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The corruption of Attorney General Merrick Garland

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Posted By: Moritz55, 6/16/2024 9:58:16 AM

This week, Attorney General Merrick Garland took to the pages of the Washington Post to lash out at critics who are spreading what he considers “conspiracy theories crafted and spread for the purpose of undermining public trust in the judicial process itself.” His column, titled “Unfounded attacks on the Justice Department must end,” missed the point. It is Garland himself who has become the problem. The solution is in Wilmington, Delaware, where 12 average citizens just showed a commitment to the rule of law that seems to be harder and harder for the attorney general to meet.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: DVC 6/16/2024 10:08:10 AM (No. 1738144)
Mitch McConnell has done a lot of things that I strongly disagree with, but he was a real hero when he single handedly, and against a storm of extreme criticism blocked this crooked, lying criminal cheat from getting to the Supreme Court. Garland is just evil, a repeat lawbreaker so political that no corrupt move it too much for him.
86 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Starboard_side 6/16/2024 10:25:19 AM (No. 1738159)
Garland is simply exacting his revenge for not getting that chance to be on SCOTUS. But, come November there's a chance to get rid of him by electing Republicans wherever they are on the ballot. Need to keep the House and regain the Senate along with the White House.
73 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: FormerDem 6/16/2024 10:56:28 AM (No. 1738174)
They do sound like Stalinists, don't they Whining like the Ancient Regime.
33 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Italiano 6/16/2024 11:10:29 AM (No. 1738182)
It goes for this entire sewer of an Administration. What do you expect when there are no consequences, legal, political or "other."
41 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: clayusmcret 6/16/2024 11:19:23 AM (No. 1738189)
Can y'all imagine the catastrophic damage this yahoo could have done if his nomination to SCOTUS hadn't been blocked. The last couple women are marginally dangerous but they're mental midgets. Garland would have been purposely damaging.
35 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: cjjeepercreeper 6/16/2024 11:29:15 AM (No. 1738193)
Absolutely positively a must read. Turley at his (angry) best. He is angry because he got duped by Merritless, an doesn't like it one bit.
33 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: formerNYer 6/16/2024 12:01:09 PM (No. 1738207)
Garland would look good in a orange jumpsuit.
24 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: Krause 6/16/2024 12:03:45 PM (No. 1738209)
Size, small.
19 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: red1066 6/16/2024 12:12:00 PM (No. 1738217)
He sees a conspiracy, everyone else sees evidence.
20 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: chagrined 6/16/2024 12:16:47 PM (No. 1738219)
Get rid of him my a**, poster # 2. Prosecute that sob, and make sure he never gets outta jail!
19 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: jeffkinnh 6/16/2024 12:36:09 PM (No. 1738229)
This sickness goes far beyond one person, although if that person is the Attorney General it is particularly damaging. The Left believes the law is whatever they can get a judge to say it is, usually based on a desired outcome according to the judge's opinion. This is an abomination to the foundation of American jurisprudence. The LAW flows from the Constitution, federal legislation passed by the elected Congress and ratified by an elected President, legislation passed by elected State legislatures and approved by elected Governors, and local legislation approved by various local elected entities, and motions approved directly by the People. All of these yield a written document stating the intent of the law. All of these are created and approved by the People or their ELECTED representatives. Since most judges are appointed, not elected, the LIMIT on their power is that they can only INTERPRET the written law when there is confusion about its intent. Thus UNELECTED members of the government cannot create new law OR extend existing law past its clear intended meaning. The Left, over time, has corrupted our legal system and made a mockery of it. Since no one can know what a judge might personally decide about an issue, no one can be sure they are obeying a "law" that only exists in a judges mind and only comes into existence well after the fact. This arbitrariness creates a disrespect for law in general. This law by fiat is an ENORMOUS threat to the integrity and respect for our legal system. Garland is a symptom of the overall disease and an example of the danger of such a corrupted system.
20 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: readtheBook 6/16/2024 1:45:13 PM (No. 1738253)
Beg to differ with Turley on desiring Garland to drop "charges based on the same crimes by Trump in Florida." Trump was FULLY AUTHORIZED to possess the documents he had at Mar A Lago. Whereas Biden had NO AUTHORITY whatsoever to have the ones in his possession. We need to be careful in reading articles such as this to not subconciously accept such false statements. Maybe Turley made the statement carelessly. Who knows. But we must not accept these type things.
20 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: Muguy 6/16/2024 2:01:32 PM (No. 1738268)
His disrespect for the lawful oversight OF CONGRESS should cause him to be removed from office under arrest as a traitor for trying to circumvent Congress in a effort to protect the mindless VEGETABLE from exposure shows how far he will go to fight the will of the Rule of Law. What a mistake it would have been for him to be a Justice on the Supreme Court... we got a "black woman" in Justice Ketanji Brown instead of him. She is agenda driven but not evil like Meritless Garland
9 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: Words have Meaning 6/16/2024 2:18:07 PM (No. 1738275)
We really dodged a bullet by keeping him off the Supreme Court. I wonder if that is what made him go insane.
13 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: Venturer 6/16/2024 4:24:52 PM (No. 1738345)
The attacks on the Justice department are NOT unfounded. They are based on fact that most Americans have seen. One fact without dispute. The Justice Department has prisoners in DC jail who have been there for almost 4 years, waiting for their speedy trial or to go home on the bail that is not allowed for republicans. Garland appointed Jack Smith to haunt Donald trump with BS charges. Damn Merrick garland, don't even TRY to ell me that the Justice Department corruption is unfounded.
15 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: AntiStatist 6/16/2024 8:06:55 PM (No. 1738405)
Garland would have imposed less damage a a member of the Supreme Court than he has as AG.
4 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: enemyofthestate 6/16/2024 8:39:53 PM (No. 1738424)
Hey, "Judy" Garland..... I think you should go back to Kansas and never be heard of again.
3 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: mifla 6/17/2024 5:22:12 AM (No. 1738590)
Word on the street is that the real power in the current DOJ is Garland's deputy, Lisa Monaco.
2 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: MakingSense 6/17/2024 6:52:46 AM (No. 1738624)
Nice to see that Turley has finally woken up.
4 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: Lawsy0 6/17/2024 9:04:24 AM (No. 1738720)
Don't worry about it, Garland. Our judicial process is tough enough to take whatever slams up against it. Ours is not the pantie-waist preschool you wish it was.
2 people like this.

