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Left-Wing Salon Attacks MAGA Over Refusal
to Admit Ella Emhoff Is ‘Cute’ —
‘Unapologetic Misogyny’

Original Article

Posted By: OhioNick, 8/28/2024 2:12:32 AM

MAGA’s attacks on Vice President Kamala Harris’s stepdaughter, Ella Emhoff, stem from “unapologetic misogyny” and “toxic masculinity,” as well as a refusal to “admit to themselves that she’s cute,” according to a left-wing Salon piece that accuses Trump’s team of seeking to “win over the worst men in the nation by appealing directly to their controlling, misogynist desires.” The Tuesday essay, titled “MAGA attacks on Kamala Harris’ stepdaughter threaten to backfire on Donald Trump,” was penned by Salon senior politics writer Amanda Marcotte, who accused leading voices within the MAGA movement of “proving that they are weird” for their ongoing obsession with Kamala Harris’s stepdaughter.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Jiobaobubai 8/28/2024 2:21:14 AM (No. 1786062)
Creating a "problem" that never actually existed. No one care.
44 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Catherine 8/28/2024 2:57:18 AM (No. 1786063)
Maybe if someone helped her make herself presentable, she might be okay. But she looks like she tries really hard to look plain and the tattoos don't help.
32 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: MissNan 8/28/2024 3:15:34 AM (No. 1786066)
She’s not ‘cute’. She’s homely as all get out and I’m wondering just how she got to be a model? Does she have a Willie Brown too?
45 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Maggie2u 8/28/2024 3:19:06 AM (No. 1786067)
It's kind of funny the author of the article that appeared in Salon doesn't give any examples. So I'm wondering if all the 'unapologetic misogyny' and 'toxic masculinity' exists only in her mind. What she imagines how right wing masculine men think and for the record, she does NOT get to tell us what 'cute' looks like. I'm also wondering just how she would compare Emhoff's style with Melania Trump's style.
39 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: NotaBene 8/28/2024 3:20:07 AM (No. 1786068)
Stepdaughter is.fugly and Camala is barren. OTOH Willie Brown in his sixties may have had a low sperm count.
21 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Wetenschapper 8/28/2024 3:48:55 AM (No. 1786072)
Never heard of her, but if the picture in the article is any indication, I'm strongly reminded of a saying we had back where I grew up: "That'd scare a buzzard off a gutwagon".
35 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Rand Al'Thor 8/28/2024 3:57:00 AM (No. 1786073)
They all have to be part of a freak show. And if we won’t celebrate it, WE’RE the bad guy!
39 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: DiegoDude 8/28/2024 4:05:07 AM (No. 1786076)
Cute? No. I'm leaning in the coyote ugly direction.
24 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: mifla 8/28/2024 4:57:34 AM (No. 1786085)
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, Amanda. It is not mandated by the MSM.
36 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: Safari Man 8/28/2024 5:19:04 AM (No. 1786094)
Talk about anything except Kamala and her radical communist agenda. Look, a squirrell.
22 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: Strike3 8/28/2024 5:44:18 AM (No. 1786102)
Okay, you got us. Chelsea Clinton was cute too, even before the thousands of dollars of surgery.
14 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: Rumblehog 8/28/2024 5:57:40 AM (No. 1786108)
About as "cute" as a broomstick... and to top it off, she's weird.
12 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: franq 8/28/2024 6:06:02 AM (No. 1786118)
7 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: Krause 8/28/2024 6:09:42 AM (No. 1786120)
In the leftist world Ella is hip, gorgeous, fantastic! A role model for all girls!
11 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: jeffkinnh 8/28/2024 6:21:00 AM (No. 1786125)
Well, she looks like a geek. She seems almost painfully skinny. Her big glasses make her look like an owl. Her hair is pulled back in a severe bun like a classic library lady that delights in telling you to "Be Quiet". She probably designed her own dress but it looks like she stole it from her grandmother and it doesn't really fit her well. She has a tattoo of a cow on her arm and the rest of her tattoos look like they are scribbled on. And, who cares. By my standards, if you bother to ask me, she is not attractive. Does she need to be? Neither is she ugly. She looks like 100's of thousands of young women "doing their own thing". The point is, she made a speech at the DNC. Why do her thoughts matter to the party, to the country? Because she is related to Kamala? Because she has the fire to stand up in front of a national audience and not be intimidated? Big whoop. As others have said, Ella is a squirrel we are supposed to be looking at instead of the hard realities and critical consequences of the the election. What matters is that an incompetent, anti American, Biden administration has passed the reins, through a coup, to Kamala, one of the most incompetent among them.
36 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: Mass Minority 8/28/2024 6:37:24 AM (No. 1786134)
The article rails against misogyny, a word very few women can even define yet exudes hypergamy, a word they cannot define because they believe it doesn't exist. They describe her father's gaze as " looking at the daughter he helped raise". He didn't "help" raise her, he did raise her. She was 15 when Kamala married her dad.
9 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: natpock1 8/28/2024 6:37:33 AM (No. 1786135)
I never heard of her didn't care still don't.
10 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: Highlander 8/28/2024 6:45:25 AM (No. 1786142)
Anytime I see an unattractive tatted-up female like this specimen, I think of STD. She’s a sorry mess.
14 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: dbdiva 8/28/2024 6:46:55 AM (No. 1786144)
Where are the "paroxysms of rage" mentioned in this article? I'm fairly certain that hardly anyone has been obsessing over her; we all have too many other things to worry about thanks to step mom. How she looks and presents herself doesn't even appear on a list of worries for anyone, I'm sure.
15 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: hershey 8/28/2024 6:49:16 AM (No. 1786147)
I had to look....somethings are better never seen...she looks like a typical demented liberal...
14 people like this.

