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Posts on Friday, February 23, 2024

Exclusive — Kari Lake: Trump Needs to
Keep Igniting the Spirit of America to
Win in 2024
Posted by Imright 2/23/2024 11:57:51 PM Post Reply
Former president Donald Trump needs to “keep doing what he’s doing,” said Arizona Republican U.S. Senate candidate Kari Lake when asked what Trump has to do to win the presidential election in November. “He’s igniting the spirit of America, really the spirit of our Founding Fathers,” Lake said in an interview with Breitbart News’ Matthew Perdie at the Conservative Political Action Conference, CPAC 2024, at the Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center. Former president Donald Trump needs to “keep doing what he’s doing,” said Arizona Republican U.S. Senate candidate Kari Lake when asked what Trump has to do to win the presidential election in November. “He’s igniting the spirit of America,
Biden, to Appease Palestinians, Reverses
Trump Policy on Legality of Settlements
Posted by Imright 2/23/2024 11:50:21 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden attempted to appease Palestinians Friday by reversing a Donald Trump-era policy Friday that declared the presence of Israeli communities in Judea and Samaria (the West Bank) to be legal under international law. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who has taken an increasingly hostile tone toward Israel, declared that settlements were “”inconsistent with international law,” reverting to a policy adopted by Barack Obama during the lame-duck weeks of his administration in 2016.
Biden Gets Confused About Jill, Admits
Border Broken, 'Temporary Workers' Comment
Has Everyone Talking
Posted by Imright 2/23/2024 11:35:16 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden gave remarks to the nation's governors at the White House. The governors were in D.C. for the National Governors Association Winter Meeting from Thursday to Saturday. He started off by saying, "If I were smart, I'd leave right now." (X Video) Biden apparently thinks that's funny. But he didn't leave right then, so that told us everything we needed to know about that question. I am guessing, however, that he will have left by this time next year. He probably should have departed because when he kept talking, he got into trouble.
Biden tells governors he’s eyeing executive
action on immigration, seems ‘frustrated’
with lawyers
Posted by Imright 2/23/2024 11:31:29 PM Post Reply
Washington — President Joe Biden told the nation’s governors on Friday that he’s exploring what executive actions he can take to curb migration across the southern border after a bipartisan deal collapsed in Congress this month. He seemed to express frustration at the legal limits of his authority to act unilaterally. Biden hosted members of the National Governors Association in the East Room, where he implored them to urge their representatives in Congress to resurrect the bipartisan proposal that collapsed within 48 hours. He also sharply criticized Republicans for backing away from the agreement after former President Donald Trump lobbied in opposition to the deal.
The Atlantic: Without Guidance From SCOTUS,
House Democrats Might Not Certify the
Election if Trump Wins
Posted by Imright 2/23/2024 11:22:59 PM Post Reply
The liberal journal The Atlantic is reporting that unless they receive “guidance” from the U.S. Supreme Court, House Democrats might not certify the 2024 election if Trump wins. Isn’t this the entire basis for the Democrat/Media freakout over January 6th? Isn’t this why so many Trump supporters are currently suffering in prison? Aren’t these the same Democrats who have been shrieking about the importance of ‘our democracy’ for years now? It really looks as though their whole political philosophy boils down to nothing mattering unless they win.
Politico Reporter on MSNBC Frets That
Christian Nationalists Believe Americans’
Rights Come From God, Not the Government (Video)
Posted by Imright 2/23/2024 11:18:24 PM Post Reply
Heidi Przybyla, a reporter for Politico, appeared on MSNBC this week and fretted as she explained that Christian Nationalists believe that Americans’ rights are granted by God and not Congress or the Supreme Court. Leaving aside her ridiculous distinctions between Christian Nationalists and other Christians, the rights of Americans DO come from God and not the government, which anyone knows if they have read the country’s founding documents. How is this person even allowed to comment on politics on TV with this level of dishonesty or stupidity?
