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The Nation Finally Got To See The Real
Biden — The One The Press Has Been Hiding
All These Years

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Posted By: RockyTCB, 6/28/2024 8:09:31 AM

Many if not most Americans tuning into the debate Thursday night were probably shocked at President Joe Biden’s performance. He was confused and tired. He mumbled and bumbled through his answers. He looked at times despondent. He had trouble keeping focused. His closing statement was perhaps the worst in the history of presidential debates. And this was after spending a week at Camp David resting and preparing. Anyone who was surprised by his performance should be asking themselves Why? Why didn’t they know how bad a state Biden is in? How did the White House keep this under wraps for so long?

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Reply 1 - Posted by: red1066 6/28/2024 8:30:09 AM (No. 1745144)
I heard on one network say the next debate in on Sept. 10th. No other network mentioned anything about another debate. Lindsey Graham stated that there shouldn't be another debate. The enemies of this country watched the disaster that is Biden last night as well, and Graham said he felt the country and the world was in more danger now than before the debate. Another debate would only make it worse.
26 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: thekidsmom66 6/28/2024 8:35:30 AM (No. 1745150)
I LOVE how the media, who has gas-lighted the nation for 3.5 years, dismissing any notion that Biden mumbles, loses his train of thought, zones out, etc., is now acting "shocked", "surprised", and "concerned" at Biden's debate behavior. This is the same Biden we've seen since he took office, and that the left has frantically ran cover for, hiding this from their audience. Another "conspiracy theory" bites the dust. I firmly believe they WANT to try to get rid of him, which is the ONLY reason they've "lifted the curtain" for their audiences to finally see what all the rest of us have been seeing. Whether they can or not, of course, remains to be seen. That's also the reason the moderators were more "fair" last night. Also, as some of us have been saying for years, the sainted (to the left) "Dr. Jill" should be ashamed of herself, as she is using this man to hang on to the power she herself so desperately wants. This is actual elder abuse, in my opinion. Make no mistake, Joe is not a sweet little old man. He's the same nasty, thin-skinned, lying, power-hungry guy he's been since he became a Senator. Jill knows the truth, but does not care. He's not a nice guy, but the person who is *supposed* to love him, if she had any decency, would have long ago put a stop to this for his own sake.
38 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: NorthernDog 6/28/2024 8:48:28 AM (No. 1745160)
Less than a week ago the CNN crowd insisted that the bad film clips of Biden were spliced together, out of context, manipulated, etc... So did CNN splice and dice the debate? The truth is now out of the closet.
29 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: anniebc 6/28/2024 8:56:30 AM (No. 1745171)
They're seeing biden as incompetent because of his senility; they must be reminded of the dumb as rocks, evil, racist, lying, corrupt, incompetent that he was before senility set in.
26 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Jethro bo 6/28/2024 8:57:22 AM (No. 1745173)
Went to the Dredge Report and it's a complete Dem meltdown. I was expecting mega spin but it appears pretty brutal concerning Diaper Joe's . I couldn't resist the check bait and voted for Kumalot Harris to replace him.
15 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Krause 6/28/2024 8:58:51 AM (No. 1745176)
The true American people want a good economy, jobs, and law and order. Trump, and the republicans also want that. The democrats can't be for those objectives because that would mean that they would have to be agreeing with the republicans. The dems would never do that. The left media is all democrat, so they have to go along with wrong-headed objectives of the democrat party. This makes both of them wrong in the eyes of the American people. And makes both look silly.
11 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: jasmine 6/28/2024 9:01:06 AM (No. 1745177)
I just hope that Americans shocked by Biden's appalling performance and obvious mental decline understand how badly they've been served by our "free press" and corrupt Democrat politicians. Political insiders and an irresponsible, sympathetic MSM have gone out of their way to protect HIM (and their own jobs) rather than our national interests. They've repeatedly told us he's "sharp" and "runs circles" around everyone, when they know he could not possibly run a neighborhood 7/11. May Democrats, including Joe Biden, get all the support they deserve in November. And may the unelected "president" running America into the ground with Joe acting as a figurehead be exposed.
29 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: ironchefw 6/28/2024 10:46:39 AM (No. 1745272)
Be honest. Biden's best chance to get hired right now is which: A. Walmart greeter. B. School crossing guard C. President of the United States D. Cadaver at a medical school.
7 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Samsquanch 6/28/2024 10:55:01 AM (No. 1745280)
If you don't know bad Biteme is by now you're a fool.
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Reply 10 - Posted by: FLCracker 6/28/2024 11:03:52 AM (No. 1745283)