Reply 21 - Posted by: 5 handicap 8/28/2024 6:52:00 AM (No. 1786148)
If cute now means Butt-ugly, then yeah, she's real cute!
14 people like this.

Reply 22 - Posted by: slipstik 8/28/2024 6:58:59 AM (No. 1786154)
If you can't say something nice say nothing. Nothing...
12 people like this.

Reply 23 - Posted by: edgar 8/28/2024 7:17:28 AM (No. 1786167)
I did not read.article, but need to ask... how old is she? She cannot be too good looking if they refer to her as cute and she is not 5 years old.
10 people like this.

Reply 24 - Posted by: mobyclik 8/28/2024 7:27:56 AM (No. 1786180)
She's the typical liberal female...not exactly eye candy.
17 people like this.

Reply 25 - Posted by: downnout 8/28/2024 7:51:54 AM (No. 1786205)
Salon and their scribblers sound desperate.
7 people like this.

Reply 26 - Posted by: homefry 8/28/2024 7:52:36 AM (No. 1786209)
Beauty is only skin deep but on her, ugly goes right to the bone.
8 people like this.

Reply 27 - Posted by: homefry 8/28/2024 7:53:13 AM (No. 1786210)
She's so ugly a mosquito wont bite her.
6 people like this.

Reply 28 - Posted by: thethirdruffian 8/28/2024 8:03:54 AM (No. 1786222)
She’s not attractive to me, but each to their own. If she likes how she looks, that’s her business. The most confusing thing to me is how leftists demand everyone agree with everything they believe. Reminds me of vegetarians or cross fitters. And radical Muslims. Always proselytizing. It’s OK to have differing opinions on lots of things. I the root cause is they have low opinions of themselves, so they demand validation from others.
15 people like this.

Reply 29 - Posted by: udanja99 8/28/2024 8:04:10 AM (No. 1786224)
Cute if you think that looking like a female Harry Potter is cute.
9 people like this.

Reply 30 - Posted by: felixcat 8/28/2024 8:06:46 AM (No. 1786227)
Does she own any cats?
11 people like this.

Reply 31 - Posted by: John Farson 8/28/2024 8:23:37 AM (No. 1786240)
I’ve seen better tats come out of Angola.
9 people like this.

Reply 32 - Posted by: skacmar 8/28/2024 8:45:20 AM (No. 1786249)
MAGA is not attacking Emhoff. They are just not salivating over her and praising her every move. Is she cute? I guess so in an East Coast lesbian bohemian hipster sort if way. Otherwise, she is just another weather politicians kid who only get any attention or notice because of who her parents are. Otherwise, she is just another skinny Goodwill shopper who works several jobs to support her bohemian hippy lifestyle in Brooklyn.
12 people like this.