Report: Nancy Pelosi’s Husband Made
Over $1.25 Million on Stock Deal in Just
Three Months
Posted by Imright 2/23/2024 11:04:02 PM Post Reply
Nancy Pelosi’s husband Paul cleaned up on a stock deal, making a whopping $1.25 million in just three months, according to new reports. The former House Speaker and her husband have long been accused of engaging in insider trading to build their massive personal fortune. It’s amazing that this is allowed to continue, unquestioned, while Democrats and their media allies are actively working to bankrupt Donald Trump. FOX News reports: Pelosi’s husband made over $1.25 million on Nvidia stock bet in just three months. Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., who has received widespread scrutiny over her husband’s stock purchases, is making bank on another well-timed bet on a familiar corporation. The California Democrat’s husband, Paul,
MSNBC Continues Their Attack on Christianity replies
Posted by Imright 2/23/2024 10:13:42 PM Post Reply
Another day, another attack on Christianity by MSNBC. The left-wing network continues to bash those who believe in the Christian faith and follow Christian values. This seems to be a common theme on the network, as it is far from the first time, and certainly won't be the last time where Christians are purposely mischaracterized over at MSNBC. A guest on the left-wing network, Heidi Pryzbala, who is also an investigative reporter for Politico, said: The one thing that unites all of them because there is many different group orbiting Trump, but the thing that unites them as Christian nationalists, not Christians by the way, because
Massive Crowd Packs Rock Hill, South Carolina
Arena to See President Trump – Pro-America
Crowd Chants “F*** Joe Biden!” (Video)
— And… Live Feed Video From Rally
At 4 PM ET
Posted by Imright 2/23/2024 9:47:49 PM Post Reply
President Donald J. Trump will hold a final “Get Out the Vote” rally at the Winthrop Coliseum in Rock Hill, South Carolina, on Friday afternoon. Winthrop Coliseum in Rock Hill, South Carolina was PACKED this afternoon. Prior to President Trump taking the stage the pro-America crowd chanted “F*** Joe Biden!” Via Midnight Rider. (Photo) Trump was scheduled to start speaking at 4 PM eastern. President Trump was still speaking at 5 PM.
Revealed: Ailing Justice Sonia Sotomayor
Traveled with Medic, Needed “Medical
Supplies” and “Medical Gear”
Posted by Imright 2/23/2024 9:37:46 PM Post Reply
Trump was right. Again. Far-left Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor is in really bad shape. The 69-year-old justice is overweight and suffers from type 1 diabetes. According to newly released US Marshals Service records, Sonia Sotomayor, the oldest left-leaning justice on the bench, traveled with a medic and needed “medical supplies,” and “medical gear.” “Justice Sotomayor’s health concerns are also apparent throughout the documents. On a Feb. 2018 trip to south Florida with no public events, Sotomayor appears to have a medic from Grand Junction, Colo.
Private US spacecraft is on its side on
the moon with some antennas covered up,
the company says
Posted by Dreadnought 2/23/2024 9:13:59 PM Post Reply
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. — A private U.S. lunar lander tipped over at touchdown and ended up on its side near the moon’s south pole, hampering communications, company officials said Friday. Intuitive Machines initially believed its six-footed lander, Odysseus, was upright after Thursday’s touchdown. But CEO Steve Altemus said Friday the craft “caught a foot in the surface,” falling onto its side and, quite possibly, leaning against a rock. He said it was coming in too fast and may have snapped a leg. “So far, we have quite a bit of operational capability even though we’re tipped over,” he told reporters.
LIVE: Trump Keynotes the Black Conservative
Federation Gala in S.C. – 2/23/24
Posted by earlybird 2/23/2024 8:47:16 PM Post Reply
The Black Conservative Federation (BCF) is holding its annual gala to honor multiple individuals who have made contributions to the movement, and former President Donald Trump will serve as the keynote speaker. The event is scheduled to happen at 6 p.m. ET on Friday, Feb. 23, at the Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center where President Trump will deliver the keynote speech. Tonight’s honorees include: Dr. Ben Carson with the lifetime achievement award, Mary Millben with the BCF President’s Award and C.J. Pearson BCF Champion Award.
Disposable Democrats replies
Posted by earlybird 2/23/2024 7:42:54 PM Post Reply
In a totalitarian government, everyone is a Kleenex. Once you serve your purpose, you are disposable. Oh, the ruler may keep you around for a while, but sooner or later, everyone gets thrown away. Democrats are showing their supporters just how disposable they are. In recent weeks, Biden has betrayed black people, women and others. Let’s start with black people who provide one-fourth of the votes Democrats receive. That’s a lot of votes and a lot of clout. For decades, Democrats took them for granted but about 20 years ago, Democrats adopted a DEI strategy that has led to a surge of black mayors across the country and of course, Barack Obama.
