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How Donald Trump Can Regain The Support
Of Pro-Lifers

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Posted By: Harlowe, 8/31/2024 12:52:17 AM

On Thursday, former President Donald Trump generated a firestorm of controversy in pro-life political circles.[Snip]In response, Trump stated, “I think the six-week is too short. There has to be more time.” Many interpreted his comments to mean he would vote in favor of Amendment 4.[Snip]Lately, many pro-lifers have been frustrated with Trump because he has offered them precious little in terms of commitments on abortion policy.[Snip]By simply raising concerns about the full implications of Amendment 4, Trump could win back the support of some skeptical pro-life voters. More importantly, he would be performing a valuable service for pro-lifers in Florida and across the country.


The author suggests pointing out the radical implications of Amendment 4 by President Trump would be very beneficial for him and pro-lifers throughout the country; for example, referencing other campaigns and media outlets downplaying “concerns that abortion amendments would strike down common-sense pro-life laws” and “discuss how Ohio’s abortion amendment has blocked the enforcement of a 24-hour waiting period.”

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Reply 1 - Posted by: SALady 8/31/2024 1:18:50 AM (No. 1787770)
Donald Trump is saying what he needs to say to take political "ammunition" away from the Demon-Rats. I am extremely pro-life, and I have no problem with this. While Trump has never been 100% pro-life, he did appoint the SCOTUS justices that finally overturned Roe v Wade and returned the abortion battles to the states (where at least we have the power to ban it in some states, and limit it in others). If Kamala gets elected, she will find a way to ram through federal law mandating abortion up to birth for the full 9 months. We are not voting for Pope on November 5th. We are voting for the best candidate to lead this republic, and President Trump is 1,000,000,000,000,000,000% better than Kamala on all subjects!!!!!!!
58 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: JoElla Bee 8/31/2024 1:39:40 AM (No. 1787771)
President Trump clarified with this statement on Friday — “I think 6 weeks, you need more time than 6 weeks, I’ve disagreed with that, right from the early primaries, when I heard about it, I disagreed with it. At the same time, the Democrats are radical because the 9 months is just a ridiculous situation,” Trump said. “You can do an abortion in the 9th month. Some of the states like Minnesota and other states have it where you can actually execute the baby after birth, and all of that stuff is unacceptable, so I’ll be voting ‘no’ for that reason.” I am thankful for this clarification, and the fact that he will be voting No! Although I disagree with PDJT on abortion, I never would have not voted for him and helped hand this country over to Kamala Harris, who supports the extremes he mentioned, plus selling the body parts of aborted babies! Not to mention all of the damage she has in mind for other children, adults and the Republic as a whole. I couldn’t bear having that on my conscience.
25 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Californian 8/31/2024 5:18:49 AM (No. 1787784)
Oh no! He doesn't absolutely 100% agree with me on 100% of things 100% of the time! I'm so upset that he's not my clone that I'm going to vote for Kamala or just stay home stewing until the absolutely perfect candidate comes along! Said no one ever in any election in all of human history.
28 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Strike3 8/31/2024 6:58:54 AM (No. 1787823)
Whiners will whine. Abortion is not a political issue, it is a moral and religious issue. For the abortion clinics and the doctors who work there it is a huge financial issue.
15 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: NamVet70 8/31/2024 7:50:33 AM (No. 1787853)
I think abortion should remain a state issue. Federal office should not encroach on matters that belong to the states. I strongly oppose abortion, especially late term abortion, but that has no bearing on the fact that the federal government should be limited in scope.
16 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: bpl40 8/31/2024 7:57:48 AM (No. 1787860)
It you are going to vote to enable and strengthen Democrats over this issue than you are no different that the TDS affected Never Trumpers.
15 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Venturer 8/31/2024 8:06:55 AM (No. 1787867)
So Trump isn't good enough for them where do they go ? They either vote for Trump or they vote for Harris who is ten times as bad. Stop with it. Trump has to eb the way he is he needs the votes fro the baby killers to get elected. If you want more electric BS cars more illegals more inflation go ahead dump Trump and see what you get.
11 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: philsner 8/31/2024 8:31:44 AM (No. 1787878)
This is nonsense. It sounds like something from "conservatives Inc." As a Catholic I believe totally in the sanctity of life, period. But that will never cause me to support liberalism. Liberalism is a religion of death and its sacrament is abortion. Anyone who would consider voting for that is clueless. I just can't get over how supposed "conservatives" can accept any leftist premises.