Reply 33 - Posted by: Kate318 8/28/2024 8:52:44 AM (No. 1786255)
If he tried, even Kurt Vonnegut couldn’t make up the lunacy of the left. It is beyond human understanding. And btw, with whom is it going to backfire? All those outraged at yet another gender-confused child’s situation would never vote for President Trump in the first place.
5 people like this.

Reply 34 - Posted by: chillijilli 8/28/2024 9:20:29 AM (No. 1786266)
Vee sink she ist cute und you ahr not allowed to sink she ist not. Vee ahr zee authoreetee herh und haf our vays to make you obey. Verstehst du?
8 people like this.

Reply 35 - Posted by: enemyofthestate 8/28/2024 10:28:35 AM (No. 1786308)
Nice tattoos Ella sports.... not. Low-class and not cute, though. I thought Judaism prohibits tattoos...... Oh, and by the way, Ella Emhoff is totally irrelevant to the current presidential campaign. No copy should be wasted on her.
4 people like this.

Reply 36 - Posted by: broken01 8/28/2024 10:50:46 AM (No. 1786315)
What the heck does her homely looking stepdaughter's looks have to do with the fact that Harris isn't fit to clean a WH toilet?
10 people like this.

Reply 37 - Posted by: DVC 8/28/2024 10:57:32 AM (No. 1786324)
Never saw her before, so pulled up some pix. NOT cute. More like odd.
5 people like this.

Reply 38 - Posted by: MickTurn 8/28/2024 11:14:24 AM (No. 1786337)
Right, It has nothing to do with the FACT that Scamala and all her supporters are totally out of control........
5 people like this.

Reply 39 - Posted by: cold porridge 8/28/2024 12:09:53 PM (No. 1786369)
Cute? Really? She looks like an unkempt boy.
4 people like this.

Reply 40 - Posted by: Noj15 8/28/2024 12:26:36 PM (No. 1786377)
Define "cute." This "chick" ain't cute. Neither are her shoes.
3 people like this.

Reply 41 - Posted by: Hazymac 8/28/2024 12:32:15 PM (No. 1786378)
Cute? No.
3 people like this.

Reply 42 - Posted by: Dodge Boy 8/28/2024 1:45:37 PM (No. 1786404)
Looks to me like it is on something.
1 person likes this.

Reply 43 - Posted by: WhamDBambam 8/28/2024 8:52:47 PM (No. 1786582)
Looks like a bit of a bow-wow to me.
2 people like this.

Reply 44 - Posted by: rochow 8/28/2024 10:32:52 PM (No. 1786634)
She is an ugly dog. My apologies to dogs.
1 person likes this.

Reply 45 - Posted by: JimBob 8/29/2024 4:36:56 AM (No. 1786691)
Did a quick search for images of her. Not cute/ In my opinion deliberately plain and unattractive. Looks to me like one of those unattractive, unhappy females that are momentarily happy only when they make someone else unhappy..... and the tats don't help. I would wager that she does have a cat... or several.
0 people like this.

