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Posts on Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Trump plans to stop holding outdoor rallies
after assassination attempt
Posted by Dreadnought 7/23/2024 11:27:33 PM Post Reply
Former President Donald Trump plans to stop holding outdoor rallies like the one where he was shot during an assassination attempt this month in Butler, Pennsylvania, according to two sources familiar with his campaign’s operations. The sources said current plans are to hold indoor rallies, but they also said it's possible Trump will participate in smaller outdoor events or larger rallies in facilities where entrances are more fully controlled and there are not issues with high ground nearby, like stadiums. Spokespeople for the Trump campaign and the Secret Service did not immediately respond to requests for comment Tuesday night.
Ted Cruz Issues a Warning to Fellow Republicans
After Kamala Harris Replaces Joe Biden:
'Very Worried'
Posted by JoElla Bee 7/23/2024 11:03:06 PM Post Reply
As the Democratic Party picks its presidential election hopes off the floor, Republican Sen. Ted Cruz says Republicans need to adjust to a combative new world in which Vice President Kamala Harris represents a formidable challenge to former President Donald Trump.[Snip] Cruz said that “the Democrats are about to have a month-long convention where every news story will be focused on who the nominee is gonna be.” Cruz also said media reports are “going to talk about what an historic president Kamala Harris would be and it’s going to be a month long” affair.[Snip] Cruz said Harris can be beaten, but it will take work.
Representative Eli Crane Notes a Report
that Assassin Thomas Crook’s House was
Scrubbed Prior to Investigation
Posted by earlybird 7/23/2024 10:38:52 PM Post Reply
At today’s House Homeland Security Committee hearing, Rep. Eli Crane (R-AZ) questioned the Commissioner of the Pennsylvania State Police, Christopher Paris, about a video he took of the Butler Township location of the assassination attempt against former President Trump. Toward the end of his questioning, Representative Crane says he has received information that Thomas Crook’s house was scrubbed, cleaned and even silverware removed, prior to the investigative units arriving. Seems odd. WATCH:
Donald Trump Blasts Kamala Harris’s
‘Dangerously Extreme Immigration Policies’:
Will Be ‘Exponentially Worse’ If She
Is President
Posted by Imright 7/23/2024 9:34:46 PM Post Reply
Vice President Kamala Harris’s “dangerously extreme immigration policies” have led to the “largest invasion in history,” former President Donald Trump said during a press call on Tuesday, warning that the situation will get “exponentially worse” if she becomes president and highlighting her atrocious record, particularly in her capacity as “border czar.” Trump, who was joined on the call by Brandon Judd, Immediate Past President of the National Border Patrol Council, and Paul Perez, President of the National Border Patrol Council, began by pointing out that Harris was appointed “border czar” in 2021.
Is Joe Biden Dying? replies
Posted by Big Bopper 7/23/2024 9:26:04 PM Post Reply
I’ll just give the facts: He’s 81-years old. He’s shown a distinct decline in his physical and mental state. The White House announced last week that he has COVID. He was pushed out of the presidential election by people who are familiar with his physical and mental state. He has essentially disappeared since then – for over 48 hours. He apparently traveled to the vicinity of Las Vegas. There are reports that he suffered a medical emergency there, and emergency assistance was called. His handlers refused the assistance, and instead flew him back east, according to local authorities.
Black Lives Matter Turns on Democratic
Party After Kamala Harris Is Installed
as Nominee
Posted by Beardo 7/23/2024 8:43:53 PM Post Reply
Cosmic justice sometimes comes with a dose of irony. Black Lives Matter, the insidious Marxist organization Democrats used to foment violence during the race-mongering madness of 2020, has issued a public objection to party leaders’ swift coronation of Vice President Kamala Harris as their 2024 presidential nominee. (snip) To its credit, BLM called out party leaders’ apparent coup against Biden. “Now, Democratic Party elites and billionaire donors are attempting to manipulate black voters by anointing Kamala Harris and an unknown vice president as the new Democratic ticket without a primary vote by the public,” the statement continued.
Despicable: Leftist Thug Deliberately
Runs Over Elderly Trump Supporter in ATV
Over a Yard Sign During Politically-Motivated
Crime Spree in Michigan
Posted by Imright 7/23/2024 8:37:54 PM Post Reply
A left-wing thug this week committed three different crimes in Michigan targeting Donald Trump supporters, including running over a helpless elderly supporter of President Trump in an all-terrain vehicle (ATV) before reportedly killing himself. The Hancock City Police Department (HCPD) released a statement revealing that around 5:45 P.M Sunday, the suspect drove an ATV onto the yard of an 80-year-old man who was posting a Trump sign in his yard. The old man was subsequently struck in a deliberate act. The (HCPD) also noted the thug also vandalized two vehicles for displaying pro-police stickers and flags. The injured Trump supporter was transported to the hospital for severe injuries
Breaking: Kamala Harris ‘In Talks’
To Appear At Bitcoin Conference Where
Trump Will Also Speak
Posted by Imright 7/23/2024 8:18:23 PM Post Reply
Vice President and Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris is “in talks” to appear at this weekend’s Bitcoin Conference in Nashville, Tennessee, where both former president Donald Trump and candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. are already set to speak. A post on X from Bitcoin Magazine says the presumptive Democratic nominee for the presidency is in talks with Bitcoin conference CEO David Bailey. “They’re making up their minds today,” the post reads. If Harris attends the event, which expects more than 20,000 attendees, it will be the first time that both she and Trump are at the same place since the Vice President took over the nomination from President Joe Biden.
