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Furious lynch mob snatch tourist from
a police station and beat him to death
then set him on fire after accusing him
of desecrating the Koran in Pakistan

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Posted By: OhioNick, 6/21/2024 11:28:02 PM

A mob in north-western Pakistan has broken into a police station, snatched a man who was held there and then lynched him over allegations that he had desecrated Islam's holy book, the Koran. The dead man, Mohammad Ismail, was a tourist who had been staying at a hotel in the town when a gang of locals turned on him and accused him of blasphemy. The attackers also torched the station in Madyan, a town in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, and burned police vehicles parked there, according to local police officials.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Jethro bo 6/21/2024 11:32:46 PM (No. 1741449)
And one doesn't think this would happen to Trump if not for Secret Service protection? A protection the FBI enthusiastically ignore with the use of deadly force orders to kill Trump during a search warrant raid. It happen in Little Rock, it will happen to any 'enemy' of the FBI, CIA, Democrat party and others.
18 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Newtsche 6/21/2024 11:35:05 PM (No. 1741450)
You can see why they're being protective of their way of life.
6 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: WV.Hillbilly 6/21/2024 11:38:16 PM (No. 1741451)
The religion of peace.
46 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: DVC 6/21/2024 11:55:46 PM (No. 1741454)
No evidence, just a random accusation, and these 7th century barbarians act like.....7th century barbarians.
49 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Californian 6/22/2024 12:29:47 AM (No. 1741458)
I can't figure this one out. Is it Trump's fault or Israel's?
25 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: skacmar 6/22/2024 8:24:36 AM (No. 1741577)
That is democracy in action and why the US is not a democracy! Mob rule by a bunch of uninformed savages defending a book most of them can't read.
27 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: NorthernDog 6/22/2024 8:38:14 AM (No. 1741586)
How many just like them have crossed the US border in the last 3 years?
30 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: VietVet68 6/22/2024 10:05:13 AM (No. 1741621)
As we've all been told by the left wing of America..."Islam is a peaceful religion"...if you believe that I have a bridge to sell you in Peshawar. I have to laugh when I see useful idiots protesting Israel and celebrating Hamas. Allowed to have things their own way the real Hamas would be throwing gays off the roof and burning people for blasphemy against Islam. Allow the Islamists to become a majority and you'll see just how draconian they can be.
12 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Roscoelewis 6/22/2024 10:26:22 AM (No. 1741639)
We lived in a muslim culture for a couple of years. They are primative savages.
11 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: mc squared 6/22/2024 11:02:30 AM (No. 1741672)
99% of Muslims make the good 1% look bad.
9 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: Rivetjoint 6/22/2024 11:04:05 AM (No. 1741675)
Number 3, that should be "religion of pieces".
4 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: JrSample 6/22/2024 11:57:06 AM (No. 1741702)
Celebrate Diversity
3 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: IAmButASimpleCaveman 6/22/2024 12:05:54 PM (No. 1741706)
what am i missing? just precisely what was the form of his desecration?
3 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: FLCracker 6/22/2024 3:54:44 PM (No. 1741769)
#8, another favorite is "Moslems do not kill Moslems." I had a convert who told me that his mullah had told him that no Moslem country had every fought another one. I told him to pick up a history book. Or just a newspaper from the 1980s. Jeesh.
1 person likes this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: JHHolliday 6/22/2024 4:27:34 PM (No. 1741775)
Ah, yes...Pakistan....such a beautiful country for tourists and friendly too (S/off).
1 person likes this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: rochow 6/22/2024 10:10:07 PM (No. 1741844)
After 9/11 I thought it would be a good idea to print that book on toilette paper. Lil' ol' me was offended when these dirt bags broke into an ancient church and used the Bible pages to wipe their rear ends after they had defecated in same church.
0 people like this.

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Posted by OhioNick 6/22/2024 1:58:17 AM Post Reply
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How long until the same doctrine is being
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10 replies
Posted by OhioNick 6/21/2024 11:49:31 PM Post Reply
Gag orders, constitutionally dubious, are meant to protect the integrity of a judicial proceeding. However, even with the trial over, the gag orders imposed on former President Trump are not going away. DA Bragg’s office (which had just freed the antisemitic Columbia Hamas rioters) demanded a continuation of the gag order which prohibits him from commenting on the individuals involved in the trial. Since Trump is also running for president and Biden is spending $50 million to attack him over the various Democrat trials imposed on him, this effectively bans a presidential candidate from debating a campaign issue.