Majority of US Voters Believe Cheating
Will Affect Outcome of 2024 Election –
Only 37% Say It Is Not Likely – Mostly
Democrats, Of Course
Posted by Imright 2/23/2024 5:23:47 PM Post Reply
A majority of US voters believe cheating will affect the outcome of the 2024 election. That number includes 52% of all voters, 74%, or three-fourths of Republican voters, and only 32% of Democrat voters. Even one-third of Democrat voters believe the fraud will affect the 2024 election! Rasmussen reported: (Chart) A year ago the number who expected chearting to affect the upcoming election was 54% so it has come down only slightly over the past year. (Chart)
High-altitude balloon of unknown origin
flying over Western US: report
Posted by Imright 2/23/2024 5:17:18 PM Post Reply
A high-altitude balloon of unknown origin is being tracked by the US government, according to a report. The balloon is currently flying over the Western regions of the country, US officials told CBS News. Military aircraft have determined that it is not a threat, according to the outlet, but the purpose of the balloon is unclear. The Post has reached out to the Pentagon for comment. This is a developing story. Please check back for updates.
Univ. of Colorado shooting suspect threatened
to ‘kill’ roommate over taking out
garbage, had AK-47-style rifle at arrest:
court docs
Posted by Ida Lou Pino 2/23/2024 5:07:52 PM Post Reply
The Colorado college student charged with killing his roommate and another person in their dorm threatened to “kill” one of the victims weeks ago in a dispute about trash, court documents alleged. New details emerged Friday in the Feb. 16 slayings of Samuel Knopp, 24, and Delie Rain Montgomery, 26, at the University of Colorado-Colorado Springs. Nicholas Trevon Jordan threatened to kill Knopp on Jan. 9 as the two bickered over garbage, according to an arrest affidavit obtained by The Post. “Mr. Jordan threatened Mr. Knopp and told him that he would ‘kill him’
White Privilege: The Story of One Boy replies
Posted by Imright 2/23/2024 4:58:01 PM Post Reply
Here is a narrative about one little boy, based on a true story. I’m sharing it as an example of the life of a white person who was not privileged. Giles lived in England in 1617. He was nine years old. His mother Mary and sister Elizabeth had died of “The Sickness.” His father had sailed away to Jamestown, Virginia, almost seven years earlier. People said that Father must be dead because his ship had met a hurricane near Bermuda. Giles still had one sister, named Constance. He called her Connie. The two of them were made wards of the church.
‘A Threat to Democracy’: J.D. Vance
Calls to Break Up Google over Its Leftist
Search Bias
Posted by Imright 2/23/2024 4:55:18 PM Post Reply
Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH) on Friday called to break up Google, calling it a “progressive technology company” with “monopolistic control of information.” Vance wrote, “Long overdue, but it’s time to break Google up. This matters far more than any other election integrity issue. The monopolistic control of information in our society resides with an explicitly progressive technology company.” “In October and November, as millions of undecided voters consider their choice for president, they will go to Google and ask “Did Donald Trump say X?” “Is Biden too old to be president?” The results they see will be explicitly biased towards Democrats. A threat to democracy,” he continued.
FCC to Mandate 'Race and Gender Scorecards' replies
Posted by Dreadnought 2/23/2024 3:47:24 PM Post Reply
I spent much of my professional life in radio. One of the great things about being at a smaller station is that programmers are pretty much given a free hand, so long as they don't blatantly violate Broadcast Standards and Practices. That allowed me to create a killer talk lineup that consisted at times of Rush Limbaugh, Dr. Laura, Sean Hannity, Bruce Williams, Phil Hendrie, and, of course, the great Art Bell. And I got to design and create local programming that included my own show. I was also tasked with hiring broadcast staff, including board operators and reporters. At the time, Utah was still mostly white
Over 40% of adults say they know someone
who died from drug overdose
Posted by OhioNick 2/23/2024 3:32:22 PM Post Reply
In a survey of more than 2,000 adults, 42% of Americans said they know at least one person who died due to a drug overdose. The data was released this week by the Rand Corporation. The American Journal of Public Health published its findings. Rates of exposure were significantly higher in New England and in the East South Central region (Alabama, Kentucky, Mississippi, Tennessee) than in other parts of the nation, the Rand Corporation said. Additionally, 13% said that an overdose loss has disrupted their lives, and 4% said the death of a loved one had "a significant or devastating effect that they still feel."
