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Kellyanne Conway joins Ukrainian oligarch’s
foundation for $50k per month to lobby
US officials

Original Article

Posted By: Harlowe, 8/5/2024 11:10:21 PM

Former Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway is drawing attention after accepting a role with a Ukrainian oligarch that will require her to lobby prominent U.S. officials to promote the war-torn country’s interests in America. [Snip] Conway’s new position is with the U.K. arm of Ukrainian billionaire Victor Pinchuk’s philanthropic foundation that was founded in 2006. [Snip] One of Conway’s duties is to convince U.S. lawmakers, experts, and opinion makers to attend Pinchuk’s annual Yalta European Strategy meeting in Kyiv this September. The conference has been held every year since 2004 and features an array of business, political, media, and civic leaders.


Ms. Conway will be paid $50,000 “a month until election day this November” and requires her to “file with the U. S. government as an individual who is acting on behalf of a foreign entity." Victor Pinchuk’s annual meeting attendees have included Hillary Clinton, Boris Johnson, Condoleezza Rice, Fareed Zakaria, and Yuval Harari. Mr. Pinchuk “reportedly gave $13.1 million to the Clinton Foundation between 2006 and 2014 and attended Bill Clinton’s 65th birthday party.”

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Flyball Dogs 8/5/2024 11:26:28 PM (No. 1773354)
Disappointing. But not altogether surprising. (Note: she is not, and never has been, on my List.)
32 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: simpleman 8/5/2024 11:31:07 PM (No. 1773356)
... the primary lesson for 47 is 45 has mostly the wrong people ... the few that were solid were great but they were never in control ... last week was the forced resignation at Project 2025 and now the unmasking of the Goldman Sachs return to DJT inner circle ... Jared made too much money to return, maybe its KellyAnne's turn ....
8 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: LooseCannon 8/5/2024 11:56:09 PM (No. 1773361)
Trump needs to drop her off at the next exit.
29 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: jalo1951 8/6/2024 12:05:47 AM (No. 1773362)
She never floated my boat and I didn't see what was special about her. Good luck, whatever. Does this mean she can no longer go on FOX and other stations? If she never showed up again it would not be a great loss. Just wondering. And, yes, for all his savvy Trump did pick way to many bozos to be in his administration. Speaking of Trump stop the personality attacks, attack her policies. Talk about your vision for the future.
33 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Historybuff 8/6/2024 12:28:58 AM (No. 1773369)
We’ve already established what you are, we are just bargaining on the price.
21 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: YorkieMom 8/6/2024 12:33:45 AM (No. 1773370)
I always turn off the TV or mute it when Conway comes on.
9 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Ketchuplover 8/6/2024 1:30:54 AM (No. 1773376)
One can have respect for the likes of her, and say, Mary Matalin - but when you consider a major choice in their lives - that of a spouse - one wonders, not only about their judgment, but also their sincerity in what they "espouse."
40 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: ARKfamily 8/6/2024 5:26:07 AM (No. 1773424)
There was a certain amount of distrust for me when I learned she was married to George Conway who is part of the Lincoln Project. I always wondered if confidentiality was a priority for Kellyanne Conway.
14 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Strike3 8/6/2024 8:08:50 AM (No. 1773480)
Just another Hunter Biden with actual talent who is doing it the legal way. It sounds like the job title should be Minister of Propaganda.
6 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: MissTX 8/6/2024 8:09:56 AM (No. 1773481)
So essentially American $$$ will ultimately pay her salary.
8 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: downnout 8/6/2024 8:27:37 AM (No. 1773486)
But the BIG question - will she register as a lobbyist for a foreign power? You know, like Hunter Biden did…oh wait…
5 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: billa57 8/6/2024 8:53:11 AM (No. 1773496)
I think Ukraine wants connection to President Trump. If Kellyanne get an agreement to release the Burisma, Biden, Zelinsky, shakedown evidence that would be a good start to diplomatic relations.
6 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: chillijilli 8/6/2024 8:57:31 AM (No. 1773500)
I've always thought of KellyAnne as a celebrity airhead whose only discernible talent is talking in circles. HER word salads are iNTENTIONAL, though. Her latest cosmetic overhaul has somehow made her look even more airheaded. I can't figure out if her schtick is to look and sound like an annoying airhead or if she really is one. Why would anyone care what she thinks---or pay her $50K a month to lobby?
5 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: Quigley 8/6/2024 9:09:50 AM (No. 1773508)
She has the Huncher Bidet Chair at the trough. Funded with recycled US Dollars. Great. But a girl's gotta eat.