The Timing of This Discovery by the Justice
Department Reeks of Corruption
Posted by Imright 7/23/2024 8:12:02 PM Post Reply
The Biden Justice Department is beyond shameless. The timing of this discovery is beyond suspicious, given how secrecy has become a hallmark characteristic of this presidency. The discussions Biden had with his biographer and the related transcripts have been found despite the Justice Department attesting they never had them. It’s no wonder why the DOJ had a ‘hey, looky, here’ moment: Biden is no longer running, so there's no need to stonewall every news outlet activThe Biden classified document investigation, which was the first major exposure of Biden’s mentally declining state, ended with no charges against the president for mishandling sensitive materials
Democrats will show their hatred for Israel
when they boycott Netanyahu speech
Posted by Imright 7/23/2024 8:05:45 PM Post Reply
Democrats yet again will show their disdain for Israel when they boycott Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to Congress on Wednesday. Consider them the pro-Hamas party. Vice President Kamala Harris, who is supposed to preside over the Senate, claims she has a scheduling conflict and won’t attend. Her next-in-line to preside, Senate President Pro Tempore Patty Murray (D-Wash.), is skipping, too. Indeed, as many as 100 other Democrats are expected to thumb their noses at the leader of the Jewish state. Never mind that it’s a key ally and the only truly democracy in the Mideast.
Kamala Holds First Campaign Rally in Wisconsin
High School Gym After the Coup to Force
Biden Off the Ballot…and It’s Cringe (Vdeo)
Posted by Imright 7/23/2024 7:13:05 PM Post Reply
Kamala Harris on Tuesday held a rally at West Allis Central High School near Milwaukee, Wisconsin. It’s a high school gym with a capacity of 3,000 people and the media is reporting the event like it’s Woodstock. WATCH: (X Video) This is Harris’ first campaign stop after the Obama-Pelosi-backed coup to oust Joe Biden. The Democrat-media complex pushed Kamala Harris to the top of the ticket as the presumptive Democrat nominee even though she won zero primary delegates.
Additional Three Individuals Identified
as ‘Suspicious’ Prior to Trump Assassination
Attempt, Says Pennsylvania Police Commissioner
Posted by Imright 7/23/2024 6:59:35 PM Post Reply
The Pennsylvania State Police Commissioner, Colonel Christopher Paris, disclosed that not one, but four individuals were flagged as suspicious during former President Donald Trump’s rally at Butler, PA on July 13, 2024. This information came to light during a congressional hearing following the assassination attempt on the former President. According to preliminary findings reported by Senator Ron Johnson’s office, local law enforcement had spotted Crooks nearly an hour before the shooting. Crooks was first spotted by a local law enforcement sniper,
Former Trump rival Nikki Haley demands
'Haley Voters for Harris' to 'cease and desist'
Posted by Moritz55 7/23/2024 6:56:19 PM Post Reply
Former U.N. ambassador and former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley is demanding that a group claiming to represent former Haley voters who support the presidential campaign of Vice President Kamala Harris stop using her name. "Kamala Harris and I are total opposites on every issue. Any attempt to use my name to support her or her agenda is deceptive and wrong," Haley said in a statement shared first with Fox News on Tuesday. "I support Donald Trump because he understands we need to make America strong, safe, and prosperous."
Kamala Harris Boycotting Netanyahu's Speech
to Congress
Posted by Imright 7/23/2024 6:45:28 PM Post Reply
Vice President Kamala Harris' treatment towards Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has gone from bad to worse. When Netanyahu arrived on Monday night in the United States for his speech before a joint session of Congress on Wednesday, Harris, President Joe Biden, and Secretary of State Antony Blinken were all absent. It's now been revealed that Harris will also not even be at the speech. Harris will not be present, according to Fox News, because she will be at the Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Grand Boule, an event that an aide said was previously scheduled.
WATCH: No One Claps as Chuck Schumer Endorses
Harris for President; Asks for Applause,
Still No One Claps
Posted by Imright 7/23/2024 6:41:10 PM Post Reply
No one clapped when Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) formally and emphatically offered his support — and that of fellow Democrats — for Vice President Kamala Harris as the Democrat nominee in place of President Joe Biden, and the awkward moment went viral following his announcement Tuesday in a press conference. “President Biden’s selfless decision has given the Democratic Party the opportunity to unite behind a new nominee. And boy, oh boy, are we enthusiastic,” Schumer said at the beginning of the press conference, asserting that Harris has successfully earned the support of Democrats for the nomination, bizarrely claiming that this decision was from the grassroots up. “In quick order, Vice President Harris
Going on Offense: GOP Congressman Introduces
Articles of Impeachment Against Kamala Harris
Posted by Imright 7/23/2024 6:37:26 PM Post Reply
Republicans are starting to go on offense against Kamala Harris even as she enjoys a honeymoon from the corporate media and Democrat voters, highlighting her radical-left policies and tying her to Joe Biden’s record as “president.” Now, one has vowed to go further over her negligent performance in office. Olivia Beavers of Politico revealed Tuesday afternoon that Rep. Andy Ogles, a Tennessee Republican, has introduced articles of impeachment to hold Harris accountable. The articles accuse Harris of “high crimes and misdemeanors,” specifically pointing to her failures as border czar. Specifically, Harris “has willfully and systemically refused to uphold Federal immigration laws, in that: In her conduct
Developing: Justice Department ‘Discovers’
Hur Transcripts it Previously Claimed
It Did Not Have of Joe Biden’s Conversation
with His Ghostwriter
Posted by DW626 7/23/2024 4:52:22 PM Post Reply
Release the tapes! A heavily redacted transcript of Special Counsel Robert Hur’s interview with Joe Biden’s ghostwriter Mark Zwonitzer was released last month. And now the Justice Department is admitting it ‘discovered’ Hur transcripts it previously claimed it did not have of Joe Biden’s conversation with his ghostwriter Mark Zwonitzer. Joe Biden asserted executive privilege over the audio recordings. Republicans have argued that Joe Biden cannot assert executive privilege over the audio since the transcript has already been released.
Democrat Civil War Watch: Has the Coup
Against Kamala Already Started?