Furious lynch mob snatch tourist from
a police station and beat him to death
then set him on fire after accusing him
of desecrating the Koran in Pakistan
16 replies
Posted by OhioNick 6/21/2024 11:28:02 PM Post Reply
A mob in north-western Pakistan has broken into a police station, snatched a man who was held there and then lynched him over allegations that he had desecrated Islam's holy book, the Koran. The dead man, Mohammad Ismail, was a tourist who had been staying at a hotel in the town when a gang of locals turned on him and accused him of blasphemy. The attackers also torched the station in Madyan, a town in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, and burned police vehicles parked there, according to local police officials.
Bizarre Pentagon plan to 'reduce military's
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14 replies
Posted by OhioNick 6/21/2024 12:45:55 AM Post Reply
Military personnel could find laboratory grown meat in their ration packs as Pentagon bosses scratch around for ways to reduce their impact on climate change. Bioengineering company BioMADE came up with the idea after receiving $500 million in Defense department funding to reduce its carbon footprint. But their plan to roll out 'cell based meat' has left a nasty taste in the mouth of veterans who have accused Pentagon bosses of treating front line soldiers like 'lab rats'.
Letter reveals that federal prosecutors
declined to charge man who threatened
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3 replies
Posted by OhioNick 6/20/2024 10:52:59 PM Post Reply
A Fort Wayne man convicted for harassing and intimidating U.S. Rep. Jim Banks was given a pass by federal prosecutors, who declined to act on the case despite apparently pursuing similar cases in other districts — according to a December letter Banks sent to U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland. Banks’ office publicized the letter following an op-ed written by Garland condemning political violence, noting that Garland never responded to his concerns about the threats against the Banks family.
Lawsuit by October 7 Victims Against Two
Pro-Palestinian Groups: A battle for justice.
1 reply
Posted by OhioNick 6/20/2024 5:11:59 PM Post Reply
There is no point in invoking morality, decency, or any suchlike stuff, in appealing to the pro-Palestinian groups that have been spewing their antisemitic venom on campuses from sea to shining sea to cease and desist. But a just-announced lawsuit against two of those groups could lead to a possible hit to their pocketbook. [SNIP] Now a group of nine victims of Hamas’ attacks on October 7 are suing two of the most important anti-Israel groups on American campuses, the umbrella groups National Students for Justice in Palestine (NSJUP) and American Muslims For Palestine (AMP), for aiding Hamas as “collaborators and propagandists.”
The Strange Finances of Biden’s Terror
Ambassador: How does a government employee
come into $61 million in twelve bank accounts?
20 replies
Posted by OhioNick 6/17/2024 3:09:56 AM Post Reply
When Israel took out a top Hamas terrorist, Hady Amr warned that “every Israeli” would pay. And that America would too. That was less than a year after 9/11. By Oct 7, when Hamas launched its murderous ethnic cleansing assault, Amr had become Biden’s Special Envoy to the ‘Palestinians’. [SNIP] “I was inspired by the Palestinian intifada,” Amr wrote, making no secret of his hatred for America and Israel. The Muslim immigrant found his way into the State Department under Obama. But then he mysteriously also appeared on the list of Biden’s top bundlers.
The Rolling Stones perform hit-filled
set at Cleveland Browns Stadium
15 replies
Posted by OhioNick 6/16/2024 12:59:03 PM Post Reply
OK, let’s get this out of the way. The core trio of The Rolling Stones are old, pretty darn old -- even if 80 is the new 70. [SNIP] During his moments of banter, Jagger referenced the 22-year gap between Cleveland shows and the band’s first local show at Public Hall in 1964. He also shouted out the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame and suggested that everyone in attendance vote in the big U.S. election in November. “It may be the last time you get to vote,” he said ominously, drawing murmurs from the crowd.
America's migrant gang invasion mapped:
ISIS in LA, Venezuelan sex-traffickers
in Texas and Chinese drug lords in Maine.
Now check if a violent enclave has sprung
up in your neighborhood.
6 replies
Posted by OhioNick 6/14/2024 2:17:24 PM Post Reply
A brutal Venezuelan sex-trafficking gang is now in America's biggest cities. Chinese organized crime syndicates running drug farms with slave labor in half a dozen US states. And Mexican drug cartels are operating vile human smuggling operations over the southern border with near impunity. On Tuesday, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) apprehended eight alleged ISIS operatives in Los Angeles, New York City and Philadelphia. The thread tying all of these imminent public safety and national security threats together is a runway illegal immigration crisis exposing America to an invasion of 'ghost' criminals, paramilitary foot soldiers and potential terrorists.