15 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: bighambone 8/31/2024 8:56:11 AM (No. 1787886)
If supposed discombobulated “pro lifers” don’t vote for Trump-Vance in the upcoming election who are they going to vote for? Harris-Walz, give us a break. If they just stay home and don’t vote at all, they would be committing political suicide on that issue.
12 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: franq 8/31/2024 9:02:02 AM (No. 1787890)
Does life begin at conception, or not? Do human beings have a God-given right to interfere with the process? Or are we just supposed to behave like barnyard animals, without any consequence? Trying to please all sides only results in confusion and a numb spirit. Yes, I know sinners gonna sin. Rapists gonna rape. But we have a daughter-in-law who doesn't like the conservative position on abortion because, "If my daughter gets raped, I want her to have that option." Really? Her daughter has had three illegitimate children, by two different men. Never married. Adoption was never even considered. So now our son and "grandma" are basically raising the kids during the week. I only recount this to show how tangled the thinking becomes. Our tax dollars fund Planned Parenthood to the tune of $500-700 million/year. Money seized from you and me. Feel better now?
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Reply 11 - Posted by: red1066 8/31/2024 9:02:48 AM (No. 1787891)
The pro-lifers, which includes just about everyone on the Republican side, and I'd say even a few democrats have one choice to vote for in November, and that's Donald Trump. Voting for Harris just means abortions will be allowed even after the baby is born. While abortions are just horrible to think about, the choice here is simple. Vote for someone who doesn't like abortions but realizes that allowing some because of special circumstances is a political move only, and someone who will allow abortions on demand with no restrictions.
7 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: Marzipan4 8/31/2024 9:31:47 AM (No. 1787907)
Reguardless of whose box gets ticked in No vember everyone shout be in a full throated roar get government out of medical. Our health care, while still better at this point than other countries, has slipped, thanks obammycare socialized everybody gets a free ride pass it before you read it conflagration . My tax dollars should not be paying for someone else’s health care. IVF is a very painful personal situation, but not a threat to life scenario. IMHO
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Reply 13 - Posted by: PM'sSubstack 8/31/2024 11:29:56 AM (No. 1787948)
From the only president who ever had the charisma of JFK and DJT: “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected and handed on for them, to do the same or one day, we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children, what it was once like in the United States, when men were free. "Ronald Reagan
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Reply 14 - Posted by: mc squared 8/31/2024 11:49:01 AM (No. 1787953)
If single issue pro lifers think they will get an abortion ban by letting Harris win, they're praying to a wrong god.
3 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: FormerDem 8/31/2024 11:49:56 AM (No. 1787954)
Trump has NOT NOT NOT lost my support... But he is asking okay questions. What happens at six weeks that is so important we have to save ti? Answer: At six weeks our heart is beating, our brain is dividing into its sections, blood circulation is starting. Change and development are rocketing. We are already ourselves, a tiny life with its own trajectory.
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Reply 16 - Posted by: Harlowe 8/31/2024 11:55:37 AM (No. 1787957)
Many years ago while conversing with a delightful, lifelong Democrat senior citizen neighbor, the conversation evolved to discussing a local/carpetbagger Democrat state politician elected to the United States House of Representatives and his significant popularity in the area and state. As a devout Christian, expressed the view that when people vote for a political candidate, the individual is giving that politician the authority to speak for them, represent them, legislate for them—they are putting their trust in the politician; however, it seems a vast number of individuals do not consider that the politician may be voting against their personal religious convictions such as abortion which, essentially, makes that trusting individual complicit in voting “for” abortion. The reaction of this very devout Catholic gentleman was obvious, as though the lights went on. From that time on, he had a different attitude toward the carpetbagger politician and politicians in general to the point of voting for Republicans when so inclined. The bottom line is, MAGA supporters may do well making an effort, where possible, to “connect the dots” for die-hard Democrats, especially religious Democrats, by pointing out the folly in voting for Democrat politicians who vote against their personal religious convictions—they are violating the trust placed in them to “represent them, speak for them” in Congress and, therefore, may be “complicit” in voting for abortion, transgenderism, et al. Life begins at conception: “For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb.” (Psalm 139:13) Too often people forget that God’s laws prevail over man’s laws: “But Peter and the apostles answered, “We must obey God rather than men.” (Acts 5:29)
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Reply 17 - Posted by: jasonB 8/31/2024 2:41:19 PM (No. 1788038)
Trump stepped on a rake and ate it. STOP attributing everything that comes out of his mouth as 57DD chess. The Pro-life members (those with any guts) of the GOP called him out and he was forced to pivot. HOLD YOUR LEADERS ACCOUNTABLE.