Posted by ladydawgfan 7/23/2024 4:10:14 PM Post Reply
Soon after Joe Biden dropped out of the race, he endorsed Kamala Harris as his successor, and within a day and a half, she reportedly had secured support from enough delegates to win the nomination at the Democrats' upcoming convention. I'm not sure if that really means anything anymore, since Joe Biden had earned the necessary delegates democratically through the primary election process, and he's no longer in the race. Call me crazy, but I won't believe Harris will be the nominee until she formally accepts the nomination. Why? Because there are whispers that Democrats aren't exactly jazzed about her being the nominee, either,
Biden’s secretive withdrawal reveals
the Democrats’ weakness and arrogance
Posted by Moritz55 7/23/2024 3:59:13 PM Post Reply
President Biden’s decision on Sunday afternoon to withdraw from the 2024 race should have turned the page on his presidency without much ambiguity. Instead, it has revealed in broad daylight the central themes of this presidential election. First theme: Strength versus weakness. Former President Donald Trump is shot in the ear and comes within a millimeter of losing his life to an assassin; arrives at the Republican National Convention to thunderous applause two days later. Meanwhile, Biden tests positive for COVID; disappears entirely for nearly a week as he remains in isolation. Second theme: Transparency versus secrecy and incompetence.
CNN's Harry Enten Drops the Reality Hammer
on Kamala Harris' Dreams
Posted by Dreadnought 7/23/2024 3:57:22 PM Post Reply
The Democratic power brokers are trying to pump up the excitement for Kamala Harris because she has a limited amount of time to lock up the nomination before the convention and avoid any effort to have a floor fight that might dethrone her. She's gotten some consequential endorsements from the elite. Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) appears to have come around now and George Clooney is on board as well. Of course, that doesn't say anything about the rest of the country, who don't care much what the elite think and that's really the problem for Harris. She's not popular, in fact she's even less popular
Mattel unveils first blind Barbie and
first Black Barbie with Down syndrome
Posted by OhioNick 7/23/2024 3:34:40 PM Post Reply
Mattel is adding a more diverse selection of Barbie dolls to its latest collection. [SNIP] “We recognize that Barbie is much more than just a doll; she represents self-expression and can create a sense of belonging," said Krista Berger, senior vice president of Barbie and global head of dolls, in a press release. “We proudly introduce a new blind Barbie doll and Black doll with Down syndrome to our Barbie Fashionistas line, reinforcing our commitment to creating products that represent global belonging and inclusivity in the doll aisle.”
Exclusive — Former WH Doctor Rep. Ronny
Jackson Doubts Biden’s Coronavirus Diagnosis
Posted by mc squared 7/23/2024 3:20:38 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden has “really gone to the basement now,” and the coronavirus diagnosis was likely an excuse to get Biden out of the picture for a few days, former White House physician Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-TX) said during an interview on Breitbart News Daily, just two days after the 81-year-old president announced he will not seek reelection. When asked by host Mike Slater where Biden is, Jackson replied, “Well, that’s a good question, right?” He’s really gone to the basement now. So I’ve been saying like, you know, look, this guy’s got COVID, and he’s got all these medical issues.
Anointing Harris Completes Divorce Between
Dems, Working Class
Posted by Dreadnought 7/23/2024 2:29:27 PM Post Reply
The Democrat Party did a lot more this month than just torpedo its own incumbent president and ignore the will of 14 million of its voters. Both in process and result, the Democrat establishment has sent its only real connection to its past identity to the trashbin. And in rushing to anoint Joe Biden's replacement rather than trust even a representative-democracy process, they have gone all-in on a radical new identity, based largely on radical identitarianism and hard-Left progressivism -- and all-in on elitism. That shift began during the Obama presidency, which came to power in the wake of an unpopular war and a financial crisis.
Donald to Biden: You're Fired--and Harris
is Next!
Posted by Dreadnought 7/23/2024 2:22:51 PM Post Reply
You have to hand it to the Trump team. They managed to work in The Don's signature line 'You're Fired," into their campaign narrative on Day 1 of the Kamala Harris campaign for president. Whether the Trump team is happy or not that Joe Biden's replacement on the ticket is Kamala Harris--my bet is that they are, for obvious reasons--they certainly have their talking points prepared, their opposition research already in the books, and their strategy laid out for the coming fight. The campaign memo released by Trump's team is pretty brutal: After being thoroughly decimated by President Trump three weeks ago at the debate in Atlanta, Joe Biden was fired.
Years of miscalculations by U.S., NATO
led to dire shell shortage in Ukraine
Posted by Christopher L 7/23/2024 2:11:37 PM Post Reply
On the frontlines near this old industrial city, soldiers in the trenches say a shortage of an all-important munition – the 155 millimeter artillery shell – has turned the war in Russia’s favor. The causes of the shell crisis began years ago. They are rooted in decisions and miscalculations made by the U.S. military and its NATO allies that occurred well before Russia’s 2022 invasion, a Reuters investigation found. A decade of strategic, funding and production mistakes played a far greater role in the shell shortage than did the recent U.S. congressional delays of aid, Reuters found.
IOC hears Palestinian request to ban Israel
from Olympics over war in Gaza
Posted by Dreadnought 7/23/2024 2:06:56 PM Post Reply
The International Olympic Committee was Tuesday weighing a Palestinian call for Israeli athletes to be barred from the Games over the war in Gaza, three days before the Opening Ceremony in Paris. As the Israeli Olympic team settled into the Athletes’ Village, the IOC was studying a letter sent by the Palestine Olympic Committee to President Thomas Bach asking him to ban the Israelis, citing the bombings of the besieged Gaza Strip as a breach of the Olympic truce. The letter sent on Monday “emphasized that Palestinian athletes, particularly those in Gaza, are denied safe passage and have suffered significantly due to the ongoing conflict.”
Masked figure threatens ‘rivers of blood
will flow’ at Paris Olympics over West's
support of ‘Zionist regime’
Posted by Dreadnought 7/23/2024 2:02:03 PM Post Reply
A video circulating on social media shows a masked figure threatening that “rivers of blood will flow” at the upcoming Olympics in Paris, which Israel is set to compete in. In the minute-long clip released on Tuesday, an Arabic-speaking man whose face is concealed by a keffiyeh addresses “the people of France and the French President [Emmanuel] Macron” and warns them that they will be punished for supporting “the Zionist regime in its criminal war against the people of Palestine.” “You provided Zionists with weapons, you helped murder our brothers and sisters, our children,” the man, standing before a slate grey background, says to the camera.