2 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: earlybird 8/6/2024 10:02:51 AM (No. 1773545)
I have never trusted hee as far as I could throw her. She stuck witj her Trump-hating husband, and her daughter is as bad. She is an amoral parasite who goes to the highest bidder.
3 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: Italiano 8/6/2024 10:21:50 AM (No. 1773554)
If there is an "unforgivable sin," marriage to George Conway is it.
3 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: Kate318 8/6/2024 11:13:52 AM (No. 1773585)
Oh my. It appears Kellyanne has officially gone over to the dark side. Apparently our tax dollars to Zelenskyy are buying a lot of things these days.
1 person likes this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: john56 8/6/2024 11:24:22 AM (No. 1773593)
Hey, come on. Single mom needs a job. At least she did it the "right" way.
1 person likes this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: Muguy 8/6/2024 11:25:00 AM (No. 1773595)
Not surprised-- she is a sell out! Her husband was a sell out and vain and unprincipled man getting rich off of trying to ruin people. Now she joins him doing the same thing-- why not just lobby for the defense contractor industry? Ike warned us about the rise of the military/industrial complex taking over tax dollars
1 person likes this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: danu 8/6/2024 11:45:53 AM (No. 1773613)
whut the actual....these characters think tthey've hit the big time, they're world class. bla bla until, one fine day day, they're gifted with a set of steak knives, by shrillary.
0 people like this.

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Supreme Court denies request to move Trump
sentencing in hush money case until after election
2 replies
Posted by Harlowe 8/6/2024 11:21:01 PM Post Reply
The U.S. Supreme Court rejected Monday a request by Missouri Republican Attorney General Andrew Bailey to delay sentencing of former president and Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s conviction in New York over past payments to porn star Stephanie “Stormy Daniels” Clifford, setting the stage for legal penalties to potentially complicate Trump’s intended return to the White House. [Snip] ...Bailey’s office filed a motion to have the date moved again to after the election, arguing the case interfered with Trump’s ability to campaign, such as his ability to present his side of the story to voters.
Kellyanne Conway joins Ukrainian oligarch’s
foundation for $50k per month to lobby
US officials
20 replies
Posted by Harlowe 8/5/2024 11:10:21 PM Post Reply
Former Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway is drawing attention after accepting a role with a Ukrainian oligarch that will require her to lobby prominent U.S. officials to promote the war-torn country’s interests in America. [Snip] Conway’s new position is with the U.K. arm of Ukrainian billionaire Victor Pinchuk’s philanthropic foundation that was founded in 2006. [Snip] One of Conway’s duties is to convince U.S. lawmakers, experts, and opinion makers to attend Pinchuk’s annual Yalta European Strategy meeting in Kyiv this September. The conference has been held every year since 2004 and features an array of business, political, media, and civic leaders.
Schumer’s ‘No Kings Act’ Allows
Congress, Not SCOTUS, to Determine ‘Whom
Federal Criminal Laws May be Applied’
14 replies
Posted by Harlowe 8/1/2024 11:41:28 PM Post Reply
Senate Majority Leader Chuckie Schumer introduced his No Kings Act to eliminate immunity for presidents and vice presidents. [Snip] The No Kings Act puts everything in the hands of Congress and the notorious left-leaning United States District Court for the District of Columbia. [Snip] The Democrats wrote (emphasis mine): “No President or Vice President (former or sitting) would be entitled to immunity from criminal prosecution for actions that violate the criminal laws of the United States. The bill would clarify that Congress, not the Supreme Court, determines to whom federal criminal laws may be applied.”
Pittsburgh synagogue vandalized with pro-Hamas graffiti 1 reply
Posted by Harlowe 7/30/2024 12:05:05 AM Post Reply
Vandals painted a symbol associated with Hamas on a synagogue in Pittsburgh, near the site of the deadliest attack on Jews in US history. The slogan “Jews for Palestine” and an inverted red triangle appeared Monday on Chabad of Squirrel Hill, walking distance from Tree of Life, the synagogue complex where a white supremacist murdered 11 Jews in 2018. The building is across the street from a Jewish day school. The inverted red triangle is linked to the Hamas terror group, which has used it on propaganda videos produced by its al-Qassam military wing to signify Israeli targets. It has since been adopted by pro-Palestinian demonstrators.