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Reply 18 - Posted by: Geoman 8/31/2024 3:49:54 PM (No. 1788061)
I was surprised to hear Trump characterize the abortion debate by referring to it as "reproductive rights," the democrats preferred 180 degree misleading term. No one is impinging on a woman's right to reproduce.
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Reply 19 - Posted by: msjena 8/31/2024 6:47:45 PM (No. 1788132)
"Pro-lifers" need to be won back after he appointed the justices who overturned Roe v. Wade?
0 people like this.

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Prince Harry 'feels overshadowed by Meghan
Markle and plotting return to UK'
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Posted by Harlowe 9/2/2024 12:24:48 AM Post Reply
Prince Harry is reported to have told friends that he feels like a "spare" in the United States. Pals of the Duke of Sussex have reportedly said he feels that he has lost his way and even feels overshadowed by his wife, Meghan Markle, in public. [Snip] They added: "The Colombia trip also really highlighted how Meghan is comfortable stepping into the spotlight, while Harry cuts a very sulky, unhappy figure in the background." The unnamed source claimed Harry wants to find a way back to royal life in Britain and is seeking the advice of old pals and associates.
Probe reveals 6,000 Gazans infiltrated
Israel during October 7 massacre – report
5 replies
Posted by Harlowe 8/31/2024 5:54:34 PM Post Reply
A staggering 6,000 Gazans infiltrated Israel during the October 7 massacre, nearly double the previously estimated amount, according to a new probe by the Gaza Division that was submitted to IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Herzi Halevi and published on Saturday on the N12 News site. [Snip] Of the 6,000 Gazans who crossed into Israel, some 3,800 were identified as Nukhba terrorists--members of Hamas’s elite forces. [Snip] The probe also revealed that 2,200 Gazans, including both terrorists and looters, participated in the attack, further escalating the chaos and violence that marked the day.
How Donald Trump Can Regain The Support
Of Pro-Lifers
19 replies
Posted by Harlowe 8/31/2024 12:52:17 AM Post Reply
On Thursday, former President Donald Trump generated a firestorm of controversy in pro-life political circles.[Snip]In response, Trump stated, “I think the six-week is too short. There has to be more time.” Many interpreted his comments to mean he would vote in favor of Amendment 4.[Snip]Lately, many pro-lifers have been frustrated with Trump because he has offered them precious little in terms of commitments on abortion policy.[Snip]By simply raising concerns about the full implications of Amendment 4, Trump could win back the support of some skeptical pro-life voters. More importantly, he would be performing a valuable service for pro-lifers in Florida and across the country.
Billy Graham's granddaughter joins 'Evangelicals
for Harris,' quotes Isaiah to blast Trump supporters
29 replies
Posted by Harlowe 8/17/2024 1:17:24 PM Post Reply
The granddaughter of the late Rev. Billy Graham endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris during an "Evangelicals for Harris" Zoom call Wednesday and suggested that Christians who support former President Donald Trump are causing people to turn away from Christianity. Jerushah Duford, whose mother Virginia "Gigi" Graham Tchividjian is Graham's oldest daughter, [Snip] "Voting Kamala, for me, is so much greater than policies. It's a vote against another four years of faith leaders justifying the actions of a man who destroys the message Jesus came to spread, and that is why I get involved in politics," she said.
Survey Finds College Students Lack ‘Rudimentary’
Knowledge of History and Civics
21 replies
Posted by Harlowe 8/16/2024 3:50:38 PM Post Reply
This is because American schools are choosing to emphasize social justice and progressive talking points instead. The College Fix reports: College students lack ‘rudimentary’ knowledge of history, civics: survey – [Snip] ...a civic literacy assessment recently conducted by the American Council of Trustees and Alumni. [Snip] Historian and Hillsdale College Professor Wilfred McClay told The Fix in a recent email he was both “appalled and saddened” by another finding from the survey that found 57 percent of students would flee the country rather than stay and fight in the case of an invasion. “This reflects a social malady, a sickness of the soul, that runs deeper
How Trump Can Win – or Lose – the Election 17 replies
Posted by Harlowe 8/8/2024 12:01:46 AM Post Reply
The good news for the Trump campaign is that the sure Democratic nominee Kamala Harris is a lifelong California hard leftist at a time when the state is emblematic of progressive nihilism. Her extremist advocacies as a San Francisco county and city attorney, state Attorney General, and senator are on record. And they are consistent with what has virtually destroyed the state. [Snip] However, the bad news for Trump is that there are only roughly 90 days left to expose Harris’s extremist record. And like cognitively challenged Joe Biden in 2020, her handlers will not allow her to speak extemporaneously or to give interviews to real journalists.
