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Talk show legend Phil Donahue dead at 88

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Posted By: DW626, 8/19/2024 2:57:52 PM

Phil Donahue, the legendary TV talk show host, has died. He was 88. Donahue passed away Sunday night following a long illness, his family confirmed to “Today” Monday morning. The star died at home surrounded by his loved ones, including his wife of 44 years, Marlo Thomas, his sister, his children, grandchildren and his beloved golden retriever, Charlie. The family’s statement requested that donations be made to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital or the Phil Donahue/Notre Dame Scholarship Fund in lieu of flowers.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Kate318 8/19/2024 3:10:45 PM (No. 1781042)
Although decidedly left, he had discussions with people across the spectrum…discussions, not shouting matches, not gotcha questions or insults. He always said really stupid things, and I yelled at the TV a lot when watching his show, but his guests were interesting. I haven’t missed him, but I appreciate his contribution.
13 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Avikingman 8/19/2024 3:49:34 PM (No. 1781056)
A YT video of Milton Friedman filleting Donahue is just plain fun to watch. RIP.
15 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Readaholic 8/19/2024 3:54:18 PM (No. 1781059)
Well said, #1; he was very watchable back in the day. Then Oprah came along and trashed up the genre and Phil had to get down in “the transvestite trenches” too (his words) in order to stay in business.
12 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Jethro bo 8/19/2024 4:35:22 PM (No. 1781083)
Condolences to his family. Didn't care for his style. Reminded me of a Championship Wrestlin' announcer on Saturday mornings.
4 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: homefry 8/19/2024 4:49:52 PM (No. 1781091)
Well, OK then.
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Reply 6 - Posted by: Corndoggies 8/19/2024 4:55:10 PM (No. 1781094)
He had George Will on and made a big to do about the United Stares attacking Libya. Phil went on about how we’re so big and strong and who are we to attack a small country. He had the audience booing. Then George explained that we’re both sovereign countries and when attacked the US has every right to defend itself. That got the audience cheering. I lost all respect for Phil that day.
9 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Sgt. Stubby 8/19/2024 5:20:52 PM (No. 1781112)
Many thanks to Phil Donahue for introducing me (and millions more)to Rush Limbaugh. Rush had been promoted by the media as "outrageous". Must watch TV. But my jaw dropped because Rush was anything but outrageous. Rush was a breath of fresh air. That's my best memory of Phil Donahue.
14 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: Hazymac 8/19/2024 5:27:22 PM (No. 1781115)
We all remember those blue eyes that flashed with ... ignorance, devoid of everything save feeling. But he, a dim bulb, wanted you to know how much he cared. Boy, did he care! Condolences to Marlo and the family.
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Reply 9 - Posted by: Troutgreen 8/19/2024 7:06:33 PM (No. 1781169)
He'll still vote Dem.
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Reply 10 - Posted by: enemyofthestate 8/19/2024 7:51:35 PM (No. 1781183)
Never a fan of Donahue, I think his show now looks pretty tame compared to the non-stop, 24-hour vulgarity of network television. His 44-year marriage is to be admired.
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Reply 11 - Posted by: 5 handicap 8/20/2024 5:43:44 AM (No. 1781329)
Damn, I had hoped he would have lived another Ten or Twenty exceedingly painful years!
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Look To 1453
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Posted by DW626 8/28/2024 6:59:36 AM Post Reply
They say history repeats itself. Properly forewarned, it doesn’t have to. As Americans prepare to write a pivotal history for the ages this November—one way or another—it might be helpful to take a quick look at an earlier moment in time when a much divided, fractured world faced a pivotal challenge with one man at the barricade and the rest of the world too complacent to help. Constantinople, the city that Constantine the Great founded in 330 AD and that the Theodosian walls later protected, stood as the capital of the Roman Empire for 1,000 years.
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Posted by DW626 8/23/2024 6:35:19 AM Post Reply
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7 replies
Posted by DW626 8/22/2024 3:06:48 PM Post Reply
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Tweedle-Kam and Tweedle-Tim 8 replies
Posted by DW626 8/22/2024 9:38:00 AM Post Reply
The more I see of Tim Walz, the more I realize he’s just a fatter, whiter version of Kamala. They both laugh at inappropriate times. They both say weird things. They both yearn for a communist America. They’re both on the wrong side of the IQ bell curve. If we lived in a society that encouraged talented people to run for political office, Tweedle-Kam and Tweedle-Tim would not be known. Because our political system excels at promoting mediocre minds attached to lost souls, the Democrat Party gives us a babbling baboon and a cackling hyena for veep and president.