Reply 21 - Posted by: MickTurn 6/17/2024 9:16:01 AM (No. 1738727)
Sounds like he needs a massive FareLaw intervention!
1 person likes this.

Reply 22 - Posted by: Rumblehog 6/17/2024 9:18:36 AM (No. 1738733)
A) Senator then later VP Joe Biden, was strictly forbidden to have Classified materials outside the confines of Secure Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF). Former Presidents, such as President Trump, can do pretty much as they please, since they have the authority to "classify" or "de-classify." B) Jack Smith was ILLEGALLY Appointed to a Special Counsel position...make that "hand-picked" for the job by Garland. C) FTA: "Garland knows that, as would any first-year law student." Which is exactly why Merrick Garland would have made an absolutely horrendous SC Justice by an absolutely horrendous President, the infamous, Barack Obama.
6 people like this.

Reply 23 - Posted by: Zigrid 6/17/2024 10:17:56 AM (No. 1738799)
Garland...singlehandedly corrupted the judicial system with his attacks on President Trump and his followers...and BTW... thank God Obama never got garland on the Supreme Court...Whew!!
3 people like this.

Reply 24 - Posted by: PrayerWarrior 6/17/2024 11:29:00 AM (No. 1738842)
Who would have thought that this soft spoken, kindly gentleman would become the most corrupt Attorney General of these United States. What brought Garland to this point? Was he bribed? Was there a skeleton in his closet? What caused him to become so crooked? Will we ever find out what happened to this "moderate" judge? We want to know.
2 people like this.

Reply 25 - Posted by: mariboo72 6/17/2024 11:34:08 AM (No. 1738845)
Admittedly, I don't know much about Merrick Garland, but when I see him at congressional hearings, he always looks disheveled and weak to me. Could he be another puppet of the master puppeteer, Obama along with the Clintons, Eric Holder and all of the other bigwig leftists? They really do seem to be the leaders of a cabal. Do the Republicans have a cabal? Not that I've seen.
3 people like this.

Reply 26 - Posted by: enemyofthestate 6/17/2024 7:23:35 PM (No. 1739051)
Thank God that Judy is not sitting on the Supreme Court. We dodged a bullet there. Still, he is doing a lot of damage at Justice.
1 person likes this.

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The corruption of Attorney General Merrick Garland 26 replies
Posted by Moritz55 6/16/2024 9:58:16 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 6/17/2024 4:25:12 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 6/17/2024 3:36:09 PM Post Reply
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Posted by FlyRight 6/16/2024 11:54:28 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 6/16/2024 10:35:06 AM Post Reply
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The corruption of Attorney General Merrick Garland 26 replies
Posted by Moritz55 6/16/2024 9:58:16 AM Post Reply
This week, Attorney General Merrick Garland took to the pages of the Washington Post to lash out at critics who are spreading what he considers “conspiracy theories crafted and spread for the purpose of undermining public trust in the judicial process itself.” His column, titled “Unfounded attacks on the Justice Department must end,” missed the point. It is Garland himself who has become the problem. The solution is in Wilmington, Delaware, where 12 average citizens just showed a commitment to the rule of law that seems to be harder and harder for the attorney general to meet.
Opinion The Hunter Biden and Trump trials
were a litmus test. Only the Bidens passed.
26 replies
Posted by markhooton 6/16/2024 9:22:27 AM Post Reply
No person with a loved one who has suffered through addiction could feel anything but empathy for Hunter Biden and his family. “There are a lot of Hunter Bidens in this world, people who fell in way over their heads, who long for someone to believe they can recover and construct their lives differently,”
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Posted by Imright 6/16/2024 1:42:51 AM Post Reply
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Black women behaving badly has become
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24 replies
Posted by mc squared 6/16/2024 1:54:59 PM Post Reply
What’s happening with black women in America? Some are rising to power thanks to the DEI movement, which rewards skin color, gender, and sexual preference over merit, experience, or excellence. However, the problem arises once those women who are not qualified are placed in positions of power and leadership, where they often quickly crash and burn. From embezzling $15 million in COVID funds to engaging in shameless plagiarism, these meritless women have demonstrated that they are not up to the task and struggle with the responsibilities they’ve been given. Naturally, they revert to what they know best: lying, cheating, and stealing.
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