Russian War Reporter Who Revealed Huge
Avdiivka Troop Losses Dies
Posted by DVC 2/23/2024 3:24:56 PM Post Reply
Andrei Morozov, a Russian soldier and military blogger, has died by suicide shortly after revealing the scale of Moscow's troop losses in the fight for Avdiivka in eastern Ukraine, multiple Russian Telegram channels have reported. Morozov, who goes by the pseudonym "Murz" and ran a popular pro-war channel on Telegram, killed himself, according to a lawyer named Maxim Pashkov who said he spoke to Morozov on Tuesday night, independent Russian news outlet Meduza reported.
Jack Smith Will Annoy the Supreme Court replies
Posted by Imright 2/23/2024 2:14:54 PM Post Reply
Imagine a crime committed right on the floor of the United States Senate. “Will my colleague from New York agree,” asks the senator from California, “that at five o’clock next Saturday, we will shoot the president in the middle of Fifth Avenue?” “I agree,” replies the senator from New York. “To help us accomplish our end, I will now vote to disband the Secret Service.” After the senators commit criminal conspiracy live on C-SPAN -- that’s agreeing to a crime and taking one act to accomplish it -- nothing happens. Neither get so much as much as a ticket. That’s because the senators are absolutely immune from criminal prosecution under the Constitution.
Wade Cellphone Data Exposes
Willis' Testimony as False
Posted by Miamiwarrior 2/23/2024 1:55:24 PM Post Reply
Donald Trump's legal team had a bombshell in its back pocket after all. In a new filing in the Fani Willis disqualification motions, cellphone records demonstrate that Willis and Nathan Wade's close relationship started before she hired him as the special prosecutor for the RICO case against Trump et al. And if this data can be substantiated, it could set up both lawyers for perjury charges and disbarment.
The hollowing out of Vice and BuzzFeed
marks the end of the digital media revolution
Posted by Dreadnought 2/23/2024 1:49:38 PM Post Reply
New York — The digital media revolution is over. Its two leaders, Vice Media and BuzzFeed , are in a frenetic retreat, surrendering much of their online empires as they try to protect what remains of their core assets. Having once threatened to upend the entire industry and usher in a new era of news distribution and monetization, the former digital media darlings are now merely attempting to survive in any form they can. As they retreat, their large newsrooms once filled with rows of journalists are now shutting off the lights and closing their doors. BuzzFeed, already slimmed down after several waves of layoffs, announced this week
Biden, 81, says the key to his marriage
is 'good sex': How Joe infuriates Jill,
his wife of 47 years, with VERY risqué
joke to staff about their private life
(even though they aren't shy about PDA)
Posted by Hazymac 2/23/2024 1:38:14 PM Post Reply
Even after 47 years of marriage, the romance between President Joe Biden and Jill Biden is far from dead. From kisses before he boards Air Force One to date nights and him introducing himself as 'Jill's husband', the stress of the White House has showed no signs of straining their relationship. But, in private, the president has revealed some very risqué secrets about why their bond is so strong, much to his wife's annoyance. He infuriates wife Jill by joking that the key to their 47-year marriage is 'good sex'. His racy comment has been revealed for the first time by Katie Rogers
Trump Private Investigator: New Phone
Data Casts Serious Doubt on Fani Willis Relationship
Posted by earlybird 2/23/2024 1:03:39 PM Post Reply
Former President Donald Trump’s Georgia attorneys hired a private investigator to obtain calls between the Fulton County district attorney and her special counsel, finding they allegedly made more than 2,000 calls and 12,000 texts many months before their relationship started, according to a court filing. Trump attorneys Steve Sadow and Jennifer Little on Friday filed a court affidavit from a private investigator to provide a text and voice call history for the special counsel, Nathan Wade. Ms. Willis and Mr. Wade have been accused of engaging in an improper and secretive relationship in which Ms. Willis financially benefitted from public funds/
Report: Biden’s Reliance on Cheat Sheets
at Fundraisers Concerns Donors
Posted by Imright 2/23/2024 12:32:20 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden’s unabashed reliance on pre-prepared notes to help him explain his own policies in response to questions he knows are coming is sparking concern about his age from party donors. An Axios report sets out even in closed-door fundraisers, where prescreened donors can ask questions of the octogenarian, he can be seen consulting his notes to provide detailed answers, according to people familiar with the routine.The staged Q&A sessions have left some donors wondering whether Biden can withstand the rigors of a 2024 presidential campaign let alone potential debates with former President Donald Trump, 77, according to the Axios story.