Kamala Harris' great-great-great-great
grandfather was 'notorious' Irish slave
owner who bought Jamaican plantation and
travelled to London to fight abolition,
historian claims
Posted by ladydawgfan 7/23/2024 1:56:02 PM Post Reply
Kamala Harris is descended from an owner of 120-plus slaves who ran a Jamaican plantation and fought against the abolition of the abhorrent trade, a British historian claimed today. The Democrat would-be President is of Indian and Afro-Jamaican descent with her late mother, Shyamala Gopalan, born in Madras, now Chennai, while her father, Donald Harris, is from Jamaica. The Vice-President's father, a Stanford University academic who is 85, was born in Brown's Town on the Caribbean island – named after Hamilton Brown, who is believed to be Kamala's slave-owning great-great-great-great grandfather. In an article published by the Jamaica Globe in 2019, Kamala's father Professor Harris wrote: 'My roots go back, within my lifetime,
Poll: Just 37% Say Kamala Harris Should
Be Democrat Nominee
Posted by Dreadnought 7/23/2024 1:54:00 PM Post Reply
Just 37 percent of respondents said Vice President Kamala Harris should be the Democrat nominee in place of President Joe Biden, a YouGov survey taken July 21, the day President Joe Biden announced that he is not seeking reelection, found. The survey asked, “Who should Democrats nominate as their new candidate for president?” Just 37 percent, overall, said that Democrats should nominate Vice President Kamala Harris. Over one-third, 35 percent, said “someone else,” and over a quarter, 27 percent, said they are “not sure.” Independents are not in favor of Harris, as a plurality, 36 percent, said the Democrat nominee should be “someone else.”
Rise of Harris roils Senate battleground races replies
Posted by Dreadnought 7/23/2024 1:44:02 PM Post Reply
President Biden’s decision to drop his reelection bid and Vice President Harris’s emergence as the front-runner for the Democratic nomination has vulnerable Senate Democrats scrambling to fend off new GOP attacks on her record. Biden’s biggest vulnerability was his age and doubts about his fitness for office, but the silver lining for Democrats was that Biden’s biggest problems were confined to him as a candidate and did not substantially impact Democratic senators downballot, according to polls. But now incumbents such as Sens. Jon Tester (D-Mont.), Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio), Bob Casey (D-Pa.) and Jacky Rosen (D-Nev.) are being pressed on Harris’s most controversial policy statements, stretching back to the 2020 Democratic primary.
July Polls: Trump Crushes Harris in 13
National Surveys
Posted by Dreadnought 7/23/2024 1:39:36 PM Post Reply
Former President Donald Trump leads Vice President Kamala Harris in 13 national polls published in the month of July. The surveys indicate Harris might not have any better chance of defeating Trump than President Joe Biden did. Harris’s favorability rating is one point less than Biden’s, RealClearPolitics polling average found. Harris will be an easier candidate to defeat in November than Biden, Trump said Sunday after Biden dropped out as the Democrat’s de facto nominee. The 13 polls also contradicts polling from former pollster for President Barack Obama, Fernand Amandi, who published an internal survey on July 9 that found Harris led Trump by one point.
Despite Her Big Start, Harris Faces an
Uphill Battle
Posted by Dreadnought 7/23/2024 1:32:24 PM Post Reply
All of a sudden, Kamala Harris is a world-beater. It's true that she's raised $150 million in cash and pledges since Biden gave up and quit. And she has united the Democratic Party. But that fundraising was due to pent-up demand after big donors and grassroots givers stopped donating to Joe Biden for almost two weeks. And the Democrats are united after confronting the abyss of an open convention. Sheer terror caused the Democrats to huddle together like penguins on an Antarctic glacier. It brings to mind Ben Franklin's famous dictum he said in front of the Continental Congress
Democratic leaders Chuck Schumer and Hakeem
Jeffries endorse Kamala Harris
Posted by Mercedes44 7/23/2024 1:31:06 PM Post Reply
Vice President Kamala Harris flew to her first battleground state Tuesday after locking up nomination support from Democratic delegates, determined to prosecute the Democrats’ political case against Republican former President Donald Trump. Just two days after President Joe Biden dropped his reelection bid, Harris arrived in Milwaukee, where she was to hold her first campaign rally since she launched her campaign on Sunday with Biden’s endorsement. Harris has raised more than $100 million since Sunday afternoon and has scored the backing of Democratic officials and political groups, including congressional leaders Charles Schumer and Hakeem Jeffries.
New York Times: Kamala Harris Is the Least
‘Electable’ Democrat
Posted by Imright 7/23/2024 12:58:20 PM Post Reply
Vice President Kamala Harris is the least “electable” among potential Democrats to replace President Joe Biden atop the 2024 ticket, top writers of the New York Times found Monday. The report underscores Democrats’ lack of a democratic process to select a new de facto nominee — all while nullifying about 14 million votes that were cast for Biden during the Democrat primary. Many believe the decision to replace Biden amounted to a “coup.” Biden stepped aside on Sunday after top Democrats threatened him with invoking the Twenty-Fifth Amendment to force him out, sources told the New York Post on Monday. The Times analysis found Harris was the “most risky” and least viable candidate,
Gunshot Re-Enact Shows Bloodspray and
Head Pieces Absent from Butler Rally Roof
Sniper Aftermath, Blood, Brains, Should
be Sprayed All Over Roof (Graphic)
Posted by Imright 7/23/2024 12:33:42 PM Post Reply
(Warning: The images described in this article is graphic in nature. Viewer discretion is advised.) On Saturday July 13th, there was a “colossal failure” of security, according to the Director of the Secret Service Kimberly Cheatle. (Photo) The ‘colossal failure’ resulted in an alleged sniper Thomas M. Crooks taking shots at President Trump from the rooftop of the AGR Building in Butler, Pennsylvania. (Photo) Details from the incident have been sparse, but the few that emerged have been wildly inconsistent.The Gateway Pundit conducted an interview with Dr. Mollie James, an expert in Emergency Room gunshot wounds, having had nearly 20 years experience dealing with such situations.