‘Anyone over Trump’: Gazans lend support
to Kamala Harris, fear pro-Israel Trump presidency
8 replies
Posted by Harlowe 7/29/2024 11:43:21 PM Post Reply
Gazans are hoping Kamala Harris becomes the next president of the United States due to fears of what another 4 years with Donald Trump in the position could mean for Palestinian statehood and humanitarian aid to the enclave, according to interviews published on Saturday by Al-Monitor. Harris’s notable absence from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s congressional address last week was interpreted by some in both Gaza and the West as a political statement. [Snip] “I think Harris will have a better vision for the Palestinians, especially with regard to human rights, such as increasing aid and Gaza’s reconstruction,” he said.
The Lights Went Out in Paris 18 replies
Posted by Harlowe 7/28/2024 1:04:11 PM Post Reply
After a vile, degenerate and blasphemous opening ceremony to the Olympics in Paris France, on the first day of competition the region suffered a total power failure. Well, almost a total power failure. You see, in the top of the picture showing the blackout, you might notice one area completely unaffected. That is the Sacre Coeur Church, the Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. A loving God will not be mocked. The light of Jesus Christ can’t be overcome by the darkness of man. Our faith is steadfast. God is in control.
Trump tells Christians they won't have
to vote after this election
17 replies
Posted by Harlowe 7/27/2024 2:51:36 PM Post Reply
WASHINGTON - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump told Christians on Friday that if they vote for him this November, "in four years, you don't have to vote again. We'll have it fixed so good, you're not gonna have to vote." It was not clear what the former president meant by his remarks, [Snip] He added: "I love you Christians. I'm a Christian. I love you, get out, you gotta get out and vote. In four years, you don't have to vote again, we'll have it fixed so good you're not going to have to vote," Trump said.
If Biden Cannot Run For Office, Then He
Cannot Remain In Office
9 replies
Posted by Harlowe 7/21/2024 6:21:44 PM Post Reply
Democrats successfully launched a soft coup against President Joe Biden after his senility became a political liability, with Biden announcing he would no longer seek the party’s nomination. [Snip] If Biden is too senile to run for president, he is too senile to remain in office. [Snip] But if Biden is permitted to remain in office for the next six months, then the “party of Democracy” just signaled that 14 million primary voters engaged in nothing more than perfunctory democracy. That is, one in which votes mean naught because a handful of D.C. elites have the ultimate say when their power suddenly is put on the line.
Biden Drops Out – Endorses Kamala 12 replies
Posted by Harlowe 7/21/2024 3:52:30 PM Post Reply
Well guys, it has come to pass as anticipated. Joe Biden has announced his withdrawal from the 2024 presidential campaign. [Snip] Biden was always a one-term disposable President, and that was confirmed as soon as his Obama handler, Susan Rice, left the White House in 2023. [Snip] The thing to watch is whether she picks Newsom as her running mate, and if Newsom agrees. If yes, then the bet is they can defeat Trump. If no, then the needle points in the other direction. [Snip] Keep watching the background players for their reaction and positioning.
The Biden Family Fighting the DNC Apparatus
to Remain in Power…
20 replies
Posted by Harlowe 7/20/2024 4:26:14 PM Post Reply
…. That’s the essential message coming from the latest developments per the framework pushed by the professionally democrat. The Washington Post (CIA/IC) frames the battle of the selfish Biden family against the goals of an altruistic DNC corporation (Obama/Pelosi). The wounds being suffered by the magnanimous heir apparent Kamala are unfair; at least, that’s the useful presentation for those who control the left-wing of the club. Joe Biden is essentially, at his core, the purist manifestation of a Democrat. The internecine battle underway was created by the Corporation putting one of their toxic generals in charge of the organization.
New study finds Big Pharma company Merck
misled participants in HPV vaccine trial
5 replies
Posted by Harlowe 7/16/2024 6:13:00 PM Post Reply
A recent study published in the International Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine in May this year found that pharmaceutical company Merck & Co. was involved in scientific fraud when it misled participants in its HPV vaccine trial. Merck designed a clinical trial that stated: “One half of the participants will receive the active vaccine, while the other half will get the placebo vaccine.” [Snip] “This AAHS ‘placebo’ can cause serious allergic reactions in some people. These adverse reactions are related to the aluminium salt’s neurotoxic effects which include epilepsy and unpredictable neurological and inflammatory responses throughout the body,” Chemical Violence stated.
A shooting range, a gun store, and a ladder
purchase: Tracking the Trump rally gunman’s
movements leading up to his attack
27 replies
Posted by Harlowe 7/16/2024 1:16:25 PM Post Reply
In the 48 hours before he opened fire on former President Donald Trump, 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks made a series of stops in and around his suburban Pittsburgh hometown. On Friday, he went to a shooting range where he was a member, and practiced firing, [Snip] The next morning, Crooks went to a Home Depot, where he bought a five-foot ladder, and a gun store, where he purchased 50 rounds of ammunition, the official said. [Snip] He parked the car outside the rally, with an improvised explosive device hidden in the trunk that was wired to a transmitter he carried, the official said.