Trump Lawyers: Nathan Wade’s Cell Phone
Data Contradicts Testimony — ‘Could
Constitute Perjury’
Posted by Imright 2/23/2024 12:30:34 PM Post Reply
Cellphone data obtained from AT&T through subpoena strongly suggests that Nathan Wade made 35 trips to Fulton County prosecutor Fani Willis’s Hapeville neighborhood, contradicting his testimony of just ten visits, an affidavit filed Friday by Trump attorneys contends. The filing, if true, suggests Wade might have committed perjury. Fulton Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee will decide whether to admit the affidavit and the phone records into evidence. Willis is the lover of Wade — a fellow prosecutor she hired to prosecute former President Donald Trump in the election interference case.
Chinese outnumber Mexican migrants crossing
into Calif, mostly military age males:
‘Very scary prospect’
Posted by mc squared 2/23/2024 12:08:20 PM Post Reply
The number of Chinese migrants who have crossed into California via the San Diego border with Mexico is now greater than the number of Mexican nationals who swarm into the progressive sanctuary state. Citing data obtained from Customs and Border Protection (CBP), Fox News reports that “Chinese nationals are the second-largest nationality encountered at the border in San Diego Sector since the fiscal year began in October.” “There have been 21,000 Chinese nationals encountered, second only to Colombia (28,000),” the data revealed. “Third is Mexican nationals with 18,700, followed by Brazil (8,700) and Ecuador (7,700). Other countries of origin include Turkey, Guinea, India, Guatemala and Peru.”
Google Pauses Ultra-Woke Gemini AI Image
Generator Following ‘Inaccuracies’
in Historical Photos
Posted by Trapper 2/23/2024 10:17:47 AM Post Reply
Google announced it is pausing its ultra-woke Gemini AI image generator, saying the tool has created historical photos with “inaccuracies.” [snip] As users probe how woke the Masters of the Universe have gone with their new tool, Google has been forced to apologize for “offering inaccuracies in some historical image generation depictions.”
Netanyahu Presents Plan for ‘The Day
After Hamas’ in Gaza
Posted by Dreadnought 2/23/2024 9:37:19 AM Post Reply
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu presented his plan for “the day after” Hamas is defeated in Gaza to his Cabinet on Thursday, calling for local officials without links to terrorism to run the government, and Israel to exercise military control. The plan does not explicitly rule out a role for the Palestinian Authority (PA), which governs Palestinian communities in the West Bank; nor does it include a Palestinian state, leaving that issue for future bilateral talks. It is deliberately vague on these points. Netanyahu’s goal in leaving those contentious issues undefined appears to be to satisfy the demands of the Biden administration on the one hand,
Biden Announces 500 New Sanctions Against
Russia After Navalny’s Death
Posted by Dreadnought 2/23/2024 9:32:22 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden 0n Friday announced hundreds of new sanctions against Russia for the death of dissident Alexei Navalny and two years of the war in Ukraine. The Biden administration is imposing more than 500 new sanctions against Russia including sanctions on individual connected to Navalny’s death and sanctions on Russia’s defense and financial industries, Biden said in a statement. “Today, I am announcing more than 500 new sanctions against Russia for its ongoing war of conquest on Ukraine and for the death of Aleksey Navalny, who was a courageous anti-corruption activist and Putin’s fiercest opposition leader,” Biden stated.
Turncoat Mike Pence Announces $20 Million
to Fight GOP’s Turn to Populism Just
Months Before the 2024 Election – Is
Pence Plotting to Throw ANOTHER Election?
Posted by Imright 2/23/2024 8:57:07 AM Post Reply
Turncoat Mike Pence was in the news again after announcing he was spending $20 million to fight the Republican Party’s turn to populism. Mike Pence made this announcement to slow down President Trump. Once again dirty Mike Pence is doing the will of the DC elites and Democrats to hurt Donald Trump and the country. Pence is most famous for misleading 75 million Trump voters into thinking he had the balls to challenge the suspect 2020 election results in six battleground states.