Let the Midnight Special, shine its everlovin’
light on me
8 replies
Posted by DW626 8/21/2024 7:33:26 AM Post Reply
It wasn’t Senator McGovern who in 1972, accepted the nomination way past midnight. I remember my mother coming into my room and asking what crazy stuff I was watching that weird time of the day. I told my mother that it was Senator McGovern accepting the nomination and she seemed a bit confused. Well, the DNC handed President Trump the ultimate indignity of his former opponent, a midnight speech that few people probably watched. This is from Chloe Meyer: Joe Biden’s historic and emotional farewell speech was bumped from prime-time TV, prompting disbelief and anger—and sparking various theories from viewers.
Nouriel Roubini joins Mark Zandi and Paul
Krugman and dons a dunce cap, saying Trump’s
policies are ‘highly dangerous’ for markets
13 replies
Posted by DW626 8/21/2024 7:29:28 AM Post Reply
Along with Nouriel Roubini, this article quotes Mark Zandi and Paul Krugman, both of whom predicted in 2016 that President Trump’s policies would cause massive job losses and a great recession as they campaigned for Hillary Clinton. They are all partisan hacks. They are not independent economists who analyze based on facts. These dire predictions are part of the Democrat playbook. From Yahoo Finance on Sunday: Roubini: Certain Trump economic proposals are ‘highly dangerous’ for markets Veteran economist Nouriel Roubini told me that Trump’s proposed policies — including across-the-board tariffs and an extension of the 2017 tax cuts
Kamala's elephant in the room 6 replies
Posted by DW626 8/20/2024 12:11:23 PM Post Reply
They call it the elephant in the room or the issue that won't go away. I am talking about the price of food or that weekly purchase that we all make. VP Harris may pretend to feel our pain or to propose silly solutions to ease it but it's the same old inflation crushing our wallets. Let's take a look. (snip) As I overheard someone say, inflation is a number on the TV screen until you go shopping. Then it takes over your family's budget and you feel like you are drowning all the time. Inflation is also topic one when you go out with friends.
Talk show legend Phil Donahue dead at 88 11 replies
Posted by DW626 8/19/2024 2:57:52 PM Post Reply
Phil Donahue, the legendary TV talk show host, has died. He was 88. Donahue passed away Sunday night following a long illness, his family confirmed to “Today” Monday morning. The star died at home surrounded by his loved ones, including his wife of 44 years, Marlo Thomas, his sister, his children, grandchildren and his beloved golden retriever, Charlie. The family’s statement requested that donations be made to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital or the Phil Donahue/Notre Dame Scholarship Fund in lieu of flowers.
Professors working to abolish harmful
street names
22 replies
Posted by DW626 8/18/2024 11:00:55 PM Post Reply
Several professors, headed by project leader Daniel Oto-Peralías at Universidad Pablo de Olavide in Spain, have created a new app that they claim will help identify “offensive” and “harmful” street names and “repair past wrongs.” The STNAMES LAB app was described by Oto-Peralías and fellow geography professors Derek Alderman of the University of Tennessee and Joshua Inwood of Penn State University as an “important education tool” in a recent article at The Conversation. The intrepid professors wrote that the app:
James Carville’s vile, racist attack
on Israel and its supporters in America
22 replies
Posted by DW626 8/17/2024 7:35:21 PM Post Reply
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Bitter Joe gets restless, starts to nip
at Kamala's and other Democrats' heels
9 replies
Posted by DW626 8/15/2024 3:04:46 PM Post Reply
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The ‘King Chuck” Con: Congress and
Judges Are Already Immune for ‘Official Acts’
3 replies
Posted by DW626 8/15/2024 7:28:56 AM Post Reply
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to Admit Ella Emhoff Is ‘Cute’ —
‘Unapologetic Misogyny’
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Posted by OhioNick 8/28/2024 2:12:32 AM Post Reply
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A Violent Venezuelan Prison Gang Has Taken
Over an American City
23 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 8/27/2024 3:05:22 PM Post Reply
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Mark Zuckerberg admits Biden admin pressured
Facebook to censor COVID content, says
it was wrong to suppress Hunter laptop coverage
23 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 8/27/2024 5:43:37 AM Post Reply
Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg admitted Monday that the Biden administration pressured Facebook to censor COVID-19 content and acknowledged it was wrong to stifle The Post’s coverage of Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop. In an explosive letter to House Judiciary Committee Chairman Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), Zuckerberg wrote that “senior Biden administration officials, including the White House, repeatedly pressured” Meta to “censor” content related to the coronavirus pandemic in 2021. The content the Biden administration requested that Meta take down included “humor and satire,” according to the Facebook founder, and he said he regrets complying with certain demands.