2019 vs. 2024: Homes are harder to find,
and even harder to afford
4 replies
Posted by OhioNick 6/6/2024 4:39:02 PM Post Reply
A lot has changed in the past five years, including the value of your home. In fact, every square foot in your home is worth much more today compared to 2019. [SNIP] According to the report, the median list price of homes for sale is up 37.5% compared to May 2019, five years ago. The price per square foot shot up more than 52% during the same time. "That's twice the pace of overall inflation in that time period," Hale said. "So that's a big reason why home shoppers are really feeling squeezed."
Hunter Biden Identified as Non-Crackhead
When He Bought Gun
11 replies
Posted by OhioNick 6/6/2024 3:49:35 PM Post Reply
In between buying and smoking crack, Hunter Biden also bought a gun. [SNIP] But Hunter has a great defense. “The defense also said that Hunter just wandered into the store and was pressured to buy a gun. The store employee testified that he came into the store specifically looking for the gun,” Jonathan Turley tweeted. I’m always offended when I walk into a furniture store with no intention of buying furniture and then buy a couch.
Kremlin politician reveals how Putin could
wipe out the Netherlands with one nuclear
missile that would flood the entire country
after Holland said its F-16s can be used
to hit targets in Russia
10 replies
Posted by OhioNick 6/5/2024 4:22:14 PM Post Reply
A Russian MP and military veteran has revealed a plan to paralyse the European continent in one hit by striking the Netherlands with a nuclear bomb. The chilling threat was made on Russian state TV by Lt. Gen Andrey Gurulev - a hardline MP in Vladimir Putin's 'United Russia' party - in a discussion with leading propagandist Vladimir Solovyov. He told Russian state TV a nuclear strike would flood the country by destroying its dams and dykes. 'Somewhere between 50 to 60 per cent of Europe's hydrocarbon supply is in Holland,' Gurulev declared. 'Imagine, in Holland, on the coast. The military calls this a fat target."
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Parents slam charter school for outing
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32 replies
Posted by Imright 6/24/2024 4:07:09 AM Post Reply
North Carolina parents have slammed a charter school for outing their nonbinary six-year-old twins after discovering an online hate campaign. Mortellus, 42, who did not want to reveal their full identity, said they did not think there was any issue when they first toured the Thomas Jefferson Classical Academy in Forest City, North Carolina, with their spouse Joe. During the visit, Mortellus - who is transgender and nonbinary - inquired if there were any gender-neutral bathrooms. The pair told staff their children are nonbinary, and one is gender-fluid.
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in France if Public Votes for Populists
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Posted by sunset 6/25/2024 11:05:53 AM Post Reply
An increasingly desperate Emmanuel Macron has warned the public that “civil war” awaits France if they fail to vote for his brand of centrist neo-liberalism in the upcoming legislative elections. Voting for either of the “two extremes” of the populist right-wing National Rally or the leftist-socialist New Popular Front will lead to “civil war”, Macron said in an interview in which he castigated the leadership of the two main opposition parties “and those who follow them”. The embattled French leader, who’s party is trailing in third place in the snap elections he called, said that the “response of the extreme right” to France’s current problems would lead to insecurity
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Posted by Imright 6/25/2024 5:48:03 AM Post Reply
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Bidens use Delaware homes as ATM, refinancing
35 times with loans totaling $6M: report
30 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 6/24/2024 10:24:51 PM Post Reply
Despite being reportedly worth upwards of $10 million, President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden have refinanced their Delaware home multiple times over the last few years. The constant refinancing has raised questions about the fast cash provided by the renegotiated loans on the Delaware properties which the Daily Mail noted occurred “an astonishing 35 times.” Since 1975, the Bidens have lived in two houses in Delaware with their first property in Wilmington being sold in the 1990s. The couple reportedly secured a “new mortgage or credit deal on both homes every 17 months,” according to the outlet.
NBC’s Peter Alexander Frets Biden Achievements
Still Unknown To Voters
30 replies
Posted by Imright 6/24/2024 4:31:02 AM Post Reply
Peter Alexander had a banner day while guest-hosting NBC’s Meet the Depressed. First, he recited a series of leftwing tropes on crime and immigration while deflecting criticism away from the Biden Administration’s handling of these pressing issues. Afterwards, he fretted that voters are insufficiently aware of President Biden’s achievements over these four years. Watch as Alexander emotes concern over the level of ignorance he’s witnessed during the course of his travels across the fruited plain:
Biden's Handlers Seem Oddly Confident
He'll Be 'Energized' at the Debate, but
They're Playing With Fire
28 replies
Posted by Imright 6/24/2024 3:00:22 PM Post Reply
With Thursday's presidential debate looming, the Biden campaign has settled on a strategy: Attempt to exceed expectations. Oddly enough, that doesn't have anything to do with policy. Instead, the president's handlers are setting the stage for an "energized" Biden who can put down all the talk about his ongoing struggle with senility. More oddly, they seem rather confident he can pull it off. They're playing with fire, though. (X Video) I do not doubt that there's a plan in place to load Biden up with more amphetamines than a Los Angeles drug dealer.