Most Active Articles (last 48 hours)
Tim Walz picked as Kamala Harris' VP in
the 2024 presidential election
35 replies
Posted by Imright 8/6/2024 9:04:12 AM Post Reply
Kamala Harris has chosen Minnesota's progressive governor Tim Walz as her running mate after weeks of speculation, according to CNN. The 60-year-old father-of-two, who has been married to his teacher wife Gwen since 1994, joins the ticket in a victory for the progressive left of the party who were concerned about some of the other contenders' support of Israel. In Minnesota he has codified the right to abortion, signed universal free school meals, legalized recreational marijuana and gave voting rights to former prisoners.
NBC: 'Moderate' Walz Looks 'Like a Lot
of Dads,' Hails Ticket As 'A Beautiful Mosaic'
25 replies
Posted by Imright 8/6/2024 3:45:38 PM Post Reply
Vice President Kamala Harris selecting Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz to be her running mate on Tuesday caused NBC's cast of characters to gush with praise. Throughout the coverage, Walz would be called a “moderate” who can win over Republicans and a "progressive" who can appease Muslim and Arab voters upset with President Joe Biden on Israel while also being lauded for looking “like a lot of dads,” while the Harris-Walz ticket was described as a “beautiful mosaic.” White House correspondent Gabe Gutierrez’s biography of Walz recalled, “After moving to Minnesota, he volunteered for John Kerry’s presidential campaign, and in an upset, he was elected to Congress in 2006.
Trump Says Joe Biden Will Try to “Take
Back the Nomination” at the DNC After
It Was Stolen by Kamala — “I HEAR
20 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 8/6/2024 5:36:41 PM Post Reply
President Donald Trump announced on Truth Social that Joe Biden will attempt to reclaim the Democratic nomination after it was “stolen” by Kamala Harris. This comment comes in light of recent announcements confirming Harris’s position as the Democrat presidential nominee, following a controversial series of events leading to Biden’s abrupt withdrawal from the 2024 race. Last week, DNC Chair Jaime Harrison announced that Harris has amassed enough delegates to secure her place at the top of the ticket, with final results expected to be confirmed on Monday. Despite never winning a primary election, Harris has now found herself positioned as the official Democrat nominee.
Wow: Josh Shapiro Backed Out of the Kamala
Veepstakes at the Last Minute
19 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 8/6/2024 4:49:02 PM Post Reply
As recently as last week, Kamala Harris appeared to be on the cusp of picking Gov. Josh Shapiro (D-Pa.) as her running mate. Despite the progressive backlash against him and a slew of scandalous leaks, he was the runaway frontrunner in the betting odds as conventional wisdom held that Kamala needed a "moderate" swing state Democrat to help expand her path to 270 Electoral College votes. Shapiro's chances remained high even after he faced serious allegations by a fellow Democrat of covering up harassment in his office. The sexual harassment cover-up didn't take Shapiro out of contention, and neither did another cover-up — this one involving murder.
RFK DESTROYS New Yorker Hit Piece on Him
and I Haven't Laughed This Hard In Years
19 replies
Posted by Hazymac 8/6/2024 10:29:11 AM Post Reply
The New Yorker set out to write a total, ruinous take-down of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on Tuesday to force the nephew of Camelot to bow down to commie Kamalot. RFK Jr. took the story, utterly destroyed and exquisitely mocked it, and hilariously commanded his own story—a scoop— that the magazine had hoped would horrify voters but instead made me laugh harder than I have in years. RFK Jr. put his own story out on X, taunting The New Yorker, "Looking forward to seeing how you spin this, @NewYorker." Kennedy obviously got a head's up the story was coming and decided he'd get in front of it, scooping the magazine.