Mobile Data Reveals Someone Who Regularly
Visited Thomas Crooks’ Home and Work
Also Visited a Building in Washington
DC Near FBI Office
Posted by mc squared 7/23/2024 12:30:26 PM Post Reply
Who visited Thomas Crooks’ home before he attempted to assassinate President Trump? Mobile ad data analysis reveals someone who regularly visited Crooks’ Pennsylvania home also visited a building in DC near an FBI office. The Oversight Project identified nine devices linked to AD-IDs that were located at Crooks’ home and work within the last year. Per the Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project: “We found the assassin’s connections through our in-depth analysis of mobile ad data to track movements of Crooks and his associates” To do this, we tracked devices that regularly visited both Crooks’s home and place of work and followed them,” the Oversight Project said.
As Democrats coalesce around Harris, one
key player is keeping his options open
Posted by Imright 7/23/2024 12:29:31 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden’s disastrous debate performance in June shook the Democratic Party to its core. Although party leaders had hoped to conceal his deteriorating cognitive health from voters long enough to carry him over the finish line in November, the debate revealed the true extent of his decline to the world. Panic set in among Democrats. After a series of suboptimal performances in post-debate interviews, rallies, and a press conference at the end of a NATO summit, it was clear: Biden had to step aside. His stubborn refusal to leave the race created deep divisions within the party, and conservatives watched with amused fascination as the warring factions
MSNBC star Joy Reid says Americans of
color are 'going to look real crazy' and
'weird' if they don't vote for Kamala
Harris in November
Posted by Imright 7/23/2024 12:22:34 PM Post Reply
Black Americans risk being shunned by their communities if they do not fall in line and vote for Kamala Harris, Joy Reid has warned her followers. The MSNBC host told them they were going to look 'real weird and real lonely' if they do not back the 'woman of color extraordinaire' in November's presidential election. And she renewed hostilities with black model Amber Rose who infuriated her by speaking in support of Donald Trump at the Republican National Convention last week.
Watch: President Trump Reveals What Joe
Biden Said to Him After Assassination
Attempt – Reacts to the Inexcusable
Security Failures at Rally that Nearly
Killed Him
Posted by DW626 7/23/2024 12:14:55 PM Post Reply
President Trump is speaking out on the security failures that nearly led to him getting assassinated and has revealed details of a conversation he had with Joe Biden following the attempt on his life. As the Gateway Pundit reported, Trump was nearly assassinated almost two weeks ago during a campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, by a 20-year-old Democrat donor named Thomas Matthew Crooks. Even worse, we have since learned that had DEI-loving Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle afforded adequate security
Trump shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks’
father speaks out for first time after
son tried to assassinate former president
Posted by 4250Luis 7/23/2024 12:08:55 PM Post Reply
The father of would-be Donald Trump assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks has revealed the family is just trying to “take care of ourselves” — as he stepped out in public for the first time since the shooting. Matthew Brian Crooks, 53, made the remarks as he was spotted leaving a grocery store on Monday, Fox News reported.We just want to try to take care of ourselves right now. Please, just give us our space,” Crooks said as he loaded bags of items into his car. “We’re going to release a statement when our legal counsel advises us to do so — until then, we have no comment.”
Biden to address nation tomorrow on decision
to drop out of campaign
Posted by 4250Luis 7/23/2024 12:07:00 PM Post Reply
President Biden will address the nation at 8 p.m. Wednesday about his decision to abandon his campaign for a second term amid mounting questions about his mental acuity. “Tomorrow evening at 8 PM ET, I will address the nation from the Oval Office on what lies ahead, and how I will finish the job for the American people,” Biden, 81, tweeted Tuesday. The president hasn’t been seen in public since last Wednesday when he traveled to his Delaware vacation home to recuperate from COVID-19 and is expected to return to the White House Tuesday afternoon. Biden will address the nation tomorrow about dropping out of the presidential race.
Revealed: Kamala Harris vets her top VP
picks... but one favorite is left OFF
of her shortlist
Posted by Imright 7/23/2024 11:57:15 AM Post Reply
It took Vice President Kamala Harris less than two full days after President Biden dropped out of the presidential race to lock in enough delegates to become the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee. But now the Democratic presidential ticket needs a vice presidential candidate with just weeks before delegates must formally vote for the nominations and just over one hundred days until the election. The names of a number of top Democratic governors, lawmakers and other party leaders have all been floated as potential running mates.
US home sales fell in June to slowest
pace since December amid rising mortgage
rates, home prices
Posted by Dreadnought 7/23/2024 11:42:47 AM Post Reply
LOS ANGELES — The nation’s housing slump deepened in June as sales of previously occupied homes slowed to their slowest pace since December, hampered by elevated mortgage rates and record-high prices. Sales of previously occupied U.S. homes fell 5.4% last month from May to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 3.89 million, the fourth consecutive month of declines, the National Association of Realtors said Tuesday. Existing home sales were also down 5.4% compared with June of last year. The latest sales came in below the 3.99 million annual pace economists were expecting, according to FactSet.
92 Percent Of Kamala Harris’ Staff Left
In Her First Three Years As VP
Posted by earlybird 7/23/2024 11:31:06 AM Post Reply
Kamala Harris’ office has had a staggering 91.5 percent turnover rate since she became vice president, an investigation from government watchdog organization Open The Books (OTB) revealed on Monday. Of the 47 staff members hired when Harris took office in 2021, only four reportedly remained in her employment as of March 2024. The report comes as Biden’s X account announced he will “stand down” from his reelection campaign and “fully support” Harris as the new nominee.
Conservatives told the truth about Biden.
Democrats failed to listen.
Posted by Moritz55 7/23/2024 11:17:14 AM Post Reply
If I were a Democrat, I’d be furious right now. As an American, I’m appalled at the way President Joe Biden's exit from the 2024 election, announced Sunday afternoon, has played out. It’s far from democratic. Biden should have made this announcement last year, ahead of his party’s primaries, when Democratic voters could have had a say about who they want to run against former President Donald Trump. Democrats voted for Biden in large part because there wasn't a robust competition, and Biden’s advisers, family and many in the media tried to hide the president’s true condition from the public.