Well, I guess we don't need to see Special Counsel Hur's Biden interview tapes, now.
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Reply 11 - Posted by: kono 6/28/2024 11:33:20 AM (No. 1745303)
Last night the image presented by Biden was artificially enhanced to make his mental decline seem less severe. Not the polished candidate that we keep seeing the swamp's news cover, but also not the full-disability scene that gets highlighted in the stories posted here.
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Reply 12 - Posted by: jeffkinnh 6/28/2024 12:09:13 PM (No. 1745325)
"But the media’s coverage of Biden for the past four years has been nothing short of criminal." Trump had something to say about that. In 2018, he labeled the media the "enemy of the American people". The media went nuts. The media's protection of Biden and their outright lies about his severely debilitated condition proves the media IS the enemy of the American People. The media has left the stewardship of the Country in the hands of a obviously senile person and even supported that person's reelection. Now, Biden may be shoved aside. The dems, supported by the propaganda media, will put someone forward as a candidate because of the evolving emergency of Biden's competence. One CREATED by the dems and the media. We have a head of cabbage in the WH. They SHOULD Amendment 25 Biden NOW. Can we believe ANYTHING the media reports for the rest of the election cycle. Will we have a fair election? Could we possibly expect this media to support a fair vote? They have proven they are willing to support a senile president until he and they were just explosively exposed. Can't the same be said for Kamala and the rest of a majority of the principal officers of the executive departments that they would let this dysfunctional person remain in office? If Biden fights his dismissal, it ends up before Congress and the House and Senate need to vote by a 2/3 margin to dismiss Biden. It's a God awful mess and we are in this position BECAUSE of the dems and the media.
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Reply 13 - Posted by: zoidberg 6/28/2024 6:22:31 PM (No. 1745512)
He just has a cold. /sarcasm
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Reply 14 - Posted by: kiwinews 6/28/2024 8:52:01 PM (No. 1745572)
It's not like the guy just suddenly woke up senile yesterday morning. Even in his carefully orchestrated public appearances, his decline has been obvious for some years. This has been hidden, glossed over, and denied by a complicit cheerleader press. Last night Americans who haven't been paying attention got a good look.
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Posted by RockyTCB 7/1/2024 9:14:37 AM Post Reply
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Posted by RockyTCB 6/30/2024 3:10:33 PM Post Reply
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Posted by RockyTCB 6/29/2024 11:58:32 AM Post Reply
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The Nation Finally Got To See The Real
Biden — The One The Press Has Been Hiding
All These Years
14 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 6/28/2024 8:09:31 AM Post Reply
Many if not most Americans tuning into the debate Thursday night were probably shocked at President Joe Biden’s performance. He was confused and tired. He mumbled and bumbled through his answers. He looked at times despondent. He had trouble keeping focused. His closing statement was perhaps the worst in the history of presidential debates. And this was after spending a week at Camp David resting and preparing. Anyone who was surprised by his performance should be asking themselves Why? Why didn’t they know how bad a state Biden is in? How did the White House keep this under wraps for so long?
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Posted by RockyTCB 6/27/2024 9:25:13 AM Post Reply
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22 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 6/27/2024 8:56:53 AM Post Reply
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Posted by RockyTCB 6/26/2024 9:52:28 AM Post Reply
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Google Doesn’t Want You To Know The
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Posted by RockyTCB 6/25/2024 9:15:39 AM Post Reply
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Posted by RockyTCB 6/24/2024 9:02:51 AM Post Reply
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Posted by RockyTCB 6/21/2024 8:40:59 AM Post Reply
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Posted by RockyTCB 6/20/2024 8:39:02 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 7/1/2024 1:57:14 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Hazymac 6/30/2024 7:44:54 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Hazymac 6/30/2024 11:15:52 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Moritz55 6/30/2024 11:47:41 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 6/30/2024 8:28:00 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 6/30/2024 1:28:33 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Beardo 7/1/2024 10:56:10 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Hazymac 6/30/2024 7:13:02 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 6/30/2024 9:31:10 PM Post Reply
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Posted by NorthernDog 7/1/2024 2:03:53 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Beardo 6/30/2024 10:16:43 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Hazymac 6/30/2024 7:35:37 AM Post Reply
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