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NIH is siccing the sick SIC on Trump

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Posted By: DVC, 5/31/2024 12:27:39 PM

The National Institutes of Health is taking action so that in case Donald Trump wins in November, it will be a lot harder for scientists at NIH to be punished for their misdeeds, according to Politico. Per the 41-page draft of NIH’s new “Scientific Integrity Policy” (call it SIP), a Scientific Integrity Council (call it SIC) will be created. [snip] the SIC would protect even knowingly false information it likes. Illegal gain-of-function research caused the lab leak that wreaked havoc and destruction on the world? Toxic killer remdesivir pushed through the approval process using shady practices?


The criminals in NIH are terrified that they will be prosecuted for their evil acts during the Wuhan bioterror attack.

They are trying to create a bureaucratic shield against the coming punishments for their evil, deadly, criminal actions.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Californian 5/31/2024 12:50:21 PM (No. 1728493)
As if they can just make up their own rules and the President has to abide by their nonsense? The pure arrogance! Fire them all.
14 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Kate318 5/31/2024 12:54:56 PM (No. 1728498)
Oh my. The rats are in a well-deserved panic. Talk about an admission of guilt. LOL!!
14 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: privateer 5/31/2024 1:34:57 PM (No. 1728530)
A stunning achievement! They couldn't manage immunity from a virus, but they're working feverishly towards immunity from prosecution.
11 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Nimby 5/31/2024 1:39:27 PM (No. 1728533)
NIH should be dismantled
9 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: cor-vet 5/31/2024 2:18:10 PM (No. 1728550)
Any rules made by one congress can be changed by the following congress!
4 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: DVC 5/31/2024 2:20:43 PM (No. 1728551)
Re #5, not made by Congress, just some 'bureaucratic procedures' that they are inventing. Means NOTHING. Erase with the wave of a hand. One later bureaucratic procedure can erase any previous bureaucratic procedure.
7 people like this.