Unburdened by What Has-Been? replies
Posted by Judy W. 7/23/2024 11:03:35 AM Post Reply
Now that Kamala is unburdened by that has-been and before whoever's holding Joe Biden releases another not-quite-proof-of-life audio recording, let's go back less than a month to when this started - the June 27th debate and the formerly loyal press corps' amazing synchronised-shivving routine.(Snip) So why weren't they able, after a week-and-a-half of dosage experimentation, to shoot the stiff enough of the juice to pass him off as being back in his State of the Union top-of-the-game mode? As my former GB News colleague Neil Oliver observed long ago on The Mark Steyn Show, formulating a useful rule of contemporary politics: This is happening because they want it to happen.
Secret Service Director Cheatle resigns
after mounting pressure in wake of Trump
assassination attempt
Posted by Moritz55 7/23/2024 10:51:23 AM Post Reply
U.S. Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle resigned Tuesday in the wake of mounting pressure following the assassination attempt on former President Trump, The Associated Press reports. Cheatle testified before the House Oversight Committee Monday, just over a week after a would-be assassin Thomas Crooks attempted to take the life of Trump at his rally in Butler, Pa. on July 13.
Amid Democrat Jubilation Over Kamala Harris,
Electoral Reality Comes Flying in Off
the Top Rope
Posted by Dreadnought 7/23/2024 10:22:36 AM Post Reply
In the immediate aftermath of Joe Biden's convoluted decision to drop out of the 2024 presidential race but remain president, Democrats and the press (but I repeat myself) were jubilant. They had overridden the will of their primary voters and booted a nominee who was well on his way to losing to Donald Trump in a landslide. Yes, it made a mockery of their claims to care about "democracy," but as far as they were concerned, new life had been breathed into their chances going into November's election. The problem with that plan was obvious long before it was officially executed. How could Democrats eliminate
Report: Damaging Details Leak About Some
of Kamala's Problems and What Biden Really Thinks
Posted by Dreadnought 7/23/2024 10:17:25 AM Post Reply
We've now gotten to the point where it looks like Kamala Harris might be the Democrat nominee for president, despite not even getting a single vote in the primary for that position. As some are saying, it's a selection rather than an election, and an end run around "democracy" from the party that likes to pretend they are the saviors of democracy. The ironic karma of it all, as I wrote about on Monday is that after all that, Kamala's poll numbers are still behind former President Donald Trump, at least so far. And she's just as unpopular, if not more so, than Joe Biden. She's also directly tied
The big Biden lie, cont’d replies
Posted by Dreadnought 7/23/2024 10:08:08 AM Post Reply
The Wall Street Journal has four bylines and five contributors noted on today’s page-one (5,500-word) story “How the Bet on an 81-Year-Old Joe Biden Turned Into an Epic Miscalculation” (behind the Journal paywall). Some call it “miscalculation,” and that is the framework the Journal story fills in. None dare call it conspiracy, to borrow a phrase. The “miscalculation” to which the headline refers would more accurately be described as the Democrats’ bet that President Biden’s patent incapacity could be covered up as long as necessary:
23 Takeaways From Secret Service Director’s
Testimony Before House Oversight Panel
Posted by Judy W. 7/23/2024 10:04:31 AM Post Reply
Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle testified before the House Oversight Committee on Monday, in the wake of the July 13 assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump. Numerous lawmakers—from both sides of the aisle—have called for Cheatle to resign after a gunman fired multiple shots at Trump during a campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, about 33 miles north of Pittsburgh. A former fire chief, Corey Comperatore, 50, died shielding his family from the gunfire, and two other rally attendees were injured. As expected, lawmakers pressed Cheatle over the security failures during Monday’s hearing, which began at 10 a.m.
And the winner of the pool to predict
the date of Joe’s dropout is . . .
Posted by Big Bopper 7/23/2024 9:48:59 AM Post Reply
Readers will recall that a couple of weeks ago, I started a pool to predict Joe’s dropout date. First prize was a day or evening of hiking and drinking with me around, or in, Aspen. (There’s no truth to the rumor that second prize was two days, and third prize was three.) The pool filled and flooded, the dam burst, and I was deluged with more predictions than I can shake a Speedo at, through my two websites and by direct email correspondence. My own prediction was too early by over a week, so at least I won’t be drinking alone.
The Soviet Playbook to Dismantle Christianity
& Take Over Culture
Posted by FlyRight 7/23/2024 9:48:21 AM Post Reply
Russia has been in the news a lot in recent years, and for good reason. With the war in Ukraine and America’s heightening military tensions with Russia, not to mention Russia’s history with America extending back to the Cold War era, Americans have generally had uneasy feelings about Russia for at least a century. Modern anxieties concerning Russia aside, there is an old area of concern that was largely cast aside after the early 90’s that I think is important to examine, namely communism. It’s not that Russia is explicitly looking to overtake America with communism in our day, though some have made that case.
‘Defenders of democracy’ staged a
cover-up and coup
Posted by FlyRight 7/23/2024 9:45:08 AM Post Reply
Democrats love to brag about how they are defenders of “democracy.” Which is odd, because 2024 will be the first presidential contest in modern history featuring a nominee who wasn’t chosen by voters. Kamala Harris did not get a single vote in the primaries. And the same cabal that propped up Joe Biden, that hid his ailments, that put the nation in a perilous position, that used him to push hard-left policies, that bypassed the electorate, now promises that Harris is the very best person for the job. Why would anyone believe them? Al Sharpton contends that Kamala’s candidacy is a “grassroots” movement. Which is laughable. She has never displayed impressive political instincts.
Kamala Harris told migrants ‘do not
come’ to US — and 8 million showed
up anyway: Inside the veep’s legacy
as ‘border czar’
Posted by FlyRight 7/23/2024 9:40:10 AM Post Reply
Kamala Harris told migrants “do not come” to the US, but at least 8 million came anyway. In perhaps her most famous speech as vice president, which she made in June 2021 after she was given responsibility for securing the US border, Harris tried to convince migrants to stop flooding into the US in the wake of President Biden’s 2020 election victory. “I want to be clear to folks in this region who are thinking about making that dangerous trek to the United States-Mexico border, do not come. Do not come,” she said.