Supreme Court denies request to move Trump
sentencing in hush money case until after election
2 replies
Posted by Harlowe 8/6/2024 11:21:01 PM Post Reply
The U.S. Supreme Court rejected Monday a request by Missouri Republican Attorney General Andrew Bailey to delay sentencing of former president and Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s conviction in New York over past payments to porn star Stephanie “Stormy Daniels” Clifford, setting the stage for legal penalties to potentially complicate Trump’s intended return to the White House. [Snip] ...Bailey’s office filed a motion to have the date moved again to after the election, arguing the case interfered with Trump’s ability to campaign, such as his ability to present his side of the story to voters.
Kellyanne Conway joins Ukrainian oligarch’s
foundation for $50k per month to lobby
US officials
20 replies
Posted by Harlowe 8/5/2024 11:10:21 PM Post Reply
Former Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway is drawing attention after accepting a role with a Ukrainian oligarch that will require her to lobby prominent U.S. officials to promote the war-torn country’s interests in America. [Snip] Conway’s new position is with the U.K. arm of Ukrainian billionaire Victor Pinchuk’s philanthropic foundation that was founded in 2006. [Snip] One of Conway’s duties is to convince U.S. lawmakers, experts, and opinion makers to attend Pinchuk’s annual Yalta European Strategy meeting in Kyiv this September. The conference has been held every year since 2004 and features an array of business, political, media, and civic leaders.
Schumer’s ‘No Kings Act’ Allows
Congress, Not SCOTUS, to Determine ‘Whom
Federal Criminal Laws May be Applied’
14 replies
Posted by Harlowe 8/1/2024 11:41:28 PM Post Reply
Senate Majority Leader Chuckie Schumer introduced his No Kings Act to eliminate immunity for presidents and vice presidents. [Snip] The No Kings Act puts everything in the hands of Congress and the notorious left-leaning United States District Court for the District of Columbia. [Snip] The Democrats wrote (emphasis mine): “No President or Vice President (former or sitting) would be entitled to immunity from criminal prosecution for actions that violate the criminal laws of the United States. The bill would clarify that Congress, not the Supreme Court, determines to whom federal criminal laws may be applied.”
Pittsburgh synagogue vandalized with pro-Hamas graffiti 1 reply
Posted by Harlowe 7/30/2024 12:05:05 AM Post Reply
Vandals painted a symbol associated with Hamas on a synagogue in Pittsburgh, near the site of the deadliest attack on Jews in US history. The slogan “Jews for Palestine” and an inverted red triangle appeared Monday on Chabad of Squirrel Hill, walking distance from Tree of Life, the synagogue complex where a white supremacist murdered 11 Jews in 2018. The building is across the street from a Jewish day school. The inverted red triangle is linked to the Hamas terror group, which has used it on propaganda videos produced by its al-Qassam military wing to signify Israeli targets. It has since been adopted by pro-Palestinian demonstrators.
‘Anyone over Trump’: Gazans lend support
to Kamala Harris, fear pro-Israel Trump presidency
8 replies
Posted by Harlowe 7/29/2024 11:43:21 PM Post Reply
Gazans are hoping Kamala Harris becomes the next president of the United States due to fears of what another 4 years with Donald Trump in the position could mean for Palestinian statehood and humanitarian aid to the enclave, according to interviews published on Saturday by Al-Monitor. Harris’s notable absence from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s congressional address last week was interpreted by some in both Gaza and the West as a political statement. [Snip] “I think Harris will have a better vision for the Palestinians, especially with regard to human rights, such as increasing aid and Gaza’s reconstruction,” he said.