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Posted by DVC 5/31/2024 12:39:03 PM Post Reply
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NIH is siccing the sick SIC on Trump 6 replies
Posted by DVC 5/31/2024 12:27:39 PM Post Reply
The National Institutes of Health is taking action so that in case Donald Trump wins in November, it will be a lot harder for scientists at NIH to be punished for their misdeeds, according to Politico. Per the 41-page draft of NIH’s new “Scientific Integrity Policy” (call it SIP), a Scientific Integrity Council (call it SIC) will be created. [snip] the SIC would protect even knowingly false information it likes. Illegal gain-of-function research caused the lab leak that wreaked havoc and destruction on the world? Toxic killer remdesivir pushed through the approval process using shady practices?
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Posted by DVC 5/29/2024 6:33:35 PM Post Reply
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Posted by DVC 5/29/2024 3:21:21 PM Post Reply
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Posted by DVC 5/28/2024 5:38:11 PM Post Reply
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Pope Francis Laments Excessive ‘Faggotry’
in Catholic Seminaries
22 replies
Posted by DVC 5/28/2024 5:26:01 PM Post Reply
Pope Francis complained Catholic seminaries are too full of “faggotry” in a closed-door meeting with Italian bishops last week, local media report. While the pontiff famously asked, “Who am I to judge?” in 2013 in reference to a homosexual monsignor who was trying to live a chaste lifestyle, he has been an outspoken critic of gays in the Catholic priesthood. In 2018, Francis insisted that it is a mistake to downplay the seriousness of homosexuality, asserting that homosexuals have no place in the priesthood. Homosexuality is “not just an expression of an affection,” the pope said in a book-length interview. “In consecrated and priestly life, there’s no room for that kind of affection.”
New study: Copper mines can’t extract
enough material needed for EVs
13 replies
Posted by DVC 5/28/2024 12:30:32 PM Post Reply
A team of University of Michigan researchers recently discovered that the amount of copper needed to keep up with the manufactured demand created by the globalist E.V. agenda is “essentially impossible” to generate. [snip] Copper cannot be mined quickly enough to keep up with current policies requiring the transition to electric vehicles (EVs), [snip] ... would outstrip what copper mines can produce at the current rate. Between 2018 and 2050, the world will need to mine 115% more copper than has been mined in all of human history up until 2018 just to meet current copper needs without considering the green energy transition.
Iranian Incompetence a Source of Hope 0 replies
Posted by DVC 5/28/2024 12:06:41 PM Post Reply
Last month, Iran launched more than 300 drones and missiles towards Israel. The attack included 170 drones and 30 cruise missiles, none of which entered Israeli territory. Of the 120 ballistic missiles fired by Iran, about half of them failed on launch or crashed mid-flight. This attack reveals the extent of Iran’s hatred of Israel. [snip] Moreover, besides their religious fanaticism, there is endemic backwardness and incompetence at every level. The inherent disorganization of the Iranian mentality continues to be a source of hope that the leaders’ aggressions will not succeed.
Why I carry a handgun, 2024 13 replies
Posted by DVC 5/25/2024 11:10:45 AM Post Reply
No one really knows how many Americans regularly carry handguns, concealed or openly. The number of concealed carry licenses doesn’t tell the tale, particularly since 29 states are now “constitutional carry states.” Unless otherwise prohibited by law, Americans need no license to carry concealed weapons in those states. As I recently noted here at AT, some 36 states allow open carry. We do know that April was the 57th consecutive month of more than one million gun sales. It’s reasonable to believe tens of millions of Americans regularly carry, and most don’t advertise the fact. But why should anyone carry? :
SD firefighters fly in fire experts to
tackle lithium battery fire still blazing
from last week
14 replies
Posted by DVC 5/24/2024 10:19:30 AM Post Reply
On Wednesday, May 15th, Gateway Energy Storage Facility erupted into flames—it’s a San Diego battery storage in a border community—and firefighters contained the blaze before handing operations off to the facility’s own team. But by the very next day, the fire reignited and it’s been going ever since. We’re now on day nine, by the way. Now, according to San Diego journalist Amy Reichert, the San Diego fire department has elected to fly in fire experts to “study” the fire because they have no idea how to manage the blaze, estimating that it may take another week or week-and-a-half to get the fire back under control—meanwhile, poisonous fumes
The latest Harvard-Harris poll is just
chock full of good news
1 reply
Posted by DVC 5/22/2024 7:39:22 PM Post Reply
Harvard-Harris just dropped its poll of information gathered on May 15-16, and it’s a doozy. If you’re hostile to Democrats and Biden’s presidency, and you support Israel, you’ll love the results of this poll of 1,660 registered voters. It’s easy to get too deep in the weeds with poll results, so I’ll try to give you the top-line information from this cheering poll. Some of the “good” news is actually sad, and that’s the fact that Americans are unhappy with their lives in Biden’s America. Only 55% of Democrats think America is headed in the right direction, while 14% of Republicans and 20% of Independents feel good about America in 2024.
Spontaneous (re)combustion: Fire breaks
out at a lithium battery storage facility, fi
12 replies
Posted by DVC 5/21/2024 12:28:07 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Northcross 5/31/2024 5:34:46 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 5/31/2024 1:12:31 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 5/31/2024 11:25:37 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Harlowe 6/1/2024 3:45:18 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 6/1/2024 3:25:51 AM Post Reply
Former President Donald Trump’s campaign announced on Friday that it had raised nearly $53 million in the 24 hours after Trump’s conviction by a New York jury. Jurors in Trump’s business records trial found the former president guilty on all 34 counts related to payments made to adult entertainment star Stormy Daniels during the 2016 presidential election. “In the 24 hours since Crooked Joe Biden and his New York henchmen got their sham trial verdict, the Trump Campaign has raised $52.8 million through the online digital fundraising platform,” the Trump campaign wrote. “THAT’S MORE THAN $2 MILLION PER HOUR!”
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Posted by sunset 5/31/2024 1:59:37 PM Post Reply
Century-old Joshua trees in the California desert will be cleared to make way for clean energy. The 2,300-acre solar project is going up near near Boron, in Southern California, according to the Los Angeles Times. The area of Kern County from which the project is slated has a poverty rate twice that of the state’s average. The solar farm will generate intermittent power for 180,000 homes in wealthier coastal neighborhoods. Besides the destruction of old trees, the residents living near the project say county and state officials who approved the project have ignored their other concerns about construction dust and impacts to endangered desert tortoises have been ignored
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22 replies
Posted by thekidsmom66 5/31/2024 9:51:52 AM Post Reply
Either you’re willing to jail Democrats on the same terms they’re using to jail Trump, or you’re merely controlled opposition. The conviction of former President Donald Trump on manufactured charges in a Stalinist show trial this week marks a crossroads for the Republican Party. From now on, the civil war inside the GOP will be between those who understand they must do to Democrats what Democrats have done to Trump, and those who think they can trundle along with business as usual.
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Sparks Fury: 'Corruption'
20 replies
Posted by Moritz55 5/31/2024 1:02:38 PM Post Reply
U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts has refused a request from Senate Democrats to discuss fellow conservative Justice Samuel Alito's failure to recuse himself from cases involving former President Donald Trump. Alito has been under fire in recent weeks over two flags associated with Trump and the January 6 Capitol riot that had been flown at his homes. He blamed his wife for raising the flags and insists that he is unbiased in matters involving the ex-president—such as Trump v. United States, the pending case on Trump's claim that he is immune to criminal charges due to presidential immunity.
The JFK Autopsy Skull X-rays Prove The
Government Knew Oswald Wasn’t a Lone Gunman
19 replies
Posted by FlyRight 6/1/2024 7:56:03 AM Post Reply
We now know that the three extant JFK autopsy skull X-rays in the National Archives collection are forgeries, altered to mask evidence of two frontal headshots. The evidence for this proposition is thoroughly presented in a new book, The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy: The Final Analysis, which I have recently published with Dr. David W. Mantik, M.D., Ph.D. Armed with a Ph.D. in physics and a medical practice extending over five decades as a radiation oncologist, Dr. Mantik has seen the JFK autopsy skull X-rays more than anyone else. Using a densitometer, he measured the light coming through the X-rays millimeter-by-millimeter (with some measurements at a tenth-of-a-millimeter calibration).
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Boycott Passing Bills with Democrats,
Citing White House’s ‘Un-American’
Actions and Rule of Law ‘Mockery’
19 replies
Posted by Imright 5/31/2024 8:21:14 PM Post Reply
Now, ten Republican senators announced on Friday that they are suspending all cooperative legislative efforts with Democrats, accusing the White House of engaging in actions that are “un-American” and making a “mockery” of the rule of law. On Thursday, several Republican figures released strongly worded statements expressing their outrage and support for Trump following his guilty verdict. Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene lambasted her colleagues for their inaction against the Democrats. She wrote, “Republicans have done NOTHING to stop the Democrats from destroying our justice system and our freedoms.
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