America’s crisis of ineptitude replies
Posted by Hazymac 7/23/2024 7:56:08 AM Post Reply
As events of the past few weeks crowded each other off the front pages and cable news outlets, interested Americans watched the head of the Secret Service, Kimberly Cheatle, “testify” before the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability. But she testified to absolutely nothing. She answered no questions. The woman turned evasiveness into an art form. She was expressionless, her voice monotonal. It was as if she were on some form of medication that so dulled her senses she performed like an automaton. She seemed to think the attempted assassination of Trump was no big deal while dispassionately
Who’s in Charge: Pelosi, Obama, or the Clintons? replies
Posted by DW626 7/23/2024 7:20:45 AM Post Reply
Frankly, as the ladies say, I am “exhausted” after a week of assassination attempts, Secret Service blame dodging, and Donald Trump infuriating the noblesse by ad-libbing his acceptance speech. But it all comes down to this. If we elect Donald Trump president in November we are likely voting for three things. First, we are voting to stop illegal immigration. Second, we are voting to stop the Green New Scam. Third, we are voting to grow the economy. Okay, I can think of some more. Fourth, we are going to push back against woke. Fifth, we are going to abolish the Department of Education. Sixth, we are going to attack the regulatory state.
Another Reason To Vote For Trump replies
Posted by Mercedes44 7/23/2024 7:19:33 AM Post Reply
Late last year, Donald Trump said if he wins in November, he will on day one close the border and “drill, drill, drill.” He’s now added to that list a promise to “end the electric vehicle mandate” upon taking office. It will be refreshing to have a president who isn’t beholden to crackpot activism. “I will end the electric vehicle mandate on day one,” Trump said last week during his acceptance speech, “thereby saving the U.S. auto industry from complete obliteration which is happening right now and saving U.S. customers thousands and thousands of dollars per car.”
As Netanyahu arrives in Washington, Kamala
Harris treads a careful path on Israel
and Gaza
Posted by FlyRight 7/23/2024 7:16:07 AM Post Reply
Harris insiders say she is more likely to engage in public criticism of the Israeli prime minister than Joe Biden and to focus attention on the civilian toll in GazaOne of the key intrigues hanging over Benjamin Netanyahu’s contentious visit to Washington this week is what kind of reception he will receive from the White House, and how he will be received by Joe Biden and his vice-president – and the likely Democratic party nominee – Kamala Harris.For much of Monday, no meetings between Netanyahu and either Biden or Harris had been confirmed,
Biden scheduled for White House return
Tuesday after COVID diagnosis, abandoning
re-election campaign
Posted by FlyRight 7/23/2024 7:12:44 AM Post Reply
President Biden will be back at the White House on Tuesday for the first time since he announced he was abandoning his re-election campaign and endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris. Biden is scheduled to leave his home in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware — where he had been recovering from COVID-19 — in the afternoon and arrive at the Executive Mansion by 2:30 p.m., according to his schedule. The 81-year-old president was originally expected to leave the beach town, where he had been under quarantine, on Monday to hit the campaign trail, but he extended his stay after announcing that he was dropping out of the 2024 presidential race the day before.
Hamas and Genocide in Israel replies
Posted by 4250Luis 7/23/2024 7:04:19 AM Post Reply
"Article II: In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such..." — Definition of genocide, The United Nations Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner, December 9, 1948. Their genocidal aim, clear to the Hamas terrorists, was to murder Jews; others, such as Asians and Muslims, were also murdered. What is illuminating is how easily the civilized world, in this instance, accepted that as well as the abduction of 250 hostages. Those who slaughter and take hostages should be the subject of disgrace and condemnation. Instead, frequently, they were celebrated.
The Dog That Didn't Bark replies
Posted by 4250Luis 7/23/2024 7:01:58 AM Post Reply
Representative Mike Waltz (R-FL) questions Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle in a House Oversight hearing Monday on the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump at a July 13 campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. Representative Waltz points out “the dog that didn’t bark.”♦ Where are the official 10:00am press briefing updates every day on the investigation? ♦ Where are the official press conferences from the Secret Service, FBI and law enforcement answering questions and providing information from the prior days investigative results? ♦ Where are the organized and official updates to let the American people know what has been found out about the assassination attempt on President Donald Trump?
Biden cancels nine trips, extends Delaware
stay after dropping out of 2024 race
Posted by 4250Luis 7/23/2024 7:00:17 AM Post Reply
President Biden has canceled nine trips that were scheduled for the next two weeks after suddenly dropping out of the 2024 race, The Post can reveal. Biden was scheduled to leave Monday for the West Coast, where he was to make stops in California, Denver, Houston and Austin – but all of those trips have been suddenly canceled, a White House source told The Post. Biden, who has been isolating with COVID-19, was set to leave his home in Rehoboth, Del., on Monday, but extended his stay until Wednesday after announcing the end of his campaign the night before.
Brace yourself, America. With Kamala Harris,
Democrats are about to put on an incredible show
Posted by Moritz55 7/23/2024 7:00:15 AM Post Reply
Heads up America: Democrats are as phony as they are dishonest. All those accolades pouring in about Joe Biden being an "historic" president and a "great public servant"? Phony. Even before his catastrophic debate Biden’s approval ratings were in the gutter. Gushing over candidate Kamala Harris? Also phony. Democrats have been hand-wringing for months about how they could eject President Biden but not allow the unpopular V.P. to take his place. They are only coalescing around her now because they are panicked that an open selection process would throw their party into total disarray.
Joe Biden’s Final Humiliation and the
Fight Ahead
Posted by 4250Luis 7/23/2024 6:57:59 AM Post Reply
Alleged President Joe Biden’s cowardly capitulation to the will of the Democrat elite validated the cruel truth that we have always known about him – and that he has always known about himself. He’s a quitter. He’s a loser. He’s weak, and he’s stupid, the Democrat Party’s Fredo, given – by default – responsibility beyond running a nightclub out in the boondocks or picking somebody up from the airport and, predictably, botching it. Joe Biden is the ultimate personification of the Peter Principle, the only principle he has ever demonstrated.