Is Harris/Walz a Throwaway Ticket? 18 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 8/6/2024 4:37:17 PM Post Reply
This has already been a weird election cycle, and no, I'm not talking about anything JD Vance said about cat ladies. It's the Democrats that are behaving strangely, even for them - and given that they have been maintaining a Weekend at Bernie's presidency for almost four years, keeping befuddled old Joe Biden in place, insisting he was "sharp as a tack" and "on his game" until they couldn't hide the fact any longer that His Dessicatedness has lost it. So now they have anointed Joe's life insurance policy, Kamala Harris, Queen of the Word Salad. And as RedState informed you, she has picked
Here is the Deciding Factor in Kamala
Harris’s Decision to Reject Pennsylvania
Governor Josh Shapiro as Running Mate
and Pick Radical Leftist Tim Walz Instead
18 replies
Posted by Imright 8/6/2024 12:22:20 PM Post Reply
As The Gateway Pundit reported earlier, Kamala Harris selected Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as her running mate to the delight of anti-semites and socialists across the country. Walz is a radical leftist who presided over the George Floyd riots in 2020 and ignored cries from across the state. Instead, he stated that “a society that does not put equity and inclusion first will come to this result.” (X Video) He even mocked Minnesota national guardsmen as a bunch of ’19-year-old cooks” when asked why he rejected Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey’s request to send them to the city.
Minnesota Nice: Creepy Tim Walz Uses Fake
Internet Sex Meme to Mock JD Vance
17 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 8/6/2024 10:19:10 PM Post Reply
Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz (D) referred to a crude sex joke based on a fake meme to make fun of rival Sen. JD Vance (R-OH) during a rally in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on Tuesday as Vice President Kamala Harris’s running mate. “I can’t wait to debate the guy,” Walz said, to cheers. Then he added: “That is, if he’s willing to get off the couch and show up.” The crowd roared with laughter. “You see what I did there?” he said, clearly aware of the joke. The joke refers to a meme that claims Vance had sex with a couch, based on a fake citation from his memoir, Hillbilly Elegy.
Pakistani National with Iranian
Ties Charged with Murder-for-Hire in Foiled
Assassination Plot Against President Trump
15 replies
Posted by Imright 8/6/2024 3:29:35 PM Post Reply
A federal complaint unsealed on Tuesday in Brooklyn has charged Asif Merchant, also known as “Asif Raza Merchant,” a 46-year-old Pakistani national, with murder-for-hire in connection with a foiled assassination plot targeting a politician or U.S. government officials on American soil. The plot was thwarted by law enforcement before any attack could be executed. Merchant is currently in federal custody in New York, according to the press release. FBI investigators believe that the intended targets of the plot included Trump and other current and former U.S. government officials, according to a U.S. official briefed on the matter, per CNN.
Secret Service whistleblower makes damning
claim about the lead agent during Trump's
assassination attempt
15 replies
Posted by Beardo 8/6/2024 11:00:02 AM Post Reply
A whistleblower is claiming that the lead Secret Service agent in charge of Donald Trump's deadly Butler, Pennsylvania, rally was 'inexperienced' and 'failed to implement appropriate security protocols.' (snip) 'The site agent, the lead agent, was known to the Trump campaign to be inexperienced, to be ineffectual, to be, frankly, incompetent at their job,' Hawley told Fox News' Jesse Watters Monday evening. 'I'm also told by whistleblowers that on that day, she was not enforcing the normal security protocols.' The Missouri senator noted a slew of concerning abnormalities with the tragic rally from flags that obstructed agents' views to authorities forgoing ID checks.
Minnesota National Guard Leaders Expose
Tim Walz for Stolen Valor: Lied About
Rank, and Quit Upon Learning of Iraq Deployment
14 replies
Posted by Imright 8/6/2024 3:32:25 PM Post Reply
Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, recently announced as Kamala Harris’ running mate for the 2024 election, has been accused of stolen valor by retired leaders of the Minnesota National Guard. Retired Command Sergeants Major Thomas Behrends and Paul Herr published a scathing letter in the West Central Tribune, exposing what they claim are significant fabrications and omissions in Walz’s military record. Walz, who served in the US House of Representatives for 12 years before being elected governor in 2018, has long touted his military service as a key component of his public image. The retired leaders assert it is their duty to expose what they describe as a pattern of deception
‘Sanctuary state’ Gov. Tim Walz gave
illegal migrants taxpayer-funded healthcare,
tuition, driver’s licenses
14 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 8/6/2024 11:37:39 AM Post Reply
President Biden’s “border czar,” Veep Kamala Harris, has chosen a fellow soft-on-illegal-immigration politician as her running mate. Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, 60, who was named Harris’ vice-presidential pick Tuesday, has supported efforts to turn his home state into a sanctuary state while also backing other stances that cater to undocumented migrants. “My position on Minnesota becoming a sanctuary state boils down to who has the responsibility for enforcing immigration laws,” Walz told CBS News in 2018. “Here’s what I believe: Congress has given federal agencies the authority to enforce immigration laws in Minnesota, and I support their doing so,” he said. “Congress has not given local law enforcement that same authority.
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