record of accomplishment. As the first female vice president, Harris has already broken down a major gender barrier, and her career in politics has been characterized by a commitment to progressive ideals and a focus on helping disenfranchised communities,” Alexa said in response to a question about Kamala Harris.
FBI Arrests Former Deputy Chief
of Staff for NY Gov. Kathy Hochul for
Acting as an Agent of the Chinese Communist Government
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Posted by Imright 9/3/2024 12:46:44 PM Post Reply
Linda Sun, a former high-ranking aide to New York Governor Kathy Hochul, was arrested alongside her husband, Christopher Hu, on Tuesday morning following a federal raid on their Long Island home earlier this year. The couple is scheduled to appear in a Brooklyn court on Tuesday afternoon, per the Daily Mail. The arrests, confirmed by the FBI, came after a raid on their Long Island home earlier this year. The FBI conducted a pre-dawn raid on the $3.5 million Long Island home. The lavish five-bedroom home, located in a gated community called Stone Hill in Long Island, was searched thoroughly by agents, though it remains undisclosed whether
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Posted by Skinnydip 9/3/2024 10:17:29 AM Post Reply
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Hamas vows to kill hostages at ‘risk’
of rescue, and Biden ups his presure on Israel
24 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 9/3/2024 5:39:44 AM Post Reply
Hamas has now basically admitted it killed those six hostages rather than risk their liberation — indeed, all but boasted of it. SEE ALSO A massive mob of rowdy anti-Israeli protesters -- including some proudly waving terrorist flags -- stormed through the Big Apple on Labor Day, lighting flares and setting off smoke bombs as they marched toward the heart of the city. Up to 7,000 rabid anti-Israel protesters storm NYC on Labor Day, light flares and set off smoke bombs Meanwhile, the Harris-Biden administration seems to be taking the tragedy as license to push Israel into a cease-fire deal that could let the terrorists re-supply.
Anti-Trump GOP group launches $11.5 million
ad buy in swing states
21 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 9/4/2024 9:06:56 AM Post Reply
Republican Voters Against Trump launched an $11.5 million ad buy in key swing states on Tuesday, marking the group’s largest ad buy so far this cycle. The group is targeting voters in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Arizona. Additionally, the ad buy will also run in Nebraska’s competitive 2nd Congressional District. $4.5 million of the ad buy will be spent in Pennsylvania, while $3 million will be spent in Michigan and $2.2 million will be spent in Wisconsin. The group will spend $1.5 million in Arizona and $375,000 in Nebraska’s 2nd Congressional District.
Migrants flooding NYC’s justice system
— making up ‘75% of arrests in Midtown’
— as ‘pathetic’ sanctuary city laws
handcuff cops
21 replies
Posted by FlyRight 9/3/2024 5:20:17 AM Post Reply
Jefferson Maldenado, a 31-year-old migrant from Ecuador, has been arrested in New York City five times since arriving in the US earlier this year. His latest bust was for stealing a pair of pants and a beer from the Target near Herald Square. Asked why he committed the crime, the migrant thief said, “I wanted to change my clothes and think. “I wanted to sit down and think about my life, about what to do. Because this is not a normal world.” Migrants Juan Bernal Rodriguez (L) and Jefferson Maldenado(R) at Manhattan criminal court admit the reason why they commit crimes.
Chicago Resident Issues Chilling Warning
to Armed Venezuelan Gangs After They Overtake
Apartment Complex in the Windy City (VIDEO)
20 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 9/3/2024 6:12:12 PM Post Reply
Brutal gang wars may soon be on the horizon in Chicago thanks to border czar Kamala Harris’ intentional dereliction of duty. (Snip) Shortly after the news broke, a Chicago resident posted a video on Tiktok that raises cause for concern that rampant gang violence could break out unless the Venezuelans are swiftly removed (not likely to happen). In the video, he chillingly warns that the Venezuelan gangs are in for a rough ride if they continue to terrorize residents of the Windy City. This includes them getting potentially ‘chopped up’ if they don’t stay home.
BREAKING: Fani Willis’ Daughter Arrested
in Georgia For Driving with Suspended License
18 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 9/4/2024 12:35:03 AM Post Reply
Fani Willis’ daughter now has her own mugshot! The daughter of embattled Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis was arrested in Georgia for driving with a suspended license. According to The Daily Mail, 25-year-old Kinaya Willis was pulled over for driving while using a cell phone on August 24 in Tyrone, Georgia when officers realized she had a suspended license. Kinaya Willis told the police officer that she was using her cell phone “due to her mother calling her related to her pregnancy.” Fani Willis showed up to the scene as officers arrested her daughter. The Daily Mail reported: The daughter of Donald Trump nemesis Fani Willis poses glumly for her jail mugshot
Brian Stelter returning to CNN as chief
media analyst
18 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 9/3/2024 8:40:43 PM Post Reply
Brian Stelter is heading back to CNN to lead its coverage of the media, the longtime press correspondent and commentator announced on Tuesday. Stelter’s return is a surprise move that comes more than two years after he left CNN following the network’s canceling of his weekly Sunday media affairs program “Reliable Sources.” In his new role as “Chief Media Analyst,” Stelter will appear on CNN’s air, develop digital content and helm its flagship media newsletter, also dubbed “Reliable Sources,” which he helped found in 2015. “It will be different, because I am different,” Stelter wrote to the newsletter’s subscribers on Tuesday.
The View fans left divided by MAJOR changes
to ABC daytime show as Whoopi Goldberg
and cohosts return for a brand new season
18 replies
Posted by Imright 9/3/2024 4:17:58 PM Post Reply
The View returned to television screens on Tuesday morning with a brand-new season - but fans were left divided by some major changes to the popular daytime show. Not only is the ABC program being filmed live in a different Manhattan studio, but Whoopi Goldberg, Sara Haines, Joy Behar, Sunny Hostin, and Alyssa Farah Griffin walked out to a fresh theme tune. Whoopi, 68, kicked off the episode by telling viewers: 'We are back live and we are kicking off season 28 in a brand-new studio. People have been working hard all summer long with a brand-new open and the brand-new theme song called This Version performed by Leona Lewis
Hamas cruelly taunts slain hostages’
kin with haunting new video of captives
before death, promises ‘last messages’
17 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 9/3/2024 5:36:15 AM Post Reply
Hamas on Monday taunted kin of the six hostages found slain in Gaza by releasing haunting pre-recorded footage of the victims — and warning the gut-wrenching clips were only a teaser to their “last messages.” One of the gaunt and exhausted-looking hostages, Eden Yerushalmi, 24, said in the eerie propaganda video that she feared she’d never escape alive. Haunting video posted on Telegram on Monday shows the six doomed Israeli hostages speaking before their murders. X “Bombing here never stops, and we are afraid for our lives. We are scared of dying here,’’ Yerushalmi said, according to the Jerusalem Post.
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