In Hiding Biden’s Decline, Democrats
Showed They Are A Party Of Liars
Posted by 4250Luis 7/23/2024 6:56:41 AM Post Reply
When the Watergate scandal was roiling a half-century ago, we were told the cover-up was worse than the crime. There was no crime – that we currently know of – in keeping President Joe Biden’s cognitive infirmity hidden from the public. But the cover-up shows that the Democratic Party is made up of liars who have the chutzpah, though maybe not quite the skill, of Soviet propagandists. Up until the June 27 debate with Donald Trump, the Democrats and their media division kept assuring us that Biden was fine. While his inner circle insisted that he was fit right up to the point that he dropped out of the race Sunday,
Running Kamala Harris may actually be
a political masterstroke for the Democrats
Posted by 4250Luis 7/23/2024 6:53:37 AM Post Reply
Kamala Harris will likely be the next president of the United States – and that’s overall good news if you care about democracy, justice and equality. Joe Biden’s decision on Sunday to bow out of the presidential race clears the path for the country to elect its first woman and first woman of color as president. Even though the electoral fundamentals for this year’s election have always favored the Democrats – despite what numerous misleading polls have been showing (and with most of the news media reacting purely off those polls) – Harris’s selection will largely shore up the weaknesses that were dragging down Biden’s poll numbers.
Netanyahu trip will put US divisions on display replies
Posted by 4250Luis 7/23/2024 6:52:18 AM Post Reply
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s three-day trip to Washington is poised to put the deep divisions between Democrats and Republicans on U.S. policy toward Israel on full display — in addition to the split among Democrats. Boycotts from Democratic lawmakers and pro-Palestinian activists against Netanyahu’s speech to Congress on Wednesday will contrast with a Republican Party united on a rare area of solidarity.“I will seek to anchor the bipartisan support that is so important for Israel,” Netanyahu said in remarks from Israel before departing Monday morning. “I will tell my friends on both sides of the aisle,
Trump reveals what Biden told him on call
after assassination attempt — says he
refused to be put on a stretcher
Posted by Imright 7/23/2024 5:16:27 AM Post Reply
Donald Trump revealed in a newly aired interview what President Biden told him shortly after the Republican presidential nominee survived an assassination attempt at his Pennsylvania campaign rally. “He said, ‘You’re lucky you turned to the right,’” Trump, 78, told Fox News host Jesse Watters of his phone call with the 81-year-old president. Trump narrowly escaped death on July 13 when he turned his head to look at a chart put up on a screen just as 20-year-old Thomas Crooks opened fire during the rally in Butler, Pa.
Democrats Have Put Corrupt Obama
AG Eric Holder in Charge of Vetting VP
Candidates for Kamala Harris
Posted by Imright 7/23/2024 4:48:07 AM Post Reply
Democrats have reportedly put Obama’s corrupt attorney general Eric Holder in charge of vetting VP candidates for Kamala Harris. What could possibly go wrong? How much do you suppose Democrats are paying Holder’s law firm for this service? Politico reports: Eric Holder is running Harris’ veep vetting process.Former attorney general Eric Holder is in charge of vetting of running mates for Vice President Kamala Harris, Reuters reported. The news that Holder and his law firm would be overseeing the operation was confirmed to POLITICO by a person with knowledge of the process.
2019 Ranking Service Rated Kamala Harris
as Most Liberal Senator, Further Left
than Even Bernie Sanders
Posted by Imright 7/23/2024 4:45:02 AM Post Reply
Vice President Kamala Harris was rated the most liberal senator in 2019 — further left than even Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) — according to a GovTrack scorecard. Harris, whom President Joe Biden opted to back after announcing that he will not seek reelection after all, was viewed as the most liberal senator prior to her becoming vice president. According to GovTrack, the ideology analysis assigns a score to lawmakers according to their “legislative behavior by whether they sponsor and cosponsor overlapping sets of bills and resolutions with other Members of Congress.”
Real-Time History Rewrite: CBS Casts Biden
as LBJ
Posted by Dreadnought 7/23/2024 12:53:02 AM Post Reply
The first draft of history, specifically, President Joe Biden’s decision to withdraw from his campaign to seek reelection, is being rewritten in real time. In addition to being likened to Washington and Cincinnatus, Biden is now drawing media comparisons to Lyndon Baines Johnson. Watch as CBS’s Mark Strassman points out an underreported parallel in the presidents’ decisions to step aside: LYNDON JOHNSON: I shall not seek and I will not accept the nomination of my party for another term as your president. MARK STRASSMAN: Updegrove says that decision, like President Biden's to step aside, was more than political. There were health concerns. MARK UPDEGROVE: LBJ truly believed
Ransomware attack shuts down three dozen
Los Angeles courts
Posted by sunset 7/23/2024 12:10:59 AM Post Reply
Los Angeles County closed down 36 local superior court offices due to an ongoing ransomware attack. The county court said that it will be making the closure as part of the cleanup process of a cyberattack it first detected on Friday, July 19. “The court experienced an unprecedented cyberattack on Friday which has resulted in the need to shut down nearly all network systems in order to contain the damage, protect the integrity and confidentiality of information and ensure future network stability and security,” said Presiding Judge Samantha P. Jessner. “That isn’t good for any court, but especially not the largest one in the U.S.”
Will The New York Times Again Screech
'Racist and Sexist' at Kamala's Critics?
Posted by Dreadnought 7/23/2024 12:04:27 AM Post Reply
How will The New York Times treat the Democrat’s sudden frontrunner for the party’s 2024 presidential nomination, VP Kamala Harris? Monday’s front-page Times story by Michael Shear was supportive but relatively muted, expressing a little uncertainly among Democrats: “After a Shaky Start, Harris Is Suddenly on Brink of Leading Democratic Ticket.” But if Harris is crowned Trump’s official challenger for the presidency, expect the tone to shift dramatically in favor of Harris and perhaps even more so against her Republican critics. Before Harris actually assumed the office of vice president in 2020 and proved herself an embarrassing dud via her many gaffes and awkward public appearances,
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