The Lights Went Out in Paris 18 replies
Posted by Harlowe 7/28/2024 1:04:11 PM Post Reply
After a vile, degenerate and blasphemous opening ceremony to the Olympics in Paris France, on the first day of competition the region suffered a total power failure. Well, almost a total power failure. You see, in the top of the picture showing the blackout, you might notice one area completely unaffected. That is the Sacre Coeur Church, the Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. A loving God will not be mocked. The light of Jesus Christ can’t be overcome by the darkness of man. Our faith is steadfast. God is in control.
Most Active Articles (last 48 hours)
Biden on Death of Hersh Goldberg-Polin:
‘Hamas Leaders Will Pay for These Crimes’
35 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 9/1/2024 1:40:47 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden responded to the news that Hersh Goldberg-Polin was one of the bodies that the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) had discovered in Gaza, and stated “Hamas leaders will pay for these crimes.” Biden issued a statement that it was “now confirmed that one of the hostages” killed by Hamas terrorists was Goldberg-Polin. Biden described Goldberg-Polin’s death as “tragic” and “reprehensible.” “Earlier today, in a tunnel under the city of Rafah, Israeli forces recovered six bodies of hostages held by Hamas,” Biden said in a statement. “We have now confirmed that one of the hostages killed by these vicious Hamas terrorists was an American citizen
Black Californians warn Newsom of 'direct
impact' on Harris after Democrats kill
slave reparation bills
26 replies
Posted by Moritz55 9/1/2024 10:09:21 AM Post Reply
Black activists at the California assembly threatened a "direct impact" on Vice President Harris' presidential campaign after state Democratic lawmakers held off on two bills that would have greenlighted slavery reparations. Last week, the California legislature approved proposals allowing for the return of land or compensation to families whose property was unjustly seized by the government, and issuing a formal apology for laws and practices that have harmed Black people. But none of those bills would provide widespread direct payments to African Americans.
You Won't Believe What Toronto's First
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Caught Doing
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Posted by Beardo 9/1/2024 9:27:14 AM Post Reply
The first black female police superintendent of Toronto, Canada was demoted after she reportedly admitted to helping several black police officers cheat in order to get promoted. According to The Toronto Star, Supt. Stacy Clarke leaked confidential exam questions to six black police officers. (snip) The Star reported that in May, Clarke said in a hearing that she helped the cops cheat to counteract a “racial bias” meant to hold black police officers back (snip) “I felt at the time that (the six officers) did not have a fair chance in this process and my own history and experience of racial inequity compounded this feeling,” Clarke wrote
Hamas Shot 6 Hostages in Head in Last
48 Hours to Prevent IDF Rescue
14 replies
Posted by Imright 9/1/2024 10:13:56 AM Post Reply
The six Israeli hostages whose bodies were found in a Hamas tunnel underneath Gaza Saturday had been shot in the head in the last 48 hours, according to autopsy reports Sunday. As Breitbart News reported, the Israeli military identified the hostages Carmel Gat, Eden Yerushalmi, American-Israeli Hersh Goldberg-Polin, Alexander Lobanov, Almog Sarusi, and Master Sergeant Ori Danino. Hamas murdered the hostages in the belief that Israel Defense Forces (IDF) soldiers were closing in. According to IDF spokesman Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari, the soldiers did not know the hostages’ exact location but had rescued one hostage nearby last week and were fighting above ground at the location.
Israelis Forces Recover the Bodies of
Six Hostages, Including One American Citizen
14 replies
Posted by Imright 9/1/2024 12:51:06 AM Post Reply
As Israel’s justified war against Hamas raged, the terror group still held over 100 hostages. Once again, a ceasefire agreement was rejected by Hamas last week. Tragically, Israeli forces made a gruesome discovery this weekend in Gaza: the bodies of six hostages were recovered, including one American (via Axios): Israel Defense Forces recovered the bodies of six Israeli hostages held by Hamas in Gaza, including one American citizen, Israeli officials said. Why it matters: The recovery operation took place amid continued efforts to reach a hostage-release and ceasefire in Gaza deal.