Gaffe-prone Biden, 81, mistakenly calls
Navalny's widow Yulia YOLANDA after meeting
- before shuffling back to his SUV as
calls mount for elderly president to step down
Posted by Imright 2/23/2024 8:36:01 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden suffered another public gaffe on Thursday, misnaming Alexei Navalny's widow Yulia as 'Yolanda' in a brief meeting with the press in Los Angeles. The president spoke privately with Yulia and Dasha Navalnaya in a suite at the Fairmont Hotel in San Francisco following Alexei's death. 'This morning I had the honor of meeting Alexei Navalny's wife and daughter,' he said in a parking garage. 'The one that was made clear to me is that Yolanda's gonna, she's gonna continue to fight.'
Trump Celebrates ‘Loser’ Jimmy Kimmel’s
Looming Late Night Retirement
Posted by Imright 2/23/2024 8:29:46 AM Post Reply
Good riddance. That was the farewell message from former President Donald Trump to late night host Jimmy Kimmel as it appears the latter’s talk show could be coming to an end. Trump took to his Truth Social outlet to make public his regards, saying: “They could get a far more talented person, who would also get better Ratings, for 5% of what they are paying this Loser!” (Snip) Trump’s words of farewell came after a recent interview with the Los Angeles Times saw the 56-year-old talk show host — who is gearing up to host the Academy Awards for the fourth time — revealing his current contract might be his last.
I'll Vote for Anyone Who Promises to Nuke
the Dept. of Education
Posted by Hazymac 2/23/2024 7:42:39 AM Post Reply
Happy Friday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. (Snip) It should come as no surprise to regular readers here that I think Republican candidates in 2024 should lead with Joe Biden's border nightmare when attacking Democrats. It's both a humanitarian and national security crisis and this country can't survive another four years of open borders madness. While that is the most pressing issue, there's plenty more to throw at the Dems after a few years of the Team Biden wrecking ball. One issue that predates this clown care of an administration is the hot mess that is public education in the United States of America. It's an evergreen issue,
We’ve Reached The Tipping With Trump replies
Posted by RockyTCB 2/23/2024 6:05:40 AM Post Reply
Was the $355 million fine against Donald Trump, for a “crime” that even the judge issuing the ruling admitted hurt no one, a bridge too far? New York Gov. Kathy Hochul seems to think so, which is why she rushed out to say that other people doing business in New York have nothing to fear: “Law-abiding and rule-following New Yorkers who are businesspeople have nothing to worry about because they’re very different than Donald Trump and his behavior.” What she should have said is: “if they are different from Donald Trump and his political views.” Because nothing about this case, or the multitude of other unprecedented legal attacks
BBC News: Alabama IVF ruling a political
gift for Democrats, headache for Republicans
Posted by Mercedes44 2/23/2024 4:44:33 AM Post Reply
An Alabama court ruling that frozen embryos created through fertility treatment are children has delivered an election-year opportunity for Democrats - and a political headache for Republicans. US President Joe Biden's party is already campaigning on the controversy, casting November's vote as a fight over reproductive rights. For Republicans, the row could pose an obstacle in their carefully laid plans to win back suburban women and swing voters. At least three fertility clinics in Alabama have paused in-vitro fertilisation (IVF) since last week's ruling.
Biden says two journalists have told him
they will have to leave the country if
Trump wins election because he has threatened
them with jail
Posted by Imright 2/23/2024 1:11:59 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden on Thursday revealed that two journalists privately told him they would have to leave the country if Donald Trump won the election because he has threatened to jail them. Biden made the claim as he addressed wealthy donors in California and spelled out the dangers of a second Trump term. He singled journalist Katie Couric who was among the audience. ‘Katie, there’s two of your former colleagues, not at the same network, told me personally that if he wins they have to leave the country because he’s threatened to put them in jail,’ he said. Biden offered no further details.