MSNBC’s Reid: Rich People Kissing Trump’s
Ring ‘Don’t Care About Democracy’
27 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 6/24/2024 9:28:49 PM Post Reply
MSNBC host Joy Reid said Monday on “The ReidOut” that rich people were “kissing Trump’s ring” because they wanted tax cuts and more deregulation. Reid said, “America’s billionaires, oil, gas, tech, media, and otherwise are busy tripping over themselves and stampeding over each other to get in front of Donald Trump and hand him millions in campaign donations so he can get back into the White House. And in exchange for the bribes he’s soliciting door to door, hat in hand, he’s offering to let them operate with less regulation, including drilling on public lands. That’s one of two things you need to understand about the upcoming election.
Why Melania Trump might not live with
husband Donald full-time in the White
House if he wins the presidential election,
according to friends and allies
26 replies
Posted by Imright 6/24/2024 8:01:46 PM Post Reply
Melania Trump is unlikely to move into the White House if Donald wins another term in November, analysts say. Those close to the former first lady believe she will likely split her time between Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida, and New York City – especially with Barron, 18, tipped to attend New York University. Melania would instead only travel to Washington, D.C. for ceremonial responsibilities like state dinners and other special events. The decision not to live with in Washington is an unprecedented move for a first lady and a break in two-and-a-half centuries of tradition.
Pollster Frank Luntz and Historian Doris
Goodwin Offer Up Ridiculous Claims About
the Presidential Debate
20 replies
Posted by Hazymac 6/24/2024 5:10:04 PM Post Reply
On Sunday's "This Week," Martha Raddatz had a panel discussion with three "experts" on the upcoming presidential debate. The panel included Frank Luntz, and what he offered up made little sense. Luntz claims that the last two presidential campaigns, beginning with Trump versus Clinton in 2016 and then Trump versus Biden in 2020, were the beginning of the end of democracy. It seems everything in politics is “the end of democracy.” Luntz claimed that personal invectives and insults are too debasing and, apparently, a sign of the end of democracy. Luntz is a pollster, not a historian. Maybe he’s unaware of the long history of politicians insulting each other.
Russia warns the U.S. to brace for retaliation
after Kremlin blamed Washington for missile
attack that killed four in Crimea
20 replies
Posted by Imright 6/24/2024 12:52:10 PM Post Reply
The Kremlin has accused the U.S. of 'killing Russian children' after a Ukrainian attack on occupied Crimea with long-range missiles supplied by Washington and said there will be 'consequences'. Moscow has summoned the U.S. ambassador to issue a formal warning, while Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov issued a public statement slamming the U.S. for 'barbaric' strike on Sevastopol, a strategic port city on the Black Sea. 'The involvement of the United States, the direct involvement, as a result of which Russian civilians are killed, cannot be without consequences,' said Peskov.
Baby girl who died from being left in
the back of a hot car 'for hours' in San
Diego - just two months after being adopted
by local gay couple
19 replies
Posted by Hazymac 6/25/2024 2:58:50 PM Post Reply
A tiny baby girl died after being left in the back of a hot car just two months after her adoptive parents took her home as a newborn. Diana Sofia De Los Santos was found unresponsive in the SUV outside her parents' home in Santee, San Diego, about 12.20am on June 13. She had been left in the car for several hours in 63F weather when a family member found her and called 911. The baby girl was rushed to hospital but did not survive. San Diego County Sheriff's Office detectives are investigating how Diana was forgotten in the car and who left her there. No charges have been filed. Studies show temperature
Unhinged Maxine Waters warns of ‘killings,’
fears for safety of black people if Trump wins
19 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 6/24/2024 10:57:08 PM Post Reply
Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) may often give the appearance of someone who’s off their meds but she’s just bat guano crazy, especially when it comes to former President Donald J. Trump. The octogenarian Democrat has been even more delusional than she normally is as of late with it looking increasingly likely that Trump will be able to overcome her party’s lawfare and return to the White House, a possibility that has “Auntie Maxine” spewing conspiracy theories on MSNBC. Already having insisted that right-wingers are “training up in the hills” for civil war over the election results
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