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Posted by OhioNick 9/1/2024 4:40:14 PM Post Reply
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Left-Wing Salon Attacks MAGA Over Refusal
to Admit Ella Emhoff Is ‘Cute’ —
‘Unapologetic Misogyny’
45 replies
Posted by OhioNick 8/28/2024 2:12:32 AM Post Reply
MAGA’s attacks on Vice President Kamala Harris’s stepdaughter, Ella Emhoff, stem from “unapologetic misogyny” and “toxic masculinity,” as well as a refusal to “admit to themselves that she’s cute,” according to a left-wing Salon piece that accuses Trump’s team of seeking to “win over the worst men in the nation by appealing directly to their controlling, misogynist desires.” The Tuesday essay, titled “MAGA attacks on Kamala Harris’ stepdaughter threaten to backfire on Donald Trump,” was penned by Salon senior politics writer Amanda Marcotte, who accused leading voices within the MAGA movement of “proving that they are weird” for their ongoing obsession with Kamala Harris’s stepdaughter.
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Posted by OhioNick 8/5/2024 9:12:30 PM Post Reply
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10 replies
Posted by OhioNick 8/5/2024 3:48:15 PM Post Reply
A Canadian farmer who wants to build a house on his land is being forced to pay $400,000 for a government-mandated archeological dig on his property - and could face jail time if he does not comply. Bruce Cassel, 75, was required to get an archeological assessment of his Ontario farmland when he decided to build a dream retirement home for him and his wife more than four years ago. During the dig, archeologists discovered bits of stone identified as Indigenous artifacts. Now the owner could face massive fines or even jail time unless he pays to complete the final stages of the assessment, which he said totaled $400,000, National Post reported.
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10 replies
Posted by OhioNick 8/5/2024 2:32:28 PM Post Reply
Canada’s colonists celebrated the weekend in the traditional fashion by calling for the murder of non-Muslims in Toronto and Montreal. [SNIP] These are entirely explicit calls for Islamic terrorism and violence, with no government response. Had they been truckers protesting pandemic lockdowns and vaccine mandates, there would have been outrage and action. Trudeau would have declared a State of Emergency and had their bank accounts frozen. But much as in the UK, there are two sets of rules and as progressives in good standing, Islamic Jihadists get a pass unless they actually start doing things.
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19 replies
Posted by OhioNick 8/4/2024 9:37:41 PM Post Reply
Furious bikers have turned their back on iconic motorcycle maker Harley-Davidson, accusing its CEO of 'going woke.' The growing movement - spearheaded by conservative influencer Robby Starbuck - cites CEO Jochen Zeitz's support for hardline policies on trans care for kids, critical race theory, climate change and diversity, equity and inclusion efforts. Starbuck, 35, is now demanding the company drop its CEO - and is rallying motorcycle enthusiasts to his cause at the largest bikers' event in the world, the 84th Sturgis Motorcycle Rally in South Dakota. 'Bikers @SturgisRally are going to be spreading the word about this,' Starbuck vowed last week, just days before the 10-day event kicked off.
Kamala is Anti-Israel. Her Husband’s
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for his law firm
13 replies
Posted by OhioNick 8/2/2024 3:11:25 PM Post Reply
“Will Doug Emhoff’s Legal Career Be an Issue for the Biden-Harris Ticket?” the New York Times asked four years ago. The newspaper noted that Emhoff, the husband of Kamala Harris, was a partner at DLA Piper whose “lobbying clients” had included the governments of Afghanistan and Bahrain, as well as the Qatari government-funded Al Jazeera Network and the Palestine Monetary Authority. DLA Piper was good to the Emhoff-Harris family with the family taking home $2.7 million in 2019 and $1.2 million in 2020.
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Posted by OhioNick 8/1/2024 1:52:14 PM Post Reply
Sen. Jon Tester (D-MT) in 2018 praised an apocalyptic Pearl Jam concert poster that depicted former President Donald Trump dead, according to his 2020 book, Grounded: A Rural Democrat’s Fight to Unite America. Tester’s last reelection campaign enflamed controversy when a Pearl Jam poster for a get-out-the-vote concert promoting the Montana Democrat featured a dead Donald Trump and an American bald eagle eating the remains of his corpse. Tester is close friends with Pearl Jam bassist Jeff Ament, who designed the poster.
EXPOSED: How Biden's clumsy aid teams
fund the Taliban's war on women with YOUR money
4 replies
Posted by OhioNick 7/31/2024 3:55:45 PM Post Reply
It's hard to imagine the US government doling out taxpayers' money, knowing that it flows to Taliban extremists who impose their religious fanaticism on long-suffering Afghans. But that's what auditors have uncovered about the Biden administration's bungling State Department. Two foreign affairs teams in 2022 provided $293 million of humanitarian aid to Afghan nonprofits without checking carefully enough that the recipients were above board. [SNIP] Millions more has gone missing from the more than $17.9 billion the US has sent to Afghanistan since 2021, when US forces withdrew from the country as the Taliban swept back to power.
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Posted by Dreadnought 9/1/2024 1:40:47 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Moritz55 9/1/2024 10:09:21 AM Post Reply