Under Tim Walz, Minnesota Banned Christians
From Teaching In Public Schools
22 replies
Posted by Beardo 8/27/2024 11:03:32 AM Post Reply
Effective July 2025, teacher licensing rules passed last year in Minnesota under Democrat Gov. Tim Walz will ban practicing Christians, Jews, and Muslims from teaching in public schools. (snip) Starting next July, Minnesota agencies controlled by Walz appointees will require teacher license applicants to affirm transgenderism and race Marxism. Without a teaching license, individuals cannot work in Minnesota public schools, nor in the private schools that require such licenses. The latest version of the regulations requires teachers to “affirm” students’ “gender identity” and “sexual orientation” to receive a Minnesota teaching license:
'The tropics are broken:' So where are
all the Atlantic hurricanes?
22 replies
Posted by NorthernDog 8/27/2024 9:36:44 AM Post Reply
The 2024 hurricane season is not going as predicted – yet. So far this year, including the three that are spinning Monday, there have been more storms in the Pacific than the Atlantic, and that's a bit of a surprise, forecasters say. In addition, it's been eerily calm in the Atlantic over the past week or so as we approach what's traditionally the busiest time of the season. "It is quiet out there," Colorado State University meteorologist Phil Klotzbach told USA TODAY on Monday. "I certainly wasn't expecting this when we put out our most recent seasonal forecast!" "We haven't had
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Posted by Dreadnought 8/27/2024 4:56:41 PM Post Reply
Washington — Special counsel Jack Smith filed a superseding indictment against former President Donald Trump on Tuesday in which he again accused Trump of resisting the peaceful transfer of power after the 2020 presidential election. Smith narrowed the allegations after a landmark Supreme Court ruling on presidential power earlier this year. The new 36-page charging document is based on a more refined set of allegedly criminal acts after the Supreme Court ruled Trump was immune from prosecution for some of the conduct included in Smith's original 45-page indictment returned last year. Prosecutors maintained the four counts against Trump that he previously faced — including conspiracy
Is the Secret Service covering up information
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20 replies
Posted by Imright 8/27/2024 1:00:56 AM Post Reply
Less than two months ago, Donald Trump narrowly survived an assassination attempt after 20-year-old Thomas Crooks opened fire at an open-air rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. While Secret Service agents were applauded for bravely swarming the stage to protect Trump, the incident represented one of the worst security failures in American history. Following the shooting on July 13 - which claimed the life of firefighter Corey Comperatore - Congress set up a bipartisan taskforce to investigate. As questions mounted, Secret Service chief Kimberly Cheatle was forced to resign.
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18 replies
Posted by Imright 8/27/2024 8:56:52 AM Post Reply
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Says She is ‘Prepared’ to Rule on
a Disputed Presidential Election
17 replies
Posted by Imright 8/27/2024 6:35:57 PM Post Reply
Supreme Court Justice Kentanji Brown Jackson has said she is preparing herself to rule on the outcome of a disputed presidential election. In an interview with CBS’s Norah O’Donnell, Jackson said the court must be prepared for such an outcome. “I think there are legal issues that arise out of the political process,” Jackson said during an interview with CBS’s Norah O’Donnell. “And so, the Supreme Court has to be prepared to respond — if — if that should be necessary.” O’Donnell then asked Jackson point blank whether she was personally prepared for a Supreme Court ruling.
RFK Jr. reveals Republican who told Donald
Trump NOT to release the files on his
uncle JFK's assassination
16 replies
Posted by Imright 8/27/2024 12:51:08 PM Post Reply
Donald Trump vowed to release the remaining files on the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy if he is elected president for a second term. The ex-president previously said he would declassify the documents, but was urged not to by one of his senior cabinet members, according to Robert F. Kennedy Jr. It now seems that Trump had a change of heart after an assassin made a failed attempt on his life at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania on July 13. Thomas Matthew Crooks, 20, shot Trump's right ear.
Harris and Trump squabble over muted mics
at upcoming debate
16 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 8/27/2024 6:21:00 AM Post Reply
The campaigns of Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump are arguing in advance of their high-stakes Sept. 10 debate over whether microphones should be muted except for the candidate whose turn it is to speak. While it’s common for campaigns to quibble beforehand over debate mechanics, both Harris and Trump are under pressure to deliver a strong performance next month in Philadelphia. The first debate during this campaign led to President Joe Biden’s departure from the race.
Cornel West: Kamala Harris Offered Me
a Job, Debt Payoff If I Dropped Out
15 replies
Posted by Imright 8/27/2024 9:03:30 PM Post Reply
Independent left-wing presidential candidate Dr. Cornel West told said Friday that Vice President Kamala Harris’s campaign offered him a job in her potential administration, and to pay his campaign debts, if he dropped out of the 2024 race. West made the stunning accusation after the close of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, in an interview with independent journalist Jordan Chariton on the Status Coup News podcast.The two discussed offers to drop out in anticipation of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s anticipated decision to suspend his campaign (in battleground states) and to endorse former President Donald Trump.
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