Georgia election workers seek Giuliani’s
condos, Mercedes and Yankees rings in
bid to enforce defamation case judgment
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Posted by NorthernDog 9/1/2024 1:52:02 PM Post Reply
The Georgia election workers who successfully sued former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani for defamation asked a federal court on Friday to enforce the $146 million judgment in their favor, listing a wide variety of personal items that could be used to pay off the money they’re owed. Lawyers for Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss are seeking a court order requiring that Giuliani turn over within the next seven days his properties in New York and Florida, his Mercedes-Benz, more than two-dozen luxury watches, various sports memorabilia, including three New York Yankees World Series rings, and other personal items. They
Prince Harry 'feels overshadowed by Meghan
Markle and plotting return to UK'
12 replies
Posted by Harlowe 9/2/2024 12:24:48 AM Post Reply
Prince Harry is reported to have told friends that he feels like a "spare" in the United States. Pals of the Duke of Sussex have reportedly said he feels that he has lost his way and even feels overshadowed by his wife, Meghan Markle, in public. [Snip] They added: "The Colombia trip also really highlighted how Meghan is comfortable stepping into the spotlight, while Harry cuts a very sulky, unhappy figure in the background." The unnamed source claimed Harry wants to find a way back to royal life in Britain and is seeking the advice of old pals and associates.
Former Clinton Apparatchik Robert Reich:
Elon Musk Should Be Threatened With Arrest
for 'Disinformation'
12 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 9/1/2024 9:57:51 PM Post Reply
The more I read about or hear about Elon Musk, the more I like the guy. Oh, I don't agree with him on every issue, but then, if two people agree on everything, one of them isn't necessary. But I like his tenaciousness, I like his grit, and I admire his First Amendment absolutism. So, when Clinton creature Robert Reich, the former Labor Secretary (because of course he was), opines that Musk should be threatened with arrest by regulators for "disseminating lies and hate" - meaning anything Robert Reich doesn't agree with - well, I'm inclined to tell Robert Reich precisely where he can place that idea,
Kremlin spokesman says Harris is more
predictable than Trump
12 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 9/1/2024 4:43:39 PM Post Reply
Russia sees U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris as a more predictable opponent than Republican Donald Trump, though in any case there is no prospect of an improvement in relations with Washington, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said. In an interview with Pavel Zarubin, a TV reporter with favoured access to the Kremlin, Peskov also appeared dismissive of Trump's boast that he could end the Ukraine war within 24 hours if U.S. voters returned him to the White House. Before Joe Biden announced his withdrawal from November's election and threw his support behind Harris, Russian President Vladimir Putin had said that Moscow preferred Biden over Trump, describing
Netanyahu Vows to Destroy Hamas after
IDF Recovers Bodies of Slain Hostages
12 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 9/1/2024 3:30:15 PM Post Reply
Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu swore to eliminate Hamas leadership and destroy the terrorist organization in an address shortly after the Israel Defense Forces recovered the bodies of six hostages killed in the tunnels under Rafah, Gaza. “This is a difficult day for us,” Netanyahu began. “Together with all citizens of Israel, I was outraged to the depths of my soul by the horrific, cold-blooded murder of six of our hostages: Carmel Gat, Eden Yerushalmi, Hersh Goldberg-Polin, Alexander Lobanov, Almog Sarusi, and Master Sergeant Ori Danino. May God avenge them.”
The Harris campaign is riding a wave to
defeat — and may be setting a trap we’ve
seen before
12 replies
Posted by Moritz55 9/1/2024 10:19:33 AM Post Reply
When George H.W. Bush was ducking debates during the fall of 1992, Bill Clinton’s campaign sent trolling 7-foot chicken mascots to every Bush campaign event. The humorous jab was brilliantly effective. A chastened Bush relented, agreeing to three debates. But by that time, “Chicken George,” as it came to be known, had done its damage. Clinton emerged as the alpha-male to Bush’s beta and Clinton never looked back as he rode the wave into the White House. Kamala Harris is potentially setting up the same trap.
US Democrats urge Israel-Hamas ceasefire
after dead hostages recovered
11 replies
Posted by NorthernDog 9/1/2024 7:24:43 PM Post Reply
WASHINGTON - Several U.S. Democratic lawmakers renewed calls for an Israeli-Hamas ceasefire on Sunday in reaction to the killing of six hostages in a tunnel under Gaza, while Republicans criticized President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris for not giving stronger support to Israel. Israel recovered the bodies of six hostages from a tunnel in Gaza where they were apparently killed shortly before its troops reached them, triggering Israeli protests on Sunday and planned strikes over the failure to save them. The military said the bodies of Hersh Goldberg-Polin, who is an Israeli-American citizen, Carmel Gat, Eden Yerushalmi, Alexander Lobanov
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