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Posted by mc squared 8/31/2024 1:56:39 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Harlowe 8/31/2024 12:52:17 AM Post Reply
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18 replies
Posted by Imright 8/31/2024 8:19:22 PM Post Reply
Maybe the US Army should focus more on winning wars and not on playing politics with the former President! (Photo) President Trump on Monday honored the 13 US service members who lost their lives three years ago outside the Kabul Airport in Afghanistan at the hands of a suicide bomber. President Trump attended the service and was joined by several families and service members who lost loved ones that day during Joe Biden’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan and surrender to the Taliban. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris did not bother to attend the ceremony.
New Pennsylvania Poll Shows Just How Stupid
It Was for Kamala Harris to Pick Tim Walz
17 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 8/31/2024 10:27:07 AM Post Reply
Is Kamala Harris having second thoughts about picking Tim Walz as her running mate? If she isn't, she probably should be. A new poll out of Pennsylvania is shedding some light on just how much of an own-goal that was. Before getting there, though, the topline is really good news for Donald Trump, showing him tied in the head-to-head and leading in the five-way matchup (which is more relevant). It appears Harris' momentum has been completely halted, with no perceivable bounce from the DNC. Bob Casey, the Democrat senator up for re-election in Pennsylvania, only being up two points is also a huge result for Republicans.
Biden returns to the BEACH for second
straight weekend - despite solemn DNC
vow to 'work like hell'
16 replies
Posted by Imright 8/31/2024 6:16:13 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden was spotted with First Lady Jill Biden on the beach in Rehoboth, Delaware - vacationing for the second weekend in a row. Biden sat near a blue umbrella wearing a black hat and Philadelphia Eagles T-shirt while talking on the phone and waving at the cameras on Saturday. The First Lady appeared relaxed with the sleeves of her white dress rolled up and hair tired back in a gray baseball cap.The 81-year-old president, who vowed he was committed to seeing out the remaining months of his term, has been facing criticism for spending so much time at the beach. 'Who is running the country?'
Body Language Experts Analyzed Kamala’s
CNN Interview. Here’s What They Found.
15 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 8/31/2024 6:23:22 PM Post Reply
It doesn't take an expert to know that Kamala Harris was out of her element during the softball interview with CNN. She's been avoiding interviews and press conferences for weeks, and despite finally agreeing to an interview with a friendly network conducted by a friendly host, she still needed her male running mate to accompany her. But it should come as no surprise that a body language expert who analyzed Kamala's performance during the interview told Fox News Digital that Harris lacked both confidence and a presidential demeanor. According to Susan Constantine, Harris frequently looked down during the CNN interview, which suggested that she was “not confident in what she’s saying.”
Military Deployed to Guard a Migrant Hotel
in New York at ‘Request of the State
Officials’: Report
15 replies
Posted by Imright 8/31/2024 2:46:15 PM Post Reply
Military personnel were reportedly deployed to guard the Wolcott Hotel in Manhattan at the request of state officials. On Tuesday, citizen journalist Jason Goodman, founder of Crowdsource the Truth, captured footage of military stationed outside The Wolcott Hotel. The Wolcott Hotel, located on West 31st Street in New York City, has recently been converted into a mega-shelter for migrants. This transformation was confirmed by a report from the New York Post, which revealed that the hotel, once a bustling hub for tourists, has indefinitely closed its doors to regular guests back in 2023 due to the ongoing migrant crisis
Hamas Shot 6 Hostages in Head in Last
48 Hours to Prevent IDF Rescue
14 replies
Posted by Imright 9/1/2024 10:13:56 AM Post Reply
The six Israeli hostages whose bodies were found in a Hamas tunnel underneath Gaza Saturday had been shot in the head in the last 48 hours, according to autopsy reports Sunday. As Breitbart News reported, the Israeli military identified the hostages Carmel Gat, Eden Yerushalmi, American-Israeli Hersh Goldberg-Polin, Alexander Lobanov, Almog Sarusi, and Master Sergeant Ori Danino. Hamas murdered the hostages in the belief that Israel Defense Forces (IDF) soldiers were closing in. According to IDF spokesman Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari, the soldiers did not know the hostages’ exact location but had rescued one hostage nearby last week and were fighting above ground at the location.
Israelis Forces Recover the Bodies of
Six Hostages, Including One American Citizen
14 replies
Posted by Imright 9/1/2024 12:51:06 AM Post Reply
As Israel’s justified war against Hamas raged, the terror group still held over 100 hostages. Once again, a ceasefire agreement was rejected by Hamas last week. Tragically, Israeli forces made a gruesome discovery this weekend in Gaza: the bodies of six hostages were recovered, including one American (via Axios): Israel Defense Forces recovered the bodies of six Israeli hostages held by Hamas in Gaza, including one American citizen, Israeli officials said. Why it matters: The recovery operation took place amid continued efforts to reach a hostage-release and ceasefire in Gaza deal.
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