Nvidia's AI-friendly hardware sends its
market value soaring higher than Australia's GDP
Posted by Dreadnought 2/23/2024 12:55:21 AM Post Reply
If you've noticed a little green sticker on your PC or laptop, it likely means Nvidia's computer hardware — or graphics card, for the tech-minded — is inside. "Nvidia started off by making the chips that go into your PC that allow you to play games really fast," says Mark Pesce, an honorary associate in digital cultures at the University of Sydney. "So if you're running Fortnite at, say, 30 or 50 frames a second, then it's probably because you have an Nvidia chip in your PC making that happen." Nvidia opened its doors for business in 1993. The power of its hardware makes artificial intelligence (AI) applications developed by Tesla, Facebook, Amazon,
What CBS News Did With Catherine Herridge's
Files Could Have Chilling Effect on Whistleblowers
Posted by Imright 2/23/2024 12:52:18 AM Post Reply
Last week, CBS News initiated a series of layoffs that included investigative reporter Catherine Herridge. While her termination from the network was a surprise, what happened afterward could have a chilling effect on whistleblowers: CBS News seized Herridge’s confidential files. She was reportedly doing research for a story about Hunter Biden's laptop. For all of the liberal media’s hysterics about how Russia, they’re pretty quiet about these KGB-esque tactics being used against a journalist (via NY Post): (X's) The acclaimed CBS reporter who was investigating the Hunter Biden laptop scandal before she was fired last week had her personal files seized by the network
New York Dems dealt massive blow when
appeals court strikes down law allowing
non-citizens to vote
Posted by Imright 2/23/2024 12:44:18 AM Post Reply
A law that New York City progressives passed in 2022 that would have allowed roughly 800,000 non-citizens to vote in local elections was struck down by an appeals court as unconstitutional on Wednesday. “We determine that this local law was enacted in violation of the New York State Constitution and Municipal Home Rule Law, and thus, must be declared null and void,” Appellate Judge Paul Wooten wrote in the 3-1 majority decision, according to the New York Post. The judge noted that the state constitution applies only to citizens having the right to vote in municipal as well as statewide elections for state legislative offices.
San Francisco Mayor London Breed is on
course to LOSE election to no-nonsense
rival who's vowed to adopt zero-tolerance
policy on crime in violence-plagued city
Posted by Imright 2/23/2024 12:41:32 AM Post Reply
San Francisco Mayor London Breed is on course to lose her reelection bid to a no-nonsense rival pledging to clean up the city. The incumbent mayor, 49, suffered poor results in a new poll from the San Francisco Chronicle that found she would lose her office to the man who briefly held it before her, Mark Farrell, 50. In a tight three-way race, Farrell registered 20 percent support, Breed registered 18 percent, and Levi Strauss heir Daniel Lurie registered 16 percent. While the candidates were closely matched, San Francisco's use of ranked choice voting in its mayoral elections would see her struggle - with Breed receiving far fewer second-choice votes
Founder Of Google’s ‘AI Responsibility’
Initiative Discussed Treating Minority
Employees Differently, Has Pushed ‘Anti-Racism,’
Matt Walsh Reveals
Posted by Dreadnought 2/23/2024 12:27:29 AM Post Reply
The founder of Google’s “AI Responsibility” initiative once suggested that she treats “Black, Hispanic, and Latinx” employees differently than white employees and has pushed “anti-racism” as a vital part of artificial intelligence, Daily Wire host Matt Walsh revealed on Thursday. Walsh posted a thread on X, showing video clips of Jen Gennai in 2021, where she discussed her team’s diversity, equity, and inclusion goals at Google. The Big Tech giant has faced criticism this week over its new AI language model Gemini after social media users accused it of being racist against white people and presenting inaccurate historical depictions in the name of “diversity.”
U.S. warns Russia against nuclear-capable
anti-satellite weapon
Posted by Dreadnought 2/23/2024 12:16:27 AM Post Reply
The Biden administration recently issued direct warnings to the Russian government against deploying a nuclear-capable anti-satellite weapon, U.S. officials confirmed to CBS News. The warning was part of a broader diplomatic push that has also involved urging the Indian and Chinese governments, among others, to weigh in directly with Moscow. The talks come after a warning from House Intelligence Committee chairman Mike Turner, Republican of Ohio — who issued a cryptic statement last week regarding a "serious national security threat" — propelled the matter to public prominence. White House National Security Communications Advisor John Kirby later said Turner's concern was related to a space-based "anti-satellite capability"
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